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[SUNSETTED] Cast In Other Roles: That's Fake Me. This Must Be Fake Mine.

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Welllll, things that make you go hmmm

Gilmore Girls is getting a revival with new episodes via Netflix. I wonder if Jared will partake. It makes no mention of him in the article but he did attend the Gilmore Girls reunion.


Welllll, things that make you go hmmm

Gilmore Girls is getting a revival with new episodes via Netflix. I wonder if Jared will partake. It makes no mention of him in the article but he did attend the Gilmore Girls reunion.



Is that reunion on line anywhere?


Edit to add: I give everything to find out what those "Four final words" are!!

Edited by Mick Lady

Welllll, things that make you go hmmm

Gilmore Girls is getting a revival with new episodes via Netflix. I wonder if Jared will partake. It makes no mention of him in the article but he did attend the Gilmore Girls reunion.




According to this article:


The plan, as I understand it, is for most — if not all — of Rory’s major suitors (i.e. Logan, Jess and Dean) to turn up in the four super-sized installments.


So, maybe yes, maybe no?  I know that's not much info, but it looks like they're trying.  I doubt, even if JP decides to do it, that it'll affect SPN much.  But what do I know?  ;-)

I just read that JDM is going to be on the Walking Dead. I'm glad he's getting work. I quit watching that show a couple of seasons ago. I didn't like the arc with the governor. I don't really want to start watching again. 


It would be nice if he could fit an appearance on Supernatural into his busy schedule. 



Rumors are that Alona Tal (Jo) is being considered for the role of Black Canary in the Justice League films.


OHHH man, That's kind of nutty.  They already had a PERFECT Black Canary with Caity Lotz on Arrow who IMO should have been the only BC. And for me the ONLY Green Arrow now should be Stephen Amell. 


Katie Cassidy is the new Black Canary on Arrow, who who I think sucks at it, but I just can't picture Alona Tal in that role.

Edited by catrox14
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Somehow, I get to enjoy TV shows for a couple of early seasons. Then they bring Felicia Day on and my enjoyment of the show just goes downhill. The first time this happened was with Eureka. I think they have the last two seasons on Eureka on Netflix and I won't even bother watching those. I could have handled her appearance on Supernatural if her character had been a one-off. Now she gets to play Dr. Clayton Forrester's daughter. 



Katie Cassidy is pretty bad as the Black Canary. Alona Tal seems like an odd casting decision to me as well. 

Every time I get more information about this, the more relieved I am that I didn't contribute any money to the kickstarter. I loved MST3K when Joel was hosting. I gave Mike a chance, but dropped out not long after he took over.


It might be because some of the first episodes that I saw were Mike episodes, but Mike was always my favorite. I didn't have cable that had the Comedy Channel through most of its run, and so I saw many of my episodes either on MTV or the Sci Fi channel. However they did show Joel reruns also, since I have quite a few taped Joel episodes as well. I liked Mike's dynamic with the robots where they were more friends/ equals a little more than the father/kid relationship Joel had with the bots. I also enjoyed the ridiculous plots with Pearl, Professor BoBo and Brain Guy, especially when they started traveling the "universe." And I love that Mike has his own trope: Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds (where someone destroys worlds on multiple occasions basically by accident, not because he/she is evil, but because he/she just doesn't know any better), because for me it was just so damn funny.


OHHH man, That's kind of nutty.  They already had a PERFECT Black Canary with Caity Lotz on Arrow who IMO should have been the only BC. And for me the ONLY Green Arrow now should be Stephen Amell. 


Katie Cassidy is the new Black Canary on Arrow, who who I think sucks at it, but I just can't picture Alona Tal in that role.


Why did the show change the actress who played the role? Isn't that a bit unusual? (For a TV show - not for the change from TV show to movie.)



But I agree that I'm not sure how Felicia Day will work on an MST3K reboot.

Why did the show change the actress who played the role? Isn't that a bit unusual? (For a TV show - not for the change from TV show to movie.)



Short answer: the first Canary died.


ETA  Answer that won't make sense if you're not familiar with it: they wanted to introduce the Lazarus Pit.

Edited by Demented Daisy


Why did the show change the actress who played the role? Isn't that a bit unusual? (For a TV show - not for the change from TV show to movie.)



Holy shit what a clusterfuck. Honestly I'm not even sure I can explain the whole thing without spoiling the last two seasons and it would be long ass post. You can check out the Arrow forum here for a long ugly history for the dirty details because I don't even think I can make this LONNNNG story short.


If you want me to spoil you I will but tell me first LOL

Short answer: the first Canary died.


ETA  Answer that won't make sense if you're not familiar with it: they wanted to introduce the Lazarus Pit.


IMO it was more about them expanding the universe to Legends of Tomorrow.  They could have introduced the Lazarus Pit in many other ways without making the decisions they made re the Canaray. But I'll leave all that in the Arrow thread where I spend the other half of my time here at PTV LOL.


I want to read "The True Story of Arrow" one day, because I just think there was a whole lot more that went on BTS. Arrow sadly became nothing more than a launching pad for The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow. I'll be very happy when the show returns to actually being about Oliver Fucking Queen....but I'm not bitter.

Why did the show change the actress who played the role? Isn't that a bit unusual? (For a TV show - not for the change from TV show to movie.)


Awesom0400, the simple answer is, they didn't change the actress--there are two different characters on the show played by two different actresses. One character is named Sarah and called herself the Canary and the other character is her sister Laurel (played by Katie Cassidy) who named herself the Black Canary in honor of her sister.


My understanding was that they always intended Laurel to be the Black Canary. I remember people whining about it back in S1--before either Canary showed up--saying they didn't think Katie Cassidy was up to the task.


Anyway, I don't know about Felicia Day for MST3K, either. She does have a big following, though, so maybe it will be successful whether I watch it or not?


Awesom0400, the simple answer is, they didn't change the actress--there are two different characters on the show played by two different actresses. One character is named Sarah and called herself the Canary and the other character is her sister Laurel (played by Katie Cassidy) who named herself the Black Canary in honor of her sister.



Here I am trying not to spoil people but since we are here...


EP Andrew Kreisberg called Sara and Caity Lotz "Black Canary" when they announced her casting. So make of that what you will about their intentions with Sara. 


Eh, never mind... I don't believe them. Bottom line. But this isn't the Arrow forum..so I won't belabor it.

Edited by catrox14

Thank you everyone for the answers... that makes more sense now that I know that it was two different characters. I was imagining a Darren (from Bewitched) scenario where they just all of a sudden changed the actress playing the role for another one. Or a Doctor Who type scenario where the character was "reborn" or something.

I was imagining a Darren (from Bewitched) scenario where they just all of a sudden changed the actress playing the role for another one.


They actually pulled this on the most recent season of The Fosters. Because of behind the scenes drama, afaik.


Or a Doctor Who type scenario where the character was "reborn" or something.


They did this for (no kidding) the majority of the characters on The Originals last season. It actually worked out great! One of the body-switch actors was so popular that he was made a regular, even though the character who hijacked his body has since "left" the show. LOL. Don't even ask me to explain that more clearly, because I can't.


My point is that your interpretations for what happened with the Canary on Arrow aren't all that off the wall. :)

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According to imdb, Mark Pellegrino has a 6-episode stint on Quantico, the last of which aired this past Sunday.  I expect him to film more episodes, though, because his character is part of a huge conspiracy, blah blah blah.


Maybe he's taking a break from Quantico for a reason....  ;-)

Good for him.  I don't know how much daytime pays but hopefully enough to build up a little margin.  


Speaking of soap operas... Jensen's old character (Eric Brady) is in a REALLY BAD PLACE right now from a story line perspective. Day's spoiler

And the actor who plays his former role (Greg Vaughn) is departing the show.

There goes my dream of Matt Cohen and Michael Ealy starring in a drama together. 


Watching old TV series is like watching the Leverage episode - The Rashomon Job.


I am re-watching Burn Notice. I'm in season two. So far, I've seen Mark Sheppard and Scott Michael Campbell - the hunter in Free To Be You and Me. I recognized him as a produce delivery guy on Gilmore Girls and realized it was him on a recent re-watch of Psych. I looked at his IMDB page. He has been a guest on a lot of shows I use to watch. 

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