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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Haleigh telling Bayleigh she's sad.  Bay says that Haleigh has a lot going on.  Haleigh says, "You've got a lot going on."  Bayleigh responds by saying, "I was told the live feeds are on to me and I can't talk about Production anymore.  So I'm not going to get in trouble talking about Production."  Is she talking about BB20 Pregnancy Watch?

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Bayleigh is talking to Haleigh saying that she can't really campaign in a normal way.  She  says, "I have a power but that's a reason people want me out."

Edited by zorak
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7 minutes ago, zorak said:

Bayleigh responds by saying, "I was told the live feeds are on to me and I can't talk about Production anymore.  So I'm not going to get in trouble talking about Production."  Is she talking about BB20 Pregnancy Watch?

Well, it is a kind of (re)production. They just don't want us have any fun at all! ?


17 minutes ago, zorak said:

Bayleigh says if the hacker is someone she knows then she'll be pissed.  

Since she knows everyone in the house, she's doomed to be pissed.

#TeamGoodFeeds ?

Edited by Skycatcher
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Faysal is telling Bayleigh about his app.  Haleigh already knew.  Kaitlyn is probably disappointed that she's not the only one on BB that he told.  Also, Bayleigh's reaction was way more normal than Kaitlyn's super over the top excitement.

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37 minutes ago, zorak said:

Haleigh telling Bayleigh she's sad.  Bay says that Haleigh has a lot going on.  Haleigh says, "You've got a lot going on."  Bayleigh responds by saying, "I was told the live feeds are on to me and I can't talk about Production anymore.  So I'm not going to get in trouble talking about Production."  Is she talking about BB20 Pregnancy Watch?

Or is "Production" the word for "pregnancy"?

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1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

Well, it is a kind of (re)production. They just don't want us have any fun at all! ?


Since she knows everyone in the house, she's doomed to be pissed.

#TeamGoodFeeds ?


 Reproduction Grease 2

Sorry I had to do it. 

Edited by carpedi7
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Yeah, Bayleigh....you're still going to jury, dumbass.

Haleigh's a good person for trying to cheer Bayleigh up, but this could also be a dumb move when Bayleigh tells people and Haleigh becomes target #1 next week.

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Is Haleigh really saying that she wants to have a house meeting tomorrow to tell everyone that she's this week's Hacker? 

What the fuck. Rockstar wants to throw away her game for Bayleigh and now Haleigh does to? What is it about Bayleigh that makes people want to do that? She has a horrible personality, she's been a shitty friend, and she explodes at people for no reason at the drop of a hat.

I'm disappointed but also somehow not surprised. This alliance sucks.

Edited by Callaphera
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I have to think that Haleigh is smarter than that. But I don't know. She's in tears over Bay getting "bullied" and doesn't want her being blamed for being the hacker. I like Haleigh OK, but if she does tell everyone, I'll laugh. A lot.

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1 minute ago, CrazyDog said:

I have to think that Haleigh is smarter than that. But I don't know. She's in tears over Bay getting "bullied" and doesn't want her being blamed for being the hacker. I like Haleigh OK, but if she does tell everyone, I'll laugh. A lot.

I think Haleigh's a genuinely good person and was feeling guilty over thinking that Bayleigh was targeted because people thought she was the Hacker.

We know Bayleigh was never targeted for being the Hacker, but Haleigh doesn't. That's why I like Haleigh, even if this is a stupid move.

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My god, how did all the dumb people in the house manage to all band together. Haleigh, I wanted to like you so much for making a big move. Wtf are you doing?

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If anyone wants to watch the moment:

cam 3/4 5:51pm 8/07

I am still super surprised by this move. Only a matter of time before Bay tells Fessy and so on. This season keeps on giving.

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2 minutes ago, missyb said:

I am still super surprised by this move. Only a matter of time before Bay tells Fessy and so on. This season keeps on giving.

I wouldn't be surprised if the entire house knew by midnight. No way is Bayleigh keeping her mouth shut.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I wouldn't be surprised if the entire house knew by midnight. No way is Bayleigh keeping her mouth shut.

Bayleigh's gonna try to work this to her advantage somehow. How? I have no idea.

Haleigh did make a stupid move but she does clearly have a heart if she was willing to screw her own game to make Bayleigh know the truth. But again, stupid. Don't worry, Haleigh; you're only 21. You'll mature and get smarter over time.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

The bottoms of Rockstar's feet are filthy.  I know she took a shower earlier so it just goes to show you how filthy the floors in the house are.


Rockstar's feet.png

That's why I could never walk around barefoot in the Big Brother House. No matter what they call it, it's not your house! It's not an official house! It's a studio set, essentially! Wear shoes or socks or sandals or something! And I don't wear shoes in anyone's houses because I've been taught that it's disrespectful to wear outdoor shoes around in homes.

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Their plan is to convince JC that RS and Brett are working together so he'd vote out RS. You can't make this up. Also, they think they can get KC vote and Scotty vote possibly.

Edited by kellog010
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Did you guys know that Kaycee has been mean and horrible to Bayleigh for the past two days? Just wretched! That mean and evil Kaycee! Bayleigh says every time she's cried the past two days, it's because of Kaycee.

Kaycee. The sweet little peanut. 

Edited by Callaphera
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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Did you guys know that Kaycee has been mean and horrible to Bayleigh for the past two days? Just wretched! That mean and evil Kaycee! Bayleigh says every time she's cried the past two days, it's because of Kaycee.

Kaycee. The sweet little peanut. 

Yeah, fuck Bayleigh. Kaycee hasn't done anything to Bayleigh. Kaycee doesn't seem to do well with confrontations so her avoidance is apparently some big offense on Bayleigh when it's not. 

So, Bayleigh/Fessy/Haleigh want to get two more votes. They think Brett will vote out Rockstar. I am now living for the scenario where Brett plays along to get them to believe they have his votes as he cackles in the DR while he gives his vote to evict Bayleigh. 

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23 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Did you guys know that Kaycee has been mean and horrible to Bayleigh for the past two days? Just wretched! That mean and evil Kaycee! Bayleigh says every time she's cried the past two days, it's because of Kaycee.

Kaycee. The sweet little peanut. 


Don’t forget Tyler said Good Morning to her and he basically gave her a verbal lashing. Oh and also- he’s been similing and broke eye contact with her!! WHAT A MONSTER!! 

She apparently wants to “check him”- he would probably just sit there and shrug his shoulders. This is all game for him. 

I am 95% convinced that Tyler didn’t actually yell at Bay during the Veto meeting.  He probably raised his voice like one octave higher then normal. 

I know we all wanted an Angela v Bay confrontation yesterday, probably wise for her to go to her room and stay there and say that she isn’t speaking to her without witnesses. She’s saying everyone is doing ALL THESE THINGS THEY AREN’T. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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So, Haleigh's currently in the pink room with Fessy and her face screams "I MADE A MISTAKE." I think she realized it was a mistake when Bayleigh's demeanour changed. Now, Haleigh is screwed. She's a target next week for sure. 

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Where's that person that's bored by the same people being blindsided every week? I need them to share my misery.

I'm gonna need a triple eviction so Tyler can just get out the 3 people he hasn't made a deal with and we can see what these people do next. I mean I know they'll just continue to follow Tyler, but still.

Jessie looks so good in this video. @Callaphera I think it's you that shares my Jessie love.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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5 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

LOL, I saw on jokers RS boyfriend was tweeting. I went to his twitter and saw:

He's not wrong. 

Her talks with Scottie are the best. 

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I'm bored by it but I don't have live feeds.  I usually read jokers but don't like it there this year.   I was disappointed Tyler was saved by veto, I don't necessarily hate him but I hate how easily everything is going for him.   And I don't really like Baileigh much but I hate how the other side isn't basically outnumbered and will be picked off now.   And RS need to win both HOH and hacker to survive next week and no chance of that.

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