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Jesus God, Leah!!

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All this fits very well with today's blind.


The batch of prescription pills that this Teen Mom is addicted to has her paranoid and delusional and has everyone terrified to even be near her. Leah Messer

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Of course it's the teacher's fault also. She was so charmed by Corey that she falsified documents. So what happened to the time stamped photos? This girl seriously needs help with her head. Just shut up about Corey already. Does she think the girls aren't going to Google this shit when they are old enough? She needs to stop trashing the father or her twins. And she needs to quit her maniac thoughts and ideas about shit. First it was she had anxiety then it was her back then it was narcolepsy. So now that she has lost custody it is Corey is the big bad, the teacher is the big bad, next it will be the school district and the county and me and you and my daughter and her friends. We are all out to get her. Seriously Leah get off the drugs it is making you irrational and leaving in a fantasy land. Oh wait you were already like that but the drugs just enhanced it.

Like Corey said, they are going through enough with Remington coming early, and as someone who has twins and one with health problems, you would think this dumb twit would be more compassionate and instead just say congratulations to them and hope all is well. But noooooo Leah has to be the asshole she is and make it all about shit that doesn't matter. This girl has some nerve and needs to grow the fuck up and get her head examined


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Long time kindergarten teacher here. I take my attendance electronically the minute the bell rings. I have parents complain all of the time, "we were in the building". I don't care, it's 8:50, and I need to start our day. When you have upwards of 25 5 year olds, the last thing you want to do is wait on late kids. I hope Corey and Miranda keep custody of the girlses.

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Leah is the kind of "parent" who thinks as long as her kids get to school, regardless of the time, they attended. Technically, yes. The girls are in school, but they are tardy.


Interesting how Leah is fighting this whole school issue and yet, as someone mentioned above, where is the proof of the missed medical appointments? *tapping my foot* 

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Is the only reason she lost custody because of the tardies? I feel like there was more to it than that, like her being an asshole and a moron. That article makes it sound like oh whoops they were never tardy sorry we took your kids away here they are again!

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Leah was court-ordered to get her kids to school. Imagine having to be court-ordered to get your kids to school. Insane.  She was also court-ordered to get her daughter to her required weekly therapy appointments. The school matter is what has been brought out as being the reason why custody was changed. Whether it is the only thing, we can't say for sure. In the eyes of the court, just violating that order about getting the kids to school and for them to not be tardy or have any unexcused absences, is enough for the judge to follow through with the consequence. I have no doubt the judge made it clear to Leah that ANY violation of the court order would be cause for removal of the kids.

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It's also entirely possible that attendance is counted at a certain time each morning at the girlses school and even if they were "present" they were counted absent for the day because they didn't arrive before the cutoff.

Just to clarify, the judge in Leah's case was on her ass about the girls being tardy too, not just absent. So, even if that were the case, as I mentioned above, the girls could have arrived after attendance was taken, but that still does not negate the fact Leah has violated the court order. She had to make sure she got her kids to school ON TIME and any absences were excused with a note from a doctor.  That is why there was that scene during the season where Leah was struggling to get the kids to school on time. She knew there was no legit reason for them being tardy. It was all because Leah had them out late the night before and she couldn't bother to get up early to get them ready on time.



Or even more possible is that Leah was sound asleep when the girls were getting themselves ready for school and they couldn't wake her up so they missed school.

I know, right? This is all bullshit. We know Leah too well to give her any sort of pass. She has no proof. If she did, that would have been taken care of when her ass was taken back to court in the summer. It isn't as if Leah was blindsided and she was told to appear in court at the last minute. She, and her attorney, are given notice about any court appearances. I am not sure if this is what happened, but I think the judge may have told all parties to return to court in six months for an evaluation on this matter. Some judges will order this to see what, if any, violations might have occurred.


ETA: Jenelle wishes Leah would admit her drug problem, and other words of wisdom:



“I think she should [discuss her addiction battle],” Leah Messer’s co-star said. “But at the same time, no one can force you to do anything. You have to be ready for it… You can’t force people to go to rehab. If you do force them, they’ll do it like, ‘Yeah, I’ll do it to make you happy’ and then they’ll get out and probably do drugs again. They have to be ready themselves.”

The report went on to reveal that Leah Messer’s co-star felt that if she could get her life back on track, she could regain custody of her 5-year-old twins, Ali and Aleeah Simms.

“There is always time to change,” she explained.




This is old news, but I don't recall if the tidbit in this article was mentioned when this story came out a few weeks ago. If it was mentioned, please disregard this. The story about Leah taking  money from her kids' trust fund mentions something else she did with the money (aside from drugs):



So, what did Leah need the cash for? Apparently she used it to buy a new house for her mother, Dawn.


Edited by GreatKazu
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When you are getting words of wisdom from JENELLE you really need to take a look at your life and reevaluate.

I'm not sure if inquisitor is a reliable source, Leah has been claiming all this proof, it is possible that A absence/tardy was a mistake, but Corey didn't get custody based on one instance. And I for sure don't consider "a source close to Leah" as reliable... The majority of people close to her are just as delusional as she is.

Part of me just wants Leah to shut up and let the girls be, but I do understand that she's going to keep fighting for her girls, pretty much anyone in that situation would be fighting and never stop... So I'll give her that, but I do wish she would take a step back and see what she is doing to the girls by dragging Corey through the dirt. Corey is an adult, and has coping skills to not worry about what Leah thinks, she's not hurting him, but the girls are children and most likely take Leah at her word as their mother, so when she says all of these bad things about him that can be really hard/confusing. When I was close to their age my parents got divorced, my mom obviously didn't talk to me directly about my dad because I was 6/7 (except when I would get grilled about what happened when I was there for a weekend) but she openly talked to her friends even if I wasn't in the room I could often hear, and it was really confusing to hear her say all these bad things, but then get dropped off with him and be expected to behave and respect him.

All of that to say, I highly doubt the school reversed any decision or apologized, she did this same song and dance over the missed appointments when she said she had a documented reason for all of them. I can't say for sure about the girls school, but a good majority of schools have some kind of security cameras at the entrance... So if her story was true, most likely she wouldn't even have to present her "evidence" the school could look at their own tapes to see, that is if they have security cameras.

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I never said it did. My comment was in reference to Leah saying her kids were "at school" when they were counted absent. If you don't show up at a certain time each day to school you are absent regardless if you showed up one minute after that window or one hour. I assumed Leah didn't understand that when she said the school said her kids were absent. 

The poster you are quoting did comment on that very same thing in their previous comment. I am guessing that is what they meant in their response to you.


I guess that is pretty much how it is in many schools in different states. If a child is not in their seat when the teacher is taking attendance, they are marked absent. Knowing Leah, she most certainly thinks as long as her girls get to school, regardless of the time of day, they are in school and they shouldn't be marked as absent. When I worked for a short time at our local school, I heard plenty of parents who were not clear on why their child was marked absent even though their child had gone to school. No matter if their child was tardy. It made for a lot of frustrated parents who thought maybe their child was not on the school grounds.


I agree with leighroda. Leah did this very same thing when she was called out on camera for Ali missing her therapy appointments. Leah claimed to have spoken with the therapist and there were mistakes made on their records. Where was that proof when Leah went to court back in December? It didn't exist or else the judge wouldn't have ordered her to ensure she get her girls to school and Ali to her appointments. That is why Miranda had to step up and start taking Ali to her appointments. That is what we saw happen this past season in one scene.


Happy Thanksgiving all. Thanks for all the snark and the laughs. I look forward to another round of this snark as we know they are going to make another season of this damn show. I am headed out in a bit, but just wanted to pop in and tell you all this. I had no idea there was this crap going on with Leah. Good ol' Leah. The girl keeps on giving us the snark.

Edited by SPLAIN
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There is a TM marathon on right now. They are showing the season where Leah is bitching to Jeremy about her need to have him home more because Leah is playing both mom and dad. She is stressed and tired. She is saying all of this as they are on vacation while having lunch. Yeah, that sums up every season of Leah. lol  It is the 2014 season.

Edited by GreatKazu
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There is a TM marathon on right now. They are showing the season where Leah is bitching to Jeremy about her need to have him home more because Leah is playing both mom and dad. She is stressed and tired. She is saying all of this as they are on vacation while having lunch. Yeah, that sums up every season of Leah. lol  It is the 2014 season.

Fuck Javi just mentioned Pizza! Now I have to order in to watch five episodes. 


Leah tires me out just by speaking. 69 delicious pages of snark. Perfect!

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There is a TM marathon on right now. They are showing the season where Leah is bitching to Jeremy about her need to have him home more because Leah is playing both mom and dad. She is stressed and tired. She is saying all of this as they are on vacation while having lunch. Yeah, that sums up every season of Leah. lol It is the 2014 season.

Ah yes I watched that gem of an episode today. Leah and fam are in Orlando I think and they lug the twins to some rat trap carnival in a mall parking lot (*exactly* the kind of hot spot the average person would hit while vacationing in Orlando), and over their pizza and nacho chip lunch, Leah proclaims Jeremy's work schedule "stupid". The look that he gives her is priceless. Surprisingly enough mama Dawn is the voice of reason pointing that being gainfully employed is not "stupid".

Then Leah starts to bitch about how hard it is to raise 3 kids by herself. Jeremy gives her another WTF look, probably about to remind her of the existence of Corey, Dawn, grandma sandy, Victoria, Kayla, various Messer cousins, and Jeremy's mother, all of whom appeared to help IN THAT VERY EPISODE, and Leah immediately backs down and admits she misses the attention of her spouse more than the help he provides.

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They probably went to that carnival because TPTB at the bigger Orlando parks wouldn't allow MTV to film. You just know Leah had to visit the more expensive places. After all, Jeremy makes $5000 per week, per Leah's own mouth in that scene.

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Yeah she posted pics of DW on her fan page. Either a filming conflict or the rest of the Messer coven hadn't arrived and God forbid she go anywhere important without her entourage.

we know this must be an old episode because Leah said Jeremy *doesn't* need to make $5K. Would that even get her through a weekend now?

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Sorry, I'm a little far behind, but what?!?  Leah stole that much money from her supposedly beloved babies? I suppose if she bought a home for Mama Dawn it might be a half reasonable investment, given that they'll probably all be living there again soon, but something just seems so wrong about all of that to me. I hope she gets nailed for that and the girls get their money back, as much as possible. Poor kids. I don't for a second believe that Corey's after the money for himself. He wants his girls to be taken care of.

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The girlses are really lucky they have Coreyand his family involved in their lives (as they should be, but we know this isn't always the case). God forbid Leah had ended up in some situation like Jenelle & Barbara as far as Jace's dad, Andrew, and his family, who have had ZERO involvement in Jace's life. If Corey & the Simms weren't involved in the twins' lives I could totally see Leah trying to deal with the whole school absences/tardiness issues by just taking the girls out of school and claiming she was homeschooling. Cut to the girlses running wild all day while Leah sleeps off her opiates or searches out more.

(And this is not meant as a jab at homeschoolers; some states have basically no oversight when it comes to homeschooling - and it's possible WVa is one of those - and I'm familiar with some cases where children in homes where abuse/drug use is common and parents just can't be assed to get their kids to school just take them out and claim to homeschool - example: the Zara Baker case. Again, not attacking the vast majority of legit, hardworking homeschooling parents. I just could see Leah trying to do this if she didn't have Corey & family around & in the kids' lives.)

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Would anyone have any info on how West Virginia handles the parents of children who continually miss school? I have heard of parents facing a judge due to truancy and habitual absences of their kids. I am just curious if WV has this in place for those kind of parents?



Leah stole that much money from her supposedly beloved babies?

Here is the original story from 2014 where Leah gives a half-ass explanation:



Someone else needs to be in control of those accounts.

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I was able to go the the Facebook page and see the picture yesterday but now I can't.

I guess they didn't like my comment yesterday about Leah being a terrible mom and the reason Ali looked so good is because somebody else is taking care of her now.

Oh well. Truth hurts I guess.

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Oh great! Thanks for the link. The girls are definitely clean and looking so happy. I hate those fucking negative posts. Some jackass posted that the dinner looks like tv dinners that cost five bucks. I bet it is one of Leah's minions who posted that shit. Or, one of her friends.

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It is still up on Jeff's instagram


It is great to see the girls look clean, healthy and happy.


Oh hooray!  I don't know how to do a screen grab so I'm glad the pic's still up somewhere. Crazychicken thanks for finding and posting it.  For some silly reason I love Ali's mismatched socks in that picture of her reading to the baby.  That and the brushed hair, clean clothes, etc. - all good things.


Maharincess I think they 'banned' everybody or just made it non-public, so don't take it too personally lol.


GreatKazu some of those negative comments are really horrible!  I can't believe people even say some of that stuff. Hopefully the worst of them get deleted. (i.e. "Ew you taught it how to read?" - seriously, disgusting).

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People are horrible. That's why I prefer animals.

My granddaughter has socks that are called "Little Miss Match" they come in sets of three. They're all the same colors and designs but none of them match. I guess they're pretty popular with little ones these days.

Edited by Maharincess
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GreatKazu some of those negative comments are really horrible!  I can't believe people even say some of that stuff. Hopefully the worst of them get deleted. (i.e. "Ew you taught it how to read?" - seriously, disgusting).

This disgusting cow is the one who posted that horrible comment:




Just when I think it is the younger crowd who makes me sick with their idiotic comments, this comes along. Fucking sick people. I can't say if that is the real photo of that person, but they are saying horrible things in each photo. The one photo of Ali on the phone, this person mentioned they "got hepatitis" from looking at Ali's photo.

Edited by GreatKazu
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This disgusting cow is the one who posted that horrible comment:




Just when I think it is the younger crowd who makes me sick with their idiotic comments, this comes along. Fucking sick people. I can't say if that is the real photo of that person, but they are saying horrible things in each photo. The one photo of Ali on the phone, this person mentioned they "got hepatitis" from looking at Ali's photo.

Isn't this the linda that will "Destroy Isis."

In the future,  screenshot please. Thanks :-)  I wish I could see the photo.

Sorry.  I'm usually on my desktop instead of my phone.

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That's okay, McKay. I forget sometimes people are not on a computer. Just glad someone else found the photo.



Isn't this the linda that will "Destroy Isis."

No clue. I am not on social media following these people, just family and close friends with the exception of two people from a different show.

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This disgusting cow is the one who posted that horrible comment:




Just when I think it is the younger crowd who makes me sick with their idiotic comments, this comes along. Fucking sick people. I can't say if that is the real photo of that person, but they are saying horrible things in each photo. The one photo of Ali on the phone, this person mentioned they "got hepatitis" from looking at Ali's photo.


Nice screen grab.


I find that the older I get, the more shocked I am by some of the crimes that people commit, comments people make, etc. I mean maybe this photo is really of  the poster and maybe it isn't (at first I thought it was Honey Boo Boo's Mom!), but sadly it wouldn't surprise me if it really is her. We finally caught the person stealing packages off of our porch on camera - imagine my surprise when it was a woman in her 30s or 40s. I was expecting some male "punk kids" for sure. Anyway back to the girlses I am so happy every time I see pictures of them looking good and well cared for.

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Old or young I don't care, I'd like to punch her in her fucking throat for those comments.

What a miserable cow.


Oh I agree!  That was so disgusting I couldn't even believe I was reading it.


We're taking a 4-door on this mission, right?  I'm short, I'll sit in the back.

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Can I come along?



Oh I agree!  That was so disgusting I couldn't even believe I was reading it.


We're taking a 4-door on this mission, right?  I'm short, I'll sit in the back.

How many will a Suburban hold? Hummer Limo maybe! We need all hands on deck!

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I really wish Leah had the capacity to realize the long term psychological damage she is undoubtedly inflicting on these little girls. My heart breaks every day for Addy when I think about her being shuffled around to various relatives.


I can kind of relate to what her girls(es) are going through because I grew up in a substance abuse family. My father was a severe alcoholic until I was maybe fifteen and he finally made the choice to attend long term intensive rehab and completely change how he lived. When I was five, my mother needed an operation for a brain tumor and so couldn't care for me or my older brother or younger sister for maybe three months while she was recovering. Because our dad was waaay too fucked up to be our primary caregiver, we had to stay with our grandparents. They were/are wonderful people, but because they lived so far away and didn't speak English were not particularly familiar to us and it was therefore a rough adjustment. Little was explained to us. No one regularly asked us how we felt with so many changes. I remember we all got sick with chicken pox (on top of everything else lol) and no one understood I felt sick and overwhelmed and scared for ages.


My little sister was probably around Addy's age and would throw herself on the floor kicking and screaming if she was ever separated from me, so the fact that Addy's away from her siblings and everyone/everything that feels safe and comforting hurts me deep down. I can only imagine how scared she probably feels a lot of the time. It makes me so upset that Leah would uproot her daughters all the time, not remotely realizing how much a vulnerable little kid 100% depends on you to feel secure in a world they don't understand.  


Even though her attempts are patchy at the best of times and her own ongoing anger/resentment/control issues greatly hinder her, I think Kail at the very least has some level of self-awareness regarding how bad her own mother's instability hurt her as both a kid and now as an adult, and thus genuinely never ever wants to put her kids in the same position. She has pretty varying degrees of success with putting those good intentions into action and carrying through on them consistently, but I have some level of hope in her improving and continuing to learn, especially with therapy. I think the desire is there, it just gets really buried under the damage that's been done to her in her own childhood.


With Leah, even though I think she probably had an unstable childhood herself, I don't think that level of empathy or good intentions for others are present at all. And as long as she remains an addict...they won't ever be. They can't be. People who are active in their addictions are the most selfish people on the planet and continuously break the hearts of everyone who loves and cares about them, often without even realizing it. You can't be selfless for your kids when your addiction demands all your devotion and loyalty. Being an addict and a parent are fundamentally incompatible occupations. Addiction leaves you a complete shell of who you are and who you could be.


Sorry for such a ramble! I've been following this story as a kind of distraction for ages and lurking this board for most of the day. I really hope someone gives Addy some attention and makes her feel especially loved and cared for during all of this. She might be too little to understand the particulars of what's happening, but I don't doubt that all this could make her feel really awful and unloved and insecure and she will remember those feelings for a very long time. 

Edited by idlerwheel
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How many will a Suburban hold? Hummer Limo maybe! We need all hands on deck!

Let's make a trip to Leah's place. I have a few choice words for that ratchet bitch.



Sorry for such a ramble! I've been following this story as a kind of distraction for ages and lurking this board for most of the day. I really hope someone gives Addy some attention and makes her feel especially loved and cared for during all of this. She might be too little to understand the particulars of what's happening, but I don't doubt that all this could make her feel really awful and unloved and insecure and she will remember those feelings for a very long time.

No problem. Ramble all you want. I  agree. I check every day here hoping to see a story linked about Jeremy taking Leah to court.

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Can I come along?

Come on, you and I will be the Lucy and Ethel of the group.

I get the first throat punch though, after that you all can have her.

How can somebody sleep at night after saying such horrible things about a little girl?

People suck.

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Would anyone have any info on how West Virginia handles the parents of children who continually miss school? I have heard of parents facing a judge due to truancy and habitual absences of their kids. I am just curious if WV has this in place for those kind of parents?


Here is the original story from 2014 where Leah gives a half-ass explanation:



Someone else needs to be in control of those accounts.

Kate Gosselin does whatever she wants to with her kids money!

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It's really weird/sad to me to think about what Leah would be doing if she hadn't gotten pregnant at 16, in that with all the other tm2 girls I think they'd more or less be at the same place in their lives, just sans kids and possibly husbands (under the imo mistaken belief that marriage is really no big deal/commitment once you already have children)

Janelle would still be a total mess, albeit a mess who wasn't also ruining the lives of two young children. With how easily she's unfortunately distracted, Chelsea would probably still have struggled to graduate high school and cosmetology training, but I think with her support system she'd get it finished eventually. Kail I think would be studying to be a dental hygienist regardless, as it seems like that's what she's always wanted to do.

With Leah...I don't think she ever really got the opportunity to develop any sort of stable sense of self outside of "teenage mother". I don't think girls in her circle are really encouraged to aspire to more, seeing as even the ones who escaped teenage mothers and wives (ie Victoria, Kayla) really only slightly deferred that fate by a couple of years to around the age of twenty.

I think her poor sense of self was definitely a factor in why she was probably drawn to substance abuse. Feeling as though you have no larger purposes or meaning in your life is definitely an ideal condition to start abusing drugs. She's definitely stuck in the young teenager phase, looking for an identity by experimenting with constant new relationships instead of finding out who she truly is first.

Corey, Miranda, and Jeff are definitely the girls best role models for a number of reasons, but I feel like one major one is that they all seem way more well-rounded than their Messer counterparts. Miranda is far more independent than most/all of the other women in the girlses' lives; she developed her own career and basis of a life before she got married. Corey and Jeff, unlike the other men the girls have seen, are incredibly involved with their families beyond being masculine breadwinners. They all avoid making irredeemably poor decisions and resorting to destructive coping mechanisms imo because they have strong foundations and beliefs about themselves to live by. I can only hope Ali and Grace recognize the importance of this as they grow older and begin to make their own decisions.

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I don't think Leah would have ever made anything of herself, pregnant or not. Now, she appears to be the only of the 8 girls who was on some regular form of birth control prior to getting pregnant- (Yes, she let her shots lapse, but in her minimal defense, I get the impression she wasn't on BC because she wasn't having sex with anyone regularly. Still stupid, but less stupid than Farrah, Cate, Amber, Chelsea, Jenelle, and Kail, who all admitted to having regular unprotected sex with their boyfriends for the better part of a YEAR)- so unlike the other girls, she *might* have made it to 20 before getting pregnant. The rest of the girls, if they didn't get pregnant at 16, would have gotten pregnant at 17, or 18, etc.


So, if not for Corey and his super sperm (his words, not mine), Leah might have avoided being a teen mom, but that doesn't mean she would have been destined for greatness. Leah is lazy, has no work ethic, undisciplined, and to be brutally honest, dumb. When Leah was too sick (supposedly) to come to school, what was her greatest fear? Not falling behind in schoolwork, not ruining any plans for college, not being unable to work and therefore unable to save money for the future- her biggest gripe was she was missing all the social events of senior year and couldn't be a cheerleader. She's just vapid.

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I think Leah would have probably been a young mom, no matter what. Maybe not a teen mom. Maybe she would have actually got married first. But she has no prospects. She's not very bright and she has never shown the discipline to hold down one job for very long. I see her husband scouting outside of high school, trying to lock down someone who could take care of her. What she had with Corey and Germy was as good as it was going to get for her, she should have tried harder to make those marriages work. 

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 I see her husband scouting outside of high school, trying to lock down someone who could take care of her. What she had with Corey and Germy was as good as it was going to get for her, she should have tried harder to make those marriages work. 

 I agree on the first part, about the husband scouting, but I think actually Corey was as good as it was going to get for her. Leah was dead in the water with Jeremy from day 1 if you ask me. He was infatuated with her, not in love with her, and his interest would have waned even if there was no substance abuse and Leah could manage to run a vacuum and wash a load of clothes once in awhile, and not gotten caught screwing around with Robbie. I think Jeremy was mostly relieved when Leah's infidelity came to light because it gave him a guilt free excuse to leave her. Corey, I think, would have forgiven her anything if she'd just been a little more patient.

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Oh, I definitely think that both of those relationships did not start out on the best foundation. I was just saying that for what Leah apparently wants - a guy who can afford to take care of her, those two were really good catches for her little corner of the world. But she hardly seemed to appreciate it. As she gets older and has more kids by more different men, it's going to be a lot harder for her to find a situation that works for her. 

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Oh no doubt. Guys with Corey's work ethic, loyalty, and ability to take the high road consistently are few and far in between, and those who are available are not looking to hook their wagons to a drug addicted compulsive liar who's never held a steady job and has a public history of both infidelity and nasty public attacks using the media. Leah already outkicked her coverage twice.

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