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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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1 minute ago, GalvDuck said:

Julie said somewhere (Entertainment Tonight maybe?) that the person (singular) would have to complete in order to come back.

Thank you.  Thankyouthankyouthankyou.  GalvDuck and Julie to the rescue.


Carry on...

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Sam is telling Kaycee that there's so many things she knows about Kaycee that Kaycee doesn't even know Sam knows.  Sam says it's things that she has surmised just from the few conversations with Kaycee that she's had.  Kaycee is probably thinking, "WTF?"

Edited by zorak
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I can’t believe I’m saying this, because she was the worst her first HOH, but I need Kaitlyn to pull it off again, once she inevitably comes back with her “chance”. Not just because the house will explode, but also the Joe picture drama.

OK, be honest. When was the last time a Wednesday was THIS much fun? Wednesday is usually the worst day of the week. Too early for a last ditch flip effort, too late for any residual POV meeting drama. Wednesday in BB is usually equivalent to All Star break (ie last week)  in sports. 

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Sam thinks the chance to come back in the game is that the person gets to either be evicted or they get to come back in the game if they agree to be a robot for 2 weeks or something. 

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Sam is saying that her whole purpose in the BB house is to give people an "opportunity to do the right thing." Apparently that involves placing the toothbrush in the right place and cleaning the towels.

Sam just called JC an "animal." Hmm.

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I really don't understand Sam's reasoning that by telling people about breaking the tie with 2 dots in a cup that it's forcing people to make a decision.  People should be able to vote for who they want, regardless of whether or not it results in a tie.  It's not like the whole house is actively planning out their votes so that it results in a tie that Sam will have to break.  It just really rubs me the wrong way that she's acting like if it's a tie, people haven't made a decision.

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Sam says she cried and cried after the nomination ceremony because she thought she had ruined things for Kaitlyn and Haleigh.  She says she forgets that these things are public.  Now she's going on again about how women never win BB because of showmances.

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Sam says that Fessy is extremely naïve.

Sam finds it hard to believe that Fessy has his own place.  She says she thinks it's bullshit.  According to Sam, he's a beautiful person with good intentions and he's just getting pushed and pulled in all directions.  She says his heart's being fucked with.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Sam says she cried and cried after the nomination ceremony because she thought she had ruined things for Kaitlyn and Haleigh.  She says she forgets that these things are public.  Now she's going on again about how women never win BB because of showmances.

Why is she expounding on what does or doesn't happen in BB as though she's actually watched it before?

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Sam says she doesn't have any hate in her heart for men.  She says she loves men.  I think if anything, she seems to have hate in her heart for women.

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The way Sam goes on about how she's seen how her little brother has had his heart torn up makes me wonder if she's ever had any female friends who have had their heart torn up by a man.  On the other hand, Sam probably doesn't have female friends.  I'm pretty sure she told Tyler and Scottie as much way earlier in the game.

And we just got treated to a repeat clip of Rockstar banging the pan at Brett on tonight’s show.  

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Lol at Fessy in the DR saying he wants Sam to think that he’s the sweet Fessy she thinks he is.  A man manipulating Sam’s emotions for game purposes?  I thought that men were incapable of such trickery. How can this be?

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Lol at Fessy in the DR saying he wants Sam to think that he’s the sweet Fessy she thinks he is.  A man manipulating Sam’s emotions for game purposes?  I thought that men were incapable of such trickery. How can this be?

Not to mention the number he did on both Hay and Kaitlin in order to save his own ass. LOL

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2 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

So let me get this straight. Sam can crawl all over Fessy but Kaitlyn and Haileigh are are hussys if they do?

It's pure jealousy and nothing more, at this point. Sam's made a lot of remarks about how pretty others girls are and how she used to be pretty and now she isn't and blahblahblah. Notice she always brings it back to looks, which shows that she cares a lot about appearances. 

I do think her breakup with her ex really did a number on her. I don't know what transpired in that relationship, but seeing as it sounds to be recent (within the last couple of months before the show), I don't think Sam's in a good place. Though she could also just be a mega judgmental person in real life, who knows? 

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1 minute ago, kellog010 said:

Wow, if Kaitlyn really threw that veto to him because of that.

Kind of shocked to see it happened exactly as Kaitlin said. Fessy would be my number one target. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I guess they can't even salvage the person who was probably slated to win AFP. 

I guess they gotta find their new AFP! 

They won't have many issues. There's many likable people in the cast left. 

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15 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

Kaitlyn needs to come back in the house for our entertainment.

You know you're in trouble when crazy recognizes crazy.

I definitely need more Kaitlyn, so if she gets evicted, I hope she comes back and causes more chaos. And I'll be able to tolerate her return to the game more than Rockstar's. 

Also, on another note, HOT DAMN WINSTON IN A SUIT. I do love that he live tweets. And yeah, he got over his eviction way quicker than Swaggy....or he's better at hiding it. 

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Fessy is not only a tool but a genuine asshole. I didn't realize he actually did lead Kaitlyn on with the veto as much as he did.  What a prick. 

And Sam? There are no words. But "OK, Rockstar".  OMG.  Now we see why RS has been whining to get a do over ceremony. LOl.  Honestly can't really blame her.

And yeah I have to agree. Say goodbye to your AFH Sam!  

Edited by vb68
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8 minutes ago, vb68 said:

And Sam? There are no words. But "OK, Rockstar".  OMG.  Now we see why RS has been whining to get a do over ceremony. LOl.  Honestly can't really blame her.

I can! What good would it do her? Would she feel any better? No. She'd complain about whatever Sam said, whether good or bad. The other day, when Kaitlyn told Rockstar "Don't worry, you have the votes to stay. I don't", Rockstar mocked her and bitched about it for hours. Would it tick an item off her Big Brother bucket list? Maybe. But you're going to force the house to come together for a meeting in hopes of Sam talking about how you're her best friend and she's real sorry to do this because now you have to sit beside Slut One now that Slut Two was Vetoed off the block? That would be game suicide. Rockstar was ridiculous for asking that. No one in the house would have appreciated it, including Rockstar.

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Rockstar was ridiculous for asking that. No one in the house would have appreciated it, including Rockstar.

I know. It was just really funny that's all that was said about her. And pretty funny that RS actually made the request.  I just meant I could understand the "hey wait a second "feeling.  But yeah, more seriously, it wouldn't do a thing for her except to continue to annoy everyone.

Edited by vb68
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It is interesting to know that stupid Fessy agreed to throw the veto to Kaitlyn, but sorry, Kaitlyn “threw” the veto so she could say she threw the veto, because she was already one question down with one question left. Quite frankly, I think she got a sweetheart edit on the show. I was hoping they’d at least show a montage of the hours and hours she guilt tripped and cried to Fessy. Or included one of the hundreds of times she swore to Tyler he was her number one.

Hopefully tomorrow night they’ll show her right back cuddling and being bff’s with him. 

That said? Terrible, horrible gameplay by Fessy tonight. Just wretched.

As for the POV ceremony? To me Rachel describing it after the fact was much more entertaining than the actual ceremony. 

Edited by Katesus7
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17 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Quite frankly, I think she got a sweetheart edit on the show. I was hoping they’d at least show a montage of the hours and hours she guilt tripped and cried to Fessy. Or included one of the hundreds of times she swore to Tyler he was her number one

This is why I'm hoping the Kait/Ty/Fess "meeting" that JC was planning with Tyler actually happens tomorrow.  At one point last night, Tyler got Kaitlyn to say that she had absolutely no feelings for Fessy and I'm pretty sure he was just shoring up ammo to confront her in front of Faysal.

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25 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

As for the POV ceremony? To me Rachel describing it after the fact was much more entertaining than the actual ceremony. 

They need to start doing a Pop-Up Video version of Big Brother with Rachel doing commentary on the ceremonies.

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