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S32.E17: Scandal


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Mixed results. The gang votes Johnny & Tony into Armageddon, and Marie is bright enough to burn her vote with Cara Maria to avoid facing them. Tananas winds up facing Joss & Sylvia . . . and Joss  Sylvia wind up winning. I will say that balancing blocks on water does take more skill than memorizing lights, and that those two probably won't forever bring up beating Johnny. Yeah, it was janky, but I felt skill had to be involved . . . .balance, patience, and not climbing out of the tub to punch TJ in the face.

Anyway, Johnny goes into R-House and immediately talks shit about Nelson to Kayleigh . . . because if Johnny is going to be off the show soon, he'll be determined to drag as many people to hell with him.

Then we get a Purge! You know, if BMP were to ever hold a movie-style Purge (no rules from sunset to sunrise), that might be more interesting. Basically, we get a moving pipe mission, where my mind flashes back to Laterrian falling off the log in The Gauntlet, taking Sarah with him. Bad times. Since this is The Challenge, three teams fuck up while Natalie & Paulie (once again, they're the champions this show deserves) win. Since Nelson screwed the pooch the worse, he and Shane get sent to Redemption House. The place with Johnny. You know, the guy serving tea to Kayleigh. Is it too much to hope Johnny gets into his first televised fistfight?

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See we have to take the producers word that Shane and Nelson did the worst.  They could have just chosen them since they have the most potential for drama with Bananas.


Meanwhile, it’s going to be another double DoubleCross.  Isn’t that convenient, Johnny gets a chance to return to the main house no matter what.

Best part of the episode was Bananas busting a vein over his card house collapsing over and over again.

I guess none of the Armageddons have been physical, favoring stronger guys, men over the women.   Hope they keep it that way, the rest of this Challenge and in future Challenges.

Of course Bananas pulls the POS move to torture Kayleigh.

  • Love 2

I’m sorry, but if any of these people believe Johnny especially if he’s telling you something bad about someone he doesn’t like, than there’s a bridge I want to sell them.

I’m perfectly ok with the determination that Shane and Nelson should be sent to the Redemption House.  They made the least progress across the beam therefore they did the worst.

Even though I sometimes think to my self that these reality shows are rigged, especially when something good happens to someone I dislike.  (I do that a lot if I watch BIg Brother).  I do think there are rules in place to prevent that or isn’t it like cheating on a Quiz show type game.  

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, scrb said:

See we have to take the producers word that Shane and Nelson did the worst.  They could have just chosen them since they have the most potential for drama with Bananas.


In this specific situation, they went by how far across the spinning thing each team got their flag, and it was obvious that both Cara and Joss got farther across than Nelson. (Now, whether the producers made up their minds about using distance instead of time after they saw how each team did is another story.)

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, strippedhalo said:

In this specific situation, they went by how far across the spinning thing each team got their flag, and it was obvious that both Cara and Joss got farther across than Nelson. (Now, whether the producers made up their minds about using distance instead of time after they saw how each team did is another story.)

Agreed. Based on their criteria, it seems clear and observable that Nelson and Shane deserved to lose the Challenge. And in this case, that criterion actually made sense because someone who made it all the way across clearly was better at this particular challenge than someone who fell pretty quickly and just managed to hang on to go around in a horizontal position a few times.

I'm really not liking this new thing where everyone just flat out lies to each other to sabotage romantic relationships that exist outside the game. I get the psychological advantage thing, but in my opinion that's too far, much like when Frank brought up Nany's sister's drug problems. Some things just shouldn't be a part of a game, and attempting to derail someone's actual relationship (not just an in-game hookup) through gossip that is blatantly untrue is one of those things. I felt bad for Brad earlier this season, and I feel bad for Kayleigh now even though I strongly dislike her. And the fact is, Nelson (or whoever else) can deny it all day and all night. There's always going to be a part of Kayleigh that wonders. That's what I think is unfair. For the record, I don't think Nelson and Kayleigh should be in a relationship together, because yikes. But if (when) they do split it should be on their own terms, not because Johnny Bananas decided to make up a cheating rumor. 

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Since Nelson screwed the pooch the worse


7 hours ago, scrb said:

See we have to take the producers word that Shane and Nelson did the worst.

This.  I'd argue that Joss and Sylvia did the worse, because Sylvia took the flag without ever stepping onto the spinning contraption.  Then when TJ yelled at her, she touched a foot on it and jumped back.  She clearly broke the rules.  Then again, she also clearly headbutted someone, which they've shown several times, and she wasn't kicked off, so what do I know?

3 hours ago, strippedhalo said:

In this specific situation, they went by how far across the spinning thing each team got their flag, and it was obvious that both Cara and Joss got farther across than Nelson. (Now, whether the producers made up their minds about using distance instead of time after they saw how each team did is another story.)

This too.  As I heard rules, the teammates had to meet in the middle of thing and hand off the flag.  I was very confused when Ashley didn't move far from the platform.  Granted, I usually have trouble following the Teej on the rules of these things, but this one, I was like, OK, I understand how this is supposed to work.  I definitely think the producers always play fast and loose with the rules to suit their outcome.

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Kayleigh could ask the producers to see the footage to see if what Johnny was telling her was true but nah, the producers would rather Johnny gaslight her.

As for Bananas and Natalie, I thought she was lesbian, since Kayleigh outed her?

She was dancing and batting her eyes at other guys though, right?

How would that ingratiate her to them?  Do guys like cock teases now?

I think Natalie came out as bisexual.

Ugh Paul sucks so much and in his interviews he talks such hot shit it’s infuriating.  Take several steps back, rook.

Ashley and Shane are SO hateful that this season has rapidly turned into hatewatching, and not even in an enjoyable way.  Let’s just get this shit over with.

Also Sylvia sucks too.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 7

While I agree the term has very negative connotations and is used in many cases that shouldn't apply, what is the term for someone who willingly flirts with another person and gives the impression they like them and want to get physical as a tool to get something they want without actually following through on the implied sexual action?  

I am not talking someone who changes their mind or decides they do not want to do something or doesn't understand they are coming off in that manner. I am talking about someone who from the start has no intention of doing anything but wants the person to believe they will in order to get something from them?  Not arguing for the use of the term by any stretch but please educate me on the proper term for this action?  Genuinely asking.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, Unclejosh said:

While I agree the term has very negative connotations and is used in many cases that shouldn't apply, what is the term for someone who willingly flirts with another person and gives the impression they like them and want to get physical as a tool to get something they want without actually following through on the implied sexual action?  

I am not talking someone who changes their mind or decides they do not want to do something or doesn't understand they are coming off in that manner. I am talking about someone who from the start has no intention of doing anything but wants the person to believe they will in order to get something from them?  Not arguing for the use of the term by any stretch but please educate me on the proper term for this action?  Genuinely asking.

Well what do we call men who do the same thing to women?  

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I have been called a c-tease by a woman before.  C being a word I will not use here.  I don't think that works in this situation though.  I have also been called a cock tease by a man before.  

In both cases it was unwarranted as I have never knowingly hit on or flirted with ANYONE in my life.  However just being friendly was misinterpreted by members of both sexes in my personal life. 

That is not what I am talking about.  I am talking about men and woman who knowingly use their sexuality to gain whatever outcome they want without ever having any intention of doing anything with the victim of their machinations.  If there is an accepted term I would like to know so I am educated against possibly offending someone. 

Edited by Unclejosh
  • Love 2

While I agree the term has very negative connotations and is used in many cases that shouldn't apply, what is the term for someone who willingly flirts with another person and gives the impression they like them and want to get physical as a tool to get something they want without actually following through on the implied sexual action? 

Do we need a term?  Sometimes we flirt with people we don't intend to have sex with.  It's not a contract.  And I don't see where Natalie did anything beyond garden variety drinks at the bar flirting. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Unclejosh said:

 I am talking about men and woman who knowingly use their sexuality to gain whatever outcome they want without ever having any intention of doing anything with the victim of their machinations.  If there is an accepted term I would like to know

A tease.  Player.  Heartbreaker. 

Natalie though?  She was just dancing with some people.   

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But she also led Johnny on in the previous season.

The players talk about a social game.  The other women on these Challenges do not politick only by flirting.  They may hook up with guys but not necessarily for votes.

Instead, they do plead their case when trying to line up votes.

It's interesting that Natalie's default mode is to flirt with males who represent a lot of votes.  First season it was Johnny, since she was a newcomer and he was well known for getting far in these Challenges with a lot of veteran allies on his side.

Now this season, as soon as she returns from the Redemption House, she lets Johnny take her bag in.

But then she flirts with Nelson and other guys in his alliance.

It's as if she did the math?

Tease I agree with.  I thank you for your response.  I don't think Player or Heartbreaker really applies to someone who doesn't sleep with anyone though.  The term being discussed is not a part of my vocabulary, I just am fascinated by how words can change in either meaning or value in their offensiveness or maybe just awareness as time goes by is what I mean.  I have known and seen women is the past proudly calling themselves that even wearing outfits with the word emblazoned on it.

BTW I think CT has been a tease in the past as well because he was doing it with Mandy and Laurel but I don't think he ever intended to bang either.  I would even say he "c" teased Mandy because she was clearly into hooking up with him but it didn't appear he was going to do anything with her, especially once she told him she liked to be choked the fuck out.

Edited by Unclejosh
  • Love 2

So, you can’t flirt unless you follow through by having sex, otherwise you’re a cock teaser? *. But if you do have sex, you’re a slut?   Seems it’s just as hard to be a flirtatious girl now as it was back in the day.  I cannot for the life of me see what’s wrong with flirting. As a poster above smartly said, it’s not a contract.  Everybody there is a grown up. Everyone knows what flirting/politicking/polidicking is. If by Natalie smiling and dancing and with them they infer they will be automatically be having sex with her then they are entitled morons 


*growing up we said cock teaser, a verb, though I suppose cock tease works well too 

  • Love 9

Or, Natalie just wanted to dance, chat and have fun with guys other than John or her partner. She was already friends with Nelson from her previous season so it’s not surprising she’d hang out with him at the bar, plus it would piss John off. 

I have to admire Sylvia remaining relatively calm to get the job done and add to John’s elimination losses.

I don’t mind Paulie talking himself up sometimes. He totally killed that challenge. It’s clear he and Natalie don’t want to go back to the redemption house.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, dangwoodchucks said:

Or, Natalie just wanted to dance, chat and have fun with guys other than John or her partner. She was already friends with Nelson from her previous season so it’s not surprising she’d hang out with him at the bar, plus it would piss John off. 

Yes.  This.  We have absolutely no evidence this was done for votes at all.   I don't know how that idea even got started, tbh.

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