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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I didn't understand that at all. He texted it for some reason, then they fought about it. Why did he text it in the first place? I didn't understand that, they may have explained it but I was laughing too hard about him thinking Corey was wearing his shorts.

That was a great relationship with a lot of trust wasn't it?

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I didn't understand that at all. He texted it for some reason, then they fought about it. Why did he text it in the first place? I didn't understand that, they may have explained it but I was laughing too hard about him thinking Corey was wearing his shorts.

That was a great relationship with a lot of trust wasn't it?


I think he was texting it so they wouldn't have to "talk about it" right then. Also on some level he knew it was an inappropriate fight in front of the kids... but then he just couldn't help himself and he showed it to her and then they fought about it. That's how I took it anyway. Not acceptable in any case... but that's how I somewhat understood it.


I'm like you though, I think I had to watch it wayyy too many times before I could stop laughing about the shorts situation.

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I think he was texting it so they wouldn't have to "talk about it" right then. Also on some level he knew it was an inappropriate fight in front of the kids... but then he just couldn't help himself and he showed it to her and then they fought about it. That's how I took it anyway. Not acceptable in any case... but that's how I somewhat understood it.


I'm like you though, I think I had to watch it wayyy too many times before I could stop laughing about the shorts situation.

That's exactly how I saw it, too.

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He's jealous that Corey fills out the shorts better than he does.


And yet apparently Robbie fills them out better than anyone ?


Seriously who says "but those are MY shorts, I know the ink stain I never got out!"?  Really?

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And yet apparently Robbie fills them out better than anyone ?


Seriously who says "but those are MY shorts, I know the ink stain I never got out!"?  Really?

Also, who allegedly makes that much money in the fossil fuel industry yet keeps ruined clothes? Are there special memories in the shorts? Maybe Jeremy is a hoarder? LOL

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Also, who allegedly makes that much money in the fossil fuel industry yet keeps ruined clothes? Are there special memories in the shorts? Maybe Jeremy is a hoarder? LOL


Ha... good point. The special memories might explain why he even cared so much about the shorts. Eww.


Separate note, I was stuck in the world's longest "express checkout" line tonight and read up a bit, and the top story in one of the mags (Intouch I think?) was that she was single and he had filed for divorce. I was kind of surprised Leah's story was top news on the cover. Even though it's not surprising I'm still sad for her. I hope she, he, and the girlses can all get whatever help they need to get back on track.

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Someone on Facebook posted that Jeremy has filed for divorce and that it is now on the county's website that he has.  I can't find it! They did not post a link to support the claim.

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Someone on Facebook posted that Jeremy has filed for divorce and that it is now on the county's website that he has.  I can't find it! They did not post a link to support the claim.


A supporting link?  Sheesh kind of demanding isn't it? (I'm completely kidding in case it isn't obvious).


My only source was "magazine in a checkout line," still trying to find it in a real source.

Edited by NikSac
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Someone on Facebook posted that Jeremy has filed for divorce and that it is now on the county's website that he has.  I can't find it! They did not post a link to support the claim.

There was speculation here that he might have filed in a different county than his actual residence to keep it quieter, tho I don't know if West Virginia allows that. Did it specify the county?

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I know that his family owns land in Left Hand, WV.  That may be where their house is which would be where Leah and Jeremy moved next to them. I suspect the "farm" Leah talks about is his family's place.  Left hand is in Roane County where Elkview is in Kanawha County.

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I was just thinking how when th OJ trial was televised how I thought it was annoying (I was in middle school so the drama was lost on me)... But what I wouldn't give to play hooky and watch Leah and Corey's custody trial with a bucket of Cheetos and Mountain Dew on tap.

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Well it can only be 1 of 2, considering Jenelle and Chelsea aren't currently married. So yep. Leah.

And, Kail can't be called, traditionally, 'troubled'...

So, I agree. Leah.

Please, tell me I wasn't the only one disappointed that the newspaper didn't public the marriage and divorces, as per usual, this past weekend? I was so looking forward to the shit storm sure to come from a divorce filing.

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
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I am guessing Leah will be re-doing this tattoo of hers that she got when she married Germy, which also has Germy's initials...stupid move! 

Maybe it will be like the old Married w Children episode and Leah decides that it means she has to find a new husband with the same initials so that she doesn't have to change the tattoo.

I just noticed my daughter (3) scribbled all over Leah's face on the cover of my US Weekly.

Maybe your daughter was irresistibly drawn to the garishly bright colors?

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Meh, this is one of those "if you're gonna play with fire you're bound to get burnt" situations. Leah's getting burnt pretty damn bad....and it's all her own fault. Nobody forced her into cheating on Germy, and nobody forced the painkillers down her throat. Nobody forced her wild overspending, in fact both Germy and Corey tried to curb it. I can't feel bad for Leah, she brought this on herself. I do feel bad for the girlses though since they don't deserve to be going through any of this. Hoping Corey gets custody, I think they need some stability since I don't think Leah is capable of providing that right now.

I think their latest custody hearing is later this week...I want to say the 4th or the 5th. I am expecting Leah to take to Twitter immediately after.

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The next hearing is on Monday, December 8.

Thanks! I was close.

I wonder now once this custody situation is sorted out if Leah will suddenly change her mind about participating with TM2, since I am sure the only reason she decided to back out was because of the GAL's advice, or because of how it would look to the court. This past season didn't do her any favors. I bet she'll be back on the gravy train by 2015....especially if she gets to keep the girlses. 

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Yep, I read it on today's blind items, too. 


This troubled Teen Mom 2 mother is pregnant again, but not with her husband. I guess she took that cheating to another level. Leah Messer




Guess there's our explanation for why she chose to pass on the new season.


Public scrutiny for her lack of responsibility with birth control and the whole Robbie debacle yet again.


I guess now we also know why Germy was so set against giving her another chance.


Hot mess doesn't even begin to describe this woman.  

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Apparently, Leah has turned to religion:




At a November 22 sermon, her pastor— an openly recovering addict— said “that bad habits like drugs, sex and alcoholism can be broken when one finds Jesus,” an onlooker told the magazine. “Leah nodded her head in agreement the entire time. It seems to really hit home for her.”

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Leah's makeup skills are a 'blind' item.

Yeah....'Wrapping a Blunt Robbie'...

Those pot-induced munchies gotta be a pain when you 'can't even afford a Big Mac lmao'.

Apparently, Leah has turned to religion: (radar online)

from the same article: “She thinks a baby boy would make him happy,” said an insider. “Leah knows Jeremy would never leave her if she got pregnant again. He’s too much of a gentleman.”


*does the trap-baby dance all around the living room*

Edited by cheatincheetos
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from the same article: “She thinks a baby boy would make him happy,” said an insider. “Leah knows Jeremy would never leave her if she got pregnant again. He’s too much of a gentleman.”

Ahhh, of course. Any ole willy-nilly can have a daughter. It takes a "manly man" to breed a boy! Excuse me, let me correct myself, I mean a "gentleman".

Fix it, Jesus. Please. This girl needs all the help she can get.

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If Leah really thinks Germy would be oh so happy of her trying to trap him with a band aid baby, she is insane.  He has been more then willing to threaten divorce despite his daughter, I don't think the manly man would care much more if she popped out a son.  Jesus has his work cut out for him, trying to fix her stupid.

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If Leah really thinks Germy would be oh so happy of her trying to trap him with a band aid baby, she is insane.  He has been more then willing to threaten divorce despite his daughter, I don't think the manly man would care much more if she popped out a son.  Jesus has his work cut out for him, trying to fix her stupid.


Especially if said son were of questionable paternity.


When this show first started airing I was never clear on the down time (if any) Leah had between Robbie and Corey.  I also remember wondering if Corey ever had reason at the time to question the girlses' paternity.  


(We've already established I'm going to hell, so, yes, my mind did go there more than once.) 

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Leah's makeup skills are a 'blind' item.

Those pot-induced munchies gotta be a pain when you 'can't even afford a Big Mac lmao'.

from the same article: “She thinks a baby boy would make him happy,” said an insider. “Leah knows Jeremy would never leave her if she got pregnant again. He’s too much of a gentleman.”


*does the trap-baby dance all around the living room*

Maybe its just me, but no gentleman goes around bashing their spouse like Jeremy does. 


If these two do split and Im pretty sure they will, Leah needs to do herself a favor and focus on herself for the next few years. But we all know she never stays single for long 

Edited by jadecorleone
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I totally agree with you about Germy, jadecorleone. I never thought he was a knight in shining armor either, and while I get being made about Leah "allegedly" cheating, he didn't have to plaster all that nasty stuff about her on social media. Other then his pay check, Leah sure traded down from Corey.

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I read the radar article earlier with the texts with that Brittany girl..: my favorite is when he says "I don't do this" about meeting girls online... But that's how he and Leah got together... He met her via facebook.

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