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As some of y'all have probably guessed, when EZ called Miguel "Michael Corleone," I shouted at my TV "THANK YOU...I said that 5 episodes ago!"

When I saw The Braided One saw EZ was in the same room as Emily, I thought a lot more shit was going to hit the fan than did.

And okay...that sex scene between Emily and Miguel was just...disturbing.

I also appreciated the scene where Angel and EZ were fighting just stopped when they both looked at their mother's picture, then they both said, "Sorry Mom!"

Enjoying this so far!

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I watched these last two episodes back to back, so forgive me if there's some bleed through.

I thought the kid pushing the kid off the roof was bru-tal. Dang, that was cold.

I liked Adelita and Los Ovidalos at first, but now I'm starting to grow cold on them. I get that Adelita says she doesn't have hundreds relying on her, but thousands, but back to killing that kid...that was STONE COLD!

And ohhh...we find out she has friends in high places! By the address of "Your Eminence," we know that guy is a Cardinal. Of course, including The Catholic Church in this whole mess just adds another level of mind fuckery. Is The Church working with Adelita to get rid of the drug running because they care about their people and know it's the right thing to do even if Los Ovidalos is doing it in a really fucked up way? Or are they secretly trying to screw over Los Ovidalos because they secretly want the Galindo cartel to succeed because they like the money he spreads their way? Or are their elements in the Church playing both of these fronts against each other?

And for all that Angel keeps warning EZ not to let Emily lead him around by the dick, I'm thinking Adelita is doing the same thing to Angel. Not that I blame either one of them...both Emily and Adelita are attractive women (although I find Adelita more intriguing...and I say this as a 100% straight American female).

And BTW, 99 times out of 100 I would not like a character like Coco's daughter (Lita?), but I really like her. Talk about self-sufficient! But she needs to hit a happy medium between, "you can fuck me if you like" and being so gung-ho with the screwdrivers. If you're going to say things like that, don't be so stab-happy when they take you up on the offer.

I appreciate that Emily finally laid to rest the idea some of us had previously that perhaps she gave birth to EZ's baby and he/she's out there somewhere. No, she had an abortion...so that kills the potential of SOA Season 4/2.0. Thank The Maker!

21 hours ago, Ottis said:

I actually thought the rebel's plan was half assed. You've got the baby, and Galindo where you want him, AND a trap set up for Galindo's men. So why don't you blow up the car (with real baby or fake baby, it's TV) when Galindo is there, and blow up the warehouse when his men are there?

ITA. Go ahead and make a statement! (Even though that would have meant good-bye to The Braided One, who I like in spite of myself.) And I would have given up on the show entirely if they had actually killed the baby. They just finished killing a kid, but at least he had done something to "deserve" it, so to speak. To kill a baby (and a true innocent in this whole thing) would have been too much.

And yes...why haven't they given the baby to Emily? If Emily is an attorney so big and bad, why isn't she calling in every favor humanly possible/up in the face of every Border Patrol officer to get her baby back? So much for Mama Bear instinct.

And one last thing...YEAH!!! Linc from SOA is back!!!! (I wonder if Linc knows/is working with The Cousin.)

Here is some speculation on my part, but I'll put it under spoilers protection just in case no one wants to see it.


During the conversation the Cousin was having with EJO, EJO said one of the reasons he gave for backing out of the bad business he was in was that, "The woman I loved was carrying my first child." The Cousin said, "Angel." EJO *didn't answer him*. Is there another child out there we don't know about? We could figure it out...compare the year he backed out of the business with how old Angel is.

Is Emily maybe working undercover *with* Los Ovidalos?

21 hours ago, Ottis said:

This block got misplaced and I didn't know how to erase it. As Coco would say, my bad.


Edited by vadare
I don't know how to edit block quote blocks.
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  • Adelita revealed her real name to Angel: Luisa Espina.
  • Felipe talked a bit about his bloody past with his nephew Kevin and showed him photos with his former partner named Espina...
  • Felipe told Kevin that he got out when the woman that he loved was pregnant with their first son.

He didn’t mention the name of his first son and of the woman he was in love with.  Who are they?

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12 hours ago, sisterspoon said:
  • delita revealed her real name to Angel: Luisa Espina.
  • Felipe talked a bit about his bloody past with his nephew Kevin and showed him photos with his former partner named Espina...

OOOOOOOOO! I hadn't noticed that...thank you for pointing it out!

Shit just got REAL up in here!!!

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On 9/18/2018 at 8:48 AM, llewis823 said:

Not to mention, Gemma died before Jax. So she would not have been upset about his death. And of course, it was a flashback even so.

Not to mention, Jax killed her...! 

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On 10/12/2018 at 9:59 PM, sisterspoon said:
  • Adelita revealed her real name to Angel: Luisa Espina.
  • Felipe talked a bit about his bloody past with his nephew Kevin and showed him photos with his former partner named Espina...
  • Felipe told Kevin that he got out when the woman that he loved was pregnant with their first son.

He didn’t mention the name of his first son and of the woman he was in love with.  Who are they?

Super awesome catch. Stories are starting to come together.

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OMG, Coco killed his mother. His daughter was horrible setting that up, but I could see how desperate she felt and driven to escape from her grandmother who was trying to sabotage her budding relationship with her father.

As usual I am confused about all the shifting alliances. Adelita wanting to work with Galindo is not what I expected. I am not sure why the DEA scooped up Galindo, but I hope his son ends up in a good foster home permanently. It is his only chance at a decent life.

I know EZ's cousin wants to save him, but it all feels like it is spiralling out of control.

Everyone in that club is keeping secrets from each other. Crazy.

So the Bishop who Adelita is conspiring with betrayed her father.

Edited by SimoneS
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Wow, this show just jumps right in with the matricide!

I'm unsure what's going on with the tunnel. The club guy was smuggling illegals into the country? Why would the MC care? Is it related to club business in any way or an indication that he's the mole?

I really loved this episode! Lots of plot development.

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2 minutes ago, SHD said:

I'm unsure what's going on with the tunnel. The club guy was smuggling illegals into the country? Why would the MC care? Is it related to club business in any way or an indication that he's the mole?

I think that once that guy found out about the tunnel. He used the opportunity to smuggle his family or friends. I think the MC would care that he is keeping secrets and not telling them what he was up to. After all, it would compromise them if he was caught.

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I thought this was an interesting episode. So many parts being connected is definitely helping and it kind of makes me wish they would have held off on the DEA stuff for another episode or two.

I'm absolutely adoring EZ. Too good of a guy to be caught up in all this BS.

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I am trying to figure out whether Leti actually meant for Coco to kill her mother outright? She was such an awful and toxic person so I can't blame Leti for wanting to be away from her.  On the other hand I am not for brutally killing even awful people in bathtubs.  And now Coco, who has been one of my favorite characters from the beginning, has committed matricide.

So what is Adelita's reasoning? Better the devil you know? Her meeting and talking with Galindo was a great scene.

The DEA arrest of Galindo felt like jumping the gun.  But then Linc was always a loose cannon on SOA.

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I am trying to figure out whether Leti actually meant for Coco to kill her mother outright?

I don't really get a good feeling about her. There's a lot of manipulation going on but in a way it is understandable to a point given who raised her. However, I just don't have a ton of hope that this will turn out well for Coco.

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Two things that rang false:

1) The president threatening to both kick EZ out of the club AND have him beaten. When anyone got kicked out on SoA, they were just out of the club and that was it. It seems a little weird to throw a beating in there too, especially since his brother would likely leave the club over that.

2) EZ seeing the birth certificate and automatically figuring out it was his father's. How would he know it wasn't someone else's certificate that his dad was just keeping for whatever reason?

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
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On ‎10‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 2:33 PM, icemiser69 said:

This episode wasn't boring or bad, but I don't need to hear political crap on this series or any other for that matter.  I don't know if it is Sutter's doing or who is responsible, but it would by nice to turn on dramas or sitcoms without having to listen to politics regardless of ideology.

Soooooo much this! Seriously, that's what Twitter is for. That way only those who care enough about your opinion to follow you have to hear you spout off.

This goes double for awards shows.

On ‎10‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 11:54 AM, magdalene said:

The DEA arrest of Galindo felt like jumping the gun.  But then Linc was always a loose cannon on SOA.

ITA. But Cousin Kevin's boss is either up to something, grossly incompetent, or both.

On ‎10‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 11:52 PM, sunshine2288 said:

I don't really get a good feeling about her. There's a lot of manipulation going on but in a way it is understandable to a point given who raised her. However, I just don't have a ton of hope that this will turn out well for Coco.

ITA. I started out liking her...now I'm pulling back a bit (and I could not watch the scene where she was bashing her own head in).

And when Coco wiped his face and then tossed the towel aside, I said "Nooo...take it with you! DNA and stuff!"

On ‎10‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 11:54 AM, magdalene said:

So what is Adelita's reasoning? Better the devil you know? Her meeting and talking with Galindo was a great scene

Yeah...I'm not following this either...but I'll keep plugging along hoping this all starts to come together.

Does anyone else think that maybe there is One Someone Out There that is pulling the strings on all of this crap?

And I did look it up last week..."Your Eminence" is the correct mode of address for a cardinal, but Felipe asked Adelita, "Do you know the bishop?" That was sloppy, Kurt...a 30-second Google search would have fixed that.

All in all, still loving this show.

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I think Adelita's being practical in realizing there's no way to eliminate the cartels. Getting rid of Galindo would only mean someone else would move in on his territory and there's no guarantee they wouldn't be ten times worse. The uncle will be a problem I'm guessing. He wants things bloody  and seems to be the driving force behind Miguel being the most ruthless. 

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The way the show has depicted Adelita's planning has been sloppy. So now it turns out that Adelita *did* own some of the border workers, and held Galindo so she could approach him with his plan. That actually makes sense, but aside from a strange close up of the female border guard's name tag (Hernandez?) two episodes ago, it was unclear why Galindo was being kept, why his powerful lawyers weren't getting him out and why we had to sit through watching him in a holding cell, experiencing pee spray and taking out a fellow prisoner. The pieces were there. The way they were shown was incomplete and lazy.

That said, Adelita, if you want to strike a deal with Galindo, I'm not sure having him cool his heels in a holding cell for that long was a good idea. Why piss him off before offering a mutually beneficial path? I suppose the deal is why you didn't blow up his men at the warehouse.

Given how poorly the show has shown Adelita's plans, I'm going to assume that her "deal' is also some sort of long con. Because I cannot believe that the anger she has from seeing her family killed will allow her to let that go in the interest of cooperation.

Didn't SOA have its own Weird Fed Genius at some point, forcing Jax to do certain things? I vaguely recall that. Is this a recycled plot, with Mr. English?

Where is EJO going, loaded for bear?

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It was so predictable that EZ and Angel would be stopped once they broke the tail light. Angel is about to find out that EZ is a CI. The wife now knows also. I feel for that baby going home with those two sociopaths.

That DA is so freaking annoying. Did he give up EZ by accident or intentionally? I don't understand how Galindo thinks that he can double cross the U.S. government, but good luck with that. As usual, I can't figure out these shifting alliances, but as horrible as she is, I am rooting for Adelita over all of them.

Coco is so calm about killing his mother, it worries me.

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You know it's a thin line between being eccentric and annoying and I can only tolerate Linc Potter in small doses,  And he gave up EZ! Which is basically a death sentence.

I am rooting for EZ to make it through alive. And for Adelita.

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4 hours ago, magdalene said:

You know it's a thin line between being eccentric and annoying and I can only tolerate Linc Potter in small doses,  And he gave up EZ! Which is basically a death sentence.

I am rooting for EZ to make it through alive. And for Adelita.

I don't think EZ will be killed. He's the main character of this show. This isn't Game of Thrones. 


I guess the Mayans, cartel, and Adelita's group are going to be starting a war against the government? I don't really see how that's going to work. I'm guessing she's the 3rd party at their neutral meeting. 


Is that cop on their payroll? I can't remember. Why didn't they alert him somehow that he should be the one to check the trunk instead of letting the other guy check? Doesn't seem smart, obviously. Like when they got out of the car they should've whispered "trunk" or something. 

Edited by Brad008
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The more I think about, the more I think that Potter didn't give up EZ deliberately. He gave her the transcripts of the conversations with the names and other key info redacted, but Emily knows Angel and EZ well so she figured out that EZ was the informant. I noticed that she didn't give up EZ to her husband, probably because she still has feelings for him and wants to protect him, but also it gives her a card to play if things get really bad and she needs a way out. 

I don't think that EZ is in danger, but Adelita is. I think she will think that she has a deal with Galindo, but he will betray her to the feds. I hope that Emily warns EZ so he can warn Adelita.

Edited by SimoneS
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2 hours ago, SimoneS said:

The more I think about, the more I think that Potter didn't give up EZ deliberately. He gave her the transcripts of the conversations with the names and other key info redacted, but Emily knows Angel and EZ well so she figured out that EZ was the informant. I noticed that she didn't give up EZ to her husband, probably because she still has feelings for him and wants to protect him, but also it gives her a card to play if things get really bad and she needs a way out. 

I don't think that EZ is in danger, but Adelita is. I think she will think that she has a deal with Galindo, but he will betray her to the feds. I hope that Emily warns EZ so he can warn Adelita.

Except Galindo just told his wife that he has an army of 2000 just waiting to for the devil to lead them. He's talking about Adelita and her crew. Sounds to me like he's going to accept her offer in return for her help in fucking up whatever it is the government is trying to do.

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1 minute ago, marcee said:

Except Galindo just told his wife that he has an army of 2000 just waiting to for the devil to lead them. He's talking about Adelita and her crew. Sounds to me like he's going to accept her offer in return for her help in fucking up whatever it is the government is trying to do.

Ah, that makes sense. I hadn't made the connection to Adelita. Angel said that they had to warn Adelita so I hope that she is suspicious of Galindo. She doesn't know that Rodrigo is after her also. Wasn't that one of Galindo's men talking to Rodrigo about her?

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11 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

Ah, that makes sense. I hadn't made the connection to Adelita. Angel said that they had to warn Adelita so I hope that she is suspicious of Galindo. She doesn't know that Rodrigo is after her also. Wasn't that one of Galindo's men talking to Rodrigo about her?

Yep. The priest has shown himself to be a rat. Pretty sure the priest is as good as dead.

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1 hour ago, marcee said:

Yep. The priest has shown himself to be a rat. Pretty sure the priest is as good as dead.

Yeah, as soon as I saw Galindo's bodyguard with the priest I figured he's going to die. 

2 hours ago, marcee said:

Except Galindo just told his wife that he has an army of 2000 just waiting to for the devil to lead them. He's talking about Adelita and her crew. Sounds to me like he's going to accept her offer in return for her help in fucking up whatever it is the government is trying to do.

She's probably the surprise 3rd party at the meeting the Mayans are having next week. They all think it's the feds but it's probably her. 

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Coco and his daughter are more trouble than they are worth.  All of the blow back they create continues to land on EZ and now Angel included.

Maybe EZ needs to find a better way to transport bodies than in the trunk of a car.  He nearly got caught the first time,  I thought he should have learned from that.

And, granted - plot, but hey writers: Celia was a drugged out hooker. How hard would it have been to just clean up finger prints and leave her dead in the tub? Make it seem like a John did it or a pissed off dealer. She probably would've rotted there for days before anyone noticed she was "missing" or someone complained of the smell. It's not like the cops would even care all that much, right?

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"Worst" line of the night, from Coco:  "Make the grave look like a penis, so for once she'll be inside one.  Instead of one being inside her.  Too soon?"

My first reaction when the Mexican agent was talking to Emily in her house was, "Don't talk to the cops if you have anything to hide.  Never."  But, there we are.  I'm not so sure the DEA could make the infant custody thing stick.  The first thing the Galindos would do after contacting their attorney would be to very publicly and loudly announce that the feds were holding an infant because of a bogus kidnapping reporting charge. It would create a lot of really bad PR for the DEA.

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Emily isn't that bright - and she certainly doesn't have the moral high ground.  She knew who she married and she has accepted what her husband is and does.  That makes her complicit all the way.

While Adelita is no saint by any means I find her more palatable and more worth rooting for. I don't know though whether the show agrees with me there....

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It's getting harder to make it through these episodes. I have to try 3-4 times before I finish one. It's just not very interesting.

The only story line I find riveting is EJO, and his trek through his past. 

The Galindos seem to be the most powerless drug cartel characters ever.

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17 hours ago, magdalene said:

Emily isn't that bright - and she certainly doesn't have the moral high ground.  She knew who she married and she has accepted what her husband is and does.  That makes her complicit all the way.

While Adelita is no saint by any means I find her more palatable and more worth rooting for. I don't know though whether the show agrees with me there....

lol I agree. The scene where she was crying about the stuff her husband has done was funny. He's the head of a drug cartel! Does she not ever read the news??

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Don’t  lie to a cartel leader.

Also I don’t think Emily is as stupid as some of you think she is.  She made some strategicly bad moves last episode but her kid had been kidnapped like three times. I don’t think she was in a thinking mood.  You make her angry my guess is she is the one who plays in a whole other chess board.  That x Ray was conveniently left fir hubby to find.  Emily did not want to make nice with Potter.

Now the games can begin.

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Bad move by Galindo. Lies about his brother's death or no, Devante would have had his back until the end of time. His new BFFs (Adelita and the MC) will naturally be more concerned with themselves than him.

Having said that, Devante was total dogshit as a consigliere in the meeting. You NEVER let the other side in a negotiation know there's any dissention in the ranks. Galindo could legitimately have killed him just for that.

Am the only one who thinks Angel's mandate that EZ leave the club after Potter's done with them means he (Angel) will not live to see the end of it?

Speaking of Adelita, shouldn't she have had at least a little blood on her clothes after hacking a man's head off?

Finally, EZ's face always looks a little weird in the flashback sequences. Are they CGI-ing out his beard? 

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9 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Finally, EZ's face always looks a little weird in the flashback sequences. Are they CGI-ing out his beard? 

I tuned in during the episode and caught one of the flashbacks with EZ and Angel (and will watch the whole thing tomorrow), but W.T.H. was up with that? He looked so bizarre, or swollen, or something. So very weird. 

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11 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I have forgotten the specifics of Galindo's brother's death.  What did Devante tell him?

When Galindo first floated the idea of joining forces with Adelita, Devante and his mom told him that his brother had actually died at the hands of Los Olividatos, and the stated death by pneumonia was just a ruse for Galindo's father to save face. But when Galindo was going through all the papers that the feds had left scattered when they tossed the room, he found his brother's medical files showing that he really had died of pneumonia, which means Devante and his mom were lying to him.

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22 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Bad move by Galindo. Lies about his brother's death or no, Devante would have had his back until the end of time. His new BFFs (Adelita and the MC) will naturally be more concerned with themselves than him.

Having said that, Devante was total dogshit as a consigliere in the meeting. You NEVER let the other side in a negotiation know there's any dissention in the ranks. Galindo could legitimately have killed him just for that.

Am the only one who thinks Angel's mandate that EZ leave the club after Potter's done with them means he (Angel) will not live to see the end of it?

Speaking of Adelita, shouldn't she have had at least a little blood on her clothes after hacking a man's head off?

Finally, EZ's face always looks a little weird in the flashback sequences. Are they CGI-ing out his beard? 

I agree with you. I think he's going to die next week. EZ obviously can't die since he's the main character and him not being in the MC makes the show called "Mayans" pointless. Looks like from the preview he's going to tell Bishop and the other guys he's not cut out for the life and then something will happen to Angel that will reel him back in.


I also agree with the guy above who said Emily isn't dumb. She's clearly not and I also agree that she's the one that found and displayed Galindo's brother's medical records out for him to find. She made that way too obvious that she wanted him to see that. My only problem with her is she acted like she wanted to be in the dark throughout the whole thing and now it's "we" and now she's his closest adviser as if she has experience or knowledge about a cartel and how it all works. 

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Potter’s demand that Angel and EZ kill their cousin will change everything....Angel has been working with Adelita secretly anyway and now maybe  EX becomes a double agent.  The whole plot line has become dreadfully complex.

Edited by lazylou
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Emily is a bit of a question mark for me. She's definitely not who I thought she was in the beginning of the season so I'm curious to see what happens from here. With Devante out of the picture it's obviously not going to go the route of her being in danger from him. So now my new theory is Miguel and Luisa will get a little too close which will push Emily back into EZ's life.

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I am more worried about Adelita than ever. This alliance with Galindo against the U.S. government won't end well for her. At least she got her revenge on the Bishop and Galindo's consigliere. And how did Adelita hack that guy to death without getting any blood on her?

Angel is right to be upset, but he needs to understand how desperate EZ and his father were.  

Emily and her husband are sociopaths. I will throw in Potter in the sociopath basket too, but ordering EZ and Angel to kill their cousin has got to be a test from his warped sense of humor.

Edited by SimoneS
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