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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Summer telling her parents about Kyle issues.   Kyle making bad decisions and it's going to end in disaster, Phyllis calls Claire  scary Poppins and asks if it's about her.  Summer says no it's not her, just the way he handled it with red flag.  He tells them she's with Audra again. 

Nick asking how they are involved. Nick wants to know why she cares. She cares for Harrison, she doesn't want Audra near her son. Nick thinks she's searching for trouble. She also tells them Kyle fired and going to work with Audra at Glissad. They question where secret investor came from. 

Nick should have figured this out by now he's being stupid. Summer says Kyle waging war on parents with Harrison in middle, she has to something. She says she's looking at houses with yards. 

Nick says not easy to do, Nick points out Kyle the biological parent and will be hard for her to win.  Isn't Nick raising his nephew? Are we forgetting Christian is Adams?  They not on her side with this and she storms off. 

Phyllis comments on firing her own son. Then she asks how did Diane get her own company. 

Kyle defending himself to Victor he didn't say anything to him. Victor is concerned with disloyalty. He says he hasn't said a word only he and Audra know. 

Kyle tells him that Victor gave idea to Diane and set off her suspicion. Kyle wines they cut him out and he rewarding favor, he has no allegiance to them.  He tells him hes moving out. Jack not going to let this drop, Victor doesn't care. 

Kyle question if this is about getting back at Jack about the Nikki hotel room situation. Victor doesn't answer the question, says make success and blow him out of water. 

Claire shows up as Victor leaving. She's getting takeout, Kyle asks her for a drink non alcoholic of course, Victor sees them from outside and walks away. 

Kyle tells her about argument, he's moving out with Harrison. He already told Harrison he can decorate his own room and asks for treehouse. He was worried about seeing mom and Claire. Claire asks if he's trying to punish his parents. She's not on board with move, uprooting Harrison, leaving home. 

Claire says love there, how he thought father and him were close. Kyle said he made his decision. Claire asks what summer thinks about move, he says he hasn't told her. 

Summer shows up at Abbots and sees Diane, she tells her she came to see Harrison. Diane tells her she needs her help.  Summer doesn't really want to get in middle, Diane tells her about the moving out of the house. Summer shocked. 

Summer blaming Diane how she let this happen, she fired her son now they moving out. 

Phyllis and Nick don't think custody talks are good idea.  Phyllis thinks Summer feels guilty. Phyllis thinks if she has not divorced Kyle she would have been there.  Phyllis claims she has guilt, she wouldn't have divorced Kyle hadn't it been her issues with Diane.  He says everything worked out, Summer happy with Chance. 

She thanks him for never fighting her for custody. He says she's a good mom, they'll figure this out what's going on with super girl. 

Adam and Chelsea getting dressed. They don't know what happened. They blame being on edge, being on roller coaster. Anxiety, worry, love they let emotions get out of control by caught up in when things were good. Chelsea says unexpected slip, Adam says a mistake. 

They agreed to put behind them. Chelsea says they can always blame the bourbon and he goes back to his room. 

Chelsea calls Billy, missing him and thinking she should come home where she can get his hugs. She misses him. If no news in morning, we're flying by back. I miss you. 

Adam on phone with Sally having same conversation. He will come home if no news, it's messing with his head. More I miss you. 

They go to sleep with split screen in different rooms. 

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58 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Summer blaming Diane how she let this happen, she fired her son now they moving out. 

Oh Flubber, shut up shut up shut up.  YOU were the one who kept quiet about your mother being alive and let Diane sit in prison for months, lying to your husband and everyone else.  And Diane, for all her faults, has always been your cheerleader with Kyle, urging him to forgive you, to stick with you and NOT ONCE did she get even a thank you or anything better than a look of contempt from you.

I didn't think it was possible, but Phyllis managed to have a kid even worse than she is.  With any luck, she'll be imitating her mother and playing dead, too.

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11 hours ago, boes said:

interspecies sex so rarely works out.

Chelsea is back to squirrel chattering and huffing & puffing like the wolf trying to blow down the house.

39 minutes ago, boes said:

Oh Flubber, shut up shut up shut up. 

Summer's face does remind me of Flubber when she speaks and makes faces.

Edited by Denize
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Jack video calling Tracy, he wants to swap places with her, he lies even she asks if something is wrong. She has hope for opportunities for all if them. She tells him she's wanting to stay and write anywhere. Ashley lighting up when seeing Abby. Jack asks about Allan and she she confirms that, Jack happy for them. Door knocks and they hangup. 

It's Danny and Christine visiting Traci, want her to join them for breakfast. Alan shows up and introduces them. Danny invites him to breakfast too. 

Nick and Phyllis still debating Summer. Phyllis thinks she angry and jealous. She also knows Kyle and if he's bad influence. Kyle going down slope. They leave one restaurant for another because this show has no other sets. 

They go to Club and still discussing Summer. Nick says let them work it out on their own. Phyllis says we have to back her up. Nick tells her about the conversation with Faith, reliving the past. The end up talking about her bitterness of Danny choosing Christine, she gloating that she thinks of  Christine miserable with her life on a tour bus. Nick points out they probably took a private jet. 

They debate if any of them going to do date again, Nick tells her he's no he's not swiping and going to date anyone. Phyllis goes up stairs and looks back at him as he leaves. 

Claire left Society and now at Crimson Light's for pastries. Victor sees her and they have dessert. He tells her he wants to talk, he wants her to know somethings about Kyle. 

Claire claims Kyle confides in her, she is someone he trusts. Victor questions that, says she's just the nanny. Victor asks her how much about Kyle she knows, she thinks he's trying to turn her against him. He says she just got herself better doesn't want her in Kyle's turmoil. Victor doesn't want her taken advantage of again. 

Victor says people become different person when life turns upside down, they make enemies of people and he doesn't want that to happen to her. He says if she has doubts go to him, he's concerned keeping family safe. Family means everything. She's grateful for that. 

He tells her he's Jack Abbot's son, that's enough to proceed with caution and he leaves for home. 

Daniel runs into Kyle at Society they commiserate about being fired. He says bigger door opens wider. He says he'll find out tomorrow. Daniel says it must be what summer was worried about. Kyle gets defensive. 

Kyle tells him Summer better thread lightly or it'll blow up in her face.  So now Kyle threatening Summer, what will his new boss think about that? 

Daniel says threats not best, Kyle says Summer doing is revenge for hiring Claire. Daniel says think of summer goal, Kyle says she just wants to attack him, Kyle storms off and tells Daniel to tell Summer to back the hell off.  Tessa over hears and says yikes to Daniel. 

Danny, Christine, Alan and Traci at breakfast talking about relationships.  Alan takes a call and steps away, Danny and Christine tell Traci how much they like him. Danny invites them to the show tonight and says going to ask her up on stage. Traci suggests she'll post a photo of him and Christine on her social and go viral. They all say bye, Alan thinks they're great and kisses Traci. 

Tessa suggests Daniel let Summer fix her out issues. Daniel says his family doesn't really do hands off they're dysfunctional. Tessa compares her dysfunctional family to his. 

Kyle comes home continue to drink and Jack sees him.  He says Harrison went down quickly, Claire tired him out, was smart hiring her. Kyle goes back to fighting over not being CEO and he should have gotten job when Billy left. He's going to prove how wrong him and Diane are. 

Jack doesn't even know what he's talking about he's all riddles. Drunk Kyle blurts out how he's taking over glissade and he's going to show he's a power house, he's going to put Jabot out of business. 


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14 hours ago, Artsda said:

He says if she has doubts go to him, he's concerned keeping family safe.

And now the award for Worst Fucking Advice Ever:  (envelope, please...)

Victor Newman!!!! aka The Old Bat from Hell.

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Claire, Victoria and Nikki at Society discussing Claire convo with Victor. Press release went out and Claire says good news. . Victoria wondering why Kyle would do this. 

Jack telling Diane about Kyle revolt against family.  Explaining to her the Kyle/glissade/Audra situation. 

Kyle and Audra gloating about being all over the news.  Kyle happy with how he hurt his father and satisfaction. 

They meet Victor in park, Kyle can't wait to tell Victor how he told his father. Audra says they'll split the duties, she goes Paris, Kyle stays here while they work on consolidation. Victor gives Kyle keys to office to go see and Victor wants to speak to Audra.  He wants to warn  her that Kyle wonders if she can pull your weight, he tells her Kyle asks him why he needs Audra. 

Chelsea home visits Billy at office. She talks about how they chose to come home. Billy wants to help, she grateful how he's been there. He asks about Adam and if he's taking it out on her.

Sally and Adam home, he's flashing back to Chelsea. He explain Connor situation and saying they never should have gone. It would have been better. Sally wishes she would have gone and asks about Chelsea if they found comfort with each other. 

Diane remember that convo with Audra that she told Kyle open-mind before his firing. Jack realizes Victor is behind it all and Audra not calling shots.  

Diane tells him that he and Nikki set him off. Now they're fighting he said Victor doesn't need a reason. Diane angry also at herself for not making it work more with Kyle. Jack goes to Victor. 

Kyle shows up at Society says hello to the Newman ladies, Nikki asks about what his parents think.  Claire the blind fool says she's happy for him. Nikki and Victoria not happy when Kyle asks to speak to Claire alone. He thanks her for not pointing out his drama. Claire asks if something going on with his grandpa, he says no. She tells him he told her to be careful. He wants to know why. Kyle wonders why he'd so that especially now, how he shared things with Victor and they're close.

Victor telling Audra he'll keep eye on Kyle while she's in Paris. He wants to prove something to his father. 

Audra shows up at Society interrupts Kyle and Claire, they go back and forth about their time together at Newman media, Claire gives her congratulations. They leave to see offices but Kyle has to go somewhere. 

Sally thinks she pushes Adam to Chelsea.  How Connor needs both of them. 

Billy guaranteeing Connor will be ok because she's not a quitter, suggests they go eat at club. She wants to know about Johnny and Katie. Chelsea wants to know how Johnny felt with learning about 2 new siblings in a year.  He tells her about Katie reaction too. She just wants to rest not hungry. He's amazing, she doesn't deserve him. He says she's stuck with him hopefully forever. 

Adam and Sally staying home together doing nothing at all. He thanks her for patience and she says they been through alot. 

Kyle shows up at Jabot. He continues his attitude, she says she loves him and he wants to know where Jack is. She says he's there to gloss if he doesn't care about breaking his father's heart. They fight about Jack would give his life for him but this what you do. He says he'll beat them at own game to know his worth. 

Victoria tells Nikki they should change Claire last name because she's a Newman. She brings up to Claire, she's a Newman if she wants to make it official. Shouldn't she be a Howard? 

Jack tells Victor to leave his family out of this, how he knows he bought Glissad and using his son. Victor denies,  says he's lousy father to Kyle deal with consequences. 

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13 hours ago, Artsda said:

if he's taking it out on in her.

fixed that for you


13 hours ago, Artsda said:

if they found comfort with each other. 

see above


13 hours ago, Artsda said:

Shouldn't she be a Howard? 

Weren't Vic and Cole divorced at the time?  What name was put on the birth certificate?  If it was Eve Newman then she could take that name legitimately.

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5 hours ago, MollyB said:

Weren't Vic and Cole divorced at the time?  What name was put on the birth certificate?  If it was Eve Newman then she could take that name legitimately.

I was wondering the same thing. Cole was dating Ashley and Vic was dating Neil (and told Cole that the baby was Neil's), but I cannot find confirmation of the timing of their divorce. If they were already divorced I hope Victoria will tell Claire so that she can recalibrate her fantasy of her perfect family. 

When watching back then I was baffled that the baby was premature although Vic had been pregnant for 11 months while TPTB were trying to figure out which way to go with the storyline.

Edited by Denize
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Sharon crying over Cassie at home and Lucy shows up looking for Faith. Sharon says she's not home, Lucy says faith so popular she took a chance she'd be home.  She bought faith a bracelet. She sees photo of Cassie and thought it was Mariah. Sharon says Cassie died in car crash. 

Haven't they met once? Lucy seem like stalker. 

Daniel and Heather in park jobless commiserating that she's not being hired. She thinks it's time to go back to Portugal. Yes please go take him and Lucy too. 

She says wants to go visit her dad not permanent. She says her dad seems lonely. He suggests family trip, it's summer time. Heather agrees. 

Audra and Nate at Society. She's talking about interviews and press. He's questions her not mentioning Kyle. Nate says he's no different than Tucker, wants to know why hiring him. She says he's looking jealous, he denies. 

Kyle taking interviews in house when Summer comes in.  She mentions moving and not telling her, he's delusional. 

He's screaming again about Diane, she points out this is Harrison home. He starts going on about Diane and Jack. She points out he making it all about him and make it about Harrison. This home is all he's known, he feels safe, he has all the people he loves there. 

He says she should be happy to not see Diane. Points out he's selfish and she can handle seeing Diane for sake of Harrison. 

He tells her to get onboard, is his rude condescending attacking self. Attacks her for refusing to be on his side, she says he refuses to see Harrison was kidnapped and needs stability. She points out he rather be with the baby sitter or be in business with bed bunny Audra than parenting Harrison. 

Go Summer go! Kyle will deserve what happens to him. 

Faith comes home and surprise at the gift. Lucy says it's weird. Yup it is. Lucy wants to hang out but faith busy will call her later, Lucy leaves. Sharon tells her she has a fan.

Faith wants to know why Sharon was looking at Cassie's album. She says she just needs a good cry, thinking of her life and joy she brought them. 

Kyle says he's do anything for Harrison. He points out that Daniel said he needs to see her point of view. She feels insecure about Claire, she points out how he is making it about her. He says it's about his bad decisions. 

Starting a war with his parents, Audra, moving. She says he's making her case for primary custody. He attacks she will lose because she's not his mother and bring it.  Claire comes in and obviously has no issue with his behaviour, summer asks for Harrison if he heard, no he's outside. She leaves and to prove Summer point exactly Kyle suggest Claire goes for a walk with him while mrs Martinez watches Harrison outside .

Summer sees Daniel at coffee house and wants to know what he was thinking. Daniel said he was being a jerk and said he was being a help. Daniel says getting lawyers is mom move, she should reason. She asks if he knows about moving Harrison out of his house. Daniel says he went through custody battle and was nightmare.

She doesn't want a battle, but he's making bad decisions. He wants them to talk and sit and talk.  Because Kyle is capable of conversations with anyone? 

She tells him he's weaponizing biology against her and he's not place to speak after him and Lucy. She tells him stay out of it and Sharon walks in. 

Claire and Kyle in park, he feels like an ass for what she walked in on.  Kyle tries to defend himself blames all tension on her stirring up. Claire point out it takes 2. 

Audra says Kyle already out for her, Nate says fire him. She can't do that now BC he was hand picked by investor. Nate says what happened to running company as she fit. Good Nate for remembering that.  He wants to know who investor is, he tells her this is more trouble she can handle. 

Summer storms off. Sharon tells Daniel about Lucy visit, Cassie and that she didn't tell her anything about him. He thanks her not sure if Lucy ready for his guilt. 

Lucy and Heather at club Lucy says how Sharon was sad over Cassie and are didn't know. Heather slips and says it took a long time for her father to get over it. Lucy confused.

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Somebody please remember to tell Lucy that Daniel was staggering drunk and did NOT ASK Cassie to drive him home, so just forget the "blame Daniel for everything and aren't we all so freakin' noble for forgiving him for something he did not do 💩 ". 

And then, there's the circumstances of Lucy's conception....and sale...and Grandma Sheila...

Get that child back to Portugal while she is still innocent of the knowledge of her past. Let her marry the heir of a vineyard owner and live happily ever after, raising grapes and babies.

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Devon, Lily and Nate at CW. Devon asks if she's telling Billy she's leaving yet. She asks Nate to give her and brother a min. Lily needs time after vote to think about it. 

He's not trusting her, she knew Jill was sick entire time. She defends it wasn't her secret. He think she wants to choose Billy. She thinks they made a good team, Devon says he's desperate for power. 

She tells him Billy called her out on the plan. She says Jill saw something in her she didn't.  Devon thinks she doesn't walk away after all she built. 

She doesn't know if she and Devon would work well together, she needs more time and goes. 

Claire and Harrison at park talking about worms to study. 

Victoria with her other 2 at coffee house. Billy shows up and they banter about their summer vacation. Chelsea in back and waves at them. Johnny says to tell her and Connor hello. Chelsea stayed away, hard to see Johnny  especially with Connor. They go to society for lunch. 

Adam and Sally at society. He's still flashing back to him and Chelsea.  He's about to tell her something when Billy and Chelsea show up, Sally invites them to join them. 

Johnny goes to play with Harrison. Claire asks Katie to join them, she doesn't want to play with worms and passes.

Sally asks Billy is he's ordering his usual empanadas. Adam didn't know they knew each other so well. They point out they ran into each other a few times. This is awkward there's a lot of praising of Chelsea, she praises back Adam, Billy glancing back and forth. Sally hopes they found ways to distract themselves. Oh boy lol.  Adam points out they got blind drunk. Chelsea says he's exaggerated. Connors doctor calls and she takes it. 

Doc thinks Connor turning a corner, she's excited and hugs Adam all happy while the other 2 look on. 

Victoria and kids at park, asking about Connor. Johnny wishes more he can do, Katie too she wants to do something with Connor when he's home.  Claire and Harrison show up and Katie not thrilled. 

Katie tells Victoria about dance and Victoria asks her what she wants to do for summer. Victoria says they can go Chicago and Katie asks just them, not first daughter. 

Adam and Chelsea leave to go video call Connor, whole Sally and Billy stay. Sally oblivious saying how this brought Adam and Chelsea over. Billy thinking something. 

Chelsea back at Adams, saying that was awkward. Chelsea mad he pointed out the drunk to them. He says they have to put it behind and move forward.  

They call him and he's explaining the ocd was bad with the hurting himself with the pen. He realized he had to fight back.  He took control over the voice.  The voice is weaker and weaker. 

Lily shows up at Society, Sally goes and says bye.  Lily asks about Jill. He says she's in treatment. Billy asks if she in. 

Harrison gives Katie some flowers to cheer her up and props up Claire to her, how Claire made him feel better when he sad. Now Katie is great with Claire and they all go for ice cream.  

Connor thinks he may actually get better, that he turned a corner. They proud and looking at each other all beaming. 

Devon telling Nate she's not committing and if she wants to stay at Chancellor they have to respect it. Prepare for new Winters company to not have Lily. 

Billy asks her if she's in or out, she gives in and says she's in. It'll be Lily Winters and Billy Abbott. He says she won't regret it. 


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Sally trying to show designs to Summer but she's distracted. Summer praises the designs says she made Chelsea's designs better. 

Adam and Chelsea all happy and excited about Connor being better after the phone call. They excited and hug and then it's awkward. Victor shows up interrupting, they tell him about Connor progress. Chelsea thanks him for the jet. Victor asks to talk to Adam alone. Victor looks on as they say bye. 

Summer offers her leading a team of her own. Chelsea walks in surprised to see Sally and accuses summer of firing her and giving her job to Sally. 

Summer says no, she's been thinking of new line and expanding. A younger brand Marchetti Z and make Sally designer. Chelsea thinks it's win win and Sally loves it too. Summer asks about Connor, she tells them hes turned a corner. She saw her son again, Summer is happy for her, Connor and Adam. Sally too. Summer points out she and Adam are in sync with co-parenting, no everyone these lucky. Sally praises them too and happy Adam has her.

Summer realtor message her about a house, Chelsea asks if they're still not on same page, Summer says not on same book. Summer goes to meet realtor.

Nate and Audra at club, she's working. They talk about Paris, Kyle, Tucker, same things. Nate asks her to go with him, then they go park to watch sunset. She tells him about the stress of glass price, shades of pink, knockoff perfume. They drink tea for anxiety, brain function. He tells her he believes, she's got this.  He needs a friend and they sit together. 

They have a moment and end up back in her room at the club and have sex. 

Victor wants to know about Adam answer to his proposal. He wants name of person fighting in this war. 

Victor tells him he got Glissad, it's anonymous financing. Adam laughs he wishes he could have seen Tucker face.  He hears Kyle and Audra in charge, Victor tells him he wants Adam to support with Newman Media and go after competition, Adam wants to know what else. 

Adam says it's too reasonable. Why you need him. Victor says it's his baby, he started the company.  Then Victor says Jabot is large in sector. Then Adam realizes Nikki would never go after Jack. Adam says he respects Jack, Victor says he'll still do what he has to do.  Victor says he's giving him the company to do what he sees fit and no co-Ceo.  Adam asks if he can trust Kyle and Audra. 

Sally wants to talk to Chelsea, she wants to be there more Adam. Chelsea uncomfortable and tells her tell Adam. Sally kept praising her. Chelsea snappy and being awkward and Sally calls her on it, what is going on. Sally says it appears like she's guilty. She says she feels bad for walking away and leaving Summer. She flash back to Adam and her. She has no feelings of control. Sally says she's scared of losing Adam over this, Chelsea says he won't and she's feeling sorry if it's her fault. 

Sally wants them always theres for each other and in way she can't. Chelsea runs out while telling Sally that Adam loves her and stand by him. 

Victor says Audra turned on Tucker,  Adam says how sure she won't do same on them, Victor says leave her to him. Adam asks about Kyle and Victor tells him about what happened there.  Adam says he'll think about offer it and give him answer tomorrow. 

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Kyle shows up at Victors office. He says he has personal matter. Victor is not happy and tells him not discussing Glissad in these walls. Kyle says personal matter and asks why he warned Claire about him. 

Victor says in general she grew up with Jordan she has no outside experience. She needs guidance, she can't comprehend. Also Summer also not good with her.  Kyle says they are just friends.  Victor says then why you telling her about all his personal issues. Victor says to basically not take advantage and what building relationship here will change into enemy. 

He won't take advantage. He's in awe of her kindness and forgiving. He enjoys her company and connection with Harrison. Kyle asks if he trusts him at all if not what he's doing there. He tells them he doesn't want his granddaughters in this war. 

Katie throwing tantrum about Claire Claire Claire at coffee house and when Cole joins them.  Billy sees. They all gang up on her, she wants to know why she can't just like Claire. Cole is good with her explaining nobody changing the family. 

Claire shows up and wants to speak to Katie alone. .Claire talks to her how can she let Victoria know she needs some space from neglecting others and not her feelings. They bond now suddenly over Victoria being "too extra". 

Katie asks her about living with Jordan.  She explains she would have given anything for sister and not be alone. 

Billy says they need to give her time.  Johnny says he bets 100 Katie will come back best friend with her. Billy asks him if he has 100 bucks lol.  

Nick sees Mariah and Tessa at society. She asks about Sharon, Nick asks what's going on. Mariah worried about Cassie. Nick says she was worried about med dosage with doctor.  Mariah thinks she's working too hard..

Summer at Abbott's waiting for Claire and Harrison. Summer not thrilled with Harrison and Claire all chummy. They show her the practicing camp song. Claire goes when Summer suggest dinner time. 

Summer asks Harrison how he feels about the move.  Harrison repeats the new adventure line with Kyle and is ok with move.  She tells him about a real home with her, he's excited for a new bedroom. 

Sharon sleeping dreaming of flashbacks of Cassie grounding, the accident and funeral. She seeing Cassie ghost in green light.abd then wakes up. She doesn't know what is happening to her.

Mariah, Tessa and Nick all show up with food. She's frazzled. She forgot to send Mariah text. They worried about her confusion state. Sharon figures out all the food was there's and they came there because they were worried. 

Mariah and Tessa asks her to let Mariah help more, Esther too. They think she's lonely. She starts crying she's not lonely she has them reminding her how loved she is. 

Claire comes in with Katie.  Johnny asks if she's good and she agrees then says someone owes him 100. They all big happy family go to dinner at society except Billy who goes to meet Chelsea. 

Kyle shows up at home overhearing Harrison ask Summer if he has to choose between houses. He tells Kyle he's getting two houses and rooms. After he goes he mad with Summer. He's questioning her on if he's asking him to choose between, he's attacking her for reworking custody and her buying house is ducks in row.  She says she won't do this with him when Connor can hear, that she will do anything for his stability. Tells him to ask himself if he can say the same. 

Billy sees Victor at club, Victor asks him for drink. He's impressed of his support of Chelsea through Connor. Is it true he helped push CW apart? Billy wants to know why he cares? Victor says you don't think ahead or play chess.  Billy asks his question again. 

Victor says Jill is old friend, Devon is son of Neil Winters another old friend. He doesn't want any harm to come to them because of his arrogance. 

Victoria, Cole and 3 children all having dinner and Claire telling story and they laughing. Cole hold her hand. 

Sharon house everyone having dinner too laughing together. Sharon though hears Cassie voice when she goes kitchen. 

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Connor is all getting better from doctors. How convenient. Adam and Chelsea on video call with doctor. After she knows he's worried about Baltimore. She complains about her guilt because Sally was so nice to her.  He says they don't ever need to know, just focus on Connor.  Chelsea she'll try. 

He tells her Victor wants him to run Newman Media. He says terrible idea, turn him down. He has no choice, she says part of him wants the job because Newman Media was his baby.  Victor working angles. He's playing games and gunning for someone he cares about. 

Nick and Victoria at Society. He asks about them taking to Claire.  Victoria said Katie was rude and dramatic but Claire worked magic. She asks about Faith, he's working but waiting on Victor next move. She asks if Adam made his decision yet, he says no. 

Victoria bitchy like normal saying Adam making them wait for him to make his decision.  Nick reminds her Adam has a lot of his plate right now.  She backs down and says Billy did say Connor doing better that's good news. 

Nate and Audra aftermath having breakfast in club, Victor sees them and stops by to congratulate her with Glissade, wishes her well on blowing Jabot out of water and he leaves. Nate wants to know what was that. 

Jack and Diane leaving for work and Kyle with his attitude comes down to question then not at office. He goes on and on about proving himself.  Jack has enough and tells him he wishes him well and goes to leave. Diane also says loves him and wishes well.  They leave and now the smirk is wiped off his face. 

Nate question that was more than good morning, war between Jack and Victor legendary.  He figure out that Victor is secret investor. Says if he didn't know better hed think he's the investor, Audra says good thing he knows better. 

She denies and says they have mutual respect and he tells her if it is Victor then that autonomy she values will be not existent. Only reserve to him .

Victoria says she'll return to Newman Media. Nick says Nikki backing down, so it'll give Adam wide open door. 

Chelsea says to Adam to sit it out, his partnership with Nick is good. She says he made up his mind, she says everytime he goes dealing with Victor he spins out and and Connor also needs him. Adam wants to protect who the person is he's going after. She says Victor needs loyalty if he finds out he's trying to save person it'll be not good. 

Jack says to Diane they need to accept decision, let Kyle do what Kyle's gotta do for possible future reunion. Diane says he's trying to punish them. Jack says the more they speak more he'll dig heels. Diane says they they to protect him from what ever Victor has planned. Jack says he's determined to turn back on them. They need to back down. 

Adam goes to Victor and says he'll say yes but catch. He won't sling mud, falsify reports, nothing to hurt Jack or his family. He's not a hired gun.  Victor agrees. Seems too easy he gave in. 

Sharon's looking at Cassie's photo with her and Nick. Chelsea come in needing advice. Tells her about the cutting himself, Sharon knew it was too much happiness. Ocd got weaker how it good sign. 

Kyle shows up at club, Nate leaves for office.  Kyle asks Audra if that's a thing. She tells him personal life none of his business.  She only cares about making Glissade success, she tells him she doesn't care to make nice and know he told Victor to cut him loose. He's surprised Victor told her, he says it was with a shot.  She says they're stuck with each other and let's move on and try for trust. She says she's leaving for Paris tomorrow, he is coming along now. 

Nick and Victoria get msg from Victor to go see him. He tells them they're going forward as planned, Adam will return to Newman Media, she'll return to Newman Media. They want to know why the reshuffling and only he's happy about it. Victor gets mad yells at them they should be celebrating.  Nick gets attitude  to Adam saying nothing asking if he knows anything, he says he's just a pawn and says Nikki will want her job back and Adam then asks Victor what happens to him then. 

All 3 of them question what Victor will do with them, he will tell them then and doesn't tell them his plan.  They leave and Nick and Victoria want Adam to tell them the plan they think he knows more. 

Jack convince Diane and he tells her it's time to focus on them, time to heal.  Lots of bad lately in family. He wants to remember what they have as a team. Eventually Kyle will come around. 



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Phyllis sees Faith and questions if she hates her, more sides to story, I respect her mom. Faith understands. Phyllis wants them to all get along. 

Summer overhears Kyle on his travel plans to Paris.  He heard from her lawyer and she's delusional she can get primary custody, she doesn't believe his business trip with Audra is just business, he's now baiting her he'll take Harrison to Paris too and then he'll have to bring Claire and asks what she thinks about that.  Someone needs to punch this guy. 

Summer now says he's trying to get back at her now. He disrespect her more he says this all about her and her ego and storms out. Phyllis sees and tells Summer it has to stop. 

Adam tells Sally he said yes to Victor. Victoria taking his place, he goes back to Newman Media. Adam tells Sally truth that he's going after Jack is the reason. Adam tells her about the Nikki sponsor issues with Jack. 

Sally doesn't trust this. He wants to save Jack to head off Victor instincts. Sally thinks bad idea. Victor has him keeping secrets and doing same thing as before.  She wants to know if this is example for Connor. She says Victor will make him fall guy. 

Sally afraid Victor will seduce him down dark road. He says Chelsea warned him with same thing. She says he's not seeing it, he gets mad she doesn't know him as well as she thinks. He leaves for meeting.

Heather, Daniel and Lucy talking about Portugal. Heather really excited. She doesn't want to go. Throws Daniel under the bus and Heather gets upset and goes to tell Paul they're not coming now. 

Daniel and Lucy talk about no jobs and she's guilty and think they should go even though not want to because it would make her happy. 

Phyllis tells Summer to not be yelling in public when lawyers involved. Phyllis voice of reason lol.  She wants her to have common ground with him like her and Nick . Summer says Kyle keeps reminding her she's not Connors mother. He has no respect for it.  

Chelsea sees Adam in park, she says she spoke to Sharon and had a good talk. Adam says they need to learn on other people not just each other. She thinks he's using this Newman Media offer to keep mind off Connor.

Sally sees Audra at club and mention fight with Adam about business she thinks is going to be disaster. Audra says what business thing, Sally spills to Audra about taking down jabot and Jack . Audra thanks her for telling her and if she needs anything tell her. 

She tells Sally she's going to Paris. They talk about Tucker and that he's probably on a mountain somewhere. She tells her Kyle coming with her and Sally ask why Kyle. Audra tells her he's her partner and Victor secret investor.  

Lucy sees Faith at coffee house and says she has great news she's not going to Portugal so they can hang out all summer. Faith looks not thrilled, Lucy is stalkery. 

Lucy wants them to hang out tonight,Faith  says she has a pool party, stalker asks if she can come while Faith doesn't look thrilled. 

Summer says Kyle angry since Diane and Jack and now using things to hurt her like Claire.  Now he's going to Paris with Audra. Phyllis says Claire not a threat, but Audra is. Phyllis doesn't want Audra near her or Harrison, Phyllis says they need to get rid of her. 

Heather says none going to Lisbon.  Paul says it's hot anyway and come in fall. 

Kyle goes home asks Claire if she has passport, he's going Paris for meetings and wants to take Harrison know if she wants to come.  


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Phyllis of all people telling Summer chill out, when you spin out make mistakes. Let Kyle make the mistakes and that's how she'll win. Kyle ego too much and he has Claire and Audra. 

Kyle tells Harrison about Paris and wants to go packing. Claire says not good idea. Summer won't like it.  Claire says their friendship is about honesty, this conversation is making her uncomfortable because he's lying. He says Summer not happy.  Claire says no, Summer her cousin and she wants relationship with her and she's Harrison mom. He guilts her that if she can't go, Harrison can't. 

Victoria, Nick and Nikki all judging Adam for saying yes. Victor got his way. Victor wants to celebrate milestone while Adam sits there. Adam will damage Newman media because he's snake in grass.  Seriously please, he created it he built it. 

Adam walks in Newman Media and Victor at his office. Victor wants him to go to new heights.  Adam wants to know if he's looking for lap dog he can go now. He needs time to focus on plan for Newman Media then he'll help him. Victor says caveat, Adam says of course does he want blood? He already gave up a kidney. 

Victor wants him to say good things on Glissad. Adam says nothing bad on Jack and Victor agrees and goes. 

Sally comes to the office to give her blessing.  Funny the office already has photos of Adam and Connor in place. Sally trusts his instincts and gives him a gift. A happy new year sign. He wants her to trust him and she says she does but won't keep quiet if she does not like what going on.

He says he'll protect Jack and make her proud. He's where he's meant to be. They kiss and Nikki walks in rude self saying she's so happy her company is in capable hands. 

She asks Sally to speak to Adam alone, the her rude self asking him if he's happy with all it and wants to hear from him his take. 

He says he was happy with Nick at Newman, he eventually gave in. She reminds him she'll return and graciously get the hell out of his out office. He says Victor not telling the plan for after him, wants Nikki to find out what it is and he'll be more inclined to go. She takes it as threat he says mutual benefits them both. 

She really definition of step monster. The person who tried to murder her and pumped her of vodka she kisses hello though. 

Nick shows up Phyllis and Summer. Summer tells him about Kyle taking Claire and Harrison to Paris with Audra.  Nick defending Kyle says Audra his partner, Claire the nanny.  He says they should talk it out, summer says they tried it ends up worse. Nick thought Phyllis was against CG custody suit, she says she was on fence but not now. Nicks business lunch cancelled asks Phyllis if he wants lunch with him. 

Summer leaves to call lawyer and hopes that keeps Harrison here. Nick says Phyllis is working her up on Audra. Phyllis says she's giving truths.  Kyle making horrible decisions. She accuses him if defending Audra, he says defusing him best thing. 

Claire shows up at Crimson with Nikki and Victoria. Nikki leaves them.  Victoria tells her she's going back to Newman with Nick. She wanted to make up for lost time after finding her. Claire needs her advice about Paris. 



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Claire telling Victoria about Kyle invite.  She holding back. Victoria asks if it's about Summer.  Claire tells her about custody situation, it's gotten ugly. She doesn't want to give excuses to Summer.  Claire claims it's unfair to Kyle, he wants to show Harrison the world and Summer won't let him. 

Victoria thinks she has feelings for him. She says no and Kyle not on his side either. Victoria says she doesn't want her to make same mistakes as she did. 

Claire says she's never had a romantic relationship she doesn't know if she's having feelings for him.  Apparently she's in therapy and it's helping, she feels safe with Kyle not nervous. Victoria seems to push the going to Paris, tells her forget what summer thinks. 

Nick and Phyllis at Society. Sharon shows up. She comes for takeout.  She ignores Phyllis all together and tells him enjoy meal. Phyllis thinks something wrong with her. 

Nick says yes he's concerned about Sharon. She says Sharon behaving differently and always like she's somewhere else and that she doesn't know who she is. Sharon gave her had coffee and lost it on her when she brought it up. 

Nick tells her Sharon changed her meds. Way to break Sharon's trust.  Phyllis says he's ready to go rescue her and she doesn't need his rescuing, she's a warrior. He wants Sharon to join them. 

Sharon sits down and Phyllis tries to talk about weather.  Sharon turns it around saying they spending a lot of time together what's that about. They surprised, Nick says nothing going on, Phyllis says summer going through issues, tells her she ran into faith and Sharon freaks out telling her not to have deep conversations with her daughter. Sharon doesn't want her giving her advice on romance to faith in future. 

Chance and Summer at club, he tells her split at Chancellor now official, everything drafted waiting for green light.  He thinks this will be disaster. She's waiting in hearing for lawyer about Harrison going Paris.  Chance says they'll go enjoy sunshine. 

Summer gets msg that she can't stop Kyle from taking him to Paris  and she worries if she has any rights. 

Jill now think mistake giving Billy all power. Chance thinks Billy on an ego trip. 

Chelsea talking to herself about guilt, shame over sleeping with Adam. Thinks to tell Billy truth and he shows up. He think he should have been there more, she says no he's been great. She's weak, made mistakes, wishes she was strong as him. She's to blame.  He's been so good to her, she kisses him and she forgot a meeting at Matchetti. They walk back together. 

Claire calls Kyle agrees to Paris. 

Sharon leaves and Phyllis asks Nick what was that. She goes from calm to raging in second as Sharon leaves the restaurant. 

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Phyllis asking Heather about Portugal. She tells her they're not going. Phyllis asking about if Daniel will have issues as before and if she'll stick it out this time. 

Heather said she did everything she could think of before. Phyllis judges her running away not calling her or therapy.  Heather defend leaving and saying it was due to Lucy. 

Lucy with Daniel sees Faith with her friend and invites herself again. Faith had said she could tag along but now it's not working out.  Faith tells her strict head count and they'll be drinking. Lucy asks I thought she didn't drink, and maybe next time she can tag along. 

Nikki and Jack run into each other at club. She complaining about Adam filling in. Jack says he has his own history with Newman Media he's not going to destroy it. He wants to know why she didn't fight more. 

They switch to Diane and Nikki thinking Diane fired Kyle to just be her running company with Jack.  Jack fights back that her one thing she wanted when return was relationship with Kyle, Jack tells her she won't let her attack Diane and goes to leave. Nikki tells him stay and says she doesn't know if she'll ever trust Diane. 

Billy runs into Sally in park. She's worried about something and he asks her what.  She tells him about Adam and Victor job offer situation. Billy equally worried about Chelsea behavior too and they don't want to tell them what happened in Baltimore. 

They question if its stress, Billy questions if stress is from Adam is what causing spiral. 

Chelsea goes to Adam in office saying she almost told Billy. Adam says blowing secret open can cause set back if he finds out that their relationships broke up over him. He'd blame himself 

Danny and Lucy run into Phyllis and Heather at society and question what conversation going on. Lucy says she's going the party with Faith and they give her lecture and say call her to pick up. 

Billy shows up at Adams office want to know what happened in Baltimore.Sally shows up at coffee tasking Chelsea same. 

Sally asks if Adam did anything to upset her. Chelsea says no and she can't speak to what bothering him, ask him and leaves her. 

Billy wants to know if they fought and if Adam did something to upset her. Adam makes up a lie that he took out his anger on Chelsea for losing it on her. Billy scolds then thanks him for telling truth says when Delia died he didn't lean on Victoria he won't make same mistakes, and tells him he'll need Sally in his life. 

Jack gets mad at Nikki for all this time thinking Diane is just a gold digger. He storms out.  Jack should have attack Victor to her face over and over again. 

Daniel and Heather tell Phyllis no meddling. Let them live their life. But she's looking at 

Nikki chases after Jack at Jabot. She didn't want to create friction with each other. She can't trust and believe in Diane for his sake. He yells she thinking he doesn't know any better that Diane has this grand plan to take over.  She apologizes and leaves.

Chelsea in the park alone having a panic attack. 

Edited by Artsda
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Billy has gift for Lily, wants her to guess. She guessing weighted blanket, Taylor Swift blankets. It's a putter. They turn office into putting green and play. He's not going to turn Devon's office into a man cave, he's not going to mess it up now. 

Adam still tense at office with Sally. She wants to know what is going on. She wonders if its her if she did something. He says nothing about her.  She just wants to support him. He tells her she's done everything right, he's lashing out for wrong reasons. He tells her same Chelsea fight story that he lost it on her. He wants to make it to to her. 

Sharon getting message from Mariah about meeting, she doesn't know about what meeting. He wants to talk about Phyllis and society. She says behavior unlike her lately but once meds levels it'll be back to normal. Nick thinks it's been going on for awhile.  She says doctor checks in and he's good. 

Sharon says Faith doing well after Cameron. Nick reminds her that memories can crash back and wants them to rely on each other. She asks how Summer doing, he tells her about suing for full custody and he thinks she's punishing Kyle. He says Phyllis encouraging. He think her heart in right place, Sharon says not always. 

They talk about Cassie he says he's here for her, 20 yrs coming up. He knows something wrong and hard to admit there's problem. She knows why meds and work, he says he'll always worry. 

Victor showing Victoria press release she likes it until Adam part. He says family coming together as opposed to others breaking up. Nikki shows up and Victor think she's up to something.

Victoria wants total insurance that Newman Media will go back to Nikki. Nikki accuses Adam of not going anywhere that Victor will let him keep the job. All of them including Adam wants to know what will happen. Nikki won't work with Adam. Victoria won't stick around for 3 person CEO. He accuses them if trying to do showdown. 

He says he will tell them everything you his sleeve, but first he needs Nick & Adam to come in there. Victor says he wants Nikki strong for what's to come. He sends group msg to Adam and Nick. 

Adam phone beeps from Victor and he ignores it to continue talking to Sally. He's sorry he's all over the place. 

Billy asking Lilly about staff splitting, asks about girl in accounting, Chance never know if Chance worrying about breaking law. He gets msg thought it's Chelsea and mention want to wrong Adam neck. He tells her about fight of Adam and Chelsea that Adam told him. He apologize to Lily for accusing her double crossing him. 

Sally has to go meet Summer he asks if they're good, she says yeah they're good. But stands outside after she leaves not looking good. 

Nick tells Sharon about the group text and Adam going to Newman Media. He leaves for the meeting. 

Adam walks into the office. Snarks if it's group firing and they convinced him to change mind. Victor says no, Adam will be new CEO of Newman Media and Adam asks for how long, Victor says permanently. 

Nikki and Victoria offended, taking Nikki job from her. 

Sharon at home spaces out again. Door knocks and it's Nick kissing her. 

Meanwhile Nick walks into Victor office, they tell him about Adam being new CEO of Newman Media. Nick asks Adam how he pulled it off, Adam says first he heard about it. 

Lily and Billy back playing golf.

Victor says he's acquiring a company as big as Newman. Adam says that exists? Victor tells Nikki she's about to take over running Chancellor industries while Adam, Nick and Victoria look shock. 

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Mariah meeting Tessa for picnic in park. Anniversary lunch of their first date but late because they had to reschedule. They have flashbacks even of date Kyle set up. 

Mariah worried about Sharon. She wishes she had her happy ending. They gift silly hats and kiss. 

Newman's all speechless.  Adam says he sees an opening with split. Nikki does not know what to say, Adam says how about thank you. Victoria doesn't know how he can do it, Victor says Billy boy.  

Adam says it has to be hostile, Billy will not role over.  Victor talked Jill out of going public, he bought back his shares from Mamie. They all shocked still and start to recap, Nick says Adam back at Newman media, Adam says Nick and Victoria at Newman, Victoria says Mom at Chancellor and Victor adds Billy out. 

Adam saying Billy will get what's coming, Victoria questions Johnny and Katie feelings, Victor says it's business, Adam says they'll be off musical chairs they'll be enough. Nikki wants to know what else going on business is always personal. 

Billy and Lily getting Society takeout, Devon and Abby see them. Abby says Lily just stringing him along, Devon says no she's not leaving CW. 

Abby invite them to lunch and Devon think bad idea.  He's still bitter over the entire thing.  He and Lily go outside, he asks her for yes or no answer on staying or not. She tells him she's staying at Chancellor. She's not wanting to give up what she built and he understands that. Devon says Billy all about Billy, when he doesn't need her. Lily brings up childhood monopoly when Devon would make deals without her. 

Billy and Abby having convo inside about Devon and Abby tries to stay out of it and defending. 

Victor says it's about Katherine she gave him the company. They remind him he sold it to Jill and he says she gave it to Billy and it only doing well because of Devon and Lily. Adam thinks he can do it, Nick is skeptical, Victor wants to know what Nikki thinks. 

She's grateful for vote if confidence. She wants to know if he wants to go to war with Jill and Billy. Victor says Jill wants to retire. Victoria starts defends Billy and struggle. Nick asks about Lily, Adam thought she will be at Winters. Victor says it's up to Nikki but he thinks she's asset. 

Lily tells Billy Devon just upset BC he thinks Billy using her. Lily tells him she wasn't honest with either of them. She tells him about the plan of jumping ship. He asks what changed her mind and says it was him. Devon not big on collaboration she doesn't see it, it's in his nature to go it alone. 

Abby and Devon at park sunset view too. He asks her if she played monopoly. She says if course as half Newman and half Abbott. He says remind him not to play with Dominic. Lily told him she can't work with him. But now he can move forward where Winters needs to be.

Nikki not making decisions prematurely. Wants to know if he's going ahead with this takeover no matter what they say, Adam volunteers to take Chancellor if Nikki doesn't want lol. 

He is waiting on Nikki decision. She'll make decision soon. Victor wants this all to stay in this room. Nikki agrees it's staying in family and leaves to think, Victoria go with her. 

Victor asks Nick and Adam what they think, they both hesitant. Victor will get a lot of push back, Adam says he's underestimating Billy. Victor tells them he'll get Katherine's business back.

Devon asks Abby to come to Winters with him. She's not up for day to day. Devon tells her Lily called him a lone wolf and if she agrees. He asks her to promise him something, marry him. He says he'll do the whole knee thing but just  need to hear it now unless she needs time. She says yes. 

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Devon goes to Victor with something to discuss. Victor asks him about Chancellor, he said he feels better he does not have to work with Billy anymore. Victor tells him stick to his convictions. He wants his approval for Abby's hand in marriage and make sure Victor is ok with it. 

Victor approves and impressed he came to him and told him. Neil would be proud and they hug, he welcomes him to family. Asks about Ashley and she must be thrilled, Devon says they'll hold off until Ashley returns. 

Abby on video call with Ashley, she wants to go visit and Ashley says she's in place in therapy she can't, she tells her engagement news and now having second thoughts. She's scared because of her past relationships and past marriage that getting married could ruin everything they have. Ashley says trust her heart, Abby says she loves him and he makes her happier she's ever been. They just fit. Ashley says she's never heard her describe love like that.  Abby thanks her for being there and she's the mom who raised her. 

Alan and Tracy out at restaurant. They have a drink and she has to go out of town to LA she's coming back and needs to stay by her sister. They have bon voyage drink. He has opportunity he delayed too and she asks him about if he's ever been to LA. 

Asks him to come with her. And they'll stop in Genoa City to see and fill in Jack on Ashley progress. Alan says how much time to pack. 

Kyle thrilled Claire's mind has been changed. Kyle setting up a tour guide and talks about Louvre and sites to see. Claire wants to know when they leave and how long they staying, Summer walks in holding envelope and says they both can go and spend all the time they want but Harrison won't be going. 

New judge granted her request to keep Harrison there, no international travel until legal custody issues cleared up. Kyle fight, name calling attacks, Claire says nothing and Summer isn't frazzled.  Tells him read the papers, he accuses her of being vindictive over Audra and Claire. 

Claire excuses herself and says she and Harrison will go draw. Summer thanks her and good idea, says put on music BC Kyle yells.  Then after Claire goes upstairs he yells lol. Calls Summer insecure over Harrison liking other females. Attacks again she's fighting for custody of a child not hers. She counters it's about getting back to her? She asks if Claire knows the city, been anywhere out of country but she's supposed to watch their son. She asks about his erratic behavior began and he's dragging Harrison through chaos. Accuses her of bribing judge, he calls his lawyer and will fight dirty and leaves. 

Claire comes down with a photo Harrison just made of everyone in Paris and said mommy too on it. Talks about how excited he is about the trip and looking at pictures ever day Summer says she's getting what she's doing but doesn't need advice from her. 

Devon and Victor leave for society to see Abby. 

Kyle comes in and asks for whiskey. Abby excited tells him she's engaged. His cheerful self says he's meeting his lawyer he'll give her his card and she can get divorce started.  She asks him be happy for him and say when time comes don't say he didn't warn her. He snarky give congratulations to Devon and then goes to his lawyer and asks what they can do. 

Ashley tells Devon and Victor about Ashley, they happy. Victor orders champagne. He gives a speech, he loves Devon and Neil would be smiling about this and they cheers. 

Tracy excited for showing Alan her los Angeles. He's so happy to be in her life. 

Summer says she knows they're cousins, but it's messy. She says Jordan gone now. Summer says only thing not messy is Harrison and goes up to see him. 

Kyle and his lawyer, lawyer says judge not bribed, Kyle wants to appeal. Lawyer said it would take weeks. He says Summer is determined to be selfish and vindictive. Two can play at that game. 

He should say all this louder so Victor can hear.  

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13 hours ago, Artsda said:

New judge granted her request to keep Harrison there, no international travel until legal custody issues cleared up.

AYFKM?  Did she get the same judge Phylth had?  THERE IS NO LEGAL CUSTODY for Dummer.  (Unless, of course, Josh is going to replay some tacky b&w flashback of Tara giving up her rights and dummer adopting?)   Booo. Hisss.

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Nick and Faith talking in the park, she has new brushes, Sharon is checked out and both worried. She tells him she caught her going through Cassie scrapbook. She barely going to work and always grabbing takeout but not eating it. She doesn't think she's even taking the meds. 

Sharon at home she knows kiss was imaginary but doesn't know why. She starts hearing and seeing Cassie and she leaves home for society. Daniel asks if she's ok, which she doesn't take well. She says time travel will help. Daniel thinking seeing him doesn't help, he asks her about therapist and she doesn't need one. 

She can't stop thinking about her. She doesn't know why now everywhere she goes she's reminded of her. 

Chelsea at Adams office for Connor doctor call. Do these 2 not know how to do a 3 way video call where they both back be in different places? A CEO should know that. 

Doctor says Connor doing well, no more self harm attempts. His team says they are out patient him, he will get to go home with daily outpatient. 

Billy and Sally run into each other at coffee house. They think there's something else going on. He trashes Adam a lot, his pushing of Chelsea. 

Adam getting the jet ready to go get him. Adam excited, Chelsea just asking a bunch of what ifs. 

They video call Connor, he knows he's going home. He feels ready to come home. He's going to get packed after Chelsea tells him Adam getting jet ready.  Adam says he's assuming he'll see stay with her. 

Sharon gets her food and thanks Daniel and says he'll always there if she needs to unload. He thanks her for not telling Lucy. She says she'll never. 

Lucy walks in texting Faith wanting to know about the party. Daniel asks who drove her home from the party and she asks if it's about Sharon, she tells him she knows about Cassie. She says Heather let it slip. She asks if he feels guilty. He thinks about Cassie all the time. He brings up she used to try and hang out with older kids. 

Faith will continue the watch Sharon, Nick says let him she should just have fun and enjoy summer. 

Billy wants to find out what going on while Adam and Chelsea walk in. He wants them to sit to clear the air. Billy wants them.to say what's going on they can handle it.

Nick and Faith see Sharon in the park. Sharon happy to see them, said she's having lunch in park. 

Adam tells them Connor coming home, The going to Baltimore. Billy still wants to sit and talk. 

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13 hours ago, Artsda said:

Billy wants to find out what going on while Adam and Chelsea walk in. He wants them to sit to clear the air. Billy wants them.to say what's going on they can handle it.

Show could make it really easy for Billy to understand by having Adam use Billy's fondness for golf analogies and describe his and Chelsea's bed tumble as a game of minature golf played with the wrong putter and leave it at that.

Who Cares Fran Healy GIF by Travis

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Billy group meeting wanting to find out what going on again. Adam covering. Billy saying he's spoken to all of them separately.  Billy picking up on the looks they're sharing like they are checking on the story not being right. Chelsea wants the know what they want to confess. 

She gets mad and says it's about Connor, says that have the pick up their son and storms out. 

Claire telling Victoria how ugly things are with Kyle and Summer. Claire blames summer for thinking it's her fault. Victoria wants to call summer and Claire stop her. 

She talks about Harrison disappointment, she also disappointed she was tes to ride the child carousel. Cole shows up and they leave for lunch. 

Kyle runs into his parents at club. They try chatting over Paris, Jack ends it to go eat lunch. Kyle can't stop starts running his mouth about how they're running scared and how Glissad will wipe them. Jack finally gets mad at his attitude. He thought he raised him better than this, he speaks of company his father built and how much jabot has done in industry and tells him enjoy his flight and walks away while Kyle has his bitchy face on still. 

Cole wants to know what's going on. They tell him about custody and trip to France off. Cole says she should take step back from being caught in middle. He suggests her get master's in early childhood education. That Summer and Kyle will work it out. She wants to help Kyle through his pain and anger.

Diane asks Jack what happened to not engaging with Kyle plan. She thought he's the calm parent, he won't endulge him anymore. She made mistakes walking away from him before, seeing him like this. Jack says he won't take his grown son acting like spoiled entitled brat. 

Billy goes after Chelsea he says he just wants to help. He hopes she can be honest with him and can tell him anything. Sally defends Billy to Adam saying it's paranoia. 

Sally thinks Billy is right, Adam says Chelsea has right to be upset. Right now all that matters is Connor coming home. She apologizes, he doesn't mean to take anger out on her. 

Chelsea says she'll tell Billy about everything when they get Connor. Billy think Baltimore is trigger, she wants to put it all and mistakes behind her. 

Adam and Chelsea in the car. Chelsea says she's on verge of breakdown the lies and cover story, now what Connor should be coming home too. 

Kyle comes back over ranting about jabot being dinosaur, cling to past. Jabot will be has been and then he'll get respect he deserves and storms out with Audra following. Diane comments on the rage, she's worried about their relationship with their son and not coming back. Jack says he trying to prove some point. 

Kyle and Audra also in a car, she thinks he's pushing this to hurt his family. Keeps taunting his father. She's not proving herself to anyone.  Audra says they can use jabot to crush them, Kyle says Jack won't do anything. 

Billy tells Sally about Chelsea's guilt and mistakes line. Chelsea tells Adam what she said too and it confirmed to Billy he's right. He won't let this go and secret can't come out and wants to know if he can count on her. 


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Victor and Nick talking about Adams going to get Connor. He wants to know how he's planning to take Chancellor. 

Billy has new logo with all equal font size this time. She knows something going on, wants to know if it's Chelsea. If it's their relationship or Connor. He deflects and no

Mariah at house looking for Sharon. She's not there. Sharon house is a mess. Starting tasks and not finishing. She and faith discussing something is wrong with her. 

Sharon in park hearing Cassie and seeing Nick and having convo with him. She knows he's not there, she's hearing Cassie voice and knows that's not real either.  He tells her don't give up. She lost him, Cassie and herself. 

Mariah calls Nick worried, she tells him what's going on. She's not getting food feeling. He says he'll check in after meeting. 

Victor asking if everything ok to Nick. He wants to know about the plan. He does give in says he's working it out. Nick says he needs something more to take over, then Devon walks in..

Nick congratulates him. Victor went know if Devon wanting to join them against Billy Devon not interested in this fight with Billy. He wants no part of it Victor trying to tell him advice. He goes and Nick thinks he'll go warn Lily. Victor says that his plan. 

Faith cancels her Euro trip BC of Sharon condition. Mariah think Sharon avoiding her, fairy tells her Sharon seeing Cassie. Mariah realize she's avoiding her she lookslikedjf.bbb

Sharon and not really Nick he's trying to convince her they still have a chance. They kiss and he's gone. 

Devon shows up at CW wants to speak to Lily in private. He tells her she should reconsider staying, come to work with him he tells her something has changed and she needs to get out. 

Nick still questioning on lan, be sHd game is on.. Nick phone ringing, it's Mariah saying Sharon's hope but she doesn't look good and asks her to come. He races our not waiting for elevator m 


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Billy showing Chance the new logo, he's not jumping for joy. 

Sharon at home now and Nick shows up concerned. She still blacking out, she does know what is going on. Nick says they'll figure it out. 

Nick asks about meds, she says she stopped taking them. Didn't like how it made her feel. She is tells them she's seeing Cassie. 

Devon tells Lily she needs to get out. Tells her about meeting with Victor. Lily admits she's playing Billy. She got to protect the company, says he's right about him but couldn't walk away and let him ruin the company. Lily thinks she steps away from Victor. 

Lily tells Billy about Devon warning. Billy seems to think it's about Devon not Victor. 

Summer and Daniel at Society. He's still not team custody.  He agrees to help her find a house. Daniel doesn't still think custody good still. He think war with abotrs vs Newman bad idea..she storms off..

Sharon think she needs place to clean mind to get back on plan. She asks them to fill in while she's gone .they hug and will be there for each other. She is going to go Sedona or new mexico. 

Chance gives summer pep talk about her fight with Devon. The go back to her room.. Summer still sork

Nick and both kids at coffee house they will do what ever you get shar well. Sharon at home seeing Cameron now.

Sharon at home, now seeing 



Just now, Artsda said:

Billy showing Chance the new logo, he's not jumping for joy. 

Sharon at home now and Nick shows up concerned. She still blacking out, she does know what is going on. Nick says they'll figure it out. 

Nick asks about meds, she says she stopped taking them. Didn't like how it made her feel. She is tells them she's seeing Cassie. 

Devon tells Lily she needs to get out. Tells her about meeting with Victor. Lily admits she's playing Billy. She got to protect the company, says he's right about him but couldn't walk away and let him ruin the company. Lily thinks she steps away from Victor. 

Lily tells Billy about Devon warning. Billy seems to think it's about Devon not Victor. 

Summer and Daniel at Society. He's still not team custody.  He agrees to help her find a house. Daniel doesn't still think custody good still. He think war with abotrs vs Newman bad idea..she storms off..

Sharon think she needs place to clean mind to get back on plan. She asks them to fill in while she's gone .they hug and will be there for each other. She is going to go Sedona or new mexico. 

Chance gives summer pep talk about her fight with Devon. The go back to her room.. Summer still not happy with Daniel.. or standing up for her. 

Nick and both kids at coffee house they will do what ever you get shar well. Sharon at home seeing Cameron now.




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Faith telling Sharon that Lucy invited her to concert , she comes across desperate and lonely.  Lol so true. She tells Sharon she's clingy obsessed with her. Sharon think it makes sense and see Lucy side and cut slack. Faith doesn't want to encourage her, Sharon tells her set boundaries. 

Lucy saying to her parents that Faith really wants to go and begged her to go concert with her.  Heather trying to get more tickets but Lucy doesn't want them to go with her. Heather lectures her about ditches her father. 

Lucy goes to be ready for concert, her parents thinking it's a bit much. 

Summer, Kyle and Harrison playing game at Phyllis pushes don't be afraid to tell anyone he loves mommy.  When he leaves the area they talk about custody and h

Jack filled house with flowers for anniversary with Diane. Champagne, food, flowers. They dance. They doing paper theme. He gives her vows framed as gift. Diane writes him a letter and coupon gifts. 

Harrison and summer show up and interrupt. He forgot his bunny. He gets it and then sees they're having party. They offer him cavier and he declines. 

Lucy shows up at ranch to get Faith.  After they leave Sharon space out. Lucy and Faith stop for coffee, Lucy acts like she's had it before before but faith realizes she hasn't. 

They get to the concert, faith pulls out a flask when alone. 

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On 8/2/2024 at 8:05 PM, Artsda said:

Lucy shows up at ranch to get Faith.  After they leave Sharon space out. Lucy and Faith stop for coffee, Lucy acts like she's had it before before but faith realizes she hasn't. 

They get to the concert, faith pulls out a flask when alone. 

Wait, that's what happened there, Lucy's never had hot coffee before?! She's at Ceimson Lights all the damn time!

I think you mean Lucy pulls out a flask, yes?

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Devon and Abby on date night. She suggests a vacation. He makes excuses but to go about work, mergers, and eventually gives in to check schedule. They go home.

Harrison has stomach bug, Summer handling it. Diane thought Kyle deserve to know and he storms back ranting and raving orders.  Attack her at every word and telling her to leave.  Why is this jerk even still allowed to live in this house? He should have been kicked out. 

Jack stops Kyle saying that he can't force her to leave, she gets to stay in guest room. Jack tells him the bickering isn't good for Harrison and Kyle blames summer for everything and thanks Diane for telling him. 

She obviously told him for brownie points from the spoiled brat. Jack tells her don't get hopes up, she says it's progress. She'll do anything to get rid of anger. Jack wants to focus on fixing things with summer and Kyle for Harrison sake.

Lily telling Billy he needs to leave company that Victor is out for them. They fight about him taking low key backseat. He gets angry at that and tells her maybe she's the one that has to go, he's the one with voting rights. 

Adam home, he dropped off Connor and Chelsea. Sally sad holding baby booties she hides it from Adam. They have a drink and discuss Billy telling her he's self destructive and his relationship with Chelsea probably won't last. He's hoping they break up. 

Billy runs into Devon and Abby as they leaving. He blames Devon for filling Lily's head with negatity. Devon doesn't know what he said but struck nerve and he's not only one. 

Chelsea calls Billy to say they're home. They make date for morning. Billy at club drinking and calls Lily. He has an idea. 

Devon and Abby partial sex scene at home. After she's asleep he's still staring in thoughts. 

Sally goes up to bed, Adam sends msg to Chelsea about Connor and sees the hidden bootie. 

Summer tells Kyle Harrison awake and worst has passed and he's asking for him.

Adam staring at bootie and flashes back to telling Sally the baby didn't make it. Sally sees him with the bootie and comes back down. He apologize for selfish that it's been a year, he's been avoiding thinking about her. He couldn't handle that grief and Connor. They want to talk about her. 

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Connor with his parents at coffee house.  Accepting his surroundings and using his therapy to not give in when he was trying to sleep had an episode. 

Adam telling Chelsea how guilty he feels for missing Ava anniversary. They talk about Billy being suspicious and Connor overhears. She covers and says it's work issue and makes up a story. Connor tires and Adam leaves for office. Connor says it feels like they're a family again and Adam/Chelsea look at each other.

Kyle called Claire to tell him he's sick, she made him chicken soup. He's blaming Summer, she hears and they fight again with Claire just listening. He wants to expedite the custody hearing. 

Kyle says he's going to stay permanently and not go back. Kyle accuses Summer of attacking him to Harrison which she denies. He doesn't trust her.  Summer done fighting and goes to work. Kyle apologies to Claire for the fight. She tells him that they need to dial it down for Harrison. He says tell it to Summer. He tells her it's going to get worse and will need her more than ever to make him dial down and stop himself sometimes. 

Billy and Lily discussing the plan, he agrees to take the back seat. She's the face of AC. They thinking of a cover story to make Billy take back and people not wonder where he is. He wants to go public with Jill's health to give story he's stepping back to help her. Lily doesn't like that plan, tell him to talk with Jill first. 

Billy runs into Adam and he tells him that Connor and Chelsea had rough night. Tells Billy not to go up. He tells Adam he'll take Chelsea lead.  Billy believes something happened and it's more than just him angry.  Adam warning Billy makes Billy even more realize something happened. 

Summer calling her lawyer saying that Kyle threatening to move up custody case and she's scared. 

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On today's Canadian show, we find out that Summer adopted Harrison while they were living in Italy. WTF?! If Summer is indeed Harrison's adoptive mother, that means Tara would've had her parental rights terminated? How did that happen? Also, why would Kyle keep bringing up the fact that Summer is not Harrison's biological mother whenever she threatens to sue him for sole custody? As the adoptive parent, doesn't Summer have the same legal rights to Harrison as Kyle, the biological parent even though they are now divorced?

The storyline is makes absolutely no sense. Josh Griffith has clearly been reading the message boards and is trying to retcon his way out of this mess.

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Watching this soap has turned into experiencing Ground Hog Day. Every day the same conversations, same people, same stories that go nowhere.

I think if they were going to bring Tara back they would have done it by now. I want Harrison's parentage revisited...have someone else be his father. Alan! Victor! Devon! Bueller! 

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or Theo Vanderway!  (whose name always makes me think of "Art Vandelay" on Seinfeld)

Edited by Denize
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About time, Summer goes to Victor and tells him how toxic and terrible Kyle has been. He doesn't let on he knows everything. Victor defends and says that he sees man trying to get out from under his father. She wants his advice on how to fight and win. 

Victor asks didn't you adopt Harrison, she said she did in Italy.  What? Then what is all this Summer has no right and biology attacks from Kyle? 

Victor messages Kyle to meet him. 

Kyle and Claire with Harrison. He's feeling better. He ate a lot of shrimp because it was so good. Kyle judges summer to him asking if she didn't try to slow him down.

Phyllis sees Jack and Diane at club and wants to help fix things to prevent custody fight and join together. 

Phyllis says Kyle off the rails and Diane tries to defend. Saying he won't hurt his son. Phyllis says they were doing fine then Kyle started making rash decisions and lashes out and dark path. Diane defends Kyle.  How summer made first move. They want Phyllis to stay out of it. 

Devon has special lunch with Abby in park. He does a lunch with food and champagne to repurpose. Dominic chose the food,  on&j, cheese sandwich, carrots,and his favorite cookies. There's a ring! He gets down on a knee and proposes. She says yes again. It's a blue sapphire for trust, faith and devotion. He suggests they marry on her birthday Nov 13. 

Kyle and Victor meet he tells Kyle that custody fight isn't good for Harrison. He blames Summer but Victor tells him to fix it. To make Glissade a power house and Harrison. 

Harrison and Claire out for Ice cream, he knows his parents don't like each other and he misses them being a family. 

Diane and Phyllis have a huge fight each blaming each other for faking deaths and causing Kyle to lash out, for ruining their marriage. Summer shows up drags Phyllis away and they see Victor who tells Summer he fixed it.  

Phyllis doesn't like summer asking Victor for help, she'll have to be on guard he doesn't do anything without something in return. Calls Summer naive and has to be on guard. 

Diane wants Kyle back and will take on Phyllis if she has to. 

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13 hours ago, Artsda said:

Victor asks didn't you adopt Harrison, she said she did in Italy.

Oookaaay.  So what do his passport papers say about his parents? Also, I don't think Italian courts have that kind of jurisdiction.  Ya probably would have had to do this in the States, Sumsum.  With Tara legally giving up her parental rights.  

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Billy and Chelsea in park, he gives her rose.  Billy tells her about Adam warning.and Lily wanting him to step back. She doesn't 

Victor goes to see Adam and wants a campaign against Billy until it sinks. Adam hesitating because it would be payback and bad blood but Billy has been supporting Chelsea and Him through Connor. Victor asks if he think Billy and Chelsea should be together.

Summer and Kyle meet, they speak calmly.  He says her going to Victor was low. He says she wanted to intimidate him. Summer said Victor has no power over him. How he's weaponizing Claire against her. She calls him out on moving Harrison from family home and how he's now caught in between them. He wants them to be better, he wants create safe place. She wants him to stay away from Audra, he's not doing that and we're back to court. 

Sally and Chelsea visit Adam.. See Sally leave him and Chelsea tells Adam to leave her and Billy relationship alone.

Edited by Artsda
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Harrison and Jack in park, Phyllis shows up up and Harrison runs to her calling her "Phyllis." Lol no grandma. She plays up summer to Harrison until Jack sends him to look for tadpoles. Phyllis says he's had too much trauma and he may not bounce back in future. Jack tells her she has too much time on hands and butting in .

Victoria and Claire with Nikki all going to lunch and society. Claire telling them about custody issues and how she's trying to not take sides. Nikki offers Claire to be her assistant again at AC. She wants her working by her side again. Victor would love it. She doesn't want to leave Harrison. Victoria calls out a crush on Kyle.  She says they're friends. 

Billy and Lily discussing AC. Billy has a new plan he's not backing down. Jill says don't be afraid of Victor. They fight, Lily tries to change his mind. He has a press release announcing name change. She refuses. 

She goes bar at club and Phyllis buys her a drink. She thanks her for working it out with Daniel.  She jokes about not asking for job back and warns her on Billy. Phyllis asks if not more comfortable working with your family. 

Jack and Harrison playing go fish at home when Claire walks in. Jack thinks something wrong and asks her. She tells him Harrison worried about Kyle and Summer from fighting.  

Nikki and Victoria discussing Claire and Kyle.  Nikki tells her about Kyle's behavior and Jack said. Victoria said she's never been in relationship.

Jack goes society and Billy tells him about adding Abbott name to Chancellor. Jack tells him it's always Katherine's company and should respect her legacy. Billy tells him he's forging a new one. 

Harrison thinks his parents are mad at him. Claire tells him his parents love him very much. Claire thinking about what Harrison asks and it's nothing. 

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Billy and Jack fighting over Jack not believing in him Jack expecting worse.  Billy arguing about Abbot name at Chancellor. 

Jack rightfully points out that Abbott is not Jills name.  She had it for a short time. Jack tells him about Kyle's rebellion and all he's doing. Billy sees Kyle resentment and disrespect grow, they see him headed for fall..Billy says let him fail and get reality check..

Summer and Chance together in club.  Talking about custody, Chance wants to her to be careful with Victor. Summer doesn't want Audra anywhere near Harrison, she thinks something else going on.  Chance thinks more to what Summer feeling. 

Claire and Victoria in park discussing Harrison and job with Nikki. Claire says not the right time. Victoria asks her about last name, Claire says yes but doesn't want to disappoint cole..

Nikki and Victor talking at office about custody fight, offering Claire job. They talk about Claire possibly bringing up bad memories if she's working with Nikki. 

Victor looking forward to all family working together. 

Claire and Victoria shows up at Newman tell Nikki and Victor Claire going to change her last name.

Alan, Tracy and Diane run into Jack and Billy at Society and all going to eat together. Alan says Ashley has strong prognosis. She can return by end of summer. Jack asks about some other developments in their relationship. They talk about LA, dinner at beach, tourist places,.Billy says they look like real thing. 

Claire runs into summer in park, summer asks her where's Harrison. Claire says with Kyle, summer question why he's not at work. Claire doesn't know and asks back why isn't she. Summer says she on her way and then asks Claire about Audra and Kyle.  



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Adam, Chelsea and Connor together playing in park. 

Billy and Sally run into each other at society and discuss the secrets again and same conversation they've been having. 

Daniel asks Nick about Sharon, she's been avoiding his calls. Nick a bit angry at Daniel going there and setting her off. Nick worried too and she's weighed by past. Nick says to keep distance from Sharon for now. 

Sharon delaying her trip because of too much work telling faith. While Cameron on sofa talking to her about not leaving because her answers are here. Mariah shows up and also not wanting her to delay. The work reasons were already handled by Mariah. Sharon snaps, Cameron tells her to reign it in. 

Connor, Adam and Chelsea playing football. Connor likes it but asking if they'd be having fun like this if it wasn't ocd. 

Daniel telling Nick about the drinking at the concert by Lucy. 

Nick shows up at Sharon. Faith gets text from Lucy, her 17th and Faith thinks she's she's pushy and she feels bad telling her. Sharon gives advice while Cameron sits in background.  

Heather shows up at Crimson to see Daniel. Lucy is mopey, locked in room. Hating them during her grounding. Daniel wants to have conversation with her that it brings up Cassie.  

Adam and Chelsea walk down memory lane whole waiting for Connor who is getting drinks. They have a pop drinking competition. 

Billy and Sally banter about him not at his job, he suggests they go to the park to see Connor.

Connor asking his parents what he was like as baby. He says he'll have ocd for rest of life and asks if they know that.  Connor says he was lucky that they supported him, visited other kids didn't have parents like that.

Sharon's suggesting to Faith she speak to Lucy. Sharon says she's on her meds again. They talk about delayed trip. Nick says she needs to not go, stay so they can look after her.  Cameron says Prince Nickolas saves day again. 

He goes to leave, Mariah says for her to take a few days rest.  Cameron says she should say yes they have things to do. 

Adam and Chelsea talking about their new connection. She says she rather Connor sees them as team as opposed to tension and guilt over the one night.  Sally and Billy walk up and hear. 

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Kyle, Victor and Audra meeting at Newman Enterprises. Victor wants to know what Audra did to summer. She has no idea what he's talking about, she's done nothing they don't already know. 

Audra wants to go back to work, tells Kyle his home life with child never met is not her issue. She gives them update. Victor wants a launch party. She wants a flashy party, Kyle says exclusive like jabot to compete. Audra says he's trying to stick to his parents. Victor tells them figure it out. After Audra leaves, Kyle uses custody suit to stay.  Victor tells him not make regret hiring them. 

Summer talking to Phyllis about meeting Kyle in middle and negotiating to keep things as is. Phyllis wants to know if anger is because of Harrison or Kyle moving on. If she's testing Kyle on what he'd do or if had lingering feelings. 

Summer defensive, Phyllis does not think telling Chance everything good. Phyllis agrees with Chance opinion of Summer should calm down and steps back. Summer not wanting to listen and goes. 


Connor sees Billy and Sally before they can hear more. They say hi, Connor want to go home.  They go with them, leaving Billy and Sally to discuss what they heard. They know something did happen. 

Chelsea freaking out to Adam on what they heard, she has bad feeling.  Adam wants her to tell Billy he's wrong. She is too much and it's distracting her from Connor. Billy shows up wanting to talk in private.  

Audra and Nate at club telling him about her trip. How Kyle brings her down. They talk and going to have dinner. 

Victor asks Kyle about custody. He said he tried but it didn't go well. He offered to keep joint in place. Summer said he had to cut Audra.  

When. Chelsea tries to explain Billy tells her to stop. What ever it is she has to tell him. 

Phyllis sees Victor and doesn't trust his motives for helping summer. He'll have to go through her if he's trying to enlist summer in a scheme. 

Sally and Adam are home. He tries to tell her about Connor and random conversation. She wants to know the truth about him and Chelsea. 

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Chelsea deflecting Billy questions and says how Connor is alone and needs her, she says not now.  She keeps making excuses about Connor and his doctor needs her all the time.  Billy says then you don't have time for them and us. She says maybe needs a break. 

He tells her the stress of the secret isn't good. She kisses him bye. 

Adam deflecting and lying to Sally too, managing Connor, have to change how they think. Then Billy hammering her with suspicious. He wants her to not let Billy get to her. 

Sally says they're farther apart since moving in. She doesn't believe him. He says things will get better. If he wants her to just wait around and he expect that? She walks out. 

Audra and Kyle fighting over who set up meeting with Victor first and who backstabbing who. Summer shows up and Audra confronts her about dragging her into it. 

Kyle and Summer speak alone. Summer feels bad joe far off she went, he's also sorry. They start talking about untrustworthy Audra being around Harrison. She doesn't get how Kyle trusts her, then realized he doesn't. 

Nate and Audra, he tells her partnership with Kyle won't work out. She agrees it's tense and needs time.  Nate knows the investor is Victor and calls it out to her. 

He says the move is Victor because Kyle is an asset pawn for what ever Victor has planned next because of the war with Jack Abbot's why he's going to want Kyle. 

Michael shows up at Victors.  Victor had him digging up dirt on Billy.  He got none, how good he's been and even been supporting Chelsea and Connor. 

Michael tells Victor Jill is in London undergoing medical treatment. Has Michael forgotten Billy is Lauren's nephew and Jill is his sister in law?  Instead he gives up her medical info to get back on Victor's payroll. So low. 

Victor says he'll wait for Billy destroy the company and he'll swoop in and save it. Then he'll put Nikki in charge. Michael tells Victor not to weaponize Jill's medical condition against her son. 

Audra confirms to Nate it's Victor. At first she was thrilled but now she's not liking where it's headed. It's not good. She knows that Victor only reason invest Glissade is family feud and 

Billy and Sally run into each other in park. 

Chelsea brought Connor to Adams.  He asks what happened with Billy. She tells him the story. He keep blaming Billy. She asks about Sally, he says he flat out lied and killing him. She wants to tell the truth. 

Summer doesn't believe there isn't more to Kyle's story of working with Audra. She doesn't think he's choosing to work with her. 

Victor tells Michael to go ask chance and Lauren what's going on with Jill. Michael doesn't want to but agrees, if they're all good.  Michael so pathetic. 

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Audra and Nate debating her always in middle of family wars. Victor holding all cards. She's not going to give it up.  Nate says she'll have to walk away or go along with Victor plans for jabot power play. She continues to say company hers and she has the connections. He leaves and she goes upstairs. 

Billy and Lily fighting over press release of Billy wild predictions. He accuses her of planning to kick him to curb. She accuses him of treating her like he was with Devon. He accuses her of being like her brother. Chance walks in and interrupts them. 

Kyle and Summer still debating custody. Kyle says Audra playing more role in Summers mind.  She says she doesn't think he trusts Audra and whatever else Victor is involved. 

Nikki and Victor debate his plans for Jill and using the illness. She's not happy about it. She points out he's grandchildren father. She realizes Adam is at Newman media to go after Billy and use Jill info. 

Nate sees Lily at coffee house and debate Billy. He knows she wants to push Billy out.  She's going to still try. She says Winters was Devon baby but Chancellor is hers.  Not really Lily but ok ...

Chance and Billy at Society debating Lily. Saying it t was her plan to shut her up and kick him out. He wants it over, he calls her to meet. Chance tells him it's mistake. 

Kyle admits he does not trust Audra to summer but can't say more. He can't tell her more. Kyle plan to push her out and one day will tell her whole story. Ask him to trust her. She wants him to tell her more and Audra shows up wanting to go over things in Paris. 

Summer leaves to meet Chance at Society. He tells her about Billy wanting to push Lily out. 

Nikki and Victor now at club.  She's still talking about vengeance, Billy and Adam going after him. He wants no more business talk, but see Lily walk in. They invite her join them. She gives away things but good with Lily. Billy walks in and Victor says something he has to speak to him about. While Lily stay with Nikki and she asks how things are really with Billy. 



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