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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Oh brother.  Winston told Sam that she came to the right people (him and Brett) to try to learn how to talk game.  

Sam:  "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness."

She says the less she knows the better because then she doesn't have to lie.  That's probably music to Winston's ears since he doesn't want to tell her anything anyway.

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Winston: "Even I find myself getting emotionally attached to people."
Sam: "Like who?"
Winston: "I mean..." *moves onto another topic*

Gee, Winston. Who could you possibly be emotionally attached to in this house? I'm drawing a blank here.

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Sam to Winston:  "If worse comes to worst, all you have to do is sit in the kitchen with me and talk to Angie about a fucking garden for 15 minutes.  Can you manage that?  And I can make her yours." Oh Sam, I doubt that very much.  Also I'm just trying to picture a scenario where Winston does that and it comes across as a believable.

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Sam: "You're already an intense presence."
Winston: "That's the second time someone's called me intense. I don't get it."
Sam: "No no, it's not a bad-"
Winston: "I don't get it! I'm not an intense person! Another girl in the house called me intense, too!"

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On 7/7/2018 at 10:43 AM, iMonrey said:

I swear, this is exactly how most gay porn starts. 

Thank you very very much.


11 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

I wish Rockstar would take off those giant glasses, they look ridiculous.

For me, every time Pinky dons those gawdawful goggles she immediately morphs into Match Game-era Brett Somers.

Edited by Nashville
Fixed name
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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

For me, every time Pinky dons those gawdawful goggles she immediately morphs into Match Game-era Brett Summers.

She may have been drunk more often than not, but Brett Somers was genuinely hilarious. Rockstar's whole personality is based on her looks.  And you can't have Brett without Charles Nelson Reilly.

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I'm a bit disappointed I won't be able to watch the fallout of the blinside. I mean, as long as it stays a blindside, since Haleigh/Angie know about Swaggy going up.

Either way, it should be good feeds. I'll be disappointed if Swayleigh just go pout and bitch in the pink room and there's no actual fight between Swayleigh and Kaityler. 

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4 hours ago, Nashville said:

Thank you very very much.


For me, every time Pinky dons those gawdawful goggles she immediately morphs into Match Game-era Brett Summers.

That’s who she reminds me of, I’ve been trying to figure it out and besides Professor Trelawny I couldn’t place it but that is definitely it. 

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5 hours ago, Nashville said:

For me, every time Pinky dons those gawdawful goggles she immediately morphs into Match Game-era Brett Somers.

Yes, with a splash of Mrs Roper.  

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11 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

She doesn't do it for me. Donny was hilarious. And smarter lol. I wanna like Sam, but she mostly bores me.

ETA: That chicken Angela/Sam made looks like it rivals something Raven would make.

Yeah, Sam bores me too.  I didn't see the chicken but she stated she was making "bland chicken."  No need to say anymore.  

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1 hour ago, gunderda said:

Are Rachel and JC have nots or are they just up REALLY early or haven't gone to bed yet?

JC is a Have Not.  Rachel isn't.  The other 3 Have Nots are Rockstar, Haleigh, and Faysal.

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26 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I like listening to Sam talk to people about every day stuff - not about the game.  In the game she goes on and on and on but I like how she engages people. 

See that's Donny to a tee for me.

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Donny had no affect or agenda; what you see and get was his entire package.  I am not faulting Sam here but she works it.  That is fine, they all do, just saying I don't see her as like Donny at all.  

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14 minutes ago, Wings said:

That is fine, they all do, just saying I don't see her as like Donny at all.  

I personally think she's more like Kevin from last year. He had a good heart, but he had a foul mouth and could become very ruthless.

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The lip smacking doesn't bother me as much as Haleigh's nail biting.  I've never seen anything quite like it. She's a voracious biter while under stress. OMG!  Wait till she sees herself.  Hmmm...  Probably what she'll need to stop the bad habit.

I like Tyler.  Just wish he hadn't aligned himself with Kaitlyn whose issue of constantly seeking attention from males is sick.  Glad Sam finally explained her entire power to him.  It's going to make a big difference moving forward.

I was watching feeds fairly late last night and became interested in the conversation and body language among Kait, Brett, Tyler, Haileigh, and JC.  They were in the HOH room on the bed.  To me, it looked like the beginning of an eventful evening. Lots of massaging, positioning, and explicit talk. Feeds cut away and never returned to the room while I watched other scenarios.  That said, I went to bed after an hour so I have no idea if or when the feeds centered on these 5 later on.  It may have been a whole lot of nothing but I did feel like more of a voyeur than usual.  lol 

I love Sam.  She's a doll.  However, she can be so darn boring.  She's one of those people who is uncomfortable with natural pauses during a conversation.  She is compelled to fill the void with a whole lot of nothing. 

If Rockstar, who I'm not particularly fond of, doesn't quickly adjust to what's about to happen she will never move forward within the game.  She needs to make an attempt to become friendly with the other side of the house.  Haileigh is already starting her game over again.  It was more than apparent last night. 

Edited by tinderbox
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42 minutes ago, tinderbox said:

I like Tyler.  Just wish he hadn't aligned himself with Kaitlyn whose issue of constantly seeking attention from males is sick.

He aligned just to get her on his side.  Good job Tyler.  He is playing well so far.   Seems to me she is looking for a showmance and will be bitterly disappointed.  I bet she does 'woman scorned' well. 

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4 minutes ago, Wings said:

He aligned just to get her on his side.  Good job Tyler.  He is playing well so far. 

I agree. That was a matter of short term convenience because he had to flip a vote and she was so vulnerable. And then through blind luck she won HOH.  I do think she's going to be a lot harder to distance himself from than he's probably anticipating. 

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Bayleigh was just trying to squeeze a blackhead on Swaggy's face.  I used to pick at my skin when I was younger but then eventually grew out of that bad habit.  I love my husband a lot but I will never pop a pimple on him (and he has said he would never even ask it of me) and I sure as hell wouldn't ask him to pop one of mine.  

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I think I finally figured out why i don't really care for Haleigh.  She has a constant RBF (resting bitch face) and she's generally without any emotion. I have a really hard time seeing what Faysal sees in her. Kaitlyn is at least much more engaging and energetic. 

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So, I'm reading up on updates on what's going on before veto.

Who said that they hate Angie here? Because I am starting to get on board with that opinion. How obnoxious is this chick? I thought I could like her based on things that she's said, but now she just claims that Swaggy's being targeted due to his skin colour and I just can't. She's calling the other side of the house racists for targeting Swaggy, and I fear she'll get more and more preachy this week.

Also, Angie, you've done nothing in this house so far. Chill the hell out.

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I realize I'm making this comparison again a little bit, but the Tyler and Kaitlyn dynamic reminds me a little bit of Dan and Danielle from S14. The biggest difference is that Kaitlyn flirts with Tyler whereas Danielle only had (crazy, obsessive) eyes for Shane, but otherwise a lot of it is similar to me.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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3 minutes ago, Imhere said:

How is it fair for these chance back, immune from eviction powers are in play? This is the worst season I have ever watched! I know they had the chance backs before, but I feel it is unfair. You should be in the house, you get evicted, you get evicted. Plus these people are the most boring in 20 seasons I have seen. Also, what is with the Balieigh, however you spell it, is sooooo beautiful? Are you kidding? She is the most plain ordinary person ever. And boring!!

They're trying to drag out the seasons for as long as possible lately. This season is 99 days, which means there NEEDS to be at least two evictions that don't stick. 

3 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I realize I'm making this comparison again a little bit, but the Tyler and Kaitlyn dynamic reminds me a little bit of Dan and Danielle from S14. The biggest difference is that Kaitlyn flirts with Tyler whereas Danielle only had (crazy, obsessive) eyes for Shane, but otherwise a lot of it is similar to me.

I agree, though Tyler isn't exactly like Dan...yet. Kaitlyn is totally Danielle, though. 

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, I'm reading up on updates on what's going on before veto.

Who said that they hate Angie here? Because I am starting to get on board with that opinion. How obnoxious is this chick? I thought I could like her based on things that she's said, but now she just claims that Swaggy's being targeted due to his skin colour and I just can't. She's calling the other side of the house racists for targeting Swaggy, and I fear she'll get more and more preachy this week.

Also, Angie, you've done nothing in this house so far. Chill the hell out.

Seriously? Ugh. I wonder if any of that mess will make it to the broadcast??

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, I'm reading up on updates on what's going on before veto.

Who said that they hate Angie here? Because I am starting to get on board with that opinion. How obnoxious is this chick? I thought I could like her based on things that she's said, but now she just claims that Swaggy's being targeted due to his skin colour and I just can't. She's calling the other side of the house racists for targeting Swaggy, and I fear she'll get more and more preachy this week.

Also, Angie, you've done nothing in this house so far. Chill the hell out.

That was a fucked up thing for Angie to say.  Yesterday Bay was having an very interesting conversation with RS. RS kept going back to how white people are terrible and Bay said, no, they just don't know better or have much to do with people of color. That they were prejudice not necessarily racist. Angie was much more interested in getting the racist label going.

38 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

Guess I'm the only one that's not on the Tyler train....thanks Grodner for the Paul-like app you gave him.  Heiffa!

This app was not necessarily a "great" app for Tyler. I bet there are better ones, like identity theft. That sounds like a cou d etat possibility. When TYler has to use his app award, it most likely means it screws over someone else in his alliance. 

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Sounds like Rachel was up early because of her punishment.  Which I think woke up everyone else but they managed to go back to sleep.  Rachel said it was scary because the guy stood at the end of her bed and all she could see was the outline because it was dark. 

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I agree, though Tyler isn't exactly like Dan...yet. Kaitlyn is totally Danielle, though. 

Oh, totally. I said in a previous post that I wasn't ready to lock in to that comparison with any kind of finality yet because it's so early, and I'm still rolling with that. But this dawned on me and I was a little bit like ... :O and had to share haha.

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I won't mind if Swaggy leaves this week because I could do without the showmance (they aren't a fun showmance) but I would LOVE to see him get a least trending before he leaves.  Dude needs to be knocked down a few pegs.

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56 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

Guess I'm the only one that's not on the Tyler train...

I despise him. I am already dreading the rest of this season because of him. HATE!

41 minutes ago, zorak said:

Bayleigh was just trying to squeeze a blackhead on Swaggy's face.  I used to pick at my skin when I was younger but then eventually grew out of that bad habit.  I love my husband a lot but I will never pop a pimple on him (and he has said he would never even ask it of me) and I sure as hell wouldn't ask him to pop one of mine.  

There are people every season who do this shit. I can not fathom it! Where do they find these people?

32 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I think I finally figured out why i don't really care for Haleigh.  She has a constant RBF (resting bitch face) and she's generally without any emotion.

This to me is how Angela is. Like it is bordering on scary to me how completely devoid of humor Angela is. She seems like a robot and possibly slightly sociopathic lol. 

21 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Seriously? Ugh. I wonder if any of that mess will make it to the broadcast??

Well, the racist comments haven't, so why would Rockstar's?

Brett's intuition is telling him that Scottie has the power. He's spent too much time with Kaitlyn lol. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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3 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I think it's veto ceremony time; the feeds just sent to old episodes.  I am on the edge of my seat, y'all!

It's either that or another installment of Rachel's punishment.  Time will tell.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

It's either that or another installment of Rachel's punishment.  

Oh yea, I forgot about that. That's probably it. It seems a bit early for the veto ceremony. Dammit!

In one way, Tyler is very lucky he has Kaitlyn, but in another, he should be very scared lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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It's not early at all for the veto ceremony.  It usually happens very early afternoon for me. 

I wonder when we get new clips.  i'm getting tired of seeing people from season 2 squeeze into a car. 

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I'm gonna predict that the feeds are down longer than usual because they're gonna do one of Rachel's punishments during the ceremony and when they come back there will be absolutely no drama. Swaggy and Bayleigh will be crying alone in their bed while Kaitlyn and Level 6 gloat about how great this move is. Plus probably a bit of Kaitlyn worrying about how 'scary' Swaggy and Bayleigh are while Tyler/Winston/Brett promise to protect her from them. Rockstar/Haleigh/Faysal will say/do nothing. 

ETA: Ugh, why am I being forced to watch fucking Boogie. I really think the feeds will be a let down when they come back anyway, so I should probably go do something productive, but the small part of me that still has hope wants to be here right when they come back lol.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Just saw that that Vegas person is saying that Tyler narrowly beat Bayleigh for the power app this week. I hope Bayleigh gets it next week if only so Tyler won't have control of 3 power apps lol.

I'm so rooting for Bayleigh to get it. 

I also want her or Scottie to win HOH.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I also want her or Scottie to win HOH.

Definitely. Any of Bayleigh/Scottie/Rockstar/Haleigh/Faysal is fine with me. We need a power shift. Actually, I don't particularly trust anyone but Bayleigh and Rockstar to actually make a move against Tyler/The Four, so I need it to be one of them.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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A power shift would be nice just so things aren't predictable, but I don't necessarily see it happening.  And I don't want to root for any of the Sacred 6 because I don't really like them as people.  Not that I like all of the Level 6 peeps, but at least there are a few people that are likable over there.

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