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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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26 minutes ago, Diane M said:

So Victor is awake now and doesn't say anything about JT and the fight?  Not another case of amnesia!!!!

@Diane M, Prick is not awake, it was Drinki imagining it, or maybe it was Prick dreaming it.

5 minutes ago, Capricasix said:

When I saw Nikki’s green outfit (blech) today, all I could think about was Sean Spicer and his green tie ?

That outfit was horrific.

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Ah, right.  I would think JT would want to get out of Genoa City before Victor wakes.  Maybe he's thinking that there's no way a man in his mid-70s could survive that fall.  Of course, we know better.

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3 hours ago, bannana said:

Drinki, Vic and Nick are at hospital and Nick tells them that Prick has sepsis and Drinki freaks out.

Prick has had sepsis since the day he was born. 

JT’s behavior and attitude toward Victor waking up is very strange. He does not seem to possess a single fuck that Victor might implicate him and send him to jail. Victoria will never choose him over her father. Is JT counting on Victor hating Jack enough to throw him under the bus? Also, since Victor was the victim of a crime, wouldn’t the cops take DNA evidence? JT and Prick had quite a rumble at the top of stairs. Sorry. Expecting competence from Chief Tightpockets is like waiting for Nick to memorize the alphabet.

Kyle, keep your dead eyes off Mariah. She’s not even related to you, player.

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I wonder if Hil and Devon didn't actually make a baby. I can easily see them having another fight, she goes off to have a one night stand with somone (newly arrived Kyle) and he gets her pregnant. However, when Hil gets pregnant, everyone especially Devon will think he is the father.

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wow... that lighting in jail did Nikki no favours.  She looks like a snowman in late March. 

You girls need to brace yourselves... at this point the only blood Abbotts left are Traci and... LOLZ!!!!

Edited by Big Blue Plate
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17 hours ago, bannana said:


And if Jack's not going to do that, at least tell Billy and Ashley that the emails exist so it doesn't look like he's grasping at straws!!!

12 hours ago, Big Blue Plate said:

at this point the only blood Abbotts left are Traci and... LOLZ!!!!

Which reminds me, Colleen would be a blood Abbott, but they had to go and kill her :(

Edited by ByTor
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JT’s behavior and attitude toward Victor waking up is very strange. He does not seem to possess a single fuck that Victor might implicate him and send him to jail. Victoria will never choose him over her father. Is JT counting on Victor hating Jack enough to throw him under the bus? Also, since Victor was the victim of a crime, wouldn’t the cops take DNA evidence? JT and Prick had quite a rumble at the top of stairs. Sorry. Expecting competence from Chief Tightpockets is like waiting for Nick to memorize the alphabet.

No kidding. JT manages to compartmentalize better that Prick, which makes him more of a sociopath than his former and never-to-be future FIL. And I've just gotta say, his dialogue reminds me of the more chilling and gaslighting attacks my once, long ago, abuser used on me. The thing about this storyline that's so troubling is Mal seems to be trying to walk a tightrope by calling JT an "emotional abuser" instead of an outright physical abuser (or at least he would have been except JT's abuse turned physical). They can't walk that backward on that tightrope now. Is the takeaway simply that St. Mac is a better person than Victoria so JT didn't need to knock her around? Or that he just graduated to the International Big Boys Abusers' Club once he got to Genoa City?  Actually, abusers do usually escalate their attacks over time. I don't know whether it's because they just hold it together during the so-called courting phase of a relationship or it develops out of a sort of familiarity breeds contempt situation.

Apparently, JT doesn't think he did anything wrong insofar as Prick is concerned. His defense is definitely going to be that he was physically attacked by Prick and he was "just defending" himself. Of course, he was caught cracking the old cryptkeeper's safe. In his home. I suppose he's going to argue that he was "just doin' my job, Paul."

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It's a new day in GC.  

Arturo, Nick and Drinki are at the GCAC dining room having a meeting.  Drinki is distancing herself from Arturo and he knows it.  The hospital calls Drinki and she and Nick rush off to the hospital.

JT is at home reading an online article about Jack's arrest.  Vic walks in and is all excited about getting an appointment with the counsellor in an hour, but JT says he needs to check his calendar and she says she cleared it for him. She reminds him of when he cleared her calendar.  Ouch. She reminds him that he was committed to working on their relationship, so he acquiesces.  Vic gets a text from Drinki saying to meet her at the hospital for a family meeting.  She says she will meet JT at the counsellor's office and rushes out and he looks annoyed.

CEO Kyle is sitting at Jack's desk wrapping up a meeting with Glo.  He tells her to order a new nameplate for the door! She says it won't be necessary, because he won't be there very long, Mikey will get Jack off.  Kyle says while he is hoping for a positive outcome, he needs to plan for the alternative and tells her he is CEO and he expects her do as he tells her.

Abby arrives at the Abbott mansion telling Ash that she is off for the day because Vic cancelled all her meetings.  Wait a minute, shouldn't Ash be back at work at Newman?  She said she was returning this week.  Or has she completely caved to Victoria? Abby tells Ash they need to act on the Kyle situation, now that they know he is not a blood Abbott.  Ash doesn't want to do anything, she just wants to monitor the situation with Kyle.  Dina walks in and is outraged that there is no milk for her morning coffee.  She says there is not one bottle of milk in the fridge.  Ash says they are trying something new, cartons.  She goes off on Ash for not doing a good job of managing the household while John is gone, and she tells her she is going to warn John about what she has done, and Ash exclaims: what I have done!  And Abby looks a little worried.

Hilary shows up at HWG talking about spring being in the air, blah blah.  Devon says he has done some research and it takes some time to be able to detect if they are pregnant. Hil gets annoyed about how difficult everything is.  Wait, what?  They just multi-boinked yesterday, and already she is defeated? She is worried she will be one of the women who has to try dozens of times and says she is trying not to cry, it is just hormones. Devon asks her to talk about it and puts his arm around her. She says she has been swamped with all of this longing that they made a baby.  She wants her baby to be conceived from them making love, not her in a lab alone.  Well, well, Hil, way to be subtle.

Ash tells Abby she thinks she is a horrible daughter.  Billy arrives, because Abby called him, then Abby leaves for the hospital.  Ash fills in Billy on  the Kyle situation.  Ash says he is doing an effective job, but she is worried because of the potential Prick connection.  She wants Billy to step in as CEO.  He says he has a job.  She says he is older and wiser than Kyle.  Hah!  He says it is not that he is not willing to do it, but it is not going to be easy.

The Newmans convene at the hospital where Drinki tells Prick's children about the gravity of the situation.  Also he doesn't have a living will. She says they may be close to having to make a decision for him.  Nick is adamantly opposed and says his father would want to continue fighting.  Vic says her father would not want to live as a shell of himself.  Abby says that maybe Vic sees it as a quick path to his office.  Ouch.  Vic is very distressed, but says she has to leave.  Nick is astounded she is leaving, and asks her where she is going.  Abby says she has deals to make and subordinates to push around.  Hah!  Vic says she will support whatever decision Drinki makes.  Drinki is sobbing over Prick's bed.  MTS is doing a shitty job of crying over Prick, I guess she cannot even pretend to feel bad that he is supposed to be dying.

In Jack's office, Kyle asks Glo for a croissant and an espresso, and she snarkily asks if she should send out his dry-cleaning too.  He says, could you, and then says he is kidding. Kyle wants a list of all projects Jack had under development including those that he didn't share with the NY office.  She says that info is top secret.  He says, not for the CEO. She wants to know why he needs all this info if he is just temporary.  He tells her to stay out of his way while he does his job and she should do her assistant job.  She says just cause he is Jack's son, it doesn't automatically follow that he is his successor.  She says she doesn't understand what gives him the right to sit in that chair.  He says it is obvious where her loyalties lie, and she says, not with you, kiddo. And he says: you've left me no choice, you're fired.

Back at the hospital there is  much angst over what to do about Prick.

JT and Vic are meeting with their counsellor.  Vic informs her that they are there to work on the small things before they become big things.  Vic says that when she ran into Mac she became more concerned because she accused JT of being emotionally abusive. JT explained that Mac was just creating trouble because she wanted full custody and when he gave her that, she backed down.  They talk about wanting to get it right this time.  They explain that last time they were married Prick was a big problem for them. JT says he is not a problem now. Vic admits cheating on JT.  The counsellor wants to know why Mac's comments affected Vic they way they did, to compel her to seek counselling.

Drinki is alone now with Prick and blubbers all over him.

Devon is meeting with Simone at the GCAC, and it comes out that Lily is playing matchmaker.  Even so, Devon tells Simone he is still interested in her, he has just been distracted.  They start talking about their mutual love for music.  Simone steps away from the table, and Hilary shows up.  She asks Devon if he is still seeing Simone.  She says it is wonderful that such a down to earth woman is so cool with their arrangement and he tells Hil that he has not shared that with Simone.  He says there is nothing yet to tell, and Hil says: except that you had sex with your ex-wife. She tells Devon not to worry, that she won't say anything.  Yeah, right.  Simone returns and Hil leaves, and Simone is curious, but Devon says with Hil, it always the Hilary Hour.

Kyle shows up at the Abbott manse, checking if there is any news about Jack's legal situation. Ash tells Kyle that she met with Jack and he is worried about Kyle's association with Prick. Kyle says his relationship with Prick is not new.  Ash says he is concerned that Kyle stepped in as CEO after voting Jack out.  She says that Kyle unloaded on him when he went to visit him.  Kyle says he unloaded on him about how poorly he treated his aunt Ashley.  And that now Jabot has lost their Innovator of the Year to NE.  Kyle says he has been thrust into the position of CEO, and his father is spouting conspiracy theories.  Kyle says Prick is not conspiring with Kyle, he is fighting for his life.  He says that being locked up has made Jack paranoid.  He says he loves his father, as Ash does.  Kyle wants Jack to know that he is just keeping things on track, and protecting Jabot.  Dina walks in and is reading about "John" being arrested for trying to kill someone.  She wants to visit him in jail, but Ash tries to dissuade her.  Dina says she has been a bad wife and he has to know the truth before he goes to prison.  Kyle intervenes and tells Dina that John loves her very much.  He tells her sometimes it is better to keep a secret from the one you love. Dina asks him who he is, and he says he is John's cousin Kyle, and Dina says she doesn't remember him, but she likes him.

Vic starts to describe how critical he is of her, and JT says she does the same to him, and that she is just not used to having someone this honest in her life. He says they are two strong people.  The counsellor asks if things have ever become physical, and JT says, not really, and Vic says, yes. He says it is semantics, and talks about their wild and rough make-up sex!  The counsellor asks Vic if she has ever been physical with JT.  Vic starts to describe their recent fight, and how she slapped JT.  He says it was a one time thing.  Vic continues, and says that he grabbed her, and puts her hand to her neck.  He says he was just trying to get things under control.  She says she thought he was going to hit her but then he punched the wall.  He says he hurt his hand, he would never hit her. The counsellor asks how often these passionate arguments happen and JT says, once a month and Vic says, twice a week.  Vic says she did slap JT before when they were first married.  She says this is not just about JT, she is part of it. The counsellor says lots of things about how they have to recognize their behaviour and work on it.  Vic says, we are in this together, and JT says, right, but he looks like he doesn't mean it.

Glo is at the GCAC bar and she sees Abby and tells her about Kyle firing her.  She calls Kyle a brat.  She says when Jack gets out and finds out that his family let Kyle fire his loyal assistant, he will decimate Abby.  She stomps off, and Abby starts to cry.  Arturo hands her a handkerchief.  Or more likely a napkin.  They introduce themselves. He tells her he is working with the Newmans.  She talks about her father and how she is terrified of losing him.  Drinki has competition.

Drinki is blubbering on to Prick how she has never been happier, and that they finally have become friends.  As she walks out, she says: thank you.

Back at home, JT tells Vic that her father was her anchor, but now he is in hospital fighting for his life.  She should hold onto JT now.  He tells her they don't need a counsellor to tell them they are passionate and complicated people who are great together.

Ash tells Kyle he is so good with Dina, and he says he is in awe of her, and wants to get to know her better. He says he only has the family's best interests at heart.  He tells her he fired Glo.  Ash says Jack won't like that, but she has no problem with it.  She says that move seems like someone who is interested in being more than a temp CEO, and he says:  we have to be prepared for anything.

At the hospital, a mysterious woman with long dark hair enters Prick's room and takes his hand and kisses it.

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Back at home, JT tells Vic that her father was her anchor, but now he is in hospital fighting for his life.  She should hold onto JT now.  He tells her they don't need a counsellor to tell them they are passionate and complicated people who are great together.

More weasel words from JT. Look out Vic, you in trouble girl.  Thanks bannana!

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

At the hospital, a mysterious woman with long dark hair enters Prick's room and takes his hand and kisses it.

Could this be Ramona, another woman from his past?  I don't remember how that romance ended, but I remember she had long dark hair.

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1 hour ago, Diane M said:

Could this be Ramona, another woman from his past?  I don't remember how that romance ended, but I remember she had long dark hair.

Maybe that wacko doctor from the prison that had the belly fat fetish?

Maybe she had a miracle baby from she and Victor's epic romp in the prison dispensary and she's come to claim her man.

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1 minute ago, Big Blue Plate said:

I FF a lot so this may have been explained but how is it there was a board vote about Jack v Ashley as CEO but Kyle just takes the job?

I assume, that besides the Blood Abbott clause, there's also a Dumb Abbott clause - in favor, not against.  

And NuKyle wins by a landslide!  

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1 minute ago, Big Blue Plate said:

They were young hands... and the hair was a mid brown... I remember Alicia Coppola (jail doctor) as a dark brown. 

Sex with Victor can change a person......

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1 hour ago, boes said:

Maybe that wacko doctor from the prison that had the belly fat fetish?

Maybe she had a miracle baby from she and Victor's epic romp in the prison dispensary and she's come to claim her man.

I assumed it was Dr. Coppola.  Cannot think who else it would be.  Okay, I am going regret asking this @boes, but remind of the belly fat fetish.

1 hour ago, Big Blue Plate said:

I FF a lot so this may have been explained but how is it there was a board vote about Jack v Ashley as CEO but Kyle just takes the job?

This has not been explained and it is another infuriating thing for me (along with, SOMEONE READ KYLE'S JABOT EMAILS...HE WORKS FOR THEM, RAVI CAN PULL THEM UP IN TWO SECONDS IF YOU ARE SUSPICIOUS ASH! oh wait, does Ravi even work there anymore?  well then let's get Phyllis on it.)

When Ash was asking Billy to step in as CEO today, she said they could position it as he has more experience.  So the peeps they have to position it to are the Board members.  Ash, Jack, Tracy, Phyllis, Kyle, Lauren, and maybe two someone elses.  Of course they will all go for Billy, except Kyle.  So this is a no brainer.  But then, Ash held board meetings without notifying the entire board, and Jack changed the bylaws without notifying the entire board, both of which cannot happen in a governance structure.

Glo was correct, Kyle cannot just step in and be CEO.  This is all just so Abby can prevent Kyle from being CEO buy exposing that Jack is not an Abbott.  Sigh.

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40 minutes ago, bannana said:

I assumed it was Dr. Coppola.  Cannot think who else it would be.  Okay, I am going regret asking this @boes, but remind of the belly fat fetish.

Bannana, this was me just being rude about Victor and Dr. Doolittle having the hots for his bloated corpse. 

I'd promise to be good but I don't think it would stick.

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48 minutes ago, bannana said:

This has not been explained and it is another infuriating thing for me (along with, SOMEONE READ KYLE'S JABOT EMAILS...HE WORKS FOR THEM, RAVI CAN PULL THEM UP IN TWO SECONDS IF YOU ARE SUSPICIOUS ASH! oh wait, does Ravi even work there anymore?  well then let's get Phyllis on it.)

What's irking me is Jack won't even share what he read! "Dad will never know what hit him." I mean WTF? That is enough to say fuck you traitor YOU CANNOT RUN JABOT. I think this is one of those situations where the prop team were told to put that subject line in after the actors had their scripts because why is Jack being so coy about it? Why wouldn't he tell Billy/Ashley/Kyle EXACTLY what he read?

But yeah Kyle has to be a super threat to push Abby to insist the secret be told about his DNA. Although I don't see why Billy couldn't step in ahead of him to run Jabot. This is how sad Jack's life is. I want Billy to step for him. sigh. Also I shared a spoiler for next week in the main thread that I'll repeat here:


Billy tries to suss out Dina's secret. Show better be careful they don't turn this newbie into a total irredeemable asshole. If he uses this information to gut his father for shits and giggles that's a tough one to come back from. 


7 minutes ago, boes said:

belly fat fetish

This is so funny.

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1 hour ago, boes said:

Bannana, this was me just being rude about Victor and Dr. Doolittle having the hots for his bloated corpse. 

I'd promise to be good but I don't think it would stick.

I knew it would be bad, sorry I asked @boes.  Cringe and puke.

55 minutes ago, miamama said:

What's irking me is Jack won't even share what he read! "Dad will never know what hit him." I mean WTF? That is enough to say fuck you traitor YOU CANNOT RUN JABOT. I think this is one of those situations where the prop team were told to put that subject line in after the actors had their scripts because why is Jack being so coy about it? Why wouldn't he tell Billy/Ashley/Kyle EXACTLY what he read?

But yeah Kyle has to be a super threat to push Abby to insist the secret be told about his DNA. Although I don't see why Billy couldn't step in ahead of him to run Jabot. This is how sad Jack's life is. I want Billy to step for him. sigh. Also I shared a spoiler for next week in the main thread that I'll repeat here:

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Billy tries to suss out Dina's secret. Show better be careful they don't turn this newbie into a total irredeemable asshole. If he uses this information to gut his father for shits and giggles that's a tough one to come back from. 


This is so funny.

@miamama, in that spoiler, you meant Kyle? Or Billy?

And yes, this is such bad writing, because Kyle has been exposed, via the drive that Jack stole, but HE CAN ACCESS KYLE'S EMAILS BECAUSE HE IS AN EMPLOYEE OF JABOT.  Can you guys tell this is making me crazy? Sigh, sigh and sigh.

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10 hours ago, boes said:

Sex with Victor can change a person......

Yeah, but of all possible outcomes... reverse aging?

It's these little things that drive me craziest.... if they can't be able to write a tight, roughly credible set of circumstances, it feels like they're disrespecting the audience.  And fundamentally, to me, that is what has killed soaps so effectively... they went too far in too many small ways. 

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8 hours ago, bannana said:

I knew it would be bad, sorry I asked @boes.  Cringe and puke.

@miamama, in that spoiler, you meant Kyle? Or Billy?

And yes, this is such bad writing, because Kyle has been exposed, via the drive that Jack stole, but HE CAN ACCESS KYLE'S EMAILS BECAUSE HE IS AN EMPLOYEE OF JABOT.  Can you guys tell this is making me crazy? Sigh, sigh and sigh.

Kyle! They are interchangeably vile in my mind it appears. Lol

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55 minutes ago, Big Blue Plate said:

Yeah, but of all possible outcomes... reverse aging?

It's these little things that drive me craziest.... if they can't be able to write a tight, roughly credible set of circumstances, it feels like they're disrespecting the audience.  And fundamentally, to me, that is what has killed soaps so effectively... they went too far in too many small ways. 

I agree. Also Phyllis was de-aged first by a coma and then by fucking Billy. 

I find this particularly offensive as a woman. There are so few good roles for women over 50 and show still gives them to younger women. If there was a soap press they should have been skewered for the decision. And it was JFP, a woman over 50, who de-aged Phyllis with her casting call for the role. Then Mal went further with the Philly lovebirds.

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16 hours ago, bannana said:

Ash tells Abby she thinks she is a horrible daughter. 

Some self-awareness from Ashley, yay!  Will she say next that she is a horrible sister?

16 hours ago, bannana said:

She says when Jack gets out and finds out that his family let Kyle fire his loyal assistant, he will decimate Abby.

Did you mean to say Kyle?

3 hours ago, Big Blue Plate said:
13 hours ago, boes said:

Sex with Victor can change a person......

Yeah, but of all possible outcomes... reverse aging?

Thus explaining why so many women are willing to have sex with him.  Hell, if that's the outcome, I'll take my turn :)

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

Some self-awareness from Ashley, yay!  Will she say next that she is a horrible sister?

Did you mean to say Kyle?

Thus explaining why so many women are willing to have sex with him.  Hell, if that's the outcome, I'll take my turn :)

@ByTor, that was a weird scene where Glo was going off on Abby, and saying Jack's family should be defending Glo and get her job back.  She says to Abby:  when Jack returns, he will decimate you.  I think she probably meant you as in Ash, Abby, Billy.

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33 minutes ago, bannana said:

@ByTor, that was a weird scene where Glo was going off on Abby, and saying Jack's family should be defending Glo and get her job back.  She says to Abby:  when Jack returns, he will decimate you.  I think she probably meant you as in Ash, Abby, Billy.

hmmm...thanks for the clarification, that certainly does sound like a weird scene!

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It's a new day in GC.

Kyle visits Jack in jail and tells him he has only Jabot's interests at heart.  Jack is skeptical.  Kyle says he was a soldier for Jabot when he was in NY.  A soldier who apparently never spoke to his father or his boss. Kyle says he is now evaluating the organization from top to bottom. He tells him he has found a new company that is of great interest.  Jack tells him to not get too comfortable, he'll be back to work soon.  Kyle says he hopes so, but in the meantime he will do everything he can to make Jabot successful.

Phyllis tells Billy that she now has to answer to Kyle re Fenmore's.  She says they had a complicated relationship over the years.  Billy tells Phyllis he is going to go after the CEO job, that Ash asked him to take it on because she is worried about Kyle.  He says Kyle cannot be trusted, and he is stepping up for the family, because they took him back into the fold.  They discuss it, and then she says she is okay with it.  She asks if this means they cannot have sex in the elevator anymore, and he says they can have more elevator sex cause he will be the boss.  Even though she is fully clothed and ready to go to work,  he starts macking on her and she drops her skirt and they have pre workday sexy times presumably on the sofa.

JT and Vic are at home and he is sucking up to her, praising her, and she isn't buying it.  He asks if they are good, and she says, yeah, we are fine, but she looks slightly nauseous.  He tells her he wants to take care of her today, because she has so much on her shoulders.  He talks positively about the counselling and then he says he wants to brainstorm ideas for the wedding.  She says she has to go to the hospital and he tries to talk her out of it, but she says there is something she has to do.  He says he will be waiting for her and will make reservations for dinner.  She looks very uneasy and walks out the front door, and then she makes a call to someone she wants to meet with immediately.

Saint Sharon is at CL with Nick and tries to offer him moral support and he snaps at her.  Nick then apologizes and says he is stressed out.  

Phyllis visits Jack in jail.  She tells him there is a plan to get Kyle out of Jack's office.  Jack thinks it may be too late.  He says Kyle has an agenda, and he is not going to stop until he gets what he wants. Jack wonders whether he was like Kyle at that age, entitled, smug, and dismissive, and he concedes he was like Kyle.  Phyllis says they need to focus on the present, not the past.  She says they are going to free Jack, they have a PI working overtime, and she is on his side too.  Jack asks Phyllis to convince Nick that he had nothing to do with Prick's fall, and that he was excited to work with him and Drinki. He asks Phyllis to stand in for him, and tells her the project is named New Hope.

Billy tells Ash and Abby he is in.  They are pleased.  Ash is calling an emergency meeting with the Board.  She Tracy, Abby, Ash, Phyllis, and hopefully Lauren will all vote for Billy.  Billy tells Abby to go to Jabot to keep an eye on Kyle until they can get Billy voted in.

Vic meets with her Counsellor privately.  Vic tells her that she is afraid of getting it wrong, she has before.  Then she talks about Billy, and how they tried to change each other.  Vic says it is not the same as with JT, Billy never tried to control her.  She says JT is forcing her to be who and what he wants her to be.  Vic says she honestly doesn't understand why she puts up with it.  Neither do we, Vic.  They talk about Prick, and Vic tells her the orphanage story.  Vic says JT is not like her father.  She admits that Prick is controlling but it is not the same, it is nothing personal, it is just who he is.  She says that Prick has been condescending to JT.  Vic says she used to think Prick's concerns re JT were misplaced, but anymore.

Billy meets with Cane at Summer's apartment to tell him that he is going to Jabot.  Cane is positively gleeful.  Ash was hiding in the other room.  Corporate intrigue!

Abby is at Jabot reuniting with Kyle. They talk about Glo, and he still cannot believe that Jack would ever have hired the woman who tried to destroy the Abbotts.  Abby talks about Kyle being away for so long and incommunicado, except for Prick. Kyle says everyone is forgetting about how good Prick was to Kyle. Abby thinks it is strange that Prick never mentioned their secret relationship, and she also says that Kyle never answered her texts.  Kyle says his relationship with Prick has nothing to do with Abby, no one is squeezing her out. She is skeptical.

Phyllis meets with Nick at the GCAC.  Nick is not sure that Jack is innocent.  Phyllis jokes about Prick's invincibility and Nick is not impressed.  He is acting very stressed out.

JT visits Jack in jail.  He tells Jack he believes Jack when he says he didn't do it. Hah!  JT says Prick probably pushed someone too far and they snapped.  Jack says the person who did it is a spineless coward, who has no problem with Jack going down for it.  Jack says the irony is he saved Prick's life by calling the EMTs.  JT says:  if only you had stayed away from the ranch that night.  Hah!  Even Jack looked surprised, and JT quickly covered by saying: for your sake.  JT says he hopes that Jack is cleared soon.

Vic describes to the Counsellor when she and JT first got back together, and how fun it was and how great he was.  She doesn't understand how things changed, how he can tell her he loves her, when it seems he doesn't even like her.  She talks about how their passionate sexy times are intense.  She says she is tired, walking around on eggshells.  She talks about having bruises, and how this is not who she is, and this is not who JT is.  She says things cannot get worse.  The Counsellor asks her if things stayed the same, could she live with that.  Vic is upset and runs out, even though her session is not over.  Vic goes to CL.  She imagines breaking up with JT and how that would go.  He tells her it is not up to her, they are going to get married.  She says: if you won't leave, then I will and rushes toward the door.  He slams the door shut and says: you still think you have a choice, what is it going to take to get through your head.  Vic tells him it is her life, her choice, and she won't let him control her.  And she tells him to leave and he does.

Ash and Billy arrive at Jabot.  Abby says Kyle has no idea what is going.  Billy is concerned because Phyllis hasn't shown up.  Uh oh.  Billy admits that he is terrified, he needs to do right by Jack and by his father.  Kyle walks out and says something about a family reunion.  Ash tells him that she called a Board meeting to appoint Billy as CEO.  Billy says: it's over kid, hope it was fun while it lasted.

Mariah is at CL and asks Sharon why she is upset.  Sharon admits that she and Nick talked about taking things further.  She thinks that there is hope for them.

Nick and Phyllis are still at the GCAC and she is giving him moral support as he blathers on about his father.

Kyle says they are wasting their time holding a Board meeting.  The clause in the bylaws states that only a blood Abbott can be CEO.  Billy says he is a blood Abbott.  Kyle says the clause also says the highest ranking blood Abbott at Jabot.  Ash says she is well aware, so the first move of the Board will be to hire Billy and the second vote will be to appoint him CEO.  Kyle says as acting CEO he can block the Board vote.  WTF?  Kyle also says as acting CEO he still would outrank Billy.  Wait, what? Kyle, no one appointed you as CEO.  But they don't say that.  Abby blurts out: you are not even a...And Ash interrupts and finishes her sentence with...you are not even ashamed of being so opportunistic.  Ash says she can call her lawyers.  Kyle says he can call his hotshot lawyers, but they should be working together for the sake of the company instead of wasting time and money.  Billy tells him to not pretend that he cares about the family.  Kyle points out that he is the only one who stuck with Jabot, that the three of them are working for the competition.  He says he is the only one who is unconditionally loyal to Jabot.  And he says he has work to do, and to shut the door on the way out.  They look steamed.

Vic arrives home, and JT says this is her day of pampering.  He is playing sexy tunes.  Vic says she has taken a look at her life and her priorities and she won't let anyone control her again.  He says he knows she is talking about Prick and about him.  He gushes on about how wonderful she is, how he respects her, she is strong and beautiful.  He says he felt like a failure and then they got back together and it was beautiful and overwhelming.  He says tried to tamp it down, but he was never mad.  It was about  him, he didn't deserve her.  He says that after the meeting with the Counsellor he realized he wants to be the man she deserves, that man that makes her happy.  He says: you are everything to me, and he kisses her, and eventually she kisses him back and they have sexy times on the sofa.  Their clothes fell off pretty fast too, I wonder if everyone has Velcro fasteners.

So I think this is definitely a rip off of Big Little Lies.  Only without  Alexander Skarsgaard.  And Nicole Kidman.

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8 minutes ago, bannana said:

Mariah is at CL and asks Sharon why she is upset.  Sharon admits that she and Nick talked about taking things further.  She thinks that there is hope for them.

Nick and Phyllis are still at the GCAC and she is giving him moral support as he blathers on about his father.

fuck you mal.

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22 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

fuck you mal.

I don't think this will be anything serious with Phick. Just angst to give Philly something to do besides have sex. Shick is the end game here.

It's funny as much as I hate nuKyle I am glad he blocked Billy because I hate Philly more, and Billy as CEO would just be more phucking in Jack's office.

Also from the dialogue @bannana quoted I'm wondering if Kyle is playing his cards very close to his (tight) vest. His comment about Gloria and "how could Jack be okay with someone who tried to destroy our family" does not jibe with "Victor was good to me." He can resent Jack but also plan to decimate Victor. Mal likes twists and Kyle is all BAD GUY right now so I expect he is fucking with Victor but doesn't want anyone to know. (After all these years I'm still in denial about this show's love for Victor apparently so I refuse to believe he's Team Victor.)

The paternity thing will be a game changer I would think. As in what does Jack do when he learns he's not John's son? Does he keep fighting for Jabot? That was always about John. It will be interesting to see. Of course he can't run Jabot and Kyle can't either. So, yeah, @HeatLifer here comes Billy.

What the fuck is Jack going to do? Show has taken everything from him and is giving it to Billy. so yeah...

4 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Oh, I am just soooo shocked by this turn of events. Why don't we just rename Billy and literally MAKE him Jack?

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Highest ranking blood Abbott? Are you fucking kidding me with this nonsense? That doesn’t even mean anything. As much as it pains me to say it, if you’re ranking blood relatives, wouldn’t the older one rank the highest? Wouldn’t Buttbiscuit be number one (while still being a double flusher number two)? Golly, I’m just a soap opera watching corncob in East Cupcake, New England and even I know there isn’t a business out there that would operate in such a ridiculous manner. Nothing burns my ass like insulting my intelligence. We can handle a modestly intelligent business story, Mal Young. It doesn’t even have to be particularly detailed, but do not bother if this glurge with Kyle declaring himself liege lord of Jabot due to his high ranking blood is the best you can do. 

Let’s return to our conquering hero, the odious and offensive Buttbiscuit, who is being positioned as a savior to Jabot and as the sole male heir to John Abbott. Oh who to cheer for in this battle of the sphincters? The sister fucker or the sister in law fucker? The disloyal brother who shagged Jack’s wife or the disloyal son who worships the man who shoved his mother out of an ambulance? The garden gnome or the moist item deposited on your lawn by a neighbor’s dog? Decisions, decisions. I mean, Billy is ready to make the crucial calls when it comes to elevator intercourse policy, whereas Kyle is so very impressed with himself that he probably uses the mirror in the executive washroom to admire his masturbation technique. 

And how’s about our gal Phyllis visiting Jack in jail, no doubt covered in Buttbiscuit sex crumbs and stinking of whatever fermented dairy drizzle Beely ejaculates. All heart, that Phyllis. Then she trundles on over to her other ex, the baboon, and proceeds to comfort him about the pile of rot who gave him life. Yep, I’d let someone cry to me about the shitbag who facilitated my rape. 

You’d think the show had reached its asshole quota for the day, but nope, we get the JT as sociopath sideshow with him visiting his patsy in jail, knowing full well that Jack didn’t do it because he did. Wasn’t it great hearing Victoria explain how JT’s controlling, abusive bullshit is inferior to her precious poppy’s controlling, abusive bullshit? It’s not personal or anything with Victor, oh no. He just ruins lives like it’s an involuntary bodily function, but he doesn’t mean anything by it. Not only is Victoria being gaslighted, her character is being used to gaslight viewers so that Prick can be sanctified. No sale.

To echo valley, fuck you, Mal.

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3 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Highest ranking blood Abbott? Are you fucking kidding me with this nonsense? That doesn’t even mean anything. As much as it pains me to say it, if you’re ranking blood relatives, wouldn’t the older one rank the highest? Wouldn’t Buttbiscuit be number one (while still being a double flusher number two)? Golly, I’m just a soap opera watching corncob in East Cupcake, New England and even I know there isn’t a business out there that would operate in such a ridiculous manner. Nothing burns my ass like insulting my intelligence. We can handle a modestly intelligent business story, Mal Young. It doesn’t even have to be particularly detailed, but do not bother if this glurge with Kyle declaring himself liege lord of Jabot due to his high ranking blood is the best you can do. 

Let’s return to our conquering hero, the odious and offensive Buttbiscuit, who is being positioned as a savior to Jabot and as the sole male heir to John Abbott. Oh who to cheer for in this battle of the sphincters? The sister fucker or the sister in law fucker? The disloyal brother who shagged Jack’s wife or the disloyal son who worships the man who shoved his mother out of an ambulance? The garden gnome or the moist item deposited on your lawn by a neighbor’s dog? Decisions, decisions. I mean, Billy is ready to make the crucial calls when it comes to elevator intercourse policy, whereas Kyle is so very impressed with himself that he probably uses the mirror in the executive washroom to admire his masturbation technique. 

And how’s about our gal Phyllis visiting Jack in jail, no doubt covered in Buttbiscuit sex crumbs and stinking of whatever fermented dairy drizzle Beely ejaculates. All heart, that Phyllis. Then she trundles on over to her other ex, the baboon, and proceeds to comfort him about the pile of rot who gave him life. Yep, I’d let someone cry to me about the shitbag who facilitated my rape. 

You’d think the show had reached its asshole quota for the day, but nope, we get the JT as sociopath sideshow with him visiting his patsy in jail, knowing full well that Jack didn’t do it because he did. Wasn’t it great hearing Victoria explain how JT’s controlling, abusive bullshit is inferior to her precious poppy’s controlling, abusive bullshit? It’s not personal or anything with Victor, oh no. He just ruins lives like it’s an involuntary bodily function, but he doesn’t mean anything by it. Not only is Victoria being gaslighted, her character is being used to gaslight viewers so that Prick can be sanctified. No sale.

To echo valley, fuck you, Mal.

I better clarify.  What the clause says is in the absence of the CEO, the blood Abbott person who is the highest ranking employee at Jabot gets to be CEO.  So Billy doesn't work there, they were going to make him an Executive in the C-Suite I guess, meaning he would outrank Kyle job-wise, except Kyle made himself acting CEO so he is saying he outranks Billy.  But that of course makes no sense either.

10 minutes ago, miamama said:

I don't think this will be anything serious with Phick. Just angst to give Philly something to do besides have sex. Shick is the end game here.

It's funny as much as I hate nuKyle I am glad he blocked Billy because I hate Philly more, and Billy as CEO would just be more phucking in Jack's office.

Also from the dialogue @bannana quoted I'm wondering if Kyle is playing his cards very close to his (tight) vest. His comment about Gloria and "how could Jack be okay with someone who tried to destroy our family" does not jibe with "Victor was good to me." He can resent Jack but also plan to decimate Victor. Mal likes twists and Kyle is all BAD GUY right now so I expect he is fucking with Victor but doesn't want anyone to know. (After all these years I'm still in denial about this show's love for Victor apparently so I refuse to believe he's Team Victor.)

The paternity thing will be a game changer I would think. As in what does Jack do when he learns he's not John's son? Does he keep fighting for Jabot? That was always about John. It will be interesting to see. Of course he can't run Jabot and Kyle can't either. So, yeah, @HeatLifer here comes Billy.

What the fuck is Jack going to do? Show has taken everything from him and is giving it to Billy. so yeah...

I thought this also, except that means that Kyle has been playing some sort of long con on Pricktor, using his Jabot email (argh!).  He has not communicated with his father or anyone else for months.  This would only make sense if Jack was in on it.

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9 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

 I mean, Billy is ready to make the crucial calls when it comes to elevator intercourse policy,

That was the best part. Jack is behind bars for something he didn't do, while Billy suffers no consequences to anything, is going to take over everything Jack had or has, and is also going to fuck on top of his property, too. 

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Thanks for the clarification, banana! It makes me think of those damn Jabot emails that Jack inexplicably won’t tell anyone about. I doubt the board would have to appoint some jumped up little prick who was conspiring with Victor Newman.

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2 hours ago, bannana said:

I thought this also, except that means that Kyle has been playing some sort of long con on Pricktor, using his Jabot email (argh!).  He has not communicated with his father or anyone else for months.  This would only make sense if Jack was in on it.

Well Jack is famous for showing his hand too soon so maybe Kyle didn't want him in on it. Also he might just be more diabolical than his father and figured Jack would dissuade him. I'm still hopeful he's playing Victor because I cannot buy that he would be teaming up with the man who kidnapped/tortured his father, threw his mother out of an ambulance and is married to the woman who bludgeoned his mother to death.

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2 hours ago, bannana said:

What the clause says is in the absence of the CEO, the blood Abbott person who is the highest ranking employee at Jabot gets to be CEO.

LOL thanks for clarifying, I read it as though the order of succession at Jabot is similar to that of the royal family :)

3 hours ago, bannana said:

She admits that Prick is controlling but it is not the same, it is nothing personal, it is just who he is.

Using that same logic, JT's abuse is nothing personal, it's just who he is.

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3 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Highest ranking blood Abbott? Are you fucking kidding me with this nonsense? That doesn’t even mean anything. As much as it pains me to say it, if you’re ranking blood relatives, wouldn’t the older one rank the highest? Wouldn’t Buttbiscuit be number one (while still being a double flusher number two)? Golly, I’m just a soap opera watching corncob in East Cupcake, New England and even I know there isn’t a business out there that would operate in such a ridiculous manner. Nothing burns my ass like insulting my intelligence. We can handle a modestly intelligent business story, Mal Young. It doesn’t even have to be particularly detailed, but do not bother if this glurge with Kyle declaring himself liege lord of Jabot due to his high ranking blood is the best you can do. 

Let’s return to our conquering hero, the odious and offensive Buttbiscuit, who is being positioned as a savior to Jabot and as the sole male heir to John Abbott. Oh who to cheer for in this battle of the sphincters? The sister fucker or the sister in law fucker? The disloyal brother who shagged Jack’s wife or the disloyal son who worships the man who shoved his mother out of an ambulance? The garden gnome or the moist item deposited on your lawn by a neighbor’s dog? Decisions, decisions. I mean, Billy is ready to make the crucial calls when it comes to elevator intercourse policy, whereas Kyle is so very impressed with himself that he probably uses the mirror in the executive washroom to admire his masturbation technique. 

And how’s about our gal Phyllis visiting Jack in jail, no doubt covered in Buttbiscuit sex crumbs and stinking of whatever fermented dairy drizzle Beely ejaculates. All heart, that Phyllis. Then she trundles on over to her other ex, the baboon, and proceeds to comfort him about the pile of rot who gave him life. Yep, I’d let someone cry to me about the shitbag who facilitated my rape. 

You’d think the show had reached its asshole quota for the day, but nope, we get the JT as sociopath sideshow with him visiting his patsy in jail, knowing full well that Jack didn’t do it because he did. Wasn’t it great hearing Victoria explain how JT’s controlling, abusive bullshit is inferior to her precious poppy’s controlling, abusive bullshit? It’s not personal or anything with Victor, oh no. He just ruins lives like it’s an involuntary bodily function, but he doesn’t mean anything by it. Not only is Victoria being gaslighted, her character is being used to gaslight viewers so that Prick can be sanctified. No sale.

To echo valley, fuck you, Mal.

Bravo, Ninjapenguins, bravo!  

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5 hours ago, ByTor said:

LOL thanks for clarifying, I read it as though the order of succession at Jabot is similar to that of the royal family :)

Using that same logic, JT's abuse is nothing personal, it's just who he is.

Yeah, this happens, as I just type while watching/listening, and I should do a better job of making sure it makes sense before I post it!  As if the show makes sense, heh!

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7 hours ago, bannana said:

Yeah, this happens, as I just type while watching/listening, and I should do a better job of making sure it makes sense before I post it!  As if the show makes sense, heh!

Better job?  How?  Your recaps are top-notch! :)

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9 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Didn't Drinki just knock her out and it was Deacon who actually killed her?

Actually, as I remember it, basically everyone in GC whacked her on the head - with a football-size rock. I sorta remember that Deacon was the one that delivered the coup de grace, but if he hadn't put her out of her misery, she'd have no doubt died from multiple blows to the head. 

Edited by Toomuchsoap
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9 hours ago, bannana said:

Yeah, this happens, as I just type while watching/listening, and I should do a better job of making sure it makes sense before I post it!  As if the show makes sense, heh!


1 hour ago, NinjaPenguins said:

It’s a testament to the, um, excellence of Mal’s writing that the misunderstood plot point sounded realistic enough to plop from his pen. Your bananacaps are far, far superior and quite accurate. 


1 hour ago, ByTor said:

Better job?  How?  Your recaps are top-notch! :)

Yes, Bannana, your recaps are something I'd NEVER miss.  The show on the other hand......

What you do for us is above and beyond and your talent is second to none.

Thank you!

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1 hour ago, Toomuchsoap said:

Actually, as I remember it, basically everyone in GC whacked her on the head - with a football-size rock. I sorta remember that Deacon was the one that delivered the coup de grace, but if he hadn't put her out of her misery, she'd have no doubt died from multiple blows to the head. 

Wasn't there also something about embroidered pillows?  Not that they killed her...although the way the writing is now, I could totally see an embroidered pillow giving someone a final death blow :)

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

Didn't Drinki just knock her out and it was Deacon who actually killed her?

Hmm good question. I think it changed a few times so you may be right. But I remember Blake Hood Kyle hating on Jack for dating the woman who dealt the final blow. 

41 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Wasn't there also something about embroidered pillows?  Not that they killed her...although the way the writing is now, I could totally see an embroidered pillow giving someone a final death blow :)

This was Patty. She was embroidering things as clues. lmao.

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