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The People's Court - General Discussion

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I was hoping MM would come back out after the idiot plaintiff yelled at her following the verdict. I've seen her do that in the past.

I think she said "roachtrocious" meaning (in her mind) full of roaches. She lived there for four years with those deplorable conditions, and her landlord should pay for her to move because he wants her out after she hasn't paid rent for five months. She was completely delusional. I think MM was just sick of her attitude an decided to just rule and get away from her.


I was cracking up at that Special Snowflake DEMANDING payment to move!  I thought MM would shoot up through the roof.  Wow what an entitled POS!  And saying "You listen to me",  and MM responding "NO, you listen to ME!". This woman evidently had never heard the word NO before.

Oh mi gosh, the whole time I kept channeling my father while yelling how "These young whippersnappers who think they are owed! This is what's wrong with our country! People who think they are never wrong and are entitled to be reimbursed for everything in their lives!" (I resisted telling somebody to get off my lawn though)


So let me get this straight. . . this house is so "roachtrific" or "roachtrocious" that you would continue to live in a roach infested place (you know, I might be mistaken but I hear they sell this amazing stuff called Roach Spray at the supermarket and you spray those critters and they DIE)?  For five months? 

God bless Judge Marilyn - I would have flown off that bench and snatched that woman's wig off and then made her clean the man's house for five months in order to pay back all that rent she never paid. Again, another reason why I'm not the judge lol. 

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Maybe we can stretch the topic a little for unusual things said by people during the annoying on the street interviews? A recent one was about a he said/she said fender bender and Curt was asking people who should pay for the damage. One guy responded simply with "the one with the most money".

It's Harvey who does the street interviews . . . not Curt.

Did anyone catch the rerun with the mother of the year finalist who takes her kids to strip clubs and bars (when they're underage) and throws wild parties for them? I love how she lamented over her son having an anger problem and that the holidays were now ruined, while completely ignoring that she was the reason for the all the problems. She needed some serious help.

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Did anyone catch the rerun with the mother of the year finalist who takes her kids to strip clubs and bars (when they're underage) and throws wild parties for them? I love how she lamented over her son having an anger problem and that the holidays were now ruined, while completely ignoring that she was the reason for the all the problems. She needed some serious help.


To be fair, she was taking her son to strip clubs and bars in the Virgin Islands, where apparently it's legal.

What infuriates me is the hallway man GRABBING the folks as they exit the courtroom!  He physically pulls them into position!  I cannot tell you the depths of my fury if this man deigned to manhandle me this way.  I would SO tear him a new one if he even touched me.


Also, the "he hardly knew her!" thing is nasty as hell.

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Did anyone catch the rerun with the mother of the year finalist who takes her kids to strip clubs and bars (when they're underage) and throws wild parties for them? I love how she lamented over her son having an anger problem and that the holidays were now ruined, while completely ignoring that she was the reason for the all the problems. She needed some serious help.



To be fair, she was taking her son to strip clubs and bars in the Virgin Islands, where apparently it's legal.


Whether it's legal or not she's a horrible mother for doing it.  I believed what her son said about her abuse. I also believed his tears in the interview and she said he was faking . . . horrible horrible woman. She needed some help indeed.


This week was the re-run of the guy who took a female friend on a cruise and she finagled to put all of her expenses on his credit card, then he defecated all over their shared cabin while she slept and he assured the judge they were only "PLUTONIC FRIENDS."

Edited by goodogcarl
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I love the plutonic friends case. That guy was embarrassed about shitting all over their room but not $1,500 worth! (Or whatever figure it was)


Why in the world did the defendant think that being treated to a cruise meant the guy was footing everything, including her liquor and gambling? Also, I've never been on a cruise, but I thought one of the perks was that they were all-inclusive. Is alcohol really not included on a cruise? Obviously, I wouldn't expect gambling to be included, but drinks aren't either?

Nope, alcoholic drinks are not included on traditional cruises.  They are included on some river cruises (wine and beer).  Many cruise lines offer packages - reduced prices on a certain number of bottles of wine, or even an "all you can drink" package.  With that one, ALL adults in a cabin have to pay for it.  So if the package is $500, and there are two adults in the cabin . . . yep, $1,000.  (They're smart enough to realize that people will try to buy one package and split it.)


Coffee, tea, water are free. Specialty coffees and soft drinks are extra.

My sister works in a restaurant. It happens more than you think. People are disgusting. 

Yep. The women's restroom in my office building is awful. There have been times when I've walked to the restaurant next door to us to avoid using the restroom here. And these are all supposedly professional women: government types, bankers, insurance agents, etc.  

OK, Doofus drives OFF while tow-truck is hooked up to his car, hanging 12 inches above the ground.  Also, Predatory Asshole Tow Driver HURRIES to get one wheel off the ground when victim approaches. 


Off-topic; when did it become part of the vernacular to say "I Feel that..." instead of "I Think".  That is NOT CORRECT GRAMMAR.  I, personally, FEEL sick, or FEEL happy, or FEEL frustrated.  I NEVER Feel that he was wrong, that something bad happened, etc, etc.  Is this what they are teaching in school now?

OK, Doofus drives OFF while tow-truck is hooked up to his car, hanging 12 inches above the ground.  Also, Predatory Asshole Tow Driver HURRIES to get one wheel off the ground when victim approaches. 


Off-topic; when did it become part of the vernacular to say "I Feel that..." instead of "I Think".  That is NOT CORRECT GRAMMAR.  I, personally, FEEL sick, or FEEL happy, or FEEL frustrated.  I NEVER Feel that he was wrong, that something bad happened, etc, etc.  Is this what they are teaching in school now?

They're still teaching grammar in schools? I assumed those classes ended a long time ago.


I just read an article yesterday about how universities are going to stop offering degrees in English. This resonated with me because my BA is in English. I thought to myself that we are just hurtling toward making everything in the movie Idiocracy come true.

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Off-topic; when did it become part of the vernacular to say "I Feel that..." instead of "I Think".  That is NOT CORRECT GRAMMAR.  I, personally, FEEL sick, or FEEL happy, or FEEL frustrated.  I NEVER Feel that he was wrong, that something bad happened, etc, etc.  Is this what they are teaching in school now?


Back in the early 90s, my 8th grade teacher (who also taught English to the other grades) told me to stop saying/writing "I think..." and to find other ways to say it. And one of her examples was to say/write "I feel that..."  So it's been a long conspiracy to make us all dumb.

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Back in the early 90s, my 8th grade teacher (who also taught English to the other grades) told me to stop saying/writing "I think..." and to find other ways to say it. And one of her examples was to say/write "I feel that..."  So it's been a long conspiracy to make us all dumb.

Wow. I wonder if that was going on all over the country. I feel like it might have been. (see what I did there?)

Wow, thank you so much, teixeira!  I had no idea when this travesty happened.    Were you in a California school, by any chance? Other ways to say I think, indeed!


Nope, a Massachusetts Catholic School. Made it to a top 25 college where the English Professors didn't mind me using either so never gave it a second thought. Maybe they were all in on it.  Or my 8th grade teacher got tired of grading papers full of "I think" and "I believe"  (all she had to do was to stop giving us pop quizzes about what we thought the symbolism was or what we thought the metaphor was!) and the professors just didn't care. 


On topic, when I was laid off, I rediscovered The People's Court with MM and it was one of the few things that got me up those weeks.  My favorite so far is the firefighter who tried throwing a party then failed at blackmailing the owners of the hall by mentioning violations. It was fun to see him try to talk himself out of that when the emails were read aloud. I still rewatch that episode from time to time.


assume, consider,determine,  expect, guess, judge, realize, see, take, understand, comprehend, conceive, conclude,  gather,  presume  reckon, suppose, surmise, suspect.....

Teixeira - that poor "English" teacher would have done everyone a favor by digging up and demonstrating the (apparently) old fashioned thesaurus.  Oh Wait!!!! I just found one here on my new fangled "machine"!


ETA- "machine" comes from JJ acting so tech stoopid!  MM gets how the world world works, technically.  I wish both of the judges would fire up some skype time sort of stuff and drag  in the elusive "heresay" witnesses.  Some of the crappier 3rd tier TeeVee judges have used it and I don"t hate it. At least, there is the opportunity of cross-exam.

Edited by zillabreeze
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I wish both of the judges would fire up some skype time sort of stuff and drag  in the elusive "heresay" witnesses.  Some of the crappier 3rd tier TeeVee judges have used it and I don"t hate it. At least, there is the opportunity of cross-exam.


I wouldn't want to see that. If you didn't bring your witness to court, tough on you. I don't think the judge should make up for your failing by Skyping with the person you didn't bring. To me, that's like the judge producing your missing paperwork for you.

On the other hand, it is one thing to get a witness into court in your local court versus getting your witness to travel cross country. Even if your travel expenses are paid, I assume that it will include coach seats and a mid range (at best) hotel, so not much of a fun trip, especially if you have to take a couple of days off work.

I saw the rerun of the woman who had rented a room in a man's home (how can people do that?  I'd be so uncomfortable living in a room in someone's house.) and complained about the smell of pot, the sale of pot, urine on the toilet seat as well as "fleecies."  How can a person grow into adulthood and never see that word printed?

I saw the rerun of the woman who had rented a room in a man's home (how can people do that?  I'd be so uncomfortable living in a room in someone's house.) 

I rented a room in a house once. I was in my early 20s, recently out of the military, living in a new city where I knew no one, and making minimum wage. My rent was $350 per month.


I did it because I didn't have enough to scrape together for an apartment deposit (which I needed because I had no credit) and the homeowner didn't require anything other than first month's rent. It allowed me to live in a relatively nice neighborhood. At that time, the only way I could have had my own place would have been to move to a part of town I wouldn't be comfortable living in. Also, my lease was month-to-month, so I was able to leave as soon as I'd saved enough, which didn't take long since my housing expenses were so low.

Oh wow, I had forgotten this one!  Lady goes to bodega to buy lottery tickets: she says she put a 50 dollar bill (that belonged to someone else, anyhow) on the counter while she dug through her purse to find two quarters to buy her soda with, and LO AND BEHOLD the fifty dollar bill is gone!  Must have been the dishonest bodega owner who has had that business 30 years!  The police even showed up to search him! Come on, lady!  How do you neglect a fifty while searching for fifty cents?!?  Bullshit. 

I am a little behind on watching the episodes.  Did anyone see the case where the husband was suing the landlord because he didn't fix a leek in the apartment after Hurricane Sandy?  He told Judge Milian he had to leave his family to find a new apartment because of the stress of the leek.  I couldn't believe he said that on TV.  Judge Milian didn't like what he was saying either.  He must be a difficult person to live with if a leek drove him only from the apartment. 

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