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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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According to Rick Hilton Kyle has given notice it is a done deal she is done with Bravo over Nicky's wedding coverage. http://www.tmz.com/

Rick claims the family is back together because of it. I smell a little shade from Mr. Hilton.

This makes no sense. If Kyle didn't want the Nicky Hilton wedding stuff aired she wouldn't have filmed it in the first place. It's not Bravo's fault that she talked about it repeatedly on camera. If she is quitting I'm sure it's for entirely different reasons. Edited by glowbug
  • Love 8

According to Rick Hilton Kyle has given notice it is a done deal she is done with Bravo over Nicky's wedding coverage.   http://www.tmz.com/


Rick claims the family is back together because of it.  I smell a little shade from Mr. Hilton.

First, is it just me or does RH sound medicated or stoned (pot)? I really doubt he is telling the truth. IMO, he IS shading Kyle AND Bravo!


Then there is THIS story! LOL  http://www.eonline.com/news/726733/kyle-richards-and-kathy-hilton-s-christmas-party-reunion-photo-was-staged-things-are-not-smoothed-over

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 5

First, is it just me or does RH sound medicated or stoned (pot)? I really doubt he is telling the truth. IMO, he IS shading Kyle AND Bravo!


Then there is THIS story! LOL  http://www.eonline.com/news/726733/kyle-richards-and-kathy-hilton-s-christmas-party-reunion-photo-was-staged-things-are-not-smoothed-over

I think Rick Hilton is a turd of massive proportions.  If Kyle did quit it is her story to tell-not Rick's.  Next we will hear the Brit will quit MDL.

  • Love 5

First, is it just me or does RH sound medicated or stoned (pot)? I really doubt he is telling the truth. IMO, he IS shading Kyle AND Bravo!


Then there is THIS story! LOL  http://www.eonline.com/news/726733/kyle-richards-and-kathy-hilton-s-christmas-party-reunion-photo-was-staged-things-are-not-smoothed-over

Yeah, I'm not buying it either.  Let's see.  Rick doesn't talk to Mauricio.  Kathy is pissed about the deal Kyle signed.  And probably about outed her disinvite to Kyle.  So Kyle is quitting RHBH because they 'made' her talk about the wedding invite according to Rick.  This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  Yeah, sounds like shading to me too.  I don't think anything is really better between Kyle and Kathy. 


As for the so called noninvite to Kathy's Christmas Day party.  Hm, maybe Kyle and Mauricio had their own plans.  Mauricio has a family too and why would a family spend Christmas day without their dad or husband.  Yeah, the rags need their gossip and sound bites.

  • Love 4

Yeah, I'm not buying it either.  Let's see.  Rick doesn't talk to Mauricio.  Kathy is pissed about the deal Kyle signed.  And probably about outed her disinvite to Kyle.  So Kyle is quitting RHBH because they 'made' her talk about the wedding invite according to Rick.  This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  Yeah, sounds like shading to me too.  I don't think anything is really better between Kyle and Kathy. 


As for the so called noninvite to Kathy's Christmas Day party.  Hm, maybe Kyle and Mauricio had their own plans.  Mauricio has a family too and why would a family spend Christmas day without their dad or husband.  Yeah, the rags need their gossip and sound bites.

How does Kyle quitting Bravo over the Nicky deal clear things up for the family?  We the Hiltons, did not invite half your family, we uninvited Kyle and Bravo changed their shooting schedule, (that would be the same Bravo that pimped Nicky's book six months earlier), un-uninvited Kyle and by demanding  Kyle quit Bravo there is some sort retribution?  Dear Nicky and your family-you folks aren't royalty now or ever.  Get over your f*cking wedding. 

  • Love 5

I think the Hilton's are the kind of people that have to hate on someone. they thrive on drama and love deviciveness. In some weird way, Kyle using Bravo as the big bad scapegoat somehow allows The Hiltons' to save face regarding Mauricio, and for Kyle airing out family laundry on TV. Kyle will no doubt resent having to give up the show eventually.

  • Love 1

I think the Hilton's are the kind of people that have to hate on someone. they thrive on drama and love deviciveness. In some weird way, Kyle using Bravo as the big bad scapegoat somehow allows The Hiltons' to save face regarding Mauricio, and for Kyle airing out family laundry on TV. Kyle will no doubt resent having to give up the show eventually.

To me it sounds like,"hey Kyle give up a million dollar a year job, plus the exposure for your businesses and we will be your friend again." 

  • Love 16

What an ass.  Next it will be Kyle give up your sitcom.  Then Mauricio give up The Agency.  Finally, Farrah come and sell at Hilton & Hyland. 

ITA, it is all or nothing in that family. They, Kathy/Rick, have to have complete control of Kyle's life, they want to dictate do's and don't to her.....like Kim is HER responsibility, NOT Kathy's. IMO, that is where this all started, Kyle backed off and stopped cleaning up Kim's mess, covering up/lying for her and paying her bill,s so Kathy was forced to step into that role and she despises doing it and therefore must punish Kyle, aka shut her out of the family, until Kyle bows to the pressure and resumes the role Kathy (via Big Kathy) mandated for her. JMO

  • Love 7

Kathy started digging herself in a hole when she decided that  Kyle exposed Kim's alcohol/drug use.  Like Kim needed help with that.  **eye roll**    Now she is damaging her perceived reputation further with this wedding nonsense.   She is a one woman show and making that hole deeper!  Go for it Kathy.  


Kyle, pay no attention to her, live your own life.   You will be respected by her, more than any other if you do this.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5

Kathy started digging herself in a hole when she decided that  Kyle exposed Kim's alcohol/drug use.  Kim didn't need help with that!    Now she is damaging her perceived reputation further with this wedding nonsense.   She is a one woman show and making that hole deeper!  Go for it Kathy.  


Kyle, pay no attention to her, live your own life.   You will be respected by her, more than any other if you do this.  

Yep, that really hits the nail on the head. Kathy is a bully if you let her. In her defense though I'll bet she has done just as much for Kim as Kyle has. I'd bet Kim is very skilled at playing them against one another.

  • Love 2

Yep, that really hits the nail on the head. Kathy is a bully if you let her. In her defense though I'll bet she has done just as much for Kim as Kyle has. I'd bet Kim is very skilled at playing them against one another.



Sure, Kathy has probably tossed some money KIm's way.   That is not an issue here.   Her desire to cover up Kim's "shameful" addiction is about how it reflects on her.  She fancies herself some kind of social royalty who must keep up appearances. 

  • Love 2

Yep, that really hits the nail on the head. Kathy is a bully if you let her. In her defense though I'll bet she has done just as much for Kim as Kyle has. I'd bet Kim is very skilled at playing them against one another.

I am sure that Kathy has been there for Kim at times BUT, IMO nowhere near as much as Kyle has been, especially physically. I think Kathy takes Kim's phone calls and may give her pocket money but leaves ALL the physical work/responsibility to Kyle, like bill paying, caring for Kim's kids when Kim is drunk/high, mediating peace between Kim and her kids and most important of all, being physically present FOR those Kids when they need adult support/guidance. Kathy was gone, traveling, much of the time during the last 30+ years and semi raising her own screwed up kids leaving Kyle to do the majority of the work caring for Kim/her kids. JMO

  • Love 3

I don't buy the picture that is being painted of Kyle, here.  Other than Kathy's kids having been public nuisances, what proof does anybody have that she's any worse or better than Kyle.  In any regard.


IRL, I've seen Kyle twirling around a stripper pole at a gay bar.  On the show, I've seen Kyle get her lady bits waxed 2 or 3 or 4? times.  I've seen her scream Eff YOU in a restaurant on numerous occasions. I've seen her do splits in crotch baring dresses on the dance floor at 3 parties.  I've heard her throw her family under the bus.  And Kathy has done what now?  And AFAIK, Kathy hasn't commented on any of this.


I'm not defending Kathy.  But it cracks me up that a photo of Kathy, Kyle and Faye is being called staged because Kathy wants to sweep everything under the rug.  Kathy is ALLLL about appearances.  I hate to remind everyone that Kyle's best friend is Faye Resnick.  She was in a picture with Kanye.  At a party at Kris Jenner's house. LOL  Kyle is probably every bit as tacky, fame whoring and shit stirring as Kathy is.


I say 'probably' because none of us can say much about what these twits are really like - with any degree of certainty.

  • Love 11

Kathy very well may have been doing more for Kim than Kyle has, it doesn't matter and not the point.  Kyle is free to do as she chooses; Kim's addiction was impacting her life and she responded/reacted to that.  Kathy decided that Kyle should have kept "it" a secret.  Well good luck with that when you are on TV and showing up drunk to filming!   Not Kyle's fault nor her responsibility no matter who was taking more and "better" care of Kim.  


Not Kyle's doing that Mauricio quit and opened his own business, either.  Kathy's choice to shun half of Kyle's family at the wedding.  She is a very small and petty person in my eyes.  


Ryebread.  It doesn't matter what Kyle has done on TV.  None of it is outrageous or bad in my mind.  Kathy doesn't care about that.  It is not the family "secret."  So many view addiction as a deep and dark flaw that must be hidden. A blight on the family tree.  Horses of two different colors.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 6

Kathy decided that Kyle should have kept "it" a secret.


With all due respect, who said?  There are so many things in this thread that are being stated as fact that Kathy and Rick have done that I can't keep track.  It's possible they've done all this and more.  But it hurts my sensibilities to read Kyle being portrayed as the sister who is always doing everything for everybody and Kim and Kathy are the only messy ones.  In my opinion Kyle just isn't that selfless or that nice of a person. 

  • Love 8

kyle has always come across to me as both arrogant and entitled, so I have never looked upon her as a 'nice' person....which does NOT in any way excuse or change my opinion of kimmie as a very nasty, entitled, arrogant, drug addled, substance abusing POS....IMNSHO there just happens to be at least two of them in the same family...


I have no idea what episode it was in, but I was damn near mesmerized, perhaps even stupefied,  with the incredible idiocy of the scene with a couple of kyle's daughters getting ear piercings and ramping up the hystrionic dramatics to the rafters....and was that really kyle scrunched up in the lap of one of them?  Seriously? What complete and total bullshit!


Clearly this woman has nothing of interest to offer....I'd much rather spend my time watching the house porn, food porn, etc of LisaV, Elileen, and LisaR than to waste more time on kyle( and the hubs who says 'amaaaaaaaaazzzzziiiiiiinnng MUCH, MUCH too often to be believable and certainly nothing more than totally hokey), kimmie, yoyolemons and their assorted hangers-on....


Perhaps rather than catching the random scene, I should actually watch an episode or two of the current season (and it DID seem to me in some random shot of LisaV and kyle in some locale where kyle was in full moomoo mode that kyle may have given up thoughts of appropriate clothing choices...if she can't be bothered to get fit and stay fit, why try to continually disguise it? Geez! With all her money why should she feel any need to pretend she's thin?) Kyle needs to enjoy the life she has chosen instead of always trying to convince her 'public' that she's a size 0! And no, I'm not super-model thin....at 5'5" and 135 lbs and a BMI of 22.5 based on height, weight and DOB, I am quite content with the physique I have maintained for years with a simple, sensible eating plan and nothing more than walking for exercise.

  • Love 3

With all due respect, who said?  There are so many things in this thread that are being stated as fact that Kathy and Rick have done that I can't keep track.  It's possible they've done all this and more.  But it hurts my sensibilities to read Kyle being portrayed as the sister who is always doing everything for everybody and Kim and Kathy are the only messy ones.  In my opinion Kyle just isn't that selfless or that nice of a person. 



It was a huge theme last season!  







Though this is the first time fans are hearing of it, this revelation is apparently not new, as Kathy did not invite Kyle or Kim to her annual Christmas party held back on December 12th.

While it appeared the feud was initially due to Kathy being angry that Kyle, 46, had made the family drama about 51-year-old Kim's addiction public via their reality show, there may be more to the situation.

Kathy's husband Rick is reportedly still furious at Kyle's husband Mauricio for betraying him and starting his own real estate business.


I cannot speak to the rest of your post because my points are specific to Kim's drinking and Kathy not inviting Kyle's entire family to the wedding.  Those two things are facts that have come up.  


I don't see Kyle as doing things for others, aside from her family, at all and never said that.   I have also voiced frustration that she does not stand up for herself, the victim role is unattractive and she does go there at times.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4

I don't buy the picture that is being painted of Kyle, here.  Other than Kathy's kids having been public nuisances, what proof does anybody have that she's any worse or better than Kyle.  In any regard.


IRL, I've seen Kyle twirling around a stripper pole at a gay bar.  On the show, I've seen Kyle get her lady bits waxed 2 or 3 or 4? times.  I've seen her scream Eff YOU in a restaurant on numerous occasions. I've seen her do splits in crotch baring dresses on the dance floor at 3 parties.  I've heard her throw her family under the bus.  And Kathy has done what now?  And AFAIK, Kathy hasn't commented on any of this.


I'm not defending Kathy.  But it cracks me up that a photo of Kathy, Kyle and Faye is being called staged because Kathy wants to sweep everything under the rug.  Kathy is ALLLL about appearances.  I hate to remind everyone that Kyle's best friend is Faye Resnick.  She was in a picture with Kanye.  At a party at Kris Jenner's house. LOL  Kyle is probably every bit as tacky, fame whoring and shit stirring as Kathy is.


I say 'probably' because none of us can say much about what these twits are really like - with any degree of certainty.

It was Kathy who introduced Kyle to Faye as well as to KJ. Also, Kathy is besties with BOTH of these women as well. LOL  

With all due respect, who said?  There are so many things in this thread that are being stated as fact that Kathy and Rick have done that I can't keep track.  It's possible they've done all this and more.  But it hurts my sensibilities to read Kyle being portrayed as the sister who is always doing everything for everybody and Kim and Kathy are the only messy ones.  In my opinion Kyle just isn't that selfless or that nice of a person. 

Actually Kim said that Mauricio has been/acted like a "husband" for her. Fixing/taking care of things around the house/paying bills/ect. Also, Kim's daughter, Whitney, turned to Kyle, NOT Kathy when she wanted to move to Texas with her dad and Kim threw a fit on her and Chad moved in with Kyle, NOT Kathy. So there is evidence that Kyle has been there for Kim/kids more than Kathy. Also, remember back to Kimberly's graduation, it was supposed to be held at Kathy's house and Kathy was to help Kim plan/decorate for the party but instead she, Kathy, went to London to BP, to view the Royal China patterns with the rest of the tourists and did not help Kim OR even attend the party.. Kim even said that THE reason Kathy was THE "good" sister was because Kathy took her phone calls, NOT that Kathy came to her aide, just that she took her numerous phone calls throughout the day, she has never said more than that about Kathy OR Rick.


kyle has always come across to me as both arrogant and entitled, so I have never looked upon her as a 'nice' person....which does NOT in any way excuse or change my opinion of kimmie as a very nasty, entitled, arrogant, drug addled, substance abusing POS....IMNSHO there just happens to be at least two of them in the same family...


I have no idea what episode it was in, but I was damn near mesmerized, perhaps even stupefied,  with the incredible idiocy of the scene with a couple of kyle's daughters getting ear piercings and ramping up the hystrionic dramatics to the rafters....and was that really kyle scrunched up in the lap of one of them?  Seriously? What complete and total bullshit!


Clearly this woman has nothing of interest to offer....I'd much rather spend my time watching the house porn, food porn, etc of LisaV, Elileen, and LisaR than to waste more time on kyle( and the hubs who says 'amaaaaaaaaazzzzziiiiiiinnng MUCH, MUCH too often to be believable and certainly nothing more than totally hokey), kimmie, yoyolemons and their assorted hangers-on....


Perhaps rather than catching the random scene, I should actually watch an episode or two of the current season (and it DID seem to me in some random shot of LisaV and kyle in some locale where kyle was in full moomoo mode that kyle may have given up thoughts of appropriate clothing choices...if she can't be bothered to get fit and stay fit, why try to continually disguise it? Geez! With all her money why should she feel any need to pretend she's thin?) Kyle needs to enjoy the life she has chosen instead of always trying to convince her 'public' that she's a size 0! And no, I'm not super-model thin....at 5'5" and 135 lbs and a BMI of 22.5 based on height, weight and DOB, I am quite content with the physique I have maintained for years with a simple, sensible eating plan and nothing more than walking for exercise.

I don't understand why Kyle wears the muumuus so much other than because they are cooler to wear in hot weather. Kyle is NOT fat, chubby or over weight at all but she does need someone to help her chose nicer clothes to wear on the show. LOL 

  • Love 4




I don't understand why Kyle wears the muumuus so much other than because they are cooler to wear in hot weather. Kyle is NOT fat, chubby or over weight at all but she does need someone to help her chose nicer clothes to wear on the show. LOL 



I think she looks better in the long casual dresses.  They have an empire waist (just below bust) so give her a longer line.  She looks short and stumpy in low cut short dresses. 


Rachael Zoe, Eva Longoria and Kelly Rippa, to name 3 short women, look fabulous in them.  Ken's word is mumu.  Long casual dresses are very much in style now.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5

With all due respect, who said?


I know it's been the theme but that's not what I was questioning.  You said:


Kathy decided that Kyle should have kept "it" a secret.

My question was, "Who said Kathy decided Kyle should have kept it a secret?"  How do we know that?  Was it said out loud by Kathy or Kyle?  Or even by a reliable news source?  The same Kathy who set up the Dr. Phil interview? 


Do you figure that Kathy wanted Kyle to keep it a secret but once she let it out of the bag, Kathy called Dr. Phil? Because since the Bravo fans were now aware of Kimmy's problems, that the whole world may as well know?

  • Love 3

It was Kathy who introduced Kyle to Faye as well as to KJ. Also, Kathy is besties with BOTH of these women as well. LOL  


My point exactly.  Kyle is every bit as good at fame whoring and shit stirring as her sister and their mutual morally corrupt best friends. LOL


Actually Kim said that Mauricio has been/acted like a "husband" for her. Fixing/taking care of things around the house/paying bills/ect.


Now we believe what comes out of Kim's mouth? LOL


Also, Kim's daughter, Whitney, turned to Kyle, NOT Kathy when she wanted to move to Texas with her dad and Kim threw a fit on her and Chad moved in with Kyle, NOT Kathy. So there is evidence that Kyle has been there for Kim/kids more than Kathy.


Possibly but not necessarily, bolding mine.  I don't remember the part about Whitney. And that's the first I've heard that Chad moved in with Kyle.  So if those things are true, we've got a handful of things Kyle has done.  We don't know what Kathy has done.  Just because we know (or think we do) that Kyle does so much, doesn't mean Kathy hasn't had her home and bank account open to her siblings and extended family in the past and present.


I've been the caretaker and glue that keeps my extended family together for years.  We've got the biggest house so holidays are always here.  Our business is booming so if anyone has ever needed a loan or some help, it's always been us with our wallets open.  I don't work, so whatever care my elderly parents require, falls squarely on me.  But in 7 years when my husband retires, we're gonna get real selfish, real fast with certain family members because it will be our time. 


That's exactly how Kathy Hilton feels.  How do I know?  I don't.  Any more than I know that Kyle is the always the one who everyone turns to.  Just can't be stated as a fact. 

  • Love 8

I know it's been the theme but that's not what I was questioning.  You said:


My question was, "Who said Kathy decided Kyle should have kept it a secret?"  How do we know that?  Was it said out loud by Kathy or Kyle?  Or even by a reliable news source?  The same Kathy who set up the Dr. Phil interview? 


Do you figure that Kathy wanted Kyle to keep it a secret but once she let it out of the bag, Kathy called Dr. Phil? Because since the Bravo fans were now aware of Kimmy's problems, that the whole world may as well know?



To the bold, probably.  In my post above I have links that state Kathy wanted it to be kept in the family and not out on TV.  As far as reliable news source?  Who knows.  


We never know, what everyone thinks and feels, really.  If we relied on concrete info this message board would probably cease to exist!  LOL!  


i don't take reality TV all that seriously.  I do have fun snarking on what I see going on from my perspective though! 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4

I know it's been the theme but that's not what I was questioning.  You said:


My question was, "Who said Kathy decided Kyle should have kept it a secret?"  How do we know that?  Was it said out loud by Kathy or Kyle?  Or even by a reliable news source?  The same Kathy who set up the Dr. Phil interview? 


Do you figure that Kathy wanted Kyle to keep it a secret but once she let it out of the bag, Kathy called Dr. Phil? Because since the Bravo fans were now aware of Kimmy's problems, that the whole world may as well know?

Kyle has talked about how their mother told them NOT to talk about Kim's addictions a few times on the show. Kyle has also said, on the show/reunion, that Kathy/THE family were upset that Kyle outed Kim's addiction season 1 in the limo. I believe her. YMMV

My point exactly.  Kyle is every bit as good at fame whoring and shit stirring as her sister and their mutual morally corrupt best friends. LOL



Now we believe what comes out of Kim's mouth? LOL



Possibly but not necessarily, bolding mine.  I don't remember the part about Whitney. And that's the first I've heard that Chad moved in with Kyle.  So if those things are true, we've got a handful of things Kyle has done.  We don't know what Kathy has done.  Just because we know (or think we do) that Kyle does so much, doesn't mean Kathy hasn't had her home and bank account open to her siblings and extended family in the past and present.


I've been the caretaker and glue that keeps my extended family together for years.  We've got the biggest house so holidays are always here.  Our business is booming so if anyone has ever needed a loan or some help, it's always been us with our wallets open.  I don't work, so whatever care my elderly parents require, falls squarely on me.  But in 7 years when my husband retires, we're gonna get real selfish, real fast with certain family members because it will be our time. 


That's exactly how Kathy Hilton feels.  How do I know?  I don't.  Any more than I know that Kyle is the always the one who everyone turns to.  Just can't be stated as a fact. 

Yes, Kyle is a famewhore, like ALL of the HWs AND her sisters. Remember the show Kathy tried to sell the networks, HER show, the one about BH bums, talk about gross.


Do I believe Kim? No, at least NOT on her word alone but Kyle/Mauricio backed her statement up several times ON the show over the years.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 7

I don't understand why Kyle wears the muumuus so much other than because they are cooler to wear in hot weather. Kyle is NOT fat, chubby or over weight at all but she does need someone to help her chose nicer clothes to wear on the show. LOL 

I think it is comfort. I love wearing loose-fitting clothes. There is a big difference between the muumuus Kyle wears and the ones I see some females wear. LOL  Kyle's muumuus looks fashionable and pretty while the others look like a broke-ass house dress.  There were a few who commented on Kyle's blouse that she wore to lunch in the first episode. Comments about how ill-fitting it looked on her, forget that she had on a mic pack which likely made the blouse appear tighter on her. She is either wearing something too tight or too loose. There have been plenty of photos posted over the seasons of the various clothes Kyle has worn outside of the show and it appears she changes it up quite often depending on the occasion.


This past year, we had some intense hot weather with lots of humidity. So Cal resident here who lives not far from Los Angeles/Malibu/Santa Monica. It was bad. We are not used to the humidity. We can deal with hot weather with a cool ocean breeze but as I noted, this past year was especially bad. I am not sure when filming took place for this season, but if it took place after March, then Kyle wearing a muumuu was likely due to the heat. Not that Kyle wouldn't have worn a muumuu otherwise, but she may have worn them more so this past year due to the weather.

  • Love 6

Also, remember back to Kimberly's graduation, it was supposed to be held at Kathy's house and Kathy was to help Kim plan/decorate for the party but instead she, Kathy, went to London to BP, to view the Royal China patterns with the rest of the tourists and did not help Kim OR even attend the party.


I have to revisit this. Early last spring, I offered to host my niece's husband's 30th birthday party in July.  My niece who is wishy-washy, but not an addict like Kim, kept switching the dates.  I couldn't plan any weekend events for the summer until she decided on a final day. Finally I put my foot down and she got pissy and said she'd just have it at her house.  It fell on the one weekend that my family goes to northern Michigan for a week.  So we didn't go to her party.


If anyone accused me of never helping my family because of the time I said I'd host the party, backed out and then didn't even go because I decided to go up north instead...oy.  Like I said, above, we've been the backbone of this family since my parents got sick.


We have no reason to believe that Kim didn't pull a similar stunt on Kathy.  And is just as plausible as all these other scenarios we're talking about where Kathy is the horrible, selfish sister and Kyle is the one always coming to the rescue.

  • Love 2

I have to revisit this. Early last spring, I offered to host my niece's husband's 30th birthday party in July.  My niece who is wishy-washy, but not an addict like Kim, kept switching the dates.  I couldn't plan any weekend events for the summer until she decided on a final day. Finally I put my foot down and she got pissy and said she'd just have it at her house.  It fell on the one weekend that my family goes to northern Michigan for a week.  So we didn't go to her party.


If anyone accused me of never helping my family because of the time I said I'd host the party, backed out and then didn't even go because I decided to go up north instead...oy.  Like I said, above, we've been the backbone of this family since my parents got sick.


We have no reason to believe that Kim didn't pull a similar stunt on Kathy.  And is just as plausible as all these other scenarios we're talking about where Kathy is the horrible, selfish sister and Kyle is the one always coming to the rescue.

Kathy has missed a number of events/parties/graduations of her sisters kids that have occurred ON the show but never misses using her sisters tenure on the show to promote her own dress line, her daughters book, her eldest singing career, ect.. Oh, and we DO know that although the time was changed for Kimberly's GP, the date was NOT changed. We know this because of her, Kim, blowing her top at Lisa/Ken for missing the party. Heck, Kathy/Rick didn't even go Brooke's "wedding" in Mexico. I think Kathy is the sister that Kim TALKS to while Kyle is the sister that does the grunt work and I think that started out happening because Kathy/family were often traveling or living in NYC when Kim's kids were younger....Kyle became to go to sister/aunt. I do think Kathy/Rick give Kim money, have helped her find houses to rent and have put up with the "woe is me" cries Kim loves to do but, IMO, the day to day has fallen on Kyle to do.


As for family, I have that sister that thinks everything should be at her house, even though I can seat everyone at the same table in my house and she can't (her dinning room is very small as is her table), so need for a kids table and a grandkids table. Also, my yard, although not as large (1 acre) as hers (3 acres), is level/more usable, hers is not as most of it is a gully. I took care of our parents for over 20 years and finally told my siblings they needed to step up to the plate as I needed some help and they took over and are doing a great job. My sister liked(s) to control everyone and everything while I always did the grunt work, that is until I said enough was enough. We see things from our respective angles/experiences. LOL


Kyle has said she is leaving the show?  When and where?

Kyle did NOT say this, her BIL, Rick Hilton, did in a drive by interview with TMZ. LOL  http://www.tmz.com/2015/12/28/rick-hilton-kyle-richards-quitting-rhobh/

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 2

Kathy was at Kimberly's graduation (photo below). What day was her graduation? Was the graduation party held on a different day? I know Lisa V. was out of state for the charity event of June 27th and returned on the 28th which seems to be the date of the grad party. I just can't recall if the party was held later in the month.



  • Love 1

Kathy was at Kimberly's graduation (photo below). What day was her graduation? Was the graduation party held on a different day? I know Lisa V. was out of state for the charity event of June 27th and returned on the 28th which seems to be the date of the grad party. I just can't recall if the party was held later in the month.



So Sorry, I was talking about the graduation party and should have made it more clear in my post! LOL The party was held on a different day than the actual graduation ceremony. The original time was supposed to be afternoon and was pushed back to the evening, which is why Lisa/Ken responded NO on their RSVP and Lisa said they were never told about the time change. They weren't supposed to get back until later than they actually did and they had already responded No and sent a gift (which they never received a Thank You for from either Kimberly or Kim) so they went out to dinner instead.

Paris's eye is in full wonk.


Kyle must be wearing some serious heels.

Paris and Kim-same eye thing. 

Found this about the Rick Hilton interview- since neither Bravo or Kyle has confirmed it I am guessing it is a ploy by Rick to get her to give up her million dollar a year endeavor.  I wonder if they would force Kim to quit for family unity?  http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/kyle-richards-quitting-real-housewives-beverly-hills-rick-hilton-vendetta-family/

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The Hiltons seem really desperate for (bad) publicity.

Did Kathy want to be a RH or FoH? I'm not getting their reasoning.

Maybe it's just in their blood. Except Nicki has remained fairly well-behaved.

Awful family.

It is the oddest thing they blow off their kids' arrests, said absolutely nothing about the one kid calling the world peasants, Paris, as a woman over thirty, making disparaging comments about gays and AIDS, or anything about the horrible things written about Kathy and her mother but let it be known there was a little discord surrounding the wedding and it is gloves off.  I hate to say it because Nicky's publicist is high on saying it was one of the Top Ten weddings of the year, but part of the reason it got ink, and every major publication that ran with it was Kyle attending and photos of her. 


Kathy wants reality shows about her family and extended family but she and Rick want creative control and be the Executive Producers.  Bottom line is on their own they aren't terribly entertaining and there is just no way to hire a reality cast that has the ability to blow enough smoke about the wonderful Hiltons.  The whole hurry up wedding is a perfect example of Kathy just steam rolling over Kim (and Brooke).  Brooke said I want a beachy dress and Kathy kept having them trot out what she liked.  The wedding was a joke-even her daughters didn't attend and then when Brooke got her wedding Kathy and Rick didn't attend.  I think the added bonus was Kathy set the wedding for a weekend when Kyle and Mauricio were in Europe and had to cut the vacation short.  It is not as if her backyard would not be available the following weekend.


I think Nicky has managed to comport herself well but she reigns supreme with the Hilton arrogance.  Never more an entitled family have I run across.

  • Love 7

I hate to say it because Nicky's publicist is high on saying it was one of the Top Ten weddings of the year, but part of the reason it got ink, and every major publication that ran with it was Kyle attending and photos of her. 


Ohhh! Show me!  I've searched high and low and can't find a single picture of Kyle at the wedding.  I'm curious to see what dress she bought in London.

Ohhh! Show me!  I've searched high and low and can't find a single picture of Kyle at the wedding.  I'm curious to see what dress she bought in London.



She wore a black pant suit and  looked stunning. 



Edited by wings707
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Thanks.  That was the only picture I could find and I was hoping it was from taken at one of the pre-wedding festivities and not the reception.  Yes, she looks beautiful but a weird choice for a Rothschild reception at Kensington Garden.  But not any weirder than Nicky's friend wearing, what looks like, a princess gown WITH a tiara to her friends' wedding. WTH?


Kyle, if the invitation says 'black tie' it doesn't mean you have to wear a black tie. If only she hadn't been disinvited before she left the States.  Her stylist could have picked something more appropriate. At least with a pantsuit, when she did the splits on the dance floor, the visiting royalty didn't have to see her underwear. ;-)



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That menu is making me drool;-)



I hadn't scrolled down to see the menu when I first looked at wing's link.  Dang.  The food.  I'd be satisfied with what they served 'After dinner'. 


Those function sheets confirm, for me, that Kyle was extremely underdressed for the occasion.


I was happy to see Nicky choose a classy, conservative gown.  She did, unlike her Aunt Kyle, give us a flash of her underwear, though. LOL



Edited by ryebread
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ZOEYSMOM, ON 30 DEC 2015 - AT 12:40 PM, SAID:

I hate to say it because Nicky's publicist is high on saying it was one of the Top Ten weddings of the year, but part of the reason it got ink, and every major publication that ran with it was Kyle attending and photos of her.

Ohhh! Show me!  I've searched high and low and can't find a single picture of Kyle at the wedding.  I'm curious to see what dress she bought in London.

That one picture, posted downthread from your post, is about the only one of Kyle I have seen. And I'm still not crazy about the pants suit. Nor her pose.

My impression was that the pubs and paps were there more for Nicki's new family and of course for Paris. Saw too many pics of her but one is kinda' too many for me.

And it appears that it's not a Hilton event unles we see someone's panties. Geesh.

  • Love 6

Short.  And she can't dance.  I was looking for the video where she's working the pole in a white bandage dress and I couldn't find it right away.  I found this short clip where she's pulling up the hem of her friend's dress to expose her bare ass.  Then when the friend does it herself, Kyle stands back, raises her hands up to the crowd like, "What are ya gonna do?  I'm not the one showing my ass." 


LOL. Typical Kyle.  Starts the ball rolling and then stands back to watch the blowback.



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In this episode of Kyle working the stage, Kyle thinks she's bringing the class to her pole dancing in her white $5000 Herve Leger and possibly Manolos. 


This time, Kyle's friend lays down on the stage in this crowded bar, in a short dress - raises her bare legs in the air against the pole and then spreads 'em.  Kyle sits down to watch, probably clutching her pearls.  I seeeeee you, Kyle.


Spare yourself some tedium and skip right to the 1:30 mark. LOL.  These middle aged Beverly Hills 'ladies' put the K in Klass.



Edited by ryebread
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