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Bethenny & Jason: The Divorce Showdown

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2 hours ago, smores said:

Jason could easily have gone to his lawyer and had something done (go back to court, his lawyer contact her lawyer, etc) about her not appropriately responding to whatever parenting plan they have in place.  If they have shared custody, there has to be a minimum level of communication between them (whether literally between them or through some intermediary) to address general life issues.   Trust me, parents take other parents back to court for other more ridiculous stuff, there are mechanisms in place for this without having to wait until she leaves Bryn by the side of the road at 3 am because she forgot her after a play date.  (Which, honestly, what is with everyone assuming that B is just a shit mother?  I'm not sure how there is any doubt that she loves her daughter and will do whatever she can for her. Hate her, think she's a harpy bitch, but she's never demonstrated anything that makes it look like she is a neglectful parent- note, not directed at you, Hunter, just a random rant)

I'm not a parent, I only learned enough family law to pass the bar, and strangely for someone in their 30s I probably only knew of a dozen or so marriages that ended in divorce and 3 of them were my parents (dad's first 2 marriages and my mom' first marriage, but they married each other have been together for 40 years). All of this is to say that I'm not super familiar with the ins and outs of divorce stuff.

Jason had mechanisms to get Bethenny to respond to him. Rather than going to his attorney and the court, he chose the second dumbest strategy (first would have been an actual physical altercation). I'm sure the nasty emails felt really satisfying when he wrote them. Had he bothered to ask his attorney, parents, or even his friends, they would have told him to not do it or stop.

I'm of the mindset that Bethenny might be exaggerating how nasty the vast majority of the emails are, but that there is enough troubling language and threats to justify his arrest. Yes, I know that the police arrest people sometimes with no evidence. But Jason isn't poor, a person of color, or an individual with a mental illness or intellectual disability. Nor does he appear to be marginalized in some other way. In a likelihood, he fucked up. Maybe not as badly as Bethenny makes it seem, but he went too far at some point.

Bethenny might have pitched a fit to the police, but they were under no obligation to arrest him. She has neither money or power enough to pull that off. She's not a Bloomberg or DeBlasio, an Icahn or married to Barry Diller (Diane von Furstenberg's very gay billionaire husband). A bitchy entitled loud mouthed New Yorker with millions of dollars is bitching to the police about something. If they arrested someone every time this happened, there would be a shit ton more people in Rikers Island.

For months Jules and Pizza Box (TM Brian Moylan's moniker for Michael Wainstein) were screaming at each other and calling the police constantly. No arrests even though Pizza Box is objectively awful.

Camille's divorce from Kelsey was also awful. He refused to speak to her. He wouldn't respond to her emails. He started saying she was a cold calculating gold-digging famewhore to anyone who asked about the divorce. He also downplayed how she supported him as he was trying to get sober. Camille, in response, went to therapy and communicated to Kelsey through their mediator. That's a normal person response. What Jason is alleged to have done isn't normal.

I didn't think you were making a swipe at me.

I think Bethenny is probably a pretty decent mother, which is why calling her Bernadette hurts her so much.

Edited by HunterHunted
BBHN reminded me that not all bald rich guys look alike
  • Love 11
43 minutes ago, BBHN said:


Thanks for the heads up. Barry Diller is DVF's husband. Ron Perelman was married to Ellen Barkin and is the straight bald rich guy. Not Tom. Yeah, the other one.

One of my favorite jokes about Barry Diller and DVF's marriage was from Howard Stern. The joke was "What did the minister say when he married Barry Diller and DVF? I now pronounce you neighbors." Diller and DVF don't live together. They both live in New York. They each have their own apartments. I don't think they even live in the same parties of town.


Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 2

I didn't pass the bar, I just grew up with divorced parents who had a lot of really stupid fights over things in court that didn't need to happen.  (After the death of my father I got the joy of going through his papers and let me tell you, it's mind boggling to read about a court date 30+ years later where one of the kids mentioned to the other parent that they looked at rugs and color tvs with the first parent and somehow that was worth hauling the first parent into court? But, true story, it happened)  

Way back during BEA, I felt that Jason was manipulative and a different person off camera than he was on, which is why I don't really have a problem seeing him doing this out of revenge/spite.  But, I get that other people don't read him that way, which is fine.  It seems like we're more on the same page than not, though.  The court date will be interesting.  

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

She has neither money or power enough to pull that off. She's not a Bloomberg or DeBlasio, an Icahn or married to Ron Pelerman (Diane von Furstenberg's very gay billionaire husband).

It's true she's not a Bloomberg,  but she's a rising NBC asset & it wouldn't surprise me if the cops/prosecution decided to err on the side of caution (if only b/c of criticism of them in the past for being lax on stalking cases, combined with Frankel's celebrity).  I don't trust the system, so assuming there are reasons not case related behind who gets charged & who goes free -- race, gender, money, celebrity status -- doesn't surprise me. We'll know once the evidence is rolled out if they were right or wrong on the charge (or at least the contents of the emails will be revealed for people to wrangle over ;) 

13 minutes ago, smores said:

I didn't pass the bar, I just grew up with divorced parents who had a lot of really stupid fights over things in court that didn't need to happen.  (After the death of my father I got the joy of going through his papers and let me tell you, it's mind boggling to read about a court date 30+ years later where one of the kids mentioned to the other parent that they looked at rugs and color tvs with the first parent and somehow that was worth hauling the first parent into court? But, true story, it happened)  

Sorry you had to live through that, Smores.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, QuinnM said:

I would like to point out that this was one of the sources close to Hoppy media plants.  They paint Bethenny in a bad light.  They prove that Hoppy was just as guilty as Bethenny in going to the press.  I know that it seems he never went to the press but articles like this show that he did.

I remember one of the previous leaks indicated that he was offered $7 million and turned it down.  But I have to say the very wording of this leak would be why I would turn it down.  No way would she settle with verbaige saying he was instrumental in SG from the start.  Besides the fact that that is a lie it would open her company up to a second settlement with him.

How do you know the "source" was from Jason's side, it could easily have been from Bethenny's side as well. IMO, the "source" is a court employee or ROL just making up that it has a source to begin with. This information was obtained before the custody agreement was reached, well before the divorce fight went to court. ROL isn't all that trust worthy.

3 hours ago, film noire said:

I know they had a pre nup . I was  trying to find who asked /offered the ten million -- that's all -  not whether it was part of the pre nup, or not part of the pre nup or whether it makes him a bigger or lesser -- or whatever dick -- just who asked for what, when. 

They do -- that's why I quoted just the number, not the stuff about her. 

We have no idea who the "source" was. See my post above. LOL

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

How do you know the "source" was from Jason's side, it could easily have been from Bethenny's side as well. IMO, the "source" is a court employee or ROL just making up that it has a source to begin with. This information was obtained before the custody agreement was reached, well before the divorce fight went to court. ROL isn't all that trust worthy.

I suppose Bethenny would say Jason had been instrumental in SGs success and consulted from the beginning. But that would never happen. So this is a Jason leak where an insider to Hoppy thinks he's due half of SG. 

Edited by QuinnM
  • Love 7
1 minute ago, QuinnM said:

I suppose Bethenny would say Jason had been instrumental in SGs success and consulted from the beginning. But that would never happen. So this is a Jadon leak where an insider to Hoppy thinks he's due half of SG. 

No, ROL makes up shit all the time. It is more likely they got this story about him asking for 10m from the paperwork filed for the divorce and added in the "source". Most of their reports about the custody fight were lifted directly from the court transcript, word for word, and they claimed it came from "sources" close to Jason which was a lie, it was from the transcript!  The divorce had a gag order, so anyone talking about it faced court punishment. Bethenny got in trouble for talking about how "hard" the divorce was on her when she mentioned it on WWHL during the battle. 

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

How do you know the "source" was from Jason's side, it could easily have been from Bethenny's side as well. IMO, the "source" is a court employee or ROL just making up that it has a source to begin with. This information was obtained before the custody agreement was reached, well before the divorce fight went to court. ROL isn't all that trust worthy.

We have no idea who the "source" was. See my post above. LOL

RadaronLine on more than one occasion has been known to make stuff up.  I don't believe Jason was leaking as there was never anything particularly flattering about him.  As to negative press about Bethenny that has been going on for years.  Part of what makes Bethenny, Bethenny is  she is outspoken and brash.  She loves reality shows,press and social media and she knows how to use it.

Even on this site people have claims that Jason turned down a $10 million dollar offer and he asked for $10 million dollars.  Those claims are pretty far apart.

I am of the belief that Jason realized a long time ago once the divorce was filed he was more than happy to bow out of the limelight.  It doesn't make him the better person it just indicates he wants control over what is released to the press.  If he says nothing the press is left with "sources" (meaning guesses).  He doesn't have to waste his time confirming or denying, He doesn't have a talk show, appear on a reality show so there is really no reason for him to be shooting his mouth off the press.  He has attorneys who make pretty bland statements from time to time.

16 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

I suppose Bethenny would say Jason had been instrumental in SGs success and consulted from the beginning. But that would never happen. So this is a Jadon leak where an insider to Hoppy thinks he's due half of SG. 

Without knowing Jason anyone could assert he had a hand in Skinnygirl-he was on her show for three seasons.  There were scenes portraying him as being helpful.  It doesn't take a party or an inside source it is just common sense to make such a claim.  Ivana Trump asserted  the same to get around the pre-nup she had with Donald Trump.  It is what attorneys do when they are advocating for someone.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:


Without knowing Jason anyone could assert he had a hand in Skinnygirl-he was on her show for three seasons.  There were scenes portraying him as being helpful.  It doesn't take a party or an inside source it is just common sense to make such a claim.  Ivana Trump asserted  the same to get around the pre-nup she had with Donald Trump.  It is what attorneys do when they are advocating for someone.

It is really hard for me to think it is common sense to believe that Jason was entitled to $10MM based on what we saw of his involvement in SG. Hard to imagine anyone outside of Hoppy's camp thinking this is at all reasonable. 

The thing is, unless I have this all wrong, much of the legal shenanigans between Beth and Jason had to do with him wanting stuff that she had, and her believing that he wasn't entitled to those things (leaving the custody deal to the side). Beth had the stuff, and Jason wanted more of the stuff. On his part, not smart to go around throwing shit at her in the media if you are eventually hoping to stick your hand further in the cookie jar. Better to look quiet and disciplined, and let others speak for you. But of course he was saying shit about her and it was reported as "sources". Even if you don't believe that 160, 180, or 200 or whatever emails is wrong. Or believe that sending some to her boyfriend warning him that she is a horrible person, or emailing her that she is old and ugly and will end up alone is a sign that he is harassing her. Fine. Some folks don't think those things rise to the level that Beth has claimed. But it does show that the dude isn't one to sit around and not say shit about Beth. Is one to believe that a dude that does that just sat around quietly for all those years and never said shit about Beth? To friends, to co-workers, to his lawyer. Or to an on-line magazine that will keep his secret? It just boggles the mind to me that folks think the guy just kept quiet.  Again, not saying that he is guilty of a crime, but it does sound like he sent emails to everyone and their dog and said a lot of shit about Beth. That kind of guy wouldn't just sit quietly all those years, IMO. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, film noire said:

It's true she's not a Bloomberg,  but she's a rising NBC asset & it wouldn't surprise me if the cops/prosecution decided to err on the side of caution (if only b/c of criticism of them in the past for being lax on stalking cases, combined with Frankel's celebrity).  I don't trust the system, so assuming there are reasons not case related behind who gets charged & who goes free -- race, gender, money, celebrity status -- doesn't surprise me. We'll know once the evidence is rolled out if they were right or wrong on the charge (or at least the contents of the emails will be revealed for people to wrangle over ;) 

I don't know if she's enough of an asset to warrant his arrest if there is nothing there. Her celebrity cuts both ways. Because she's famous, you know that various media outlets are going to start doing records requests. If there isn't enough evidence to justify an arrest, the police are going to quickly find themselves to be party to a civil rights violation and lawsuit because of her celebrity. The police have faced criticism for being lax about stalking and domestic violence, but they've also faced criticism over inappropriate arrests and violence.

I just think there's at least enough evidence in what Bethenny gave the police to credibly sustain an arrest. It cannot be all histrionic bullshit. That's a quick way to get your ass disciplined for "doing a favor." There were 160 emails. Maybe 150 called Bethenny an asshole and a bitch. 10 of them say something to the effect of "You're going to fucking regret this you bitch. I'll end you." Did he make any affirmative steps to harm or injure her? No. Except for the argument at the school, was Jason showing up places he wasn't supposed to be to ambush Bethenny? No, but those 10 emails and his confrontation with Bethenny at the school could be enough to sustain an arrest. I'm not saying that he's going to be convicted, but I think the police were probably savy enough to not let her celebrity get them in a situation that could be trouble.

Jason clearly isn't Darren Sharper, but he's also not DeMario Jackson either. He sent 160 emails to Bethenny and her staff. Even if 99% of his emails were angry, but not threatening, there was no good goddamn reason to loop Dennis into this nonsense. So if Dennis was on the receiving end of emails where Jason says "I don't know why you're with this nasty manipulative bitch. Watch out. She'll ruin you too." Is Jason overtly threatening Dennis? No. But Dennis shouldn't be party to any of this nonsense. Jason had no legitimate reason for contacting Dennis, especially if he continued to do so after the cease and desist.

Maybe her celebrity had some impact on the police. Maybe she did exaggerate the extent of his threats and harassment. But none of that means that Jason wasn't also wrong in how he was behaving. Maybe Bethenny could have handled his behavior with just a TRO, going to her lawyer or the court, but so could Jason and he chose none of that. TWO WRONGS DON'T MAKE A RIGHT.

She wasn't answering his emails. Get the family court judge to make her answer your emails. Don't send emails to her, her staff, and her boyfriend about how she's an evil manipulative bitch who will ruin their lives. Yeah, that's sure going to get her to play ball. She goes low. You go high. Instead she went low and so did he. This is the end result of that. He thought he was going to out asshole Bethenny. Congratulations asshole! You've been arrested for harassment and stalking. You sure showed her who the big dicked boss was. He's a fuckwit who fucked himself because his own words and emails got him into this situation.

That's not to say that I'm not sympathetic to him, but he really needed to talk to his attorney or a level-headed friend when Bethenny first started pulling this. Left to his own devices he picked a really dumb method to resolve this.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, BBHN said:

Yeah, it makes sense that Bethenny would leak stuff to make herself look bad...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Well .... well ... maybe  it was all some kind of clever strategy on the part of Bethenny to plant unfavorable stories about herself in order to frame Jason as being a "source."

Yeah, that's the ticket!

  • Love 7

Hopefully the two of them get their heads on straight because they're heading to a Kelly Rutherford situation except both Bethenny and Jason are Kelly. They're both acting pretty awful like Kelly, but in this situation the court is going to give Julie custody of Bryn. Julie and Bryn will move to Monaco and Julie will talk to Sonja's good friend Albert and have Bethenny and Jason banned from entering Monaco.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

RadaronLine on more than one occasion has been known to make stuff up.  I don't believe Jason was leaking as there was never anything particularly flattering about him.  As to negative press about Bethenny that has been going on for years.  Part of what makes Bethenny, Bethenny is  she is outspoken and brash.  She loves reality shows,press and social media and she knows how to use it.

Even on this site people have claims that Jason turned down a $10 million dollar offer and he asked for $10 million dollars.  Those claims are pretty far apart.

I am of the belief that Jason realized a long time ago once the divorce was filed he was more than happy to bow out of the limelight.  It doesn't make him the better person it just indicates he wants control over what is released to the press.  If he says nothing the press is left with "sources" (meaning guesses).  He doesn't have to waste his time confirming or denying, He doesn't have a talk show, appear on a reality show so there is really no reason for him to be shooting his mouth off the press.  He has attorneys who make pretty bland statements from time to time.

Without knowing Jason anyone could assert he had a hand in Skinnygirl-he was on her show for three seasons.  There were scenes portraying him as being helpful.  It doesn't take a party or an inside source it is just common sense to make such a claim.  Ivana Trump asserted  the same to get around the pre-nup she had with Donald Trump.  It is what attorneys do when they are advocating for someone.

I will not say it's outside the realm of possibility, but truly, how likely is it that negative press would come from Bethenny or her camp?  To my mind, not very, given that Bethenny does have so many opportunities to get her points across; she really doesn't need any help.  If she wants to say something without saying it, she could have one of her assistants or friends do so. To me, this just doesn't pass the sniff test.  

I could imagine Jason has an interest in saying look, the devil made me do it, and she is an awful devil, here's why. Perhaps he wants his version of events represented in some way. 

Is it possible to accept the idea that Jason doesn't want any record of him shit talking Bryn's mom, for Bryn's sake, in the record, but also accept the idea that he feels he is being misrepresented and would like the record corrected? If so, doesn't it make more sense that those anti-Bethenny or pro-Jason leaks came from his camp, even if just as a defensive action?  I don't think one needs agree that he was not entitled to stand up for himself in order to acknowledge that he did, albeit in a roundabout way. 

  • Love 6
41 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It is really hard for me to think it is common sense to believe that Jason was entitled to $10MM based on what we saw of his involvement in SG. Hard to imagine anyone outside of Hoppy's camp thinking this is at all reasonable. 

The thing is, unless I have this all wrong, much of the legal shenanigans between Beth and Jason had to do with him wanting stuff that she had, and her believing that he wasn't entitled to those things (leaving the custody deal to the side). Beth had the stuff, and Jason wanted more of the stuff. On his part, not smart to go around throwing shit at her in the media if you are eventually hoping to stick your hand further in the cookie jar. Better to look quiet and disciplined, and let others speak for you. But of course he was saying shit about her and it was reported as "sources". Even if you don't believe that 160, 180, or 200 or whatever emails is wrong. Or believe that sending some to her boyfriend warning him that she is a horrible person, or emailing her that she is old and ugly and will end up alone is a sign that he is harassing her. Fine. Some folks don't think those things rise to the level that Beth has claimed. But it does show that the dude isn't one to sit around and not say shit about Beth. Is one to believe that a dude that does that just sat around quietly for all those years and never said shit about Beth? To friends, to co-workers, to his lawyer. Or to an on-line magazine that will keep his secret? It just boggles the mind to me that folks think the guy just kept quiet.  Again, not saying that he is guilty of a crime, but it does sound like he sent emails to everyone and their dog and said a lot of shit about Beth. That kind of guy wouldn't just sit quietly all those years, IMO. 

First off there is no evidence Jason asked or was offered $10 million dollar.  Bethenny's former agent asked for $100 million in his lawsuit against her.  I guess the theory might be based on future earnings of the brand.   Camille Grammer asked for half all of future  "Frasier" syndication earnings-she wasn't even married to Kelsey for part of his run on "Frasier".  Negotiations are a starting point.  Things seen on a reality show, which one of the parties claim are all true may just seem to be that-all true.  So the assertion isn't as if he was asking for something out of the realm. 

I don't follow the logic that Jason would not bite the hand that feeds him except he would through anonymous sources.  He either wants the brand to succeed or he doesn't.  My belief and some five years later is Jason does not want to be in the public eye.  My guess is once this divorce got rolling, and this is just a guess, that much of the publicity surrounding Bethenny was over the divorce due to the public filings.  That is out of the control of both of them.  Bethenny would most likely be asked about the divorce by mere virtue of the fact she had a talk show and "her brand" to publicize.

There is a world of difference between sending private e-mails and  publicly denouncing someone.  Everyone and their dog is probably a stretch.  Dennis is all we know of and what caused the C&D, as to her assistant(s) if they are tasked with the child exchange then he would not necessarily be out of line sending a e-mail.  I personally don't get why they had to have any contact over child pick up it would seem it would remain static.   I don't think there is ever a reason to name call.  Old, irrelevant and ugly are a ways down the scale of whore, slut, plastic fuck doll but it is name calling.   Just like I find it hard that, "I will pray for you," is pejorative but to each their own. 


  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

First off there is no evidence Jason asked or was offered $10 million dollar.  Bethenny's former agent asked for $100 million in his lawsuit against her.  I guess the theory might be based on future earnings of the brand.   Camille Grammer asked for half all of future  "Frasier" syndication earnings-she wasn't even married to Kelsey for part of his run on "Frasier".  Negotiations are a starting point.  Things seen on a reality show, which one of the parties claim are all true may just seem to be that-all true.  So the assertion isn't as if he was asking for something out of the realm. 

I don't follow the logic that Jason would not bite the hand that feeds him except he would through anonymous sources.  He either wants the brand to succeed or he doesn't.  My belief and some five years later is Jason does not want to be in the public eye.  My guess is once this divorce got rolling, and this is just a guess, that much of the publicity surrounding Bethenny was over the divorce due to the public filings.  That is out of the control of both of them.  Bethenny would most likely be asked about the divorce by mere virtue of the fact she had a talk show and "her brand" to publicize.

There is a world of difference between sending private e-mails and  publicly denouncing someone.  Everyone and their dog is probably a stretch.  Dennis is all we know of and what caused the C&D, as to her assistant(s) if they are tasked with the child exchange then he would not necessarily be out of line sending a e-mail.  I personally don't get why they had to have any contact over child pick up it would seem it would remain static.   I don't think there is ever a reason to name call.  Old, irrelevant and ugly are a ways down the scale of whore, slut, plastic fuck doll but it is name calling.   Just like I find it hard that, "I will pray for you," is pejorative but to each their own. 


Oh, oh, oh, like Horshack, I know this one!

In the context of a loving or friendly exchange, "I will pray for you" is completely non-pejorative. I believe in this context, though, Jason used it after he had said some negative things about her character and/or motives, implying that she needs them prayers because she's such a baddie that she's going to hell without them.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

No, ROL makes up shit all the time. It is more likely they got this story about him asking for 10m from the paperwork filed for the divorce and added in the "source". Most of their reports about the custody fight were lifted directly from the court transcript, word for word, and they claimed it came from "sources" close to Jason which was a lie, it was from the transcript!  The divorce had a gag order, so anyone talking about it faced court punishment. Bethenny got in trouble for talking about how "hard" the divorce was on her when she mentioned it on WWHL during the battle. 

ROL does make up shit. So does Bethenny.  Let's see what happens next week.

  • Love 8
15 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

Jason is a dumb f#@%. In his stupid little mind he thinks he did't say anything wrong at the school, in the emails, texts,  etc......GOD KNOWS WHAT HE ACTUALLY SAID TO BETHENNY'S FACE !!! Can't even imagine.........

No one knows what he actually said to Bethenny's face, except Bethenny and Jason. We don't know what he said at the school, in the emails and texts either. We also don't know what Bethenny said in emails, texts, or to Jason's face. We can't even imagine.....

  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, Jel said:

Oh, oh, oh, like Horshack, I know this one!

In the context of a loving or friendly exchange, "I will pray for you" is completely non-pejorative. I believe in this context, though, Jason used it after he had said some negative things about her character and/or motives, implying that she needs them prayers because she's such a baddie that she's going to hell without them.

To some of my crazier, very judgmental and evangelical kin, "I will pray for you" means you have done something horrible and are unfortunately going to burn in hell. And they aren't really going to be praying for you. 

  • Love 12
23 minutes ago, Jel said:

I will not say it's outside the realm of possibility, but truly, how likely is it that negative press would come from Bethenny or her camp?  To my mind, not very, given that Bethenny does have so many opportunities to get her points across; she really doesn't need any help.  If she wants to say something without saying it, she could have one of her assistants or friends do so. To me, this just doesn't pass the sniff test.  

I could imagine Jason has an interest in saying look, the devil made me do it, and she is an awful devil, here's why. Perhaps he wants his version of events represented in some way. 

Is it possible to accept the idea that Jason doesn't want any record of him shit talking Bryn's mom, for Bryn's sake, in the record, but also accept the idea that he feels he is being misrepresented and would like the record corrected? If so, doesn't it make more sense that those anti-Bethenny or pro-Jason leaks came from his camp, even if just as a defensive action?  I don't think one needs agree that he was not entitled to stand up for himself in order to acknowledge that he did, albeit in a roundabout way. 

I will say it again, many of these sites make stuff up and attribute it to someone close to the subject they are talking about.  Years ago, which began and endless feud, there was a "reporter" claiming to be from RadarOnLine  who contacted Adrienne, Kyle, and Camille and claimed Lisa Vanderpump took $25,000.00 for a story.  Adrienne was stupid enough to run with it and LVP was livid.  Camille said the guy had called her.  LVP was friends with the "publisher" of RadarOnLine and he claimed the person making the calls was not a reporter for them.  So the way it works is some ass can call a friend, co worker, even a member of the production staff of a public figure and claim "sources close to" where in reality the caller runs some BS, or even sees one of them in a restaurant by them and the co worker says nothing derogatory but the ass runs a story.  Often times they don't even talk to someone. Years ago Kyle and LVP were filming in a restaurant and someone started the rumor Caitlyn Jenner would be joining the cast (never even offered) the reporter claimed that Kyle and LVP were making disparaging comments about what bathroom would she use.   http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2015/06/25/kyle-richards-and-lisa-vanderpump-caught-making-fun-of-caitlyn-jenner/  That is what I mean by making shit up.  Kyle and Kris Jenner are BFFs and it was just an insult and totally made up.

Time is the telltale clue here.  Five years later Jason has not given an interview.  His parents haven't given an interview, he doesn't even have identified friends speaking on his behalf. 

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Happy Camper said:

No one knows what he actually said to Bethenny's face, except Bethenny and Jason. We don't know what he said at the school, in the emails and texts either. We also don't know what Bethenny said in emails, texts, or to Jason's face. We can't even imagine.....

Well we know that whatever Beth said didn't get her arrested. There is that. 

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I will say it again, many of these sites make stuff up and attribute it to someone close to the subject they are talking about.  Years ago, which began and endless feud, there was a "reporter" claiming to be from RadarOnLine  who contacted Adrienne, Kyle, and Camille and claimed Lisa Vanderpump took $25,000.00 for a story.  Adrienne was stupid enough to run with it and LVP was livid.  Camille said the guy had called her.  LVP was friends with the "publisher" of RadarOnLine and he claimed the person making the calls was not a reporter for them.  So the way it works is some ass can call a friend, co worker, even a member of the production staff of a public figure and claim "sources close to" where in reality the caller runs some BS, or even sees one of them in a restaurant by them and the co worker says nothing derogatory but the ass runs a story.  Often times they don't even talk to someone. Years ago Kyle and LVP were filming in a restaurant and someone started the rumor Caitlyn Jenner would be joining the cast (never even offered) the reporter claimed that Kyle and LVP were making disparaging comments about what bathroom would she use.   http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2015/06/25/kyle-richards-and-lisa-vanderpump-caught-making-fun-of-caitlyn-jenner/  That is what I mean by making shit up.  Kyle and Kris Jenner are BFFs and it was just an insult and totally made up.

Time is the telltale clue here.  Five years later Jason has not given an interview.  His parents haven't given an interview, he doesn't even have identified friends speaking on his behalf. 

I should have said, "Presuming Radar Online did not make up this story..." and then continued.  Mea culpa!

Just now, motorcitymom65 said:

Because it is unkind and hurtful?

Wait, so saying "i will pray for you is unkind and hurtful? Wow. That is some twisted shit.  From what I recall, Jason and his family are nice, church going people.  Why assume that that statement was meant in a mean way?

6 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Because it is unkind and hurtful?

And Bethenny has never said anything unkind or hurtful. She is such a sweet, compassionate person.

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12 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I will say it again, many of these sites make stuff up and attribute it to someone close to the subject they are talking about.  Years ago, which began and endless feud, there was a "reporter" claiming to be from RadarOnLine  who contacted Adrienne, Kyle, and Camille and claimed Lisa Vanderpump took $25,000.00 for a story.  Adrienne was stupid enough to run with it and LVP was livid.  Camille said the guy had called her.  LVP was friends with the "publisher" of RadarOnLine and he claimed the person making the calls was not a reporter for them.  So the way it works is some ass can call a friend, co worker, even a member of the production staff of a public figure and claim "sources close to" where in reality the caller runs some BS, or even sees one of them in a restaurant by them and the co worker says nothing derogatory but the ass runs a story.  Often times they don't even talk to someone. Years ago Kyle and LVP were filming in a restaurant and someone started the rumor Caitlyn Jenner would be joining the cast (never even offered) the reporter claimed that Kyle and LVP were making disparaging comments about what bathroom would she use.   http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2015/06/25/kyle-richards-and-lisa-vanderpump-caught-making-fun-of-caitlyn-jenner/  That is what I mean by making shit up.  Kyle and Kris Jenner are BFFs and it was just an insult and totally made up.

Time is the telltale clue here.  Five years later Jason has not given an interview.  His parents haven't given an interview, he doesn't even have identified friends speaking on his behalf. 

Could be 100% true.  But it is true for everyone. Folks post stories about Beth with random quotes and sources all every day and twice on Sundays. Often there is little mention of how these outlets get it wrong. Folks analyze every word as if whatever news outlet came down from the mountain and carved the words in stone. Like every word is true, or must be true, or has to be true. But whenever anything is said about Jason we are always reminded about how these rags just make shit up. 

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1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

No matter what we all suspect/think, this will be decided soon and no matter what the outcome, I hope that Jason and Bethenny stop playing games. Be it in emails or on reality shows/interviews and start putting their daughter first, instead of their own butt hurt feelings.

This is the most important point.  I just hope that Bryn is spared form the monster that they could potentially create for her.

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

Wait, so saying "i will pray for you is unkind and hurtful? Wow. That is some twisted shit.  From what I recall, Jason and his family are nice, church going people.  Why assume that that statement was meant in a mean way?

And Bethenny has never said anything unkind or hurtful. She is such a sweet, compassionate person.

Never said that. She has said plenty of hurtful things, no doubt about it. The question was about the prayer thing, which was what I was referring to. 

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