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Jesus God, Leah!!

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1 hour ago, Uncle JUICE said:

No, like the password to the orgy in Eyes Wide Shut, where everyone wore masks. 

Oh, never watched it.  Hehe!  but the idea of toasted pasta with a red sauce did make laugh. I didn't get it, but still made me giggle. 

Don't mind me, it's  been a long hot day. 


Great,  now I have the idea of Leah's mother in an orgy! ... *Wine for dinner tonight.

*make the bad thought go away

Edited by imjagain
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Tatum, she looked better back then, you are right.  Before the drugses and the stresses and the weight loss.  (And it killed me to write "Drugses" and "stresses")  And of course, she would say "Corey did it to me!!  He's the reason I look bad now!!"  and then Mama Dawn would say "That don't make no sense"

Edited by spidermiss2426
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Wow, it's amazing to see these old pictures of Leah! Victoria doesn't look thaaaat much different, but Leah easily looks to have aged 20 years. They were both so young and carefree. It's interesting how Leah doesn't seem to have grown up mentally from those days. Every girl about this age has 2000's pictures where she's making silly faces, but very few are stuck there. 

Also, I'm seriously trying to figure out what the deal with the prom photos was. Is that Robbie in the pictures with her? Someone appears to be her date, but Corey appears in couply, kissy photos with her, wearing casual clothes. Someone explain this...I am so confused! Is that her brother in the matching tux? If so, why is he her date, and why isn't Corey? "That don't make no sense."

And wait a minute...is that a much-thinner Chasity getting married?

leah posing for prom pictures at McDonald's...classy...

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8 hours ago, imjagain said:

Why is this here?! It won't leave...sorry imjagain!

i can't even type outside of the quote box without putting something in here. And I never quoted!

Those 80s "glamour shots" on dawn's MySpace are so fucking hilarious!! Esp the one with Dawn in the motocycle hat! 

I don't remember how much older Corey is than Leah - I also don't know about rules in WV schools but in my hs you couldn't bring someone to prom that had already graduated/wasn't in high school. They literally needed the full name and school the potential dates went to if they weren't from our hs so they could confirm. I know the schools isn't well there but maybe they had a similar policy?

Edited by Rebecca
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It must differ from state to state. My S-I-L was still 17 when she graduated and was dating my 21 year old B-I-L -who was interning at a very close by school because he was planning to become a teacher (he did, too) and she took him to prom-. Actually, ugh. Personally, I don't think he should have been dating her at all, but that's none of my business. FFS

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4 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Those 80s "glamour shots" on dawn's MySpace are so fucking hilarious!! Esp the one with Dawn in the motocycle hat! 

I don't remember how much older Corey is than Leah - I also don't know about rules in WV schools but in my hs you couldn't bring someone to prom that had already graduated/wasn't in high school. They literally needed the full name and school the potential dates went to if they weren't from our hs so they could confirm. I know the schools isn't well there but maybe they had a similar policy?

I had the same problem the other day, with the quote box. It drove me crazy.  It followed me around the whole day. 

I love all Dawn's glamor shots lol,  but yes the motorcycle hat one is priceless. 

Edited by imjagain
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8 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Is Papa Jeff referring to weirdo gender roles? It's not like she couldn't have gotten a different job in her new area...

That is kind of the vibe I got from Poppa Jeff's post...not that Miranda quit because it was too hard logistically to work in one county while living in another, but that it was just understood that the womenfolk quit as soon as they got married. Like regardless of what career Miranda had, or where she was working, it was a given that she could not be a wife and a professional anything. I hope I misunderstood that.

Edited by Tatum
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9 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Those 80s "glamour shots" on dawn's MySpace are so fucking hilarious!! Esp the one with Dawn in the motocycle hat! 

I don't remember how much older Corey is than Leah - I also don't know about rules in WV schools but in my hs you couldn't bring someone to prom that had already graduated/wasn't in high school. They literally needed the full name and school the potential dates went to if they weren't from our hs so they could confirm. I know the schools isn't well there but maybe they had a similar policy?

The motorcycle hat shot is awesome! Years ago, a friend of mine tried to get me to do a glamour shot thing (I think she got a discount if she suckered someone else into it) and I told her no thanks. I'm so glad there aren't old photos like that of me floating around!

When my son was high school age, his girlfriend asked him to some formal dance and he'd already finished the requirements and gotten his diploma through the alternative school. The HS wouldn't allow him to attend because he wasn't a student. I can see Corey saying no fucking way to going to the prom and Leah and Dawn acting like it was the end of the world. So, she went with her cousin or something. She was pregnant with the girlses by then, right?

Edited by lovesnark
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2 hours ago, Tatum said:

That is kind of the vibe I got from Poppa Jeff's post...not that Miranda quit because it was too hard logistically to work in one county while living in another, but that it was just understood that the womenfolk quit as soon as they got married. Like regardless of what career Miranda had, or where she was working, it was a given that she could not be a wife and a professional anything. I hope I misunderstood that.

That's exactly what I got from it too. 

I understand it's difficult logistically to switch careers in law enforcement when you move, but it's not like nobody in law enforcement or security/park ranger fields ever moves. I think we're being a bit optimistic by assuming that's the issue. If he'd meant that, he'd have said "gave up her job," not her "career." Her career, in that or another field, could easily have continued. She was only 21-22 with a college degree. As it stands, it looks like she didn't have much of one-- worked only about a year or less.

I understand it was technically her "choice," but it doesn't seem in their circles that there really is much of one. At least not without social/romantic consequences. And it sounds like he's praising her as if that was the obvious result, not a personal individual choice for her and Corey. 

Edited by Lm2162
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I just didn't see it that way.  I read it as Corey asked Miranda to move in with him. When you live in small towns, like me, and you have to drive 30 miles to the closest town to work, gas eats away at what you could be making. I'm sure Corey let it be know. He couldn't move because he wanted to stay close to his daughters and Miranda made the choice to leave her career and move in with Corey. Small towns don't always have an opening in law enforcement. My husband is a reserve and this is always the case here. He always wanted to reserve with our local sheriff department but they never have the space.  

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Not knowing the Simms personally, I have no idea how progressive or not they are towards gender roles. Certainly, the whole family (as do most of the people in Leah's world) come off as more "traditional", as it goes. But that doesn't mean Corey or Jeff are cave dwellers who don't want their "little women" out of the kitchen. I mean, Leah did work for a nanosecond at the dentist's office during her brief marriage to Corey.  I can't remember whether Corey had a problem with it or not (wasn't a regular viewer at that time), but I do remember that Corey often gave in to want Leah wanted, be that going out with friends or spending money. I don't know anything about Jeff's current wife, but wasn't his ex (Corey's mom) a hairstylist with possibly her own salon? For all we know she worked during their marriage, as well. Either way, that doesn't read to me as either are completely backwards misogynists. It seems to me that Jeff was proudly showing off his former deputy DIL and is proud of her for having been in law enforcement. If he wasn't or if he was dismissive of her former career, I'd think he wouldn't show a picture of her in uniform on his twitter account.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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1 hour ago, Mkay said:

I just didn't see it that way.  I read it as Corey asked Miranda to move in with him. When you live in small towns, like me, and you have to drive 30 miles to the closest town to work, gas eats away at what you could be making. I'm sure Corey let it be know. He couldn't move because he wanted to stay close to his daughters and Miranda made the choice to leave her career and move in with Corey. Small towns don't always have an opening in law enforcement. My husband is a reserve and this is always the case here. He always wanted to reserve with our local sheriff department but they never have the space.  

Could be...I certainly don't know him enough to even speculate on his feelings towards women working. Just his choice of wording though- "career" instead of "job" or "position", and "be with my son" vs "move in with my son" or "come live with my son"... just to me, it seemed like very permanent choice of words. Like, the second she agreed to marry Corey, she wasn't just giving up her current position, she was sacrificing any future position in law enforcement. It just rubbed me the wrong way. Perhaps that is not how he meant it; that is just the way I read it.

36 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I mean, Leah did work for a nanosecond at the dentist's office during her brief marriage to Corey.  I can't remember whether Corey had a problem with it or not

He actually had a huge problem with it. However, I don't know that his problem was about his wife working per se, and rather his suspicion (likely true) that Leah only wanted to work so she could meet potential replacements for Corey.

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Is it just me, or does Leah favor Jenelle a bit in those Glamour Shot photos? Also, what grown woman takes GS pics with her teenage daughters? Wow. 

The prom pictures confuse me too. Leah had TWO dates? An actual prom date and then the boyfriend who can't go? SO who was her date? It does kind of look like Robbie, but that would be hella awkward. Then again, being escorted to prom by your brother would be awkward too. (At least outside the holler.) Plus, I thought she and Corey didn't date before she got pregnant. I thought they were a one night stand, and once she found out she was pregnant, THEN they decided to try and have a relationship? If that's the case, why is she all lovey dovey with him in prom pics? Was prom after the babies? 

I'm so confused. 

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I'm confused too. Both girls look like they have mustaches and the prom pictures, are we sure they're prom pictures? Plus the funeral picture. I know some families take photos but do you post them on the internet? I've only seen it done once, in the early '90s, and that family had them in a small photo album kept at the mother's house. Not passing out copies. My family doesn't do any of this so I'm not sure if posting on MySpace/Facebook is the norm. ?

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18 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Is it just me, or does Leah favor Jenelle a bit in those Glamour Shot photos? Also, what grown woman takes GS pics with her teenage daughters? Wow. 


I always thought Jenelle and Leah looked a bit alike. When Leah bleached and straightened her hair shortly before Teen Mom 2 aired, I thought that was Jenelle (who had straight blond hair during 16 & P- minus the 6 inches of black roots).

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2 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Holy crap. I just found this article with a pic of her in the prom dress that says "Leah Messer poses in her prom dress just before her fateful prom night hookup with Corey".  So, looks like she went to prom with someone else and banged Corey in the back of his truck later. Keepin it klassy!



That must have been an early prom. Leah gave birth in Dec at about 36 weeks, if I recall correctly. That would put conception around early to mid April.

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29 minutes ago, lovesnark said:


Holy crap. I just found this article with a pic of her in the prom dress that says "Leah Messer poses in her prom dress just before her fateful prom night hookup with Corey".  So, looks like she went to prom with someone else and banged Corey in the back of his truck later. Keepin it klassy!


But it makes no sense. There are pics of her in the prom dress being all cutesy with Corey. So she was obviously into him before prom. Why pics with BOTH guys? 

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Knowing the way Leah operates, it probably went something like this. Robbie broke up with her, she got some other guy to ask her to the prom, met Corey in the meantime. She really wanted to go to prom, so she strung both guys along, went to prom with the guy that asked her, then ditched him so she could go bang Corey in his truck.

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37 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Knowing the way Leah operates, it probably went something like this. Robbie broke up with her, she got some other guy to ask her to the prom, met Corey in the meantime. She really wanted to go to prom, so she strung both guys along, went to prom with the guy that asked her, then ditched him so she could go bang Corey in his truck.

I think those photos were of SENIOR prom, so the twins were already born and she was with Corey, but Corey couldn't escort her to prom because of his age. Wasn't it the next winter she had fling # 1 with Robbie and Corey moved out and she was whining she was alone on Valentine's Day? I don't think it was when the twins were only 2 months (as they were born in Dec). 

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6 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I think those photos were of SENIOR prom, so the twins were already born and she was with Corey, but Corey couldn't escort her to prom because of his age. Wasn't it the next winter she had fling # 1 with Robbie and Corey moved out and she was whining she was alone on Valentine's Day? I don't think it was when the twins were only 2 months (as they were born in Dec). 

The pic was in an article that contained an interview with Leah and was captioned as being the night she hooked up with Corey for the first time. She's always said she got pregnant the first time she slept with Corey. On prom night.

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37 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

The pic was in an article that contained an interview with Leah and was captioned as being the night she hooked up with Corey for the first time. She's always said she got pregnant the first time she slept with Corey. On prom night.

Oh okay. See what I know! Thanks. 

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Yeah, Corey bitched a LOT about Leah working. He likely wouldn't as much if Miranda worked, but I'd be willing to bet quite a bit that he wouldn't exactly love and support the idea. Their community is pretty backwards as a whole. 

I like Corey and Jeff, but they are undoubtedly misogynists. Not any more than anyone around them and not anymore than Miranda or Leah likely are themselves, but it's still disappointing when I'm reminded of how much of the country swings that way. 

Edited by Lm2162
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11 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, Corey bitched a LOT about Leah working. He likely wouldn't as much if Miranda worked, but I'd be willing to bet quite a bit that he wouldn't exactly love and support the idea. Their community is pretty backwards as a whole. 

I like Corey and Jeff, but they are undoubtedly misogynists. Not any more than anyone around them and not anymore than Miranda or Leah likely are themselves, but it's still disappointing when I'm reminded of how much of the country swings that way. 

Well, as Tatum  pointed out, the difference between Leah working and Miranda working is that Miranda would probably actually be working, while Leah would use it as an excuse to meet Robbie or whomever for lunch time romp in her car. Since Leah was so lazy and demanding from the start I can see why Corey might have been suspicious of her. Then again, I also saw Leah calling the shots in their relationship quite a bit, so it's not as if he was super controlling or demanding of her. Really, those two were a disaster from the start but that is a whole other topic.

Yeah, I will agree that the Elk View, VA communities of the US hold a lot of backwards thinking. So do a lot of the nice suburbs, which is even more disappointing, imo.

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Yeah, @HeySandyStrange, it's not some condemnation of him personally, it's their culture. But their culture is very, very sexist. 

I don't think Leah working is the same as Miranda working, but I'd bet money that Corey, Jeff, and company wouldn't exactly be thrilled if Miranda got some newfound career ambition. It's never black and white. Corey and Miranda aren't bad people. But sexism is undoubtedly ingrained into their cultural and family life. 

I do wish the girls saw someone around them with some kind of higher education and a career, especially a woman. Sadly, the only thing they'll likely aspire to is finding a good man rather than a Robbie Kidd to support them.

Edited by Lm2162
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Corey bitched a LOT about Leah working

Cory was upset, rightly so, about what his wife was actually doing out in the holler.  In fact, it was Leah who bitched non-stop to both of her husbands about their jobs, and not being home to give her sexual satisfaction, attention, and to be there to do loads of laundry. Leah griped about Cory not being home enough. Same with Jeremy. Leah griped about needing more money. Jeremy goes out of town to make more money, but then Leah bitched about him not being home with her. That is the show I watched.

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51 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Cory was upset, rightly so, about what his wife was actually doing out in the holler.  In fact, it was Leah who bitched non-stop to both of her husbands about their jobs, and not being home to give her sexual satisfaction, attention, and to be there to do loads of laundry. Leah griped about Cory not being home enough. Same with Jeremy. Leah griped about needing more money. Jeremy goes out of town to make more money, but then Leah bitched about him not being home with her. That is the show I watched.

I agree with all that. 

To me, it's not Corey vs Leah for this particular issue. Their neck of the woods is sexist. It just is. Nothing to do with either. 

I'd be really surprised if Miranda expressed a interest in anything other than hubby/kids AND if Corey supported it. Would be shocking considering their extremely patriarchal upbringings. 

Edited by Lm2162
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AFAIK, Miranda worked in law enforcement for 3 months. That particular dept. has a bad reputation. Claims of corruption, nepotism, misogyny and also sexual assault accusations against officers from women in the county... Miranda was likely the only female deputy and probably didn't care too much about resigning and uprooting to go and live with Corey.

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14 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I think those photos were of SENIOR prom, so the twins were already born and she was with Corey, but Corey couldn't escort her to prom because of his age

This makes a lot more sense, thank you. So they got someone to escort her to prom, but she was with Corey and they'd already had the twins. 

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I don't think Leah and Corey were together around the time of senior prom. Leah broke up with Corey in late Jan/early Feb of 2010, thinking Robbie was waiting for her in the wings. Robbie was down to hook up with her behind Corey's back, but ran the fuck away upon hearing Leah had ditched Corey and expected Robbie to step in. Leah tried to get Corey back around Valentines Day 2010 and learned he was dating another girl. They co-parented for about 3 months, then Leah invited him over for a reconciliation dinner shortly after her graduation from high school in 2010. I remember because Leah invited him to her graduation and Corey hesitantly said maybe then did not come. Corey agreed to give her another chance after she wrote "I Love Corey" in chocolate frosting on a slice of corn bread (as you do) when she made him dinner at her trailer.


That led to one of the funniest exchanges Corey has been involved in:

Leah: So how is it going living with your mom? (Corey had moved out over the winter when they broke up and in with his mom)

Corey: Not great. The mattress in the spare room is super uncomfortable

Leah (very flirtatiously): Go lay down in my bed

Corey: Nah. Who knows how may guys have been there?

Cut to Leah looking both ashamed and pissed off at the same time.

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2 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I don't think Leah and Corey were together around the time of senior prom. Leah broke up with Corey in late Jan/early Feb of 2010, thinking Robbie was waiting for her in the wings. Robbie was down to hook up with her behind Corey's back, but ran the fuck away upon hearing Leah had ditched Corey and expected Robbie to step in. Leah tried to get Corey back around Valentines Day 2010 and learned he was dating another girl. They co-parented for about 3 months, then Leah invited him over for a reconciliation dinner shortly after her graduation from high school in 2010. I remember because Leah invited him to her graduation and Corey hesitantly said maybe then did not come. Corey agreed to give her another chance after she wrote "I Love Corey" in chocolate frosting on a slice of corn bread (as you do) when she made him dinner at her trailer.


That led to one of the funniest exchanges Corey has been involved in:

Leah: So how is it going living with your mom? (Corey had moved out over the winter when they broke up and in with his mom)

Corey: Not great. The mattress in the spare room is super uncomfortable

Leah (very flirtatiously): Go lay down in my bed

Corey: Nah. Who knows how may guys have been there?

Cut to Leah looking both ashamed and pissed off at the same time.

You are correct. The article I posted a link to clears it up. Leah went to prom with one guy but hooked up with Corey later that night and got pregnant. From the pics on Dawn's MySpace, it looks like she was already chummy with Corey but went to prom with someone else. 

I'd forgotten about that convo between them and the chocolate frosted cornbread. It will always be hilarious!

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Yes, I stand corrected on my early prom comment. Leah's twins were born Dec 16 when she was 34 weeks pregnant, not 36. That would have put her due date on or around Jan 27, 2010, and her conception date in early May. During her 16 and Pregnant episode, she said Corey was giving her a ride home from a party. Maybe she meant a post-prom party? Given her post prom hookup and her recent break up from Robbie, I'm going to guess her junior prom date was a platonic one.


Leah, at age 17, actually had a glimmer of self awareness at the end of 16 and pregnant and immediately after the show aired. I recall an interview where she said she had remembered that she was a bitch to Corey, looking back, but until she watched the show she had no idea how bad it was, and she was horrified at her behavior. She did mention postpartum hormones (which I will grant her) but in general took responsibility for her behavior and said she owed Corey a huge apology. Can you imagine her at this point admitting her faults and apologizing to anyone? 

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1 hour ago, Tatum said:

Corey agreed to give her another chance after she wrote "I Love Corey" in chocolate frosting on a slice of corn bread (as you do) when she made him dinner at her trailer.

That led to one of the funniest exchanges Corey has been involved in:

Leah: So how is it going living with your mom? (Corey had moved out over the winter when they broke up and in with his mom)

Corey: Not great. The mattress in the spare room is super uncomfortable

Leah (very flirtatiously): Go lay down in my bed

Corey: Nah. Who knows how may guys have been there?

Cut to Leah looking both ashamed and pissed off at the same time.

Tatum, thank you!  ???I cannot stop laughing.  I genuinely do not remember this Corey, it has been so long.

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While Corey's sick burn on Leah's overworked mattress IS funny, I still think it's more amusing she was able to lure Corey back into her lair with corn bread and chocolate frosting.

I am pretty sure Corey started crying at the dinner table when he saw Leah's dessert masterpiece.

@Katt- maybe? I think Leah started to serve it to him plain and then when she saw that wasn't working, pulled out one of those chocolate frosting tubes and wrote I *heart* Corey in order to step up her game.

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7 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

So wait, the twins were born Dec 2009 and Leah dumped Cory to hook up with Robbie and Robbie wouldn't take her back in Feb 2010? Dang that was quick. 

It's hard to tell because Leah is an unreliable narrator, but from what I gathered, Robbie pretty much avoided Leah during much of 2009. Towards the end of her pregnancy, Robbie started talking to her more. I'm not sure why. Leah had been pretty decent to Corey up until then, but when it appeared Robbie was sniffing around again, that's when Leah was just a heinous bitch to Corey. She blamed him for getting her pregnant and ruining her senior year. After the twins were born, she would look at Corey with just completely unveiled contempt and resentment. I believe she also hooked up with Robbie when she was just a few weeks postpartum but that is unconfirmed.

Leah finally told Corey in no uncertain terms she pretty much hated the sight of him and had no interest in playing family with him. Not sure of the dates but it was before Valentines Day. Corey moved out, and she invited Robbie over. Robbie looked thoroughly uncomfortable, and started avoiding Leah again and dodging her calls. Around Valentines Day Leah said she accepted that Robbie was not ready to play stepdad, and started asking Corey's friends how he was doing. I believe one of them told her Corey had a date that night, which caused Leah to drive off crying, saying "that is so not cool". When the show ended, Leah was sitting in her room tearfully talking to the camera, saying she felt horrible for how badly she had treated Corey and that she wishes she could take it back. The show then panned to Corey helping her unload or reload the twins in her car and then leaving her outside.


Corey and Leah reconciled in the spring of 2010 and married later that year. They then divorced early/mid 2011.  So they broke up, got back together, married, AND divorced before the twins were even a year and a half.

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@Tatum thank you, the timeline you described above makes sense, as I know Cory and Leah married in October 2010, and I distinctly remember how upset Leah was to be alone on Valentine's Day but I didn't recall it was the Valentine's Day after the twins were born. 

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1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

So wait, the twins were born Dec 2009 and Leah dumped Cory to hook up with Robbie and Robbie wouldn't take her back in Feb 2010? Dang that was quick. 

Not as quick as the time Leah dumped Jermy right after she had her miscarriage, ran to Cory who then proceeded to let her know he was very hesitant to resume any sort of relationship with her. She walked away with her tail between her legs as she wondered if Jermy would be willing to take her back.


Here is a dating timeline for Leah which happens to mention her dating that guy Dusty. He gets lost in the dust when Leah's dating timeline is discussed: http://starcasm.net/archives/180858

Edited by GreatKazu
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19 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:


Freaking quote boxes!


You are correct. The article I posted a link to clears it up. Leah went to prom with one guy but hooked up with Corey later that night and got pregnant. From the pics on Dawn's MySpace, it looks like she was already chummy with Corey but went to prom with someone else.


I'm still so confused. Who takes pictures with someone other than their date? Especially if the pics with the other guy are more romantic than the ones with the guy you're actually going with? It's all so weird to me. 

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22 minutes ago, ghoulina said:


Freaking quote boxes!





I'm still so confused. Who takes pictures with someone other than their date? Especially if the pics with the other guy are more romantic than the ones with the guy you're actually going with? It's all so weird to me. 

LOL! It is confusing. Try to think like the Princess of the Holler for a minute and you'll get it. That ding dang Robbie broke up with you and you'd already bought a Toddlers & Tiaras worthy dress for the prom, a box of fake nails, 12 cans of AquaNet, all the Wet & Wild makeup they had at WalMart and a case of tan in a can. So, you flirt with the weird guy that hangs out leering at the chicks at cheer practice and he asks you to go. A couple weeks before the big day, you meet Corey. And, being the hottest chick in the holler, you flirt with him, too. You don't really like the weird guy you're going with, so it's no big deal that you've been making out with Corey after cheer practice every night. Prom day finally gets here and you invite Corey to hang out with you before the dance, pose for some pics, then go to the dance with the other guy. You ditch him to go to the after party, meet up with Corey and have a romantic hump in the back of his truck to top off the magical night. See? It's not confusing at all when you think like Leah!

Edited by lovesnark
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