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Not so much a favourite, but one of the most memorable moments was when Mac died. The show was celebrating a major milestone (25th anniversary?) and they had a storyline of Cory Publishing celebrating something major too, to get lots of past stars to come back. Then Douglas Watson unexpectedly died (quite young too - maybe 68?) so the celebration turned into a remembrance for Mac.

They did a really good job with such an unexpected tragedy, but what a loss for the show.

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I think AW was one of the few soaps that interwove all the characters into a story arc and also relied on rich dialogue and let the viewer follow along in a characters journey and try to figure out what was going to happen along with the characters.  Something that lacks in storytelling today.


There are several storyline arcs that served to produce some of the best acting and most riveting moments on television that I couldn't look away.


"The Chief"


Iris reveals she was the "Chief" to Mac,  the realization and hearbreak on Mac's face as he finally faced the fact that his "little girl" had put him and his family through hell in back, I felt his pain and these scenes were also bittersweet because this was the last time we'd see the great Douglas Watson, as he died shortly after this.


Who Killed Jason Frame - Reveal


Cass realizes that the woman he loves is the person that murdered Jason Frame,and sent his best friend Felicia to prison,  as he confronts her we watch Nicole Love in her wedding gown,  start to slowly unravel before our eyes, the scene where she shows up at the church drenched and unhinged, just great acting all around.  While I wasn't a big Nicole Love fan... I think Anne Howard knocked those scenes out of the park.


Those are just a couple to start... so many wonderful memories!

Edited by Mckinnonsgirl
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Can anyone tell me - in general - what happened after Iris was put in jail for shooting Carl?  I know someone else was setting her up as her henchman had made sure her gun had bullets when she fired on him...but who?  Was it at all a good storyline?


My favorites include the Justine arc - which, thanks to http://www.igs.net/~awhp/awvl.html and random YT clips I've been able to rediscover - and Paulina's weight loss storyline.  I just thought it was really interesting and frankly, brave of Judi Evans to take something a lot of viewers were going through and make it a part of the plot when they easily could have ignored or overlooked it.  Plus seeing Paulina and Cindy become friends, and Grant hurt them both through that friendship and weight loss journey, was really emotional and interesting.  I don't remember too much about the details of that storyline, but again, it was good.


And then there was the murder of the beloved Frankie Frame, which took a week of episodes to play out. Oy. Didn't the killer whistle the Muffin Man song whenever he approached a new victim? I still fin it a creepy song.



I wouldn't call that one a "favorite" as much as a big moment in the series overall.  I hated the killer, hated the way something so dark had overtaken the show and frankly it just all felt in such bad taste.  Memorable but for all the wrong reasons.  I think I preferred the 1999 retcon that Fax Newman had killed before but Anne O'Donnell had gotten him out of jail time, and since he'd become obsessed with her, went after Frankie.  Again, it doesn't make much sense with what we saw - Fax was in Bay City for months before he killed her and unless I'm misremembering never took notice of Frankie in particular - but it was a simpler explanation in some ways.  The Russian Roulette nature of the way the storyline played out as it aired was massively unsettling.


I think some of the worst storylines came near the end of the show's run - Jordan Stark/Lumina was tonally out of place on Another World, and the Gary/Josie/Cameron/Amanda mess was just silly and dumb.  As if Josie would really get the hots for Cameron after so many years of steaming up the bathroom with Gary!  Come on now!


Another doozy was Amanda pretending to be Carl's mistress...though honestly I don't remember too much about how that played out.  Was it at least semi-interesting as it aired?

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Or when Beatrice turned out to be Sally's grandmother. Beatrice was Rachel's housekeeper, IIRC, and she shared that she had an estranged daughter and many regrets.

There was a car accident on the Bay City Parkway or whatever convenient big dangerous highway was nearby at that time and a couple was killed. Their daughter Sally was in in Bay City General and Alice Frame (a nurse?) ended up taking the orphan home until they could find relatives. Viola! Steve and Alice adopt Sally and she gets a bio-gramma from Bay City. Then Sally got a little older and became obsessed with Ray Liotta.


When Ali Fowler was cast (Rachel's granddaughter), I remember thinking that little actress was pretty good. Lo and behold, Lindsay Lohan.

It's strange to see her in those old episodes and think of what would ultimately become of her life in just a few years.


I was just watching the July 4th 1992 episodes in which Ryan learns he is Carl's son.  There is an awful lot of talk about the Spencer/Justine/Carl backstory, obviously, but I'm incredibly impressed by how the writers basically set up a major storyline almost two years in advance.  Justine only showed up in 1994, but they had already decided she would resemble Rachel back in 1992.  Iris points it out to Rachel herself.  I guess they had asked Vicky Wyndham to do the double role and then just set a date....

My favorite storyline will always be Felicia finding out that Lorna was her daughter, and the development of that relationship, especially after Lucas was murdered.

That was my favorite storyline too. Lorna was so tough and Felicia was the only one that could get through to her. The intervention was so good!!!! When Felicia disowned Lorna......... Wow.

I saw him on that show where they track people using satellites and cell phones ("The ______"??) about a year or so ago and he was a hotel patron in one scene.  It's sad to see someone so talented so underused, but it was definitely Cass, with a salt-and-pepper beard and hair.  He was playing a businessman who was being aggressively sexual with the maids :(


The intervention was so good!!!! When Felicia disowned Lorna......... Wow.



Was this Felicia's drinking intervention - when did that go down?  If you have the dates roughly I could look it up and maybe watch it.  And how could Felicia disown Lorna...if she was only at the beginning of being Lorna's actual mother...?

At its best, AW was one of the great soaps, with a strong sense of family, community and continuity. There were so many great storylines, but these two were my all-time favorites:


1) Rachel, torn between Mac and the 'returned from the dead' Steve Frame (who now prefers Rachel to Alice!) decides in favor of Steve. They've been avoiding marriage for various reasons, but one night decide to just go for it and run off to be married privately. Mac, who's been dating Elena de Poulignac, hears of this and tells Elena it's time he moves on. That night, Rachel and Steve are in a terrible car crash (bad weather) - Steve is killed outright and Rachel, whose career as a sculptor has been gaining traction, is blind. Mac goes to see her in the hospital and she refuses to see him. Some of her loved ones theorize that she actually loved both Steve and Mac, and subconsciously feels that turning to Mac would be a betrayal of Steve. In a combination of grief over Steve and the loss of her vision, and despair over her lost art, seems to give up on everything.  Mac, having told Elena, apologetically, that he realizes it will always be Rachel for him, regardless of whether or not she ever returns to him,  wants to help her regain her sense of self. Through a small set of minor coincidences, he concocts a plan to pose as a therapist sent to help her deal with her blindness - he shaves his iconic mustache and affects a convincing British accent. He is able to get through to her in ways no one else can - she comes to trust and rely on him, and even begins sculpting again, using her sense of touch and her inner vision. Then Cecile discovers the truth and comes running to the Cory mansion to expose Mac. What no one knows is that Rachel regained her sight that very day. She pulls a brilliant reversal on Cecile, sending her running, frustrated, from the mansion, and then stuns Mac by telling him that, far from being angry with him over the deception, she knows he did it out of love and she's grateful. Gradually, they get back together and then remarry, a third remarriage that lasts until Mac's death.  This story was beautiful, funny, and fascinating to me.


2. Amanda and Sam - Sandra Ferguson and Robert Kelker-Kelly had amazing chemistry and acted the hell out of this 'first love' story, woven with Sam's devotion to his art and sometimes self-destructive pride, and Amanda's desire to be more than just the Cory family princess. The writers then proceeded to trash the couple repeatedly - Amanda goes from Sam's biggest booster to someone too involved with business to sit for a portrait, then falls bewilderingly in love with the loutish Evan Frame (the overrated, to me, Charles Flohe, who I also disliked on "Edge of Night"). Then, when they brought Sam back, played by another actor, he was now a country western singer with no interest in painting. Then later, a different Amanda told her unfaithful, manipulative husband Grant that she'd "loved him even more than Sam." I gagged.


But while it was good, it was amazing. And ignited a crush on RKK that burned just as hot when he played Stavros Cassadine on GH.

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They somehow were but I don't remember how.  Maybe cousins?  I think Sally was Alice and Steven Frame's daughter, and Frankies mother was Steven Frame's sister, but I'm not sure. I think this is correct because Sharlene was her and Jamie's aunt. 


I just found this board here.  I watched for years, so sorry when it was cancelled.  Frankie was one of my favorite characters. 

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They somehow were but I don't remember how.  Maybe cousins?  I think Sally was Alice and Steven Frame's daughter, and Frankies mother was Steven Frame's sister, but I'm not sure. I think this is correct because Sharlene was her and Jamie's aunt. 


I just found this board here.  I watched for years, so sorry when it was cancelled.  Frankie was one of my favorite characters. 

Frankie's mother was Steve's sister Emma. Since Sally was adopted they weren't biologically related (and Sally was dead by the time Frankie came to Bay City) but there were a lot of Frames (Steve's siblings and their children) around at various times.

Saw Stephen Schnetzer on an old Law & Order: Criminal Intent episode from approximately 6 or 7 years ago. His voice was a dead giveaway, and he still looked pretty much the same, albeit older (as we all are). The man doesn't seem to age much. Wonder if it's still the case?


He was also on Homeland a couple of seasons ago as Carrie's therapist ... who was named Dr. Cass Winthrop. Somebody on the Homeland writing staff is clearly an Another World fan. ;)


My favourite storyline was Ryan and Carl's relationship turning from adversaries to a sort of begrudging respect once they discovered that Carl was Ryan's father. Actually, I loved every Ryan storyline, particularly his friendship with Frankie. That said, looking back, he was often over the top angry at Vicky. But then again, she did have a tendency to wreck havoc in his life.

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"The Chief"


Iris reveals she was the "Chief" to Mac, the realization and hearbreak on Mac's face as he finally faced the fact that his "little girl" had put him and his family through hell in back, I felt his pain and these scenes were also bittersweet because this was the last time we'd see the great Douglas Watson, as he died shortly after this.


I agree, I liked this storyline as well, definitely one of my favorites. And it was bittersweet because we never got to see Mac and Iris reconcile, which was a shame. Douglass Watson and Carmen Duncan had good chemistry together but sadly, we didn't see enough of them together.


Can anyone tell me - in general - what happened after Iris was put in jail for shooting Carl?  I know someone else was setting her up as her henchman had made sure her gun had bullets when she fired on him...but who?  Was it at all a good storyline?


Was it good? Depends on how you look at it. Basically, Iris wanted to frighten Carl or something like that, so she was going to shoot at him with a gun loaded with blanks. Evan Frame however secretly put real bullets in the gun. Iris was tried and sent to jail and never heard from again.


Which was a real shitty ending for a character like Iris, no?


I liked the whole story with Rachel/Mac/Janice/Mitch. Lots of good soapy fun, and I like at the end, it's Rachel who defeats Janice and rescues Mac and Mitch!

Edited by AndySmith
My favourite storyline was Ryan and Carl's relationship turning from adversaries to a sort of begrudging respect once they discovered that Carl was Ryan's father. Actually, I loved every Ryan storyline, particularly his friendship with Frankie. That said, looking back, he was often over the top angry at Vicky. But then again, she did have a tendency to wreck havoc in his life.


Ryan was indeed a favourite and that relationship with Carl was really interesting.  In rewatching some of those episodes last year, I did find myself noticing that Paul Michael Valley wasn't as good an actor as I'd remembered him being. Of course, he was younger then, but had a certain cheesiness. Of course, it's nothing as bad as most of the soap acting these days.


Evan Frame however secretly put real bullets in the gun. Iris was tried and sent to jail and never heard from again. Which was a real shitty ending for a character like Iris, no?


Wow - yup!  I never saw Evan Frame at any point during my time watching the show, but I remember Carl's shooting and him surviving, losing his memory and developing a crush on Iris. So it was Evan, hun? Well. What happened to him? How did his arc go following Iris being behind bars? I think I remember Ali Fowler warning would-be stepdad Cameron at one point in 1998 (I think?) that he'd better be careful about Amanda because if Evan Frame ever "came back to town", she'd be all over him.  I guess that means Evan's last storyline on the show did not involve him dying. Why did he want Carl dead and Iris framed for it?


2. Amanda and Sam - Sandra Ferguson and Robert Kelker-Kelly had amazing chemistry and acted the hell out of this 'first love' story, woven with Sam's devotion to his art and sometimes self-destructive pride, and Amanda's desire to be more than just the Cory family princess. The writers then proceeded to trash the couple repeatedly - Amanda goes from Sam's biggest booster to someone too involved with business to sit for a portrait, then falls bewilderingly in love with the loutish Evan Frame (the overrated, to me, Charles Flohe, who I also disliked on "Edge of Night"). Then, when they brought Sam back, played by another actor, he was now a country western singer with no interest in painting. Then later, a different Amanda told her unfaithful, manipulative husband Grant that she'd "loved him even more than Sam." I gagged.


Wow - thanks for recapping that!  I never saw any of it and wondered about how things had gone down with the character RKK played before Shane/Bobby Reno.  Gah - THAT was a fiasco of a comeback, wasn't it? But this sounds pretty lousy too.  I hate it when writers poop all over past character's relationships to make the one they're currently in seem more "for real".

Of course, it didn't make much sense that Amanda went from being the princess (Sandra F played that angle well, I always felt), to the business lady married to scheming Grant (suddenly smarter and more proud and yet also much more blind), to then scheming to break her mother and Carl up by dressing up and pretending to be Carl's mistress (leaving us all going WTH??), and then back to being a sort of Princess (when Sandra returned).


Amanda didn't have the best character arc, to be sure, but at least it was interesting overall and had very likeable actresses playing her ("Hadley Prescott" era Amanda aside).


Did any of the rest of you have a chuckle when "Hadley Prescott" shared drinks and flirted with "Shane" (effectively reuniting Amanda and Sam, even though it was a different actress playing Amanda and a completely different character played by RKK)?

Edited by DisneyBoy
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I started watching AW sometime in 1995, after I moved to San Antonio after college and had intern hours that allowed me to watch soaps on my lunch break. I just happened to flip the channel and I think it was when Ryan proposed to Vicky? So all my favorite SLs are after that. Ryan's death, Grant and Cindy, Gary and Josie ( what a gloriously fucked up yet hot SL that was. The recasting of both actors never really worked for me, although Josie's was somewhat more successful), Gabe & Lorna, etc. 


I was heartbroken when the show got cancelled. I started watching OLTL for a little while, mostly because many of my favorite actors moved over, but it was never quite the same and I gave up on that show after one too many serial killers, haha. 


I dont have access to any channels that still re-run AW. But I did buy the commemorative book when it came out!

Does "Anne Heche" as Vicky/Marley count as a story?  Probably not but that's around the time I got addicted to AW. I always loved her as Vicky but she gave such a master class during the whole 'Who Shot Jake" storyline, which, BTW, I really enjoyed overall.  They kept him in a coma for the longest time and there was a semi-noir aspect of all the suspects being women.  I remember the fantasy/dream he had of all the suspects around his bed dressed in red. 


While there was some romance (Marley/Jamie and the beginning of Vicky/Ryan), the love story that really got to me was that between the sisters.  They were so different and done in split screen yet Anne managed to have chemistry with herself.  It was beautiful to see how far Vicky would go for Marley.  The moment when Cass, not knowing that Vicky is impersonating Marley, reveals to Vicky that Jake raped her and how Vicky had to hold it together is one of my favorite moments in soaps.


Normally, one actress dominating the show like that would have annoyed me later on but I couldn't get enough of the character/story with AH in the role.  And then the revelation of who actually shot Jake turned into the blackmail marriage and I suddenly had Jake and Paulina to help me survive Anne's departure.

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I started watching AW sometime in 1995, after I moved to San Antonio after college and had intern hours that allowed me to watch soaps on my lunch break. I just happened to flip the channel and I think it was when Ryan proposed to Vicky? So all my favorite SLs are after that. Ryan's death, Grant and Cindy, Gary and Josie ( what a gloriously fucked up yet hot SL that was. The recasting of both actors never really worked for me, although Josie's was somewhat more successful), Gabe & Lorna, etc.


Oh, I loved Gabe and Lorna too, but I don't remember too much of it. I know Gabe's first wife was Cindy's sister and he lost her and their child in a fire which Cindy did nothing to stop (or did she set the fire? I think she just watched them burn, wanting Gabe for herself). But MAN did Gabe and Lorna have chemistry. It's no surprise they kept the topless shot of them in the opening credits for a long time after both had left the show. I was only mildly bothered by the shift between Alicia Coppola and Robin Christopher's Lornas because at least she had a good love interest in Gabe. Wonder why they didn't keep him alive on the show longer?


Grant and Cindy were GOLD. It was so twisted watching him abuse her, then get rescued by her and vice versa. It's almost fitting that the show ended shortly after Grant was offed because I can't imagine another villain lasting as long or proving as interesting.


Irlandesa you're making me want to find a way to watch all those old episodes with Anne as Vicky/Marley. I only caught the end of her run, as Ryan became a main player and fans to this day rave about her performances. I liked Jensen B a lot, but as her Vicky became the centre of the show in the years that followed I got annoyed. And I never saw Ellen Wheeler as the original Vicky/Marley so when she came back in 1998 I was mostly confused. Anne really owned those roles.


I don't remember Gabe and Josie being "fucked up" as you put it :) He was her  commanding officer/teacher...other than that, it seemed pretty kosher. Well, until after the recasting. I agree that Josie 2.0 was quite a find - the actresses even looked alike! - but Gary 2.0 wasn't as successful. I seem to remember reading in the 35th Anniversary book that Gary 2.0 had auditioned for another part originally - Nick Hudson? - and then ended up being Gary. Fun fact: He and Josie 2.0 got married in real life.


...can anyone remember if it made sense for Gary to have a brother, based on how he was introduced and the personal history the show set up for him? I remember being really thrown when Cameron showed up and turned out to be his brother. And the less said about the Josie/Cameron beach affair the better.

Edited by DisneyBoy

It's not really a story line but more an overall theme that I loved.  The friendship between Felicia and Cass [and Wallingford].  I've never seen another soap play the friendship as real and well as Another World did with these guys.  Carly is supposed to be a best friend to Jason on General Hospital but it doesn't even come close.  More soaps should try the Another World approach.  Men and Women CAN be friends and still be interesting.

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Was this Felicia's drinking intervention - when did that go down?  If you have the dates roughly I could look it up and maybe watch it.  And how could Felicia disown Lorna...if she was only at the beginning of being Lorna's actual mother...?


I can't remember the exact dates, but if you search "Another World Felicia's Intervention" on Youtube, it's all there.  


Just off the top of my head, I believe we found out in early 1992 that Lorna was definitely Felicia's daughter (Felicia suspected for a while), and the intervention didn't happen until a year or so later.  So the two of them, even though their relationship could still be volatile, were very close by that time.  

John played Gabe McNamara who was a cop and involved with Lorna. Robert was on OLTL when Linda was playing that character named Rae who ended up appearing on all 4 of ABC's soaps that were around in the late 90's and into the early 2000's. IMDB says she also appeared on Port Charles as that character Rae too. I've heard Stephen's voice a lot over the years since he does voice overs for commercials. It's been awhile since I've heard him in one though.

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21 hours ago, MsTree said:

For a split second I thought he was the guy who played (original) Mickey Horton on Days...but then remembered someone told me that he had passed.

John Clarke, the original Mickey Horton, is still alive! However, he left Days years ago and the show actually recast his character (big mistake, having been on since literally Day 1). It didn't work out well (even if John Ingle was a good actor! It was also tried with Kevin Dobson of Knots Landing fame, and also was a no go!) and the character of Mickey died.

As an aside, his daughter is Melinda Clarke, who has been on CSI, among other shows (and also began on Days as a character named Faith under the name Mindy Clarke).

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Thanks, Wendy, for reminding me of the actor's name...and good to know Mr. Clarke is still with us. I had completely forgotten about Kevin Dobson, and I was an avid watcher of Knots Landing too!

Back in the day, I pretty much had a one-track mind...only focusing on David Forsythe (hope I got that right :)) whose character was an ex-Nam vet named John Hudson. Would love to see him acting again, but assume he's retired?

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49 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

As per his imdb page, his last appearance was an episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent, in 2010.

Ah, right! (I really like L&O: CI and forgot about that one. Maybe because I was more focused on the outgoing leads in the episode. As an aside, John Bolger (ex-Gabe) appeared on the same show in three separate roles, and was the murder victim two out of the three times. LOL! In his first appearance in S1, he was an FBI agent and left alive.)

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