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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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Kelly with her own show is just unbearable! She has parade of her rich, celebrity buddies on co-hosting and they are gushing over  each other .  Did you know that Anderson danced with Madonna? Snore ! How many times do we hear the same stories ? 

Then we are treated to her constant talking about her "traumatic" childhood stories about her mom doing horrible things , like dipping the bread too long in eggs for French toast ! It was funny when her cohost yesterday sarcastically  said that she needed therapy! 

Whet is with her hair? It looks dry, thin and ratty . She usually has very pretty hair . 

Edited by snowydaze
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13 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Their oldest is studying film in college out West.

Well, West Village.  :)  Michael's going to NYU.


It was funny when her cohost yesterday sarcastically  said that she needed therapy! 

That was hysterical, Billy did a great job.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

Well, West Village.  :)  Michael's going to NYU.

That was hysterical, Billy did a great job.

I could have sworn he was going to school in California. Weren't they all out there with Mark while he was filming Pitch (a show I've never seen)? Anyhoo, he's going to college. LOL!!!

I also thought it was funny when Billy said he loved the show with Regis & Kathie Lee. Kelly said she was sorry she couldn't make his dream come true. She said it in a funny way and not mean.......I think.

Here's an article from Page 6 about Kelly's son (I know, a very reliable source!)

6 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I also thought it was funny when Billy said he loved the show with Regis & Kathie Lee. Kelly said she was sorry she couldn't make his dream come true. She said it in a funny way and not mean.......I think.

I thought it was a funny way also, Billy seemed to give it all he had.  Another co-host contender, perhaps?

57 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Here's an article from Page 6 about Kelly's son (I know, a very reliable source!)

I thought it was a funny way also, Billy seemed to give it all he had.  Another co-host contender, perhaps?

The list is growing longer and longer. First, it was Fred Savage what was being talked about after her bff's Anderson & Andy. I haven't heard Fred's name in long time. Now, with Christmas coming up they usually go dark shortly before Christmas and well in to the New Year. We won't hear anything about the host hunt. I think Kelly (and, the show) likes the revolving host. The only problem is when she goes on her of her vacations is when they need a permament host. I guess they could start making up their mind in February and start off the new host during May Sweeps. At this rate, they might just wait till next year to decide. LOL!!!

Anderson and Andy were never serious contenders, that was just hype drummed up by Gelman.  Fred Savage was a contender, until a better opportunity popped up and now he's out.  The only serious contenders left are Jerry O'Connell and the guy who won the co-host challenge.  I hope TPTB give Billy a shot, he's a pop culture junkie, he comes prepared and he's a native NYer.

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I haven't watched in a while, but I saw the show a few times recently, and it has gotten so crappy! 

Someone commented recently about Kelly and her "sweetie" talk with her rich buddies. Today she was doing that with Anderson . It's quite nauseating to watch and listen to her doing that .

More mocking her mom today . Her mom sends out Father's Day cards for Christmas?  Does she really have to mock her mom constantly?

Boy Kelly sure has changed from a relatable, down to earth woman to quite a snobby woman who seems to look down her nose at her mother and her upbringing.

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On 11/26/2016 at 5:58 AM, finnzup said:

I wonder what happened to the new co-host announcement during November sweeps?  Could Kelmee have that large of an ego that she put that on hold with her new power as EP?  Very interesting change of plans.  I can't even imagine who the front runner could possible be now.  For the longest time, I thought Fred Savage had it in the bag, then it looked like Jerry had the edge, now I don't know.  Could she possibly be waiting to see if Mark's "Pitch" is picked up for another season??  If not, could she be angling for him to sit next to her?  

I don't think ABC or the producers ever suggested a November announcement.  It was just speculation from the rabid, usually wrong, celebrity press, hyping for clicks.   

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10 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

.......the guy who won the co-host challenge......

I wonder if he is off somewhere, rehearsing and/or being schooled on how to appear on daily television.  I think he is a much stronger contender than many thought.  Hiring a fading celeb isn't going to get them much longevity. And they don't seem eager to try out news people or others in infotainmentland. 

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On 11/24/2016 at 5:57 AM, larsonb said:

The ratings are down,  and it's easy to see why.

It's all about the competition.  Losing Strahan hasn't cost the show a step.  It has only saved them millions. 

“Live with Kelly” has held sole possession of second pretty much all season, but “Ellen” managed a tie in the week of Nov. 7-13. Both shows earned a 2.5 household rating, a point behind “Dr. Phil.”


Given that the primetime networks are all down from 8-15% for the year, it's fair to say that just about everything has dipped. There's no hurry to fill the co-host slot when there is an endless parade of Hollywood Types who can fill it for pocket change.

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10 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

It's all about the competition.  Losing Strahan hasn't cost the show a step.  It has only saved them millions. 

“Live with Kelly” has held sole possession of second pretty much all season, but “Ellen” managed a tie in the week of Nov. 7-13. Both shows earned a 2.5 household rating, a point behind “Dr. Phil.”


Given that the primetime networks are all down from 8-15% for the year, it's fair to say that just about everything has dipped. There's no hurry to fill the co-host slot when there is an endless parade of Hollywood Types who can fill it for pocket change.

It's funny but I never thought how much money they are saving by not having Strahan as a host. I'm guessing the guest co-host are getting scale (whatever that is). They are potentially saving millions of $$$$$$ for now. If they hired the school teacher they would save even more money. I think he's coming back one more time or the second time was that time I was thinking of. Like I said before, they won't hire a new co-host well past February of 2017.

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Kelly's doing fine by herself. Obviously her show isn't everyone's cup of tea, but why watch then? Makes no sense to waste time every day watching something you hate. I think her hair looks good, I like it longer and wonder if she's growing it long again.

She is very popular, just based on reactions in the audience and by the contest callers. Her ratings are fine, as mentioned above, she is second behind Ellen. That's a good spot. She has won an Emmy for hosting, so her peers agree. Yes, it was with Michael but it was a team effort, and team win.

So she's not going anywhere, and in spite of her few haters, she's laughing all the way to the bank.

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The ratings have gone down since Michael left .  The show hasn't even been a top talker as they call it during Halloween week .

Kelly still needs a good cohost to be the lead on this show and to make host chat interesting.  At times she does well, but overall it's painfully dull .

The dumb ciggarette smoking gesture , making fun of her mother - which she did again during the gift segment,  her rich talk with her celebrity friends, and her usual habits of staring  at herself , and fake modest are all magnified because she now has no one consistently as a cohost .

Today I couldn't believe that she actually even joked about bringing Regis back for a segment, when she hasn't even spoken to him in 5 years ! 

I agree that she is going to someday get back what she pulled on Regis and Michael since she was so full of herself that she thought she could make her employer look bad .  It will be interesting to see when it happens ! 

Edited by goldenpuppy
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I suspect Kelly knows that she won't be hosting the show when she is in her 80s like St Regis was. I doubt she will have much interest once she hits 20 years and once Joaquin is on his way to college. Meanwhile, she banks tens of millions of dollars a year, has earned/gotten/was given a huge say in how the show is run as a titular executive, and continues to run a production company on the side. 

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You know, often in the entertainment biz, as high as you fly is as low as you fall.  Kelly is/was cute and perky and upbeat when she joined Regis originally.  Today, she seems a bit bitter and jaded beneath the forced jovial behavior.  She might be at the tipping point of reinventing herself and her show.  But probably not.  She's a 'cutesy' personality that doesn't play well when you're in you're in your 50's, or even 40's.  

Its a rough fall.  And Regis isn't coming back.....men can last a longer time than women can, usually.  Kelly isn't that charismatic or interesting, like.....Oprah, for example.  

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5 hours ago, ByaNose said:

How nice that the Wrag, er, the Wrap, actually has new content.  I swear, they keep re-publishing that same old tired clickbait list/photo panel of all the guest co-hosts.  I see they re-posted it again, with the bogus date of 12-01-16.  Its the same thing they published over the summer.  Anything for clicks.......

3 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

How nice that the Wrag, er, the Wrap, actually has new content.  I swear, they keep re-publishing that same old tired clickbait list/photo panel of all the guest co-hosts.  I see they re-posted it again, with the bogus date of 12-01-16.  Its the same thing they published over the summer.  Anything for clicks.......

I thought it was old and then I saw 12/1 and then I thought it had to be new. I know what you mean about new content. They never have any but I'm always checking it out.

I saw that picture of Kelly as the middle of an Andy/Anderson sandwich. (And IF it were a sammich, I'd need a jug of Jesus Juice to wash it down.) She called Anderson "the one that got away."

I FINALLY for-the-most-part have quit this show. (But I like to check this forum. Thanks to all that DO watch. I had to stop for my mental health, lol. Yes, it's helping, thanks for asking. I also quit The View. And most of the Real Houseshits. That's for you, Andy.) I will tune in, on occasion, to see how Our Gal is faring. Seems to have settled into a sort of plateau now, since the whole Strahan Kerfluffle went down. She survived, and has her fan base. And her millions to keep her warm. And her family. That is SOMETHING in this crazy day and age. I still have a teensy weensy soft spot for Ol' KellMe - I remember being wowed by her first several appearances with Saint Reege (for whom I will always have a big soft spot for, unless some unsavory dirt bubbles up. Ya never know. Sad, but true) then something changed, and I Lost the Feeling. Oh, well, my loss!!

Anyhow, she mentioned that the co-host search didn't have a timeline. Sort of like love. When you meet the right one, you know it. On that note, Happy Holidays!! And go ahead and have that extra scoop of stuffing. It helps sooth the soul. I know.

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I have watched since the late 1980s, when Time magazine first called Live with Regis and Kathie Lee the "best 15 minutes of television on TV",  ie for the now much-copied Host Chat.  Even back then, I couldn't handle the smarmy interviews, badly produced musical guests, or the endless commercial breaks, so I just set that VCR set to record from 902A-916A every day.  And that's the extent I have ever watched.  I  maybe have taped/seen a whole 59 minute show a half dozen times in 30 years.  Yes, host chat is different now, just like everything in the world is different now. No blame, just the way it is. 

During the dreadful Michael regime, I inched that VCR recording time to 902-908AM.  Six minutes is about all I wanted to see.  Since he left, I upped the time to roughly the first dozen minutes, though most of these guest co-hosts are of minimal interest to me.  Since the show is pretty reliable about posting the Host Chat, I stopped recording all together and usually let the Host Chats pile up until I have about an hour to watch a weeks+ worth.  I can't imagine that any of the potential new co-hosts will get me back into wanting to watch.  Strangely, the unknown contest winner school teacher guy would probably get me to tune in for the full Host Chat, mostly because he's a blank slate and isnt going to worry about ruining his "persona" like so many of the other Hollywood-ish types.

For those craving the Andy Sandwich:


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I'm sorry, I didn't quote a previous comment properly at all! 

Copying Jeanius- 

"I saw that picture of Kelly as the middle of an Andy/Anderson sandwich. (And IF it were a sammich, I'd need a jug of Jesus Juice to wash it down.) She called Anderson "the one that got away."..."

what does she mean, "The one that got away"?  From HER?  As a boyfriend/husband material?  

Edited by LisainCali
Did not give credit for previous post

I think she meant it as the co-host that got away. I guess Kelly's top choice would be Anderson. There would be a certain prestige in getting a "big name" with some gravitas to sit next to her and validate her importance. I also think she feels she can manipulate him, for lack of a better word. To some extent. I don't think Anderson is as cuddly wuddly as he sometimes seems to be. But he likes Kelly, and they seem to be pretty close friends. Anderson is an interesting guy, but he only goes so far in continuing to be interesting. I feel like I know him pretty well now. He seems to kowtow to Kelly a bit. Their little routine was amusing at first - Kelly trying to get Anderson to dance, for example. But like all things, it gets stale. The way Anderson reacts to Kelly, is almost like he admires her, adores her, is slightly afraid of her pushing him out of his comfort zone. Kelly would love it, for he bounces the attention back to her, and she can pretend she is focusing on him, all the while, it 's about Kelly.

Yikes!! I'm not sure even I understand all that mumbo-jumbo. Morning ramblings.

Pretty sure she did NOT mean in a romantic way at all :)

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11 hours ago, LisainCali said:

what does she mean, "The one that got away"?  From HER?  As a boyfriend/husband material?  

She was saying that before Anderson officially came out of the closet, in an entirely tongue'n'cheek kind of way to the 99.99% of the population that already knew Anderson was gay.  You're right, it doesn't really make sense now, old habits die hard.

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I think he is the leading candidate.  Attractive, cheap, straight, cheap, personable, cheap, young-ish, cheap.  The "storybook" nature of it will get lots of publicity, lots of eyeballs, and lots of attention.  Exactly what they want.  And Kelly gets to mentor <hahahahaha> someone to be a *star*, pass the torch to a newer generation <gag>, and the risk of Strahan-like diva-ish-ness is minimal.

The only wrinkle could be is if the affiliates or the ABC Syndication mucky-mucks actually want a *name*.   But *names* cost money, make demands, and battle for turf.  A suburban schoolteacher brings none of that.

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20 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

I really like Richard Curtis ... smart, funny & not hard to look at.  Just sayin'.

Now I finally got to watch him yesterday, I think he has it in the bag if he wants it.  Aside from the obvious that he's "cheap", he is easy going and pretty relaxed in the opening chats.  

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I am going to be a Richard Curtis dissenter.  Prior to yesterday, I liked him fine when he hosted as an "everyday kind of guy" and was pleased for him to make it to that chair as a Temp Host through a contest.  But yesterday made me turn away from him -- way too Fred Savage-esque and over the top for my enjoyment level.  Way too "adore Kelly" mode.  A bit too loud, laughed too hard, energy level up too high and I hated his new haircut!  I get it that he's cheap salary-wise and he's a story, but he is not a draw for me.  

Edited by MerBearHou
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I like Richard, but I think Kelly likes having the spotlight too much to get a cohost anytime soon.

i happened to turn in today, they were making Latkes .  Kelly had to keep singing like a stupid child during segment . She also said she wanted to be Jewish as a kid . She hasn't changed a bit , so fake and in need of attention, and so annoying! 

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, goldenpuppy said:

I like Richard, but I think Kelly likes having the spotlight too much to get a cohost anytime soon.

i happened to turn in today, they were making Latkes .  Kelly had to keep singing like a stupid child during segment . She also said she wanted to be Jewish as a kid . She hasn't changed a bit , so fake and in need of attention, and so annoying! 

and, way too skinny as heck. She was so good her first 2 years or so. She was so normal. Now, with all the $$$$$, 3 homes and rich friends like Anderson Cooper & Andy Cohen made lose all touch with reality. The worse part she tries to act like she is living on food stamps when talking about how much college cost. Jeez! She could pay to put the whole auidence through college on one weeks pay.

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The past week Kelly's "hi's" as she enters and sits in her high chair are just so grating.  "Hi!, hi, hi, hi.....hi......hi............"  omg, how many "hi's" can she even stand herself? lol  Talk about phoning it in.  She's absolutely intolerable as far as I'm concerned.  Doesn't matter though, I haven't been a regular watcher of the show in years.  

There was one day where her hair was absolutely the worst!  Don't know how she agreed to walk out looking like that--it was dirty, looked destroyed on the ends and looked like she had it in a pony-tail overnight and just took the rubberband out.  Really awful, lol.  

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21 hours ago, finnzup said:

The past week Kelly's "hi's" as she enters and sits in her high chair are just so grating.  "Hi!, hi, hi, hi.....hi......hi............"  omg, how many "hi's" can she even stand herself? lol  Talk about phoning it in.  She's absolutely intolerable as far as I'm concerned.  Doesn't matter though, I haven't been a regular watcher of the show in years.  

There was one day where her hair was absolutely the worst!  Don't know how she agreed to walk out looking like that--it was dirty, looked destroyed on the ends and looked like she had it in a pony-tail overnight and just took the rubberband out.  Really awful, lol.  

I agree , the show is just so blah now .  I keep reading rumors that Kelly does not want a cohost and the  "search" is merely a publicity stunt to keep people interested in some pretend contest .  I am beginning to think the rumors may be true . 

I feel bad for anyone who might be hired as a permanent cohost, she doesn't speak to her two previous cohosts, and her behavior with both of them when they were leaving was rude. 

I don't watch regularly anymore either . I watch when I might want to see a cohost or a guest , but self absorbed Kelly is just annoying to me .

When I see a 46 year old woman who seems to want to pretend she is some very hip , young woman  , it's kind of nauseating, embarrassing and sad.  Maybe she feels a need to act like that to keep her job, but I think it's more than that .

i don't think she needs to act like an old lady, but  she just comes off like an insecure 20 year old .

i have noticed that her hair just doesn't look right lately . She always had such shiny , pretty hair,  a few month ago it stated looking dry, thin, and damaged .

Kelly used to brag about her extensions, so I am wondering if her perfect hair was more about extensions . Maybe her hair needed a rest from extensions, and now this is her real hair . 

It wouldn't be surprising that a middle aged woman who weighs under 100lbs , and works out obsessively , and barely eats , probably doesn't have the healthiest hair.  

I saw her with one of her tighter Christmas sweaters one day and she looked more emaciiated than usual .

I happened to catch Hoda and Kathie Lee and it was refreshing to see Hoda, who is not a fake , not obsessed with staring at herself or being the center of attention, and isn't obsessed with looking like a prepubescent teen, hosting a talk show .

Edited by goldenpuppy
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On 12/29/2016 at 9:48 AM, finnzup said:

The past week Kelly's "hi's" as she enters and sits in her high chair are just so grating.  "Hi!, hi, hi, hi.....hi......hi............"  omg, how many "hi's" can she even stand herself? lol  Talk about phoning it in.

Since all of the past two weeks have been pre-tapes, I will cut a bit of slack  The intros were filmed weeks ago and no doubt the producers urged her to make it seem as fresh and new as possible, to hoodwink the mostly clueless viewing public that they were live.  It often seems that her ""hi" comments are used when the audience has a weak/lackluster applause-meter.....

Kelly posted a Christmas picture if her family. I really thought Michael was Mark for a second ! Her children are cute . I was a little surprised that Kelly, who wouldn't let her daughter wear leggings, allowed her to wear what she had on in this picture.  I wouldn't let a teen her age dress like that .  But , nonetheless, they are cute kids .

Looks like they were in Colorado.  Wouldn't be my choice of vacations in winter , but then again, they take multiple vacations, so they go to warm climates.

i agree about Kelly's hair. It looks thinnned out and damaged . Maybe too many years of extensions have taken a toll . She is looking like maybe being underweight and over exercising are taking a toll on her looks . There is only so long you can do that without it taking a toll .

im sure that we will be treated to Kelly showing us her overdone exercise routine for the new year new you  stuff . Bring overweight is not healthy, but the other extreme is also not great .

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