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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Sam says the reason so many guy groups make it to the end is because women are too worried about how they look and putting on makeup, instead of just hanging out getting along.

Sam on showmances:  "You don't shit where you eat."

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Sam says the reason so many guy groups make it to the end is because women are too worried about how they look and putting on makeup, instead of just hanging out getting along.

Which is funny because this season, the women seem less concerned about their makeup (even the husband commented during one of the broadcasts that this season, the women have been doing a lot more makeup less DR sessions and he likes it) and more about game. 

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In a week where Kaitlyn was put on the block, had the veto used by her BEST FRIEND on the OTHER nominee, and is now in danger of (there being the chance of) going home, it's ANGIE who is doing more complaining and whining. That takes WORK.

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Sam says that nobody even knows how hard this has been on Kaycee.  She says she's never heard Kaycee talk about it, but Sam just knows.  This sounds like some Kaitlyn aura stuff.

Sam:  "I have a really healthy self worth.  I'll be damned if I'm going to lose to Kaitlyn."

Sam's response to what will happen if Kailtyn comes back in the game:  "I'll stomp a mudhole in that bitch's chest."

Sam and Tyler are planning Tyler's escape from the HOH room without being seen.  Tyler suggested that Sam open the door, walk out, and Tyler crawls out after her.

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I appreciate that Tyler at least gets that it is stupid to fight this hard over something that ultimately will not matter. 

I assume he'll throw Kaitlyn a vote just to please her, but otherwise, it is a sort of, "Okay, people, if you really want her gone so bad that it is going to get you all pissed off, we'll vote her out, but she's GOING to come right back"

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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I appreciate that Tyler at least gets that it is stupid to fight this hard over something that ultimately will not matter. 

I assume he'll throw Kaitlyn a vote just to please her, but otherwise, it is a sort of, "Okay, people, if you really want her gone so bad that it is going to get you all pissed off, we'll vote her out, but she's GOING to come right back"

And when she does, you know she's going to be upset and emotional and a total wild card. Which is why I think Tyler's right in saying she should stay to begin with, but also why part of me really wants to see this happen.

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Expulsion. Loss of stipend or at least, it's used to pay for expenses because the show no longer covers them if you DOR. Also, the Big Brother fanbase pointing and laughing at you for the rest of history because we never forget a DOR. 

Somewhere Chima is glaring back at you. ;)

Howling at Tyler hiding from RS! Hysterical!

Disappointed in the vote flip to Kaitlyn only because I wanted to see if RS could do the challenge. I seriously had my doubts. But Kaitlyn will definitely be coming back a woman scored. Tyler watch yourself. It's still wise to give her a mercy vote. 

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When TYler was stuck in HOH talking to Sam, they were talking about the all girls alliance. Tyler slips in, what are you girls, "maneaters" ?? The name of the all girls alliance. Kaycee told him. Sam did not catch that.

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5 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

And when she does, you know she's going to be upset and emotional and a total wild card. Which is why I think Tyler's right in saying she should stay to begin with, but also why part of me really wants to see this happen.

Yeah, it is great for us, but it is such a dumb move for them. She's coming right back in, people! Of course she is! How could they think it's a battle back if Sam could have used it week one?!

Edited by Brian Cronin
Oops, double quote somehow.
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3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Yeah, it is great for us, but it is such a dumb move for them. She's coming right back in, people! Of course she is! How could they think it's a battle back if Sam could have used it week one?!

The best part is, I think someone raised that point! It's not even like that wasn't thought of, but they've convinced themselves this is the case and it's going to come back and bite them. So stupid, but so entertaining.

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"Grrr...I hate her. I need her gone."

Okay, dudes, but she WON'T be gone! It's so much wasted energy.

Also, if she thinks it IS a battle back, then wouldn't Bayleigh want RS gone instead of Kaitlyn because RS is such a shitty competitor?

Nothing they're doing right now makes any sense.

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6 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Somewhere Chima is glaring back at you. ;)

Ah, but technically, Chima didn't DOR. They expelled her for "breaking the rules". So I don't point and laugh at her. The microphone in the pool, yes. Chima herself? That was an interesting situation.

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5 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

What is going on with Scotty?



I think it's just Scottie being Scottie.  When Sam came down from the HOH room she asked him why he was wearing that and I don't think he ever really answered.


JC:  "Where's Tyler?"  LOL  Scottie thinks he's sleeping.

Edited by zorak
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OK, so, gonna have to take back my rants from earlier, because today has been a trip. I wish we could get feeds all day tomorrow because I feel like it could be crazy.

36 minutes ago, zorak said:


Tyler hiding.png


24 minutes ago, zorak said:


Tyler crawls.png


22 minutes ago, kellog010 said:



Great, am I gonna have to start liking Tyler?!

9 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Nothing they're doing right now makes any sense.


3 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

And because of it, they're all collectively losing their gourds and making zero sense.

It's so beautiful!

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6 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

A lot of their behavior this week is like the Big Brother equivalent of The Amazing Race's killer fatigue. Like BB Cabin Fever or something. And because of it, they're all collectively losing their gourds and making zero sense.

I think it was this time last year that we were all getting ground down by the Cult of Friendship and Bullying and already calling the season a piece of shit that would forever stain the history of Big Brother. 

Now look at us! I keep thinking "Next week will be a bore because of x reason" and every week has proven me wrong so far. I'd prefer it if one side doesn't get Pagonged but I hope this crazy train keeps going off the rails. 

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Peach, you'll also be happy to know that Angela said "fuck that" when talking about voting ~with the house. She said she's here to play for herself, not anyone else, and she'll vote how she wants. 

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I think it was this time last year that we were all getting ground down by the Cult of Friendship and Bullying and already calling the season a piece of shit that would forever stain the history of Big Brother. 

Now look at us! I keep thinking "Next week will be a bore because of x reason" and every week has proven me wrong so far. I'd prefer it if one side doesn't get Pagonged but I hope this crazy train keeps going off the rails. 

After season nine, I was about ready to tap out. But I didn't, and was rewarded with season 10.

I feel similarly about this season.

For the sake of my point, I'll just ignore that season 15 was followed by 16.

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3 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

Peach, you'll also be happy to know that Angela said "fuck that" when talking about voting ~with the house. She said she's here to play for herself, not anyone else, and she'll vote how she wants. 

Weeping! I can't at the two pieces of furniture (Angela & Kaycee) going so hard like this! And on a week where the person evicted is almost guaranteed to come back! It's amazing!

Reading up on some quotes from today's events that I missed and came across this gem from Sam to Tyler, "What the fuck did you say? You’re really keeping that hussy in this house?" I nearly fell outta my chair!

Bay and Hay are talking about how they miss Swaggy. Ladies, please move on lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Haleigh just said how freaking bad it would be if Kaitlyn was evicted and was then able to come right back in the house. Bayleigh said “That won’t happen.”

Oh, how wrong you are, Bayleigh. It’s VERY likely to happen.

Edited by TimWil
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Weeping! I can't at the two pieces of furniture (Angela & Kaycee) going so hard like this! And on a week where the person evicted is almost guaranteed to come back! It's amazing!

They must have seen the code on the shampoo bottle.

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Sam is getting on JC's case because he's making something in the kitchen and told him to please not do whatever he was doing, because he's just going to make a mess.  Now he's being dramatic and saying that the thing he's making is no longer being made with love.  

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2 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

If Kaitlyn gets evicted and comes right back in, I might have to take off work on Friday so I can stay up with the feeds. 

Right! Gonna have to pull my first all-nighter in over 15 years for that!

Damn Angela lol. I'm starting to feel bad for Rachel though. I love her the most! I don't want this to hurt her.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Haleigh's face there is so great.

I still think this one is the best.


ETA: If I didn't love that picture of Raven with her totally not waterproof mascara making thick tire tracks down her face, I'd totally swap it out for these two. Haleigh's face is classic "Bitch, please" and Bayleigh's is very "Oh, Lord, deliver us from this imbecile."

Edited by Callaphera
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She is great with faces.

I've seen Angela laugh and smile more today than the entire first 3 weeks. It's nice.

Does Brett know about the new plan to evict Kaitlyn? I assume he does.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Oh god. ... Oh god, oh god. ... OMG. ... Y'all need to talk me off a ledge.  I just had a bad, bad, thought.


What if it really is a Battle Back?  Only not a Battle Back between formerly evicted S20 houseguests, but a Battle Back between the current evicted houseguest and......  Paul.


What's the 411 on that odious little troll?  Please tell me his Twitter or Instagram accounts have him touring with his "band" in dive bars in some far reach of the globe.

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Just now, kellog010 said:

I can't wait for the house to blindside themselves when they realize the battle back is only with the evicted person (as Kailtlyn wins her way back in).

Tyler will have the biggest "I TOLD YOU SO" look on his face lol.

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1 minute ago, HurricaneVal said:

Oh god. ... Oh god, oh god. ... OMG. ... Y'all need to talk me off a ledge.  I just had a bad, bad, thought.


What if it really is a Battle Back?  Only not a Battle Back between formerly evicted S20 houseguests, but a Battle Back between the current evicted houseguest and......  Paul.


What's the 411 on that odious little troll?  Please tell me his Twitter or Instagram accounts have him touring with his "band" in dive bars in some far reach of the globe.

Haha- he's been tweeting and Instagram Storying. He's not been in sequester. Do not panic. Haha. 

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2 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Oh god. ... Oh god, oh god. ... OMG. ... Y'all need to talk me off a ledge.  I just had a bad, bad, thought.


What if it really is a Battle Back?  Only not a Battle Back between formerly evicted S20 houseguests, but a Battle Back between the current evicted houseguest and......  Paul.


What's the 411 on that odious little troll?  Please tell me his Twitter or Instagram accounts have him touring with his "band" in dive bars in some far reach of the globe.


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I agree with Angela-my entertainment for the day was indeed already provided by JC and Sam in the kitchen-“You want to add cookie bits to that? M and Ms? Little chocolate pieces?” And then JC taking the little plastic bag of cookie bits (?) that Sam gave him to use and tossing it over to the sink area. So fecking funny. God I hope this is on the CBS show.

Edited by TimWil
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Bayleigh might have the best adaptability aspect of the game. She infiltrated L5, got Rachel to spill everything, got in good with them, and now has made up with Fessy, and told Haleigh the tea.

bay is playing a brilliant floater game

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10 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Oh god. ... Oh god, oh god. ... OMG. ... Y'all need to talk me off a ledge.  I just had a bad, bad, thought.


What if it really is a Battle Back?  Only not a Battle Back between formerly evicted S20 houseguests, but a Battle Back between the current evicted houseguest and......  Paul.


What's the 411 on that odious little troll?  Please tell me his Twitter or Instagram accounts have him touring with his "band" in dive bars in some far reach of the globe.

Julie said somewhere (Entertainment Tonight maybe?) that it was a challenge that the person (singular) would have to complete in order to come back.

Edited by GalvDuck
Typo on phone
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So Sam was just running through the list of snacks that she's kept from her HoH basket (basically all of them). But she got to her box of untouched Ritz Bits which made me laugh a bit because we just had a recall of those in Canada for possible salmonella contamination. Don't eat them, Sam! The ghost of Raven's cooking will haunt you! 

Sam: "If there is a tie, I'm gonna put two dots in a cup and pick one. But they're both going to be the same colour." PICK AN M&M, DONNY! PICK ONE!

Edited by Callaphera
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