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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Leah would definitely lose the "clothes washing" category. Remember what Cory said about her never washing clothes? I guess that is why she went and bought that massive washer and dryer set because she figured she could just throw the kids into the washer, while they wear their clothes, and she would kill two birds with one stone: wash their clothes and bathe them at the same time.

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Leah would own that category. I bet she can change a diaper one handed as a truck passenger with a cig in the other hand whilst on speaker phone. The results are mixed.


That conjured up an image of Leah I'd rather not see, and an image of Leah the mods would rather me not say.  I'll just say changing a diaper with one hand and something involving... deer cams... with the other.

  • Love 1

That conjured up an image of Leah I'd rather not see, and an image of Leah the mods would rather me not say.  I'll just say changing a diaper with one hand and something involving... deer cams... with the other.

Think it would be hard for her not having a phone in at least one hand at all times. Whatever happened to that 'serious biznesswoman' headset she was wearing in her Mary Kay phase?

Leah posted up some pictures of her daughters on their horse and well, she got slammed. Again. haha  





And here she is trying to defend herself.



Thank you Sandy.. You actually seem to know about horses. I'm learning, of course but our horse is doing a lot better and gaining weight and that's the only time he has went without a saddle pad. He's also a 2 year old TWH. My girls got on him long enough to take a picture.. I know that is and is not safe for them!!



Leah Messer's Official Fan Page :) My girls are perfectly fine and the horse was abused until we got him he looks so much better and this is the only time he went without a pad.. Also he is 2 years old. The older he gets the more he will fill out. I know what my child does and does not need. I don't need your parenting opinions(: thanks to everyone though!
Like · Reply · 139 · 12 hrs

Edited by Mkay

I''m not an expert horsewoman but have spent enough time around horses to know that horse looks PISSED.  "Rescued horse" and "therapy horse" CAN mix in my experience but only when there are some very experienced professionals involved who know how to deal with both. Man... previously I was worried for the girlses, now I'm worried for the poor horse too.

  • Love 3

I''m not an expert horsewoman but have spent enough time around horses to know that horse looks PISSED.  "Rescued horse" and "therapy horse" CAN mix in my experience but only when there are some very experienced professionals involved who know how to deal with both. Man... previously I was worried for the girlses, now I'm worried for the poor horse too.

Yeah, I think it's great that people want to care for an animal that survived abuse but they will need to keep in mind the need for a trainer with experience rehabilitating abused animals. Especially larger animals.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Jenelle would assume that she can drag Barb along to do all the dirty work for her.


It would have to be a combination of The Challenge and Who Wants To Be a Millionaire? "Jenelle, you now have to prepare a baby bottle" - "Ummm....yea, I need to call in a lifeline". Barb comes and makes the bottle. 


Leah would have a dozen lifelines - Corey, Jeff, Mama Dawn, Lee, sister, Grandma, Germy's parents, the mailman, the town mechanic, etc. 



Leah posted up some pictures of her daughters on their horse and well, she got slammed. Again. haha 



Anyone get a screen shot of the pics? Or can explain what was upsetting people about them? They've now been removed. 

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I just saw the pictures myself--I had to sign in to Facebook to see them.


So she not only has a horse, she has a formerly-abused horse (which is still pretty skinny and was being ridden without a saddle pad, which is a recipe for saddle sores) which is only about two years old and is thus not experienced with being ridden at all, must less being around kids. I was hoping she got a old calm pony for those girls.  This really isn't going to end well.  I hope whoever gave her that horse is monitoring it so that if (when?) it has to be rescued again, they can take it back.

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Another horse person here. I'm with Fosca in hoping someone is monitoring the poor horse and will swoop in and take it back (if they haven't already). A 2 year old horse is like a toddler in that they need constant reinforcement as far as what's acceptable behavior and what's not. They push the boundaries just like a child does and need very firm but gentle guidance. It's an enormous commitment to raise a young horse and if done by someone with no experience, can lead to bad habits that end up making life miserable for the animal because it's bounced from owner to owner. But, that's our Leah, huh? Instead of listening to people and looking for an experienced, bomb proof horse for her special needs daughter, she makes the poorest choice possible. I hope no one gets hurt or killed - the horse included - as a result of this dumbass move.

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My statement is going to be wayyy too much logic for Leah to use... But when you're a public figure and you KNOW you get slammed for everything you post on social media, why would you post a picture that you know is unsafe just for the sake of taking a picture, knowing it will get ripped apart. I don't buy that it was just for pictures, I think as per her usual when she realizes she's gonna get back lash she changes her story.

And even if they were just on long enough to pose for pictures... Wtf!? Dispite being from Texas I have never been around horses, but my understanding is they can be extremely unpredictable.... So maybe putting your child on, and stepping away for a photo just for that second is still not a good idea. I don't understand why it's ok to do something so unsafe just for a second for a picture. All it would take is for the horse to bolt, or buck her off in those 2 seconds while your taking the picture.

  • Love 7

Okay, thanks. Normally I don't have to sign in with public pages, so that was weird. I know little to nothing about horses, but I do think it already looks like she's all about photo ops and not necessarily about safety or proper care of the animal. 


Besides my pity for that poor horse relying on Leah for care...


I cannot believe this dumb bitch put those girls on that horse with no helmet.  


Especially Alli, who already has some many challenges with which to deal.


This woman's ignorance apparently knows no bounds.  

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I am so confused about the whole horse situation. First it was recommended that Ali get equestrian therapy, and also water therapy. So that means you buy a ranch with horses and a pool?  Okay, I don't agree since you can find those services elsewhere run by professionals, but I'm still kinda with you.  Next the horse is a rescue horse, definitely not old enough to be trained for even typical riding never-mind a special needs child?  They need a "bomb proof" horse or pony, in my opinion, and they should be wearing riding helmets. They even sell fashionable riding helmets that I'm sure Leah would like.


Also, per some of the comments on her FB apparently she (or someone) paid money for this rescued horse/pony. So either the person who sold it to her was neglecting the poor thing, or the person it was bought from rescued it from somewhere and made a profit. I feel so bad for that horse.


I wanted to add I rode in a therapeutic riding program for most of my teenage years due to a physical disability. I think the youngest horse was around 13 or 14 and that one was considered young and iffy. It really only acted badly when it was scared (often due to the people around it being nervous because it was so young). It's the only horse that ever injured me, but I understood why it happened, and I was darn glad I had a helmet on because it happened FAST - all I got was a sprained ankle but I could've easily hurt my head too. I think therapeutic riding programs are AMAZING, but I think it's just plain crazy to put a kid, helmet or not, on a barely-rideable horse (guessing based on age) that was rescued from who-knows-what conditions. Ugh.

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I am so confused about the whole horse situation. First it was recommended that Ali get equestrian therapy, and also water therapy. So that means you buy a ranch with horses and a pool? 

Or therapy riding a magical sea horse creature. They say Kanawha County was under the ocean millions of years ago. I do think Leah cares in her own way about her kids but some of this stuff just sounds like she makes up what fits her own wish list.

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My take is that Leah is still a child, emotionally. She does a lot of stuff for appearances without any concerns for the result. I do think she loves her children but I can't tell if she's lazy or clueless about how to care for 3 young kids.


Or if the rumors are true, too whacked out of her skull to exercise good judgment and properly care for them.


I'm glad the twins have Corey and his family as a stabilizing force in their life.


Hopefully Germy will be as much of a stabilizing force in Baby Adderall's life if he and Leah do end up divorcing.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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I've always felt that Leah was spoiled and sheltered growing up and that's why she makes some "interesting" parenting moves.  Also, I would make an educated guess that her and her mom aren't the only undereducated teen parents from their family. That is a recipe for making a clueless, lazy, immature grownup kid who is trying and failing at making sound decisions. Really, I wouldn't be surprised if the Messers have the rep of being some of  their  town's finest white trash. 

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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 Really, I wouldn't be surprised if the Messers have the rep of being some of  their  town's finest white trash. 

    Apparently Oreo and her fiance are on track to get married and complete at least some form of education/job training before they have their first kid, unlike Isaac and Leah. They must feel like the oddballs in the family.

  • Love 2

I am so confused about the whole horse situation. First it was recommended that Ali get equestrian therapy, and also water therapy. So that means you buy a ranch with horses and a pool?  Okay, I don't agree since you can find those services elsewhere run by professionals, but I'm still kinda with you.  Next the horse is a rescue horse, definitely not old enough to be trained for even typical riding never-mind a special needs child?  They need a "bomb proof" horse or pony, in my opinion, and they should be wearing riding helmets. They even sell fashionable riding helmets that I'm sure Leah would like.


Also, per some of the comments on her FB apparently she (or someone) paid money for this rescued horse/pony. So either the person who sold it to her was neglecting the poor thing, or the person it was bought from rescued it from somewhere and made a profit. I feel so bad for that horse.


I wanted to add I rode in a therapeutic riding program for most of my teenage years due to a physical disability. I think the youngest horse was around 13 or 14 and that one was considered young and iffy. It really only acted badly when it was scared (often due to the people around it being nervous because it was so young). It's the only horse that ever injured me, but I understood why it happened, and I was darn glad I had a helmet on because it happened FAST - all I got was a sprained ankle but I could've easily hurt my head too. I think therapeutic riding programs are AMAZING, but I think it's just plain crazy to put a kid, helmet or not, on a barely-rideable horse (guessing based on age) that was rescued from who-knows-what conditions. Ugh.

I thought the grandparents bought the horse. Does anyone remember that?

    Apparently Oreo and her fiance are on track to get married and complete at least some form of education/job training before they have their first kid, unlike Isaac and Leah. They must feel like the oddballs in the family.

I can't stand seeing all the selfies Oreo posts.  Everyday more than one a day sometimes. You still look the same since your last selfie.  She is very into herself. 

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I can't stand seeing all the selfies Oreo posts.  Everyday more than one a day sometimes. You still look the same since your last selfie.  She is very into herself. 

I remember Grandma Sandy posting on FB asking why people need to put so many selfies up. And the 'all I seen is tits' remark on Oreo's picture. I noticed a lot of pictures of Jeremy with Oreo with his tongue out like he was perving on the sister-in-law.

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I thought the grandparents bought the horse. Does anyone remember that?


Yeah I thought so too, which makes it even more baffling to me. Why would you buy a rescue horse? I mean an adoption fee I can understand, but it sounds like they actually purchased it for a normal horse price (granted I"m basing that on FB comments so who knows).  And further, why would someone older and with more life experience think it was a good idea to buy a barely-ridden horse as a therapy horse for a disabled child? It's an assumption on my part that it's barely been ridden, but at only about 2 years old, during which it was apparently in crappy enough living conditions that it had to be rescued, it can't possibly have a whole lot of training and experience being ridden. It all seems like a teenager who went "ooh, horsie, Ali's supposed to ride horses! let's get it!" as opposed to a well thought out decision made by an adult.

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So apparently Germy reactivated his Twitter account and favorited that Britney chick right away.



I really don't understand what's going on here. Why does she (Brittany) have professional representation & why are there rumors on some Teen Mom sites that she might be on the show at some point? Why is Jeremy back on Twitter & liking her tweets? Are people really this white trash? Are people really this stupid? Are we being punked? (I know the answers to at least 2 of those questions is "yes.")

Edited to add:

OMG who can keep up with this drama? I just saw this- apparently the big news now is he unfollowed Brittany.


Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Someone needs to get Leah to watch "Gone with the Wind" although getting her to stick through all three hours is probably out of the question.

I thought the same thing!

I know this is irrational, but that movie (and probably the fact that I used to watch it as a young child....I was weird & my mom apparently thought it was appropriate for a young kid) is why I have never been on a horse & would probably freak out if my mini-Nordic got on one (or at least I'd make him wear a helmet, take lessons, and would only allow him on some safe, old, trusted "Volvo of horses").

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I really don't understand what's going on here. Why does she (Brittany) have professional representation & why are there rumors on some Teen Mom sites that she might be on the show at some point? Why is Jeremy back on Twitter & liking her tweets?


If we take it at face value, it suggests that she chatted with Jeremy with the motivation of getting herself in the media all along...just like Jeremy's motivation in approaching Leah on Facebook when he could have dated a woman with less drama/baggage. Maybe Jeremy is doing what he does to get back at Leah (they were out of raw bacon in the Calvert household), or just for 'lulz'. I've noticed that the teen mom/misc tabloid sites will try to make a news item out of the tiniest thing. Remember when they had an article solely about Jeremy tweeting Javi with 'What's up puta'...

Who is Oreo?

Victoria Messer, Leah's younger sister. Leah couldn't pronounce 'Victoria' as a toddler, so the nickname Oreo stuck.

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I really don't understand what's going on here. Why does she (Brittany) have professional representation & why are there rumors on some Teen Mom sites that she might be on the show at some point? Why is Jeremy back on Twitter & liking her tweets? Are people really this white trash? Are people really this stupid? Are we being punked? (I know the answers to at least 2 of those questions is "yes.")

Edited to add:

OMG who can keep up with this drama? I just saw this- apparently the big news now is he unfollowed Brittany.


I'm thinking Leah is running his twitter or at least made him give her the password.

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Why is Jeremy back on Twitter & liking her tweets? Are people really this white trash? Are people really this stupid? Are we being punked? (I know the answers to at least 2 of those questions is "yes.")


Knowing that a nationwide audience is watching them distorts their behavior. Giving them big bucks which could disappear if they don't bring in the ratings also encourages them to go out of their normal routine for attention. It kinda makes 'reality show' an oxymoron. Now that you have social media and youtube, things get around faster and feed on each other. And of course not just anyone would agree to have their private lives invaded with a camera, so the ones cast get skewed toward a certain type. MTV seems to prefer casting people with drama and issues. Whenever I watch 16 and Pregnant and the young mother is doing her best to be stable and responsible, I suspect that I'll never see her on Teen Mom.

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Why would you buy a rescue horse? I mean an adoption fee I can understand, but it sounds like they actually purchased it for a normal horse price (granted I"m basing that on FB comments so who knows). 

Not to mention that even if you got the animal as a gift, the yearly cost of caring for it is a lot more than many people realize. If the animal has been mistreated and needs rehabilitation then I'd have to think care costs even more. Well, this is the smart businesswoman who was going to spend-- what was it? $3000? just for a washer and dryer.

  • Love 5

Knowing that a nationwide audience is watching them distorts their behavior. Giving them big bucks which could disappear if they don't bring in the ratings also encourages them to go out of their normal routine for attention. It kinda makes 'reality show' an oxymoron. Now that you have social media and youtube, things get around faster and feed on each other. And of course not just anyone would agree to have their private lives invaded with a camera, so the ones cast get skewed toward a certain type. MTV seems to prefer casting people with drama and issues. Whenever I watch 16 and Pregnant and the young mother is doing her best to be stable and responsible, I suspect that I'll never see her on Teen Mom.


Same here at Casa Persnickety.


At the end of each episode, I mentally check them off of my list to be a candidate for a spot on Teen Mom because everyone is just too normal, happy, and drama-free.


They must have sorely disappointed with that batch of girls and families on Teen Mom 3.  That was probably the most unlikable cast I've ever seen MTV put together.  

Pipeliner be pervin'. Mebbe his parents shoulda named him Ron Jeremy.


"Ron Germy" has a certain ring to it.  

  • Love 4

"Ron Germy" Totally fucking *dies* !!! 


And about those appliances....I purchased a new "redone" home. I moved in after renting it out for a year. ( A WHOLE new thread;) I bought all new appliances. 1500.00 was my budget for the laundry room. I bought the new shiny slate colored HEs AND a huge ass stainless french door fridge for that! And where the hell were they shopping? It didn't look like a large selection. And why buy those right when they were downsizing into an apartment and then a mobile? Girl don't even even sorta like doing laundry anydamway as Corey has stated.


Maybe it's the hairspray??? Or the Percocet. I can't even go with the RX cuz I have one and it doesn't make me stupid.  

  • Love 1

"Ron Germy" Totally fucking *dies* !!! 


And about those appliances....I purchased a new "redone" home. I moved in after renting it out for a year. ( A WHOLE new thread;) I bought all new appliances. 1500.00 was my budget for the laundry room. I bought the new shiny slate colored HEs AND a huge ass stainless french door fridge for that! And where the hell were they shopping? It didn't look like a large selection. And why buy those right when they were downsizing into an apartment and then a mobile? Girl don't even even sorta like doing laundry anydamway as Corey has stated.


Maybe it's the hairspray??? Or the Percocet. I can't even go with the RX cuz I have one and it doesn't make me stupid.  

I checked Google shopping and the machines were mostly 350-700 each.  If she had 20 kids like the Duggars I could see needing some big industrial strength thing but I just can't with $3000...I think the store where her card was declined was Big Sandy Superstore (no relation to Grandma Sandy), but it's been a while.


They must have sorely disappointed with that batch of girls and families on Teen Mom 3.  That was probably the most unlikable cast I've ever seen MTV put together.  

I can barely remember that cast...there was some family with two daughters and a single mom who kept talking about they were the strongest strongs who ever stronged... some Okie girl, with a semi comatose bf who hung out on the couch as much as Jenelle does and mumbled worse than Corey ever did because he had head injuries from rodeos? And a really needy girl that fought a lot with her gruff coal miner bf in Wyoming? (seem to be a lot of young dads in the fossil fuel industry on these shows)

Edited by cheatincheetos
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I checked Google shopping and the machines were mostly 350-700 each.  If she had 20 kids like the Duggars I could see needing some big industrial strength thing but I just can't with $3000...I think the store where her card was declined was Big Sandy Superstore (no relation to Grandma Sandy), but it's been a while.

I can barely remember that cast...there was some family with two daughters and a single mom who kept talking about they were the strongest strongs who ever stronged... some Okie girl, with a semi comatose bf who hung out on the couch as much as Jenelle does and mumbled worse than Corey ever did because he had head injuries from rodeos? And a really needy girl that fought a lot with her gruff coal miner bf in Wyoming? (seem to be a lot of young dads in the fossil fuel industry on these shows)


Yep, that would be the crew, plus the overbearing obnoxious one who worked as a dance instructor and had a total rant and rage against her mother on camera because the costumes she had gotten her class were misplaced.  Heaven forbid she have put them up in her room instead of leaving them literally in a Hefty bag in the living room so they appeared to be trash and then erupting like a volcano because someone treated the bag as such and threw it away.  


It was a sorrowful cast.  Pretty sad day when the person who makes the most sense is the above girl's heroin-addicted boyfriend.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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I can barely remember that cast...there was some family with two daughters and a single mom who kept talking about they were the strongest strongs who ever stronged... some Okie girl, with a semi comatose bf who hung out on the couch as much as Jenelle does and mumbled worse than Corey ever did because he had head injuries from rodeos? And a really needy girl that fought a lot with her gruff coal miner bf in Wyoming? (seem to be a lot of young dads in the fossil fuel industry on these shows)


You have a better memory than I do!  I couldn't remember any of them until I saw your post. I don't remember the strongest-of-strongs girl but I remember a blond Mackenzie whose husband (I think husband?) hung out and mumbled on the couch when he wasn't getting thrown off of bulls. I remember actually liking the coal-miner's GF who I think was also a dancer (the GF, not the coal miner). It's weird how the TM2 cast kind of took off and the other seasons seem to have just fizzled.

You have a better memory than I do!  I couldn't remember any of them until I saw your post. I don't remember the strongest-of-strongs girl but I remember a blond Mackenzie whose husband (I think husband?) hung out and mumbled on the couch when he wasn't getting thrown off of bulls. I remember actually liking the coal-miner's GF who I think was also a dancer (the GF, not the coal miner). It's weird how the TM2 cast kind of took off and the other seasons seem to have just fizzled.

LOL, I knew there were four moms but I completely forgot ragey dance instructor.

I remember actually liking the coal-miner's GF who I think was also a dancer (the GF, not the coal miner). It's weird how the TM2 cast kind of took off and the other seasons seem to have just fizzled.


That was Katie Yeager, not a dancer but one of the only girls I actually like in the whole TM mess (not just like to hate watch). She was the one most into her education, and I believe is on track to get her bachelor's in the near future. I guess TM2 success can be chalked up to the fact the girls are "characters" and tend to be full of drama, esp. Leah and Janelle. 

  • Love 2

That was Katie Yeager, not a dancer but one of the only girls I actually like in the whole TM mess (not just like to hate watch). She was the one most into her education, and I believe is on track to get her bachelor's in the near future. I guess TM2 success can be chalked up to the fact the girls are "characters" and tend to be full of drama, esp. Leah and Janelle. 

Yep,they get more ratings from Janelle flipping out and screaming at her cringing mom or setting a bed on fire with Nathan in it,  than from footage of someone sitting there reading her study guide.



 And why buy those right when they were downsizing into an apartment and then a mobile? Girl don't even even sorta like doing laundry anydamway as Corey has stated.

Maybe Leah picked the fabulously expensive ones because she thought a pony-shaped robot would come out of the machine and do all the laundry work for her.

  • Love 2

If Leah had to piss in a cup, she probably used fake pee or didn't eat her pills for a week or so. Yes, you can buy fake urine. I didn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. If it's not a 'witnessed collection', where someone watches you pee like court ordered tests are, it's a pretty easy thing to pull off. I know my former tenant did it several times, so did my son. If she's not smoking pot and only using opiates, staying clean for a week will do it unless they do a very high tech, expensive test which I doubt they did. Probably did a similar test as the ones you can buy at the local pharmacy. Pot stays in your tissue for a lot longer than other stuff and the more you smoke, the longer it takes to clear out. Opiates clear a lot faster. I keep expecting to read that they've devised a test that can detect synthetic urine but, haven't heard of it yet.

  • Love 1

If Leah had to piss in a cup, she probably used fake pee or didn't eat her pills for a week or so. Yes, you can buy fake urine. I didn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. If it's not a 'witnessed collection', where someone watches you pee like court ordered tests are, it's a pretty easy thing to pull off. I know my former tenant did it several times, so did my son. If she's not smoking pot and only using opiates, staying clean for a week will do it unless they do a very high tech, expensive test which I doubt they did. Probably did a similar test as the ones you can buy at the local pharmacy. Pot stays in your tissue for a lot longer than other stuff and the more you smoke, the longer it takes to clear out. Opiates clear a lot faster. I keep expecting to read that they've devised a test that can detect synthetic urine but, haven't heard of it yet.

The inquisitr article claimed that it was a hair follicle test. I am no expert on drug testing so I have no idea whether or not the test can be cheated. Still the nagging question is why she would be a 'nervous wreck' per the unnamed source and then ecstatic when the test came back negative if she wasn't misusing drugs in the first place. Do they only test for illegal drugs? I thought the rumors were that she was abusing prescription meds.

Edited by cheatincheetos

The inquisitr article claimed that it was a hair follicle test. I am no expert on drug testing so I have no idea whether or not the test can be cheated. Still the nagging question is why she would be a 'nervous wreck' per the unnamed source and then ecstatic when the test came back negative if she wasn't misusing drugs in the first place.

I just googled  'cheating a hair follicle drug test' and found a bunch of info on how to do it. Looks like there are shampoos specifically formulated just for that purpose :) She was probably washing that bird's nest on her head frantically for days before she had to give a sample.  

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