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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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3 minutes ago, urusai said:

Sam is not getting a good edit on the show.  

Was just about to say the same thing.  They are showing some of the crazy things she’s said regarding inflicting violence upon others along with her paranoid “ who’s making fun of me?” type comments.

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1 minute ago, missyb said:

Finally a little bit of the cray cray edit for Sam.

I feel like it’s kind of endearing though? The people who already like her will just like her more. The people who already hate her will use it to hate her more. 

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1 hour ago, mooses said:

I always think that if I were in the House, there's usually so many HGs that are into fitness - it's the perfect opportunity to have a "personal trainer" for a few weeks.

That's what I think: work out and volunteer for slop, and be forced to lose weight since I have little willpower on my own! The only other thing I can think of doing would be trying to learn another language if a HG speaks one. 

Edited by Mystery
colon, not semicolon
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2 minutes ago, Mystery said:

The only other thing I can think of doing would be trying to learn another language if a HG speaks one. 

I like this too but they rarely allow you to speak in another language.

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Last night, Sam was alone in the backyard and said, "What if I decide I want to stay?" 

And, when talking to Rockstar, asked to be inseparable for "as long as [Sam] is here." I thought that was odd, considering Rockstar has a chance of leaving - this week and almost every other week. I thought she'd say, "As long as we're here." 

I figured she's just being self-deprecating - but, tin-foil hat here - what if she has a time she's actually planning on leaving? 

I still think she actually wants to be here, but I'm surprised she's getting a "crazy" edit. Maybe they think there's a good chance she'll self-evict and are sowing some seeds? 

Edited by mooses
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10 minutes ago, urusai said:

Does anyone know the subject Fussy teaches?  I'm kinda hoping it's lunch or detention.

He’s a sub so he’s most likely not teaching anything.  At the high school level I pretty much make sub plans that assume that whoever is subbing for me knows nothing about the subject I teach, because that’s usually the case.

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1 hour ago, mooses said:

Sam is talking about her self-confidence issues with how she looks. She says, "I want to work out As much as I want to work out and lose weight, here it just feels like conforming, and it makes me mad. I've just got a bad attitude. I've got to change my way of thinking." 

I always think that if I were in the House, there's usually so many HGs that are into fitness - it's the perfect opportunity to have a "personal trainer" for a few weeks.

Sam loses me here. The S20 HG's may be many things but they all have a fair amount of sensitivity about body image issues. If RS after three babies can work out and have fun with it then Sam (27, no kids) sure as hell can. And she'd find plenty of supportive workout buddies. Instead she CHOOSES to smoke on the couch while others work out. She CHOOSES to bake really sugary, fatty meals and then complains that she's (shocker) gaining weight. She CHOOSES to commandeer the kitchen to such an extent that other HG's ask for her PERMISSION to make their own food. She CHOOSES to refuse to primp for the live show then complains that she doesn't look as good as the other girls.

As others have pointed out, in her previous social media pix (that are fairly recent) she's a very pretty girl and is also a hairdresser and worked at a salon. She also seems to be one of the few HG's who didn't get a massive amount of clothes confiscated. (Hay has been wearing the same black sweats and oversized t-shirts the entire summer.) 

Sam is one of those people determined to always throw a pity party for herself. 

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4 minutes ago, Cutty said:

For whatever it’s worth every casual episode only watcher I know can’t stand Sam. 

My parents only watch the episodes and love both Sam and Tyler. 

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4 minutes ago, mooses said:

Last night, Sam was alone in the backyard and said, "What if I decide I want to stay?" 

And, when talking to Rockstar, asked to be inseparable for "as long as [Sam] is here." I thought that was odd, considering Rockstar has a chance of leaving - this week and almost every other week. I thought she'd say, "As long as we're here." 

I figured she's just being self-deprecating - but, tin-foil hat here - what if she has a time she's actually planning on leaving? 

I still think she actually wants to be here, but I'm surprised she's getting a "crazy" edit. Maybe they think there's a good chance she'll self-evict and are sowing some seeds? 

Maybe production is a little pissed off at her after the shit she pulled last thursday. Going into DR 45 minutes before show , threatening not to vote, to leave, etc.

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16 minutes ago, urusai said:

Sam is not getting a good edit on the show.  

I don't think there was a way for them to edit around her freakouts this week without completely removing her from the story completely. Which is not to say it can't happen, because they digitally removed Helen from that scene in the HoH room when Aaryn took the swig of nail polish remover thinking it was her bottle of water but that was a bit different because Helen had been evicted and Sam... hasn't been. 

It's always fun to see a HG fall out of favour with Production because they can be brutal with the edits. This was good but nowhere near accurate. You'd need a three hour special for it to be accurate. 

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16 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I love this nonsense. BB apparently was using the house washer/dryer to wash staff t-shirts that they use for camera blocking, so each of the shirts had the names of the HGs on them, so Brett found them in the washer and assumed that the shirts were the HGs, even though the sizes are ALL over the place, since they are just for their stand-ins! Now we have fish while presumably they're trying to talk the HGs into giving the shirts back. I'm sure Sam will be perfectly reasonable about this. 

Stand ins? Do tell. I want to know more.

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2 hours ago, mooses said:

Sam is talking about her self-confidence issues with how she looks. She says, "I want to work out As much as I want to work out and lose weight, here it just feels like conforming, and it makes me mad. I've just got a bad attitude. I've got to change my way of thinking." 

I always think that if I were in the House, there's usually so many HGs that are into fitness - it's the perfect opportunity to have a "personal trainer" for a few weeks.

That would totally be part of my strategy going in. Waddle into the house at my current weight, play dumb and ingratiate myself among the fitter twentysomethings, work out every day since there's nothing else to do, and then hopefully by the time we make jury I'll be down to my college weight and can start beasting the endurance comps, LOL.

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I think JC is trying reel Brett in as a new meat shield. He knows with Fessy sleeping in HOH last night that he will lose his influence on him. Also, with RS going out he needs to reset his strategy and can no longer ride the middle. 

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7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Haleigh looks SO much like Nicole right now. It's giving me war flashbacks!

In this episode, when she had her hair piled ontop of her head in the Have Not room having her one-on-ones, the husband saw and said "Shit, I thought we got rid of Nicole. She's back? Do not want!" At least Haleigh's less nasal and doesn't stretch out her vowels for five minutes at a time?

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9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Haleigh looks SO much like Nicole right now. It's giving me war flashbacks!

I've thought that the whole season season, especially when she has her glasses on.

She even acknowledged it once, joking she was Nicole's younger sibling.

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Just now, kellog010 said:

I think JC is trying reel Brett in as a new meat shield. He knows with Fessy sleeping in HOH last night that he will lose his influence on him. Also, with RS going out he needs to reset his strategy and can no longer ride the middle. 

I don't even know if I believe that this could be true. I thought JC was planning to get Brett out sooner, rather than later. I really need some non-comic relief JC DRs to figure out where his head is at. I know the show REALLY wants him to be in top 3 for AFP, but they've gotta show him playing more and fooling around less in his DRs. 

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

At least Haleigh's less nasal and doesn't stretch out her vowels for five minutes at a time?

Yea, thank fuck she doesn't have the same awful voice lol.

Once I looked past her unnerving resemblance to Nicole I noticed she was playing with Scottie's hair. So cute!

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39 minutes ago, missyb said:

They have stand ins do blocking for HOH comps. A rehearsal for camera angels, etc..

Back in the days when Survivor would alternate NY with LA for its Finale Night a few of my friends were stand-ins for the contestants. It was basically two days of work and all they had to do was sit together and get lit (no, not THAT kind). And then CBS decided to only hold Finale Night in LA. I lost my chance to do that but I did end up as Dan Abrams’ stand-in for ABC’s Election Night 2016 coverage. I remember the stand-in for George Stephanopolous had done it for years and was amazing at improv and approximating how George would host the coverage.

Edited by TimWil
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I also will say this for Haleigh....sometimes I notice when I get a good closeup of her face (because I am an old TV Nerd) she bares a passing resemblance to a very young Elizabeth Montgomery. It's something about the eyes. I swear. I wish she would wiggle her nose. Lol 

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6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, thank fuck she doesn't have the same awful voice lol.

Once I looked past her unnerving resemblance to Nicole I noticed she was playing with Scottie's hair. So cute!

Noooooo Peach, you got rid of Brockstar in your avatar!!!

Ok, actually back to your post, I ship Scottie/Haleigh quite a bit, and still dream of them and Brett in F3, even though I know it's not happening. 

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2 hours ago, kellog010 said:

One thing I like about this season is there is no shunning happening. While there are sides and they are all gaming, they still eat together, work out together and hang out to talk about non-game stuff. 

What are you taking about? Tyler made Bayelighs life a living hell when she was hiding in the Pink Bedroom reading her bible and hanging out with everyone in the backyard. 


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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Noooooo Peach, you got rid of Brockstar in your avatar!!!

I'm purging all my hopes for this season. It's easier for me that way lol. 

They cut to Sam and she was saying, "What if I volunteer?" to Angela and Angela was like, "No."

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10 hours ago, Ceeg said:

My parents only watch the episodes and love both Sam and Tyler. 

I’m a casual watcher, but I catch the LF info here.  Totally a Sam fan.

She did get a horrible edit tonight.

Edited by GalvDuck
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1 minute ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Can Julie tell Tyler to quit picking at whatever is on his right arm? Blech. 

Yeah, what is that thing? I'm constantly distracted by him messing with it.

Is it just a zit or is it something else?

I do remember Kaitlyn yelling at him to "stop picking".

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2 hours ago, kellog010 said:

One thing I like about this season is there is no shunning happening. While there are sides and they are all gaming, they still eat together, work out together and hang out to talk about non-game stuff. 

And we still get plenty of drama each week! The best of both worlds. 

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Sam tells Kaycee:

"As much as I love Angela-la, I got the feeling I was being replaced..."

So, she is jealous of Angela/Tyler. And she does have a crush on Brett. And I have no idea what she'd do between Kaycee/Rockstar. I lean her keeping Rockstar, but I don't know.

ETA: Kaycee reassures her: "Tyler is in love with you."

Edited by mooses
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Angela's face is sunburnt to hell, too. Did they all just sit out for hours or something? Idiots.

Once those doors open, a bunch of people take advantage of the few days they have outside. Brett and Angela are definitely two of them, and they seem more susceptible to being burnt. 

1 minute ago, mooses said:

So, she is jealous of Angela/Tyler. And she does have a crush on Brett. And I have no idea what she'd do between Kaycee/Rockstar. I lean her keeping Rockstar, but I don't know.

She'll likely keep Rockstar, but I also feel like Sam could surprise us with how she takes the veto ceremony tomorrow. We know she's gonna likely have some kind of breakdown since she likes Rockstar now.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Once those doors open, a bunch of people take advantage of the few days they have outside. Brett and Angela are definitely two of them, and they seem more susceptible to being burnt. 

I'm pretty sure they don't wear sunscreen so that's probably why lol. And maybe the rubbing oil over themselves first, too.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

She'll likely keep Rockstar, but I also feel like Sam could surprise us with how she takes the veto ceremony tomorrow. We know she's gonna likely have some kind of breakdown since she likes Rockstar now.

Kaycee told her she doesn't know what Tyler's going to do (obviously not true), but she did remind Sam it would be Kaycee/Rockstar up there if it is used. Sam didn't say she had her back or anything - she just went on one of her "I hope I'm helping you in some way," "Just remember your humanity," "I just want to comfort you," pep talks.

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2 minutes ago, mooses said:

Sam tells Kaycee:

"As much as I love Angela-la, I got the feeling I was being replaced..."

So, she is jealous of Angela/Tyler. And she does have a crush on Brett. And I have no idea what she'd do between Kaycee/Rockstar. I lean her keeping Rockstar, but I don't know.

ETA: Kaycee reassures her: "Tyler is in love with you."

Ok Kaycee has just done the first douchey thing I've seen her do this entire game. There is NO WAY Sam doesn't run with this comment. Every other HG has handled Sam carefully. Today RS was gently telling Sam that Brett hasn't made any overtures towards Sam, and hasn't led Sam on, so not to be crushed or anything. Other HG's have as I said been gentle and sensitive with her but also have not entertained her delusions. Don't be like that Kaycee.

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27 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Can Julie tell Tyler to quit picking at whatever is on his right arm? Blech. 

At one point last week Sam said to Tyler “STOP DOING THAT! You have beautiful skin.”

I’m sure many of you will be thrilled to know that earlier today Paul was brought up on stage of a Broadway show called Getting the Band Back Together Again to play cowbells. A friend of mine was in the audience. It’s apparently done at every performance. He said one of the performers asked the audience who’d been in a band, Paul raised his hand and was chosen. My friend said not a whole lot of the audience seemed to know who he was.

Edited by TimWil
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Just now, Growsonwalls said:

Ok Kaycee has just done the first douchey thing I've seen her do this entire game. There is NO WAY Sam doesn't run with this comment. Every other HG has handled Sam carefully. Today RS was gently telling Sam that Brett hasn't made any overtures towards Sam, and hasn't led Sam on, so not to be crushed or anything. Other HG's have as I said been gentle and sensitive with her but also have not entertained her delusions. Don't be like that Kaycee.

I think it was clear she didn't mean in, like, a romantic way. Of course, Sam might twist it. 

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Ok Kaycee has just done the first douchey thing I've seen her do this entire game. 

I think when she used to speculate about Swaggy being gay that was pretty douchey.

Just now, TimWil said:

My friend said not a whole lot of the audience seemed to know who he was.


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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm pretty sure they don't wear sunscreen so that's probably why lol. And maybe the rubbing oil over themselves first, too.

Oh yeah, that's for sure why Brett's just always a red tomato. 

1 minute ago, mooses said:

Kaycee told her she doesn't know what Tyler's going to do (obviously not true), but she did remind Sam it would be Kaycee/Rockstar up there if it is used. Sam didn't say she had her back or anything - she just went on one of her "I hope I'm helping you in some way," "Just remember your humanity," "I just want to comfort you," pep talks.

And that's why I feel certain that Sam won't be voting for Kaycee to stay over Rockstar in that case. 

1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Ok Kaycee has just done the first douchey thing I've seen her do this entire game. There is NO WAY Sam doesn't run with this comment. Every other HG has handled Sam carefully. Today RS was gently telling Sam that Brett hasn't made any overtures towards Sam, and hasn't led Sam on, so not to be crushed or anything. Other HG's have as I said been gentle and sensitive with her but also have not entertained her delusions. Don't be like that Kaycee.

To be fair, I don't know if Kaycee fully gets how crazy Sam is about Tyler. I think it was just a poor choice of words. Kaycee's been a little snappy this week, but she doesn't intentionally do stuff like this to hurt people. I think she was talking generally but doesn't get that she just planted a seed in Sam's head and that could very well blow things up when Tyler takes Angela down.

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Ha! Sam's talking about how the Her in the House isn't anything like the Her in the Real World, ("Who I am outside of here isn't good for TV, and I would never display that...like for the little girls. I just keep picturing the little girls that look up to me and try to watch myself on a 10 year old level. I'm just not willing to play Never Have I Ever, I'm not willing to shake my ass ... I can't wait to get my mojo back.")

But she holds her middle fingers up the whole time, I assume to discourage them from airing it.

ETA: They start to reference the jobs Production "asked" them to use for the show, and feeds cut.

Edited by mooses
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