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S07.E12: Back To Business


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Jen watches the kids and the dogs all by herself huh...should be interesting how she does that.....bust out those tethers!!  And in my best Will's yell "Al Bord!" 


And I saw the tent in the living room right beside the fireplace where Zoey took a tumble, makes me nervous.  I also noticed in the promo they changed that big coffee table and it is now a round wooden one, more space and no corners to be child proofed, much better.  They built that dream house with 2 children on the horizon yet they have no yard for kids and limited space in the house to play except for the media room or their own rooms I guess and yet the tent is in the living room, can't wait to hear why... 

Edited by jodo
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This episode was so unrealistic. They expect us to believe that Jen stayed home within, I am guessing, 2 months post chemo with 2 kids and 5 dogs. You have got to be kidding me. And what was up with all the food she brought home, with the exception of Will, she and Zoey literally eat child portions. I think they are trying to prove something. It's almost as if, yes we are little but, we can do as much and even more than average height people. It seems ridiculous to me. And as normal, Bill just did your regular guy things, nothing far fetched.

  • Love 1

Five dogs?! Did Kate monitor these dogs while she was babysitting the kids? Did Jen say this was the first time all the dogs have met? You've got a bunch of dogs moving around two very tiny kids, and they don't have any Tara the Hero Cat to bodyslam these dogs if they get out of line. Now I know the TLC crew was there, and I'm sure part of the idea was to add to the "chaos" of the day, but, jeez.

  • Love 2

Poor Will!  First he's trying to pick up the glue (or, as he so endearingly calls it, "uga" or something) stick and Jen is all SIT DOWN SIT DOWN COME HERE WILLIAM.  Then, when she realizes what he was doing, says I COULD'VE GOTTEN THAT FOR YOU.  Why would she?  And -- am I mistaken, or -- he was making like the scissors were a duck?  Didn't he open and close them repeatedly like a duck's bill and say, very clearly, "duck"?  Of course Jen misses that very cute and creative moment entirely in her zeal to grab them out of his hand, CAREFUL CAREFUL NOPE NOPE WE'RE DONE BYE-BYE SCISSORS.  It's what she always does: when Zoey is being cute, saying "meow" while looking at the big cat in the viewmaster, Jen has to barge in going ROWR ROWR and wiggling her fingers; no, that's not what Zoey was saying...  Then another time, Will asks for bread, and Jen is all guessing, LEG?  OCTUPUS LEG???  What is wrong with that woman?  She is clueless as to how kids think, or perhaps she needs HER hearing tested. 


Then she's all hovering over Zoey, as usual, guiding her hands so they make a perfect poster with perfect pre-cut letters perfectly aligned and perfect sticker images (what about letting the kids draw; did she not call this "art"?), and telling Will he's a "big boy" and doesn't need any help from her.  So he carries on alone, but when he gets some sparkle "uga" on his fingers; MELTDOWN TIME FOR JEN.  The coming home with $200 worth of takeout was typical (as I've pointed out before: although she claims to eat two bites, she never shares/divides or orders a kids' portion; what happens to leftovers?  I'm sure it's nice to be that rich, but why waste it?). 


In other news: Judy is apparently being paid to shop (talk about a perfect job placement) and rudely avoids Bill's family.  And -- surprise -- Jen calls to pester him right in the middle of his rare and precious "guy time," just as she did -- repeatedly -- when he was out with his brothers on bachelor night when one was getting married; even Judy told her to leave him alone!  What was so urgent that she couldn't wait for him to call her, as it seemed he planned to, when he got back to the hotel?  It's not like the kids were going to sleep -- at least not in that ridiculous tent...  And it made him feel bad.  Way to go, she on whom all attention must be focused constantly!  Did you see the looks the brothers exchanged?  Ha!  BTW, do they both live in Orlando or near it or did one have to fly in just to have a drink with his brother in a restaurant for an hour?  Apparently all of those Klein family gatherings Bill had envisioned at the McMansion are not happening!


She's worried about the kids missing her or forgetting her when she goes back to work?  Which is it???  I'm honestly beginning to think she has real problems, despite all of her amazing accomplishments.  Actually, the amazing accomplishments are, in a way, just further proof of her deep-seated insecurity and competitiveness.  A drive and determination bordering on desperation like that comes from somewhere deep and dark, as does the constant smiling.  Who smiles ALL the time?  No one I know.


The tent; just...  Why?  "They didn't seem to see the point."  Um, no; neither do I.  Tents (brand new from the store) are for camping OUTSIDE.  "Building forts" as she did when younger (she is constantly trying to impose her lost childhood on these poor kids) is a spontaneous activity, using whatever's sitting around the house.  They did enjoy playing with the flashlights.  BUT NO!  Here comes Jen, annoyingly, COME INTO THE TENT COME ON WILL COME ON ZOEY OOOH ISN'T THAT KEWL HEY WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE IN HERE?  At least she's no longer worried about Will falling, as evidenced by his racing around to the back of the tent inches away from that sharp-edged marble hearth without so much as a CAREFUL CAREFUL from Jen, who was -- per usual -- obsessed with keeping Zoey focused on an activity (heaven forbid those kids should have one unscheduled minute). 


As for "it would be nice to have another adult around to help me with these two toddlers and five dogs," please... 


I could go on and on...  

Edited by all4mom

Another enjoyable episode for me.  Bill was so cute when he was laughing at Judy's dog poop gag reflex; he obviously enjoys teasing her.  It was nice of Judy to let Bill have his bonding time with his brothers; even though we don't see much of them, they seem to have a close relationship.


Those dogs of Judy's are a rambunctious little bunch, aren't they?  I'm sure the chaos of the camera crew added to their excitement; at least they seemed to quiet down after being sequestered away from all the action.  :-)


Will and Zoey just LOVED those flashlights, didn't they?  I thought they were pretty cool myself - stuff like that used to keep my niece amused when she was their age, too.  (Of course, she'd amuse herself by playing chase games with the light beam and my cat, picking up yet another of her auntie's proclivities.)

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I think Will is adorable but Zoey is my favorite--that little high-pitched voice of hers gets me every time!  Did you see her swooshing the dogs into the kitchen after Jen had already closed them behind the gate?  Too sweet.  I thought the tent was a cute idea--it was obviously meant for indoor play and fit them perfectly.  While I'm not a big fan of Judy's, it was nice of her to let Bill have some time with his brothers.  The welcome home sign was sweet and Bill looked like he appreciated it.  All in all, another nice peek into their lives. 

  • Love 3

It was nice that Bill got time with his bothers.  I think it was right for Judy to decline that invitation.  Attending those shows and trying to secure merchadise that will actually sell is no easy task.  It seems that Judy has a handle on what sells and what does not.


Jen seemed to do fine with the kids on her and with Kate's help.  I agree that adding the dogs into the mix was a bit much.  Keep in mind TLC crew were there also and I am sure helped out.  The most concerning thing I saw was Jenn climibing rather unsteadily onto a counter to get something.  Kate was right there, why didn't she ask for assistance?  Going both up and down she seemed very unsteady.  Can you image had she fallen and gotten seriously injured?  I am sure as a Little Person she's used to climbing, but just last week she was seeing a doctor about her post-chemo-cancer mobilty issues.  Didn't they spend a bazillion dollars outfitting the house specifically so they could do things easily and safely?  SMH


Again the arts & crafts edit set you up to think the kids were going to be out of control and messy.  They were very well-behaved and Will simply squirted out a bit too much glitter-glue.   I loved the sign!


Also, I don't buy the fact they slept all night long in the tent.  Isn't Will on a CPAP?

Edited by MrMattyMatt
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I also thought the "business" banter between Bill and Judy was funny, with Bill almost feeding Judy her lines (paraphrased, as I've deleted the episode):


Bill:  How about this? 

Judy:  Only if it comes in pink.  Pink sells.


Bill:  How about fish?

Judy:  Fish die too easily and are a hassle.


Bill:  Do-It-Yourself Dog Bathing?

Judy:  We have a high end salon and you want to put in a carwash?


I have the sneaking suspicion it is a very good thing Judy was there, because the shop would be an interesting place if Bill had been expo shopping alone.  :-)

Edited by walnutqueen
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What mother in law would want to go out drinking with a son in law who was meeting his brothers? None I know. Judy did the right thing.,,she cracks me up, btw. Love that deadpan voice.

And I I agree with Judy about the fish. We've had dogs, cats, etc. and fish, and I hated having fish. I remember rushing to replace dead goldfish before my kids would see them floating belly up and get hysterical.

  • Love 6

I literally laughed out loud at the one dog up on the counter where the sink is looking around like "I dare you to get me down!"  Hilarious.  Yep 5 dogs to look after was a bit much and TLC added it for drama it seems.  Thank God for Kate being there to help out...she seems to have a firm hand with both Will and Zoey, I noticed she didn't ask if they wanted to obey her they were told how to behave and where they could and could not go.  I agree with the poster's comment about Jen and Bill behaving like grandparents!  Bang on.  Why oh why is Will still in diapers?  My friend's sons were trained completely at 24 months, Will is now over 4 years old...yes delayed because of the orphanage but he should be well caught up by now and they have a nanny?  No excuse there.  Zoey should also be potty trained.  Will is very behind in his development.  Zoey talks and behaves older than Will does.  Her speech is so much better than Will's.  Will is still saying one word "sentences" to indicate what he wants and unless we know what he is saying (eat, Baba, hum, Mama) then I leave it to closed captioning to try to figure out what he is saying.  I feel very badly for my boy being so behind.  He is nowhere ready to join other kids his own age without making himself a bullying target.  He behaves like a baby.  


Yes we used to make forts/tents in the house for fun when we were kids but just used a couple of old sheets across a couch and a chair pushed together.  They seemed to like it but yes Will sleeps with a CPAP so I imagine them going in there was just for the filming and then they went to bed as usual as we heard nothing about how long they slept or any details.  Them being so close to that fireplace did make me nervous.  Jen has no dexterity at all and moves like a wooden soldier, not surprising after all her surgeries so it is completely unrealistic she can care for one child never mind 2.   Again they are relying on the camera/production people to be there for emergencies.  Jen was not on her own, such bullshit.  


Jen is so hyper, wow, she made me nervous, no wonder the dogs were going wild and then that got Will and Zoey going crazy running around until Kate intervened. Arts and crafts was a joke, those kids are not allowed to step outside of what Jen wants and it is all for the sake of the show, it must look perfect.  I have to say I hate those long wigs she is wearing...they overpower her tiny body.  She just looks more in proportion with her pixie cut.  And speaking of hair, Judy needs a dye job!!! Those were some roots.  


I too wondered why Jen had to call Baba when he was with his brothers...gmab!  The brothers looked irritated and not surprised that Jen would do that.  It was thoughtless and rude on Jen's part to intrude.  I don't think Bill's family have the time of day for Jen or her family so Judy staying away was no surprise as she likely knows she is not liked....truth being I think Bill tolerates her as well.  He freely admitted they often don't agree.  


Bill and Jen are riding the fame train now and the kids have to go along for the ride..."ABOAR!"

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I don't think Bill is lacking in business sense, or he wouldn't own two successful businesses.  Much of what Bill says lately, whether it's on his own or is producer-driven, seems intended to build up the other person (Jen, Judy, etc.) and not to be taken seriously...  As for Jen kneeling on the granite countertop -- in her slippery pantyhose, no less -- it's all about Super Jen's inspirational CAN DO attitude!  Why have the normal-size nanny get plates out of the cabinet when Jen can draw even more attention to her heroic self by doing the near-impossible for the cameras?  I thought she was so weak that she needed (presumably insurance-covered) physical therapy last week?  Both the plastic dog-poop gagging (there'd be no smell, and doesn't she poop-scoop her own three dogs?) and the over-the-top laughter were, again, producer-driven, IMO.  It would be nice to just show the kids being kids instead of fake plots, but nicer still to go to specials.  Even Zoey isn't talking much; what is up with that?  Jen, turn off the motor-mouth and give these poor kids a chance...  As for Judy, I was not suggesting that she should have gone out drinking with the boys, but presumably -- after a long, hard day of walking around a convention center -- dinner was needed by all.  It would've been nice, since these are her grandchildren's uncles, to at least make a show of sociability and then excuse herself for an early night in the hotel room while Bill carries on doing his guy/family thing.  Did she even greet them?  I suppose we can imagine that she did off-camera, but we didn't see it...

Edited by all4mom

When I was a kid my parents got us a tent and they set it up for us in the living room.  My sister and I played in it, but we never slept in it.  We thought it was rather cool to have a tent inside so I didn't see anything strange in Jen setting up the tent inside.  Brought back childhood memories for me!  As far as Judy not joining the Klein boys for dinner, I would have done the same.  Let them do their male bonding and I would have had a nice quiet dinner to myself.  We see about 20 selected minutes so I try not to draw too many conclusions from what they are showing us.  Although I do enjoy the show very much I do agree with posters who say it is time to just do a few specials a year and not have the weekly show.  Those kids need privacy especiallly with pre-school coming up soon.

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It's clear from the new zany music soundtrack they play during promos and the show that "let's go crazy" is kind of the new theme here.  It's all kinds of whacky chaos, but Jen rises to the occasion...  And does she plan to add more children to the mix?  Tune in next week...


I always enjoy seeing Bill's family; the Arnolds probably consider them a bit low-class, but they're great fun.  Can you imagine Will with those four additional grandparents, two uncles (he has three, but Jen's brother is mysteriously never mentioned), two aunts, and all of those cousins around more?  But it seems the family gatherings Bill was looking forward to in the McMansion are never to take place...

I didn't understand why they had to bring the dogs inside when they did.  Couldn't they have left some outside, at least until it was time to go to bed?  That wouldn't have made for enough chaos, I suppose.

I was waiting for a reason why they had to bring the dogs in as well, like to feed them, etc...  I guess it was just for the cameras.  Jen being basically dumbfounded that the one dog was able to get on the counter was priceless!  Kate seemed to be over it all and was out the door faster than all get out!

From what I saw, the dogs were just fine - a little over excited, but not destroying anything or biting anyone.  While some people would freak about the dog on the kitchen counter, I would laugh it off and find another room to sequester the dog  (animals on my counters don't bother me - I reserve my disapproval for ho'wives who do the same thing in other people's kitchens!).  Looks like they all made it through the night without trauma or drama.


It was cute seeing Bill's brothers say hi to the kids on Bill's phone.  I got the impression that Will, at least, was used to skyping with his relatives, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that's how the extended family stays in contact.

  • Love 5

I always enjoy seeing Bill's family; the Arnolds probably consider them a bit low-class, but they're great fun.


It's always nice to see them but I respectfully question why the assumption that the Arnolds would consider them low-class.  I haven't seen any evidence of that.  Bill's mom seemed comfortable with them in New York and the interchnanges between Jen and Bill's mom were quite nice in my opinion.


I thought the inside tent was way fun - I did the same thing with my niece and nephew at about the same age and they still remember it.  Loved the cool flashlights! 


Any pack of dogs put in a space together initially have a burst of energy and then settle down. I think we were treated to the minute they were released and I imagine that afterward things were much calmer.  They seem to get along just fine which is the key.

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If you have questions about this new policy, you may PM @CuriousParker or me.  Do not respond in thread, it is off topic.

  • Love 4

This show was pretty dull. I wish the producers of TLC would just let the family go freestyle and not try to create story each episode. I still want to see how the kids behave when it's just them and the two dogs around. Maybe because the show is called "The Little Couple", the PTB feel they need to keep injecting the parents into each scene. Oh well, I guess I can just choose to tune out if the shows become anymore dull.

Edited by mojito

This show was pretty dull. I wish the producers of TLC would just let the family go freestyle and not try to create story each episode. I still want to see how the kids behave when it's just them and the two dogs around. Maybe because the show is called "The Little Couple", the PTB feel they need to keep injecting the parents into each scene. Oh well, I guess I can just choose to tune out if the shows become anymore dull.

Agreed!  I have zero interest in Bill and Jen anymore, have learned all I want to about them and only want to see the kids and more of them.  I am feeling like the scenes are so contrived now the kids aren't even talking or interacting with each other at all.  They seem to look at the camera far more and wait for Bill or Jen to guide them through "the plan.."   I fast forward a lot of the show now.  


I find it very odd that Will and Zoey don't try to talk to each other, in fact Will doesn't even look at her or what she is doing.  He doesn't even look up if someone says something to Zoey, it is like she is not there.  I notice Zoey watches Will a lot and follows him around and mimics what he is doing when Jen isn't controlling her and she is free to do what she wants.  I am talking about at the craft table for an example.  I want to see those kids interact together, how do they communicate with each other, how do they "share" toys, do they have any kind of banter while they are snacking or eating?  I have to say Will is not as outgoing a little boy as he used to be.  At New Day he was used to many more children and helping push them around and muttering out loud as can be seen in some videos.  I notice as of late he seems more into himself if that makes sense.  I am often now finding the scenes with the kids in them a bit boring too because what is there to watch?  Jen trying to get them excited about the tent when all they cared about was the flashlight?  He seems to stare downwards quite a bit.....where is Will and what have they done with that little heartbreaker??    Or is this all about being jealous?

Edited by jodo

The episode was boring in a hectic way where I felt bad for the kids. They are performers now with no power to say no.   I notice too that Will has changed for whatever reasons.   Do they ever just play together or alone in real life? I hope so.    Jen directing every movement and moment is cringe worthy.   It made me nervous.

            Lets buy a fancy expensive tent, pretend Jen is doing everything by herself , including bringing home a mean direct from their craft services table on the set (home). I remember Kate Gosselin insisting their craft services be 100% organic.

             "Education" wise, I have learned from watching this show is that Jen and Bill are very limited by their dwarfism, their personalities and ocd.   But, I know that does not apply to all little people, as a majority of little people are able to live their lives and raise their children perfectly able to do anything.

I was surprised Bill admitted his wanting control so much when someone else is driving....I am not sure how fun living with Bill and Jen would be when they both have so much of it.  I think Will has a bit of ocd.  I remember that time Bill tried to fill Will's glass with water from his own but he had ice cubes in his and some went into Will's cup and splashed some water around and Will started a hissy fit waving his little hand as fast as he could nearing tears and Bill asked Will to relax while Jen said something like uhoh or something like it was a no no to be messy......I was kind of waiting for a mini meltdown when Will got glitter glue on his fingers but it made him smile and I am pretty sure he showed the camera man and giggled...cute!


I guess when you don't have control over a lot of things you try to control as much as you can....ok signing off now as ocd shrink..LOL

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As far as Will not watching Zoey as much as she watches him, IMO that is a function of older-to-younger siblings. The older sib sets the pace and does everything first,,and the younger one follows their lead. It's also, sad to say a boy/girl thing--boys often just do their thing,,girls can be more watchful and reflective. My son is the older sibling, and a very good big brother (he's in college now) but when they were young he didn't seem to spontaneously seek out his sister for play. If she asked him to play, he would, but otherwise he was more interested in his own activities.

  • Love 5

It's more likely because Bill and -- mostly -- Jen are co-producers and in control of the content that they have to keep injecting Bill and -- mostly -- Jen into every scene.  All Jen, all the time!  As for Bill "admitting" to being a "control freak," that was him taking another one for the team, as when he claimed Zoey (who was more at peace alone with Bill during that first medical appointment in India than she was at any time with Jen) "disliked" him.  I suppose it's very chivalrous of him to deflect criticism of the same trait from his wife to himself, but not very "real" reality TV.  As for Will ignoring Zoey and suddenly having to "go to school to learn to share," what did they do with that little boy who was so over-the-top excited to meet his little sister, kissing her foot and cheek and offering her every toy he could get his hands on, urging "Ozoy, EAT!"?  There's definitely been a change in our boy, and not in a GOOD way...

Edited by all4mom


I find it very odd that Will and Zoey don't try to talk to each other, in fact Will doesn't even look at her or what she is doing.  He doesn't even look up if someone says something to Zoey, it is like she is not there.  I notice Zoey watches Will a lot and follows him around and mimics what he is doing when Jen isn't controlling her and she is free to do what she wants.  I am talking about at the craft table for an example.  I want to see those kids interact together, how do they communicate with each other, how do they "share" toys, do they have any kind of banter while they are snacking or eating?  I have to say Will is not as outgoing a little boy as he used to be.

I agree. Of course, that's all we see, and what we see is not all. Still, for balance, I think there should be more shown of the interaction between the children sans parents.


If you've ever dealt with people who actually have OCD, you'd never accuse Jen and Bill of having it.

Edited by mojito
  • Love 8

My stepson had OCD and his came in the form of checking ie he would put something down and go back and check it 3-7x, even playing hockey he would miss shots because he was adjusting his helmet 3-7x, drove us bonkers.  OCD has many forms and in Jen's case it appears to be control and messy times.  Agree with the poster who said there is no comfort happening when they make a mess or are sick, just focus on the wiping.


Seriously would Jen have even considered climbing onto the kitchen counter alone to get the dinner plates if Kate and the camera crew had not been there?  And if she would then that is very very wrong and neglectful.  If she had fallen and knocked herself out or broken her arm/leg then what?  So much for building and designing a kitchen where she and Bill as little people could safely reach everyday items and aren't plates in that category?  Why were they up so high, why didn't she ask Kate to grab the plates for her?  She relied on staff in case something happened.  Would have been cute though to see Will run for the pink stethoscope and listen to Jen's back and then call 911 to tell the operator "mama ick!"   

Edited by jodo

When Jen climbed up on the counter it seemed like she did it quickly; I don't think there was a lot of thought behind it. She just did it. She (and Bill) are probably used to climbing up on things that are too high for them, it's probably instinctive and they've had to do it their whole lives.

I wonder about their house. A lot of it looks tailored to their needs, some areas don't, as much. I was wondering if they figured that they have averaged sized relatives and friends who would want to feel comfortable too.

  • Love 4


OCD has many forms and in Jen's case it appears to be control and messy times.


Actually, OCD is not about control, its about fear and anxiety.  If any reference to "control" can be made, it is that OCD thoughts and behaviors control the person with OCD.


I agree about Jen's ability to climb up on the counter.  I recall in a previous episode, either while they were building their house or shortly after it was completed, Jen said (and I'm paraphrasing) that it was not practical for them to expect all of their storage areas to be within their reach and that she was experienced and capable of climbing occasionally in order to reach something.  The only thing I question in their home is the size of their dining room table and chairs.  They were clearly made for the average size person and yet it appears they use it for most of their meals.  I'm guessing they did this for the comfort of guests?  Not sure. 

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Seriously would Jen have even considered climbing onto the kitchen counter alone to get the dinner plates if Kate and the camera crew had not been there?  And if she would then that is very very wrong and neglectful.  If she had fallen and knocked herself out or broken her arm/leg then what? 

Hey, call me crazy. But if I had "staff" I would rely on them, too, because really, what's the point of having "staff" if you aren't going to use them? But I'm not understanding how not using them would make Jen "very very wrong and neglectful". There seems to be very little point here because Jen's getting slammed for having staff and then for the possibility of not using staff. head_scratch.gif

Edited by mojito
  • Love 5

What "guests"?  Certainly not Bill's family...  I, too, noticed that they all have to climb up into (or be helped down from) the giant dining room table chairs; what is up with that?  A kid's play set would suffice for 99.9% of their meals, at which no family or guests are present.


Maybe it's just me, but I sense a great deal of impatience and barely controlled (of course) anger toward Will in Jen; how she reacted to his so-called "meltdown" over cake (all her fault), and now her dismissive demeanor toward him at the crafts table makes me very uncomfortable.  All of her interactions with him seem forced and fraught with tension.  She's extremely short (no pun intended) and snippy with him, although she tries to catch herself, as if he's an annoyance instead of a beloved child.  She seemed to barely tolerate him during the poster-making, instead hovering over Zoey, and isn't it amazing how all the letters lined up perfectly?  I wonder if the perfectionist and over-achiever in her isn't somewhat disappointed that, at four, her "wunderkind" Golden Son (as one episode dubbed him), of whom she seemed so proud at first, still isn't potty trained or saying more than a half-dozen words.  At first we heard how wonderful he was: bright, loving, giving; suddenly we have complaints about him all over the landscape ("meltdowns," eating issues, failure to share).  I sometimes get the feeling that she'd have been happier with just her Girly-girl that she and HER mother could shop for, dress up like a doll, and pose exactly to her liking.  I find her embarrassingly awkward and unnatural with both children and honestly believe she was never cut out to be a parent (it's not nice to fool Mother Nature), but it's clear that she's thrilled with Zoey; "William," not so much. 


Also, what's with all these comments lately that she can't or doesn't cook or bake?  ("Bill is 'usually' a much better cook than I am"; what does that mean?).  Weren't we treated, in the cake-meltdown episode, to Jen busily baking a casserole, checking to see if it's done, serving it up like a real little homemaker, etc.?  If she doesn't cook, fine (she's a doctor), but own it.  To some extent with Bill, but more so with Jen, I no longer believe a word she says in her THs.  An unfortunate, but unfortunately not uncommon, development in most "reality" TV stars.  


I, for one, don't criticize her for having staff and using them; only for then pretending or suggesting that she doesn't have or, indeed, need them.

Edited by all4mom


Also, what's with all these comments lately that she can't or doesn't cook or bake? 

Last Season, she cooked Chicken and Broccoli for Will and Bill for lunch.  Bill went on and on about how it was "unusual" for Jen to be in the kitchen cooking, so she obviously can cook, just does not prefer to do so.   Thus all the take out, etc.  In that episode, she did cut the chicken up for Will, but it looked like enought o feed and army.  I thought she did well trying to stop Will from feeding the dogs table-scraps.

  • Love 2

Even though I don't use the oven much, I totally covet a French door version like Bill & Jen's - it would make things a little easier for me and my ineffectual T.Rex  arms.  :-)


MrMattyMatt - Jen did a better job than I would have at dissuading Will from table scrapping.  When my niece was little she enjoyed feeding my cat Shoe Shoe french fries (we ALL did).  He LOVED them, and because he was a major polydactyl, his front paws worked like opposable thumbs, so he could pick up a fry in his paw and eat it.  Bad auntie walnutqueen corrupts another young human being.   hee.   :-)

  • Love 7

I don't spend much time in the kitchen either, didn't even know what a "crock pot" was until a few years ago.  My grown sons tease me by saying (while growing up) if it didn't come out of a box or a window, they didn't eat it.   I can put together a few meals that are fairly good, but its not something I enjoy or look forward to.  Thus, I "can" cook, but I prefer to say I "cannot" since my simple concoctions are embarrassingly non-complicated and take very little planning.   Like Jen, I have a nice kitchen (although I don't have the French door oven but would love to) that is used primarily for refrigeration of my diet Pepsi.  

  • Love 5

It's clear from the new zany music soundtrack they play during promos and the show that "let's go crazy" is kind of the new theme here.  It's all kinds of whacky chaos, but Jen rises to the occasion...  And does she plan to add more children to the mix?  Tune in next week...


I always enjoy seeing Bill's family; the Arnolds probably consider them a bit low-class, but they're great fun.  Can you imagine Will with those four additional grandparents, two uncles (he has three, but Jen's brother is mysteriously never mentioned), two aunts, and all of those cousins around more?  But it seems the family gatherings Bill was looking forward to in the McMansion are never to take place...

Why on earth would you assume that Jen's family thinks Bill's family are low class?  Not everyone is a snob.

Hey, call me crazy. But if I had "staff" I would rely on them, too, because really, what's the point of having "staff" if you aren't going to use them? But I'm not understanding how not using them would make Jen "very very wrong and neglectful". There seems to be very little point here because Jen's getting slammed for having staff and then for the possibility of not using staff. head_scratch.gif

Thank you for this.  It's amazing how all out hatred can cloud someone's judgement.

  • Love 10

Jen climbed on the counters because disabled people like to do things themselves. I have MS and I climb on counters too. Jen used a stool. Very appropriate. She is teaching her children to rely on themselves!

Nothing wrong with adding more children either. Many families have more than two children, it would not be unusual?

Edited by Jellybeans
  • Love 6

When they focused in on Jen climbing up on the counter and back down very unsteadily, it just really struck me as a concern, especially when we just heard about her going to the docotor regarding her mobility issues as well as the "chemo brain" she may still be experiencing.  It was not that long ago when little Zoey slipped on the fireplace and cut her head and you would have though the poor girl was in a coma.  Since kate was right there, I thought it was careless of Jen to be climbing.  I am sure she is a better climber than most, but it did make me cringe and it was very unsafe.

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