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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Bayleigh is such a terrible player. Turns on her allies at the drop of a hat and somehow trusts Tyler above all. LOL! She deserves to be backdoored the fuck out. 

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Baliegh desperately wants to play with a winner and she sees that winner as Tyler.  She just told Tyler how long it was good for after she said she was not going to tell him.

Edited by missyb
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Just now, missyb said:

Baliegh desperately wants to play with a winner and she sees that winner as Tyler. 

She should have never won HOH. Might've had a chance. 

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1 minute ago, Sara2009 said:

It’s like she knows she got zero screen time before this.

She was a recruit right?   It just seems like she calculated she could make a run as the biggest bitch in BB history.  

I don't know. It just seems very calculated on her part.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Bayleigh: I'm not gonna tell you how long I have it. Don't tell anyone but I have it until there's eight people left.

No joke, there was no other words in between that.

I am so unbelievably amazed that she told him this. She was in SUCH a good spot a week ago. And she f**ked up. It's unbelievable. 

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As much as I want to watch Angela's attempt at one on ones with people outside of her alliance, and wait for her HOH room, I gotta head to bed. Hopefully, a lot happens while I'm asleep so I can catch up in the morning.

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13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Bayleigh: I'm not gonna tell you how long I have it. Don't tell anyone but I have it until there's eight people left.

No joke, there was no other words in between that.

LOL!  Between this and the Keystone Kops thinking one of Rockstar or Hay flipped and Fessy running around clueless ... again?  Well, you can't make this stuff up.  A scriptwriter writing this scenario about some fictional reality show alliance would have been fired on the spot since his boss would tell him no group could possibly be that stupid.

So glad Bay spilled the beans to Tyler because this was the exact info they were missing.  Until now they thought her power was only for this coming week.  This changes everything.  Angela needs to know so she targets Bay because right now she is acting like Bay's power ends this coming week so she doesn't have to take Bay or her power much into consideration other than make a deal with her for this week.  That would be a critical mistake.

And of course Bay should be royally pissed at Tyler after he confessed to voting Rachel out but now she just seems to trust him more.  He is like a real life snake charmer.  He mesmerizes them all.  And he plays without malice too.  He knows it is just a game and to keep chill.  Love the dude.

Speaking of malice do we finally have a real villain post-Swaggy finally?  I am already loving what Angela the Ice Goddess is bringing to the entertainment table.  If she makes bye-bye messages like that to future jury members every week it would be hilarious.

Edited by green
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Just now, green said:

So glad Bay spilled the beans to Tyler because this was the exact info they were missing.  Until now they thought her power was only for this coming week.  This changes everything

Yeah, now he knows that, despite Bayleigh trusting him, he needs to get her out now while they have the numbers. Who knows what will happen next week, especially with the hacker. It's better to mist her this week while she's feeling comfortable and then backdoor her and get her out. The longer they wait, the more time Bayleigh has to catch onto Tyler and throw him up on the block, or his alliance members. Waiting would be the worst thing for his alliance. Now he'll tell Angela and she may need to put aside her Scottie backdoor plan for this. 

2 minutes ago, green said:

And of course Bay should be royally pissed at Tyler after he confessed to voting Rachel out but now she just seems to trust him more.  He is like a real life snake charmer.  He mesmerizes them all.  And he plahys without malice too.  Love the dude.

He's got a good reason for voting her out, so that's why it works. He could have lied about voting her out, but he recognized being half truthful was the only way to get out of this week ok with Bayleigh. 

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Does the hacker twist mean there will be 3 people on the block come thursday ?

JC telling Angela that Fessy tells him everything. He didn't tell you about Bays power , did he JC.

Angela tells JC she is worried about Scottie. That he is coming after her. JC says, no, he is not. He never said anything. BS. He was going to put Rachel and Angela up.

JC tells Angela, be cool with Tyler and Brett but dont talk game with them. They will only advise you in their best interest.

I hope Angela's radar is up. JC is not giving Angela credit for a brain.

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Just now, missyb said:

Does the hacker twist mean there will be 3 people on the block come thursday 

No, not that I know of. From what has been hinted at with everyone, the hacker can replace one of the noms after they're made, before veto. So, basically, it's like Bayleigh's power but it changes an already known nom, and it's just the one. 

It also sounds like the Hacker Comp is only for two weeks. 

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7 minutes ago, missyb said:

Does the hacker twist mean there will be 3 people on the block come thursday ?

JC telling Angela that Fessy tells him everything. He didn't tell you about Bays power , did he JC.

Angela tells JC she is worried about Scottie. That he is coming after her. JC says, no, he is not. He never said anything. BS. He was going to put Rachel and Angela up.

JC tells Angela, be cool with Tyler and Brett but dont talk game with them. They will only advise you in their best interest.

I hope Angela's radar is up. JC is not giving Angela credit for a brain.

It probably is. The boy is going to talk himself into a backdoor situation if he doesn't calm his tits sometime soon.

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As I lay in bed with my phone, I’m reading that the hacker may also have the power to take away a vote. 

I swear if Fessy wins the Hacker power, leaves noms the same and takes away his own alliance member’s vote because he doesn’t trust them, I swear to Big Brother Gods that this week will have gone perfectly. 

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It's amazing how clueless the Hive side is... Led by absolute morons Bay and Fes. It's embarrassing to watch. 

RS tells Angela she would have tried to backdoor Tyler. These fucking people, I swear.

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I've officially flipped. Sam knows this game. She's some sort of Big Brother super genius. This is the new version of Dan. 

IT'S ON A PINKY PROMISE. You can't make this shit up.

Sam keeps calling it a punishment. And that it'll make up for her botched HoH where one fucking vote wasn't the same. Sam wanted to be punished?

Sam also says that she'll not play in Veto, even if she gets picked so that it's fair. And she'll use the Hacker ability to negate her own vote. I AM SO CONFUSED.

Edited by Callaphera
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59 minutes ago, green said:

Speaking of malice do we finally have a real villain post-Swaggy finally?  I am already loving what Angela the Ice Goddess is bringing to the entertainment table.  If she makes bye-bye messages like that to future jury members every week it would be hilarious.

I have to admit even though I think she's an asshole, Angela the Ice Queen is looking hotter and hotter now that she's shown her Ice Queen personality.  I am not sure why that is the case but Nashville is right it is kind of sexy.

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Love Sam the Pious going all Norma Rae and trying to get the workers to unionize in order to invalidate Grodner’s latest “twist.” 

I’m so hoping she gets called to the DR so Grodner can remind her who’s in charge of this shitshow. 

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They're going to do an anonymous vote in two cups in the bathroom. What the fuck. They're all going to be an overwhelming No.

Does no one realize that this is just Sam maneuvering herself to two weeks of safety? I'm boggled.

Edited by Callaphera
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Rockstar points out, its not a mater of trusting you, its trusting a house that has never carried through with an anonymous vote before. 

Good for her. It needed to be said. 

Its not that they don't trust her, they don't trust watch other.

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Sam about the Hacker twist: "This is going to fuck your game up. Every single one of you. Except for me because I have no game."

Sam looks like her heart is being broken that everyone is stomping all over her ridiculous idea.

JC: "We're not voting?"
Sam: "No. It's over."

Whomp whomp whomp.

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Bay really going at RS.

Bay is pissed and accusing RS hardcore of having a deal with Brett.

It's really getting heated as Bay hisses at her to lower her voice. 

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I was ready to settle down and go to sleep but I made the mistake of checking things one last time and all this stuff happened and I want to flashback and see it but Bayleigh is arguing with Angie and is convinced that Angie and Brett have a secret alliance and WHAT THE HELL IS EVEN GOING ON?

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Seeing Scottie reminded of an incident from just before fish today...

The Giant was grooming Scottie’s facial scruff with the beard trimmer telling him how much better he looks, post trim. No. Flesh-coloured facial hair is never a good thing; now it just looks like dirt is smudged on his face. 

Scottie said he was gonna wear his contacts, too, and said, out loud, “I’m gonna look so hot, America is gonna jizz their pants.” 

So, has anyone seen or heard reports of this spontaneous jizzing Scottie was certain was going to happen?

Also, I knew he had an arrogant streak but wow. The why’s and how’s of him never having been in a relationship are becoming clearer each time he relaxes enough to let some of his personality out. 

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They should have saved the hacker twist until after one or both of the power apps have been used. There is too much power floating around.

I hope KC wins this competition. Girl needs to win.

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28 minutes ago, cork dork said:

Love Sam the Pious going all Norma Rae and trying to get the workers to unionize in order to invalidate Grodner’s latest “twist.” 

I’m so hoping she gets called to the DR so Grodner can remind her who’s in charge of this shitshow. 


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