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Love & Hip Hop: New York - General Discussion

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Erica doesn't really live in NY. She shows up to tape the show and then goes back home to Florida. There's a subset of Erica/Cyn followers who were tracking their every move, between these last two seasons. (Their creppy obsession drove away my need for nosy gossip) Any who, after the show, Erica and Cyn were rarely in the same state.

Now admittedly, I'm a Mena fan, but unlike Diamond, she does take care of her son. She doesn't go back to "visit" him, she just goes home.

Her son is better off without her. Such a disgusting example she is setting while supposedly raising a young man.

Watching Tara and the other girl fight felt like watching two mentally challenged people go at it. Felt kinda dirty. Do either of them realize how absolutely stupid they both sound?

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What has Erica done that was so horrible that it should preclude her from raising her son?  If being completely together and never making a mistake is a necessary requirement for parenthood, then none of the people on this show would be raising their kids.  Hell, most people in the world wouldn't be raising kids.

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Her son is better off without her. Such a disgusting example she is setting while supposedly raising a young man.

Watching Tara and the other girl fight felt like watching two mentally challenged people go at it. Felt kinda dirty. Do either of them realize how absolutely stupid they both sound?

I wonder if they hear themselves

"That's my piece of shit man!"

"Nah uh, that piece of shit belongs to ME!"

"He cheated on me first, so that makes him more mine"

Clowns please.

Edited by Brooklynista
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I'm simply tired of Tara's victim act. Amina did well to remind her a few episodes ago that Tara also failed to ensure that Peter was single before she hopped on. What, girl?! How can she ask Amina what she thinks will happen to [Amina] since Peter left Tara alone with two children. BITCH. This is the exact same situation YOU broke up with seemingly NO SHAME. I want to like Tara because she's gorgeous and seemed to have a tiny bit of sense last season, but, she's killing me with this.

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Erica doesn't really live in NY.  She shows up to tape the show and then goes back home to Florida.  There's a subset of Erica/Cyn followers who were tracking their every move, between these last two seasons.  (Their creppy obsession drove away my need for nosy gossip)  Any who, after the show, Erica and Cyn were rarely in the same state.


Now admittedly, I'm a Mena fan, but unlike Diamond, she does take care of her son.  She doesn't go back to "visit" him, she just goes home.


Thanks for the info. I can give her a pass if she spends most of her time in FL, and she is contractually obligated to come up here to film the show. As I've said before, I'm not a Mena fan, but I am a sucker for love and she is seemingly coming out of this season as the most stable one. I do hope this thing with her and Bow Wow is the real deal, she's stacked her coins and focuses less on reality TV and being a club staple, and on more on just being home with new husband, her son and her stepdaughter.


I forgot about the whole fight with Yandy and Mendecees. She annoyed me in last week's  episode, but I was on her side this time. I'm at a work event and you're going to tell me my child is in the emergency room to "get my attention?" What the actual fuck?! That was extremely immature and I would have lunged at him myself if I was her. She held down everything while he was locked up, including taking care of his son whom she is not even blood related to. So HELL YES I expect you to step up a little when you get home. That's why I find this whole custody thing that he's trying to pull suspect. Maybe he wants full custody as long as Yandy does the brunt of the work. SMH.

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I'm feeling like the whole "creepy assistant" story line is scripted.  That young lady can barely get her lines out of her mouth without laughing.  I saw some extended clip where Mendeeces and his crew were at the club celebrating and when they were walking out the door she came up and tried to wrap her arm around his, couple style.  To which he then pulled himself away and gave her a fake lecture.  Am I the only one who saw this?  That shit was so fuckin' fake (excuse my language....this show makes me do it).  

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Yandy had better be careful. Chrissy and Jim did the whole "Assistant is too close to you" storyline. They wound up without a show.

And when is this wedding between the two of them supposed two happen anyway? I'm of the opinion that once you have a kid with a jailbird and then get knocked up again by him, all the while raising his kid by another women, you lose the rights to a princessy fairytale wedding. Take your ass to the Justice of the Peace.

Edited by Brooklynista
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I'm also still hanging in for this crap. Is it sad to say I miss the mess that is Hazel-E? At least she kept me laughing with her foolishness.

I was pleasantly surprised at how great Amina sounded during her performance. The lyrics sucked, but her voice was pretty awesome! I may need to check out her previous music.

I hope Amina really did leave Peter. What a piece of shit he is. And then to hear, unsurprisingly, that he was still sleeping with Tara after he married Amina. Couple that with how self - righteous Tara was when she admitted it. Both of those ladies need to be smacked in the back of the head.

I'm not sure what the deal with Mendeecees is, but telling Yandy she needed to step up to watch/take care of the kids when she took in his son while he was in jail was some bullshit. And so was him telling her her kid was in the hospital, and him tee hee heeing about it like it wasn't a big deal. Asshole.

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I hate to admit it, but I actually like Chrissy. God bless her, and a woman her age posing ass up in an "urban model" magazine. I hope to have that kind of confidence at 50+.


I like her too. I can't lie.  The scene at the restaurant where her and Chink were writing their "contract" and she made fun of him for not being to say I love you made me laugh.


I almost forgot about pregnant Tandy fighting in the studio because it's such a rehashed storyline. Girl please, don't nobody want your man and his new teeth.


So what is the deal with his teeth?  Did they always look like that? They're so perfect that they look fake.  And they're so white!  But it's painful listening to him talk.  He's so monotone.  The first time I've seen him animated was during the ridiculous fight with Yandy over her son.


I'm feeling like the whole "creepy assistant" story line is scripted.  That young lady can barely get her lines out of her mouth without laughing.  I saw some extended clip where Mendeeces and his crew were at the club celebrating and when they were walking out the door she came up and tried to wrap her arm around his, couple style.  To which he then pulled himself away and gave her a fake lecture.  Am I the only one who saw this?  That shit was so fuckin' fake (excuse my language....this show makes me do it).  


This storyline.  Please make it stop.  Maybe it's just Yandy's clothing on the show, but she hasn't worn anything that I would want to copy.  


I must say that whoever does the makeup on this season does a good job.  The makeup on Hollywood was so godawful (especially Moniece's and Hazel's) that it's refreshing to see nicely applied makeup.  Tara looked pretty with the dark lipstick.  Still don't like her though.

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Episode 11:

"You Again?"

Emotions soar when Erica and Cyn meet. Meanwhile, Chrissy's covert magazine shoot sparks feelings of betrayal, Peter chases Amina to Germany, and Rich disregards guy code.

Airs March 2, 2015.

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FYI.  All of the previous New York seasons are available for viewing on Hulu Plus right now.  I caught myself watching season 1 yesterday after a basketball game.  I'd seen the episodes before but it was striking to me how the show has changed from people dealing with somewhat more real life situations to the set up soap opera drama they do now.  

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"As much as I wanna drag you by your fuckin hair and stomp you out, I still care about you."  I think we should call Hallmark.  Sentimental assholes are a woefully underrepresented demographic.


I'm lost.  Someone please explain Rich's strategery about Diamond to me.  Her standard for handsome is disturbing.


Tara you look like a damn wackadoo tearing up over that bum bastard.  Feelings, schmeelings, he has an EIGHTH baby.  Oh andplusalso, a wife.


Chrissy won't say her age but we should see uninterrupted views of her vulva?    It's literally impossible to can right now.  I. Can't.

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I'm really baffled as to why Yandy didn't call ManFeces out when he accused her of neglecting the kids.

Wasn't she holding all her kids,plus some of his down when he was off making grilled cheese sammiches with an iron?

Edited by Brooklynista
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Ugh.  The men on this show!  Yandy needs to drop her business dealings to pick up and take care of the kids, but Mandeeces is too busy shooting the shit in the studio (not producing) to do it.  Amina must sit at home with her newborn waiting and wondering, but better not dear question Peter about where he is and who he is fucking even though they are married.  Rich just thinks he can fuck anything with a vagina and is awful content about letting them fight over him.  Can the next great flood just wipe out all these assholes?  They make me happy I'm single. 


So other producer dude (who's name I can't remember) wants nothing to do with Diamond, so she's trying every other avenue possible to remain relevant for the show.  Rich is sexy?!?!  Who the hell is she looking at?  Her thirsty ass needs to go home and take care of her puppy, uh, I mean her daughter. 


I see next week Diamond is barking up the wrong tree with Johnnie (is that big booty singer's name?).  I'm gonna enjoy watching her smack Diamond upside her head.  Can't wait.

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And what about Chrissy? Not that I ever thought Chink was going to introduce her to his family, but she can forget about it now. It seems he probably came from a really decent family and she is way to white trash for them. Plus, why does she wear those frightful wigs all of the time? That family is watching the show and saying you thought you were going to bring an ex-madam, shows her ass in men's magazines here? Yikes!

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I forgot about Grandma.  But more power to her for being confident and doing what she wants.  As you said, Dude was NEVER gonna take her home.  He just finally found a concrete reason to justify it. 

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I can give it up to Chrissy cause she came right back at Chink's ass w his bullshit.  She has his number and wasn't about to let him off the hook.  The one thing I cannot stand is how many of these reality show chicks can't hold their own in an argument.  They either can't get their words together or they crumble into a ball of tears.


Chrissy never backed down from getting Chink together.  You gonna go?  Cool, go but don't be looking for her to be boo hooing over it.


And take your insecure ass witcha

Edited by Brooklynista
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Chrissy has a horrible voice, but she came with it when she asked Chink why she would pass up an opportunity because it wouldn't look good to people she was never going to meet anyway. Boom roasted.

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I forgot about Grandma.  But more power to her for being confident and doing what she wants.  As you said, Dude was NEVER gonna take her home.  He just finally found a concrete reason to justify it. 

that's true. and she definitely can hold up her end of an argument. do we think she wept a bit when she got home? that biological clock is ticking away!

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I'm really baffled as to why Yandy didn't call ManFeces out when he accused her of neglecting the kids.

Wasn't she holding all her kids,plus some of his down when he was off making grilled cheese sammiches with an iron?


What is the total number of kids that they have between them?  Is Little Mandeecees the only one that Mandeecees has?


So other producer dude (who's name I can't remember) wants nothing to do with Diamond, so she's trying every other avenue possible to remain relevant for the show.  Rich is sexy?!?!  Who the hell is she looking at?  Her thirsty ass needs to go home and take care of her puppy, uh, I mean her daughter. 


That would be Cisco.  Both he and Diamond bring nothing to this show, but they want the check so I guess they need to rotate them throughout the rest of the pack in order for them to have a storyline.

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What is the total number of kids that they have between them?  Is Little Mandeecees the only one that Mandeecees has?



That would be Cisco.  Both he and Diamond bring nothing to this show, but they want the check so I guess they need to rotate them throughout the rest of the pack in order for them to have a storyline.



Think about that right there.  In order to stay relevant to this show, you have to be laid up with somebody else on the show.  Doesn't that tell Mona she has cast a bunch of nobodys?  Mona doesn't have two people in this cast that can carry a storyline that doesn't involve who slept wit who man.


Is there any HIP HOP???  Not a single tune has come out.  Just a bunch of folks bullshitting in the studio.

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Could this be anymore scripted? That darned Diamond is a nut! And why would Rich sleep with her after his convo with Cisco? I knew the fight scene had to be setup when they pitted her against that man Johnny Blaze. Is that the name?

Yandy and Kimbella STFU. Is Kimbella pregnant? I almost didn't recognize her.

Wait, let's backtrack. Why are all these women fighting over Rich again? You think he is really knocking screws out like that? I will admit to being curious even though he is funny looking.

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Does Richie not have a house?  Why is he always fucking women in restaurant bathrooms.  He's disgusting.


And Diamond is definitely working hard to stay on this show.  At least she had enough sense to demand he turn his mic off while they were doing whatever.

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Does Richie not have a house?  Why is he always fucking women in restaurant bathrooms.  He's disgusting.


And Diamond is definitely working hard to stay on this show.  At least she had enough sense to demand he turn his mic off while they were doing whatever.

Listen. Diamond is the last person you let know where your house is. There's a reason Cisco never did. Bitch crazy.

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His city was listed in one of these episodes, maybe they don't care to find him.  How many Dollaz' can there be in Edgewater, New Jersey?


Can ya'll wake me up when this is over.   You thought I was gonna say before you go go didn't you?  ;)  lol.   Oh good, you're a hundred just like me.


Diamond and Cynthia from RHOA need to open a School of How to try Too Hard to Stay on your Reality Show.


This sentence had an altogether different ending in my head. 

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You know, I was thinking about going to the bank for a loan to start my own business, but now I'm thinking the way to handle it is to go on a ratchet reality show. Just about every hood chick has gone straight to Entrepreneur and bypassed that pesky business school step.

Now Tara is opening a charm school. Ok then. Why not. I guess it's something different from the usual Lycra dress, fake vodka, or T-Shirt clothing line.

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Diamond, little word of advice: if you want to surprise your "boo"…brush your hair first. Girl is acting way too crazy just to stay employed on a D-list (at best) reality show.

Famewhorein is a helluva drug.

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Diamond, little word of advice: if you want to surprise your "boo"…brush your hair first.

Hahahahaha! This made my morning! Thank you! Now I am energized enough to stop procrastinating and get ready for work.
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Don't you have to have charm to open a charm school?

I haven't found her to be that charming. She wasn't able to teach Panky how to behave with any class. I ain't forget about him and his shitty feet (tm Dineva) all up on Tara's couch.

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Episode 13:

"All Heart"

Rich breaks a heart. Elsewhere, Cisco makes a big confession to Cyn, Chrissy journeys to Washington, D.C., and Yandy receives disturbing news about her father.

Airs March 16, 2015.

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Diamond really needs to dial it down. She stays on Bad Reality Acting Level 11, but there's really no need for that. She could bring it down to Level 8 and be just fine. She is really working for her paycheck.

Rich has a strange way of talking. It's like he's always trying to hold in his gold teef, but he's not even wearing them most of the time. Maybe he's gotten used to that.

Jhonni ablaze is a mess, and it's going to take more than Tara's Basement School of Charm to help her. I'd love to see her and Teairra get into it. Teairra's got so much mouth that I wonder how she would do with someone who looks like Jhonni.

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I was mad that they subtitled chink's father.  At first. 


Did I just watch Rich stutter, struggle then fail to spell maniac? 


So, the stripper vis a vis recording artist whose ugly parts you know but whose real name you don't turned out to be a stalker?  hunh.  Who'dve thunk. 


Cyn and Er-riih-kuh like men now?


Yandy's weaves make me want to cut about 6oz outta mine. 


Chrissy to Mr. Chink:  yeah it bothers me that he's married.   Let's play: how many things are wrong with that sentence.

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Zaldamo, fancy meeting you here!!! Yayy!! Ok, this show, this show! I am so glad Rich told crazy cranberry about her crazy ads. And let's be real; Cyn is not singing that damn song. It is a neat song, but the fake rock star shit is too much. I can't even sing in the choir, in the background and this chick gets to sing at her single party with mimes or something OVER a track. And where was Eri-cuhhhhhhhhh? Oh doing Shad you say.

If Cisco was as sweet--see that get us with that faux good guy, romance stuff--as he seemed when he brought Cyn flowers I could almost see the two together.

Chink and his old lady can disappear. Just go. Just goooooooooooo. Please. Pretty please.

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Listen, I want better for ole Francisco. This is mildly because he is exactly it for me aesthetically,but also, the sob stories get me. He and Cyn could be adorable together, but REALLY I need him to take 3 months to hoe it out (not in fake relationships), get tested, and if clean, go beg for his ex back.

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I'd like to know what song Cisco is always listening to inside his head, cause his internal metronome is always going triple time to the song that's actually playing.

Glad Rich but Diamond in her place, but he's an idiot who doesn't see his fault in any of this shit. He led her on, fucked her, and then stood there as she told people she was his woman without correcting her. Your fault dude, not hers. He did the same thing with Johnnie. How are you trying to be her manager when you know she has feelings for you, but instead of keeping it about business, you fuck her, and then is pissed off when she acts out passionately over you? The trend here, is that he keeps sticking his dick in crazy ass women and expects to come out of it unscathed each time. One of them is bound to Lorena Bobbitt his ass the next time he takes them to a bathroom stall.

I really don't understand the Chink/Chrissy business. He is married and expects her not to say anything and just accept it. Hmmm. And while he gets everything he wants the way he wants it, she has to run everything by him for his approval and say so? Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

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Zaldamo, fancy meeting you here!!! Yayy!! Ok, this show, this show! I am so glad Rich told crazy cranberry about her crazy ads. And let's be real; Cyn is not singing that damn song. It is a neat song, but the fake rock star shit is too much. I can't even sing in the choir, in the background and this chick gets to sing at her single party with mimes or something OVER a track. And where was Eri-cuhhhhhhhhh? Oh doing Shad you say.

If Cisco was as sweet--see that get us with that faux good guy, romance stuff--as he seemed when he brought Cyn flowers I could almost see the two together.

Chink and his old lady can disappear. Just go. Just goooooooooooo. Please. Pretty please.


Girl I don't know if having the same taste in rachetass must see tv is something you wanna throw confetti at, but I'll take it!  ; -)


By contrast, I would like more and more Chrissy please.   I'm pretty sure if Mona keeps rolling tape, one of these days we're gonna see her lapdance somebody just as Chink is entering the room.


Don't be mad at Rich ya'll, he's not a player, he just crush a lot.   Er-iick-uuh, Diamond and Johnnie = dude likes instability so he's got no  business acting surprised by it.  The parting shot at Johnnie about the flowers on his doorstep.  Thirst is to women as bitchassery is to men.  Not a good look.



Listen, I want better for ole Francisco. This is mildly because he is exactly it for me aesthetically,but also, the sob stories get me. He and Cyn could be adorable together, but REALLY I need him to take 3 months to hoe it out (not in fake relationships), get tested, and if clean, go beg for his ex back.


can you give me more words here - no shade, if there is something about him, I kinda wanna see it because the sob stories semi thaw my cold black heart a little bit too.  Like when Steebie first showed up on LHHNY I was like I don't see the attraction for anybody for any reason, but the longer I looked at him I got it.  Jay-Z syndrome.  Is it that?

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can you give me more words here - no shade, if there is something about him, I kinda wanna see it because the sob stories semi thaw my cold black heart a little bit too.  Like when Steebie first showed up on LHHNY I was like I don't see the attraction for anybody for any reason, but the longer I looked at him I got it.  Jay-Z syndrome.  Is it that?

Listen, I just like chunky pale faces.  That's really all it is lol. Aesthetically I find him the best of a sad bunch.

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