OnceSane May 11, 2018 Share May 11, 2018 Quote Archer keeps an eye out for a past nemesis. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/
Galileo908 May 17, 2018 Share May 17, 2018 I liked seeing all of Archer's flashbacks, especially the one with all of the mirrors. THAT'S how Archer lost the eye? I'm loving everyone this season. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4332719
TVSpectator May 17, 2018 Share May 17, 2018 (edited) I really liked this episode and again, I love watching the three mains (Archer, Pam, and Crackers) just banting over stuff. Also, I am actually kind of surprised (and relieved) that Cheryl found a way to make them think that they slept with her (but they actually didn't) since all of the German pilots were so pissed drunk they couldn't remember what actually happened. Also, I am happy that she stood up to Mallory (finally) and told her that she was going to keep all of the money- but I wonder if Cheryl even remembered to collect any money at all? And of course, Mallory's plans failed because like selling crack, they just can't do it right at all. Also, I did like the flashback story of how Archer lost his eye over Spain during the Spanish Civil War and yes, even Barry would be a Nazi pilot. Edited May 17, 2018 by TVSpectator 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4332768
Temperance May 17, 2018 Share May 17, 2018 (edited) If there's one thing I've come to count on from every incarnation of Archer, it's that the people around Cheryl/Charlotte/Cherlene always think they can get the upper hand and use/control her to do whatever they want and then she somehow turns the tables on them. Ch is a little more shrewd and a lot more crazy than people around her give her credit for and she can fend for herself. And Ch is always most able to turn the tables when you think she's at her weakest and this season is no exception. Edited May 17, 2018 by Temperance 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4332778
Lantern7 May 17, 2018 Share May 17, 2018 (edited) The sad thing about this episode is that this wasn't merely a dream in Archer's comatose mind. He's really been that lucky. Even if you get your lumps in, he'll still manage to win . . . like with Ivy and that other prep school asshole from two seasons back. Archer finally paying back his nemesis for his eye, and taking credit for it after Pam got the shot in? Par for the course for Sterling Malory Archer. I don't think that was German and/or Nazi Barry. I saw Flula Borg's name in the credits, so I'm assuming Ziegler is an original creation. As per usual for a guy who has pantsed Archer repeatedly, he has to be a prick about it. That makes it sweeter when he and Schnell(?) bite it, and Crackers lies about them moving to Shanghai to open a cabaret, even though Archer is King Prick. But he's our prick. Meanwhile, Charlotte gets a bunch of Nazis to fuck coconut oil, using that squeeze her freedom from Malory. Ray (or whatever he name is here) gets shoved into a barrel. Sounds about right. Anybody else watch Sealab 2021? They ended one episode with “It’s A Long Way To Tipperary." Malory: “The best I can tell, it’s about an Irishman learning about cunnilingus.” Archer's brain is messed up, but he still knows that Ireland was neutral in WWII, and Malory would hate them for it. ETA: How many episodes do we get this season? I'm really hoping it's not eight again. Edited May 17, 2018 by Lantern7 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4332805
TVSpectator May 17, 2018 Share May 17, 2018 (edited) 45 minutes ago, Lantern7 said: The sad thing about this episode is that this wasn't merely a dream in Archer's comatose mind. He's really been that lucky. Even if you get your lumps in, he'll still manage to win . . . like with Ivy and that other prep school asshole from two seasons back. Archer finally paying back his nemesis for his eye, and taking credit for it after Pam got the shot in? Par for the course for Sterling Malory Archer. At this point, comatose Archer is probably a vegetable (if they are just keeping time in real time. Like a year or two has already passed since Archer was first shot) or maybe this is all happening within a few days of each other? Who knows but maybe this is how Archer actually "thinks" the world works because always around him, he comes out on top? Quote I don't think that was German and/or Nazi Barry. I saw Flula Borg's name in the credits, so I'm assuming Ziegler is an original creation. As per usual for a guy who has pantsed Archer repeatedly, he has to be a prick about it. That makes it sweeter when he and Schnell(?) bite it, and Crackers lies about them moving to Shanghai to open a cabaret, even though Archer is King Prick. But he's our prick. You know for some odd reason I thought that was Barry but maybe you are right about it. His voice didn't match Barry's, so maybe I am wrong. Quote Meanwhile, Charlotte gets a bunch of Nazis to fuck coconut oil, using that squeeze her freedom from Malory. Ray (or whatever he name is here) gets shoved into a barrel. Sounds about right. Yep, and I liked that subversion a lot. It showed that Charlotte (I guess this is her name now) actually not only found a way out but came out on top. Although once Ray (or whatever his name is in this dream version) gets out of his barrel, I am hoping that she starts to bribe him just to get back at Mallory. Meanwhile, Charlotte gets a bunch of Nazis to fuck coconut oil, using that squeeze her freedom from Malory. Ray (or whatever he name is here) gets shoved into a barrel. Sounds about right. Quote Anybody else watch Sealab 2021? They ended one episode with “It’s A Long Way To Tipperary." Malory: “The best I can tell, it’s about an Irishman learning about cunnilingus.” Archer's brain is messed up, but he still knows that Ireland was neutral in WWII, and Malory would hate them for it. Was it ever explained why Mallory hates the Irish? I know that it's a running gag but I never understood where her hatred came from? Rip Riley (from way back in Season 3) seems to be on good terms with Mallory (or at least I think that they used to date but can work together) and Riley is an Irish surname so she never mentioned anything around him (or at least I don't remember seeing her making a comment about him being Irish) but I can't remember why Mallory hates Irish. Or maybe that is just something they wrote for her because she is supposed to be an upper-class NYC socialite WASP or something? Edited May 17, 2018 by TVSpectator 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4332968
PinkRibbons May 17, 2018 Share May 17, 2018 Mallory hates the Irish for being neutral during WW2 while she served the entire war. I wonder how she feels about Switzerland? I'm pretty convinced that Ziegler is Whitney with a German accent (and a different voice actor but I had to look it up as I couldn't really tell). IV was shown as Charlotte's short-term husband in the first episode, although they did sort of make it even more confusing by naming him "Whitney Stratten". Last season had Archer confronting Barry as his unending nemesis, but the showrunners were saying that last season went way darker than they meant it to, and I think Dutch/Barry Dylan was a big contributing factor. I mean, acid-melting guy who also was a cyborg. Yikes. So yeah, I feel like if they wanted Archer to bring in enemies (aside from Cyril) this season, they decided it was better to go with his childhood tormentors. FWIW, I think Archer genuinely didn't realize that Pam shot down Ziegler, and she just decided to be gracious about it and let him have the win. Cheryl seems to be the least crazy this season than she has been for years, and it is terrifying. Can someone explain the episode names to me? I feel like they're a reference I'm just not getting. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4333276
Netfoot May 17, 2018 Share May 17, 2018 (edited) Does your cock smell of coconut? Strange that for the fair, one-on-one fighter-pilot showdown, Archer would choose two bombers... But (at least after the floats were shot away from his plane) he had the advantage. Anyone know the significance of "934TXS" ??? Edited May 17, 2018 by Netfoot Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4334148
TresGatos May 17, 2018 Share May 17, 2018 12 hours ago, Lantern7 said: I saw Flula Borg's name in the credits, I saw this too and squeed! I love Fula Borg! I like the Whitney theory. 12 hours ago, Lantern7 said: Archer's brain is messed up, but he still knows that Ireland was neutral in WWII, He learned that in Season 6's Quote The Archer Sanction . I do wish they could work in some of the background characters from the past like the Hobbit Enthusiast or the Gun Librarian. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4334289
tennisgurl May 17, 2018 Share May 17, 2018 Wow, Cheryl actually comes out on top! When Cheryl isnt too crazy to function, she really can be pretty sharp. Or at least lucky. I assumed that the pilot was Barry (BARRY!!!) but it could have been prep school asshole Whitney just the same. This was another hilarious episode, even if I still dont know exactly where its going. I do appreciate how much the show loves to play with genre and trying new things, but I hope we can end out on the original show and characters. At least let us know if Archer is ever going to wake up, or if he`s barin dead somewhere. I really am just enjoying the banter between Archer, Pam, and Crackers, and how they work together. It feels like an old style adventure series. I love how everyone seemed just as horrified by the terrible name of the cabaret (scandals) as they were by the two guys being secret lovers that stole or set their planes on fire. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4335165
TheRabbi May 17, 2018 Share May 17, 2018 I'm honestly finding this season borderline unwatchable. I kind of liked the dreamland season but honestly don't think I've chuckled more than once or twice this season. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4335436
ZoqFotPik May 17, 2018 Share May 17, 2018 (edited) 19 hours ago, TVSpectator said: Barry would be a Nazi pilot That wasn't Barry. One of the animators posted over reddit calling him a "a blond asshole". 19 hours ago, Lantern7 said: How many episodes do we get this season? I'm really hoping it's not eight again. I have some bad news for you. Eight again. 7 hours ago, Netfoot said: Strange that for the fair, one-on-one fighter-pilot showdown, Archer would choose two bombers... But (at least after the floats were shot away from his plane) he had the advantage. It didn't matter the kind of plane they used, just that they were equal. Also, what other choice did he have? The Germans came with the two bombers and the cargo plane. Edited May 17, 2018 by ZoqFotPik 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4335612
Snookums May 17, 2018 Share May 17, 2018 Quote Can someone explain the episode names to me? I feel like they're a reference I'm just not getting. They're chapter headings from Herman Melville's book Typee, which is set in the Polynesian Islands. Well, Crackers came out on top again, wearing not one but two adorable hats, and explaining the unfortunately named Scandals, hee. So, my husband ruined this one for me with his continual rantings that that many Nazis couldn't fit in three planes, while I contend that they were the crews of said planes. Since they were apparently bombers, I feel totally justified. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4335765
Netfoot May 17, 2018 Share May 17, 2018 1 hour ago, ZoqFotPik said: It didn't matter the kind of plane they used, just that they were equal. Also, what other choice did he have? The Germans came with the two bombers and the cargo plane. I realize this, but it's a strange choice for a duel. Like a pair of rival F1 drivers settling it once and for all... with two fork-lift trucks. Would have thought they'd wait until something better was available. Buy hey, in the end it worked, and Pam Archer was victorious. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4335835
ganesh May 18, 2018 Share May 18, 2018 23 hours ago, TVSpectator said: Also, I am actually kind of surprised (and relieved) that Cheryl found a way to make them think that they slept with her (but they actually didn't) since all of the German pilots were so pissed drunk they couldn't remember what actually happened. That's a bit of cleverness that real-life Cheryl I'm not sure would think of. 23 hours ago, Lantern7 said: “The best I can tell, it’s about an Irishman learning about cunnilingus.” I don't know what the song is about at all, but 1 - the line reading killed me because I wasn't expecting it, and 2 - it's a age old gag with Ray setting it up with "what's the meaning of this?" 23 hours ago, Lantern7 said: He's really been that lucky. To be fair though, one of the reasons the show works is because Archer and Lana do have some skills (transferable skills) like shooting, fighting, etc. Pam can actually fight and drive the car. It's them not being able to get over themselves that gets in the way so much that their missions usually blow up. 3 hours ago, Netfoot said: I realize this, but it's a strange choice for a duel. Like a pair of rival F1 drivers settling it once and for all... with two fork-lift trucks. That's exactly something I would expect on this show. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4337020
cyberfruit May 19, 2018 Share May 19, 2018 I'm sad to say that I haven't been connecting with this season. I can watch Seasons 1 (later half) - 6, backwards and forwards. Season 7 was meh. Season 8 was *amazing*. I'm not sure where the disconnect is, but the episodes are barely keeping my attention. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4340712
White Sheep May 20, 2018 Share May 20, 2018 Why was a Cecil shooting up with amphetamines after sex with Lana and before he has sex with her again? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4343499
ZoqFotPik May 20, 2018 Share May 20, 2018 For the same reason they are a banned performance enhancing drug. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4343532
TVSpectator May 20, 2018 Share May 20, 2018 On 5/17/2018 at 10:39 PM, ganesh said: That's a bit of cleverness that real-life Cheryl I'm not sure would think of. You might be right. Although, for some reason, I can see the real Cheryl being the one who proposed that she should become a prostitute to Mallory and drag the real Pam into her mess. But since this all in Archer's head, I am going to let this kind of things slide for this season. Only because they are not supposed to be the real characters anyhow but how Archer is dreaming them to be. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4344295
ganesh May 20, 2018 Share May 20, 2018 I'm not really calling BS on Cheryl because it's in Archer's head. It's interesting that maybe Archer sees her as a bit clever though. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/70087-s09e04-danger-island-a-warrior-in-costume/#findComment-4344612
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