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I have a 4-year-old, so I may not be remembering the 18-month-old timeframe perfectly, but I would say that no, I don't think this is realistic. Jealousy w/r/t other kids at that age is very realistic, but not jealousy over things like this. At most, if they saw some other kid-art hanging up, they would want to A) make some art themselves because that looks fun, and B) have you hang it up so they could look at it often. I don't really believe an 18-month-old can fully conceive of a new baby coming, let alone try to understand a kid who already existed who has yet to be born.

That said, at some point, that kind of understanding does set in with toddlers, and as a parent, you have no clue when that happens, so it's not harmless to show so much blatant favoritism. Also, since the authors clearly DO think that this is realistic for an 18-month-old, and they've not written Oliver to be, like, shocked and horrified when he realizes how Jules is feeling--they are not absolved from writing O/F this way. They just keep showing O/F to be not just terrible parents, but unrepentantly so. Making parenting mistakes is one thing. Getting annoyed at your kid for having feelings as a direct result of those mistakes--and continuing to do nothing to change your behavior--is unacceptable. Loving the kid doesn't make it better, especially not when they (apparently) do this to her continuously for her entire life and just expect her to get with the program instead of fixing their shit to make sure their child feels loved.

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It's like the most bizzare parenting choice in the world. 

Kinda makes me laugh because with all the crap that's happening in cannon on the show and how incredibly dumbass Oliver is I can actually see him doing sh$t like this. But not Cannon Felicity though. I'm reading it imagining in show Oliver hooking up with a nasty AU Felicity.

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Also is it wrong that I hate kid Nate? He's suppose to be like Felicity in personality according to the writers but he's Neurotic and annoying AF and despite Felicity being genius level intelligent (when the show writers remember that) I've never thought of canon Felicity as a neurotic type A control freak type. 

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45 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Also is it wrong that I hate kid Nate? He's suppose to be like Felicity in personality according to the writers but he's Neurotic and annoying AF and despite Felicity being genius level intelligent (when the show writers remember that) I've never thought of canon Felicity as a neurotic type A control freak type. 

He's not anything like Felicity. He's supposed to be sensitive and cerebral, but he just comes off as a wet blanket who inherited his parents propensity for dramatics and added a healthy dose of whininess to it. And yes iPhone autocorrect, that is a real word. 

Edited by Hiveminder
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And according to what the writers have said on tumblr and Twitter he grows up to be a Christian Grey type in a BSDM relationship with his assistant. I'm sure I'm going to enjoy him as much as I enjoy the original Christian Grey (sarcasm)

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13 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

And according to what the writers have said on tumblr and Twitter he grows up to be a Christian Grey type in a BSDM relationship with his assistant. I'm sure I'm going to enjoy him as much as I enjoy the original Christian Grey (sarcasm)

Are you joking or serious??? I can't tell!

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I'm deadly serious I remember them talking about it on Twitter. They have a love interest for him named Penny I think and she's going to be his assistant. Also apparently Oliver and Felicity totally approve because he's found a nice girl and no longer a playboy so yay!

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Uhh, wut? Well, that's some imagination they've got. I can't see Nate confident enough to tie his own shoes as a tween so he must do some maturing in there somewhere. LOL. 

I know there's some spec of Jules becoming evil, and, at this point, I wouldn't doubt it. Then, Olicity would have to put her down since she never fit in and was always an aberration anyway. /smh

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13 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I know there's some spec of Jules becoming evil, and, at this point, I wouldn't doubt it. Then, Olicity would have to put her down since she never fit in and was always an aberration anyway. /smh

Olicity's terrible parenting is Jules' villain origin story tbh. No one would blame her. I hope she destroys them all. Haha.

I actually can't believe they're going to write about their grown up kids and their love interests though. There is such a thing as too much, you know? 

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22 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

Uhh, wut? Well, that's some imagination they've got. I can't see Nate confident enough to tie his own shoes as a tween so he must do some maturing in there somewhere. LOL. 

I know there's some spec of Jules becoming evil, and, at this point, I wouldn't doubt it. Then, Olicity would have to put her down since she never fit in and was always an aberration anyway. /smh

Honestly I'm calling Jules goes evil and Ellie brings her back from the brink as an actual plot line. 

Also I'm hazy on the plot now but have they ever explained why Ellie was at threat from Zoom in the other timeline but not under threat from Zoom after she was born in the FicCon timeline? 

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I think it was explained at the end of Forever is Composed of Nows that Barry and Future Ellie put some sort of barrier to keep Zoom from going after this Ellie. Yes, I lasted till the end.  I gave up at the terrible parenting.

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11 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I see the fic has been updated today, yet there are no comments here. Has everyone given up on it or is the update uncharacteristically not controversial?

Heh - I skimmed it.


It was Felicity and the Spawn and she was more motherly towards him than Jules, but it wasn't blatantly offensive like some of the other chapters. 

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This is never going to happen, but if the authors decided to actually go somewhere with this, and have Felicity subconsciously resenting Jules for "messing up the right timeline", then maybe I'd get back to the fic here and there. It would still be wrong, because it was Felicity and Oliver messing up the timeline, and even if it wasn't, she doesn't have the right to put that on her kid. However, I feel like that would acknowledge her attitude is wrong and there could be some vague hope on her working to correct it. I get the feeling that now it's just presented as the way things simply are and not something the family needs to work on. And from what I've read.here, they need.to work on it 24/7.

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Christmas fluff in these dark times:  Callistawolf's My True Love Gave To Me,  an Olicity AU that's like a yummy dessert.

If angst is your pick, a partial 5.09 fix-it Tired Hearts by bobs.

If anyone has been following ash818's Arrow AUs, she's stopped writing This is Your Sword but has posted the rough draft.  I hate it when multi-chapter fic get dropped because the author loses interest so I appreciate that she's posted what she got.

Edited by statsgirl
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This fic is much simpler than her previous Christmas one and just 10 chapters.  It's pretty much only Oliver and Felicity, with support characters Quentin and Donna, and a couple of scenes with Ray (her boss and in love with his fiance Anna).

i think thaa by the end, you'll find Oliver adores Felicity enough.

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8 hours ago, bijoux said:

I'm undecided about reading callista's fic because I can't say I liked her older Christmas AU and that one came highly recommended.

I just read it this morning (the latest one), and while it started out ok, the more it went on, the less I could reconcile it with Oliver, in my head. It's the speech rhythms, I think. He doesn't even sound, to me, like a guy who


died in 1921 - the way he speaks is too formal, sounds more like 1821.

Also, I found the resolution rushed.

I've read another fix-it for 509, which I liked, in which Oliver doesn't go to bang the reporter but decides to check on Felicity instead. I'll see if I can track it down.

ETA: found it, it's called Tumbleweeds. I've just realized it's chapter 1 of who knows, so tread carefully, heh.

Edited by arjumand
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9 hours ago, bijoux said:

I'm undecided about reading callista's fic because I can't say I liked her older Christmas AU and that one came highly recommended.

They're all kind of the same. The specific plots vary, but it's always Oliver's an asshole to Felicity, for whatever reason they bang, Oliver pulls back/is an asshole, something makes Oliver realize he loves her (usu she's put in mortal danger), they bang. The end.

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One thing I am thankful for this year is all of you reading and commenting on that one fic everybody knows and talks about. It helped me a lot to make the decision to delete from my browser bookmarks after it sat there for the longest time at chapter 15. 

Every time I come here and read new posts about it tells me it was the right decision. So thank you all. 

Edited by Lily-n11
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2 hours ago, AyChihuahua said:

They're all kind of the same. The specific plots vary, but it's always Oliver's an asshole to Felicity, for whatever reason they bang, Oliver pulls back/is an asshole, something makes Oliver realize he loves her (usu she's put in mortal danger), they bang. The end.

They don't bang at all in this one and she's in no danger.

I sometimes find myself reluctant to post fic recommendations here because criticism can be harsh.  Sometimes I really like a fic someone recommends here sometimes I don't but tastes are different so I don't expect to love everything.  I do know I'm not willing to put in the time many of these authors do to write their fics even if there are flaws.

Last night I stumbled into a post Flashpoint fic where Oliver is fluffy in a relationship with Mari.  It was so bad, I'm still trying to scrub my brain.  While I may not like all the recommendations here, I know that at least there is nothing recommended here that I have to keep away from, or if there is, it comes with a warning.

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I don't think you should feel reluctant to post recommendations here and I'm sorry if I contributed to you feeling that way. Fics are specific beasts and it can be tiniest things that rub readers the wrong way. Like, I have big stuff I know I won't read, like polyamory or a client/prostitute fic. But even if there are no big warning signs to keep away, sometimes I face things that irk me. And I don't think that either makes me wrong or that another reader who doesn't have this specific problem is in the wrong. My long winded point is that I think you and everyone else should continue reccing fics. We won't all like them all, but it can enable people to find stuff they wouldn't have otherwise.

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22 minutes ago, AyChihuahua said:

I also think most of us keep our criticism here or untagged on Twitter. I can count the number of times I've criticized a fic on the fic on one hand.

Yeah, I think it's part of the culture on AO3 not to give unsolicited concrit (except for the really obvious character-bashing fics), which is why a writer and her posse were so shocked last summer when someone dared give a very mild critique on a fic.

Fanfiction.net, though - such a different mentality. That's where I get the most pushback and "actually, . . ." comments.

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@statsgirl please keep recommending fics!!!!!! I may not like everything everyone recommends but it's hugely helpful and most of the time the fics recommended are awesome. 

I check every single story recommended on here!

My pet peeve in fics is the spawn. Anything with the spawn I run a mile. I read Pieces of Always because they write so well and the awful parenting of O and F fascinate me as a real life mummy but I skip the spawn bits. Me brain can't handle it lol.

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11 hours ago, statsgirl said:


Last night I stumbled into a post Flashpoint fic where Oliver is fluffy in a relationship with Mari.  It was so bad, I'm still trying to scrub my brain.  While I may not like all the recommendations here, I know that at least there is nothing recommended here that I have to keep away from, or if there is, it comes with a warning.

Gahhh what did you do click on that led you there you poor thing???

I'm pretty lucky I haven't stumbled on anything bad so far. Most of the sketchy ones I've seen with the Oliver/Felicity tag that aren't actually Oliver and Felicity give themselves away in the summary or those tag thingies.

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@statsgirl I think you should make recommendations here, even if people might disagree. It's generally a safe place here, even when comments can get testy. :)

I think with fics, a lot of it is personal preferences, limits and expectations. There are some fics people have recommended that I disliked, while there are some real jewels of stories that I never would have found without people's recs here. FanFic is a very personal artform, both as a writer and a consumer. FanFic is also a densely populated field, so it helps to see how other people are tackling and finding their way.

I also find a lot of my fan fics are mood related. There are some fics that are universally good without any preface or prejudice. But a good majority of fics for me are when I am looking for a certain type of story or a mood. As nicely written as some of them are, they are used for a particular purpose. So sometimes it helps to see how others recommend or feel about a story because when I'm in the mood for it, I know I can come here and find info on the stories. It's more informative than just kudos or other numbers.

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Pieces of Always update was good until Felicity inner monologued how she always thought Jules would identify with Loki a villain from the Avengers and was shocked she identified with Tony a hero. 

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As a Ray fan (and a current non-Oliver fan, especially in this fic) I have to laugh (and love) that Jules likes the millionaire in a supersuit that flies and not the archer. Ugh. This entire fic is just awful, and it seems like Felicity blames Jules for her behaviour and not you know, herself. And yeah, we control our own behaviour and all, but did Jules even have a choice in not feeling resentful and not wanted?? 


Because, in years past, Felicity is well aware that it isn't Iron Man her oldest would have sympathized with. No, it would have been Loki. That resentment, that bitterness and sense of displacement - earned or not - would have hit home with her. But now she doesn't even seem to register the similarities.

Felicity! Why do you think your daughter may be resentful and feel displaced? Could it be because you favoured a future daughter over her?? Hell, Jules never even got that "first kid" special treatment/100% of the attention of her parents because Ellie came first, and would soon arrive. Jules' resentment, bitterness and feelings of displacement are not just earned, they are entirely justified. 

I have future fic for this fic that includes Jules getting married and starting her own family and just not telling her parents about it at all. And then going off on Felicity when Felicity tries to act all hurt about not being included in it. 

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If your child, at any point in their life, would have identified with Loki, maybe you should take a hard look at your parenting skills. I'm waiting for the chapter where Jules apologizes for being such a difficult child and recognizes, finally, that Ellie's the bestest ever, and her emotional neglect was totally justified. 

I'd be more forgiving if Felicity had or would ever acknowledge that telling any of the children about other Ellie was a ginormous mistake. Like, the worst. 

Edited by calliope1975
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They haven't done nearly as well as she would have liked. When she looks back, she sees so many mistakes they've made over the years, so many things she'd do differently, situations she'd avoid entirely if she could. [snip]  Because, in years past, Felicity is well aware that it isn't Iron Man her oldest would have sympathized with. No, it would have been Loki. That resentment, that bitterness and sense of displacement - earned or not - would have hit home with her. But now she doesn't even seem to register the similarities.  And, thank God for that.

On the plus side, Felicity finally buys a clue.  Still keeps putting Jules down though.  There's blindness, and then there's blindness.

In happier news, @Mellowyellow has started an new fic, Tell Me On A Sunday, in which Felicity as vigilante Overwatch rescues playboy Oliver Queen.

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:


In happier news, @Mellowyellow has started an new fic, Tell Me On A Sunday, in which Felicity as vigilante Overwatch rescues playboy Oliver Queen.

Awwww thank you *blushes*

Husband is home to take care of the little one so I'm trying to write the entire thing as fast as I can before the show comes back and then just edit a chapter each week later on. 

I hate not finishing things but I really have trouble writing when the show comes up with something new to piss me off each week. Hoping to get the draft done before the show returns!

@HighHopes I didn't know you were a Ray fan!!!!! OMG I'm so excited to find anothe one! Come sit next to me!!!!! *waves Palmer Island flag at you*

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