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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Anyone see on Leah's facebook page she has her hoochie clothes on ready to party. If she bent over any she'd be showing her Hoo-Ha all over Nashville.  She's single and freeeeee.

ooooooohhhh! Got directions to her page Mkay? I just must see that!

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I secretly hope they divorce so I can change the thread title to Leah Messer Sims Calvert Messer.

I feel for her tattoo artist. He or she will find it challenging to find free space on her scrawny self for the next husband, if she picks the same size that she used for Jermy.

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Today's blind item:


This married Teen Mom who is known as a cheater, did a lot more of that this past weekend when she hooked up with two different guys. The good news is she took a break from the pill popping. Baby steps. Leah Messer-Calvert

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Well wasn't she just in Nashville this weekend for the twinses cheerleading competition? With built in baby minder/enabler mama Dawn? I mean, two guys seems a bit much but not out of the realm of possibility, so it could totally be true. The good news, I guess, is she is backing away from Robbie for a change of adulterous pace.



https://www.facebook...?type=1 Hope that works.


I wanted to enjoy seeing Leah at her white trashy best, but those comments! Are people really that delusional about someone like Leah? They way her fans are fawning over her you'd think was a freaking movie star and not some plain Jane that got knocked up at 16 in the back of a pickup.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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Regarding the Charleston Gazette, I know all that information is public information, but what kind of asshole newspaper publishes people's divorces and details about their bankruptcy cases?

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Regarding the Charleston Gazette, I know all that information is public information, but what kind of asshole newspaper publishes people's divorces and details about their bankruptcy cases?

It is public information. It has been that way forever. Much like death notices.  It is for legal reasons. Not all newspapers print divorces, but a majority of them print the names of those who have gotten marriage licenses. It is similar to birth announcements.


With the latest news that Leah has moved back in with her parents, I guess this means she is not getting that ranch home with the pool and horses.

Edited by GreatKazu
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It's Radar Online so take it for whatever it's worth but this just in:




Apparently Jeremy has filed for divorce and Leah is off to rehab...more at the link:




It looks like Leah Messer and Jeremy Calvert‘s marital tension has exploded into divorce!

As RadarOnline.com has reported, the 22-year-old mother of three spent her third wedding anniversary away from her pipeline engineer hubby, 26, and skipped town a week later to party with pals in Nashville.

But according to In Touch, Messer couldn’t escape the drama. After months of cheating allegations on both sides, a source tells the magazine that Calvert finally filed for divorce in their home state of West Virginia.
Edited by Persnickety1
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I have never lived in an area where that type of information was published (northeast). What possible legal reason could there be?

It's a legal requirement to provide notice in many circumstances. Basically, it's a way to let creditors know a case is moving forward and if you think you have a valid debt the judge should include in the final judgment, speak up now before it's too late. Parents can even terminate an absent parent's parental rights with public notices. Death notices are required to settle the estate. Foreclosure notices are published to finalize the sale. Liens are posted sometimes to keep the judgement valid. The list goes on...

It's just a way to prove the rules were followed and nobody can say "but I didn't know". A notice may not get seen but it was publicly available and the paper is the proof.

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Watch out, fellas...


Leah's wearing her RIDING BOOTS!


Yee haw!!!!!


And now OK Magazine is running with the Radar OnLine rehab story:



Edited by Persnickety1
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It's Radar Online so take it for whatever it's worth but this just in:


Apparently Jeremy has filed for divorce and Leah is off to rehab...more at the link:

So Leah is going to rehab for four weeks? Wow! That is really putting a lot on the families. So A3 will be removed from her sisters for a month, and shuffled around while her Dad is gone. Poor kids.

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Jeremy is a pipeline engineer?  Somehow that does not seem plausible.


How to Become a Pipeline Engineer

Step 1

Earn a bachelor's degree in civil, mechanical, structural or materials engineering. Completing an engineering undergraduate program typically takes at least four years, and includes a good bit of math, physics, statistics, engineering mechanics, and fluid dynamics.


And then there are Steps 2, 3, 4...



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It's a legal requirement to provide notice in many circumstances. Basically, it's a way to let creditors know a case is moving forward and if you think you have a valid debt the judge should include in the final judgment, speak up now before it's too late. Parents can even terminate an absent parent's parental rights with public notices. Death notices are required to settle the estate. Foreclosure notices are published to finalize the sale. Liens are posted sometimes to keep the judgement valid. The list goes on...



I understand public notices when interested parties can't be located.  But it is not a "law" to publish bankruptcies in newspapers.  Creditors are all listed in the bankruptcy documents.  And if it was a law, then all bankruptcies would be published, not just people's who happen to live in Yahooville, Backwards State, USA.  It's just mean spirited in my opinion.  It's used to sell newspapers to people who like to read about other's misery.

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I understand public notices when interested parties can't be located.  But it is not a "law" to publish bankruptcies in newspapers.  Creditors are all listed in the bankruptcy documents.  And if it was a law, then all bankruptcies would be published, not just people's who happen to live in Yahooville, Backwards State, USA.  It's just mean spirited in my opinion.  It's used to sell newspapers to people who like to read about other's misery.



If you don't enjoy other peoples misery...why are you watching Teen Mom 2?

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I never stated it was a law. It is a legal requirement in many instances. There's plenty of times notices are published by people just being jerks, too.

I was just trying to be helpful but this is off topic. I do agree it can be mean spirited but if you legally have to, you have to.

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I never stated it was a law. It is a legal requirement in many instances. There's plenty of times notices are published by people just being jerks, too.

I was just trying to be helpful but this is off topic. I do agree it can be mean spirited but if you legally have to, you have to.

Those in our area, Marriage, Divorce, and bankruptcies have always been published in our area.

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I never stated it was a law. It is a legal requirement in many instances. There's plenty of times notices are published by people just being jerks, too.

I was just trying to be helpful but this is off topic. I do agree it can be mean spirited but if you legally have to, you have to.

You were helpful, thanks.  I know legal notices have to published a lot, like you said.  But I was shocked to see the bankruptcies published, including how much people were in debt and how many assets they have left.  Newspapers that publish these are a very small minority, typically small towns.  They don't need to be published and people should complain. 

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Jeremy is a pipeline engineer?  Somehow that does not seem plausible.


How to Become a Pipeline Engineer

Step 1

Earn a bachelor's degree in civil, mechanical, structural or materials engineering. Completing an engineering undergraduate program typically takes at least four years, and includes a good bit of math, physics, statistics, engineering mechanics, and fluid dynamics.


And then there are Steps 2, 3, 4...



Yep. Commenters have been calling out the articles on teenmomjunkies for referring to him as a full fledged engineer when he really isn't. Kind of like calling Mama Dawn a physician. Good link. :)

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Leah may want to move/ rescale her Twitter profile pic so that it shows her face instead of her elbow.


Jeremy may want to change his so that it's not primarily her smiling face off to the left, too. I am a very limited Twitter user so please accept my apologies if I'm saying that wrong - I think it's a profile pic though.

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So she sleeps with two guys on a short trip and she's not poppin pills??!!!! Can't even use that as an excuse huh? But she doesn't have a problem just going to rehab for shit and giggles. And possibly a paycheck. She isn't even Lindsey Fucking Lohan.Though she will probably claim "exhaustion." Over what exactly….throwing cheese puffs on the floor for the kids to hoover up? Not do laundry in her ridiculous purchase? Yeah….I'm a bitch. And clearly don't get this chick. 

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I don't get her either. She's this super stressed out mom, who resorts to popping pills to cope? Um, well...okay, I get that she has multiples, and a kid with special kids....but she also has a huge support system. At one point or another we've seen Granny, her mom, her stepdad, her sister, Corey, Corey's parents, Jeremy, Jeremy's parents.....did I miss anyone?....helping her with the kids. She kind of lucked out in the baby daddy dept, given that both of them have decent jobs and take care of their kids both financially and physically. She's never really had to work. She has her Teen Mom money. There are plenty of low income families that have kids with disabilities and struggle to put food on the table, let alone be able to afford a wheel chair. I'm not saying I'd begrudge Leah some frustration, but she acts like she has it the worst, ever. 


I wonder what's going to happen to the kids whilst she's in rehab? Will Corey get his two? And Jeremy's family take baby Adderall? What a mess. 

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So she sleeps with two guys on a short trip and she's not poppin pills??!!!! Can't even use that as an excuse huh? But she doesn't have a problem just going to rehab for shit and giggles. And possibly a paycheck. She isn't even Lindsey Fucking Lohan.Though she will probably claim "exhaustion." Over what exactly….throwing cheese puffs on the floor for the kids to hoover up? Not do laundry in her ridiculous purchase? Yeah….I'm a bitch. And clearly don't get this chick. 


I wonder if she missed their gymnastics performances while she was off doing her thing with those guys. I hope not for the girlses' sake. I don't get her at all either, and I really liked her at first.

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I still remember in the episode that her wedding dress shopping for her wedding to Corey she fell in love with a dress but it was outside her mom's budget. She begged her mom for it and she gave in and Leah got her dream dress. Seeing as she's on failed marriage number two, I really hope she paid her mom back for that dress.

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I understand public notices when interested parties can't be located.  But it is not a "law" to publish bankruptcies in newspapers.  Creditors are all listed in the bankruptcy documents.  And if it was a law, then all bankruptcies would be published, not just people's who happen to live in Yahooville, Backwards State, USA.  It's just mean spirited in my opinion.  It's used to sell newspapers to people who like to read about other's misery.

No, bankruptcies, like other matters, are a matter of public record. If you don't see it in the newspaper, you can easily go to the clerk's office and look it up. One can go to the clerk's office and look at certain kinds of records if one wants to. Depending on the size of the county or city where the bankruptcies are filed, most times that determines if it will be published in the newspaper. Reason being, not all newspapers are equipped to note every single BK case in their notices section. A smaller city or town where there are not a lot of BK filings, will likely print the information. But again, it is a matter of public record just like death notices, it is for the public's knowledge.

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So now Radar is reporting that Jeremy filed for divorce back in November. If that's true it makes all those public declarations of love pretty sad.

Yep.  Not that 'Leah's Facebook storyin' ' fooled a single person on any of the TM discussion boards.

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I still remember in the episode that her wedding dress shopping for her wedding to Corey she fell in love with a dress but it was outside her mom's budget. She begged her mom for it and she gave in and Leah got her dream dress. Seeing as she's on failed marriage number two, I really hope she paid her mom back for that dress.

Wow, I didn't remember that. How different would her life be if someone set limits for her once in a while?

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Very sad. Compared to the jerks the other Teen Moms have gotten involved with, Leah found not one but two guys who have real jobs and sincerely care about the girls. Somehow she managed to alienate both of them.

For some reason these guys don't take to Robbie very well. They're so selfish to poor Leah's needs.
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How many marriages do you think Leah will go through in her life? Christ, she's in divorce number 2 and she's what? 21, 22? My prediction is at least 3 more marriages and 2 more kids.

oh you're just being kind;)

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How many marriages do you think Leah will go through in her life? Christ, she's in divorce number 2 and she's what? 21, 22? My prediction is at least 3 more marriages and 2 more kids.

I'm predicting that she'll be engaged again within a year.

All together I'll guess 5 marriages and 6 kids.

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I assume the quality of her potential suitors will go down after this though right?  Leah has been lucky and somehow managed to land two decent men so far.  I can't imagine a man with a job, a brain, and pure intentions would want to go anywhere near a twenty-two-year-old with two divorces, three kids, and a drug problem.  Her inevitable next guy will probably be a hilariously huge step down, but I hope for everyone's sake that she doesn't keep procreating.

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Unfortunately, I suspect Leah relies on having a guy's kid to keep him around, if not forever then at least longer than otherwise.  I see lots more kids in her future.


I'm still worrying about the horse, though.

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I assume the quality of her potential suitors will go down after this though right?  Leah has been lucky and somehow managed to land two decent men so far.  I can't imagine a man with a job, a brain, and pure intentions would want to go anywhere near a twenty-two-year-old with two divorces, three kids, and a drug problem.  Her inevitable next guy will probably be a hilariously huge step down, but I hope for everyone's sake that she doesn't keep procreating.


I'm betting money on her meeting someone in rehab... because you know, that always works out well.

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I love how all of her fans are spinning it into Jeremy cheated and this is the reason for the divorce.  No, just NO. She cheated and he was immediately over it. He made no effort to hide that. She pretended it was all ok ALL of the time. Now it's poor Leah, Jeremy is giving up because he can't wait to be single.  They are seriously insane.

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I can not stop laughing picturing Leah's facial expressions as she realizes the "fan looking for an autograph/picture" is actually a process server. Welp, you reap what you sow, and sometimes you reap in the Mac and cheese aisle of the Publix.

My weekend got off to a fun start. I was getting groceries and in the checkout lane, there was Leah's rehab cover photo...right next to the Cheetos bags.


Look at this goodie....https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10202529669401943&id=1801909510&set=a.1674865530453.68702.1801909510&source=48


This person also has other good items on their page.  https://www.facebook.com/ilovemythomas This person is friends with Leah.  She is filming for Teen Mom and apparently opens Leah's mail!!! :0  Leah can't open her own mail??

Yep. She posted this afternoon bragging that 'MTV calls sayin their on there way to film.'

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I'm betting money on her meeting someone in rehab... because you know, that always works out well.

That's more Jenelle's criterion for a boyyyyy-friennnnd. Leah does at least snag men with steady jobs.

Keeping them, on the other hand...

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