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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I want to say Kirsten Dunst. I think they look similar enough, she has a baby face, and she was in a Lifetime movie before....that awful 15 and Pregnant drivel. So she's familiar with the territory.


Who would play Germy and Corey?

Willie Robertson from Duck Dynasty has about the right amount of facial hair to play Corey. Just give him a haircut.

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I was reading one of the articles about how Leah took Ali's $50,000 or whatever and the comments on the article made me  so sad. There were all these girls defending Leah.

We can't see IP addresses for the posts, so it's hard not to think that a lot of them are the Messer/Gibson family women posting away.

Edited by cheatincheetos

I very well may not remember correctly, but when Leah accuses that Corey's attorney went to social media, did that actually happen? Did anyone see it? I remember Leah making a huge deal that his attorney just wanted publicity of being in Teen Mom (unlike her klassy loyyer) but I don't remember there being any actual social media downgrading (take a drink y'all).

It's always "you'll see later" with her, didn't she promise that all of this truth was going to come out at the custody hearing, yet that came and went and Corey still has joint custody of the girlses, so no truth bombs from Leah there. If she really wanted to speak out and all that then her best decision was that little period of time when she hadn't signed the mtv contract... But of course she did go ahead and sign so here we go again with the being unable to talk.

The only time I remember Corey's lawyer making statements outside the show was to In Touch magazine. I don't have the "klassy" issue anymore but I think all he said was something along the lines of my client is concerned for his children, he has a good case, etc. I think Leah's ranting is just a case of her being delusional, as with Corey&Miranda's fan page that I haven't found yet. I guess Leah is caught up in her own web of lies (and stupid) and she is just grasping at straws and trying to bring others down with her. 


I want to say Kirsten Dunst. I think they look similar enough, she has a baby face, and she was in a Lifetime movie before....that awful 15 and Pregnant drivel. So she's familiar with the territory



If I'm remembering correctly, Dunst character in that movie was also spoiled and sheltered, from a working class family so...yeah Dunst has Leah's character down.


Edit: Read the Radar article, Corey's lawyer didn't say anything bad, just the facts of the Custody case. So again, Leah has no grounds to be pissy.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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Leah commenting on Corey and Miranda's marriage proves to me what an asshole she is. I don't recall Corey or Miranda making unnecessary comments about the state of her marriage. I think she's still seething that she can't snap her fingers and Corey will come running back to her. She fucked up that marriage and no amount of revisionist history about Corey buying a truck will make us forget that she fucked Robbie before her wedding.

I can't stand her lying ass.

  • Love 7

Leah commenting on Corey and Miranda's marriage proves to me what an asshole she is. I don't recall Corey or Miranda making unnecessary comments about the state of her marriage. I think she's still seething that she can't snap her fingers and Corey will come running back to her. She fucked up that marriage and no amount of revisionist history about Corey buying a truck will make us forget that she fucked Robbie before her wedding.

I can't stand her lying ass.


I don't have time to research it right now (damned work), but there was a report by a couple of tabloids that Corey was the person who tipped off Germy about Leah's continuing interludes with Robbie (which apparently was verified by the notorious deer cam).


If that rumor is true (which I guess could go either way), I can see that Leah is going to be pissed off for a very, very long time that Corey dared to let Germy know he was being played for a fool, just like Corey was.

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It's always "you'll see later" with her, didn't she promise that all of this truth was going to come out at the custody hearing, yet that came and went

Yep! Well said. Of course it only does so much to muzzle her on social media anyway if her sister. mother, grandmother, second-cousin or half the folk in the rest of the county feel like being loose cannons.

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Anybody else see this?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

On file: Dec. 28, 2014

Kanawha County


The following people filed for marriage licenses in Kanawha County betweet Dec. 18 and 24:

Robert Allen Kidd, 22, and Monica Renee Haas, 22, both of Elkview.

- See more at: http://www.wvgazette.com/article/20141228/GZ01/141229476/1127#sthash.IjKmbYlR.dpuf

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
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The following people filed for marriage licenses in Kanawha County betweet Dec. 18 and 24:

Robert Allen Kidd, 22, and Monica Renee Haas, 22, both of Elkview.

- See more at: http://www.wvgazette.com/article/20141228/GZ01/141229476/1127#sthash.IjKmbYlR.dpuf

They allow conjugal visits in WV prisons?

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Yep....  Really Germy. I still held out hope you would do the smart thing.

Gotta love how Brittany kept the nude pic(s) that Jermy sent her and is reportedly seeking representation by an agent. Did Adam ask Brittany to do a porn with him after Farrah said "No thanks, I have standards"?


"On November 23, Musick said she and Calvert stopped talking, reportedly so he could “get his head on straight.”

(and back behind the zipper)

Edited by cheatincheetos





Yep....  Really Germy. I still held out hope you would do the smart thing.



To be fair, after reading the article, It seemed that only Leah was saying Germy and her had gotten back together. That could mean anything from Leah is lying to herself and everyone else, or Germy did do the walk of shame back to Leah.  Even if they are back together for now, I don't see it lasting. I doubt there is any trust left on either side and both seemed unhappy before the Robbie situation. It's sad that they'll probably be putting the kids through another marriage meltdown, though.

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I still say Leah's next husband will be Adam.  I would just love to see that!!


No, no, I'm still holding out hope that Adumb will get together with his female counterpart, Jenelle. The levels of evil would be so high that they would both spontaneously combust, and then the world would be a much better place. =)



Yep....  Really Germy. I still held out hope you would do the smart thing.


Just who IS this Brittany chick? A professional MTV groupie? Why is she talking to both Adumb and Germy, who live nowhere remotely near each other???? Somebody better warn Jo!

  • Love 4

No, no, I'm still holding out hope that Adumb will get together with his female counterpart, Jenelle. The levels of evil would be so high that they would both spontaneously combust, and then the world would be a much better place. =)





Just who IS this Brittany chick? A professional MTV groupie? Why is she talking to both Adumb and Germy, who live nowhere remotely near each other???? Somebody better warn Jo!

Borderline and Hairline, love at first sight. It sounded like Hairline approached Brittany, whereas she took the initiative with Jermy. But you're right, why would she want to talk to him at all if she's familiar with his behavior?


PS loved this comment on the teenmomjunkies item on Leah's alleged book project. (there were so many gems, I felt like a WV miner y'all-all...)



December 31, 2014 at 3:46 pm

The only logical explanation: she has one of those voice to text programs and she’s just going to sit in front of computer and talk incoherently for 200 pages."

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Not-Leah answers some questions about the Gloss business.  Facebook page for it still includes Jerms in the family photo. "Add hair to our menu" probably wasn't intended to evoke a nauseating mental image. Guess they would've struggled to spell 'repertoire,' though.



Edited by cheatincheetos
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 OMG.  I'm now picturing Leah in a hairnet with dandruff falling into the food and a cigarette in her mouth.  I see the cigarette falling into the mashed potatoes and she uses her ungloved hand to pull it out.

And putting food back from off the floor that she dropped while trying to flirt with the PE teacher at the same time...




If the hair in your burger is purple, you know whose it is.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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But a Dumb and Dumber haircut is solid along the bangs, right?  (I just saw previews, I swear.)  Germy's is a more meticulous coif, and I'm not really sure how he did it.  Lots of product?  I'm just picturing him working on it in the mirror, arranging those individual pieces, and finally saying, "Yes, that's perfect." 

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I just want to yell "Dear God Leah!"


Leah D. CalvertVerified account
I'm pretty sure I told everyone we did not split up..  Maybe some people will believe me. love you all


https://twitter.com/TM2LeahDawn/status/551194212272979968  I don't know what I would do without this man in my life! 

We sure know what she did while he was IN her life.





Edited by Mkay
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I just want to yell "Dear God Leah!"


Leah D. CalvertVerified account



https://twitter.com/TM2LeahDawn/status/551194212272979968  I don't know what I would do without this man in my life! 

We sure know what she did while he was IN her life.

And while he was in some stripper, or at least strip bar...does she still have the Theresa Caputo wannabe hair or was that a short term experiment?

One of the comments pointed out that the year was edited out in the background of the NY party shot.

When she closes her eyes in the grainy kissing shot I want to ask if she's picturing Robbie kissing her.


"I don't know what I would do without *a* man in my life!" <-- fixed

Edited by cheatincheetos
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And while he was in some stripper, or at least strip bar...does she still have the Theresa Caputo wannabe hair or was that a short term experiment?

One of the comments pointed out that the year was edited out in the background of the NY party shot.

When she closes her eyes in the grainy kissing shot I want to ask if she's picturing Robbie kissing her.


"I don't know what I would do without *a* man in my life!" <-- fixed

I thought so too, at first. But if you look closer someone with a bald head is actually standing there blocking the last two numbers of the year.  Hahahaha No joke!! 

Edited by Mkay
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I just want to yell "Dear God Leah!"


Leah D. CalvertVerified account


I'm pretty sure I told everyone we did not split up..  Maybe some people will believe me. love you all


https://twitter.com/TM2LeahDawn/status/551194212272979968  I don't know what I would do without this man in my life! 

We sure know what she did while he was IN her life.

Dumb and Dumber...and Germy is helping himself by rockin' the look, either.




I don't know, but judging by Leahs hair, those pictures could be from this year.

Damn, I really wanted to see the downfall of Leah. Oh well, something to look forward to in 2015...

Happy New Year, Y'all.

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
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