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On 9/24/2016 at 10:42 PM, hello said:

And I LOVE it! So very sick of super-heroes wearing black faux-minatrix leather outfits (cough XMEN cough) or shit-dinge versions of their original vibrantly-colored costumes. It's time to have FUN with comic book characters again, long overdue in fact. If Flash is fighting talking sharks and telepathic apes, why even bother trying to make it look serious emo-gritty?

My comment was more about the overall pic - not his uniform, btw.

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So the only two Flash characters (not counting those that moved to other shows) that were in the Fight Club 2.0, were Barry and Cisco.

And there a new video about Cisco and naming people in Season 2:

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Nice interview with Tom Felton at Empire Online:


What can you say about your character?

Not a lot. He's a CSI investigator; a forensic expert with similar skills to Barry, which gives them a different relationship to, I think, anyone else that he works with, because they're sort of treading on each other's toes in their field of expertise.

... You sound pretty psyched about where you are.

Excited! When it was offered I just thought it sounded like the perfect thing that I would want to do. Then they announced it online the day after and I was terrified, because I hadn't read anything, I hadn't shot anything. What if I'm awful? What if they fire me on the first day? But what I discovered was a bunch of really happy actors who want to make the best show possible, because it's fun. Not for any other reason.

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Another summary of Season 2 plots: https://www.bustle.com/articles/187375-recap-the-flash-season-2-so-you-can-have-a-speedy-catch-up-before-the-season-3

and '5 must-see episodes to help you catch up with 'The Flash''

Interview with Grant (video)

'Everything to Know About Season 3' -- talks about upcoming story arcs and characters, *spoilers*

Interviews (not so recent) with Kreisberg and Aaron Helbing about Season 3, Flashpoint, the crossovers, etc. *spoilers*

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@The Crazed Spruce: Could. Not. Stop. Laughing. Thank you for posting.

Honest Trailer: "When Arrow started taking itself too seriously..."

Me: ...Season 1, episode 1? :ducks: Ah, I kid, I kid. I love every show in this universe, warts and all.

I know a lot of people feel Joe hasn't been the best father to Iris, but I still want him to adopt me. 

Count me among the ones who came in to this show with reservations and came out absolutely loving it and crying along shamelessly. "I love this show so much!" Truer words, my friend. 

Glad to see Roxy Striar on this new panel they're having - I always liked her. Does this mean she's leaving Afterbuzz? I'd be quite sad to hear it.

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Loved Barry's face when Wells (or was it Wells?) says "Greetings Earthlings" with that odd expression and then said "I'm just kidding". I hope that version sticks around at least for a little while since he seems entertaining.

Did anyone else notice the "Grief support" fliers and Cisco appeared to be in the group?

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18 hours ago, zannej said:

Loved Barry's face when Wells (or was it Wells?) says "Greetings Earthlings" with that odd expression and then said "I'm just kidding". I hope that version sticks around at least for a little while since he seems entertaining.

Did anyone else notice the "Grief support" fliers and Cisco appeared to be in the group?

I noticed it. It's weird though because Cisco and Barry seem to be back to normal in the second promo. I wonder if Cisco remembers the other timeline.

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That Honest Trailer was hilarious!


Interview with Tom Cavanugh,


“The Flash” and “Supergirl” will be having a musical crossover this season. What was your reaction?

Isn’t this the domain of season seven, grasping at straws? We’re in season three! We seem to be doing just fine. Why do you want to jeopardize this by having people opening their mouths in song? But I would call that respect for the comic-book world, for the people who are keeping our show alive, for the fans. It’s like, “Look, we’re not sitting back and repeating the pilot,” so I guess you can make the argument that having a singing episode is just one more version of us moving things along and moving forward.

Interview with Candice,


At first, I thought Iris was going to be dead at the end of the premiere, and I’m glad she’s not, but the reality is still really heartbreaking. Was that as devastating for you guys to read in the script as it was for the viewers?

Iris dying is obviously the worst thing that could happen, but I think this is the second worst thing that could happen. The West family is the heart of the show, I would say. For any viewer watching, it’s difficult to imagine that Joe and Iris could ever be on bad terms on any earth or in any timeline. Reading it, I was thinking, Oh god, I hope this doesn’t last forever. I don’t like playing that dynamic with Jesse Martin because we obviously get along very famously.

This article about Season 3 puts together several interviews: 'The Flash' boss says Barry's choice has changed the show 'forever'

We'll see if this title turns out to be true: 'How The Flash Finally Fixed Its Iris Problem'


Surprisingly, the Flashpoint plot was largely resolved by the episode’s end, though fans don’t yet know exactly what has gone back to normal and what hasn’t. But, significantly, the one change to the narrative we do know about hinges on Iris. She’s not on speaking terms with her father, Joe, which may mean that the Barry and Iris’s brother-sister dynamic is still off the table. That said, a source close to the show confirms to Vanity Fair that Iris will be more of a natural, central figure this year; a directive to better utilize The Flash’s leading lady as a journalist as well as the protagonist’s girlfriend came down from show creator Greg Berlanti himself.

And though The Flash is the strongest show in the CW’s superhero stable, this key improvement puts it on better gender-balance footing with network-mates Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow, both of which boast popular female characters—Emily Bett Rickards’s Felicity and Caity Lotz’s White Canary—as cast standouts. With the female-friendly Supergirl joining the pack as part of a crossover-friendly four-series set, it really behooved The Flash to step up its Iris game.

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13 Things You Might Have Missed in Flashpoint

Interview with John Wesley Shipp


“I figured Jay is my version of Barry, 25 years later, essentially. So I went back and I watched a couple of episodes of the 1990-91 version to kind of remind myself what I did,” Shipp told ComicBook.com. “[Jay] is much more reminiscent of my Barry Allen from 25 years ago than my Henry Allen. I went back and I was amazed how much attitude my Barry Allen had in some situations. I went back and I picked up that thread and I brought it forward 25 years, and tried to weave it in. I think that’s fun for the audience, too — that they will see elements of my Barry Allen in my Jay Garrick.”

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Candice got an honorable mention in TV Line's Performer of the Week article:


There was something magical about Barry and Iris’ brief courtship during The Flash‘s alternate timeline, and the soulful Candice Patton deserves a lot of the credit for the swoon-worthy scenes. In the changed existence, Iris barely knew the titular speedster, but that didn’t stop the pair from having a kismet-like meeting that filled a nagging void in the reporter’s life. The actress was full of bittersweet longing for that intangible connection as Iris tried to comprehend the strength of her feelings for a relative stranger. In the end, she could only come to one conclusion: “This is what love feels like,” she marveled. We, too, had an epiphany involving the L-word – as in how much we loved Patton’s heartfelt performance.

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On ‎10‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 7:03 PM, DCLeague said:


Time Can't Change Us. 

Anyone know if that is fan made or show made?  Cause it's great and usually that means it's fan made, lol. 



That said, a source close to the show confirms to Vanity Fair that Iris will be more of a natural, central figure this year; a directive to better utilize The Flash’s leading lady as a journalist as well as the protagonist’s girlfriend came down from show creator Greg Berlanti himself.

And though The Flash is the strongest show in the CW’s superhero stable, this key improvement puts it on better gender-balance footing with network-mates Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow, both of which boast popular female characters—Emily Bett Rickards’s Felicity and Caity Lotz’s White Canary—as cast standouts. With the female-friendly Supergirl joining the pack as part of a crossover-friendly four-series set, it really behooved The Flash to step up its Iris game.


Well that's hopeful news but I hope they do more than just try to use Iris better.  They really need to address some of the constant and overt ways they mishandle their female characters.  It should be embarrassing to the writers and show runner that Berlanti had to make a directive.  And that Caitlin was reduced to a kiddie eye doctor even though Flashpoint wouldn't have had ANY effect on her brain is not the way to reassure me that they've recognized their problem in the way they treat female characters on this show. 

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Anyone know if that is fan made or show made?  Cause it's great and usually that means it's fan made, lol. 

I thought it was official when I posted it but apparently it was made by a company called BossLogic

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Interview with Grant and Candice about the new direction of Season 3.


How that affects Iris's relationship with the rest of The Flash remains to be seen, but that big change -- and all the ones we've yet to find out about that are coming in the future -- had a lasting impact on Barry. "He's not messing with the timelines, as of now, at least," said Gustin while The Flash was filming episode 6. "He's kind of learned to leave everything put. To not go back and change his life or any of his friend's lives, even if they're begging him to fix something. I think he's kind of learned his lesson as far as changing the past."

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Interview with VFX Supervisor, Armen K.: (talks about upcoming characters for the other DC shows, also)


Sometimes we have to abandon the comics, but just keep some aspect of it as a nod to what’s been established. I remember when I did the pilot for The Flash, my biggest fear was that the fans wouldn’t be happy. … But they have been so kind and the response to the shows have been mostly positive. This is very gratifying especially when sometimes the fans hate movies with $250 million budgets.”

When asked about this favorite VFX sequences, Kevorkian says he loves the CG sequences they get to create with Flash. “You read a few lines about Flash chasing zoom, and we have to come up with all the visual details. It’s all CG, so we get to create that in previz and show that to the exec producers. The same situation with Supergirl. … I loved what we were able to do on the pilot, where she uses her powers for the first time and saves the plane that goes through the bridge. For Legends of Tomorrow, we have a lot of  fun with The Atom. We have these episodes where he shrinks and gets inside the mainframe of a computer or goes inside a boy and swims in the blood stream … or he grows and becomes 500 feet tall and fights a giant robot — our TV-budgeted version of Pacific Rim. All of these shows give us many opportunities to use our imagination.”

Edited by Trini
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Mildly *spoilery* interview with producer Todd Helbing; talks about tonight's episode.


TVLINE | We’ll meet Tom Felton’s character, Julian, in the next episode. How does he fit in?
We realized Barry had all-access as the only CSI in that lab. When he investigated a meta attack as a CSI, he could use that [information] to help him stop these people as The Flash. But now he has this guy who is sort of his boss, and who is on to the fact that Barry has these weird disappearances. We’re really excited about this idea of having a workplace antagonist.

TVLINE | What can you preview about Jay Garrick’s return this Tuesday?
At the end of Season 2, when we revealed who the real Jay Garrick was, it obviously had an emotional impact on Barry. What that provides us [with] is a lot of opportunity to have Jay Garrick return and give Barry advice.

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In TVLine's performer of the week feature Candice got an honorable mention:


There was something magical about Barry and Iris’ brief courtship during The Flash‘s alternate timeline, and the soulful Candice Patton deserves a lot of the credit for the swoon-worthy scenes. In the changed existence, Iris barely knew the titular speedster, but that didn’t stop the pair from having a kismet-like meeting that filled a nagging void in the reporter’s life. The actress was full of bittersweet longing for that intangible connection as Iris tried to comprehend the strength of her feelings for a relative stranger. In the end, she could only come to one conclusion: “This is what love feels like,” she marveled. We, too, had an epiphany involving the L-word – as in how much we loved Patton’s heartfelt performance.

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John Wesley Shipp interview: http://www.tvinsider.com/article/100277/the-flash-john-wesley-shipp-on-jay-garricks-return-the-jsa-and-that-form-fitting-supersuit/


And now, in just the first two episodes of the season, you get to bring back Henry and Jay.

It is remarkable. Within the context of a comic book action-adventure show, they have gifted me with a remarkable acting challenge because [executive producer] Andrew Kreisberg was very clear—and I agree 100 percent—that Jay and Henry have to be as different temperamentally as they look alike. So Henry, of course is very affectionate, very warm in temperature; Jay is cool, reserved, he’s not sure what this kid is up to. Jay sees himself as the keeper of the Speed Force, and is this kid going to mess it up? It’s pretty much that relationship. We had a blast shooting the Episode 2 Jay-Barry scene.

... Did they do any adjustments to the costume for you?

Yes! I didn’t know until the last minute that they were going to resurrect me as Jay Garrick last year. I would have stopped eating months before! So, in between the end of Season 2 and the beginning of Season 3, I trained, I lost a few pounds, we took in the suit. Let me just say that I’m much happier with the Season 3 press photos that have come out than I was with the end of Season 2 photos. But that’s just an actor’s vanity, you know what I mean? [Laughs]

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I ask this question, too: 'Where Did the Optimistic, Fun Flash of Yore Go?'


Take Flashpoint as another example. Barry goes back in time and succeeds in saving his mother from being murdered. He goes back because the then-current reality he was living in just wasn’t making him happy. He knows he can’t go back to the way things were, not without his father, so he tries to give himself the next best thing.

Ultimately, his actions permanently alter the universe (as far as we can tell), inciting some incredible changes in the current timeline that have only just begun to resolve themselves. ...

This is all to say that if there was an in-universe way of essentially underlining and bolding the statement that things will never be the same, this was it. The Flash that we all once knew is, for all intents and purposes gone, fundamentally changed by his hand. ...

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It really is a shame they didn't cast Caity Lotz as Black Canary from the start. I don't think they would have had to kill Laurel off if they'd done that. But then, we wouldn't have her as White Canary on Legends, so it is better in the long run. Also, if they could bring one character from Supergirl over to the other shows, I would want it to be Cat Grant. Man, I would have loved to have seen how the Eobard/Wells character would have reacted to her. Hell, I'd like to see how Harry would react to her. I really like Callista Flockhart-- which is funny because I didn't like her on Ally McBeal.

I wonder what crisis will come up when Barry is making out with Iris on the couch.

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I still feel some residual bitterness at that, but you're right - we do have more Sara Lance as the White Canary, and she's so wonderful I'll take her any way I can get her. 

As for Barry, well...I joked elsewhere that we now know the real reason he's learned his lesson about fiddling about with the timeline - because there's no chance he's going to risk erasing his own future children from the timeline. 

I still love you Barry, (and I lay much of the blame for this at the feet of the writers) but nope, never getting over that. 


Edited by Karlophe
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The comic previews seem to be discontinued, but Chronicles of Cisco is still going:


Back when we were kids, Dante and I used to play Little League. Actually, Dante played Little League while I would cower in the dugout and pray for rain so we wouldn’t have to play. I held the league record for strikeouts and even my team would move closer when I stepped up to the plate.  Safe to say, baseball was not my sport – I was more of a battle-robots-and-Legos kind of kid.

But now that I’m “Vibe,” I gotta step up to the plate and improve my “sonic blasting” average. It was frakking awesome kicking butt with Barry and taking out the Rival, but I definitely need to practice my aim.  So, I took a page from our Dr. Light days and converted our storehouse into a makeshift battlefield rigged with a bunch of targets so I could practice blasting ‘em. ...


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