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S02.E04: Champs vs. Stars: Face Off, Gloves On

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That trade was fantastic. Ashley going nuts because she will now have to go into an elimination. Guess she doesn't have the numbers anymore with her bullshit MVP win. I don't think Louise thinks that Ashley is better than Tori I think she wanted to fuck with Ashley. And it was great. Now she will need to prove herself and not sail to the end on champ coattails. 

Wes' face when Louise and Casper huddled together was great. Even being friends on the outside he still can't get people to be in an alliance with him. His throw away vote to Casper is exactly why people don't like him. If he doesn't get his way he turns into a child. What was his reasoning for being the MVP this week when it's a girls week.

Tori way to make Aneesa's broken leg about you and how you need to go into elimination now. 

Brooke crying because CT was mean to her and seems like her dad. Girl find some self worth. Crying over what a guy that you've known for a week thinks of you. She wouldn't last in a real season with how mean those bitches can be. 

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Louise is gonna learn real quick why they called her Smashley for years.   

I don't understand Louise's move on a few levels.   Why she didn't trade someone for a beast like CT makes zero sense to me...other than she might have been worried that it would give Wes an instant alliance.   But she also switched one for one...one of the champs for another.   She should have sent a champ like Tori and then taken one of the stars to have them have even more of a majority.   

It made no sense.   None.  

Brooke crying and then people saying CT was being a jerk was ridiculous.   He didn't like that she was a quitter.  I am sure TJ is brimming with pride watching at home.   He didn't pat her on the back and make it okay that she quit before even trying.   I'm on CT's side.   Saddle up and play...or go home. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, shelley1234 said:

Louise is gonna learn real quick why they called her Smashley for years.   

I don't understand Louise's move on a few levels.   Why she didn't trade someone for a beast like CT makes zero sense to me...other than she might have been worried that it would give Wes an instant alliance.   But she also switched one for one...one of the champs for another.   She should have sent a champ like Tori and then taken one of the stars to have them have even more of a majority.   

It made no sense.   None.  

Brooke crying and then people saying CT was being a jerk was ridiculous.   He didn't like that she was a quitter.  I am sure TJ is brimming with pride watching at home.   He didn't pat her on the back and make it okay that she quit before even trying.   I'm on CT's side.   Saddle up and play...or go home. 

I actually thought CT was an asshole.  He personally breaks Aneesa's leg, then acts surprised that another woman would be afraid of being injured.  Once in a while the old CT shows its ass, and this was an example.  It shows he still doesn't have a firm grasp on his temper.

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4 hours ago, notcreative enough said:

That trade was fantastic. Ashley going nuts because she will now have to go into an elimination. Guess she doesn't have the numbers anymore with her bullshit MVP win. I don't think Louise thinks that Ashley is better than Tori I think she wanted to fuck with Ashley. And it was great. Now she will need to prove herself and not sail to the end on champ coattails. 

Wes' face when Louise and Casper huddled together was great. Even being friends on the outside he still can't get people to be in an alliance with him. His throw away vote to Casper is exactly why people don't like him. If he doesn't get his way he turns into a child. What was his reasoning for being the MVP this week when it's a girls week.

Tori way to make Aneesa's broken leg about you and how you need to go into elimination now. 

Brooke crying because CT was mean to her and seems like her dad. Girl find some self worth. Crying over what a guy that you've known for a week thinks of you. She wouldn't last in a real season with how mean those bitches can be. 

For me it proved that Louise isn't nearly as smart as she thinks she is.  Since she personally desired to fuck with Ashley, she has quite likely triggered her team to implode.  She has made her team even more dysfunctional, and while she will probably keep her team's majority of four celebrities, they're being picked off one by one on the red team.  She should have focused on making her team stronger, but she'd rather giggle about fucking with Ashley.  She's no better than anyone else there.

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1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

For me it proved that Louise isn't nearly as smart as she thinks she is.  Since she personally desired to fuck with Ashley, she has quite likely triggered her team to implode. 

She really wasn't thinking ahead. If she didn't want to make her team stronger than she should have traded a champ guy for a champ girl. It would give her a buffer from going in. If Ashley goes in and loses than she will be the only girl left on the team.

Edited by xfuse
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What idiot came up with that challenge? Probably the same one from last season who wanted them jumping on cars covered in water while suspended in the air. It was obvious after one or two rounds no one was going to score with both guys and girls out there at the same time. Or just having that huge number of player out there at the same time. Why didn’t they play in heats of 3 or 4? So stupid. I know Devin is grating on some but his fakeout made me laugh. And Mike’s reaction to Devin just booking it while people were confused.

I hope the pay is good because Aneesa keeps getting hurt yet she keeps coming back. You’d start to thinking her earnings would solely be covering her medical bills at this point. She gets injured all. The. Time.  

Mike’s reaction to Ashley’s freak out was also great. He was losing it. I don’t mind him as a host but I know that’s an UO. 

  • Love 1

First Whatshername last year and now Aneesa...I would think twice about coming on this show.

The challenge looked fun but also incredibly stupid.

Ashley is the WORST.  Aren't they all supposed to be adults?  And she goes off on an incredibly disrespectful rant like a petulant child while making every other person uncomfortable (‘cept maybe Wes and Devin).  She shoulda been bounced for immaturity.

Louise’s evil laugh at the end was fun, though.

Apropos of nothing, Lil’ Mama is freaking beautiful. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I actually thought CT was an asshole.  He personally breaks Aneesa's leg, then acts surprised that another woman would be afraid of being injured.  Once in a while the old CT shows its ass, and this was an example.  It shows he still doesn't have a firm grasp on his temper.

I thought he was right on target.  He wasn't hostile or mean.  He wasn't gonna give her a cookie for quitting while the rest of the team saddled up to play.   I saw no evidence of CT's temper and he even apologized when Brooke broke out in drama tears...something CT never would have done before if he didn't think he did anything wrong.   

  • Love 3

This is supposed to be for charity. Charity. Seriously, the Stars have the fighting down. All that's left is the fucking. Meanwhile, CT done wreck Aneesa. I know, she said she shouldn't have charged him, but everybody has an oversized ball. How can you tell who's who that way? CT wouldn't have wrecked Aneesa like that.

So much sound and fury, so little meaning. The one thing I learned is that -- through watching the end credits scroll -- the show is hosted by "Michael 'The Miz' Mizanin." That guy hasn't been a "Michael" since it was printed on his birth certificate. I'm amused for some reason.

Edited by Lantern7

For the life of me I don't understand why Aneesa is considered an awesome player. It seems like she gets hurt in every season that she is on. I like her okay on the shot but dang, I swear she keeps getting hurt. 

And Brooke H is bigger than some of the dudes, she should have done it. I would have done it and I'm almost 20 years older than her. 

Edited by mccartygirl
  • Love 3
7 hours ago, shelley1234 said:

Brooke crying and then people saying CT was being a jerk was ridiculous.   He didn't like that she was a quitter.  I am sure TJ is brimming with pride watching at home.   He didn't pat her on the back and make it okay that she quit before even trying.   I'm on CT's side.   Saddle up and play...or go home. 

Brooke is lucky TJ wasn't there....she hasn't seen disappointment and disdain yet.

I couldn't stop cracking up at how much Ashley lost her shit over the trade.  She really is batshit crazy.  I liked Louise's reason for doing it, but I don't think she's prepared for full-on Smashley.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

This is supposed to be for charity. Charity.

This isn't really for charity. For the stars it's for them to get an appearance fee and to give them some more exposure. For champs it's all about exposure. They need the producers to remember them and their drama for the other show where they can make real money.

Louise is thinking about the leaderboard. Ashley has the most money for the women. By pulling Ashley to her team, where Louise is the only other girl with the stars numbers, it ensures her stars team will have to give Louise mvp (and the money) to send Ashley in each time. That is also why Louise worked hard to set up a girl should be mvp on girls day this time. Presumably the final will be those with the most leaderboard money.

Bring a book to this season. 

  • Love 2

I was so happy to see Aneesa go home, albeit I wanted it to happen during an elimination and not to see her get seriously hurt - I’m not that heartless lol. I just don’t care for her.

I’m a bit disappointed in Brooke. I know it’s easier to say “don’t quit” when watching from the comfort of a recliner with two cats on your lap but at least attempt it by barely kicking the ball to the 10th spot like Selita and get disqualified.

I understand CT’s reaction but he didn’t have to keep repeating himself. Once is enough to let someone know they disappointed you.

Brooke liked him as a friend and respected CT so I can see why she took his disappointment to heart but the whole “it’s like my dad said it to me” part was weird. CT is not much older than Brooke, he’s got maybe seven years on her, so looking at him like a father figure was funny (unless I mistaken what she meant), and the crying was a bit much...they’ve known each other for what? 1-2 weeks at this point? I still like her.

I used to love Ashley. I always would root for her and I was sad when her dad died but the Ashley I’m seeing this season is pissing me off!!! The new Ashley is cocky, RUTHLESS and too hostile. I like the old adorably sweet but had so much heart that she could compete with the best of the boys Ashley, not this lunatic that thinks she’s the one carrying the whole team to victory. Screams at everyone or is very demanding. Take a few seats girl. Humble yourself. 

I also don’t like how she blew Tori off. Damn. Tori had a bad night. A newbie watching this show for the first time would think nobody liked Tori and I think she’s so much fun to watch. Likable!!!

Casper the unfriendly ghost and Louise were NOT smart with their lousies power play. If that were me, I would have traded for a. Another star that plays well to have more numbers or b. Fuckin’ CT!!!!! I know they wanted to fuck with Ashley’s head or to flip the game upside down but it wasn’t smart or strategic and they need to remember they’re playing for charity - not for the role of mean girls.

Edited by Calm81

I think it isn't so much chronological age with CT and Brooke, but at this point CT comes off as the elder statesman of the group and is probably giving advice and behaving like well a dad now.  So I can see it.  Plus I think she is a very sheltered 30 year old so she is probably not 30 mentally or emotionally compared to CT who has had really decades of more hard life experience than her.  

  • Love 3

Some people take disappointment from others way harder than others, regardless of who it is. I think if you're hard on yourself about disappointing your parents your whole life, you obviously become really sensitive about it and even someone you don't know that well or who don't know you that well telling you they're disappointed in you repeatedly can be crushing even though their opinion shouldn't matter so much. Even worse if you respect them, regardless of how close you are. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Calm81 said:


I used to love Ashley. I always would root for her and I was sad when her dad died but the Ashley I’m seeing this season is pissing me off!!! The new Ashley is cocky, RUTHLESS and too hostile. I like the old adorably sweet but had so much heart that she could compete with the best of the boys Ashley, not this lunatic that thinks she’s the one carrying the whole team to victory. Screams at everyone or is very demanding. Take a few seats girl. Humble yourself. 


I think Ashley is reverting back to the natural state of Ashley.   I watched her on her season of the RW...and she was not only drunk and disorderly all the time, but she was brutally mean to people.  She was entitled and treated people like garbage.   At one point she told the other black members of the house that her family/friends came from such money that she could own them.   She's no peach.   I think she got safe and comfortable, but as soon as she isn't....the true Ashley comes out.   She's Camilla lite IMO.  

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I was so happy to see Aneesa go home, albeit I wanted it to happen during an elimination and not to see her get seriously hurt - I’m not that heartless lol. I just don’t care for her.

I’m a bit disappointed in Brooke. I know it’s easier to say “don’t quit” when watching from the comfort of a recliner with two cats on your lap but at least attempt it by barely kicking the ball to the 10th spot like Selita and get disqualified.

I understand CT’s reaction but he didn’t have to keep repeating himself. Once is enough to let someone know they disappointed you.

Brooke liked him as a friend and respected CT so I can see why she took his disappointment to heart but the whole “it’s like my dad said it to me” part was weird. CT is not much older than Brooke, he’s got maybe seven years on her, so looking at him like a father figure was funny (unless I mistaken what she meant), and the crying was a bit much...they’ve known each other for what? 1-2 weeks at this point? I still like her.

I used to love Ashley. I always would root for her and I was sad when her dad died but the Ashley I’m seeing this season is pissing me off!!! The new Ashley is cocky, RUTHLESS and too hostile. I like the old adorably sweet but had so much heart that she could compete with the best of the boys Ashley, not this lunatic that thinks she’s the one carrying the whole team to victory. Screams at everyone or is very demanding. Take a few seats girl. Humble yourself. 

I also don’t like how she blew Tori off. Damn. Tori had a bad night. A newbie watching this show for the first time would think nobody liked Tori and I think she’s so much fun to watch. Likable!!!

Casper the unfriendly ghost and Louise were NOT smart with their lousies power play. If that were me, I would have traded for a. Another star that plays well to have more numbers or b. Fuckin’ CT!!!!! I know they wanted to fuck with Ashley’s head or to flip the game upside down but it wasn’t smart or strategic and they need to remember they’re playing for charity - not for the role of mean girls.

I wonder if she got scared because she's seen how broken down her father is after taking hard hits.  She seems tough in head to head moments, but maybe an entire group trying to knock her down scared her? 

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

I think it isn't so much chronological age with CT and Brooke, but at this point CT comes off as the elder statesman of the group and is probably giving advice and behaving like well a dad now.  So I can see it.  Plus I think she is a very sheltered 30 year old so she is probably not 30 mentally or emotionally compared to CT who has had really decades of more hard life experience than her.  

Who knows what was real versus pretend on their reality show, but Brooke was treated like she was surrounded by rapists/murderers/muggers if she dared leave the house.  Her younger brother was "responsible" for staying by her and keeping her safe.  And when she was allowed to date once, they put a tracker on her car to monitor her whereabouts.

It reminds me of this crazy hillbilly political commercial in Georgia.  Some fool is sitting with his shotgun aimed at the daughter's boyfriend as the boyfriend recites all the "rules" to date his daughter.  It's very patriarchal, as was Hulk Hogan when it came to his daughter.  I felt sorry for her.

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