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Murdoch Mysteries - General Discussion

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I think I'm in the minority but I like Miss Hart.  I was even interested in seeing what her plan was back when the writers were temporarily making her seem scheming and shady.  (They seem to have dropped that plot...)  Her reaction to being taken off this case was very understandable to me, but the whole thing seemed like a clunky device just to work Julia into the episode.

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Was it just me or did they clean up Watts for this episode? From the hair to the tight undershirt, he looked better than he ever had. 

Wow, what a powerful episode. Riveting story and like @Anothermi, I only figured out the father just before the reveal. Just great acting from both Daniel Maslany and Bill MacDonald (the father). More episodes like this please. Although, I could have done without the Higgins subplot. Just over that character. I only like him with Ruth.

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On 10/31/2018 at 9:30 PM, The Crazed Spruce said:

There was a problem with my cable this past Monday, and the picture on my CBC station was frozen. The audio still worked fine, and I gotta say, the show sounded freaky as hell.

Haven't had a chance to look it up online yet so I can actually WATCH the bloody thing, but I'm definitely going to tonight.

Quick update, in case anybody cares. I never did get around to looking the episode up online, but thanks to a recent upgrade to my cable system, I watched an audio-enhanced version of it earlier today on AMI, a Canadian channel that rebroadcasts some shows with a narrator describing scenes and actions on the screen for the visually impaired.

The irony is not lost on me.

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Halfway through the episode I said to my roommate, "bet it's one of the daughters". 

Having said that, I really liked this episode. Nice balance of comedy and drama in this episode and the ending was heart-wrenching. And as a bonus, I saw Chris Gibbs as the reporter. Didn't even recognize him! Will be able to tease him about it for years to come. :)

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I'm hoping that Ovation will start airing Season 12 soon stateside.  Last year they started airing Season 11 around February or so.

By the way, I was watching some old episodes from early seasons on DVD.  In the early seasons, the show almost seemed to imply that Murdoch had some kind of extrasensory perception.  He would be able to look at a crime scene and "see" what had happened.  If it wasn't some kind of second sight, at least it was a depiction of his mind working and trying to recreate what happened.  

Does he still do this?  I don't recall it happening much in Season 11.

This is the second time the show has been aired around Halloween (other seasons it either started in December or was a summer replacement). Season 7 had "Murdoch of the Living Dead", where the inmates of an asylum were zombiefied. Earlier "Bloodlust" in season 4 was a vampire-tease episode so there is a precedent for this homage to old sci fi films.

I thought everyone walking around with a basil plant was hilarious. So were Lachlan Murdoch's (Higgins) facial expressions.

The cast and crew must have had a ball with this episode.

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Incredible episode to end the calendar year, and not just because we saw William and George hardly appear and do nothing. Brackenreid's past dating a black woman and fathering a daughter was something I did not expect. But him desperatly searching and caring for her shows he loves her even if they've never met. Young Brackenreid was obviously shocked when he first saw the truth, but he came around and supported his father in the end. Mrs. B, I'm not surprised she took this news badly, although she was surprisingly restrained in the manner she handled it. I'd like to think they'll be back together by season's end. They've been through worse.

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That was certainly different from the usual episode but it was very good.  Great acting from Thomas Craig and everyone else.

6 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:

Mrs. B, I'm not surprised she took this news badly, although she was surprisingly restrained in the manner she handled it.

I think the captain was a little cavalier with his offhand remark that "she'll get over it". She probably will but this has really hurt her.

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Not my favorite episode, not much of a mystery  but I'm just glad to see the show again.  Sick of Henry and Ruth.  I liked that the inspector was so realistic with Miss Hart, and that her response was to be as competent as possible - I just hope they don't turn her into a plot device rather than a character.  I recognize that her having that position at all is somewhat unrealistic, but still.  I like how they invented Tinder and the microwave turntable.  I  know this is nit-picky, but I wish Danial MAslany would stand up straight sometime.  Not all book readers are hunched over like that.

I loved the house, and could have lived there very happily as I do not like clutter. 

Ha, I had forgotten about William's crime scene reconstructions.  Thanks, Blackwing.

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I do hope Brackenreid isn't really leaving and I hope he and Margaret get back together soon.

This is the second time Brackenreid left his family and the force, once to go off with James Pendrick and now to go off sailing on the Great Lakes.  I was surprised there wasn't a Jolly Roger flying from the mast of the ship. Brackenreid really needs to get over his childhood dreams of adventure.

I can't say I suspected the Italian detective of being the murderer but it didn't surprise me either. Overall, this was a fairly gloomy episode.

Ruth was the high point of the episode for me.  Loved how she related to the dying old man and her enthusiasm at the idea of becoming a nurse.  I'm glad Higgins told her he had to take a second job to make more money for her. Secrets like that aren't good for a marriage.  And I liked that she stepped right up with the idea of getting a job herself. Because lots of people do it:)

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I always thought there was something odd and offputting about that "detective". Good thing he was captured in the end. Same can't be said for that captain who slithered off in the end with William's "motor". We'll probably end up seeing him again sometime soon.

I still believe Brackenreid will be back together with the family, probably at the end of the season or carried over to the beginning of the next season.

Looking at next week's preview, it seems we'll see little if any of William on the next episode, and tons of George, Young Brackenreid, and Watts.

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With everything now one thread some of this discussion is really disjointed. But I loved having a single thread for Stargate SG1 at TWoP, it allowed for more interaction. We can play games like naming your favourite quotes or post pics of your favourite moments.

As for this episode, I really hated it. It all felt recycled to me. Brackenreid off to find himself AGAIN. I didn't even get why Margaret is so mad at first, since it's obvious that Thomas chose her, but on thinking on it further I guess I can squint and say it's because he took off and didn't tell her why, or about this previous romance. I really feel for the kid. He's stuck in the middle and can't do anything about it. He wants his dad to fight for Margaret but come on, you've grown up with her! You know with her it's her way or no way. If she's decided, nothing is going to change her mind.

As for the mystery, cute enough. I did love the line. "I'm a detective. I detected." George getting to play a rich collector was fun and we got to see him come up with and use a strategy that actually works., which is rare. The rest was meh. 

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Quite liked the episode. Young Brackenreid had to have been on quite an emotional rollercoaster the entire episode. First he gets showered with praise from The Man himself, Detective Murdoch, even though he lucked out royally in capturing the convicted felon. Then, he FUBARs it by allowing the felon to escape custody, leaving him wondering how William - and his father - will react to such a boneheaded move (it really looks bad when George chews you out for such a mistake). And then, while in pursuit, starts to realize that perhaps she might be innocent of murdering her mother, starts to investigate, and then captures the real killer. Finally having to confront William about his little adventure afterwards. And while disapproving of allowing her to escape, congratulates him for uncovering a truth that no one bothered to look at. Because if there's one thing Detective Murdoch values more than anything, it's the truth.

This might have been the first episode where William was completely casted into an episode's lighter storyline. It's hilarious to see him lose himself over a book of police procedures.

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Acorn is releasing an episode a week on Mondays. BUT...they're also releasing an "aftershow" that's about 3 minutes long, featuring two of the characters from the episode. Maslany cleans up nicely, and doesn't slouch like that in real life, thank goodness. I was worried. Acorn considered each Xmas episode a separate season, so what is really season 12 is #15 on Acorn, with the aftershows being season 16.

I just watched the one with Meyers. What the hell was that thing Julia was wearing? That had to be the ugliest blouse I've ever seen. She's always had dubious taste in clothing, but that one took the cake.

I enjoyed both story lines.  Annabella was very brave to keep running away to prove her innocence. I'm glad she was innocent and that Johnny and then the others began to believe her and help her.

I like the idea of Julia and William writing a book together. I would have liked a better look at those gorgeous Mission chairs they were sitting in.

I wish we would get some sort of news from the show about Thomas Craig's absence.  I've looked but couldn't find anything.  Since he lives in the UK, I can understand that he might want some time off but it would be nice to know when he'll be back.

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I really enjoyed Monday's episode, Six of the Best. It's always good to see more of William's backstory.  And I liked Detective Watts' involvement in the case; I was hoping he might adopt the orphan boy but that might come eventually. At least he will be a good influence on the boy, with bringing him books and talking to him.  Everyone needs someone to take an interest in them.

Ruthie! She is so funny:)

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Re:  Six of the Best - I had a brief flash of excitement when I realized, "Hey!  It's another Avonlea alum!" but then my attention to the case waned.

1 hour ago, Trey said:

Ruthie! She is so funny:)

I don't know where the writers are going with her, or if they even know themselves, but wow.  I can just hear Mrs. Shinn from The Music Man exclaiming, "Dirty books!"

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29 minutes ago, LilWharveyGal said:

Ok, I admit it, Simon Alvin and Theodore ("Call me Ted") Alvin made me laugh out loud.

I hope that's the last we ever see of Brackenreid's widow friend.  Ugh.

Ditto! To both remarks. 

I am very pleased that Brackenreid hasn't given up on Margaret. I like her even though she can be very annoying.

This was a very old school episode; I enjoyed all the science talk even though I didn't understand it:) Good to see Tesla again. I notice  that Tesla is treated as a good friend whereas Edison was treated very coolly when he showed up.

Poor George.  What a position to put him in with regard to their books.  Murdoch's is too dry and boring and Julia's book is full of bad puns.  They don't show it so much now but in the earlier season she was always making bad jokes and then laughing at them  but no one else did.

Next week's episode looks interesting.

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5 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:

Ok, I admit it, Simon Alvin and Theodore ("Call me Ted") Alvin made me laugh out loud.


I too liked seeing Tesla again. It's been a long while. What would be awesome is to see a team of William, Tesla, Alexander Graham Bell, and James Pendrick come together to create a super invention for something worthwhile, like foiling a major crime or something.

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Another very good episode.  Poor William.  At least he got some sort of reconciliation/closure from knowing his father wanted to confess and to reconcile with him  Julia was very wise in her interpretation of events and how she explained it to William to make him feel somewhat better.

I didn't really care for Julia's storyline at the hospital.  It was obvious, after all her warnings, that the girl would die.  Just seemed sort of random and shoehorned in so Julia had something to do.

Only four more episodes this season.

Edited by Trey
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S12E9:  Secrets and Lies

Sorry, but I thought it was an awful disappointment.  All the elements of the show I like (the humor, William, Julia, the inventions, the clever writing) were completely missing.  Much as I like Brackenreid, the character and the actor, I found myself unable to get past how shabbily he was dressed.  No wonder nobody would talk to him.  He would have completely failed in his mission had John not come and provided the vital information about the writer of the letter. 

Sorry, I just don't care about his long ago affair.  For such an enlightened man (who instantly accepted his illigetinmate, half black daughter), he treated his wife - and supposed helpmeet - very poorly.  How about communicating with her?  How about recognizing what a shock this whole second family must have been?

I did like the raven in the bar. 

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