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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Brett accidentally offers Rockstar a burger when she's on Have Not status. You can imagine how well she took it. (There was bitching, though minimal.)

Brett accidentally offers Haleigh a burger when she's on Have Not status. "Oh, it's okay!" she keeps telling him when he goes to apologize.

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Winston was telling Brett that they need to not leave Scottie alone with them (them being Swaggy's side I assume).  Brett said that was his job last week with Kaitlyn.  Winston's response:  "Well, saddle up, partner."

JC is telling Bayleigh that maybe Swaggy getting voted out was better for Bayleigh's game.  Bingo.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Winston was telling Brett that they need to not leave Scottie alone with them (them being Swaggy's side I assume).  Brett said that was his job last week with Kaitlyn.  Winston's response:  "Well, saddle up, partner."

LOL. I'm being totally serious in questioning Winston's sexuality. Like ... he pings in almost every respect.

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

LOL. I'm being totally serious in questioning Winston's sexuality. Like ... he pings in almost every respect.

Well, we have 2 confirmed gay people already.  Kaycee said that Swaggy pinged her gaydar a little.  Bayleigh said she thought that Rachel and Kaycee might hook up.  Sam talked about a lesbian encounter she had when she was younger.  Scottie sort of pings for me.  So at this point, Winston swinging that way, wouldn't really shock me either.

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3 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

LOL. I'm being totally serious in questioning Winston's sexuality. Like ... he pings in almost every respect.

Maybe he and Survivor’s Donathan should go bowling.

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4 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

LOL. I'm being totally serious in questioning Winston's sexuality. Like ... he pings in almost every respect.

I don't think he's gay or even leans that way (although I could be wrong). I think he's just so secure in himself, in who he is as a person, that he doesn't care how it comes across. 

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Just now, Growsonwalls said:

LOL at this image:


What were they doing?  Is Brett cracking Winston's back?

Regarding what's going to happen this week under Scottie's HOH reign, Brett said, "I'm at a bar and I can't tell who's gay or who's straight."

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It's very telling that Tyler chooses JC to go through the options on how to deal with/work Scottie.

I think Tyler is more aligned with him that people think. It's like listening to two seasoned chess players talk. well at least the JC parts I pick up.

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I love how Scottie keeps telling this story about his one and only pet experience his whole life: he got fish and they tried to eat the plastic seaweed in the bowl/tank and they died the first night. 

I don't know why but it feels like such a Scottie story.

Edited by Callaphera
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4 minutes ago, Slider said:

Did I miss something?  Why does everyone think Sam will use her power to save Tyler or anyone from Level 6?  She needs to keep that for herself!

I think it's because if she doesn't use it during the 3rd eviction next week, then the week after whoever is evicted will automatically be given the chance to come back in.  So, if she's not on the block this coming week, they could sway her to use it on whoever is if need be.  

Edited by zorak
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So I was reading Haleigh's CBS bio and it sounds like she has dealt with some pretty heavy family problems:


Fun facts about yourself:
- I volunteer at St. Joe's hospital for the mentally ill because my father suffers from mental illness.
- In sixth grade, I found out that I was adopted.

Has she talked about this with anyone? 

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Rockstar is talking to Bayleigh.  She thinks that Tyler and Scottie are in an alliance because something Rockstar said to Scottie got back to Tyler.  Bayleigh says Kaitlyn knows about the Scottie/Tyler alliance.  

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14 minutes ago, Slider said:

Did I miss something?  Why does everyone think Sam will use her power to save Tyler or anyone from Level 6?  She needs to keep that for herself!

I heard Sam directly tell Tyler directly when he was feeling her out if she intended to save Swaggy this past week that no, she wanted to save it for him (Tyler) in case he needed it.

Tyler did tell her to save it for herself. 

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How many minutes before Kaitlyn tells this to Tyler? RS  reiterates that Scottie is an evil genius. She tells Kait that Scottie wants to even the sides and put up people he doesn't like. He thinks she is team Scottie because he was team Swaggy, but no. They dont swing over. 
She is pitching for her , Kait and Bay to consolidate the female power. RS is all giggly and conspiratory and playing Kait to the hilt.

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25 minutes ago, zorak said:

Faysal was briefly rocking the Flock of Seagulls hair.


Faysal hair.png

And I ran
I ran so far away
I just ran
I ran all night and day
Couldn't get away (from Kaitlyn's crazy ass)

I'm a couple of drinks in to the night and that was the best I could do. Sorry. I tried.

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Rockstar is playing this about as poorly as she can. Luckily, Scottie has that sort of weird nerdy automaton loyalty thing that Ian rocked in BB14, where he seems like he feels like he has to keep the people who voted to keep Steve safe. So I think we're looking at Winston/Brett as nominees, but Rockstar gave Tyler some good ammo (because she's a moron), so there's a chance that Tyler can twist it. 

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Rockstar is telling Haleigh about the Swaggy, Tyler, Scottie alliance (the Core) that Bayleigh told her about.  She says now that Swaggy is gone, it's just the Co.  She says so now we know we have the the Co and the Bros and they both need to go.

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Why is Brett channeling the very early years version of Hulk Hogan? 

As for Chakra Con, it was totally smart to give nonstar the dish on her involvement in the Steve flip. Nonstar was pretending to play nice with Chakra Con but in that moment, I think NS realized it would be easier to push CC in front of the train (like the one that hit Becky) than try to align with her constantly running mouth for a week. 

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Rachel and Angela really are freakin' gorgeous. Bayleigh and Haleigh are very pretty. It's a very, very good looking cast this year (with some notable exceptions, of course, but generally speaking it is a very good looking cast). 

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35 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Rachel and Angela really are freakin' gorgeous. Bayleigh and Haleigh are very pretty. It's a very, very good looking cast this year (with some notable exceptions, of course, but generally speaking it is a very good looking cast). 

Agreed. Angela is an all-timer. Too bad her personality is bland as hell. 

With all these beautiful people in the house I'm legit shocked there aren't a ton of showmances. Grodner has to be so disappointed. 

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Faysal had his feelings hurt when the audience clapped when he was eliminated in the HOH comp. 

ETA: The Bros are the first to leave Scottie's HOH, which doesn't seem particularly smart. They are doing their excercises downstairs.

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Scottie was alone in the HOH with anglea and Kaycee. He says his noms will be based on the Steve vote and who people are scared of.

Angela and Kaycee deflect at first but then segue into hearing that Scottie was being thrown under the bus for the Steve vote.

ETA: They are pushing RS HARD. Maybe too hard.  Scottie is playing his cards very close to the vest with them, saying he's not sure who he will put up.

Sam is up in the room now, and I think she inadvertenly threw Winston under the bus.

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11 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Brett broke the glass on the front door trying to prank Rachel: https://streamable.com/zj57o

I wondered what happened. I was watching the HOH and it went to fish. What a dumbass.

Sam did put Winston on the hot seat. She volunteered that he voted for her to stay. Scottie said "he just told me he voted you out!"

Edited by vb68
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Now that someone on their side didn't win HOH and Tyler can't dictate noms you see how bad L6 are at the game. Brett's pitch just now is laughably bad. 

Brett: Who was in Kaitlyn's ear the entire time she was HOH?
Scottie: Tyler
Brett: No, no, no. Hayleigh/Rockstar.


Brett: He (Swaggy) was the head of the snake, but there's more people on that snake.
Scott: Well I was on that snake.
Brett: ...

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8 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Now that someone on their side didn't win HOH and Tyler can't dictate noms you see how bad L6 are at the game. Brett's pitch just now is laughably bad. 

Brett: Who was in Kaitlyn's ear the entire time she was HOH?
Scottie: Tyler
Brett: No, no, no. Hayleigh/Rockstar.


Brett: He (Swaggy) was the head of the snake, but there's more people on that snake.
Scott: Well I was on that snake.
Brett: ...

The funny thing is...Scottie might not put up Brett after this convo! 

Scottie's up right now, pacing his HOH room and whispering to himself/us (Scottie IS me) and he's befuddled at Brett's mist! Can it even be mist if the person being misted acknowledges it as mist?

Winston is for sure going up, but now a pawn might go up next to him instead of Brett. Just put up Kaitlyn, Scottie. It's the easiest decision.

He's whispering too low for me to hear it all and I gotta get ready for work soon.

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Yeah, so the Bros are most likely going up together.

Cue the Winston Paranoia Train, y'all! It's gonna be a wild ride!

My dream is Brett winning veto and taking himself down, so Scottie puts up Kaitlyn. 

Let's go!

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Is Winston on some sort of Santa punishment?  Did I miss something?

I’m looking forward to see how Tyler navigates this week. I don’t think he has true loyalty to anyone but himself but he has cultivated a lot of relationships apart from L6. Sam, Kait, Scottie, JC.  I’m interested to see how he handles the power shift- if it is in fact a power shift. 

I think he’s a good player which is refreshing after  Paul and his sycophants. 

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9 hours ago, Cutty said:



I'm so tired of Kaitlyn's voice.



The way she says like whenever a comma would be appropriate and drags out her words reminds me of Marrissaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think L6 probably does too, but they've had power the entire game so they've had it very easy. 


This game would be entirely different if S6 wanted to keep Sam week 1 and L6 had to try and keep Steve.  That was the crucial mistake.  S6 had the numbers but couldn't keep it together week 1.

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Here's what I think might happen, since I think Scottie is a true fan:

He learns about Sam's power. He nominates her and one of his own, like Haleigh, as a pawn.

POV is used to take Haleigh off the block and he backdoors Tyler. 

So then Sam has the dilemma of using her Power on herself or Tyler.

I think Scottie's will go for the master manipulator/power behind the throne (HOH) of the house as opposed to a particular alliance, and that is Tyler.

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