BitterApple June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 Is it possible the once a week appointments were just a starting point to get him acclimated to the therapy? If they started out the gate with three appointments a week I can see where a four year-old would grow restless and bored very quickly. I'm assuming (and admitting I'm assuming) that the speech pathologist sets the protocol for treatment and adjusts as necessary. 1 Link to comment
Jellybeans June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 (edited) One speech therapy session a week doesn't seem enough to me. I have been deaf since I was 13 months old due to antibiotics for a "cold". So parents, don't be in such a rush to get antibiotics for your child.Anyway... there is a reason it is once a week. I went once a week for years (hated it!) and you cannot rush it. It takes time and practice to learn to do the exercises at home (which we saw once) and you are encouraged to do the exercises with a sibling or friend so it does not feel like "work". And... you are exposed to other types of lip movements and such. It was neat to see Will enjoy himself there... I was bored out of my mind. Not much has changed, haha! I can talk, know sign language, but rarely sign unless I want someone to think I cannot speak... which sometimes comes in handy. Like when someone tries to sell me a new roof. :-) Edited June 5, 2014 by Jellybeans 11 Link to comment
minx June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 (edited) I agree about getting Will acclimated to therapy. It must be a painstaking process. I don't know the ins and outs of this type of speech therapy but I would assume the therapists know what they are doing. I wanted to eat Zoey with a spoon--she looked so cute in her Easter dress. Edited June 5, 2014 by minx 2 Link to comment
Kohola3 June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 Thank you Jellybeans for a first hand account of experience with speech therapy and the once a week philosophy. Those of us who have not experienced it should be judicious with criticms or assumptions since we only see a few minutes of their lives from week to week. 10 Link to comment
4leafclover June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 My youngest son had speech therapy for about a year--started out once a week then gradually decreased as he improved. And believe me when I say, that therapist always knew when he had not done his homework! 1 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 they would have to be BLIND to not have seen it and I am SURE that when they were given the baskets they were TOLD "Don't eat the berries please". They usually tell you the "rules' before you are allowed to go pick. So unless they are deaf, blind or just plain ignorant I a sure they either saw the sign OR were told not to. In fact I KNOW they saw the sign. HOw? because while Will was shoving berries in his mouth and nobody stopped him, when zoey picked a berry and tried to eat it, Bill said "no put it in the basket" so he at least KNEW the rules. So here's the thing. I'm gonna be realistic for a moment and say I don't think its reasonable to sit a 2 year old and a four year down in front of a berry field and say "You can pick but no eating". If the folks running the berry field are *really* that strict, then realistically, they just aren't going to let younger kids into the field. (I grew up in the country, and the U-pick farms usually had a "children need to be over eight" rule. The field owner either was making an exception for filming purposes in letting the kids in, or has the sign up but doesn't really enforce it. I don't know why this would be considered a fun activety for small children if they *weren't* allowed to eat the berries. 5 Link to comment
Everh June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 Jen seemed more relaxed in this episode. Then we have Will seeing the ice cream truck and getting fixated on it. I do not believe in bartering or bribing children in exchange for doing a task. Its not going to teach him that he has to listen to his parents and certainly not going to help him in school. In that short visit to the farm, the kids had a lot of sweets. So, either Jen and Bill don't want to be firm with Will and give in to him or they are trying to appease/quiet him so he doesn't melt down while filming or both. I was hopeful when I saw Bill take the coloring spoon away from Will, but then he gives it right back. Then we have the family choosing to ignore both ''rules" at the farm, no eating the berries and 10 eggs only. Especially the eggs, as the farm wanted there to be enough for everyone. It would of been a good lesson in you have to share and follow the rules. I also saw Will as heavier, especially his legs. I also think the diapers hamper his walking even further along with the extra weight. I am sure that Jen and Bill can opt out of their contract, especially regarding the best interests of their children but opt not to. They stopped filming after both children were first brought home after all. Jen and Bill are not responsible for the high ratings, Will and Zoey are. 1 Link to comment
Lola16 June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 (edited) @CousinAmy - is your name a nod to the Duggar show? I am so finally glad to read these posts that Will needs more than what he is getting to help him communicate. He is being let down by his parents! Yes, I said it! Bill and Jen are letting Will down by not giving him absolutely all the resources available to get that boy up to speed. I am tired of reading "they are doing their best"..."he is speaking sentences now"..."he had so much to deal with in the last year"....bullshit or poppycock for the faint hearted. I don't think there's much power in our posts. I doubt (though I could be wrong) that many reality show participants are reading forums/twitter to learn how they should be approaching a serious issue. I do think some of them read posts/tweets etc and perhaps address those points. I don't see Bill & Jen reading this forum or any other one and changing the way they feed their children or how many times a week therapy is needed. So here's the thing. I'm gonna be realistic for a moment and say I don't think its reasonable to sit a 2 year old and a four year down in front of a berry field and say "You can pick but no eating". If the folks running the berry field are *really* that strict, then realistically, they just aren't going to let younger kids into the field. (I grew up in the country, and the U-pick farms usually had a "children need to be over eight" rule. The field owner either was making an exception for filming purposes in letting the kids in, or has the sign up but doesn't really enforce it. I don't know why this would be considered a fun activety for small children if they *weren't* allowed to eat the berries. I would think the occasional snack is figured into the pricing. I know when I've done the apple picking, I've made sure to point out how many were eaten along the way. Every time, the person weighing our pick would smile and say "that's OK". eta: posting issues. no idea how it duplicated within a post since I'm not copying and pasting. Edited June 5, 2014 by Lola16 3 Link to comment
Lillybee June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 Some people expect foreign adoptees to catch up to American born children of the same age almost immediately even in language. If a child was exposed to another language for the first years of his life, I think that it is possible for them to need a period of adjustment, especially if that child had hearing problems. 9 Link to comment
BizBuzz June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 eta: posting issues. no idea how it duplicated within a post since I'm not copying and pasting. This week there has been some funky stuff happening with the server as they are working on merging the forum with the content. It's been happening, for no apparent reason except that the server wants to be difficult. It wasn't anything you did. 1 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 Jen and Bill are not responsible for the high ratings, Will and Zoey are. I agree. Jen is entertaining with her "ocd" and cackle (which seems to be edited out lately - thanks TLC!) Bill is just kind of there and his talking heads are fluff and moronic at best. The kids now really make the show. It should ne renamed "The Little Family" or similar if they decide to continue. I also agree that Jen seemed very much more laid back and relaxed in this episode. This might be because it was much more scripted. The Chemo and Trips you can't do too much scripting with. Did they say how long her shift at the hospital was before they went on the egg hunt? She had to be super exhausted or else is was false reality and filmed on a totally different day. Link to comment
jodo June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 Damned that TLC editing out those cackles!!!! How can I snark about something I am no longer being exposed to....but hell yeah thanks TLC for editing and listening. Also agree re the kids making the show now. I had long stopped watching Bill and Jen, after a few cute episodes I only found myself wanting to see the dogs so tuned out until the TLC promos about Will! Link to comment
gunderda June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 There's no way they would have been able to continue the show without the kids. It was basically on its way out wasn't it? Link to comment
mbutterfly June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 I agree. Jen is entertaining with her "ocd" and cackle (which seems to be edited out lately - thanks TLC!) Bill is just kind of there and his talking heads are fluff and moronic at best. The kids now really make the show. It should ne renamed "The Little Family" or similar if they decide to continue. I also agree that Jen seemed very much more laid back and relaxed in this episode. This might be because it was much more scripted. The Chemo and Trips you can't do too much scripting with. Did they say how long her shift at the hospital was before they went on the egg hunt? She had to be super exhausted or else is was false reality and filmed on a totally different day. Well, I guess it is all a matter of taste. I've found it quite interesting seeing Jen at work over the years. I find Bill charming with or without the children. I'm awfully glad we're past the chemo, but how could they possibly have ignored that since everyone who cared about the show knew about Jen's cancer? Anyway, there are many aspects to the show I enjoy. I'm surprised when I'm in a group of people -- varying ages of adults -- how many enjoy The Little Couple. I agree interest has picked up with Will and Zoey, but most viewers mention being interested in Bill and Jen. Then, on the other hand, I'm certain many people do not like this sort of show. It isn't as if it is on ABC on Monday night where it needs huge ratings. And I believe TLC made special arrangements at the "farm" for the filming of this show. The farm, I'm pretty certain profited significantly more than the loss of the single strawberry Will ate. My guess is that there was no intention to apply stringent rules during the filming. Also, if preschoolers are expected to pick strawberries, then it is inappropriate to have a no-eating rule. I suspect children that age don't pick there. TLC camera people always photograph signs like that even though you know a place is essentially shut down for filming. It is clearly intended to start discussions, a little drama. Actual Jen and Bill strike me as big-time rule followers, though (of course) I don't know them personally. 3 Link to comment
Lola16 June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 (edited) This week there has been some funky stuff happening with the server as they are working on merging the forum with the content. It's been happening, for no apparent reason except that the server wants to be difficult. It wasn't anything you did. Thanks! Though I wouldn't be surprised if it were me :) eta: It did it again. I did notice that when I hit quick reply, it opened up the editor anyway and then asked me to post. Edited June 5, 2014 by Lola16 Link to comment
BizBuzz June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 @Lola16, if it does it again, please report it in the Bug area. Link to comment
Lola16 June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 Will do @BizBuzz Link to comment
BitterApple June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 I do believe reality stars or their PR people follow the forums to get an idea of what people are saying about the show. That way the editing and content can be tailored accordingly. Anyone who has followed the Duggars for any length of time can attest to this. When Will got his sorbet Jen kept repeating "ok, this will be your ONLY sweet for today, OK?" I felt like she was saying it more to convince the audience than to make a point to Will. I didn't have an issue with Will getting an ice cream. I did have an issue with Jen using ice cream as a bribe to get a stupid picture taken. I would have made Will wait until after they picked the berries, but Will isn't my kid. Link to comment
Jellybeans June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 Thank you Jellybeans for a first hand account of experience with speech therapy and the once a week philosophy. Those of us who have not experienced it should be judicious with criticms or assumptions since we only see a few minutes of their lives from week to week. I would like to add- everyone's treatment plan is different, but not that different. The main objective is not to lose your patient due to boredom. 2 Link to comment
4leafclover June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 I don't see using Will's ice cream as a "bribe" as much as a bargaining chip. There's no shame in teaching a child that if he does something he doesn't necessarily want to do (like having his picture taken), that he will get his ice cream afterward. If he doesn't comply then no ice cream. Its called consequences and that is a good way to learn at this age. It also helps the child learn to negotiate later on (in order to get this, I must do that). 2 Link to comment
Jellybeans June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 (edited) I see nothing wrong with two adults and two children sharing one sorbet at a family outing. It would be kinda mean not to. (have a treat) Will was perfectly happy to share. Edited June 5, 2014 by Jellybeans 2 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 Regarding Strawberry-eating while picking... I grew up in Wisconsin and we picked strawberries every June. Lots of signs, but nearly everyone "snuck" a few here and there... how can you not?? 3 Link to comment
BizBuzz June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 One of the best pieces of advice I got about raising children was pick your battles. 10 Link to comment
BitterApple June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 You could also make the argument that allowing a child to negotiate gives him the opportunity to decide which orders are worth following and which aren't. If there's nothing in it for Will, is he going to bother to listen? Or will he only cooperate if Jen offers up a treat? I think it's a slippery slope. My mother had an interesting point about the egg-dipper. She commented that since the kids were decorating the eggs in their high chairs and they associate high chairs with eating, maybe Will thought the dipper was a food utensil and that's why he kept putting it in his mouth. I never thought about it from that angle. 1 Link to comment
Kohola3 June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 I don't see using Will's ice cream as a "bribe" as much as a bargaining chip. I equate this to an allowance. I had chores to perform before I got my allowance every week. I see that as the same sort of bargaining chip - do what you're told and you are rewarded. For me, the grown up, it's called a salary! 5 Link to comment
Mom2twoNonna2-3 June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 Bill and Jen have shown that they are getting services for Will and I expect they will not neglect his needs. As far as the "sad panda face" I laughed because my 3 year old grandson does the same thing. We usually tell him "that one is not working, try another" and until recently he would alter his face a few times as we repeated our request. Then he figured out that nothing was working and would aquiesce to our request or denial of goodies. I wasn't sure about Zoey when we met her, but, I've fallen in love with her. She's so polite and well behaved. She's a very patient child with her brother's antics. They sure got lucky with her. I totally love how Bill did the egg dying. Very smart. One cup at a time, in a confined space. I may try that next year. Glad Jen realizes that as a physician she can't be there for all the "holiday" fun activities. I would have been bummed that I missed egg dying, but, she sucked it up and oohed and aahed over the eggs. Jen looked tired after working and I'm amazed she was able to get up and take the kids to the park for the outing. I would have been down and out for the night. Good for her. They deserve every happiness that comes their way. 6 Link to comment
minx June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 I could just feel Jen's fatigue when she got home from work. I honestly don't know how she works a high intensity job just a few months after chemo and then deals with two very young children. Yes, she is fortunate that she has a husband with flexible hours, a reliable sitter and mom nearby. No question about that. But she doesn't have the kind of job where she can just coast if she's not feeling her best. I honestly don't know if I would have been up for strawberry picking after work. But maybe after being confined after chemo she just wants to get up and out. 2 Link to comment
gunderda June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 At the age of 4, I doubt Will is trying to secretly mastermind how he can get one over on his parents through them trying to 'bribe' him with sweets. As kids get older they get a better understanding how things work. You can tell them no and they will actually listen. At 4... not so much. My nephew is 5 and we had to bribe him with dessert for him to just put on clothes so we could go eat for my birthday back during Christmas time. Oh AND for a family photo. 3 Link to comment
joanne3482 June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 I don't see using Will's ice cream as a "bribe" as much as a bargaining chip. There's no shame in teaching a child that if he does something he doesn't necessarily want to do (like having his picture taken), that he will get his ice cream afterward. I didn't have a problem with the quid pro quo aspect, I had a problem with the reward being food. If this is a one off, probably no big deal, but if it becomes an ongoing thing - do this and you get a cookie or do that and you get cake - it can cause serious food issues. The kids get confused about appropriate food and eating when not hungry and they can become an emotional eater when they grow up. It has the potential to really set up food issues for Will, who as it is will have to monitor his weight even more strictly than a person of average stature has to. I totally love how Bill did the egg dying. Very smart. One cup at a time, in a confined space. That was brilliant. He said they were going to dye eggs and I remembered the free-for-all it was when I was a kid and thought they were way too young for that, but it was great! I never would've thought of that way. 1 Link to comment
Lola16 June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 I do believe reality stars or their PR people follow the forums to get an idea of what people are saying about the show. That way the editing and content can be tailored accordingly. Anyone who has followed the Duggars for any length of time can attest to this. When Will got his sorbet Jen kept repeating "ok, this will be your ONLY sweet for today, OK?" I felt like she was saying it more to convince the audience than to make a point to Will. What we get shown might be tailored to address any perceived issues. However, I don't believe it causes many reality participants to change their actual behavior. So I wouldn't get overly excited by what is posted in here expecting it to create some sort of real change. Fans of RHoBH actually started a petition about a cast member. Didn't do squat other than perhaps make them feel good. 2 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 What we get shown might be tailored to address any perceived issues. However, I don't believe it causes many reality participants to change their actual behavior. So I wouldn't get overly excited by what is posted in here expecting it to create some sort of real change. Exactly. I think the edit addresses some of the issues raised. TLC is notorious for doing this. Link to comment
Absolom June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 About the filming, my guess the episode was filmed over at least three or four days. TLC is well known for these "one day" events. However, they really don't work out that way. It takes on average four days of filming to get 22 to 23 minutes of television (kind of trade rule of thumb). The hospital was probably on one day, dying eggs was another day, the trip to the farm was probably one very long day, and then the "talking head" sessions were at least one other day. I am sure that Jen and Bill can opt out of their contract, especially regarding the best interests of their children but opt not to. They stopped filming after both children were first brought home after all. As I've said on another thread, we have a relative who practices entertainment law. One thing relative does is negotiate people out of performing contracts. Sometimes it goes easily and other times it's very long, tedious, and expensive. The first thing to remember is that Bill and Jen of their own free will signed a binding contract to film for x years. They can't up and decide to stop without incurring financial penalties. Those are built into the contract to protect the network. Can they get someone to negotiate them out of the contract that they willingly signed? Probably but it will likely involve elements of paying a penalty or continuing to work but at a reduced level or extending the term of the contract while reducing episodes or whatever the two sides can mutually agree upon. If they go to court or get taken to court for failure to perform (I don't see this happening), their biggest obstacle is that they as apparently adults of sound mind entered into a contract to do a, b, and c. The judge will in all likelihood view as strictly a contract case and enforce the contract as written. 2 Link to comment
Lola16 June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 The first thing to remember is that Bill and Jen of their own free will signed a binding contract to film for x years. They can't up and decide to stop without incurring financial penalties. Those are built into the contract to protect the network. Can they get someone to negotiate them out of the contract that they willingly signed? Probably but it will likely involve elements of paying a penalty or continuing to work but at a reduced level or extending the term of the contract while reducing episodes or whatever the two sides can mutually agree upon. What reality show participants some times do, is become boring. Lisa Wu on RHoATL and Dina Manzo on RHoNJ used that tactic to prematurely end their contracts. Link to comment
BitterApple June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I'm curious to see what will happen once the novelty of the kids wears off, ratings are down and their contract is up. Will Jen and Bill engage in shlocky scripted fare to keep the show going? Or will they call it quits? I'd like to hope for the latter, but fame is a hell of a drug. Link to comment
Veronique Bette June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Bill and Jen signed a contract committing themselves to a certain number of years and/or episodes of doing this show, but I wonder if that includes mandated appearances of the children as well. Realistically, I don't think they could film activities just with themselves as they are now a family and the children are so popular with the viewers, but from a legal standpoint, I wonder what their options would be if they no longer wanted the children to appear on camera. Link to comment
Absolom June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 What reality show participants some times do, is become boring. Lisa Wu on RHoATL and Dina Manzo on RHoNJ used that tactic to prematurely end their contracts. This is true. Not responding to production cues, being late, being dull, getting sick a lot are also techniques used by talent when wanting out. Forgetting is also very useful. That's a good question as to whether the contract was written strictly obligating Jen and Bill or whether since it seems trying for a family was being considered from the beginning it included any future children or was written as family. Link to comment
CousinAmy June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 (edited) Lola16, omigod no, my name is a nod to my Cousin Amy. We have speech therapists come to our preschool and the children love their sessions. They might balk because they are taken out of the classroom because they don't want to stop playing with their friends, but the therapists have all sorts of toys - including iPads - and they can get the kids into a relaxed mood within a few minutes. Lessons are usually scheduled according to the IEP, but there can be two or three a week - as many as necessary. We also have behavioral therapists who either do "pull out" like the speech therapists, or "push in," where they go into the classroom and work with the child to interact with the other students. It's all very relaxed and loving and many tears are shed at the end of the year when we all say goodbye. Therapy doesn't have to be harrowing to work! If Will needs more services I'm sure that Jen is on top of it - of course this could be happening now and we just aren't seeing it. I hope we do get to see some scenes of him in preschool, though. Edited June 6, 2014 by CousinAmy Link to comment
Everh June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Lola16, omigod no, my name is a nod to my Cousin Amy. We have speech therapists come to our preschool and the children love their sessions. They might balk because they are taken out of the classroom because they don't want to stop playing with their friends, but the therapists have all sorts of toys - including iPads - and they can get the kids into a relaxed mood within a few minutes. Lessons are usually scheduled according to the IEP, but there can be two or three a week - as many as necessary. We also have behavioral therapists who either do "pull out" like the speech therapists, or "push in," where they go into the classroom and work with the child to interact with the other students. It's all very relaxed and loving and many tears are shed at the end of the year when we all say goodbye. Therapy doesn't have to be harrowing to work! If Will needs more services I'm sure that Jen is on top of it - of course this could be happening now and we just aren't seeing it. I hope we do get to see some scenes of him in preschool, though. The last thing Will and Zoey need is camera's in their classrooms, not to mention the other children. I doubt a reputable school would allow it anyway. I think Bill and Jen are reading the boards and all the other social media. This last episode seemed hinky to me in that a lot of it was staged to address a lot of what is being said. Of course they tried to do it in a way where they thought we wouldn't notice, but we did. 1 Link to comment
CousinAmy June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I think the Q&A session was probably designed to answer questions people have been raising - they may have actually come up with the questions themselves. It's possible the producers read social media - I'm sure there are entire agencies that will do that - but I can't imagine a busy doctor is taking the time to read message boards. And if they were reading the boards, they'd know about the general reaction to their Season Finale episode...I mean Vow Renewal. 1 Link to comment
mbutterfly June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 This is true. Not responding to production cues, being late, being dull, getting sick a lot are also techniques used by talent when wanting out. Forgetting is also very useful. That's a good question as to whether the contract was written strictly obligating Jen and Bill or whether since it seems trying for a family was being considered from the beginning it included any future children or was written as family. Still, I can't imagine either Jen nor Bill being capable of getting purposefully dull or forgetful. If they wanted out, Jen's cancer would probably have been enough I would think. 1 Link to comment
BitterApple June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I don't think they want out. Jen especially seems to like the attention and celebrity of being a reality star. I'm already cringeing over next week's episode. Poorly scripted vow renewals are usually the shark-jumping moment for most reality shows. In the preview Jen was doing a bad job of pretending to act surprised. 1 Link to comment
Jellybeans June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Lola16, omigod no, my name is a nod to my Cousin Amy. We have speech therapists come to our preschool and the children love their sessions. They might balk because they are taken out of the classroom because they don't want to stop playing with their friends, but the therapists have all sorts of toys - including iPads - and they can get the kids into a relaxed mood within a few minutes. Lessons are usually scheduled according to the IEP, but there can be two or three a week - as many as necessary. They did this to me and I hated being treated differently from the other kids.... and Finally I got so tired of it, I asked my parents to let me go to the deaf school (haha) to get away from well meaning peeps who would pull me out of class for this or that... Once I went to the deaf school (age 13) I had no more of THAT going on and learned to sign really, really quick. I did not tell my parents why because every time I said anything, they would run down to the school and somehow make things worse. When my kids were in school, they would want to pull one or the other out for something or the other (my daughter didn't hold her pencil"right") and I put my foot down. Parents need to understand other kids do notice your child is being pulled out and it is not always a good thing. Good intentions with sometimes painful consequences. 5 Link to comment
jodo June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 If you know everything they are doing or not doing, I'm sure everyone else would love to know. Then just keep reading!!! LOL Link to comment
BitterApple June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I think Will might have a rocky start when he goes to pre-school but he'll adjust quickly. It would be a little intrusive to film him in that setting, but I'm eager to see the improvements he makes. I think Zoe is more typical for her age and will probably have an easier transition. Zoe is on the mature side of 2 whereas Will is on the babyish side of 4. I do think kids generally even out in the end though. 2 Link to comment
Absolom June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Can you imagine trying to get all the parents and teachers from two pre-school classes to sign waivers for filming? That's if they got by the administration? They might manage to get agreement to film a special event. I've noticed on other reality shows graduations are popular since other people will already be filming. Link to comment
Lola16 June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I don't think they want out. Jen especially seems to like the attention and celebrity of being a reality star. I'm already cringeing over next week's episode. Poorly scripted vow renewals are usually the shark-jumping moment for most reality shows. In the preview Jen was doing a bad job of pretending to act surprised. I always got that impression from Bill. Especially the earlier episodes when he'd preen or he did that ridiculous blonde tip dye job. When my kids were in school, they would want to pull one or the other out for something or the other (my daughter didn't hold her pencil"right") and I put my foot down. Parents need to understand other kids do notice your child is being pulled out and it is not always a good thing. Good intentions with sometimes painful consequences. That is the worst. When I switched schools (due to a move), one of the teachers thought I needed extra attention in language class and she made me stay after school every day (every single day) for an hour. I'd spend it in the language lab with a tape recorder (this was the 80s, tape recorders were a thing) and I'd have to recite. My classmates thought I was recording books into a foreign language and they snubbed me. Until one asked and found out that I wasn't special in an exceptionally talented way but rather I was lagging behind. Then I was cool. Whoddathunkit? 1 Link to comment
Jellybeans June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Language labs, ugh. UGH. When I was in third grade, I had a body aid. This was before behind the ear hearing aids were invented for profound losses. (still can't wear the super small ones) Sooooo, one day a bunch of kids hassled me about my body aid. I shut them up quickly when I told them I could "tell time" and listen to "The Monkees" with it. "Hey, hey, we're the Monkees, and people say we monkey around" No one ever confronted me again. You really have to be careful not to stigmatize children who are perceived as being different. I tell people who have self-esteem issues stemming from their disabilities that "everyone has a disability, at least we know what ours disabilities are"! 6 Link to comment
jodo June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 (edited) Someone twittered this pic of Will pouting when Bill took the holder away. Edited June 6, 2014 by jodo Link to comment
BitterApple June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Lola16, I agree Bill likes the fame. Jen is on my radar because I was taken aback when she made a big deal over her compromised immune system yet had no problem jetting off to San Fran and NYC to do appearances. She couldn't stand close to a colleague to take a picture but sitting on an airplane (which is a cesspool of bacteria) for hours was okay. Ego-stroking apparently can trump health concerns. 2 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Well, I think its fair to say that anyone who chooses to do more than one season of a reality show likes either the fame or the money. I think Bill and Jen are nice people but really, this is season what, five? They aren't doing the show out of the goodness of their hearts. 2 Link to comment
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