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Any passerby would have assumed the mother of the groom hates the bride.

I know, right? Some speculate Jen was crying because she must have just received the news that MTV captured him driving under the influence and she knew he was going to be exposed. Like we didn't already know. 

I am sure Jen has seen Ryan drive off plenty of times while under the influence and come home fucked up. 

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17 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

"If we're watching one scene and he's in the front yard throwing baseball and then five seconds later they are in a strip club, to me that's just not appropriate,"

Ummmm....didn't MACI go to a strip club for her bachelorette party? Didn't she shake her barely clad ass all over TV? 

How about this? Don't let your elementary age kid watch MTV. 

11 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

Mackenzie did.  She blamed Maci for the 25 days, 600 hours, five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes (and ten million seconds) that she allowed Ryan to roam this earth, or at least the state of Tennessee, high as a kite.  That was my only point.  

Exactly. Maci has her own behavior to answer for, but for Mack to put all of Ryan's shame and dangerous behavior on his ex was just the height of scapegoating, IMO. 


4 hours ago, Tatum said:

I mean, I can see why Ryan's parents want Mackenzie around, but why does Ryan want to marry her? He's probably not of the opinion that he needs a caretaker, he never really cared about custody of Bentley (if he was, for example, trying to look better in front of family court by being married, which it's been thrown around that's what Mackenzie is thinking for her own custody case), and she's not particularly attractive, smart, or interesting, (and even if she was, or Ryan thought she was, what's the rush to get married)- why does Ryan want to get married so quickly? I mean, I get he's not operating on all cylinders right now, but it's not like getting married is something you would just decide you had to do in the next few months, even in an altered state. It's not like Ryan got super high one day and was like, hey wouldn't it be a riot if we went to a courthouse and got married? And then it happened before he sobered up. It's a rush marriage, but not so rushed that Ryan wouldn't have had a few moments of sobriety to really consider this marr

I agree with you. It doesn't make a lot of sense. Mackenzie doesn't seem like Ryan's type at all. All his previous girlfriends were tiny, bubbly, party type girls. Mack looks like someone's 1st grade teacher. She's not very personable, and looks super old and matronly. Even if it's because he's whacked out of his mind on drugs, you'd think the quickie marriage would happen with a fellow junky, not this stern schoolmarm who marches around with his balls in her purse. 


2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

She's not going to nag him, she's always on his side, she makes things easy for him.

I don't see this at all. She may take his side Maci-wise, and in public. But she has shown several times that she won't put up with his shit. She has gotten real snippy with him, and shuts him down to the point that he appeared like a contrite little kid who just got the ruler across his hands. They have a very odd dynamic. 

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5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I agree with you. It doesn't make a lot of sense. Mackenzie doesn't seem like Ryan's type at all. All his previous girlfriends were tiny, bubbly, party type girls. Mack looks like someone's 1st grade teacher. She's not very personable, and looks super old and matronly. Even if it's because he's whacked out of his mind on drugs, you'd think the quickie marriage would happen with a fellow junky, not this stern schoolmarm who marches around with his balls in her purse. 


I don't see this at all. She may take his side Maci-wise, and in public. But she has shown several times that she won't put up with his shit. She has gotten real snippy with him, and shuts him down to the point that he appeared like a contrite little kid who just got the ruler across his hands. They have a very odd dynamic. 

Stern school marm- too funny.


I don't see any possible reason for Ryan to want to get married at all, least of all to Mackenzie. I can't help but think Mackenzie agrees with me, considering how rushed the whole affair was. Any normal person would have run the other way a thousand times by now.

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Ummmm....didn't MACI go to a strip club for her bachelorette party? Didn't she shake her barely clad ass all over TV? 

How about this? Don't let your elementary age kid watch MTV. 

Maci doesn't realize her photo is in the dictionary next to the word hypocrite. 

Maci acts as if Bentley has to watch Teen Mom. No he doesn't. 

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"If we're watching one scene and he's in the front yard throwing baseball and then five seconds later they are in a strip club, to me that's just not appropriate,"

Uh...why not? He's not throwing a ball into a strip club, is he? What possible difference could it make what the next scene is?

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Yeah, they called it Red's Last Bender or something--she was twerking. badly. Nothing wrong with twerking, but her lack of butt made it pretty funny. And of course the hypocrisy.

Edited by Lm2162
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9 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, they called it Red's Last Bender or something--she was twerking. badly. Nothing wrong with twerking, but her lack of butt made it pretty funny. And of course the hypocrisy.

Ginger's Last Binger. I'm so ashamed I know that. 

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33 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Uh...why not? He's not throwing a ball into a strip club, is he? What possible difference could it make what the next scene is?

OT, I was once walking to the local ice cream shop and bouncing a ball along the way. I lost control and my ball rolled into this darkly lit bar. I was terrified and just wanted to leave the ball, but my step-brother made me go get it. It wasn't a strip club, but it was still a pretty jarring experience. 

ETA - I was about 7. This didn't happen last week. 

Edited by ghoulina
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16 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Right, but...all of them do that too. They've all signed up again and again in the throes of addiction. It seems like a wash, and it's hard to know what to condemn and what to think someone needs real help for (and everything in between) when you're dealing with this level of dysfunction among this many people. But nobody blamed Barb for Jenelle's actions or Gary for Amber's. 

Actually, Gary has been blamed for pushing Amber's buttons and for stirring up her anger. Barb has been blamed for how her children turned out. Nevermind that Barb was dealing with DV during that time. Neither are responsible for the actions of other adults.

Back to Maci, it is ridiculous for her to act so high and mighty, talking about what she can do to help Ryan when the one thing she can do, and was told to do, was to lay out boundaries and issue consequences.

Maci flapping her cheeks...lol. 

Miss Hypocritical concerned about strip club scenes. I guess DV scenes are more her speed.

Edited by GreatKazu
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16 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Neither are responsible for the actions of other adults.


Yes, that's my point. 

I'm really wondering how Ryan is doing now. 30 days is *brief* for such a serious addiction. I wonder if he's already relapsed or will soon, or if Mack has him under lock and key. Would she be the type to look the other way like Jen or watch him like a hawk? 

1 hour ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Ginger's last binger. :-l 

Well, that is better than what I made up. 

At the end of the day these kids shouldn't even be watching the show. It's never been age appropriate for a child anyway. No use in picking and choosing what's "most" inappropriate. Also, Tyler went to a strip club on-screen and that didn't matter I guess. *Sigh*

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5 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

And also, good luck with that after that video! Yeah, I don't get it either. Maybe he's just one of those people who gets aggressively pursued (which Mack clearly does with him) and just gives in and doesn't much care either way? Like, he'll just accept it as long as they make nice and have sex with him? She's not going to nag him, she's always on his side, she makes things easy for him. Probably is willing to do the cooking and cleaning, and he could very well be attracted to her. Yes she's not gorgeous (and nor is Maci) but he could easily personally find her attractive. She's young and malleable and his parents adore her and have pushed it. I doubt he's thinking about the reasons for their union all that deeply.

Agreed. My guess is Mackenzie will wash his clothes, fix him dinner, & give him sex regularly that he doesn't have to "work" for. Win-win for Ryan, especially in his high AF state where he can't seem to be assed to do the basics for himself, let alone be coherent enough to pursue new girls for sex. 

Also, why do any people who are strung out on drugs do what they do? The main reason Ryan married her, IMO, is because he spent their entire relationship high AF. I don't think it's something sober Ryan would have done. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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13 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Agreed. My guess is Mackenzie will wash his clothes, fix him dinner, & give him sex regularly that he doesn't have to "work" for. Win-win for Ryan, especially in his high AF state where he can't seem to be assed to do the basics for himself, let alone be coherent enough to pursue new girls for sex. 

Also, why do any people who are strung out on drugs do what they do? The main reason Ryan married her, IMO, is because he spent their entire relationship high AF. I don't think it's something sober Ryan would have done. 

Re the bolded, maybe, but if Adam Lind can still get laid on the regular, I think even a strung out Ryan could manage. But yes, perhaps even swiping left on Tinder (do people still use that for sex hookups, or is that now basically a match.com?) is too much work for Ryan.


Actually, at this point, I am wondering if sex itself isn't maybe too much activity for Ryan.

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2 hours ago, Tatum said:

Re the bolded, maybe, but if Adam Lind can still get laid on the regular, I think even a strung out Ryan could manage. But yes, perhaps even swiping left on Tinder (do people still use that for sex hookups, or is that now basically a match.com?) is too much work for Ryan.


Actually, at this point, I am wondering if sex itself isn't maybe too much activity for Ryan.

Two different drugs are at play here. Adumb uses meth. Meth users are generally known for their compulsive sexual behavior. Meth increases the sex drive of the person which would explain his behavior and having had two children with different girls and having girlfriends constantly by his side to fulfill his needs. Opiates is the opposite with a lower sex drive. That is likely one reason why Ryan hasn't had anymore children with other girls because he can't get it up or perform fully. 

Mackenzie will soon feel (no pun intended) the affects of being married to an opiate and possibly a heroin user when she is not getting any sex from Ryan. She might want to introduce him to meth. Mackenzie may not care enough about Ryan to even have sex with him since she is just famewhoring her way through TM. 


I'm really wondering how Ryan is doing now. 30 days is *brief* for such a serious addiction. I wonder if he's already relapsed or will soon, or if Mack has him under lock and key. Would she be the type to look the other way like Jen or watch him like a hawk? 

My thoughts as well.  I think Jen will continue to enable and now that she has a daughter-in-law, she feels comfortable knowing someone else will be taking over part of her shift. 

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Oh when I was comparing Adam to Ryan I meant in terms of desirability, not in how their drug use affects their sexual abilities. What I was getting at is if Adam can find girls willing to sleep with him, I'd expect Ryan at his worst to still find the same. That was in response to the theory that Ryan is marrying Mac for a steady sex partner. 


But yeah would not surprise me if Ryan isn't really all that interested in sex lately. 

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16 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Oh when I was comparing Adam to Ryan I meant in terms of desirability, not in how their drug use affects their sexual abilities. What I was getting at is if Adam can find girls willing to sleep with him, I'd expect Ryan at his worst to still find the same. That was in response to the theory that Ryan is marrying Mac for a steady sex partner. 


But yeah would not surprise me if Ryan isn't really all that interested in sex lately. 

Gotcha. My misunderstanding. 

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2 hours ago, Tatum said:

Oh when I was comparing Adam to Ryan I meant in terms of desirability, not in how their drug use affects their sexual abilities. What I was getting at is if Adam can find girls willing to sleep with him, I'd expect Ryan at his worst to still find the same. That was in response to the theory that Ryan is marrying Mac for a steady sex partner. 


But yeah would not surprise me if Ryan isn't really all that interested in sex lately. 

I mean, we live in a world where Matt appears able to find willing sex partners, so it's not too difficult for me to believe that Ryan could do the same. 

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Once again, consider Bentley and his own personal life.   He doesn't deserve to be known as the kid of a drug addict, this footage is never going to go away.   Nice stigma to put on an 8 year old kid.   


That's all Ryan's doing.  

It is everyone's doing including Ryan. MTV has a hand in it as well since according to Maci, Bentley watches the show. MTV shows that one can go to rehab for rest and to chill out rather than admit they are afflicted with an addiction. MTV also stigmatizes domestic violence and other forms of abuse. In the end, that is Maci's doing because she feels it is appropriate for a 7 year-old to watch Teen Mom.

The entire family has tried to shelter Ryan including Maci. She chose to participate in a cover-up along with Mack and the Edwards. Bentley has been shown how adults handle people with addiction. He has been shown via words, actions, and behaviors that one ignores the problem, deny a problem exists, put the blame on others instead of making a choice to deal with it by giving the addict an ultimatum and sticking with it.  Even if the Edwards were not ready to give that ultimatum, Maci certainly alluded to being tired of the situation. Her comments about Bentley's grandparents (mainly Jen) being in serious denial, tells me she was clearly aware of the issue at hand and wanted them to do something about it rather than allow it to continue. With all her money at her disposal, Maci could have sought professional help regarding the problem and how to deal with it and most importantly, put her son in therapy.

I fume at these people who have more money than god and still can't put it to good use when it comes to their health and well-being.

44 minutes ago, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

I mean, we live in a world where Matt appears able to find willing sex partners, so it's not too difficult for me to believe that Ryan could do the same. 

So true.

8 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

At the end of the day these kids shouldn't even be watching the show. It's never been age appropriate for a child anyway. No use in picking and choosing what's "most" inappropriate. Also, Tyler went to a strip club on-screen and that didn't matter I guess. *Sigh*


OMG reading Maci's explanation about Farrah and her strip club job, makes me want to just smack the hypocrisy out of her. Maci is just too stupid. Ryan was a part of that crap as well. He had no problems shaming Farrah, talking about her as if she was scum.

Edited by SPLAIN
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13 minutes ago, Tatum said:

So, when was the reunion filmed?

It was the weekend of June 3rd. I happened to be in Chattanooga that weekend for a wedding and recall seeing that the moms were out of town for filming. I was SO looking forward to running into the Patron Saint of Bud Lite.

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5 hours ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

I happened to be in Chattanooga that weekend for a wedding

Was it officiated by the Rev Dee Snyder? Was the groom wearing sunglasses? Was the mother of the groom bawling her eyes out? 

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11 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Was it officiated by the Rev Dee Snyder? Was the groom wearing sunglasses? Was the mother of the groom bawling her eyes out? 

HAAAAA, no, there was a normal officiant. The groom was NOT wearing sunglasses, however the parents of the groom walked down the aisle AFTER the bride because they couldn't be bothered to show up on time. And it rained (it was an outdoor wedding).

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15 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

OMG reading Maci's explanation about Farrah and her strip club job, makes me want to just smack the hypocrisy out of her. Maci is just too stupid. Ryan was a part of that crap as well. He had no problems shaming Farrah, talking about her as if she was scum.


Ugh, that made me so mad. I believe his comment was something along the lines of, "anyone who has had a dick up their ass doesn't deserve an opinion" which I am pretty sure Maci "liked" or retweeted, or whatever it is you do to show you agree with something on twitter.


So, Ryan, you're an unemployed, monosyllabic sloth that does nothing but lay around all day and barely pay any attention to your own child, (and evidently had a drug problem even then), but please, feel free to pass judgment on someone based solely on the fact that they've engaged in anal sex.

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10 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Ugh, that made me so mad. I believe his comment was something along the lines of, "anyone who has had a dick up their ass doesn't deserve an opinion" which I am pretty sure Maci "liked" or retweeted, or whatever it is you do to show you agree with something on twitter.


So, Ryan, you're an unemployed, monosyllabic sloth that does nothing but lay around all day and barely pay any attention to your own child, (and evidently had a drug problem even then), but please, feel free to pass judgment on someone based solely on the fact that they've engaged in anal sex.

And unless he's never watched porn or gone to a strip club, he has no room to talk. HELLOoooo, you help create the market that allows people to make the kind of money that incentivizes them to be strippers or participate in porn. If there was no audience there would be no porn to begin with. Tyler acted all high and mighty about it too but don't tell me he hasn't watched plenty of porn while evading Catelynn's greasy advances. 

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8 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

And unless he's never watched porn or gone to a strip club, he has no room to talk. HELLOoooo, you help create the market that allows people to make the kind of money that incentivizes them to be strippers or participate in porn. If there was no audience there would be no porn to begin with. Tyler acted all high and mighty about it too but don't tell me he hasn't watched plenty of porn while evading Catelynn's greasy advances. 

Eh, I bet Ryan would be the kind of guy to go home with a girl, have sex with her, then decide she's a slut for putting out so soon. He probably doesn't think a guy who has anal sex with a girl is shameful, but the girl who agrees to it is a slut.

I should go find @GreatKazu's response from 2015 about this. It was funny. Something about Ryan would love to stick his pecker in some girl's ass but can't get any takers.

On 5/14/2015 at 3:10 PM, GreatKazu said:

I bet Ryan would love to shove his pecker in some girl's ass. Thus far, he hasn't had any takers. Nothing wrong with anal sex, Ryan. It is not just a "gay" thing.  I am sure if Farrah gave you the time of day and allowed you to have anal sex with her,  you'd go for it in a heartbeat.


Never did I think Maci and Ryan would ever make me have to defend Farrah. I'd rather watch five minutes of Farrah on screen than ever watch those two douche bags again.



Yes, that is her last name.

Edited by Tatum
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My only beef with Farrah about the porno is I wish she would just own it. When Amber and Maci and them try to throw it in her face just say "And? I got paid. So what?" With the residuals she's probably set for life if she manages her money wisely. 

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1 hour ago, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

My only beef with Farrah about the porno is I wish she would just own it. When Amber and Maci and them try to throw it in her face just say "And? I got paid. So what?" With the residuals she's probably set for life if she manages her money wisely. 

That actually makes feel a little sorry for her. Jessica Biel always said she has major regrets over quasi nude spread she did as a teenager and that it humiliates her to this day. Not that she'd ever admit it, but I always suspected Farrah had similar regrets about Backdoor Teen Mom. Every time the other girls call her a whore or trashy it probably hurts way more than she'd admit. 

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5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Was it officiated by the Rev Dee Snyder? Was the groom wearing sunglasses? Was the mother of the groom bawling her eyes out? 

Were there any lemurs painted on any nearby walls? 

3 hours ago, Tatum said:

Eh, I bet Ryan would be the kind of guy to go home with a girl, have sex with her, then decide she's a slut for putting out so soon. He probably doesn't think a guy who has anal sex with a girl is shameful, but the girl who agrees to it is a slut.

I should go find @GreatKazu's response from 2015 about this. It was funny. Something about Ryan would love to stick his pecker in some girl's ass but can't get any takers.

I agree with you about Ryan calling out a girl as a slut while it is okay for him to be a fucking loser of a father and having an addiction. Glass houses and pot meet kettle. 

Ryan's quotes about Farrah:


“I don’t blame Maci for wanting to not associate with MTV anymore.”

"She’s nasty, dude. She’s got no morals.”

He then explained [to a friend] how he found out about Abraham’s return while discussing his contact with Bookout.

“We have our times, like today. Today, apparently, Maci was not going to do this MTV filming show anymore because they’re bringing Farrah back, and then she texted my mom saying, ‘I’m coming to get Bentley,’ because she thought MTV was going to go behind her back.”

Re the bolded part of Ryan's quote, how quick Maci was to go get Bentley from Jen and Larry's home to keep him from being filmed by MTV because she didn't trust them. Yet, for five years she allowed Bentley to be with the Edwards and in Ryan's presence with no trust issues whatsoever although she was fully aware of Ryan being a drug addict. 

Maci's comments:

“If this is true, I’m done. I’m not doing this any more … I’m not going to have my six-year-old son on a show with someone who did porn on TV.”

“Okay, my feelings have nothing to do with Farrah personally. It’s not about her, it’s more or less that I don’t find it appropriate for my six-year-old son — who has to wake up and go to kindergarten the day after the show airs — to be on a show where they are at strip clubs or talking about porn,” Maci has revealed, adding, “He is Bentley from ‘Teen Mom’… And they’re six years old and in school, and kids are mean… My job as a parent is to protect him and do what I feel is right for him, and I can’t really worry about whose feelings I hurt in the process.”

Maci switched it up later by saying she took issue with scenes featuring Farrah working as a hostess at a strip club. Maci can't even keep her story straight. 


1 hour ago, Tatum said:

That actually makes feel a little sorry for her. Jessica Biel always said she has major regrets over quasi nude spread she did as a teenager and that it humiliates her to this day. Not that she'd ever admit it, but I always suspected Farrah had similar regrets about Backdoor Teen Mom. Every time the other girls call her a whore or trashy it probably hurts way more than she'd admit. 


Edited by SPLAIN
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Did Maci actually think that MTV would remove Farrah from the show if she threatened to quit...could you imagine her ego if that had happened?  From what I remember when MTV didn't beg her to stay she went running to them and offered to stay on the show without Bentley; to save face...... and then he was back on the very next season!  They must have cut her pay without Bentley....she can't maintain her lifestyle without those MTV paychecks!

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3 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

Did Maci actually think that MTV would remove Farrah from the show if she threatened to quit...could you imagine her ego if that had happened?  From what I remember when MTV didn't beg her to stay she went running to them and offered to stay on the show without Bentley; to save face...... and then he was back on the very next season!  They must have cut her pay without Bentley....she can't maintain her lifestyle without those MTV paychecks!

Well I think she thought they actually would. Otherwise why did she make a drama queen scene? Then again she also probably thought the other two would have a problem with it as well. At least she probably thought Cate would. I remember Cate getting a text from her and reading it out loud and not understanding why Maci was this upset. Same with Amber. Probably the only time the two were on their own thought wise about the whole thing.

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No way in hell were Cate and Amber going to give up their MTV paychecks and take a stand with Maci to get Farrah off the show!  Maci grew up in a Financially stable home and probably never really wanted for anything.  When the show ends Maci will have to adjust her lifestyle but her family will be there for her.  Cate and Amber will be be selling everything to survive, selling their stories to rag magazines and eventually be struggling as they did in their childhoods.

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Yeah, it's going to get very ugly for Cate Amber and Jenelle too.   Amber is all high and mighty saying she makes the big money and Matt doesn't , which is true but it's to like she has done anything special to earn it or has any kind of skills to keep up that income when the show is over.  She's probably going to crawl back to Gary and want to live for free in one of his rental properties at some point.

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Actually I have never missed an episode since these girls started how many years ago.   Of course Maci would like to co parent with Ryan.  He is the man that is Bentleys father.  He is the role model.  She would like to be able to turn over Bentley to Ryan for his time with his dad but she has to go through Jen and Larry who are terrible enablers.  She can't win.

She does have a problem coparenting with a drug addict and that's why she goes through the enablers.  It's a merry go round for Maci.


Maci chose to co-parent with Jen and Larry. She didn't complain about them being the people she consults with and co-parents with. She said so in an interview clip that was linked here a few pages back on this thread. You can check it out yourself. She said she chose to co-parent with the grandparents because they are like her second parents and they are grandparents to all her kids. If she truly had an issue with them, she could have done something about it. She is not legally bound to give Bentley to them for Ryan's visitations. Maci not only dropped off Bentley for visitation time, she dropped him off when they asked her to have Bentley or when Maci had more pressing matters to tend to such as going on her hundredth vacation for the year or going out of state to party. Does that mean she wouldn't love for Ryan to be involved? No, of course not. But the Edwards are not these people she loathes or finds herself forced to co-parent with. She had one issue with a holiday and she created this big drama over it. There were more pressing and bigger issues at hand. 

When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Ryan showed Maci and his family who he was back when he relapsed. Maci is a full-blown idiot for even contemplating or bringing up the idea of wanting Bentley to spend time with Ryan knowing the facts about him. That topic should never have been brought up or mentioned. Once she was aware of his relapse, her ass should have gone into protection mode. The same way she said she had to protect Bentley from the MTV cameras because of Farrah's adult entertainment career, that is what she should have done back when she and the rest of the Edwards clan decided to play the "Put your blinders on" game for their MTV cash. 

Edited by SPLAIN
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It's a merry go round for Maci because instead of acting like any responsible parent who would go to court and make Ryan get drug tested or lose his time with Bentley, she took advantage of Jenn and Larry's free babysitting and then turned it into a bullshit storyline about how Ryan needs to spend more time alone with Bentley and Jen needs a dog and a hobby.   That's because she is not a responsible parent, she just plays one on tv.  

She doesn't care who she turns Bentley over to, as long as it doesn't interfere with her party time.   She even left Jayde there to go party and get knocked up for a third time.  

I don't think Maci would have said anything about the drugs, except the cameras caught Ryan in the car being undeniably fucked up.   I'm guessing that's how they are explaining the 'text' Maci got talking about what Ryan was up to, and she knew it would make it onto the show, so she had to go ahead and pretend to be shocked and upset.   Then filmed the conversations with the therapist on speakerphone and they edited the timeline to be different than it was.  JMO

Edited by lexiexx
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2 hours ago, lexiexx said:

It's a merry go round for Maci because instead of acting like any responsible parent who would go to court and make Ryan get drug tested or lose his time with Bentley, she took advantage of Jenn and Larry's free babysitting and then turned it into a bullshit storyline about how Ryan needs to spend more time alone with Bentley and Jen needs a dog and a hobby.   That's because she is not a responsible parent, she just plays one on tv.  

She doesn't care who she turns Bentley over to, as long as it doesn't interfere with her party time.   She even left Jayde there to go party and get knocked up for a third time.  

I don't think Maci would have said anything about the drugs, except the cameras caught Ryan in the car being undeniably fucked up.   I'm guessing that's how they are explaining the 'text' Maci got talking about what Ryan was up to, and she knew it would make it onto the show, so she had to go ahead and pretend to be shocked and upset.   Then filmed the conversations with the therapist on speakerphone and they edited the timeline to be different than it was.  JMO

This is my favorite post right now. I too believe the timeline is all wonky, only because like you said, Macis story in these first few episodes don't match up to how she ended this season. 

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I think Jen and Larry were alright with Maci until Larry and Ryan had that big falling out.  Something big happened around that time and since then and thanks to MacKenzie ratting on Maci and their conversation things aren't right with them anymore.

BTW where is Maci's family I don't see them in the cast anymore.

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3 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I think Jen and Larry were alright with Maci until Larry and Ryan had that big falling out.  Something big happened around that time and since then and thanks to MacKenzie ratting on Maci and their conversation things aren't right with them anymore.

BTW where is Maci's family I don't see them in the cast anymore.

Yeah, can't blame Mack for revealing her "private" conversation to Jen and Larry since it was, you know, captured on camera. That was not a legit "let's have lunch together" get-together. It was Maci getting camera time to complain AGAIN about her babysitters. Once you convey your negative comments on camera, don't cry foul, Maci. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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6 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I think Jen and Larry were alright with Maci until Larry and Ryan had that big falling out.  Something big happened around that time and since then and thanks to MacKenzie ratting on Maci and their conversation things aren't right with them anymore.

BTW where is Maci's family I don't see them in the cast anymore.

How can someone rat on someone when the conversation was shown on television? Maci had that conversation while filming the show. Every single time she has said shit about the Edwards, there was the camera. She even talked to the producer about the Edwards and that whole bullshit drama about Christmas. Not sure how that is ratting out someone when Maci has had no problem talking shit about people on camera. 

Maci's mom doesn't want to be a part of the fuckery that is known as Maci. She has had it with her lying, conniving daughter. The daughter who lied about how she wasn't able to conceive, but somehow had two miracle babies. The daughter who lied and said her doctor told her she didn't need birth control. All of that was aired on the show or in interviews. It is not rumors. Her daughter lied about being pregnant on camera while she was at least six months pregnant. She played it off as if she didn't know. She either was hiding the truth from Taylor or she was lying to the public because she was caught boozing it up while pregnant on social media. She also drank while the MTV cameras were rolling right before she revealed she was pregnant. She was out with her friend having lunch and drinks. 

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6 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

How can someone rat on someone when the conversation was shown on television? Maci had that conversation while filming the show. Every single time she has said shit about the Edwards, there was the camera. She even talked to the producer about the Edwards and that whole bullshit drama about Christmas. Not sure how that is ratting out someone when Maci has had no problem talking shit about people on camera. 

Maci's mom doesn't want to be a part of the fuckery that is known as Maci. She has had it with her lying, conniving daughter. The daughter who lied about how she wasn't able to conceive, but somehow had two miracle babies. The daughter who lied and said her doctor told her she didn't need birth control. All of that was aired on the show or in interviews. It is not rumors. Her daughter lied about being pregnant on camera while she was at least six months pregnant. She played it off as if she didn't know. She either was hiding the truth from Taylor or she was lying to the public because she was caught boozing it up while pregnant on social media. She also drank while the MTV cameras were rolling right before she revealed she was pregnant. She was out with her friend having lunch and drinks. 

To me at that point, Maci had already had two kids before. There is no way she didnt know or at least suspect.  And if she did suspect and continued to drink anyways before getting answers, thats a major strike in my book.  

I dunno, maybe the whole thing is a sore point for me. Im still trying to conceive and the fact that ones like Maci drank like she did during her pregnancy (and lied about it) makes me see red.

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5 minutes ago, jadecorleone said:

To me at that point, Maci had already had two kids before. There is no way she didnt know or at least suspect.  And if she did suspect and continued to drink anyways before getting answers, thats a major strike in my book.  

I dunno, maybe the whole thing is a sore point for me. Im still trying to conceive and the fact that ones like Maci drank like she did during her pregnancy (and lied about it) makes me see red.

I am sorry. I hope and pray that you will be able to conceive soon. I have a relative who had to go through IVF. 

Maci likely drank throughout her three pregnancies. Why would she drink through just one? She has been a drinker since her teens. 

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