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Bryan is hilarious. "Come on Josie, let's go build a bomb shelter", "Beware of dog? Beware of Josie?"


After Paige apologized and, basically, kissed Rosa's ass, I said "and that, friends, is manipulation."  Be embarrassed if you want, when you make a pass at someone who is not interested, but it doesn't give you license to act bitchy to them and make them feel like they did something wrong because you misread the situation.  And Alicia was smart enough to warn Rosa not to go there, that it would just create awkwardness among their trio, then she turns around and tells Paige she was sending Rosa mixed signals.  Bullshit.  Alicia pretty clearly knew, when Rosa broached the subject with her, that Paige wasn't really going to be into Rosa, so what signals did she now claim Paige was sending?  I was so annoyed that Paige was the one who had to go chase Rosa down to apologize to her.  And when she told the story to Nattie, I was so disappointed that Nattie didn't tell her that Rosa pulled this on her, too (so Paige could see it was not her).


THIS. Wtf? I died when Rosa's evidence was "Well like you always answer my  text messages right away" Is Rosa 12? and Paige retorted "I don't know if you've never had a friendship before..." 

Bryan is hilarious. "Come on Josie, let's go build a bomb shelter", "Beware of dog? Beware of Josie?"




THIS. Wtf? I died when Rosa's evidence was "Well like you always answer my  text messages right away" Is Rosa 12? and Paige retorted "I don't know if you've never had a friendship before..." 


We were dying laughing over the text messages.  Damn.  I'd better be very careful about how quickly I return people's text messages. I wonder if Rosa can point us in the direction of some sort of text return time to affection conversion chart.  I'd hate to lead on my kid's pediatrician. 

Nikki: her twin has everything she wants (husb & one who wants kids) & it is making her crazy.


Yeah, if John was willing to get her pregnant she'd have been all over it by now.  But, since she doesn't have that on her horizon, she expects Brie to put off her own family to focus on their careers with her.  


I loved John's face when Nikki started telling him about them using the pull out method though.  And I feel like I say this every episode lately, but I like him so much more than I thought I would.  


If Nikki hadn't added in the line about Brie being "baby crazy" (or whatever her exact words were), I wouldn't have a problem with her going to management to ask what the plan was if one of them became pregnant.  It's a reasonable concern given that they are so tied together and that her sister is married and at an age where she's likely to be thinking about getting pregnant soon.  That's understandable.  But specifically saying that Brie has babies on the brain right now kind of brings the company into Brie's personal life and family decisions without her knowledge.  


On the other hand, if Brie finds out and gets mad, I want Nikki to half-heartedly apologize once and then follow Brie around saying "I already apologized!  God! Stop being such a bitch!"  


Nattie needs help.  I loved Trinity's "I hope she comes back out, because we are not going in there to get her."  And Nattie's over-dramatic "I almost forgot the bowl!"  


When Rosa said to Cameron "we're wearing the same shade of lipstick, nobody would notice if we kissed," I was channeling the old lady from the insurance commercial with "that's not how it works.  That's not how any of this works!"  Just make sure you observe a proper waiting period before returning any of her texts, Cameron.  

  • Love 2

Yeah, if John was willing to get her pregnant she'd have been all over it by now.  But, since she doesn't have that on her horizon, she expects Brie to put off her own family to focus on their careers with her.  


I loved John's face when Nikki started telling him about them using the pull out method though.  And I feel like I say this every episode lately, but I like him so much more than I thought I would.  


If Nikki hadn't added in the line about Brie being "baby crazy" (or whatever her exact words were), I wouldn't have a problem with her going to management to ask what the plan was if one of them became pregnant.  It's a reasonable concern given that they are so tied together and that her sister is married and at an age where she's likely to be thinking about getting pregnant soon.  That's understandable.  But specifically saying that Brie has babies on the brain right now kind of brings the company into Brie's personal life and family decisions without her knowledge.  


On the other hand, if Brie finds out and gets mad, I want Nikki to half-heartedly apologize once and then follow Brie around saying "I already apologized!  God! Stop being such a bitch!"  


Nattie needs help.  I loved Trinity's "I hope she comes back out, because we are not going in there to get her."  And Nattie's over-dramatic "I almost forgot the bowl!"  


When Rosa said to Cameron "we're wearing the same shade of lipstick, nobody would notice if we kissed," I was channeling the old lady from the insurance commercial with "that's not how it works.  That's not how any of this works!"  Just make sure you observe a proper waiting period before returning any of her texts, Cameron.  

ITA with everything you said. 


I don't even know how to comment on Nattie and TJ's relationship because I don't know if their issues are real or not.  They don't seem to be making any headway at all.  Oh and it was so disgusting how her cat's hair was shedding all over Jon's car.  Ewww...


I didn't care about the Rosa/Ariane/Alicia Fox storyline.


I didn't miss Eva at all. 


I loved Brie's outfit for planting their garden.  Loved the boots but I don't know if their ideal for working in the garden.  Love Brie and Bryan.  I like his new look with him pulling his hair back now that its longer.

I don't even know how to comment on Nattie and TJ's relationship because I don't know if their issues are real or not.  They don't seem to be making any headway at all.  Oh and it was so disgusting how her cat's hair was shedding all over Jon's car.  Ewww...



I tend to think it's fake.  I think Nattie and TJ were the only couple where both participants are more than willing to do whatever the show wants to get the attention, so they got the marital trouble story line, possibly once WWE "sweetened" the deal by agreeing to carry the story line over into the ring, too, which, from my limited recent viewing, is getting TJ much more attention as a wrestler than he had been getting.  And Nattie probably feels like she's being pushed out of the divas picture (ring-wise) by the Bellas, Paige, AJ, etc, so this is a way for her to stay on camera.  

I used to like Nikki but she is the worst this season. Wtf. Does her  heel turn have anything to do with her being extra bitchy this season or am I just forgetting that she sucked the previous seasons too? Brie is 30 years old, cut it with the "You need to go to bed, Brie!" Nikki should probably just accept that the show's viewers will obviously want to see Brie activate #BrieMode at least once a season. Also, if I were ever hungover (which never happens!! wink wink), the last thing I would want to hear is Nikki's voice. Brie throwing up on her boobs was funny.


Dying at Paige & Brie being the only ones in the bar. Haha that was so awkward but funny. And Paige doing the autotuned "Brie Mode" from her entrance music. I'd hang out with Paige & Brie anytime. Hey Nikki, to quote [the annoying] Ariane, "girl bye."


Nattie's family stuff was really hard to watch. It felt too sad and intimate for me to watch, considering he's not a cast member. Hope all is okay. That's awesome WWE is helping him out.

Edited by The Ascension
  • Love 1

I enjoyed this episode except for Nattie's stuff.  I felt bad for her though and am glad to see TJ helping her out.


Loved Brie and Paige together.  They were so much fun together.


I didn't know that Alicia Fox dated Wade Barrett.  They made a cute couple.  I think he's cute (great body) and who can resist a British accent.  He definitely looks so much better with the facial hair though.  I felt bad for Alicia, but those are the downfalls of dating a co-worker.  He seemed really nice about it though.  I know she asked him outright about why he ended the relationship, but I felt for her at that moment.  To be so in love with someone for 2 years and hear that they couldn't picture themself being with you long term.  OUCH!


Didn't miss Eva Marie at all.  Minimal Arianne was good.  I just ignored Rosa....

Brie and Paige were hilarious. Also, I miss Naomi and her husband. Why aren't they on this year? Was it their choice? I hope so -- they're a lot more funny and real than Rosa.


I miss them too. It's probably because they were too normal and well-adjusted. Naomi tweeted she was no longer a part of the show, and it wasn't by choice. But Nikki gave an interview and made it seem like Naomi just didn't want to do it anymore.



I didn't know that Alicia Fox dated Wade Barrett.  They made a cute couple.  I think he's cute (great body) and who can resist a British accent.  He definitely looks so much better with the facial hair though.  I felt bad for Alicia, but those are the downfalls of dating a co-worker.  He seemed really nice about it though.  I know she asked him outright about why he ended the relationship, but I felt for her at that moment.  To be so in love with someone for 2 years and hear that they couldn't picture themself being with you long term.  OUCH!


Didn't miss Eva Marie at all.  Minimal Arianne was good.  I just ignored Rosa....


I winced for Alicia when he said that, too! I agree they were a good-looking couple and he is a cutie. 


I am honestly dreading next week with Eva's family vacation, with her infuriating brothers, and they turn it into a bucket list vacation for her poor dad. SHEESH.


And yep, always ignoring Rosa. Annoys me that she's taking up a spot on this show that Summer or Naomi could have.

Dear Brian and Brie, MANY married couples use birth control to, you know, control birth.  WTF?


Nattie is such a fucking mess.  How can you forget the scoop for the litter box?  It's sitting there right next to the litter box, or it should be anyway.  The cat shedding all over the car and house and the smelly shit that had to be REMOVED BY HAND was just gross.  And all of her moping and whining and bitching and moaning... World's Worst House Guest.

Wade Barrett is so sexy! He definitely looks better with the beard. I felt bad for Alicia when he said the reason as to why he broke up with her. It was a little harsh, but it's just another step into moving on from him. 


Rosa needs to go! Hopefully someone from E! sees this and listens. She adds nothing to the show and is just so grating. Her face looks so odd because everything seems stretched and inflated. I really wish Trinity can come back. Her and Jon's segments were my favorite of the show. They were just so real and so funny.


I felt bad for Nattie because of what she is dealing with in regards to her father. Her dad was definitely in bad shape. He seemed to be in constant drunkenness and he has that red tinge to him. Hopefully he gets the help he needs and gets better. It's heartbreaking dealing with someone who has an addiction. They seem to just bring you down and you get to be in a constant state of worry.


I know this show is about the Diva's of the WWE, but I would love to see some of the men. From what we have seen, they seem to have an awesome sense of humor and it breaks up the monotony of the fighting between the Diva's. 

I'm getting caught up now.....I can't stop laughing at Arianne acting like she can afford a 1.4 million dollar house. And expecting Nikki to give up her commission? And calling Nikki unprofessional? Girl bye.


What does Vinny do for a living? He's an armoured truck driver or something right, right? I saw uniforms in the closet.

Why is Eva's dad so damn loud? Her family is really shitty. Even their so-called touching moments are them screaming at her or throwing her under the bus. It's hard to enjoy their stuff.  The fact that they dress like walking billboards doesn't help either.


I really enjoyed Nattie's home makeover. What a sweet, genuine moment! I hope this is the end of their fake marriage problems.


Continue to love Nikki & Brie, and miss Trinity.

I can't believe how much that purse costs! Nikki is lucky that John has money to buy her things, I knew she wasn't going to buy it for herself.

All theses girls dress up so much, even to get a cup of coffee it must be exhausting to dress up all the time. I know they are on camera, but heels and dresses all the time seem likes a lot of effort.


I ffwd all the Ariane stuff.  I wish she was off and Trinity was back on.


I thought a tattoo would fit right in with Paige's persona, so I wasn't sure why WWE was so against it.  I mean Lita had a ton of tattoos.  I will say that I didn't like that Paige wanted such a big tattoo on her chest.  Not a fan of chest tattoos for girls.  Loved her dad's accent though. 


Yeah, the whole TJ and Nattie storyline was stupid.  Nattie is in her early 30s, but she looks so much older.


Rosa's boobs are huge, just makes her look so fake.  Nikki's boobs look proportionate to her body, Rosa's just look gross.

Edited by DkNNy79

So surprise TJ and Nattie are back together. Scripted crap, are we supposed to believe they were really ever apart. I really miss Trinity and Jon. Rosa, the British girl and ither new addition, whose name I can't even be bothered to remember are so boring.

British girl is Paige.

Rosa's boobs are huge, just makes her look so fake.  Nikki's boobs look proportionate to her body, Rosa's just look gross.

Rosa really fucked up with all the plastic surgery. Her face looks nothing like it used to and she used to be quite cute.

I ffwd all the Ariane stuff.  I wish she was off and Trinity was back on.


I thought a tattoo would fit right in with Paige's persona, so I wasn't sure why WWE was so against it.  I mean Lita had a ton of tattoos.  I will say that I didn't like that Paige wanted such a big tattoo on her chest.  Not a fan of chest tattoos for girls.  Loved her dad's accent though. 


Yeah, the whole TJ and Nattie storyline was stupid.  Nattie is in her early 30s, but she looks so much older.


Rosa's boobs are huge, just makes her look so fake.  Nikki's boobs look proportionate to her body, Rosa's just look gross.

They said very clearly why they were against it. Essentially, it's money. They have and are still making a lot of money off of toys and products with the looks of what the wrestlers already have. Putting a gigantic tattoo all over your chest and arm now quickly dates all of the products and they need make new models to match the wrestlers as they are on screen right now. The WWE doesn't care about tattoos. But, there is a time for everything. And of course, it wasn't just some tattoo. That tattoo would make the look of Paige radically different.


The only plotline where I saw all parts of Paige's. Once Nattie got all jealous I didn't need to watch that anymore and I knew they would make up. I also didn't need to see Arriane running down her father over and over. I'm sure Vinnie's family gives no shits about anything she was worrying about.


At this point, I think they have divas like Rosa, Arriane and Eva Marie on Total Divas because that is how they make money off of them. They are essentially on the payroll to be reality stars now. They can't wrestle. Probably will never be able to wrestle well. They can't cut promos so being a manager is pointless for them too. So, they use them here as casting for the show. Also, with that, they had to cut people out who don't need the show (pure speculation). Like, now, whenever Trinity is on Total Divas, they don't have to pay her as much because she's not a cast member anymore.


I don't know if the Nattie/TJ drama is real. In some cases, it seemed to be a very genuine issue. But, I have hard time believing most stories Nattie is involved in. I never feel like anything she is involved in outside of genuine family and career concerns come off as real.

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They said very clearly why they were against it. Essentially, it's money. They have and are still making a lot of money off of toys and products with the looks of what the wrestlers already have. Putting a gigantic tattoo all over your chest and arm now quickly dates all of the products and they need make new models to match the wrestlers as they are on screen right now. The WWE doesn't care about tattoos. But, there is a time for everything. And of course, it wasn't just some tattoo. That tattoo would make the look of Paige radically different.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I just find it hard to believe that they would give the guys a hard time about this. 

I'm sure it's not as big of a deal for the guys, the girls are marketed more on their looks than the guys are. To a lesser extreme, I'm sure that WWE wouldn't let her wrestle in baggy pants and a t-shirt either. They have an idea of how they want their characters to look, and they can't stray from that.  It's like an actor or actress on any tv show, I'd imagine you can't just go any majorly change your look. This seemed like a really childish thing for her to choose to fight about. I  know she's young but she sounded like a bratty teenager. I was thinking she should be glad they care, if they didn't care about her character they'd tell her she could go do whatever.


Racj82, I completely agree about some of the girls being reality stars instead of wrestlers. As a wrestling fan, I don't mind that. The less I see of Eva wrestling, the better.

I guess I didn't see the big deal, because I thought a tattoo fit into her "character/persona" perfectly.  Some of the other girls, it wouldn't make sense for their more "prissy" characters.


I try and get snippets of raw or smack down here and there.  I'm kinda sad to see Trinity and Natalya reduced to valets for their husband's tag team matches. 

It's not a big deal, and I agree it would fit her persona. But that's WWE. A month earlier, they might have said yes.  It's a very weird place. The backstage politics and double standards are unreal.


Honestly, none of these girls are treated fairly on TV. I don't know how much people who watch this show watch of WWE, but there's been a movement among fans called #GiveDivasAChance based on how crappy they treat the women. There's 5 hours of TV a week and they are such a small fraction of it. Their storylines are about men, being jealous or being mean girls, there's no thought put into it. My heart breaks for them, because I know they'd all love to have more time and do better storylines. It's pretty stupid, these women could be selling merchadise and making them money as much as the guys do. Maybe not as much as Cena LOL.

It's not a big deal, and I agree it would fit her persona. But that's WWE. A month earlier, they might have said yes. It's a very weird place. The backstage politics and double standards are unreal.

Honestly, none of these girls are treated fairly on TV. I don't know how much people who watch this show watch of WWE, but there's been a movement among fans called #GiveDivasAChance based on how crappy they treat the women. There's 5 hours of TV a week and they are such a small fraction of it. Their storylines are about men, being jealous or being mean girls, there's no thought put into it. My heart breaks for them, because I know they'd all love to have more time and do better storylines. It's pretty stupid, these women could be selling merchadise and making them money as much as the guys do. Maybe not as much as Cena LOL.

Is Cena still as popular as he was 10+ years ago or is another wrestler more popular than him?

Is Cena still as popular as he was 10+ years ago or is another wrestler more popular than him?

Daniel Bryan (Brie's husband) and Brock Lesnar are arguably more popular than him.


At some point they've got to bring in Paige's mom.  Even if it's just her doing a death glare at someone for saying something about Paige, it would be great to see the entire place clear out.

Cena is the number one guy in the company. There is no actual arguing that. The WWE doesn't push Bryan as the number 1 star, therefore he isn't. The man is in the IC title (a second tier title) picture right now. And Brock isn't around enough to be number one anything. The company relies on Cena for his merch, is great PR with the Make a Wish Foundation visits he does all the time (as other wrestlers have pointed out, other wrestlers do it but the company promotes the hell out of Cena's charity work). Kids love him and in a PG rated world, that is real important. In different time periods, there have been THE guy. Hogan, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, The Rock and John Cena is that person for them now.


The issue with the company is that they have had Cena's back since 2004. They have never waivered from their confidence in him. He is protected the most (meaning he's made to look credible and all times, even in defeat). While with every other wrestler, they put time into them and then they move to someone else unless they are literally forced to by the fans (Daniel Bryan).


The thing with Paige's tattoo is not over the top by the WWE. When you are an actor or entertainer in a avenue such as this, you physical appearance is very important. I remember when the first Becky on "Roseanne" wanted to get a shortcut and the bosses said absolutely not because it's not the look they wanted for her. That was just a haircut that would grow back. Roseanne actually took her and cut her hair so they would be forced to let her get the hair styled the way she wanted.


With this tattoo, it's a huge change. There are clearances you need to go through to get that okayed. They might even be okay with it down the line but business wise, it's not the right time. They just did a new toy line a released a new game. Her likeness with the tattoo will date the products. The wrestler Randy Orton got sleeves (tattoos down the arm). That was a big a change but I'm sure there were discussions about when and how he would be designed. It's fucked up but you are basically their property. They own your likeness. You can't just make radical changes to your appearance without their input.


Lastly, that tattoo is fucking ugly. I know a lot of guys that think Paige is the hottest female wrestler on the roster and that tattoo could throw a lot of people off. She doesn't need a huge dark tattoo on her chest with skin complexion either. I can't really blame the WWE on this one.

  • Love 1

I don't find Paige all that attractive (too pale for me), but IA with everything else you said. Cena is the WWE' s #1 guy. Yes, Daniel Bryan is very popular, but Cena sells the most merch; that's why no heel turn for Cena, WWE wants to keep raking in the big bucks. And Brock wrestles maybe four times a year which does not endear him to the fans.

  • Love 1

Episode 19:

Paige invites her new hookup to tag along when the Three Amigas vacation in Key West, Fla.; the Bellas are shocked by a nude picture of their brother; and Nattie gets to meet Grumpy Cat.

Episode 20:

The Bellas think about signing on for another three years in the ring; Paige asks Bradley to move to LA before realizing there are skeletons in his closet; Eva's husband risks her relationship with the WWE.

Episode 20 is the Season 3 finale.

Edited by OnceSane
Added episode description for finale

That Bella brother is a humorless jackass. Pretty rich for him to get this bent out of shape about something idiotic after he tried to get John to break up with Nikki. One of these sibling offenses is a million times worse than the other one, dude. Also, maybe I'm immature, but I'm fully of the mindset that if you pull a bonehead move like sending nakid pictures to your freaking *sisters*, you deserve to be mocked.

Rosa is seriously weird. This week she pulls off her pants and makes her friends shave her, previously she set up Nattie to 'accidentally' find her vibrator after kissing her. Not sure if all this is a dumb storyline that some idiot producer mistakenly thinks is titillating, or she's really horny enough that she's dropping broad hints to literally anyone within arms reach, but I feel like I'm watching the intro to a cheesy porno whenever she's on.

  • Love 3

That Bella brother is a humorless jackass. Pretty rich for him to get this bent out of shape about something idiotic after he tried to get John to break up with Nikki.

Yeah I was waiting for Nikki to say "So this is over the line, and wrong, but trying to destroy mine and John's relationship was perfectly cool?"  I was just waiting for her to throw that in Brother Bella's face.


Bradley was kind of a goober.  He wants to be more than FWB with Paige, wants her to be his girlfriend, but then turns around and doesn't mentioned he's been married, and since they've been dating a month he doesn't need to tell her.

Rosa, Eva, Ariane and Nattie need to go. There's too many people on this show.


Brother Bella had a major overreaction. Can he stop being on the show so much? The season began and ended with Bella drama.


I love Brie & Bryan. Bryan: "Do you want me to send you naked pictures?" Brie: "I'd just laugh at them."


I also love when you see producers get involved and try and figure out what to do, like the Paige/Bradley fight. Paige was WAY over the top when she met the mom and sister. Jumping into their arms and joking that she's pregnant? Too much, too soon. That reminded me how young she really is. But damn dude, how do you not tell her you were married? That was horrible.

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