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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Top of the episode had EB and MTS discussing how Y&R is celebrating its 11,000 episode. They discuss the show, Nikki and Victor’s relationship, Nikki’s stripping, and how EB misses working with Jeanne Cooper. EB appears to be choked up a little talking about her. Nikki says they hope to be celebrating their 12,000 episode and beyond. It’s a nice segment.

Adam’s hearing is today. There is very little news on the guard thus far except to say that he is still in critical condition. Michael goes to visit Adam at the jail before the hearing and tells him to plead NOT guilty by reason of insanity. Adam is hesitant but Michael says it’s the truth as the stress of being committed to 30 years in jail for a crime he didn’t commit, plus the lack of sleep and food, caused Adam to hallucinate. Adam finally agrees to Michael’s suggestion.

Earlier, Chelsea came to visit Adam before the hearing. Adam says he screwed up but will fix this and asks her about the guard’s condition. Chelsea tell him the news outlets are just saying that the guard is still critical and in the hospital.

Before Michael stopped over at the jail to visit Adam, he ran into Victor at the court house.  Michael informed Victor that Adam had been hallucinating at the time of the incident, and he thought he was strangling Victor. Michael tells Victor he is the person responsible for this whole mess and leaves to go visit with Adam before the hearing. Victor sees Lesley and is trying to convince her to take over Adam’s case. Victor says he doesn’t have faith in Michael and feels Michael shouldn’t even have his law license after what he did to Victor in court. Lesley tries to explain to Victor that Adam already has legal counsel, that he has paid for aka Michael Baldwin, but Victor is persistent.

Nick is actually willing to support Adam and feels bad about thinking he could have been responsible for killing Constance. Nick, who is visiting with Phyllis, goes on to say that there was just so much evidence against him at the time. But, that he should have listened to his gut.  Nick and Phyllis discuss Summer and Phyllis wants to know if Nick has heard back from Victoria. Nick hasn’t, but he promises to contact Phyllis if he does, and she says the same to him.

Victoria is still on Travis’ ship. They’re in bed together and she is still trying to convince him to come back to GC for Summer’s sake. He’s trying to convince her to sail the world with him. She can even bring the kids. In the end, Travis goes to find out about a generator that he needs for his ship while Victoria calls Phyllis and says Travis refuses to come back to GC. Taking Travis’ hint to leave, and avoid having an awkward goodbye, Victoria is on the Newman jet when Travis gets back. Before leaving, Victoria had found a picture of herself in a log book and left the book open. Travis sees it when he comes back.

Jack goes to visit Billy at the Estate and it’s so much brighter now. Jack tells Billy that he and Ashley were going through some of John’s things, since it was the ten year anniversary of his death, and found some cuff-links they feel Billy should have. Billy is touched, but not enough to stop coveting his brother’s wife. They discuss Phyllis a bit and then Jack leaves.

Billy then heads to Phyllis’ office and she mentions that Victoria is with Travis. Billy is none too happy that Victoria went to see Travis, and Phyllis accuses Billy of saying he’s over Victoria but not wanting her to be with any other men than him.

Summer and Luca are at the GCAC.  Luca is trying to go over reception plans, and Summer is distracted by the fact her whole family is against her wedding. She tells Luca that they will find a way to convince everyone that Travis is the one behind the oil spills and Luca is innocent. Oh, Summer. You nitwit. Jack stops by and says he just wants her to be happy and they discuss the menu with him.  Phyllis shows up and Jack sees her. Phyllis tells Jack that he’s right and she should just let Summer make her own choices, especially seeing how her plan to break them up isn’t working. Summer walks over and Phyllis says she hopes that she’s still invited to the wedding. Even though she doesn’t really approve, she would hate not to be a part of it as that would be something she and Summer would regret for years. Luca thanks her.

Adam is at the court house when he learns that the guard has slipped into a coma. As the judge asks how he pleads, Adam recalls how he beat up the guard and strangled him into unconsciousness. Adam pleads guilty.

Previews show Stench telling Abby and Dullen, who are at the hospital, that the guard is in a coma.

Edited by jewel21
Guilty and not guilty are two very different things.
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Thanks for the jewelcap! Great as always.

I know that they are continuing with this irritatingly stupid storyline of Adam in prison because JH is leaving for prime time but I wish they had come up with something less annoying. His remaining in prison is going to be a reminder of how ludicrous his being there and accepting a guilty plea was in the first place.  I would rather have had Adam ending up in a coma. Then The Hand could have returned and filled in for JH while he was gone. The Hand played the role for months so it could have stepped right back in and taken over the part.

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Adam lost his mind after a week in jail? I have always thought of him as a joke but this takes the cake. He has done a lot of horrible things over the years. He talks a lot of smack but when he finally faces reality he caves. I would feel bad that he is being set up but then I remember how he was a menace for YEARS. I don't get why Victor so obsessed with Adam. Victor was chilling for months. Nick was actually beat up by inmates and was good. Victoria got herself arrested so Nick wouldn't be framed (by Adam, no less). Man up Hair Gel.

Phyllis is right. Billy can't deal with the fact Victoria is falling for someone else. All that fake support he had for Victoria happened because Travis was already out the picture. Now that Phyllis has other more important shit to deal with besides dropping her panties for Billy, she is seeing what a brat he is. I think she will soon realize how this affair was not worth the shit storm about to come her way.

Billy finally showing guilt. Whatever. Too little, too late. 

Chelsea can not be this dumb with Chloe. Yet she is. Also Chloe now letting Kevin fawn all over her because she wants Bella to have a family. Kevin so desperate to play daddy. I just want Mariah free from that mess. I really hope Chance Chancellor is paired with her. 

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19 hours ago, bannana said:

Wowza, looks like Adam stays in jail as he plead guilty....I assume Adam is staying in jail because JH got a prime time gig?  Does this mean we are going to have to endure more of Chelz moaning about her travails?  Spare us, please.

The one time the facts of law are accurate (giving up your right to appeal when you plead guilty) and it results in the audience having to suffer yet again.  Can't Chelz and Chloe just do a Thelma and Louise off the Cliff of No Dru Return?  [I'd tune back in for that.]  *Can't Michael (the greatest all around lawyer) get off his whiny ass and see if there is a precedent case where a guilty plea was overturned and a wrongly incarcerated individual was set free?  No precedent?  Freaking make some!  Get thee to the law library, post haste!*

And I'm totally pissed that keeping Adam in jail, even tho he is innocent, is accepted 'cause it's da laaaww, but the whole Newman tribe traipsed into a judge and basically bribed him, to free that noxious turd who was actually, factually guilty!  grrrrrrrrrr! 

14 hours ago, jewel21 said:

Michael goes to visit Adam at the jail before the hearing and tells him to plead guilty by reason of insanity.

Ok, I take all that *-* back.  Adamned should fire Michael and hire someone (yay! Leslie's back) who actually is an all around great lawyer.

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On 8/17/2016 at 0:34 AM, NinjaPenguins said:

Dear Bethany: Please take your millions and rent a plane to fly a banner over Genoa City. "Billy & Phyllis Had Sex" is pretty straightforward and should get the rubes talking.


On 8/17/2016 at 8:42 AM, PatsyandEddie said:

I kinda like a banner that says "Billy Abbott has herpes " but that's just me. 

You two are awesome, thanks for the laugh! :)

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On 8/20/2016 at 6:26 PM, jewel21 said:

Sorry, Michael told Adam to plead NOT guilty by reason of insanity. Whoops.

No problem.  Michael still did a pisspoor job if all he had to offer was "Don't plead guilty, let's go with insanity" (which is still a guilty plea, of sorts, and how you gonna prove he was insane at the time of the crime?  Anyone that could testify to his insanity is dead).  His duty as Adam's lawyer is to find a legal way to keep him out of jail.  Adam deserves due process, just like any other citizen.  It never should have reached the pleading stage until Michael had thoroughly researched all other alternatives or the DA found a smoking gun (i.e., real evidence).  Adam is an idiot for taking the Alford, but, then, he's not a lawyer.  And....I don't think a judge or DA would have accepted the plea if Adam's lawyer objected, especially when most of the evidence was circumstantial and voicefromthegrave hearsay.  Show rushed this stupid story just so Turd could be a hero and they could get their money's worth out of the prison set.  Fcuk 'em.

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Okay, more wowza today.  So Drinki tricks Prick into admitting he set up Adam, and then she hugs him and we the audience get to see her cold icy stare.  Please please let this not be just my wishful thinking.  I would love for her to screw him over and to have actually plotted to do it.

There was some strangely unfamiliar Adam love today as well.  Nick treating him like he actually is his brother, Abby in distress over his plight, along with Dylan and Kevin!  

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18 minutes ago, bannana said:

Okay, more wowza today.  So Drinki tricks Prick into admitting he set up Adam, and then she hugs him and we the audience get to see her cold icy stare.  Please please let this not be just my wishful thinking.  I would love for her to screw him over and to have actually plotted to do it.

There was some strangely unfamiliar Adam love today as well.  Nick treating him like he actually is his brother, Abby in distress over his plight, along with Dylan and Kevin!  

Is it Opposite Day in Genoa City today?

i might have to watch tomorrow's episode. That's the first original idea Pratt's ever had.

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The episode opens with the cast talking about the 11,000 episodes this show has aired. This time we get MO who says she grew up with soaps, with the Newmans and loves being a part of the show. Her favourite scene was her first one ever where there was a Newman gathering, and she saw EB walk on set, and was star struck. Also, discussing the 11,000 episodes is Stench (don’t know his real name) and he says his favourite scene was him and Ashley running from that fireball during the Halloween episode. JH is on set and says he’s honored to be part of the show. I know many don’t like JH as Adam but I love him in the role and would be sad if he left. I never liked MM very much and I wasn’t really around for CE. MCE is also in attendance and says she loves when she and Adam fight. Scenes include Adam seeing Chelsea for the first time at the GCAC and the scene were Gabriel Bingham admits to Victor’s portrait that he’s Adam and Chelsea overhears and drops a glass.  Now onto the show…

Adam insists on pleading guilty despite Chelsea begging him not to in court. Michael is also trying to convince him to change his plea. The judge is much more patient that I am, and allows Chelsea to yammer on before telling her she will have her removed from court. The judge asks Adam if he’s sure he wants to plead guilty and Adam says yes. Sentencing is tomorrow.

Everyone in the court room is freaking out, including Chloe, Kevin and Nick. Victor sits quietly as Adam is brought out of court in handcuffs. Michael tries to convince Chelsea this isn’t the end, and that he’s going to ask the judge to hold back on sentencing until Adam has some food and sleep in his system, in the hopes he’ll change his plea. Michael reminds Chelsea that there are always appeals.

Nick confronts Victor out in the hall and says this is all Victor’s fault, and he’s the reason that Adam might have to spend 10 years in prison. Nikki of course stands up for Victor and says that Victor would never frame one of his children for a crime they didn’t commit. Nick storms off, and Victor says that he’s getting really annoyed with Nick’s attitude concerning him.

Kevin and Chloe are just sort of watching this whole Newman exchange.  Kevin says he doesn’t understand why Adam would plead guilty, but Chloe vaguely says she thinks she does.

Nick then goes to visit Adam back in jail and it’s a very nice scene. It’s great to see these two acting like actual brothers. Adam wants Nick to raise Connor for him while he’s in jail. Nick tells Adam he can still be a dad to Connor even while behind bars.  But, Adam doesn’t want Connor visiting him while he’s in jail. Nick asks Adam why he doesn’t just ask Jack, Connor’s actual godfather, to help raise Connor? Adam says he loves Jack, and Jack is great, but he needs a Newman. A Newman like Nick. Adam goes on to say that Nick is the only family member who managed to get away from Victor’s clutches, who is independent, and a great father to his children.

Adam says he had a great mother growing up, someone who could be stern when needed, but loving and strong and Nick reminds Adam of Hope. Adam gets teary as he says he needs Nick to show Connor how to throw a baseball, and how to handle a job interview. Nick says Adam will be out before then, he can show Connor those things, but Adam is insistent and Nick finally agrees to raise Connor as though he were his own.  Adam is grateful and squeezes Nick’s hand, and Nick does the same, and it’s very touching. There was also some mention of Christian at one point. And about women,  and Nick laughed saying that with his track record, maybe he’s not the best person to teach Connor about girls. But Adam goes on to say it finally led Nick to Sage, and Adam to Chelsea.


Abby, who on the way to the hearing, instead found her car steering her toward the hospital. She runs into Stitch, and asks him about the guard. Dullen is behind her and says he would like to know as well. Stench informs them both that the guard slipped into a comma the night before, and that he’s deteriorating. A beep on Abby’s phone shows her that Adam pleads guilty and Dullen is upset to find out that news because he knows Adam is innocent. Abby says she and Adam have been all over the map, but the fact that he could be locked up for ten years is terrible. Stench says he should go check on the guard but promises to keep Abby and Dullen informed on the guard’s condition.

Dullen then mentions to Abby, in not so many words, that he feels Victor is behind this.

Abby goes to visit Victor at Newman and finds him there with Nikki. Victor is happy she stopped by, they hug, and he says he’s going to try and do everything he can to get Adam out of the jail. In fact, he was on the phone earlier at the courthouse still trying to convince Lesley to take over for Michael who he feels is incompetent.

As Abby goes to leave, Nikki says she will walk her out, and Abby asks Nikki if she thinks that Victor is responsible for framing Adam. Nikki again stands by Victor and says he would never do something like that, and he loves his family, etc. Abby leaves, and Nikki goes back into the office and tells Victor that Abby is wondering if he’s responsible but that she stood up for him as usual. And then she asks him if he is responsible for Adam’s framing. Victor says we all make mistakes, but that he will fix this. So he pretty much admitted his part in Adam’s framing while not exactly coming out and saying the actual words. Nikki hugs him but the expression on her face isn’t pleased.

Michael goes to visit Adam in jail and says he got the judge to postpone the sentencing for a few days. This should give them enough time so they can feed Adam, he can get some rest, and they can then go back to court. Adam says he doesn’t need the extra time, he’s guilty, and he’s firing Michael.

Chloe and Chelsea are at the penthouse and Chelsea is going nuts and Chloe is looking very guilty and regretful. Chelsea doesn’t understand why Adam would plead guilty, and Chloe says maybe because he feels guilty and he doesn’t think he deserve his freedom. Chelsea asks if she means because of Delia. That Adam feels he didn’t pay enough for her death? And Chloe says she had hoped going to visit Adam at the jail, and telling him she forgave him, would have given him some peace.

Nick comes over and Chelsea asks about his visit with Adam. Nick says Adam seems resigned to his faith and Chelsea gets upset. Chloe brings her upstairs so Connor won’t see, and Nick sits on the couch while Connor plays with his toys. The kid playing Connor is quite a babbler, it’s cute. Nick then sits on the floor with Connor and says that Uncle Nick will always be there for him.

Previews show Hilary shouting at Neil, Victoria back in town asking what did she miss, and Billy telling Jill he doesn’t need her and that he quits. Colin is back, btw.


ETA: There was a scene at the jail between Dullen and Kevin. Dullen wants to find Bethany, bring her back to GC, and prove that Victor was behind this whole thing. Kevin says this would really upset Nikki if it were true.

Edited by jewel21
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Great recap, jewel21!  And I am glad you are recapping these 11K segments at the beginning. Not a fan of MO or the guy who plays Stench, but I do like seeing the actors talk about the show.  No doubt they are told what to highlight, but they seem sincere.

I am really hating Adam yet again going back to prison, but this time he actually did commit the crime; but this whole storyline reminds me of the Michael and Fenn in prison storyline which I seriously hated and barely watched.

I always need something to hang on for, to continue watching, and now it is the hope that Drinki has been setting up Prick this whole time because of how he treated her children.  Why is she so suddenly friendly to Abby and concerned about Adam?  I think she has made an internal decision that Prick is treating her own children poorly and she is going to get some payback.

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

Okay, more wowza today.  So Drinki tricks Prick into admitting he set up Adam, and then she hugs him and we the audience get to see her cold icy stare.  Please please let this not be just my wishful thinking.  I would love for her to screw him over and to have actually plotted to do it.

There was some strangely unfamiliar Adam love today as well.  Nick treating him like he actually is his brother, Abby in distress over his plight, along with Dylan and Kevin!  

I would really, really love it if Nikki was just masquerading as Nicole and ready to bring that old pustule down.  She was so good before and during his trial, and also had some good scenes at the prison telling him off.  Her turnaround was disappointing, to say the least, so if she's been playing the long game with him, it would be fantastic.

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You know, there were some good moments during the show. Excuse me, but I need my robot monkey butler to type out my next line because I cannot bring myself to do it.

Nick was not totul baboon 2day.

Thanks, robot monkey butler. Now let's talk about Victor, the pungent dingleberry clinging for dear life to the hairy ass of Genoa City. Adam, of course, is responsible for putting the guard in a coma. As we take the long, winding road back through time, we see that without Victor's scheme to frame his own son, there would be no prison, no guard, no hunger strike, no coma. I'm sure that in Victor's mind, Adam assaulting that man puts the blame squarely on Adam's shoulders and exonerates him. Fortunately, Nikki seems to be prepping a man-sized tube of Preparation H to use on the hemorrhoid she married. If she could shrink him down to the size of a hamster, Victor would look mighty good running on a wheel in a cage in Jack's office.

Speaking of Jack, what is this bullshit that it has to be a NEWMAN who raises Connor? What a crock. It's bad enough that the Abbotts are allowed few to zero offspring, now they can't even fulfill their roles as godparents. Let's go a step farther; why does Connor need another man to raise him at all? He does have a mother, annoying and gaspy as she is. Chelsea isn't hurting for money or resources. Nick can be an involved uncle without taking possession of his brother's family. I suppose they're trying to set up a Chelz/Nick romance, but the writers could leave that old-fashioned shit at the door.

Sage is dead, and so is a little part of my soul every time her name is uttered or we're told Nick misses her and her gnarly feet. He probably misses the dirty dropcloth sex, but twu wuv they did not have. 

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16 hours ago, jewel21 said:

he (Victurd) was on the phone earlier at the courthouse still trying to convince Lesley to take over for Michael who he feels is incompetent.

Can I borrow the RMB, Ninja?  I have to agree with something and I don't know if I can type it.

Oh, well.  Here goes.  Victurd is right- (pause while I shake that out of my head).  Michael is not a very good criminal lawyer-despite the fact he was THE District Attorney.  He has no idea how to research or plea bargain.  He is incompetent.  Even in this unreal depiction of court procedure, he is incompetent.

5 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Speaking of Jack, what is this bullshit that it has to be a NEWMAN who raises Connor?  He does have a mother,

So he can learn to drive and ride horsies.  (into people and really bare back).

Single mother of two boys salutes you, Ninja.

Edited by MollyB
the usual-italics
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31 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

If Nick and Chelz the con artist rapist happen, I better not ever hear him throw Adam in Sharon's face ever again.

Isn't this JM's big wish? To be paired with MCE's Chelsea? Apparently he gets what he wants, so here it comes.

Makes zero sense that Adam wouldn't turn to Jack to keep Chelsea and Connor safe from Victor and all things Newman (as he did the last time) as opposed to asking Nick to become a "father" without whom a boy cannot live (what century do these writers operate in?). He would NEVER hand his child to Nick -- but then he's already done it with ChrisTIAN, so whatevs.

Adam's just a joke now. I'll never get over him breaking down in prison after a week.

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The fuck...?

Is this the same Adam Newman that poked needles in his eyes to mimic the blindness Hope had? And this weak willed sucker crumbles now?

I think I can safely say very few here thought Adam could be ruined further after the gaslighting. Prattycakes took that as a challenge.

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Pratt strips human psychology out of everything. Adam could be traumatized by running over a kid, being almost murdered by Billy, and then waking up with a new face he didn't ask for. But Chuckles will never go that deep. This is the same hack that writes Jack as mellow after a kidnapping straight out of Forensic Files. 

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1 hour ago, miamama said:

Adam's just a joke now. I'll never get over him breaking down in prison after a week.

To be fair, he might have been driven quite mad - MAD, I tell you!! - by all that hair growing back, itching, all over his body, with no way to remove it......AND he's also lost the COUCH, the one place he and Chelsea 2.0 were always able to truly communicate.  

Poor wee fellow, not one of his essentials available at the commissary......the ladies from "Orange is the New Black" would have eaten him alive.

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1 hour ago, miamama said:

Makes zero sense that Adam wouldn't turn to Jack to keep Chelsea and Connor safe from Victor and all things Newman (as he did the last time) as opposed to asking Nick to become a "father" without whom a boy cannot live (what century do these writers operate in?). He would NEVER hand his child to Nick -- but then he's already done it with ChrisTIAN, so whatevs.

But maybe THIS is the picture he has in his mind for Connor's future, a future that only Nick could give him.


Jack could never be this for the little tyke, only our dear Dick(olas).

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2 hours ago, miamama said:


Makes zero sense that Adam wouldn't turn to Jack to keep Chelsea and Connor safe from Victor and all things Newman (as he did the last time) as opposed to asking Nick to become a "father" without whom a boy cannot live (what century do these writers operate in?). He would NEVER hand his child to Nick -- but then he's already done it with ChrisTIAN, so whatevs.

Okay, so I saw that scene at work today, and we truly aren't in Kansas anymore.

Where did this brotherly love come from between them? Nick wasn't even that warm to Adam even before Faith. This asspull really has to be TIIC setting up Chelz and Nick. He hasn't had sex in six months (or whenever Sage died) so we're about due. 

The Canadian thread mentioned this same episode had Abby of all people feeling sorry for him, despite thinking him a creep for years.

...that's a helluva shift. Unless this is MY's way of trying to bring Adam closer into the fold, which could be done without being this damn forced. 

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11 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

You know, there were some good moments during the show. Excuse me, but I need my robot monkey butler to type out my next line because I cannot bring myself to do it.

Nick was not totul baboon 2day.

Thanks, robot monkey butler. Now let's talk about Victor, the pungent dingleberry clinging for dear life to the hairy ass of Genoa City. Adam, of course, is responsible for putting the guard in a coma. As we take the long, winding road back through time, we see that without Victor's scheme to frame his own son, there would be no prison, no guard, no hunger strike, no coma. I'm sure that in Victor's mind, Adam assaulting that man puts the blame squarely on Adam's shoulders and exonerates him. Fortunately, Nikki seems to be prepping a man-sized tube of Preparation H to use on the hemorrhoid she married. If she could shrink him down to the size of a hamster, Victor would look mighty good running on a wheel in a cage in Jack's office.

Speaking of Jack, what is this bullshit that it has to be a NEWMAN who raises Connor? What a crock. It's bad enough that the Abbotts are allowed few to zero offspring, now they can't even fulfill their roles as godparents. Let's go a step farther; why does Connor need another man to raise him at all? He does have a mother, annoying and gaspy as she is. Chelsea isn't hurting for money or resources. Nick can be an involved uncle without taking possession of his brother's family. I suppose they're trying to set up a Chelz/Nick romance, but the writers could leave that old-fashioned shit at the door.

Sage is dead, and so is a little part of my soul every time her name is uttered or we're told Nick misses her and her gnarly feet. He probably misses the dirty dropcloth sex, but twu wuv they did not have. 

Oh, the pain, the literal pain of it.  My robot monkey butler was out for the day - I never inquire into what he does on his day off and besides, I find the wafting odor of peppermint schnapps refreshing when he returns....but Great BALLS OF FIRE, Dickolas was further up the evolutionary tree today than I think I've ever seen him.  I fully expect him to slip back down to a dead-end branch or two, but as much as it hurts, he was good today, blasting Dingleberry Pere.  Even Abby and Dullan were up a notch or two, although Stench, thankfully, will not be moved from that lower peg he so comfortably occupies.  Every time I see him all I can think is "I can't BELIEVE he's not butter!"  But I digress....

The Dickolas/Adam scenes.....as you say, who the hell needs a NEWMAN to raise the kid and who needs a man to do it either?  As for Jack, am I remembering it wrong, but didn't Jack have a lot to do with raising Nick?  So maybe, just maybe, his good qualities came from HIM?  

Whatever.  Connor is pretty much doomed no matter what branch of his family tree he swings from.

It looks like Ol' Hammertoes has haunted for naught, doesn't it?  With Adam going to prison, and Nick looking to move in on Chelsea - pardon, I mean, PARENT Connor, it looks like Sharon can keep SullyCan as long as she makes sure he's up to date on his shots and has a license.  Good thing Ol' Hammertoes didn't microchip him.

Nicole better do something to that pile of festering boils.  She better not let all this pass.

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I hope this will be a quick one because I’m tired and the episode was kind of dull. Although, once I start typing it’s hard to tell when I’m going to stop.

The show opens with JW talking about Jill. She came on the show in 1987 and she loved working with JC. They showed some great clips of fights between Catherine and Jill and JW said her favourite scene was when Jill got a giant Doberman and Catherine and Ester were terrified of it.  KL (Ester) is also a veteran and she said the one scene she really loved was when Catherine and her husband (?) had to pretend to be the servants, while Ester was the lady of the manor. Man, I missed a lot of good stuff. JT says his favourite scene was his first scene when he got to interact with the majority of the cast. I’m not quite sure why they included him since he’s so fresh, but alas. And I feel like there might have been someone else speaking, but I’m drawing a blank.

Victoria is back and is at Jabot speaking with Phyllis. Victoria can’t believe all that’s happening with Adam. Victoria goes on to say that she is surprised Adam took a guilty plea and fired Michael, since Adam has always been about self-preservation. Phyllis has resigned herself to the fact that Summer will be marrying Luca, and is surrounded by bridal magazines. When Victoria leaves, Phyllis has a fantasy of her marrying Billy and them dancing to their first song. It’s really cheesy. Phyllis and Billy are interrupted by Jack who asks if he can cut in, and Phyllis is jerked out of her fantasy.

Hillary has managed to get someone to donate a million dollars to the foundation and is quite pleased with herself. Jack is as well, and says he’s happy that she didn’t get voted out. Neil is at the GCAC with Hillary and Jack and Devon and the twins. The twins are happy because they managed to get a good grade on their family tree project. Lily thanks Neil for helping to fill in the missing blanks. At one point, after Neil leaves, Hillary and Lily have words again about Neil and Hillary leads Lily to her suite. Once there, Hilary shows Lily a bunch of letters that Neil had received from his mother while they were still married. Neil had thrown them away, still unopened, but Hilary had saved them in case Neil one day changed his mind. Some letters are also addressed to Lily, the twins, and Devon.  Lily thinks Hilary is using the letters for some kind of blackmail but Hilary says Lily can keep them and Lily leaves with the letters in hand.

Neil later finds out that Hilary kept the letters and she finally convinces him to tell her why he doesn’t want anything to do with his mother who has been asking for his forgiveness for years. Neil finally tells her his mother was unhappy and unfaithful, and while he’s not sure if she left of her own accord, of if his father threw her out, she left and her father was devastated before finally meeting Malcolm’s mother. So basically, he associates Hilary with his mother since she was also unhappy and cheated on him with his son. Blah, whatever.  Boring!

Lily, on the rooftop, confides to Cane about the letters and is still unsure what happened to cause Neil to cut his mother out of their lives. And Lily is mad that Neil lied yet again and made it seem as though he and his mother just drifted apart. Cane mentions that there is a return address, and maybe Lily needs to reach out to her grandmother.

Colin is back and Cane and Billy walk in on Colin and Jill making out on the office couch. They are both disgusted and disturbed by their PDA and make some pretty hilarious faces. Cane tells them not to have relations on the conference room table since they all have to work there and Jill laughs and calls them prudes. There’s some words, some fighting, Billy quits at one point and then stays. I grow bored and start to day dream.

At one point, Phyllis and Jack are at the GCAC. He decides he wants to dance with Phyllis even though there isn’t any music. This causes Phyllis to daydream about her and Billy again and then she jolts out of her reverie. She covers by telling Jack she is just embarrassed to be dancing in front of people when there isn’t any music.

Jill and Colin are at the house and Jill wants his opinion on the paint job. Colin says it looks like it always did and Jill says it took forever to get it back to what it once was. Colin doesn’t understand why Jill decided to uproot them from their home in Chicago to come back to GC and thinks she must have stumbled across something big to make her want to come back. Jill avoids the question.

Billy, who has decided not to stay at the mansion while Jill and Colin will be desecrating it, is at Victoria’s house. It’s nice to see her house again after so long. Victoria walks in and Billy didn’t know she was back in town and says he will leave but Victoria says he can stay the night. They drink wine, talk about Travis, Victoria admits after Billy asks that they did sleep together. Then she decides it’s time to turn in and she’ll get Billy a blanket and pillow for the couch, but when she returns, Billy is gone.

Previews show Summer at the church or something and Daniel shows up! He looks terrible with that porn-ish facial hair, but I’m still so happy to see him! Yay, Daniel!

Edited by jewel21
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At this point, the whole Hilary cheated on Neil thing is old news. Why are the writers still holding onto that and writing to it? Neil's written like he's been a faithful bird his whole life and just can't abide infidelity instead of the man who has cheated on or with EVERY woman he's had. 


Phyllis' days dreams serve no purpose other than to keep her and Billy in cutesy scenes. I assume Billy leaves Victoria's cause she slept with Travis? Or cause he's decided he doesn't want to continue their little push pull game? 

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I didn't even think Phyllis' daydream was cute or cheesy, lol. It was creepy as hell. The way it was shot, Billy's sleazy voice, the dialogue. Ugh. And it shows, once again, that Phyllis is NOT guilty about Jack and doesn't give one shit about him. He's just the person in her way or "cutting in," as her fantasy shows.

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That Philly wedding fantasy, tho...


I can't brain after reading that.


32 minutes ago, DivaT said:

At this point, the whole Hilary cheated on Neil thing is old news. Why are the writers still holding onto that and writing to it? Neil's written like he's been a faithful bird his whole life and just can't abide infidelity instead of the man who has cheated on or with EVERY woman he's had. 


Is Kneel still nursing that ol wound? On the rare occasion I watchave Y&R, I usually skip anything with him.

I agree that it's long since time to move on. He got his revenge by locking her up and that outpaces anything else she's done.

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4 minutes ago, jewel21 said:

In the fantasy, Billy referred to her as "Mrs. Billy Abbot." He couldn't just say Mrs. Abbot, because she already is an Abbot. Poor, Jack. He deserves so much better.

He really does, which is why the reveal can't come fast enough. I want him in another story and away from those two yesterday.

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Thank you, jewel21, for an excellent recap, of what was a truly horrific episode.  Wowza. You are doing humanitarian work here.

The only thing I liked was the inference that Jill knows something and is up to something.  That intrigued.  And, I like Colin Robert Scorpio, so I was super happy to see him.

The buzz out there is that Jill becomes not only the new Katherine, but also the new Prick (hopefully without his murderous and kidnapping tendencies), and I would be okay with that.  I would even like Jill vs. Predator, er, Prick.

So not interested in Phyllis, who has to be in her mid to late forties, fantasizing about marrying Billy. Seriously?  This is Dummer material.  Mrs. Billy Abbott?  Thanks the gods I was not having my lunch while watching.

I am a wee bit intrigued about Kneel's mother, because I have a feeling they might bring on a powerhouse actress, which is always good.  And, for the first time in a long time, I didn't mind the Winters' family scenes.

The worst thing on the show is the failed attempt to make a hot love story between Phyllis and Billy. No one believes it, not even them.

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1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

I didn't even think Phyllis' daydream was cute or cheesy, lol. It was creepy as hell. The way it was shot, Billy's sleazy voice, the dialogue. Ugh. And it shows, once again, that Phyllis is NOT guilty about Jack and doesn't give one shit about him. He's just the person in her way or "cutting in," as her fantasy shows.

The show often times writes and sets up scenes to come across a certain way but wildly misses the mark. So let me rephrase, phyllis' daydreams are DESIGNED to be sexy and pining...cutesy. Giving their fans scenes with them together without it being real. Best of both worlds. 

Edited by DivaT
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7 hours ago, bannana said:

I am a wee bit intrigued about Kneel's mother, because I have a feeling they might bring on a powerhouse actress, which is always good

kneel's mom will be portrayed by nichelle nichols, aka lt. uhura

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I have to call in sick to work today. The very essence of my being has violent dry heaves caused by Phyllis's fantasy. 

Neil, I'm sorry your mother abandoned you and your wife cheated on you. But before I pull out my pan flute to play a sad tune, may I remind you that you kidnapped a comatose woman and kept her in an unsanitary boathouse? 

Billy, it's none of your damn business who Victoria has sex with, and shame on her for telling him. Hopefully he went to sleep under the porch with the rest of the rodents. 

Daniel's facial hair is an obscenity. He looks like he's trying to wear a disguise. 

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9 hours ago, DivaT said:

The show often times writes and sets up scenes to come across a certain way but wildly misses the mark. So let me rephrase, phyllis' daydreams are DESIGNED to be sexy and pining...cutesy. Giving their fans scenes with them together without it being real. Best of both worlds. 

I agree. That seems to be at work - give Philly fans something to fuel their sexual fan fiction without it being real. If these were decent writers I'd say they are driving the point home lately that Phyllis and Billy are caught the hell up in fantasy. Billy with the marketing fantasy dreck and now this? A grandmother fantasizing marrying her brother-in-law while looking at bridal magazines for her daughter's (second) wedding??????? 

Billy seems not to get why Victoria keeps refusing to run off with Travis. Children, responsibility, compassion for her ex (who would lose precious time with his kids), work obligations. He just doesn't get it. WTF not go have multiple orgasms on beaches? Isn't your own momentary gratification worth shattering everyone's lives? No? Hmmm

But Pratt is still HW. So I expect we are to see two middle aged cheaters as a tragic HAWT love story ruined by the likes of longtime love/husband and devoted father figure brother Jack and pesky responsible parent Vicki. And of course dragon mumsy Jill, whose power over murderous, conniving Phyllis continues to confound.

poor Philly. Poor forlorn lovers.

Edited by miamama
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20 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Daniel's facial hair is an obscenity. He looks like he's trying to wear a disguise.

graz's porn stach was for a movie/show he did about the 70's or something like that.

LOL  i sorta liked it....don't judge.

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29 minutes ago, miamama said:

I agree. That seems to be at work - give Philly fans something to fuel their sexual fan fiction without it being real. If these were decent writers I'd say they are driving the point home lately that Phyllis and Billy are caught the hell up in fantasy. Billy with the marketing fantasy dreck and now this? A grandmother fantasizing marrying her brother-in-law while looking at bridal magazines for her daughter's (second) wedding??????? 

Billy seems not to get why Victoria keeps refusing to run off with Travis. Children, responsibility, compassion for her ex (who would lose precious time with his kids), work obligations. He just doesn't get it. WTF not go have multiple orgasms on beaches? Isn't your own momentary gratification worth shattering everyone's lives? No? Hmmm

But Pratt is still HW. So I expect we are to see two middle aged cheaters as a tragic HAWT love story ruined by the likes of longtime love/husband and devoted father figure brother Jack and pesky responsible parent Vicki. And of course dragon mumsy Jill, whose power over murderous, conniving Phyllis continues to confound.

poor Philly. Poor forlorn lovers.

My God. Luca and Dummer are a more tragic love story than Philly.

Stop trying to make Philly happen. If it hasn't clicked in a year, it's not going to.

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11 hours ago, bannana said:

The buzz out there is that Jill becomes... the new Katherine,


3 hours ago, valleycliffe said:

kneel's mom will be portrayed by nichelle nichols, aka lt. uhura

when Kneel's mom was first mentioned, I immediately thought of Victoria Rowel returning.  What a hoot that would be.


2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Daniel's facial hair is an obscenity. He looks like he's trying to wear a disguise

The way Pratt has fcuked up this show?  I don't blame him.

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4 hours ago, valleycliffe said:

kneel's mom will be portrayed by nichelle nichols, aka lt. uhura

What, for serious?

And have Kneel's parents ever shown up on the show? I remember the rivalry and the way he and Malcolm were raised was a huge part of both characters back in the day. 

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9 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

What, for serious?

And have Kneel's parents ever shown up on the show? I remember the rivalry and the way he and Malcolm were raised was a huge part of both characters back in the day. 

No, this will be the first time they've been seen.

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We had the return of Daniel, and also Noah.  I half watched parts of the episode, but I liked those parts.  Dummer was as dumb can be, so that was also awesome.  From what little I saw, they split between the sentencing (10 years for Adam) and the engagement party.  Drinki seems to still be supporting Prick, so I am hoping that is a ruse.

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It wasn't a bad episode, taking into account my low expectations.

Daniel! The actor is so good--he just inhabits the character, and has a delightful, sardonic quality. I was so happy to see him. Underwear Boy? Well, okay. He can't act, but I suppose he's cute in a kind of pubescent way--but, but, a wider canvas, so no bitching.

We do of course wonder what Travis will do or say at this point, and that was kind of fun.

Sharon dealing out "mother of the bride" dresses? Bleah. That scene reminded me of my late mother's reference to all "MOB" dresses as coming in one colour only, menopause blue.

Adam-in-a-van? Predictable. Past caring.

We do not so much wonder about various versions of cut-eye as dealt out by Victoria and others. There's some kind of train coming down the track and I hope it's bound away from Shitsville, where it's been stuck on a siding for a long time.

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Okay, half watched again, and now I am seriously pissed that Drinki is not stabbing Prick in the back after all.  She is colluding with him!  Argh!  But I am happy Travis is back.

And why did Adam want to take responsibility for his crime against the guard earlier today, but now he's quite happy go on the lam and not take any responsibility?  

Loved seeing Mariah and Daniel meet.

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Sorry, sorry, sorry!

I slept horribly two nights ago and last night I ended up falling asleep at 6:30 pm and waking up at 2:45 am. Poor Steve McQueen wasn't even in his cage at that point, he was sleeping on top of the cage, beak to wires.

All of this is to say, I did not watch yesterday's eppy or today's. I hope to get around to watching later tonight, but I have a bunch of stuff to do. So you might get two small recaps, one big recap of both eppies, or I might just skip yesterday's all together.

Sorry, again. But now I have to go spend time with Steve and watch him eat. He's a needy little cockatiel.

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Okay, I hope this one will be quick. This is for yesterday’s eppy.

It’s Summer’s rehearsal dinner and no one is happy about it except Summer, and Luca, of course. Daniel shows up and Summer and I, are delighted to see him, even with the horrible facial hair. Summer makes fun of his pornstache and it seems to be a running joke throughout the episode.  FYI, there`s no Lucy since she`s about to start school and Heather has to work.

It’s also the day of Adam’s hearing. Nick shows up at the penthouse to drive Chelsea and Connor to the courthouse while Chloe stays behind with Bella. Chloe looks like a little kid standing next to Nick, btw. Chelsea overhears Nick say to Chloe that Adam made him promise to look out for Connor. Chelsea is upset because it means Adam is giving up. After Chelsea and Nick and Connor leave for the courthouse, Chloe texts Kevin that she and Bella need to get out and will he meet them at the park. The kid playing Bella is super cute and babbles to Chloe that she has booboo on her foot, hee. Anyway, I digress.

Kevin meets Chloe and Bella at the park. Chloe says she can’t imagine Adam walking around a free man and that would make her want to leave GC. And GC is her home and she wants Bella to experience all the things that she has, etc. She also tells Kevin that when she was at the hospital, and pregnant with Bella, she was worried Delia was the best she could have created, and Bella would be lacking, but she’s such a beautiful girl, blah blah.

Chelsea and Nick at the courthouse. They run into Victor and Chelsea tells Victor to stay away from Connor. Victor tells her he can say hi to his grandson anytime he likes and then, thankfully, Jack shows up and leads Connor away.

Chelsea tries to speak on Adam’s behalf to the judge, but she isn’t having it, and Adam is sentenced to 10 years in prison and is led away in handcuffs and shackles.

Sharon is trying to get Phyllis to pick a dress at the office, Noah shows up and wonders if the whole town is on crack, and how can no one be doing anything to stop the wedding. Phyllis says she tried, nothing worked, and she wants to be there for Summer now, so she can be there for Summer when the marriage inevitably goes wrong.

Noah leaves and runs into Daniel at the roof top before the guests start to arrive. Noah starts telling off Luca, and getting Summer angry, and Daniel leads Noah away. Daniel tells Noah to chill because trying to control Summer is just going to push her closer to Luca.

Eventually everyone is at the rooftop and everyone keeps snubbing Luca and it`s quite hilarious. As Luca is thanking everyone for coming, Travis shows up and Luca asks what he`s doing here.

Meanwhile, Adam is in the transport truck and it suddenly stops and Adam is chloroformed and a bag is placed over his head. He`s later in a chair, in a cabin, and the hood is removed and we see Victor standing over him.

Also, the 11,000 episode segment had the following speaking the actor who plays Michael, Lauren, Cricket and Paul. Lauren discusses her hair and her marriage to Michael. Cricket discusses how her dad created Y&R and how she`s still with Paul after all these years. Paul discusses a story line in which he had to infiltrate the mob to clear his dad`s name. And that`s all I can remember.

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Okay, all caught up.

The episode opens with the actors that play Kevin, Mariah, Summer and I feel like I`m forgetting someone, damn it. Chloe? Anyway, Kevin says that he loves how much Kevin has changed over the years, but that he`s never too far from going back to being a bad boy. And his favourite scene was when Kevin first walks into Michael`s office and says ``Hello, big brother.`` The actress that plays Mariah says she kind of loved Cassie`s death scene because it opened up so many storylines for the show and its characters. And one of her favourite Mariah scenes was her and Kevin discussing how terrible their sex was, as well as an episode where she kissed Summer on the lips. I don`t recall that episode, though. And the actress that plays Summer laughed when she heard that, and says she loved growing up on the show. And I remember something fuzzy about Chloe giving birth in a cabin.

The show opens with Travis (although we don`t get to see his face) getting into the elevator and pushing the button for the roof. Since we already know Travis will be the one to interrupt Luca`s speech, it seems a tad silly. Luca asks Travis what is he doing there, and Travis says he`s trying to clear his name. Summer doesn`t want to listen, but all the guests urge her to. Travis mentions that Luca called him and Luca says that he did, in an attempt to get Travis to come back to GC and fess up, which is total bull. Summer looks around and sees Jack and asks if he at least is happy for her and supports her marriage to Luca but Jack takes a step closer to Phyllis. Summer gets mad and she and Luca take off.

Adam is in a cabin and Victor is the one who put him there. Adam thinks Victor is just doing this to get him in further trouble and tells him he`d rather be in solitary that with Victor. Victor has a key and frees Adam from his handcuffs and admits he made a mistake. But growing up, if someone hurt him, he would hurt them back twice as much. However, in this case, Victor hurt Adam too much and he wants to right his wrong. He gives Adam a phone and tells him to await a phone call.  Victor’s plan is for Adam and Chelsea and Connor to run off and leave GC far behind. Victor is willing to sacrifice never seeing Connor again, because that`s how much he loves Adam and family.

Meanwhile, Dylan, Kevin and two cops show up at the penthouse thinking Adam is hiding there. Chelsea can`t believe the cops lost her husband. Dullen suspects Chelsea did one last big con to free her husband and Chelsea is incredulous. Kevin and Dullen talk and they both seem to realize that something of this magnitude much be Victor`s doing. Dullen leaves to go to the rooftop and interrogate Victor. Kevin stays behind.

Dullen shows up at the rooftop and asks everyone where Victor and Nikki are located. No one remembers them leaving, and Dullen heads over to the ranch with Nick in tow. Nikki has just arrived home and is about to head upstairs when Dullen shows up with Nick. They ask where Victor is, and Nikki says he wasn’t feeling well so she sent him home ahead of her and he’s currently in bed. They don’t buy it. But then Victor comes down and asks them what is up. Dullen wants to search the ranch to see if Victor is hiding Adam and Victor says Dullen needs a search warrant but Dullen says in this case, he doesn’t.

Nikki sneaks out and shows up unannounced at the penthouse. Chelsea asks her what is she doing, and she says she wanted to see Connor and comfort him. Nikki slips Connor a  phone. There’s a hilarious scene where Chelsea, Kevin and Chloe are trying to figure out what on earth is up with Nikki, and Kevin makes a drinking motion with his hand and I chortled with delight.

Nikki gets up, and tells Chelsea she will call next time. As Nikki leans in to hug Chelsea she whispers that the phone Connor has is not a toy, and there’s a number programmed into it. And when Chelsea has a moment, she needs to call that number. Chelsea is suddenly quite happy and trying to hide it and thanks Nikki, while Kevin and Chloe look on in confusion and wonder wtf just happened. Nikki leaves and Chelsea sweeps Connor up, while hiding the phone, and says she’s going to put Connor to bed. Alone, she calls the number and Adam answers and they are skyping or face-time or something. They’re happy and relieved to see each other.

Phyllis and Daniel are at the rooftop discussing his past relationships and Phyllis’s meddling. Daniel goes to get more champagne and sees Mariah and I squee and bounce in delight!! She says it’s been awhile since someone looked at her like they saw a ghost and he must be new in town. Phyllis walks over and asks if they’ve met yet. Daniel says he’s the bride’s older brother and Mariah says “Daniel Romalotti. You’re the reason my sister is dead.”

Lasty, Summer is back at the apartment and upset at her family. Luca is trying to convince her to run off with him right now and get married. Maybe Italy! Summer is suspicious and wonders why he wouldn’t want to stay in town and clear his name, and mentions they can still get married tomorrow. She tells Luca to tell her the truth and she won’t judge him. Luca admits he’s behind the sabotage. He wanted to impress the Newman family, blah blah. Summer is teary and tells Luca he has to go to the cops and turn himself in, or she will do it herself and grabs the phone. Luca tries to convince her not to and makes a grab for the phone. Summer tells him to let go, just as Jack storms in asking what’s happening.

Previews show Luca standing behind Summer with his arms around her, threatening Jack to back off or he’ll hurt her. And Victoria and Travis are making out in her living room, and she says ‘he has a key’ just as Billy walks in on them.

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Thanks for the recaps Jewel. Hope Steve McQueen is okay. :)

So Victor gives a crap only about his family and so this makes him a decent man? He went "too far" with Adam, though what he did comes no where close to what he did to Jack and Phyllis and Austin and Courtney. But whatevs, because only Newmans matter. Remember when Victor hired bodyguards for all Newmans to protect them from Marco? This while Marco was in Phyllis's bed and wandering the halls of Jabot freely? I just cannot fathom how this character continues to be presented as a "hero" or at all sympathetic. I suppose for the same reasons that Pratt continues to be head writer.

I shudder to think what will happen with Summer and Luca and Jack tomorrow. At least we know whatever goes down, Jack will do something that will cause Phyllis to yell at him for not supporting her. Because we haven't GOT IT yet that he is NOT ENOUGH for her any more.

And Billy will be jealous of Travis and Vicki but Phyllis is the love of his life. So he's like one of those abusive assholes who CANNOT let their ex-wives be happy with anyone else (in fact Pratt hinted at this in the mags awhile back). Pratt thinks this is hot and sexy. Much like he thinks Billy grabbing and manhandling Phyllis when she says "NO" is hot and sexy instead of, you know, assault.

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Victor and Nikki are revolting. They just honestly make me sick with their bullshit "help" for Adam and Chelsea. Yeah, being a family of fugitives is just living the dream, and who doesn't love watching Victor cloak his morally diseased actions in the language of noble self-sacrifice. 

Summer and Daniel just don't feel like siblings. I can see Summer sharing DNA with the caterpillar above his upper lip though.

Watch out, Jack! Nobody knows how a babaloo might react when cornered, as they are quite elusive in the wild. Scientists hypothesize that they might lift their leg, releasing a noxious stream of Drakkar Noir from their anal glands. Be safe, man.

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