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[SUNSETTED] Cast In Other Roles: That's Fake Me. This Must Be Fake Mine.

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Somehow Jensen got JDM there.  He keeps getting more and more work, so I doubt we will get him on Supernatural unless somehow a schedule worked. 


But a show with a lot of actors might give him some time off if they really wanted him.  But everytime I see JDM, I have to really shift to that not John, lol.  Even if the character isn't acting like John.

Edited by 7kstar

I'm with you there, 7kstar. I just watched JDM in Texas Rising set pre-Civil War. Rough and tumble character and all I could think of is John. lol . However, he looked emaciated! Skin & bones because his character had TB, I think. I hope he's back to more meat & bones in The Good Wife.

Edited by FlickChick

Ty was the first robot on Eureka?  I was going to watch the series again, but Netflix only had the last two seasons.  I think that's when they turned it into the Felicia Day show, so I didn't bother.  I think I have the first season DVDs somewhere.  If I had watched, before I read this thread, I wonder if I would have recognized him.  

So there is a petition on Change. org for Jensen to play Jason Todd aka The Red Hood.  But the reason I'm posting this is that whoever made this vine to promote Jensen as Jason Todd again is brilliant.


HOLY CRAP. I thought for a minute this was an actual teaser.


Well played







  • Love 1

Mick and I have been rewatching "Firefly" this past week, and both Freder Lehne (YellowEyes" or Azazel) and Mark Sheppard appear on the show. Freder as Ranse Burgess, and Sheppard as Badger. Both play villains, but I had a problem hating them because I loved their roles' on Supernatural so much. They're both just so damn funny!


Mick Lady, since you've recently gotten into fan fiction, have you seen this: https://spnverse.wordpress.com/episodes/? It's a Firefly/Supernatural crossover. I haven't read it myself as I'm not into fan fiction, but it might be fun.


ETA: Forgot to ask, so if you disliked Sheppard and Lehne because of Supernatural, how does that work for you with Kaylee/Jewel Staite? ;)

Edited by DittyDotDot
  • Love 1

Mick Lady, since you've recently gotten into fan fiction, have you seen this: https://spnverse.wordpress.com/episodes/? It's a Firefly/Supernatural crossover. I haven't read it myself as I'm not into fan fiction, but it might be fun.


ETA: Forgot to ask, so if you disliked Sheppard and Lehne because of Supernatural, how does that work for you with Kaylee/Jewel Staite? ;)


Thanks for the link Dot, I'm going to check it out now.


I don't dislike Sheppard and Lehne at all! My problem is the exact opposite, I adore both characters! It makes it hard to see them as evil in other roles as my affection for them gets in the way. Both have spot on comic timing and perfect comic delivery!


Kaylee is one of the sweetest characters ever written! Jewel nails the perfect combination of innocents and street smarts.  You have to love Jewel no matter what role she plays! I guess that's the curse of playing a beloved character.


I've got to do something about my use of exclamation points, damn it!

I don't dislike Sheppard and Lehne at all! My problem is the exact opposite, I adore both characters! It makes it hard to see them as evil in other roles as my affection for them gets in the way. Both have spot on comic timing and perfect comic delivery!


Kaylee is one of the sweetest characters ever written! Jewel nails the perfect combination of innocents and street smarts.  You have to love Jewel no matter what role she plays! I guess that's the curse of playing a beloved character.


Sorry, I meant their characters not the actors themselves. I adore Firefly (the only Whedon show I could ever get into), but I've noticed that people either love or hate Kaylee and same goes with Jewel Staite. I liked her on both Supernatural and Firefly, but I'm a weirdo, so...


It's funny, Firefly was the only Whedon show I could not get into. I watched it but I never really liked it.  But I LOVED Angel, which is in my top 5 fave shows of all time. I was back and forth with Buffy. I would have really loved Dollhouse if not for Eliza Dushku who I never cared for as Faith on either Buffy or Angel.  I always thought why didn't Amy F'ing Acker play the lead character!

Edited by catrox14

Guess this is where this might go.  Jensen was on Dark Angel.  I finally watched all of Season 1 & 2.  Just wow, to his acting ability as a younger actor.  He played two different characters, Ben & Alec.  I prefer Alec, which is a lighter version of Dean.  But Ben is totally different with no hint of Alec at all. 


I know all actors improve as they get out of their 20's because they have experienced more so they have more history to pull from, but I disagree with another Dark Angel fan that said that Jensen was a bad actor but learned how to act from the male lead in Dark Angel.  My impression, he was given less and he made it more.  Will be interesting to see where he goes after Supernatural.

Guess this is where this might go.  Jensen was on Dark Angel.  I finally watched all of Season 1 & 2.  Just wow, to his acting ability as a younger actor.  He played two different characters, Ben & Alec.  I prefer Alec, which is a lighter version of Dean.  But Ben is totally different with no hint of Alec at all. 


I know all actors improve as they get out of their 20's because they have experienced more so they have more history to pull from, but I disagree with another Dark Angel fan that said that Jensen was a bad actor but learned how to act from the male lead in Dark Angel.  My impression, he was given less and he made it more.  Will be interesting to see where he goes after Supernatural.

*waves* welcome to the wonders that are Alec.  I did much research on this whole topic (DVD commentary, official interviews, message boards) because the show changed significantly from S1 to S2.  And it's such a loss in terms of great potential.  Of course it was Fox...so, they eat their young and it was canceled.  


Dark Angel rumors/innuendos/gossips/and some facts (read if you are interested):


- There was a strong divide on the show between the writers and the producers.  The two leads (Jessica Alba and Micheal Weatherly) were romantically involved and were executive producers, along with James Cameron (of course).  Cameron was an absent father of the project.

- Jessica Alba was really emotionally and physically put through the wringer for the role.  She's made public statements about what she went through but she was very young and you can clearly see the physical weight loss they required from S1 to S2.  

- Before the show ended the writers and producers wanted to go in two different directions. Writers were Team Alec and Producers were Team Logan.  And that right there was the source of the issue. If you listen to the DVD comments this stuff all comes out.

- Cameron came in to film the S2 finale and rewrote the script to have Logan do a lot more action-hero stuff.


- Alba and Weatherly were not very nice to Jensen.  He had gotten some serious love from the writers and they felt he was stealing the show from Micheal.

- Alba apparently apologized a few years later to Jensen.

- "Logan" was Cameron's 'avatar' (no pun intended but you can see it).

- The writers were very Team Alec.  The DVD commentary for Berrisford Agenda make that pretty clear.



SueB Opinion on BTS BS:

- Oh the fandom war was STRONG with this one.  Team Logan practically hissed when Alec was on the screen. Team Alec thought Logan was horrible in S2.

- This is definitely a case where behind the scenes drama is really evident in what shows up on the screen. Once I read/heard enough about the BTS junk, I could see it pretty clearly.

- Alba was really young, and honestly, someone who cared about her as a PERSON needed to provide her better guidance.  As far as I can tell, she got too much put on her shoulders and I'm kinda uncomfortable saying this but I get this squick feeling about her circumstances.  From what I can tell she became a real problem child on set but I kinda think it's not a surprise based on what happened to her.

- I'd have to say that those who claim that MW changed the story to favor his character seem like they may be right.  There's a LOT of WTF'ness that feels non-organic.  Makes me sad.  I know ZERO about him as a person so I don't know if he acted appropriately or inappropriately under the circumstances.

- Jensen was rumored to just kinda hide around set and do his best not to make a fuss.


SueB opinion on story:

- I liked the expansion of the story to include the Manticore folks breaking out but the snake cult people were weird.Killing off Nana Visitor and the other older guy was a mistake. 

- The no-touching plotline between the two leads was the stupidest stupid to ever stupid.  They needed to have an organic relationship with ups and downs.

- Jensen DID outshine BOTH Alba and Weatherly IMO.  Part of it may have been acting but a lot has to do with the role.  Alec is obviously an "action hero with a dark past" and that played well versus the cerebral freedom fighter of Logan.  Alba got stuck with a bitchy Max character in S2. Her S1 Max was so much better. Was whoever made the comment that Jensen was a poor actor 'Team Logan?'  I can certainly see how fans of Logan thought Alec's arrival and the dramatic expansion of the Manticore plot ruined the show.  It was a different show in S2.  And it undermined some of the grittiness of S1 and the uniqueness of the Max character.  But none of that had to do with Jensen's acting ability.  And some like S2 better than S1.  

- I think with James Cameron as the "creator" and Logan as his "avatar", Dark Angel was doomed from the get go once it expanded into other X5's.  He created an awesome universe but his male lead was older and not an action hero when compared with the "genetically perfect" X5s.  If it hadn't been the character of Alec, any other regular male X5 would have been a problem.  It's a structural issue between creator vision and audience reaction.

- I liked Logan I really enjoyed it when he got to be snarky -- but they stuck him with somber too much.  I found Alec 1000 times more compelling. And not because of Jensen.  I remember liking Jason (Jensen) on Smallville but was didn't see him outshining the lead. I was disappointed when it turned out he was psychotic but that didn't get sufficient time to build up properly.  For Dark Angel, it was the character of Alec (and what Jensen did with it), that made the difference.  I think Alec is a proto-Dean (with superpowers and even worse childhood).  

- If the writers had had their way, Logan would have gone thru a whole drug addiction to X5 blood thing and I personally think that would have been a compelling story.  



Final thoughts:

- I personally suspect it was his Dark Angel time that gave Jensen the wisdom to handle Supernatural like he has.  He's always call Jared #1 on the call sheet and emphasized family/team/happiness on set. He's very very rarely questions the writers. He's directed but never gone for Executive Producer (when even new writers get EP status after like a year).  I suspect that Dark Angel's mistakes were Supernatural's gain.  

- I think the Dark Angel universe was BURSTING with potential. I believe the BTS BS really screwed the pooch on a good story.  

Edited by SueB
  • Love 1

Kudos to any of you who could get past 3-4 episodes of Dark Angel. I just couldn't. Not only did Jessica Alba do nothing whatsoever for me, but scenes seemed hobbled together in editing. It really sounded like a good premise, though. I'm usually far more forgiving with genre shows--especially ones of this era--since it seems they sometimes need a bit of time to get the universe established and the actors, writers and directors to find their groove. But when I decide to watch dishes (which I loathe doing) instead of watching another episode, that's never a good sign.


Funnily, I started watching Smallville recently and, even though I don't think of it as a quality show, I kept watching and I realized somewhere in S4 I was more than just passively watching--proof that everything is better with Jensen. ;)


As an aside, it sounds like things went fairly smoothly on Smallville, so I would think Jensen probably learned lessons with both Dark Angel and Smallville--what to do and what not to do.


- The no-touching plotline between the two leads was the stupidest stupid to ever stupid.  They needed to have an organic relationship with ups and downs.


Wasn`t that the writers collective "fuck you" to Alba/Weatherly, though? The "so, your trailer may be rocking in between takes but we will make damn sure, you won`t get near each other onscreen, muhahaha".  



I personally suspect it was his Dark Angel time that gave Jensen the wisdom to handle Supernatural like he has.  He's always call Jared #1 on the call sheet and emphasized family/team/happiness on set. He's very very rarely questions the writers. He's directed but never gone for Executive Producer (when even new writers get EP status after like a year).  I suspect that Dark Angel's mistakes were Supernatural's gain.


Personally, I think it sucks. He didn`t deserve to be treated like crap on Dark Angel but at least on that show his character WAS nominally the sidekick. And he doesn`t deserve it on SPN either where he is actually supposed to be a co-lead. For my money, he carried lots of the show so on top of that having to constantly downplay his own contribution and doing the "this is the star, I`m nothing" dance? Pfft.


What SPN profits from is that in that regard he is way too nice for his own good. Now I do consider Dean the breakout character of SPN. Which is actually not uncommon for a character not the lead or not envisioned as the lead to become that, it happens more often than not IMO. If that was me as an actor, I wouldn`t actually humble myself on the streets for it for little to no thanks. I can get the interest in having a smooth-running set but not at the expense of bootprints on one`s back. 


To be honest, SPN has exactly the kind of writers and producers where a good little whip-cracking is needed. On Dark Angel, the circumstances and power-level was different. 



Funnily, I started watching Smallville recently and, even though I don't think of it as a quality show, I kept watching and I realized somewhere in S4 I was more than just passively watching--proof that everything is better with Jensen. ;)



I`d say Seasons 2 and 3 of Smallville are actually decent, even sans Jensen. I liked his character but will agree there wasn`t too much substance there and he didn`t overshadow the lead. Of course the lead was being overshadowed since the Pilot episode by Lex Luthor. And the producers`pet was Lana. So Clark Kent was actually neither one nor the other. 

Edited by Aeryn13

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Alec McDowell. I love him almost as much as Dean Winchestef.


The stuff about the behind the scenes is pretty much all true.  The pool shooting scene was supposed to be Alec beating Logan but Weatherly had a fit and made them change it to Logan winning.  Rumor has it that Weatherly also counted every line he had vs every line Jensen had.


Funny thing. Weatherly's character on NCIS? Totally an Alec/Dean ripoff. Which is why I hate that show. LOL

Funny thing. Weatherly's character on NCIS? Totally an Alec/Dean ripoff. Which is why I hate that show. LOL


I think Weatherly has said straight-up that he's based a lot of Tony's character on Alec. I hope he's apologized to Jensen as well. 


ETA: I actually bought DA season 2 for Jensen. Ahem. I haven't watched season 1 at all.

Edited by bethy

More about  Smallville vs Dark Angel re Jensen. He was the runner up to be Clark Kent on Smallville. They went with Welling because he more resembled Superman. 


Jensen has said that he knew his role on Smallville was to support Welling. He didn't ever do anything to shift the focus away from that.  In between Dark Angel and Smallville he was on Dawson's Creek and filmed an entire series that never made it to air. So I think he knows very well how his characters serve the story.


Even now  I think he thinks Dean is the support to Sam which well that's a whole other debate but he says Jared is still #1 on the call sheet...which serves him well when he and Misha are getting into trouble on the set they can blame it on Jared LOL . Boys.


I think Weatherly has said straight-up that he's based a lot of Tony's character on Alec. I hope he's apologized to Jensen as well.


I don`t know about apologizing but he has since acknowledged in interviews that his behaviour on that show left a lot to be desired and apparently was going through some family trouble as well back then. And he has since moved on to a show with Mark Harmon who is pretty known for not taking any bullshit so for that reason alone, he had to change behaviour. 


Which, fair enough, if someone at least has the guts to admit that they were wrong. As a general rule, I still firmly believe that the right response to while its happening is not to not make any waves and stroke their egos and give in to their tantrums. And it is certainly not a lesson to be learned and than later applied to other work environments. For me, it is entirely the opposite of that. 


The "#1 on the callsheet" is just like first name in the credits, it is a matter of contract negotiations because the show was conceptionalized as a JP vehicle more because he had more of a movie background and was thus considered the "star". The show wasn`t that vehicle and the two actors are now on a rather even keel in terms of listings. Obviously, stuff like that doesn`t get re-negoitiated much but it also doesn`t adequately mirror reality. So I don`t see a need for Jensen to unduly put himself down. 

  • Love 1
Funny thing. Weatherly's character on NCIS? Totally an Alec/Dean ripoff. Which is why I hate that show. LOL

I know that show is really popular. My Nana loved that show. I tried to watch an episode with her, and I think I made it 15 minutes before I was bored to tears and started falling asleep. And I really did try, too. * So maybe it was the actor and not the character based on Alec who I found completely boring?



* But that tends to be a thing with me. For some reason, recent CBS shows tend to rub me the wrong way: All the CSIs, the NCIS's, and Criminal Minds  (That show entirely creeped me out. I watched one episode that seemed to lovingly focus on a type of torture that disjointed people or something by having a scene that showed - in detail - a likely double jointed actor having their limbs pulled out of socket for like 5 minutes. And the story and reason for the torture didn't even make sense to me in the end: the Unsub I think they call them, wanted to make "puppet people" so that he could replay a memory from his childhood so the "puppets" could save him or his mom or dad or something. Wait, what? Weird that I enjoy Hannibal and its artistry and L&O and its incarnations, but that CM episode just left me feeling like I should go take a shower or something. Just no. And some of the main characters bugged, too.)

*waves* welcome to the wonders that are Alec.  I did much research on this whole topic (DVD commentary, official interviews, message boards) because the show changed significantly from S1 to S2.  And it's such a loss in terms of great potential.  Of course it was Fox...so, they eat their young and it was canceled.  


Dark Angel rumors/innuendos/gossips/and some facts (read if you are interested):


- There was a strong divide on the show between the writers and the producers.  The two leads (Jessica Alba and Micheal Weatherly) were romantically involved and were executive producers, along with James Cameron (of course).  Cameron was an absent father of the project.

- Jessica Alba was really emotionally and physically put through the wringer for the role.  She's made public statements about what she went through but she was very young and you can clearly see the physical weight loss they required from S1 to S2.  

- Before the show ended the writers and producers wanted to go in two different directions. Writers were Team Alec and Producers were Team Logan.  And that right there was the source of the issue. If you listen to the DVD comments this stuff all comes out.

- Cameron came in to film the S2 finale and rewrote the script to have Logan do a lot more action-hero stuff.


- Alba and Weatherly were not very nice to Jensen.  He had gotten some serious love from the writers and they felt he was stealing the show from Micheal.

- Alba apparently apologized a few years later to Jensen.

- "Logan" was Cameron's 'avatar' (no pun intended but you can see it).

- The writers were very Team Alec.  The DVD commentary for Berrisford Agenda make that pretty clear.



SueB Opinion on BTS BS:

- Oh the fandom war was STRONG with this one.  Team Logan practically hissed when Alec was on the screen. Team Alec thought Logan was horrible in S2.

- This is definitely a case where behind the scenes drama is really evident in what shows up on the screen. Once I read/heard enough about the BTS junk, I could see it pretty clearly.

- Alba was really young, and honestly, someone who cared about her as a PERSON needed to provide her better guidance.  As far as I can tell, she got too much put on her shoulders and I'm kinda uncomfortable saying this but I get this squick feeling about her circumstances.  From what I can tell she became a real problem child on set but I kinda think it's not a surprise based on what happened to her.

- I'd have to say that those who claim that MW changed the story to favor his character seem like they may be right.  There's a LOT of WTF'ness that feels non-organic.  Makes me sad.  I know ZERO about him as a person so I don't know if he acted appropriately or inappropriately under the circumstances.

- Jensen was rumored to just kinda hide around set and do his best not to make a fuss.


SueB opinion on story:

- I liked the expansion of the story to include the Manticore folks breaking out but the snake cult people were weird.Killing off Nana Visitor and the other older guy was a mistake. 

- The no-touching plotline between the two leads was the stupidest stupid to ever stupid.  They needed to have an organic relationship with ups and downs.

- Jensen DID outshine BOTH Alba and Weatherly IMO.  Part of it may have been acting but a lot has to do with the role.  Alec is obviously an "action hero with a dark past" and that played well versus the cerebral freedom fighter of Logan.  Alba got stuck with a bitchy Max character in S2. Her S1 Max was so much better. Was whoever made the comment that Jensen was a poor actor 'Team Logan?'  I can certainly see how fans of Logan thought Alec's arrival and the dramatic expansion of the Manticore plot ruined the show.  It was a different show in S2.  And it undermined some of the grittiness of S1 and the uniqueness of the Max character.  But none of that had to do with Jensen's acting ability.  And some like S2 better than S1.  

- I think with James Cameron as the "creator" and Logan as his "avatar", Dark Angel was doomed from the get go once it expanded into other X5's.  He created an awesome universe but his male lead was older and not an action hero when compared with the "genetically perfect" X5s.  If it hadn't been the character of Alec, any other regular male X5 would have been a problem.  It's a structural issue between creator vision and audience reaction.

- I liked Logan I really enjoyed it when he got to be snarky -- but they stuck him with somber too much.  I found Alec 1000 times more compelling. And not because of Jensen.  I remember liking Jason (Jensen) on Smallville but was didn't see him outshining the lead. I was disappointed when it turned out he was psychotic but that didn't get sufficient time to build up properly.  For Dark Angel, it was the character of Alec (and what Jensen did with it), that made the difference.  I think Alec is a proto-Dean (with superpowers and even worse childhood).  

- If the writers had had their way, Logan would have gone thru a whole drug addiction to X5 blood thing and I personally think that would have been a compelling story.  



Final thoughts:

- I personally suspect it was his Dark Angel time that gave Jensen the wisdom to handle Supernatural like he has.  He's always call Jared #1 on the call sheet and emphasized family/team/happiness on set. He's very very rarely questions the writers. He's directed but never gone for Executive Producer (when even new writers get EP status after like a year).  I suspect that Dark Angel's mistakes were Supernatural's gain.  

- I think the Dark Angel universe was BURSTING with potential. I believe the BTS BS really screwed the pooch on a good story.  

Yes I can see all of this.  My friend was a Max/Logan which to be honest I find weird.  Even if they were in love with each other in real life, it just doesn't read to the screen.  However, Alec and Max were interesting with their first reaction.  I think I find Logan to be insulting to be the lover.  I really don't like him in season 2.  He was okay in season 1. 


I think the mistakes they made killed the show.  Jensen learned how a tense set can really kill the creative juice.  When the kids make me mad, I tell them I can't be creative, I can't think that way when I'm mad.


Some of the eps were good and some were easy to skip through.  I found myself doing other things while it was on.  LOL


I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Alec McDowell. I love him almost as much as Dean Winchestef.


The stuff about the behind the scenes is pretty much all true.  The pool shooting scene was supposed to be Alec beating Logan but Weatherly had a fit and made them change it to Logan winning.  Rumor has it that Weatherly also counted every line he had vs every line Jensen had.


Funny thing. Weatherly's character on NCIS? Totally an Alec/Dean ripoff. Which is why I hate that show. LOL

I think Weatherly has grown as an actor and person.  Logan's character, well is boring...I'm not a huge fan of season one.  I watched and loved Numb3rs and Alimi Ballard plays Herbal Thought.  So I watched the show backwards.  I saw Season 2 first then just watched season 1. 


In some ways either Jensen or Alimi is like Kevin Bacon, and connect to many famous actors and they even show up on the same show.


The best DA ep for me is The Berrisford Agenda.  Not just acting but the story as well.  The writer of the ep, really is a Jensen fan.  She kept trying to get him on her shows but sometimes he would show up after she moved on. 


Actors have ego and if their egos get too big it kills the show.  Jensen works as a director because he naturally sees the big picture, many actors can't.  They only see them.  I hope that Weatherly has learned from his ego and made amends but yes it sounded like Jensen was treated like crap and that's what killed the show the most IMO.  Freak Nation has too many moments that don't make sense at all.  Alec has to be hurt to make it look like Logan can save him, but it still doesn't work. 


The show has potential, but lots of issues even for the time period it was made in. 

I don't watch any CBS procedural other than "Elementary" and I'm in that for Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu and it's Sherlock Holmes. I watched the Hawaii 5-0 reboot for like a season.

I really have to say that I enjoy more CW shows than other regular network shows. I love Hannibal. I think the difference in the creep factor is that IMO CSI, Criminals Minds etc seems mostly salacious with the violence and gore in a standard procedural..if that makes any sense whereas with Hannibal it's more artsy if disgusting if that makes any sense. I love the Walking Dead but the gore is to be expected in that show.

I don't watch any CBS procedural other than "Elementary" and I'm in that for Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu and it's Sherlock Holmes. I watched the Hawaii 5-0 reboot for like a season.

I really have to say that I enjoy more CW shows than other regular network shows.

I love Elementary and Season 1 of Hawaii 5-0 was awesome. 


Last season of Hawaii 5-0 had some really good ones too, but season 2, they jump the shark and I've been missing the show I fell in love with for a long time.  It's a shame that Scott Caan doesn't want to be in Hawaii because his missing presence is felt.  They've figured out a few ways to work around but for me season 1 is still the best one.

  • Love 1

* But that tends to be a thing with me. For some reason, recent CBS shows tend to rub me the wrong way: All the CSIs, the NCIS's, and Criminal Minds  (That show entirely creeped me out. I watched one episode that seemed to lovingly focus on a type of torture that disjointed people or something by having a scene that showed - in detail - a likely double jointed actor having their limbs pulled out of socket for like 5 minutes. And the story and reason for the torture didn't even make sense to me in the end: the Unsub I think they call them, wanted to make "puppet people" so that he could replay a memory from his childhood so the "puppets" could save him or his mom or dad or something. Wait, what? 


The episode you're referring to is S8E10 The Lesson.  Brad Dourif plays the Unsub ("unknown subject") who is killing people who won't help him save his father.  Long story short, he saw his father killed in a store robbery when he was a child.  The play he creates is all in his mind, in which the actors do what he didn't as a child -- save his father and stop the robbery.


Criminal Minds is an acquired taste, like a certain other show I know.  ;-)  It tends to torture a little more than I would like (also like a certain other show I know), but I always know who is the good guy and who is the bad.  I wish I could say that about Supernatural.


ETA  I think season 4 might be the best of Criminal Minds -- Minimal Loss (agents go undercover with a religious cult), Masterpiece (Jason Alexander is great as the Unsub), Brothers in Arms (another great guest star with Mark Pellegrino as a cop), Soul Mates (haunting use of a beautiful Tom Petty song), Bloodline (the end is chilling)....  I could go on and on and on.  Contrary to popular belief, the gore is at a minimum and the storytelling is rich and complex.


But mileage varies, of course.

Edited by Demented Daisy

Tru fact: I've never seen a single episode of any of the CSI's or Law and Orders.  Just not my bag.



The episode you're referring to is S8E10 The Lesson.  Brad Dourif plays the Unsub ("unknown subject") who is killing people who won't help him save his father.  Long story short, he saw his father killed in a store robbery when he was a child.  The play he creates is all in his mind, in which the actors do what he didn't as a child -- save his father and stop the robbery.


Contrary to popular belief, the gore is at a minimum and the storytelling is rich and complex.


I took all of this over to the "Supernatural Smackdown" thread just to be sure.

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