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Season 13, Ep. 09: Through the Looking Glass, Part 1. 2018.07.31

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Time to go ask Alice, whether she's small or ten feet tall, do you know the way to Wonderland?

A bit underwhelming but it is only Part 1 and the preliminary look.

Walter's 'gingerbread man'? looked creepy and a thinner Jabba the Hutt. Not what you would see in Wonderland. Whimsy and magic and what you would see in such a world are not things that these contestants have even remotely imagined. Matt's and Jordan's came off a bit better, but not by much. Dudes, learn the beauty makeup!

Edited by Frozendiva
On vacation, have no idea what day it is!
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When Walter wanted his lollypop person to have horns "because I like horns", I thought he has a lot to learn.  Then he remembered in his last finale, he was the one person who didn't have to redo any characters.  Dude, stop living in the past. 

Jordon just learned that grasshoppers are the same color from end to end.  Must be a city boy.

Matt: after Mel was told don't paint a black under coat and then lighten it, what did you do.  Grab the black paint and then overpaint it.


Was I the only one listening to the comments they got while they were doing their three day stint?  

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Yeah, I was sort of leaning toward wanting Walter to win, but was a little disappointed with him tonight. You’re not being asked to create the makeup you want but what the director wants. And if the director wants happy shiny candy, that’s what you give him. Not horns and monsters. Deal with it. Hopefully he can pull it together for the next part. And why make a face piece for the ballerina? Amanda the model is pretty enough there’s no need. And leave out the twizzlers, she’s not the twizzler ballerina.

Jordan managed to pick the perfect characters for his rubber mask style. The fox’s nose definitely needs to be longer and stick straight out instead of drooping down like a skinny pig snout.

Interesting that Matt stuck to only doing heads and the director immediately asked for more body prosthetics. And really, for only doing two face pieces and two cowls there really wasn’t much to show for it considering how many pieces the other teams had going on. The paint job on the porcelain character especially just seemed so damned flat. Still, I don’t doubt Glenn will be pushing for him to win no matter what he does.

What an underwhelming finale, especially being the series finale. Maybe if I liked Alice in Wonderland I’d be more excited.

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Yeah, I couldn’t understand why they made a face prosthesis for the Lollipop Lady. Just do a beauty makeup! Duh! And if something is called a “Ginger General” wouldn’t you assume the character would be in uniform?

What was the fox supposed to be wearing? A Victorian little boy’s outfit would have been better, IMO.

This is the first season that there has not been a “Wow!” look. Really disappointing.

I love Alice in Wonderland, and I’m not excited at all.

Edited by LittleIggy
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So Walter doesn't want to do a gingerbread man because there have already been two other gingerbread men this season... so he decides he wants to do a rabbit and draws a sketch that looks exactly like the creepy bunny HE HIMSELF already made this season. Glad the director put the kibosh on that, because one terrifying rabbit was quite enough for me. That Ginger General was... not good. I do feel bad that everything went so terribly wrong for him, but I'm sure he will come from behind to watch Matt win no matter what happens..

I'm annoyed that Damien is on Matt's team, because now I feel like I have to root for Matt a bit.  I liked Jordan's characters the best, though, especially the grasshopper. Which is a mask, yes, but I think the fox will be able to move his face, at least?

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Ugh, Jordan is a favourite of mine, so I can't believe he got stuck with Kevon and Mel.  I feel like that's the kiss of death for him.  Oh well, hopefully my second favourite, Walter, can get the win.  But he got stuck with Yvonne.  Anyone but Matt!  He got so many passes throughout the season and now he got the best helpers too.

Edited by Token
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I just watched this on dvr and when I was done I felt irritated and I couldn't figure out why until it suddenly hit me, I was ticked off at Walter!  He so screwed that up.  He could have done a red haired, cookie faced guy in a uniform and cap with stars, and the ballerina was so sad.  He could have done a really nice beauty make-up and a lollipop headpiece.  A traditional swirl lollipop is red, green, yellow, blue and shiny.  He could have costumed her in a traditional tutu and swirled that too.  At this I point I hope Jordan wins it.  The grasshopper was great.  

Edited by zoltana
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You know, if Matt and Walter could switch, Matt would be in 7th heaven! He could make the Ginger General be a giant tooth, covered in teeth that shots more teeth out of a gaping, tooth covered jaw. Glen would have orgasmed so hard his hair style would suddenly turn into flowing, golden locks, Nevil would scream and scream and Ve would be like, "I really thought this time someone would make a damn beauty make up. Check please!"

Instead, we get Walter doing some weird burnt oatmeal monster dude and a sad knock off of the superior lollipop creation from season 10

melissa ebbe.JPG

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On 7/31/2018 at 9:39 PM, Maelstrom said:

Yeah, I was sort of leaning toward wanting Walter to win, but was a little disappointed with him tonight. You’re not being asked to create the makeup you want but what the director wants. And if the director wants happy shiny candy, that’s what you give him. Not horns and monsters. Deal with it.

And then he whines to Nguyen about wanting to win the money. DOOD! They all want to win the money. Not a good episode for Walter at all. And I was rooting for him, too. Sigh

1 hour ago, diebartdie said:

... Ve would be like, "I really thought this time someone would make a damn beauty make up. Check please!"


Oh, yeah, poor Ve. Has she ever seen a decent beauty makeup?

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Such a mess. Walter just messed this one up, but if the editors are probably just playing the usual "all was lost, but he managed to pull it together at the last minute" card, he'll probably end up in second place, behind Mr "Hey, i'm Matt, and my thing is quirky, fantastical, whimsy... guess what's the final is about ?"

And that's despite Matt's creations looking very uninspired. And i'd rather not talk about Jordan's : his grasshopper is just that, a bipedal plastic grasshopper with no expression nor whimsy, and his fox just looks rough. *sigh*

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This finale is bad and it's all on Walter.

The "Ginger General" looked like a turd topped with Pop Tart icing (disclaimer: Pop Tarts are my mortal enemies). Or a carrot cupcake that's not fully baked. There was no ginger and no general. "If diarrhea had a face."

Don't get me started on the lollipop ballerina, this character had superstar potential. If they did this well, Walter's team had a chance at first place. But no.

When the lollipop sculpt got started, and there were few lollies, it looked great. I thought they would sculpt concentric rolls in the candy, and paint beautiful stripes with a matching beauty makeup. But no. They went overboard with the lollies, and even I, who is only a viewer, wondered, how are they going to paint all these nooks and crannies? The lollies weren't even individually sculpted, far too thick and chunky, and so rough, I'd go was far as to say that it's the roughest sculpt I've seen since I started to watch this show.  I seriously could have done better, Face Off producers I'm waiting for your phone call, I can mold. And the face... was a whole lot of nothing. Adding the barely recognizable ice cream cone horns and twizzler hair turned a disaster into a catastrophe. I've never been so disappointed with a concept.

The porcelain (was it prince?) guy was also disappointing. Porcelain shapes are rounded and glazed. Coarse black cracks on white clown makeup do not a porcelain impression make. They needed different shades of grey to pull it off.
The grasshopper's eye facets made with obvious net fabric were cheesy, and would have fit right into an episode of the original Star Trek, but I'm afraid that's going to be the best makeup.
The fox has potential if fixed properly.

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I wonder if it was filming this finale that the producers decided this would be the final season.  Really underwhelming.  Jordan should NEVER have Mel sculpt a fox face, and Walter needs to learn it's what the client wants, not what he wants.  I was really excited for Walter's looks as his assignment was the most whimsical to me.  But then the reality hit.  Yvonne was 100% right when she cautioned him about the cones and their looking like horns.  But, Walter is going to do what represents his style and not what the director wants.  He had been my favorite until this episode.  Now I want Jordan to win.

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Am i the only one who was Shocked, shocked i tell you! That somehow Matt was randomly selected to be in position to have the best team?

I’m hoping that the first part is just setting us up for a fabulous Walter turnaround.  But if not...Go Jordan!

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I had high hopes for this.  I do love the whimsy challenges.  But this final three aren't team whimsy.  No way, no how.  I'm amazed we didn't get zombie prince, or bloody vampire ballerina last night.  Actually, I would love it if the director had ripped into someone who did a zombie/horror makeup for a fucking Wonderland challenge.   I was team Walter until the horn thing came up.  NOPE.  Talk about a blind spot.  Doofus....

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I like both Walter and Jordan but I think only Matt has the skill to win.  He was off to a good start and got mostly positive comments from the director.  The other guys' creations were really pathetic.

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On 7/31/2018 at 10:58 PM, enoughcats said:

Jordon just learned that grasshoppers are the same color from end to end.  Must be a city boy.

I just looked up his bio, and discovered he is from the same town I am from.  Parkersburg WV... and we had grasshoppers there.  (And also, aside, the horrible 17 year ciccadas, which could be inspire a whole line of creature make-ups).

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