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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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18 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Seeing this thread made me ridiculously excited lol.

Should we discuss Monday's cast reveal here or in the media thread?

Let's keep this thread clean until the feeds actually start.  So, if the feeds have started by the time of (or they start right after) the reveal you can discuss the reveal here.  If the reveal is before the feeds start, go to the media thread.


The reveal will be on the feeds. Like we get interviews with the cast on the feeds tomorrow and the press will put out info on the cast as well. So I just didn't know if we should discuss the feeds only interviews here or on the media thread.

ETA: Just realized it would've been better for me to have PMed you these questions so the thread remained clear. Ugh, sorry!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Has JC Ever watched a season before or is he a recruit. His bio says only mentions loving Josh.

I think he is here for publicity. Weird feeling that he might go far, but not win. 

Winston is the only person I guess we can kind of confirm is not here for followers or some after gig since he has no social media or interest in it. 

Initial cast impressions from the videos (thank you, whoever on Youtube for putting them up there for the international fans. CBS still hates us). Hidden under a spoiler to avoid clogging up your screen with my ramblings:


Frank Tyler - Like, potential crazy eyes. Rocks, like, too much during his, like, interview. Sounds like every dumb stoner ever. Guaranteed showmance this season. Like.
Kaycee - Needs to burn that ridiculous pink shirt. "This is the diary room?!" Claims to have watched since S1 but can't identify the DR. Next please.
Angela Rockstar - No. What? No. Also natural childbirth x3 doesn't mean that you'll be able to hold onto a slippery wiener. Whatevs.
Scottie - Beam me up. Pre-show favourite. I'll forgive the stupid forearm sweat band thingie. But seriously, I hope this guy goes far. Also he kinda looks like a weird mix of the husband and my brother-in-law. I don't know whether that's good or not. It's kinda creepy TBH.
Winston - In medical device sales. Raven is probably crying that they weren't on the same season. Boring so far.
Steve - First boot written all over him. Talked nice about Derrick so automatic pass from me. Fuck Derrick. If he doesn't get booted first, how long until he mentions his real career(s)? Day 3? Summer of Steve 2018? More like Half-Hour of Steve 2018.
Kaitlyn - Five seconds in and, like, the voice makes me want to skip to, like, the next one. She's, like,  a fucking life coach. Already over her. Like, guh. I don't mind some new age stuff but she annoys me already.
Rachel (Jackie Ibarra's bestie) - Another Rachel from Vegas, but nothing will ever touch that Rachel in my heart. Totally going to be in a showmance that ruins her game. "I'd rather lose and have America love me... I think. Is that the wrong answer?" Overwhelming yes. Also, she needs to stop tapping her microphone. 
JC - Physically he reminds me of the guy my bestie just dumped, so... ew? Sorry dude. No shit he likes to talk a lot. Good luck staying under the radar, buddy. Stop clapping your hands when you talk and try wearing a shirt that isn't too sizes too small.
Saggy C Chris - Yes, I know I typed his name wrong, it was on purpose because if they insist on being known by these stupid nicknames, I'm gonna mock. This season's shit disturber. Stir that pot, baby. 
Bayleigh - Ugh, these names. Too much squealing over not identifying the DR. Love the hair toss when she talks about being Miss Missouri USA or whatever it was. Will probably spend 90% of her day putting on makeup. I kinda like her?
Angela - A normal name! HOW DOES NO ONE RECOGNIZE THE DIARY ROOM? She has showmance written all over her. Anyone who claims to be "strong mentally" is going to be a puddle of tears and angst before the end of week 1. I'm here for that. Her lack of belly button creeps me out.
Faysal - I'm gonna need No-Doze if I keep having to listen to this guy talk. "With my background and what I've been through..." Public intoxication and indecent exposure? Yeah, I saw your arrest record, boo. He's totes using BB as a stepping stone to get to Survivor. 
Sam - Nice overalls? Love the accent and the welding. Also, the shade she throws at BB? <3 "I like the old stuff, when it was still really fresh and more of a social experiment. More diverse." 
Brett - Boring. Bland. Vaguely attractive. He'll stick around for way too long. Showmance and deep into the game bound. Next, please. 
Haleigh - UGH with the names. Haleigh and Bayleigh?! Was there something in the water when those two were born? Dear parents, stop trying to re-invent the wheel with the spelling of your kid's name. Looks like Raven, wants to play like Derrick, hoping she's not an Aaryn. Honey, please wear a bra. 

In conclusion: wow, this group seems a little boring and bland. Are we getting another BB16? Are they trying to sweep the last season under the carpet like it never existed, like the Summer of Racism? Also Ross is so much better than Jeff. So. Much. Better. Stay the fuck away, Jeff. 

  • Love 5

So, I'm watching some houseguests' interviews that I missed, but I'm starting with the ones that seem to be the most interesting, or got more buzz than others.

I want to say: thank the BB Gods for CBB, or else we wouldn't have Ross Mathews as, I presume, the host for the summer. He really is a great interviewer; it's not hard to compare him to Big Jeff, who was the worst and I can't believe he has a career in interviewing. Jeff barely connects with the people he's talking to, he reads off of cue cards, and won't get into a banter with the person opposite him. Ross is very, very good at reading people and bouncing off of what they're saying. Plus, I like him giving these new houseguests little tips before they enter the house. Jeff just hyped up the romance of the show when it doesn't help them. Ross, from the interviews I've seen, has given them small tips that are actually useful because he seems to want to really see gameplay. I don't care if it's interference; I love it, and sometimes, these houseguests need to be told. 

So, Steve is a much different guy that Kevin was. I actually disliked Kevin; he always gave me an off vibe and though he was nice and he was ruthless at times, I just never liked his overall personality. Steve, however, seems very chill. I guess it helps that he's not that much older than the next oldest houseguest, since he's only 40, bur he has a very calming voice. I also like his cover-story. As long as Steve actually has enough knowledge about cars, he'll likely be able to pull off the mechanic story. But if they did watch season 16 in sequester, then he'll have to be careful.

I've seen a lot of hype about Sam, and I can see why. I like her accent; it reminds me a little of Whitney's. I like Sam's honesty about bouncing around with clips and watching some seasons. She seems to have gained a bit of knowledge of the overall series, if she hasn't seen the entirety of the series. She does seem like a sweetheart, but that means she'll barely make jury because we'll likely see jealous people, or she won't fit in to the "popular group". It's a real damn shame, as well. She's pretty awesome, but with my luck, she goes too early, or she goes during the DE. But I really like her and I think, at the moment, she's at the top of my favourites list.

I decided to watch Scottie's interview next because Reddit went crazy for his while here, the reaction was definitely the opposite. His voice may be a bit grating, but he doesn't seem all that bad. I like how self-aware he is. I don't think he's going to win, or even get to jury, to be honest. He reminds me a little bit of myself, so I guess that's why I don't mind him. 

I did not expect the heavy Spanish accent from JC when I first read about his interview. Also, he's a shortie like me! I mean, I'm 4'11 as a female so I get the height jokes, though it must be worse to be a short guy. I feel bad for him because his accent is so thick that people may not warm to him because of it; I guarantee, if JC makes it past the first few weeks, we'll see the mean group talk shit about his accent once he becomes a target. 

I've also heard stellar things about Winston, so his interview's next. Oh man, Winston, DON'T BE A DUD. Please don't be another Corey! Last season was filled with dud guys in terms of attractiveness for me. Matt was the closest one to being attractive, but everyone else (yeah, Mark included) was not eye-candy. Winston's my eye candy and hopefully he doesn't turn into a jerk, because I really believe he'll make it through jury and beyond. He seems like a good guy and a fan of the show! He even watched CBB! I'm seriously so impressed by this guy that I know I'll be disappointed when the feeds start up. I don't think he'll turn into this huge jerk, as I don't get that vibe that he's masking a nasty side to himself, but I'm worried he'll become wallpaper and is barely on the feeds. I also hope he doesn't just shift toward the bros and that he tries to branch out with other people. That being said, he might end up in a showmance. 

Catching Rachel's interview, I'm not sure about her. She'll bring the drama, for sure, and she'll be entertaining, but how far could she really get? I think she'll get on the other women's nerves quickly, so I think she'll be a target pre-jury. If she's good at comps, though, she could make it to jury. It's funny because she ALMOST said that she was "looking" for a showmance (I feel a bit certain that she was heading that way) before correcting it to wanting to have a showmance. Which....girl, you may be a fan of Big Brother, but were you also looking to audition for The Bachelor too? I could see it. Also, girl, please stay away from Winston. Maybe choose Swaggy Douche as your showmance, if he's single? I haven't watched his interview yet.

Ok, bracing myself for Angie's interview, but I gotta give it a try here. Oh god, she's...quirky. She could be a very quick boot. At least her voice isn't grating....too bad her glasses are. 

Chris AKA Swaggy C is....eh. He seems to only be there for the publicity. That doesn't make me like him, and that makes me want him to be the first boot so he doesn't get those followers. It's a shame, because he does seem to be a fan, but he's too annoying. Unfortunately for me, he's making it far and I'm going to hate every moment...unless he turns more into a Jozea, rather than a Josh.

I'm going to watch the others a bit later.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, I'm watching some houseguests' interviews that I missed, but I'm starting with the ones that seem to be the most interesting, or got more buzz than others.

I want to say: thank the BB Gods for CBB, or else we wouldn't have Ross Mathews as, I presume, the host for the summer. He really is a great interviewer; it's not hard to compare him to Big Jeff, who was the worst and I can't believe he has a career in interviewing. Jeff barely connects with the people he's talking to, he reads off of cue cards, and won't get into a banter with the person opposite him. Ross is very, very good at reading people and bouncing off of what they're saying. Plus, I like him giving these new houseguests little tips before they enter the house. Jeff just hyped up the romance of the show when it doesn't help them. Ross, from the interviews I've seen, has given them small tips that are actually useful because he seems to want to really see gameplay. I don't care if it's interference; I love it, and sometimes, these houseguests need to be told. 

So, Steve is a much different guy that Kevin was. I actually disliked Kevin; he always gave me an off vibe and though he was nice and he was ruthless at times, I just never liked his overall personality. Steve, however, seems very chill. I guess it helps that he's not that much older than the next oldest houseguest, since he's only 40, bur he has a very calming voice. I also like his cover-story. As long as Steve actually has enough knowledge about cars, he'll likely be able to pull off the mechanic story. But if they did watch season 16 in sequester, then he'll have to be careful.

I've seen a lot of hype about Sam, and I can see why. I like her accent; it reminds me a little of Whitney's. I like Sam's honesty about bouncing around with clips and watching some seasons. She seems to have gained a bit of knowledge of the overall series, if she hasn't seen the entirety of the series. She does seem like a sweetheart, but that means she'll barely make jury because we'll likely see jealous people, or she won't fit in to the "popular group". It's a real damn shame, as well. She's pretty awesome, but with my luck, she goes too early, or she goes during the DE. But I really like her and I think, at the moment, she's at the top of my favourites list.

I decided to watch Scottie's interview next because Reddit went crazy for his while here, the reaction was definitely the opposite. His voice may be a bit grating, but he doesn't seem all that bad. I like how self-aware he is. I don't think he's going to win, or even get to jury, to be honest. He reminds me a little bit of myself, so I guess that's why I don't mind him. 

I did not expect the heavy Spanish accent from JC when I first read about his interview. Also, he's a shortie like me! I mean, I'm 4'11 as a female so I get the height jokes, though it must be worse to be a short guy. I feel bad for him because his accent is so thick that people may not warm to him because of it; I guarantee, if JC makes it past the first few weeks, we'll see the mean group talk shit about his accent once he becomes a target. 

I've also heard stellar things about Winston, so his interview's next. Oh man, Winston, DON'T BE A DUD. Please don't be another Corey! Last season was filled with dud guys in terms of attractiveness for me. Matt was the closest one to being attractive, but everyone else (yeah, Mark included) was not eye-candy. Winston's my eye candy and hopefully he doesn't turn into a jerk, because I really believe he'll make it through jury and beyond. He seems like a good guy and a fan of the show! He even watched CBB! I'm seriously so impressed by this guy that I know I'll be disappointed when the feeds start up. I don't think he'll turn into this huge jerk, as I don't get that vibe that he's masking a nasty side to himself, but I'm worried he'll become wallpaper and is barely on the feeds. I also hope he doesn't just shift toward the bros and that he tries to branch out with other people. That being said, he might end up in a showmance. 

Catching Rachel's interview, I'm not sure about her. She'll bring the drama, for sure, and she'll be entertaining, but how far could she really get? I think she'll get on the other women's nerves quickly, so I think she'll be a target pre-jury. If she's good at comps, though, she could make it to jury. It's funny because she ALMOST said that she was "looking" for a showmance (I feel a bit certain that she was heading that way) before correcting it to wanting to have a showmance. Which....girl, you may be a fan of Big Brother, but were you also looking to audition for The Bachelor too? I could see it. Also, girl, please stay away from Winston. Maybe choose Swaggy Douche as your showmance, if he's single? I haven't watched his interview yet.

Ok, bracing myself for Angie's interview, but I gotta give it a try here. Oh god, she's...quirky. She could be a very quick boot. At least her voice isn't grating....too bad her glasses are. 

Chris AKA Swaggy C is....eh. He seems to only be there for the publicity. That doesn't make me like him, and that makes me want him to be the first boot so he doesn't get those followers. It's a shame, because he does seem to be a fan, but he's too annoying. Unfortunately for me, he's making it far and I'm going to hate every moment...unless he turns more into a Jozea, rather than a Josh.

I'm going to watch the others a bit later.

When you mentioned "Matt" it must have taken me a full 90 seconds to remember /figure out who Matt was last season ! A true , Matt who ?

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

thank the BB Gods for CBB, or else we wouldn't have Ross Mathews as, I presume, the host for the summer

Ross actually did something like this for Big Brother before, Inside Dish.  He'd do post eviction interviews with the HG's.   This was meant to be the replacement for House Calls.  I remember really liking him then, but I totally missed House Calls, and his show wasn't quite as good.  

8 minutes ago, Wings said:

I just learned Monday had these interviews.  Checked the feeds and they are not running them in a loop or at all, which I think is odd.  Damn.  Can I view them anywhere else? 

You might be able to flashback to them. They started at 11 am est/8 am pst yesterday.

Is anyone else unable to view the feeds on the site? I never could during CBB either. I just get a loading sign, but the thumbnails above the main feed all work. It's so weird. I contacted support about it and they're trying to tell me you can't stream the feeds on the website and I'm like what lol. Why are they on the website if you can't view them there? I'm so confused.

19 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

You might be able to flashback to them. They started at 11 am est/8 am pst yesterday.

Is anyone else unable to view the feeds on the site? I never could during CBB either. I just get a loading sign, but the thumbnails above the main feed all work. It's so weird. I contacted support about it and they're trying to tell me you can't stream the feeds on the website and I'm like what lol. Why are they on the website if you can't view them there? I'm so confused.

They are on youtube and I am watching them now.  Love the tiny hispanic guy!  

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I started watching some of the interviews on CBS all access on my Apple TV in the Clips section. But I noticed they were edited. The youtube versions seem complete. Why would they edit them?

I haven't had issues watching the feeds on my computer or iPad in the past, but if I want to flashback anything, I use the Puffin browser app because it ignores that you're on a mobile device.

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