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S11.E01: Auditions No. 1

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When did they start doing that parent thing? Last year? I feel like that's going to be a new trend we will continue to see going forward. At least they are no longer doing that "We aren't sending to Vegas...Just Kidding!" stunt they were doing for a while. 


I'll add my voice to the chorus of being tired of sob stories. Happens every season though. Usually somebody got hit by a bus or their parent died or they grew up poor and we are supposed to route for them out of sympathy or something.

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Do 12 year old females actually roam the streets? Or make their own money for a home somewhere? Although I don't know who rents to a 12 year old.  Seriously? Because that's what "on my own" means.... without getting picked up for truancy or IDK what. I'm sorry for her childhood, and congrats on turning her life around. That is awesome and totally not easy by any means. But her delivery was off for me.


She has been without her family, and even though there may have been people officially taking care of her, i.e. a foster-care system, she has been emotionally on her own, and probably financially as well. Kids who are separated from their families consider themselves "on their own". They develop serious trust issues and learn coping mechanisms to survive. So no, she was not "roaming the streets" (and there are those who do) but she actually was on her own. I'm not going to call out a girl who has been through hell in a trailer park. And they are expected to tell their stories when on TV.  What is she supposed to do? Lie? This is her story. She can't help how Cat reacts.  The "pretty" comment was odd, but I realized she'd probably heard it from her mom's creepy boyfriends, and then later on when people used it as a compliment it wigged her out. But she's able to tell he story and remain poised and not fall apart.

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You know, hers was the only back story I caught, because I got up to feed my cat and could hear it in the background.  My total unsubstantiated assumption when she said she didn't like when people called her "pretty" when she was younger, but was ok with it now, made me think that perhaps she was getting some unwanted attention from her mother's boyfriends, or from someone inappropriate.  I'm probably off-base, but that's the first thing that popped into my head.    


That's what I thought, too, and I wondered first about her mom's boyfriend (or boyfriends). Didn't she say one was pretty abusive? I wondered if she meant to her mom or to her and her siblings. I am glad they did not ask her to elaborate, though. She was a good dancer, and I don't want her to become "that dancer that was molested."

ElectricBoogaloo, thanks for posting that "Pleiades" dance.  That was lovely.


I really like the ballroom dancers toward the end who were not profiled, just shown a few times.  The girl had a sparkly green dress.  Wish we'd seen more of them.


I totally think a ballroom boy will win this year.  I think TPTB are setting that up.  We need a Grassy Knoll Thread!

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I really like the ballroom dancers toward the end who were not profiled, just shown a few times.  The girl had a sparkly green dress.  Wish we'd seen more of them.

Yeah, they were part of a short montage, but they got a ticket.   I wasn't sure who you were talking about so I did a search and when I saw them all I could remember was thinking the guy reminded my of (a very young) Jay Leno!  Now he's Not!JayLeno to me.  Not sure he'll like the moniker if he makes top 20.  >.<


ETA:  More on the topic of dancers who remind me of other people on TV. 

Megan Marcano (been-on-my-own-since-I-was-12) reminded me of someone, but I couldn't pin point who it was. Finally a name floated to the surface of my conciousness.  It's Dianna Agron from Glee.  Facial expressions mostly, but that's who. 

Edited by Anothermi

I hate the sob stories. Hate them. I don't care how hard your life has been; shut up and dance.


Caleb kept falling out of pirouettes and was *this* close to dropping his partner. His was a pity ticket.

And the sob stories are handled by the show in such a way that I start actively disliking the subjects!  During the interminable Caleb profile, I kept picturing the director and camera folks saying, "okay, now look sadly off into the distance while we film you.  Think about your dad.  Yeah, mom you get in there too.  No, don't look at each other, look somewhere over there.  Can you get some tears in your eyes?  Cool."  I was grossed out by the manipulation.


There was nowhere near enough Cat airtime.  

You got that right!  Cat is a major reason I watch this show.  (And WHY doesn't she have an Emmy yet??)  During the profiles of the auditioners I kept peering into the background looking for her.  


My favorite dancer was Marcuette (pretty sure I'm spelling it wrong).  What a hottie.  I'm curious about what the ballroom experts out there think of his dancing.  Do you think he's top-20 worthy?


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She has been without her family, and even though there may have been people officially taking care of her, i.e. a foster-care system, she has been emotionally on her own, and probably financially as well. Kids who are separated from their families consider themselves "on their own". They develop serious trust issues and learn coping mechanisms to survive. So no, she was not "roaming the streets" (and there are those who do) but she actually was on her own. I'm not going to call out a girl who has been through hell in a trailer park. And they are expected to tell their stories when on TV.  What is she supposed to do? Lie? This is her story. She can't help how Cat reacts.  The "pretty" comment was odd, but I realized she'd probably heard it from her mom's creepy boyfriends, and then later on when people used it as a compliment it wigged her out. But she's able to tell he story and remain poised and not fall apart.


If it seemed that I was calling her out, I didn't intend it that way. Foster families can be good; not all are horror stories, imo.   Someone helped her. I guess it would have been nice imo to mention that she had help (getting away from mom's abusive boyfriends and mom on substances.) Some foster homes are no picnic, I'm guessing, especially if she were separated from her siblings; But that situation is better than the alternative imo. Anyway, that's what I meant and should have phrased it differently.


I really wish Mary would go with "hot tamale train" or some other catchphrase and lose the screaming.... or do it much less. I think she's cuter as a brunette.


Still love gorgeous, sweet Kat.  Still loathe Nigel, but I guess I'd miss him if he weren't there for the snark factor.


The sob stories totally backfire on me, but if the dancers are being told by TPTB to milk them then it's not their fault.


I really liked the ballroom dancers, but I wonder why they danced solo. One, Garcia, (?)  said that his partner/sister had foot surgery, but wouldn't there be a stand in partner available? Or maybe they think it's better to go it alone and dance solo on purpose. IDK, but the judges generally mention that they wish they'd had a partner. Same for the  blonde woman in the black skirt with 12 siblings -wasn't she solo ballroom too?

Edited by ari333

I'm coming back to this show after years and years and ayears of not watching. I think the last season I saw may have been the one with Danny Tidwell, and welp. I guess I was still bothered by the fact that he didn't win? Anyway, now I've decided to tune in again (partly because I've been doing more dance-related activities for fitness that I'm interested once more in watching others perform and for the first time, I saw the Alvin Ailey dancers perform live, so I'm pretty hyped about dance again).


So far, I like the girl from Utah. Maybe it was her father who did that stupid bottle dance? I won't hold that against her. But I think she was ballroom, but you could tell that she also had some classic dance training.


I also liked the second guy from Miami, Rudy Abreu. His ballroom friend was good, but then Abreu showed up and his audition just blew me away!


I like Megan as well. I think she has such stage presence.

Former contestants on other shows where the contestants sometimes leave unhappy and feeling aggrieved (The Bachelor and Biggest Loser come to mind) have said that the talking heads (THs) are very controlled by the producers, and compliance earns rewards in the form of additional screen time (plus other things that are irrelevant here because the contestants aren't sequestered from Day One). It wouldn't surprise me if this show is similar. Essentially, TPTB tell the contestants certain phrases from their stories that they must include in their THs, and those phrases are repeated.


So, for example, in the interview process, Megan might have been told to say "I was on my own" and "because I'm pretty." She might have then gone on to praise a particular foster family that loved her and encouraged her in dance, but we didn't see that because it didn't fit the producers' narrative. In exchange for compliance, they might have promised her more screen time or whatever.


I wish the sob stories were shorter, and I wish they were a bit more informative about how the contestants got through the difficult time (i.e., "dance kept me from losing it" or "a teacher who believed in me let me live at her house"). But I doubt TPTB will ever drop them.


FTR, I thought Megan had the most beautiful eyes - very striking! And did anyone else see the Secret deodorant commercial starring Jasmine from last season?

And did anyone else see the Secret deodorant commercial starring Jasmine from last season? - Bella


Yes, I did.   I googled it and was pleased that basically she got to dance through most of it.  She appears to have had to learn the "apply deodorant to your armpit as if it were a delightful baby" technique -  and very expertly I must say. (I normally use the mirror rather than twist my head and gaze at my armpit.)


I was going to link to it but it seems to have been nuked. :-(



I am nearly certain I heard Nigel address this in some past season interview. He is not homophobic and has no issues with gay men dancing on his show but he does expect them to be able to effectively portray the masculine role. He wants the boys to dance like boys and the girls to dance like girls.


Hmmmm.   One  could be forgiven for thinking that if someone had some blurred lines in their own sexuality spectrum, and were fearful of that, they would then want sexuality lines Very Clearly Defined in the world around them.


I know, I know, Nigel is married and very, very, very sexual heterosexual, as evidenced by his lecherous off color pedophilic comments about young women.  Almost convinces me he is not so skeerd of his attraction toward the more feminine males that he has to bash them to demonstrate his utter maleness. 


Cannot say enough about how vile and reptilian I find this horrible man to be.  Thanks to another poster for the reptilian reference, which was perfect in my opinion.  I can say that I WOULD NOT want him looking at my daughter with those rheumy eyes.  Don't some of the parents/family of the dancers find him way off base?


Apparently family values for this network include lechery and awkward drooling over young female dancers.  And rampant sexual stereotyping.   And assholedom (see below)


Yep, I do not cotton to this awful man.



Edited by observer
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I actually was able to choose a few dancers that I really liked! I looved Megan and Novien, the other black contemporary dancer. They were both amazingg I hope they make it to the Top 20. Along with that I enjoyed Nick, the solo ballroom guy, the ballroom pair, and Trevor. Trevor seemed a bit egotistical to me but I was really impressed with his solo.


I hated that Caleb came back. Just go home and learn how to fricking partner dance. When will the boy learn?? 


I hate Nigel. Most of you have already said the reasons why. He's a dick and he needs to at least publicly called out for his bigotry and general creepiness.I hate sob stories, but the fact that Nigel basically told Novien to man up and then indulged Caleb for the 52000th time??? Jfc.


Idk I think I've gotten so used to sob stories and badly dancing parents and all the filler bullshit enough to focus on the dancing, and I found a few dancers I liked. I really hope Megan makes it far. Pretty good episode!


I hated that Caleb came back. Just go home and learn how to fricking partner dance. When will the boy learn?? 

There's a difference between being persistent and being desperate.  He came off as desperate.  


And shame on the show for letting the kid leverage his father that way not just once, but TWICE. 


At this point I'm assuming he gets quietly eliminated in LA at some point.

If it seemed that I was calling her out, I didn't intend it that way. Foster families can be good; not all are horror stories, imo.   Someone helped her. I guess it would have been nice imo to mention that she had help (getting away from mom's abusive boyfriends and mom on substances.) 

Yeah, I thought it was squirrelly that the show didn't address the very basic question "where did you learn to dance".  Because the style of dance she showed requires formal training, ergo a home life stable enough to provide that.  So at some point things worked out for this girl, and we didn't hear that mentioned (because it doesn't pull the strings as much).

Why did Bieber need to introduce anyone?

I almost turned the TV off when he showed up.  I mean I don't mind the idea of dance crews getting an exhibition on this show. I just mind Bieber being anywhere near this.


Also, I could have done without Jenna Elfman stinking up my TV too.   It's bad enough they have non-dance professionals judging, but if there's even a 1% chance of her handing out Scientology brochures at those auditions, it's FAR too much a chance!!!  Okay, putting that aside... she's irritating too.

Edited by Kromm
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I thought Jenna had a decent amount of dance training (or at least more than Wayne Brady?) or maybe I'm making that up. I liked them as judges though. I didn't hear Jenna mention her religion; although I wouldn't know the religions of any of the judges unless they bring it up.



I wish the sob stories were shorter, and I wish they were a bit more informative about how the contestants got through the difficult time (i.e., "dance kept me from losing it" or "a teacher who believed in me let me live at her house"). But I doubt TPTB will ever drop them.


Yes, THIS. But as you, Bella, pointed out, maybe these folks did mention someone who helped them or thanked people who helped and/or people who may have literally saved them, but that didn't make the edit monkeys' cut. Good point. IIRC, one said that she sewed dance costumes and babysat for a teacher in exchange for lessons or something, but for whatever reason that did make the edit.


Thanks, rereader2, for the bottle dance clip. I'm envisioning Derek Hough seeing, recreating it, and getting an Emmy for it. heh. I thought Bottle Dance Dad was kind of hilarious and a little cheeky. :) 

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I remember her dance background was discussed on the TWoP forum last year when she was a judge, but this year Cat mentioned she was a former ballet dancer (and included a picture of her doing a split leap) and per her wikipedia page:

Taking ballet classes since the age of five, Elfman became a classically trained ballet dancer and attended high school at the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts.


Elfman began her professional career as a dancer, appearing in the music video for "Halo", a song by Depeche Mode from the 1990 album Violator, a video that was exclusively included on the band's 1990 music video compilation Strange Too. She stars in the video for Anthrax's 1993 song "Black Lodge". She also danced in the video for Chris Isaak's 1995 single "Somebody's Crying" and toured with the rock band ZZ Top on their 1994 World Tour as a "Legs Girl".

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I love this show.  But this was one of the worst audition episodes yet.


The lack of air time given to quality dancers seemed even lower than usual. (I'm not counting people like the bounce boys, who have great talent even if they aren't going to make it on the show.  That, I love.  I'm talking about dramatic Wendy Williams guy, overweight Zumba split guy, or strippers, or daddy dance-offs.)


And the emotional backstory of dead-daddy-Caleb was seriously horrendous.  Didn't someone audition last year with a voicemail-music thing for their dead friend?  Egads.  No more.  


I will say, this is one of the few shows where good dancing will bring me all the way around.  I can think of any number of people I instantly (and probably irrationally) disliked after their auditions who won me over by the end - LoFro, the DiLellos, Kathryn McC....

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Have we ever seen Nigel's wife....anywhere? I'm trying to recall it, but I can't.

They've been separated since 2003 or 2004, but during Season 1 of SYTYCD US she was on the judging panel for the audition rounds.  She was also a regular judge on the 1st incarnation of SYTYCD Australia (all three seasons), and she was more annoying than Mary's screaming and Hot Tamale Train rolled together because she rarely made any sense. One of the good things about the SYTYCD AU reboot (season 4) is that she is no longer a judge!

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The lack of air time given to quality dancers seemed even lower than usual. (I'm not counting people like the bounce boys, who have great talent even if they aren't going to make it on the show.  That, I love.  I'm talking about dramatic Wendy Williams guy, overweight Zumba split guy, or strippers, or daddy dance-offs.)


I was just relieved that they didn't show anybody like that guy Sex (I think that was what he called himself) who kept coming back year after year, being horrible and complaining all the way out about how they just didn't get him. I suppose I should wait until the audition episodes are over, though, until I feel too relieved.

The father's "bottle dance"? That is NOT the bottle dance. THIS is the bottle dance (starting at about 1:15):


Great minds think alike. When it was announced that the father was going to do "the bottle dance" I thought Ok this is going to be unique when he comes out and does the dance from Fiddler on the Roof. Alas all we got was some schlub humping a water bottle placed on the floor.
  • Love 2

I'd forgotten all about Nigel's wife on the judges' panel for auditions.  Thumbs up to anothermi for having such a great memory!


I have been skipping the auditions for a few years now, so I was entertained when I watched this time.  I guess I'm so used to Nigel, I can tune him out.  What really surprised me was the literalness of so much of the choreography - and all the mouthing of words.  I thought we had decided to ban that on TwoP?  (Don't tell me that the interns didn't actually read TwoP or I will be seriously bummed.)  For example, that "best solo ever" which wasn't?  I didn't care for that performance much at all, although I recognized the guy had skills.


That said, I really liked some of the other men.  The guy who said it was hard to come back this year, was that Novien?  I enjoyed his solo the most.  I loved Marquet.  He had such tall, long lines and I thought he looked great.  (His partner seemed far inferior to me.)  It's the first time I've been interested in a ballroom dancer since Pasha.  The Miami ballroom dancer, Nick, was fun to watch as well.  I thought Marquet was stronger, but what do I know.  Rudy (other Miami friend) gave a really interesting solo that held my interest through two viewings, but I kept wishing he would put his head back and elongate his neck.  I think he was in character for his dance, and I am very glad he got through, but the head part was ugly to me throughout.  A lot.


Wayne and Jenna made decent celebrity judges.  I've come around to accept that there will be celebrity guests on this show.  Truth be told, from a personality point of view, I prefer both of them to Adam or Tyce or Mia.  


I've got nothing about the women.  They all looked bland to me.  I think I might have liked one of the trio that got a ticket from Chicago, but I didn't catch her name.  The non-red-shirt one.


Finally, I liked having new credits to watch - couldn't identify too many people right off the bat, so I hope people will share if they can.

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Great minds think alike. When it was announced that the father was going to do "the bottle dance" I thought Ok this is going to be unique when he comes out and does the dance from Fiddler on the Roof. Alas all we got was some schlub humping a water bottle placed on the floor.


Ditto!  I thought Fiddler and said to myself "ok so maybe a Dad thing will be cool" and then nope!  There should  be maybe one dad on stage per season.  The fact that this guy did his routine TWICE was absurd.  Overall, I feel like they are showing fewer and fewer dancers in favor of this nonsense and the sob stories.  Tell me the whole story if they get to 'Vegas'.  Otherwise I really don't care. 


Nigel's comments about the Utah girl's mother were some of the worst I remember hearing from him.  It's just so unnecessary. I also thought the shaming of the zumba guy was over the line. He knows he's not making it, but he wanted to go up there and show his stuff, and the producers let him.  They've been kinder to people like him before. 


Caleb I just...ugh. Yes, it made sense they'd mention this dad since he was on the show last time.  That's fine.  I was pleased he wanted to do something quirky instead of focus on the tragedy, and then that goes out the window after that terrible choreography.  I thought Nigel could have been kinder about it but I get that he was pissed he couldn't bring this sob story through.  And then in Chicago they just put him through anyway?  Come on.


Finally, yes, more Kat please!

Great minds think alike. When it was announced that the father was going to do "the bottle dance" I thought Ok this is going to be unique when he comes out and does the dance from Fiddler on the Roof. Alas all we got was some schlub humping a water bottle placed on the floor.


I know the SYTYCD dad wasn't doing the "real" bottle dance from Fiddler; but for a guy in his late 30's early 40s or whatever he had to have pretty good knees. So I say good on him for having the knees and the nads to do that on tv. :)

I really like the ballroom dancers toward the end who were not profiled, just shown a few times.  The girl had a sparkly green dress.  Wish we'd seen more of them.


Me too! I searched to see if they would show or mention their names, but of course, the show did no such thing. I was particularly interested in this couple because the guy is a dead ringer for a friend of mine, and I want to rib him a bit for it. No, I did not see the Jay Leno resemblance, but now I can't un-see it, lol.


Oh, well, maybe we'll see more of them in the callbacks. Please return, nameless ballroom dancers! I did like the snippet of dancing they showed for them.

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The girl who has been "on her own" since age 12? Who paid for all the dance training she has so obviously received? Learning to dance was well as she does cannot have been cheap.

She did say that she received a college scholarship so she could have taken dance then.  But I don't know about training when she was younger.  I thought she also said that she lived with friends and teachers.  So I'm thinking that some of her friends and teachers took her in for awhile.  When she said that she didn't like being called pretty when she was younger, I also immediately thought that something happened with one or more of her mom's boyfriends and who knows what else.  I think it's tough not having a steady home life when you're younger.  I know that it happens to a lot of people but kudos to her for what she's accomplished so far. 

As some of us speculated further up in the thread, she probably had some good support over the years to enable her to take dance classes, but any discussion of that was likely edited out.


Megan: I had the most awesome foster mom when I was 14, and she took me to this great dance studio where I met my mentor, a woman I absolutely adore and who let me take lessons free in exchange for folding towels and dusting the window ledges. I couldn't have done it without them!

Editors: Eh, doesn't fit the narrative, we'll leave that part out.

I'm late in replying.  I was lurking at TWoP last week.  Sad that we can't post or even read old SYTYCD threads anymore.


Does anybody who goes on to choreography actually go on to do well on this show in the Top 20?

Besides Benji, Tiffany from Season 9 also had to do choreography.  I remember she said that she was an underdog because she had to do this and they didn't show her during auditions.  I admit that I was surprised that Tiffany lasted as long as she did.  I was all for Cole and Eliana that season.


Eleven sibling Mormon girl -- eh. She seemed like Witney and Lindsay on recycle, but not as good. I don't like that instead of getting fabulous ballroom dancers, we get these folks that are "cross-trained," which probably shouldn't be in quotes because they are, in fact, cross trained, but I feel like they're kind of jacks of all trades and masters of meh. And she was trying WAAAAAAY too hard to be sexy, which always makes me not like a dancer.

If Tanisha reminds you of Witney and Lindsey, it's because she went to the same studio.  Marcquet (danced with Witney during her audition) and Brooklyn did too.  I think Tanisha is a better contemporary/jazz dancer than W or L.  I like watching Marcquet do hip-hop.



We've all had someone die. I just don't want to relive it through these people. I don't tune in to feel sad. Stop it, Show.

Have we ever seen Nigel's wife....anywhere? I'm trying to recall it, but I can't.

I agree!  I don't want to see this from the dancer tryouts.  Just dance, talk about dance, and dance.  

I vaguely remember Nigel's wife as well from back in the day, but I also remember hearing that at one point he was dating Priscilla Presley!  


Regarding Megan, I understand the idea behind creative editing, and can certainly appreciate that finding oneself alone at 12 would be one hell of a life challenge. Where I get lost is at the 'being pretty was hard to overcome' part. Growing up alone and beautiful is tragic. Growing up alone and ugly...is more tragic. I am tired of hearing how hard it is to be beautiful. It seems to me she has enough real issues to deal with, without creating fake ones to add to the pile. 


There seems to be some idea that pretty girls/women are more susceptible to sexual assault than ugly ones. Statistically, this is not true. 


On the flip side, there is all kinds of data to support the theory that attractive people have a better life, all around.  So I see this whole 'my beauty is such a curse' thing as nonsense. Life is hard, and it's harder if you're ugly. 

Edited by JustAlison
  • Love 3

This is a good article on the studio and other people that have helped Megan.  She did live under a highway overpass for awhile.  But she met good people like the studio owner and a family that had three daughters that went to the studio.  Of course, the show didn't mention the latter.



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