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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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Hey Everyone...before we devolve into a My Country Is The Best Country-pissing match, try not to snark disrespectfully towards your fellow posters. Fact is, unless one actually lives in said country (and moreso, a particular area within that country), you're never going to truly know what it's like to live in that area. By all means, snark about the show, but be respectful to each other. Cheers.

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Wow, Kelly barely could spit out her words today. The "umm uhh umm" was really bad today during host chat.

Then came the putting herself down by saying she looked like a guy in a picture compared to a beautiful woman. That is sad if she really sees herself that way, but it sure seems more like her usual fake modesty.

Oh and the wedding Micheal went to at Cirpiani's must mean the family is " really rich", according to Kelly. As if she's not?? She must be very out of touch with reality if she thinks she's not extreme rich . More than likely, it's more a matter of Kelly pretending she's just average again.

Maybe she needs someone to give her some new adjectives when she fake gushes over anything her guest talks about! The word favorite doesn't mean anything when you use it to describe everything about every guest!

And wasn't Nre York the best place to raise kids according to Kelly? Now it's Australia?

She would be a whole lot less annoying if she's just tone down the phony part of her personality.

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Did she say she wasn't rich? Positing that another family is rich doesn't mean she thinks she isn't.

Kelly is right; poutine is the best! And it has to be with real cheese curds, not shredded cheese.

I have a VERY hard time believing Kelly really "got up to 8 poutines" (however she phrased it). Eat poutine, dance 30 minutes to work it off, eat poutine, dance....... I'm sorry, I've seen Kelly nibble at food for years, she doesn't eat 8 of anything. I could believe she ate one serving and then danced for 3 hours to erase it. But 8? Now way. I know, exaggerating for effect you might say. But for someone that skinny to continuously have us believe that she would ever overindulge in food, is, IMO, disingenuos.

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I have a VERY hard time believing Kelly really "got up to 8 poutines" (however she phrased it). Eat poutine, dance 30 minutes to work it off, eat poutine, dance....... I'm sorry, I've seen Kelly nibble at food for years, she doesn't eat 8 of anything. I could believe she ate one serving and then danced for 3 hours to erase it. But 8? Now way. I know, exaggerating for effect you might say. But for someone that skinny to continuously have us believe that she would ever overindulge in food, is, IMO, disingenuos.

Yeah, seems like Kelly with her BS again! She probably had one forkful and danced 30 minutes to burn it off! She breaks cookies into 10 pieces and eats one or two pieces on the show. She even breaks goldfish in half!

Disingenuous is what makes Kelly most annoying to me. She can be funny, she seems like a decent person and a good mom, but on a show where being real is the first 15 mi it's, and interviewing also requires some sincerity, she just is over the top and obviously fake, since she repeats the same bs compliments to nearly every guest! You can only have so many favorites! But I think it's easier to fake fawn than actually prepare for an interview!

Kelly may not say she isn't rich, but she implies it by acting like she's not rich. When hurricane Sandy came and she was staring at a 5 star hotel, she said she hadn't showers in 5 days! She also said the kids had to stand on the sidewalk and get internet service from Starbucks to get internet service for homework! Yes, the Mark hotel doesn't have internet! (Of course she never said they were in that hotel, she acted like they were in one room at the comfort inn! ) The implication she always makes is that she is just this middle class women in awe of the rich peole around her when she's making 20 million a year! Michael does the same thing, and it's annoying, he just doesn't take it as far as Kelly.

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Classic screw-up by LIVE production.  Michael was going on about the Triple Crown win in the Belmont Stakes, which happened mere miles from that studio, and we were treated to a beautiful picture of the horse with a  blanket of flowers.  


The problem?  The flowers were roses, not white carnations.  They showed a picture from the Kentucky Derby!  

  • Love 1
The problem?  The flowers were roses, not white carnations.  They showed a picture from the Kentucky Derby!



Good catch!


When Kelly said she had 8 poutines, I thought she meant 8 fries, not 8 servings.  I love poutine, and I have a hearty appetite, and I couldn't eat 8 poutines.

Edited by sugarbaker design
  • Love 1

Good catch!


When Kelly said she had 8 poutines, I thought she meant 8 fries, not 8 servings.  I love poutine, and I have a hearty appetite, and I couldn't eat 8 poutines.

You may be right. I have heard Kelly talk about poutine before, but that is the only time I had ever heard of it. I don't know if poutine is "a serving" or "a fry". If it's a serving, then I call BS on her having 8. If it's a fry, then MAYBE I can believe she had 8. But if she felt she had to dance for 30 minutes after each fry, then that's really troubling and only further proof of her obsession/fear of food.


Poutine is a Quebec dish consisting of fries with brown gravy and cheese curds.  It's basically a heart attack on a plate, and it's totally delicious.  I never comment on Kelly's appearance or food habits, I find it uninteresting.  I have a love/hate relationship with Kelly when she talks about Montreal.  I love Montreal, it's North America's best kept little secret, it's like going to Europe without the long flight or big fares.  I try to go there at least once a year (not just for the poutine).  I love that Kelly loves Montreal, I hate when she talks it up, she might increase tourism!

Edited by sugarbaker design
  • Love 1

As a Canadian who was born & raised in Ottawa, Poutine was a mainstay in our diet.  Here's what it looks like & a serving is like a soup bowl:



Thanks for the link! So there's no way Kelly had 8 of those servings! I'm going to go with what Orangekit said, she probably had 8 forkfuls and then danced 30 minutes after each one. However much she ate, and however long she danced, really isn't the point. It's that she can't allow herself the pleasure of eating good food without guilt and repentance.

  • Love 1

As a Canadian who was born & raised in Ottawa, Poutine was a mainstay in our diet.  Here's what it looks like & a serving is like a soup bowl:




Mmmmm....Poutine! The best! It truly is a heart-attack on a plate but tastes wonderful. As a Canadian, I have had my share. But it had a huge amount of calories, so I highly doubt that someone like Kelly, who obviously wants to stay thin and watches her weight, would even consider eating it. Maybe a bite or two (as as mentioned, 8 fries), but not a whole serving of poutine. She probably just said it to sound cool/hip. But no mention of a Montreal smoked meat sandwich. Come on!! *grin*


Montreal really is lovely though. I've been a couple of times and love the Old Montreal area.

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Montreal was "our" old stompin' grounds & a bunch of us used to pile in a car & go for the week-end about once a month.  After an evening of nightclubs, etc., it was Poutine, Chinese or smoked meat at Ben's Deli.  After that it was drive home & go to bed at 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. -- fun times!!!  It wasn't until I was a few years older that I discovered the "real" Montreal -- a wonderful, old & multi-cultural city with architecture that is mind-numbingly beautiful.

  • Love 1

Actually, Quebec City is more European and Old World than Montreal, if you want to sample "Europe" without the overseas flight.

And yeah, pluralizing poutine is incorrect, but since Kelly isn't a native to the dish, I'll assume she meant eight cheese curd covered fries dripping with gravy... {{{drool}}}

No idea who today's writer guest was, Ari Something? And who is her husband George they kept talking about? I turned it on halfway through the interview.

  • Love 1

Actually, Quebec City is more European and Old World than Montreal, if you want to sample "Europe" without the overseas flight.

And yeah, pluralizing poutine is incorrect, but since Kelly isn't a native to the dish, I'll assume she meant eight cheese curd covered fries dripping with gravy... {{{drool}}}

No idea who today's writer guest was, Ari Something? And who is her husband George they kept talking about? I turned it on halfway through the interview.

I only went to Quebec City once & I was really sick the whole time we were there, so I didn't see much, but you're not the first to tell me it's a must-see city  Thanks for reminding me -- I'll add it to my Bucket List.

Kelly's hair would be cute and edgy if she was on college, but it just looks like a middle aged woman desperately trying to stay young. She also said she usually does her hair a different plot before vacation . I don't remember her having pictures of weird colored hair in vacation pictures. I think it just looks stupid enough on a 19 year old, but on someone her age its not only ugly to have bright colored hair, but really tacky. And makes her look older .

Sometimes I get a feeling that Kelly is one of those moms who is embarrassing to be around because she is desperate for attention and to appear young. Dancing away at a Bar Mitzvah or standing up ar at table at a restaurant with her obnoxious friend Jessica Seinfeld, when there is not dancing going on, and dancing away is so cringeworthy!

There is always one mom who almost needs to appear as youngas her kids and needs attention, and Kelly seems like the type.

And judging from her dancing of gyrating and shaking like she has a medical condition, she must think she's quite the dancer, but it's pure comedy!

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I thought it was a Halloween rerun with the hideous pink hair on Kelly. Looks like a bad midlife crisis ! Lol. You'd think someone on her style team would tell her to wait until she's out of town to try to be a teenager!

No wonder her kids are cringing at her at the time! Kids do that anyway, but Kelly just can't grow up and let her kids be the kids- even at the parties that her kids' friends have!

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If I never hear again that Kelly was the last one on the dance floor, it will be too soon. I don't remember this love of dancing during the Regis years. But ever since Michael has come on board, that Kelly is a dancing machine! She dances at concerts, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, clubs, you name it. First on the floor, last one left. Dancing (?) to her seat each morning. We get it! You're the life of the party.

Edited by MzTori77
  • Love 2

If I never hear again that Kelly was the last one on the dance floor, it will be too soon. I don't remember this love of dancing during the Regis years. But ever since Michael has come on board, that Kelly is a dancing machine! She dances at concerts, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, clubs, you name it. First on the floor, last one left. Dancing (?) to her seat each morning. We get it! You're the life of the party.

it's pretty much gag worthy! I do not get what is so interesting about having a guest at a party who spends all of her time dancing and not interacting with anyone. She loves to brag about running out when no one else is on the dance floor. Talk about a need to be the center of attention! I also remember her talking about dancing in the rain by herself at some Peru last summer!

The Bar Mitzvah thing is just too obnoxious when it involves her kids' friends! And standing up in a classy restaurant and da inc embrace her table when her kids were an going her??? OMG!

She really needs to grow up and realize not every place is her is own personal stage .

I wonder what the other moms think of Kelly when she acts like a middle aged teen with her pink hair and her spastic gyrating at their Bar Mitzvahs.

Poor Lola has to have a mommy who acts like an insecure, attention starved teen in public.

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Kelly posted an Instagram pic of herself along with Madonna, who is holding 6-week-old Joaquin. Granted, it's 12 years ago, but Kelly looked so pretty compared to now. Her face was fuller and so much softer looking. Her extreme exercise and diet regime may have given her 0% body fat, but it has not done her any favors in looking young.

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Kelly did look better with weight in her face. Obviously, it was 12 years ago but you can tell she has gone to the extreme to be really, really thin. Oddly enough, you don't hear it much in the press whereas Guilanna Rancic and others are mentioned. I think it's because she is so much older (in her 40's, right), married with kids.

Giuliana Rancic is also a mother in her 40s.  Giuliana Rancic's job is going on tv and critiquing other women's appearances, Kelly Ripa's job is to jabber about her life and conduct fluffy interviews with celebrities.  Maybe that's one of the reasons why people notice how Ms. Rancic looks more so than Kelly Ripa.

  • Love 1

I was absolutely slack-jawed listening to all the happy and gay references to Charleston, SC on Thursday's show!   Surely someone on the Live staff recalled what had been taped when the first reports of the atrocity of Wednesday night came out????  Anyone?  Beuller?   All they did was show a standard "previously recorded" lower-third during the host entrance.


This show, above pretty much all others, twists itself into PC pretzels in avoidance of offense.  If they read or hear a story about how someone got a hangnail, they practically fall all over themselves offering thoughts and prayers to the family.  The seeming obliviousness to what had happened less than 18 hours before air was a true shock.  


It was bad enough when the guest host went on and on about Charleston.  Then, in the trivia contest, the caller spoke about how great Charleston was!  I could not believe it.  Of all the times to have synergy with the caller!


They are fortunate that somebody at a snarky place, like the NY Post, did not take them to task for this enormous faux pas. 

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
  • Love 1

Yeah, but what are they going to do? The show was already taped, huge portions of host chat discussed Charlotte, it may have been hard to edit those parts out, especially with short notice. I feel bad for this show! It seems every time there is a huge tragedy, they would have already prerecorded the next day's show and they come out happy go lucky and to viewers who don't know that it's been pretaped, they find the hosts/show insensitive. 

I love Montreal, it's North America's best kept little secret, it's like going to Europe without the long flight or big fares. 


I'm with you, sugarbaker design.  My heart is in Paris, but if I can't go there, Montreal is the next best thing.   I'm not a big fan of poutine, but right now I'm craving a Schwartz smoked meat sandwich!

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Charleston has shown itself to be a great city, given the horror that a single terrorist brought to it.


An encore might have been a good idea, mostly because this past week of female guest co-hosts were spectacularly bad.  Strahan was really off his game all week long. And the female co-hosts were weak.  


I think this week is all pre-tapes, as Mrs Consuelos had said she had a two-week vacation and no guest hosts are cited on the rundown.  And I suspect Michael began his two weeks after Wednesday's show.


Mo 6/22: Joe Manganiello, Deion Sanders
Tu 6/23: Matt Bomer, Laura Prepon
We 6/24: Channing Tatum, Fifth Harmony
Th 6/25: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Pratt
Fr 6/26: Liam Neeson, Jim Parsons, Rixton

What is going on with Live?  They're saying the shows are new, but the interviews are old ones & Ripa isn't wearing the same outfit during the interviews that she walked out in!!  Am I crazy??


Also, last night Channing Tatum was on a Late Show (I think Fallon) & was talking about how great Michael was in the cameo he did on his XXX movie.  Channing said something to the effect that "when his contract is up with Live, he's going to be a good actor".  So it looks like Michael has had a snoot full of Ripa & is exploring his options.  HaHaHa --- I wonder who could stomach Ripa like Michael has???

  • Love 1

That's interesting about Michael and becoming an actor, lol.  Especially the talk about when his contract is up.


I can't imagine him giving up Live! though because it's such a lucrative gig for clearly doing nothing other than sitting in a chair and occasionally sharing a personal story.  Soon enough he'll be raking in millions upon millions for doing basically nothing, so I can't see him turning away from that although who knows.  I do think Michael has some very good business savvy so who knows what he'll parlay his Live! stint into, if anything at all.


Checked in yesterday for a few moments and nothing's changed...........same old, same old, Ripa pouting and face-making into the camera and monitors, Michael shaking his head at the crackpottery that flows from her mouth...............lol.

  • Love 2

What is going on with Live?  They're saying the shows are new, but the interviews are old ones & Ripa isn't wearing the same outfit during the interviews that she walked out in!!  Am I crazy??


You're not crazy. Welcome to the crazy world of how television programmers attempt to manipulate viewers and advertisers.  Technically, a show is not a "rerun" unless its content is exactly the same from Minute 1 to Minute 59.  These re-packages can be labeled "new" because technically the content is a mixture of new stuff and old stuff.  I only tape Host Chat and those were new all week long, complete with bad editing, forced laughter, and Kelly's ever-changing hairstyle.  I don't know if the interviews were new or "classic", or most likely, a mix.


60 Minutes does this as well, stringing together three stories that aired on separate episodes and calling it "new".  At least they intro each story with a comment like "as we first reported last X".  I know in past years, the announcer for LIVE would say something like "today on live, we revisit a rollicking time with Celebrity Z" or something like that.


I think Kelly is back for all-new shows this coming week.  She wouldn't miss Gay Pride in NYC.

  • Love 1

My life is now complete. Kelly brought her kids to Ocean City, NJ and they did the boardwalk. She said she brought her kids to show her old hangout spots. As long, as I have watched this show I've gotten the impression that Kelly kids had never seen the Jersey shore. She mentioned her father and pizza. It all sounded so, so, so.......normal. LOL!!! Who knew? LOL!!!!

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Is it just me, or isn't Joaquin a little old to be sleeping with his mother? Once again, Kelly mentioned him sleeping in her bed when Mark is away. Joaquin is 12, right? I know my son would never have wanted to sleep in my bed when he was that age. I know you never want to let go of your "baby", but I think an almost teenage boy should sleep in his own bed. Every night.

Edited by MzTori77
  • Love 1

Wow.  A new nadir for Kelly's professionalism.  


It was alllll about the fact she would now be seen in close-up without all the magical tricks of lighting and specialized HD broadcast cameras.  Didja see her faux-retching not once, but at least twice?!!!  Of course, this only added to her looking haggard, which was her entire objection, which became less important than sabotaging the latest attempt at LIVE relevancy. 


I wonder if she will even be offered any contract at any price when this one expires.  Disney can forgive a lot of things.  An openly rebellious cast smashing to pieces the image of happy places usually is not long for their position.  Yes, I realize she has not been a good team player for a long time.  This was super awful, though.  Worse for her, she ain't no Spring chicken no mo.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
  • Love 2


Yes, I realize she has not been a good team player for a long time.


Congrats to Live! producers for keeping Kelly's backstage shenanigans under wraps for all these years.  ABC/Disney should make Gelman showrunner/EP of The View.  If Michael Gelman can keep how Kelly Ripa has ruined Live out of the press, maybe he can put a lid on the leaks over at the View.

Did anyone catch what just happened during Host Chat today? Kelly was telling the story of using Mark's hair brush and how she pulled one of her hairs from Mark's head. (She lies to Mark about using his brush). Michael said something like "he loves you, he came home for you, no doubt he will forgive you", kind of in a disgusted way. And then Kelly looked like she had been scolded. Underlying tension there?

Wow, WTF is with Kelly lately?   She always seems fake and attention seeking to me, but now she is just acting plain bizarre.  She is now acting like she wants bread and butter, hamburgers and every fattening food, when before we had health lectures on even eating holiday dinners off schedule from a normal day.    Then she says she always does different colors on her hair before she went on vacation, which I never remember happening.  And she now has Smurf blue hair, doing something that a college kid, who would be young enough to be her child might do while in school.  


Is this some kind reaction to the fact that her son is now an adult and going to college, and she realizes that she is no longer the young, hip girl?   She is now a middle aged mom, and her son and daughter are both now the young and hip ones.


I think the thing on Live I find sort of pathetic is now Kelly and Michael both have to act like middle aged teens. The talk about partying and drinking like they are kids in college. Sorry, but I doubt that they can even handle the partying they pretend they want to do at their age.   


I also feel for Kelly's kids when she puts on a show at a Bar Mitzvah on the dance floor and embarrases her kids in front of their friends.  When she said that she and that other attention seeking Jessica Seinfeld both stood up at dinner and danced in restaurant where their was no dance floor because their kids were acting up, it sounded so cringeworthy, and like two mommies  who can't handle not being the adults and needed attention.


What will she do when Lola is the beautiful young woman of 18 or 20, and Kelly ages like a normal person? How much more botox before she looks like Barry Manilow does now?    


It seems to me like Kelly is a very good mom in many ways, but she has some wacky insecurity about her body and her age.




  • Love 4

Kelly is definitely one of those moms who embarrasses her kids by trying to be young and cool. She looks ridiculous , like a smurf!

Can you imagine being a college freshman and having your mom show up to move you into your dorm room?

Funny thing is, Kelly is always saying feminist type of things and acting totally like this independent woman, but sounds like her father in law is babysitting her and her kids again because Mark is awa.

I wonder if her childish rebellion and eating issues come from the fact she married into a controlling family. Mark'smfamily may be nice, but no way would I want my father in law with me when Im pregnant and may go into labor. It seems like they feel she needs a man to watch her. It's not like she doesn't have major security in here area and also get driven all over the place!


Kelly is that embarrassing mom for sure! All kids go through a normal stage when they are embarrassed of their parents just for being their parents, but there's always those kids who have that parent who is competing with ththe teenaged girls to be young and edgy, or the dad who is a middle aged teen!

At least Mark isn't acting like he's a college kid with his style, so even if Kelly shows up at the dorm with her blue hair and dances around during parents' weekend, Michael can at least pretend he doesn't know her and hang with his dad ! LOL

I will never get her and her need to act like a idiotic adolescent. She has so much common sense normally when talking about raising her kids, but she definitely seems to have a fake And insecure side to her.

When did she ever dye her hair before vacation? I do not remember that ever happening. Yet she goes on national TV and said she "always " does that.

I do agree that she's probably freaking out because her son is now an adult, and her daughter is suddenly looking like a young woman instead of a little girl. Sadly, I can see Kelly competing with Lola for attention. She already thinks it's funny to dance her head off at this friends Bar Mitzvahs and Bat Mitzvahs.

If my mom did that I'd be so embarrassed.

Can't she limit her attention seeking to adult parties when she has floor?

I always find Kathy Lee a bit annoying, but I give her credit for allowing her daughter to have the spotlight and not act like a pathetic mom trying to steal attention. At Csssidy's premiere Kathy Lee looked nice, but not overstated or like and old teen. I can't imagine how Kelly would be if One of her kids made it into a movie. She is very narcissistic and immature IMO.

On another topic, suddenly Kelly is acting like she just eats tons of fattening food. Yeah right!

She brought up her therapist this week, maybe they can work on her need for constant attention and obsessing either own reflection.

Edited by goldenpuppy
  • Love 2

The pressure Kelly faces are immense.  So long as she wants the gig, she has to play a "part."  The type of people who dictate what that part is?  They are the same ones who once told Ringo Starr not to bother coming on the show because he wanted to play a song which ran just over three minutes.  They would only "allow" a little over two.  Ringo said he would be fine with a reduction of chat time with the hosts (I believe it was Regis and Kelly).  He was refused.  Can you imagine working for producers (still there) who would do that to a freaking Beatle???  

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