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Now that I'm home and can think clearly, we watched Sue hunt a Wolverine that was threatening camp. We've also watched her watch for bears, and hear about the attack multiple times. I know, the telling and retelling is for new viewers, as is every retelling any cast member does. Downfall to watching every single episode is hearing/rehearing these stories :)

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My original post was not about what has happened in the past, but about the lack of more predators captured by the cameras during production. I think Andy chased away and shot a black bear, and I remember the wolverine. I've often wondered that Glen hasn't been stalked by a predator, give his tiny rustic camp. Could be that the crews' presence is keeping them away.

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I always wonder about Andy's dogs - you'd think that tied up to their houses like that they'd be sitting ducks for some passing predator!

They are & it happens, but not as often as you'd think.  Most "predators" would have to be close to desperate to approach a bunch of barking dogs.  Dog teams have been attacked by moose on more than one occasion, so there's that .....

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Watching this week's episode now and saw the preview for next week. I am going to bet the life changing event/news is that Martha is pregnant, making Erik a papa to be.

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Watching this week's episode now and saw the preview for next week. I am going to bet the life changing event/news is that Martha is pregnant, making Erik a papa to be.

I thought that, too!


It's the only thing that makes sense, since I figure not a helluva lot else could shock any of these people.


Agnes' snowmobile wreck must have been much worse than she let on...give it broke her freaking gun!  Good lord, that woman must be made of titanium or something! 


/Watch LBZ from Florida.  I can't fathom how being cold that long appeals to people.

//Sue is awesome. 

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/Watch LBZ from Florida.  I can't fathom how being cold that long appeals to people.

//Sue is awesome.

Speaking just for myself (and everyone I know or have ever met in my life) after last winter in the Northeast, the appeal wore off after the 10th or so day of -0 temps, dead car batteries, frozen pipes and pets going stir crazy. And the every other day snowstorms so you cleared the damn snow, didn't bother to put the shovels or snow throwers away because you knew there was no point. These  folks have my admiration, though bathing outside in stupid cold doesn't intrigue me.


Sue is beyond awesome!

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I think I commented on TWoP that it would be fun to see the Swamp People folks trade places for a month or so with the LBZ folks.  Both groups are so "can do" and resilient and seem to rise to overcome any obstacle.

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Holy crap I did NOT see *that* coming. I won't say what *that* is since everyone isn't always caught up when reading the forum. I really wish the life changing event was a pregnancy instead of what it was/is.


It was odd not seeing Andy this episode but since he and Kate split I noticed Martha and Erik are getting the screen time instead which I don't mind at all.

Edited by KarmaG
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I kinda agree with you Karma. I didn't think it would be a pregnancy because it was touted as a 'life changing event (or whatever) for one of our cast'. A pregnancy would affect more than one person, especially if it were Eric and Mrs Eric. I suspected some kind of accident but thought it would be  a typical hyped event in which something looked bad but ends up to fairly minor. Okay, I'm hardly a dr but this looked like it could be broken bones, maybe a dislocation or both/worse and she's clearly medivaced to some hospital asap.


Could be something which isn't life threatening but an injury which could lay her up for a month or some such and, since in the show it's the end of winter, her season should be starting soon regarding guests which Sue needs to survive. She'll possibly have to get someone to run Kavic for her for awhile.


Of course, in truth, I don't know any more than any of us so tune in next week, I guess.


And just as an aside; while I fully understand and don't have a problem with the hunters and their kills, after the animal is skinned it just looks so...naked.

Edited by Beden
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I called it last night.  It was a total Chekov's Gun when the Hailstone chick wrecked her sled.  It was just a matter if it was Sue or Andy.



And just as an aside; while I fully understand and don't have a problem with the hunters and their kills, after the animal is skinned it just looks so...naked.


I feel the same way.  Intellectually, I have no problem with it, especially since these folks go to great lengths to use every part of every animal.  I just have a visceral reaction where I have to look away.  Oddly enough, humans don't bother me but animals do.

Edited by Lemur
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I did not expect it.  I should have realized it because I knew they had spent a great deal of time out of Alaska this year.  Just never thought that the life changing event was them.


I cannot watch when an animal is killed and skinned.  Just can't-just the stomach is not strong enough.

Lemur, I fully understand your statement.  Describes me also.

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Mrs. Hailstone took quite a spill last night & Chip tried to play down the fact that she was crying, when she just scared the shit out of herself.  Gawd that woman has major intestinal fortitude.  I find her amazing!!


Sue, OTOH, I find melodramatic & histrionic all.the.time.  It's like she's trying to impress someone or impress on everyone just how dangerous & critical her "job" is.  .... & what's with all the stupid baby-talk, shoosies, footsies.  Gawd!!!

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Sue's "job" is real.  So is she.


It isn't easy getting older and living that type of lifestyle (go ask Andy).  The Hailstones are lucky to have kids, family and community to back them up when they're getting older and lose strength and the ability to heal quickly.  I feel for Sue, and worry about her.


So nice to see Glenn again.  I wonder if we'll get to see his girlfriend?

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Sue, OTOH, I find melodramatic & histrionic all.the.time.  It's like she's trying to impress someone or impress on everyone just how dangerous & critical her "job" is.  .... & what's with all the stupid baby-talk, shoosies, footsies.  Gawd!!!


I find it interesting Sue frequently refers to herself in third person ("Susie is going camping!", "Just what Dr. Susie recommended!") and uses euphemism like paws, wings, etc. when talking about herself.

If you want to know more about what happened regarding Sue's accident, check her Facebook page. She doesn't go into a lot of detail, but apparently she "busted her wing" pretty badly. Scrolling down even more, you'll see a "glamor shot" taken several years ago - she's got blond, curly hair and is wearing makeup. Would never have known it was Sue!

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When Sue flew through the air and slammed onto the ice, I thought "broken collar bone and arm." She worries SO much about her personal safety, so it's ironic that this has happened. Thank goodness the camera crew was there. (As a former news videographer, it was interesting to me that the camera crew held back and continued recording while waiting to see if Sue would get up.)  Sue needs to find an equally independent person to help her run her camp - someone who is content to be isolated and spend a lot of time alone. In a separate tent from Sue, 'cause I'm pretty sure she'll micromanage an employee to distraction.


I wonder if Martha Mae is an Alaskan native. When I looked her up on IMDB, I noticed she and Erik are listed as actors. Do all the reality folks do that now?  She and Erik are delightfully in love - he's just beaming all the time.


How does such a young guy have so much property? He runs one or two physical camps (maybe the fish camp is very rustic and small, as they sometimes are) plus he has his homestead.

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How does such a young guy have so much property? He runs one or two physical camps (maybe the fish camp is very rustic and small, as they sometimes are) plus he has his homestead.


Per their website: "The lodge is a second generation family run operation by local Alaskans, who have years of experience in both the fishing and service industry."  In other words, "Daddy".  :-)



I think someone here recommended The Last Alaskans - if so I cannot find the post. But thanks! It's another great series.


I'm enjoying that series, too.

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Sue's on the mend.

Maybe she will get that "cousin" to help run the camp since he helped her a few seasons back?


Glenn spared us his nakedness by not filming his spring bath event.


Erik and Martha Mae a nice personable couple, millenials living the dream.


The Hailstones, you make back breaking work look easy when it is definitely not.


 No Andy on the show, perhaps he finally pissed off his camera crew and producers assigned to his storyline.


That's the season folks!

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I was most impressed with Glenn's building skills - that drying rack looked pretty darned good for using only hand tools.


I'm so glad Sue got her wing pinned - I was worried the injuries might have been life-threatening or impossible to recover from.  She really cannot afford to get hurt too many more times, though.

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Was a good end to the season. I noticed, but didn't mind, the no Andy. I wish him well and will be happy to not have him on my screen again.


Glad to hear Sue is on the mend, I peeked at her fb page via the link the other day and she said she has more surgeries and pt ahead.

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Sadly for me I missed the last ep due to a broken sateliite dish, dang it. I'm waiting to catch it on reruns but gather it was a good end of season resolution and wrap up. All best wishes to Sue for a quick and complete recovery. And I don't have a problem with Andy, respect him in fact. I'm not saying he's any kind of a saint, is probably hell to live with but I give him full props for what he's managed to build and accomplish out where he chooses to live. He's self-reliant, clearly loves the life he has, likely misses Kate and companionship and acknowledges that as he ages (what? late 50's or so now, give or take?) that things will get harder until the time may come when he can't manage and will then have some hard choices to make.

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Sadly for me I missed the last ep due to a broken sateliite dish, dang it. I'm waiting to catch it on reruns but gather it was a good end of season resolution and wrap up. All best wishes to Sue for a quick and complete recovery. And I don't have a problem with Andy, respect him in fact. I'm not saying he's any kind of a saint, is probably hell to live with but I give him full props for what he's managed to build and accomplish out where he chooses to live. He's self-reliant, clearly loves the life he has, likely misses Kate and companionship and acknowledges that as he ages (what? late 50's or so now, give or take?) that things will get harder until the time may come when he can't manage and will then have some hard choices to make.


Oh I hope you get to watch it soon! I respect all that he's done in his time up there too. I just wasn't ever truly fond of him on my screen. I do prefer him to Glenn who is more boring to me than watching paint dry. 

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I agree with you about Glenn. And every time he starts talking about how he loves living out there in the middle of nowhere, the only thing I keep thinking is "Hey, how about getting a real job and supporting your children? You don't get to go play Grizzly Adams in the woods. You have children to think about." He chaps my ass with that.

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So based on his erudition and quasi-southern California accent, I figured Glenn is a California trust fund baby. Or well-off and -educated. But he's apparently a Vermont native.


I found this obituary for his father that provides a bit more info about the family. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/burlingtonfreepress/obituary.aspx?pid=140221822


Highlights are that Glenn's father owned lumber and trucking businesses and was an adventurous sort. But my favorite part of the obit is the names of Glenn's children: Willow Leaves and Wolf Song.


Glenn's wife is an opera singer and teacher, and she home schools the children in Fairbanks. http://thefolkschoolfairbanks.org/instructors/name/silvia-daeumichen/

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I agree with you about Glenn. And every time he starts talking about how he loves living out there in the middle of nowhere, the only thing I keep thinking is "Hey, how about getting a real job and supporting your children? You don't get to go play Grizzly Adams in the woods. You have children to think about." He chaps my ass with that.

As far as we know he's not a deadbeat-unless someone knows things I haven't heard. For all we know he well may turn over his Alaskan stipend to the kids. He also may have some kind of job away from the remote location for part of the year and he certainly gets some $ from the production company.I


With respect, I'm as anti-deadbeat as anyone, having one as an ex (he still owes me $ I'll never see, despite a lien lodged against his assets by the courts) but I try not to paint anyone with that brush unless I have knowledge of it as a fact.

Edited by Beden
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Yes, it does seem like he does. We also don't know what his actual domestic situation is regarding the mother (s?) of his kids and whatever the relationships may or may not be. I have no reasons to make excuses for him and have no intention of getting into an argument here. I simply speak as a single parent who dealt with a now grown child who'd ask why his father wasn't there to pick him up at school when he said that he would be, not being old enough to understand why he simply forgot; no one knew what was going on or knew that my ex had been diagnosed with a severe mental illness by 3 different psychologists and 2 family court judges but refused the diagnosis and any treatment and being away from his son full time actually was the best thing for the child. I'm not suggesting for a moment that Glenn is clinically crazy but I have no more idea what his arrangements are or his reason than anyone else not actively involved in his personal life is.


I tend to try to find the facts first and this is not only none of my real business, but frankly, I don't really give a damn. He's on national TV and if there were any serious problems I'm willing to believe that he wouldn't be back for a second season without some repercussions--social, legal or financial.

Edited by Beden
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I can't STAND it when Chip tells Agnes how to shoot\hunt\fish\do stuff (uh, Chip, I think she knows).  I also hate that the production company focuses more on him than her - she is SO much more interesting... their kids are wonderful.  Hopeful that Sue is alright and can come back to her 'home' - could not stand her at first, but have grown to absolutely love seeing her each week - she is one tough bird.  I like the young love-birds, but they kinda bore me a little :)    Hate the trapping  :(   (I don't have problems w/ hunting if you can make a quick kill - which is why I hate trapping).   But still love watching these folks do their thing.

See you next season LBZ!



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So based on his erudition and quasi-southern California accent, I figured Glenn is a California trust fund baby. Or well-off and -educated. But he's apparently a Vermont native.


I found this obituary for his father that provides a bit more info about the family. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/burlingtonfreepress/obituary.aspx?pid=140221822


Highlights are that Glenn's father owned lumber and trucking businesses and was an adventurous sort. But my favorite part of the obit is the names of Glenn's children: Willow Leaves and Wolf Song.


Glenn's wife is an opera singer and teacher, and she home schools the children in Fairbanks. http://thefolkschoolfairbanks.org/instructors/name/silvia-daeumichen/


Interesting facts. Great digging, thanks. Though I must say his wife is his ex as he stated on the show in season 2.

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Interesting facts. Great digging, thanks. Though I must say his wife is his ex as he stated on the show in season 2.


Yes, and from what I can gather, she chose to leave with the kids, and they have some sort of amicable arrangement.  Glen does have a girlfriend - she just isn't on the show  (yet).

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Yes, and from what I can gather, she chose to leave with the kids, and they have some sort of amicable arrangement.  Glen does have a girlfriend - she just isn't on the show  (yet).


Yeah that's what he said on the show, that she chose to leave with them. That she once lived out there with him but eventually grew tired of the lifestyle. I think many would end up feeling that way since we can all imagine it's not the life for everyone :) I'm glad he has a gf but can't imagine not seeing my man for that long every year. Hopefully she's at camp with him, just not on camera.

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Martha is a full-time mother?  Must have come into the marriage with a child or more.


I also love The Last Alaskans and wish there was a forum for this great series.  I like all the people on this short series.  They're all good people living a difficult life and loving it.

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I just gathered information, thru Twitter, that Sue Aikens was injured (her arm) a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, it happened during filming so people were there to take care of her and to get her flown out for help. Today is her birthday and it seems she's doing ok.

Does anybody know when the new season begins?

Edited to add:

Wow! I'm waaaay behind. Somehow I screwed up and didn't dvr the last few episodes of the show....and completely forgot about it. Well, this proves I am involved in too much television!

I'll go directly to the site and catch the episodes I've missed.

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