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S03.E17: Mum's the Word

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That shot of Roman and Jane meeting face to face for the first time after all this time was everything. It's not gonna happen but I wish they could figure out a way to get along again because their chemistry is great. Jaimie (Jane) really did look nice as a blonde (though I thought that the fact that Roman fell for Blonde Blake made his comment a little squicky, lol).

So Roman For Real loves Blake and Papa Crawford? OK. So now he's refocused on murdering the FBI team. They keep teasing a death... if they actually go through with it, I'm leaning toward Zapata dying. With her falling out with Patterson, revealing her feelings for Reade, all the CIA drama... it kind of seems like she's on her way out. And I'm wondering if Roman might die, now that Crawford (or his attorney, anyway) are suspicious of him. Wouldn't that be something, being found out after finally finding the love and family he so desperately wanted.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say how annoyed I was with Avery. She nearly messed up the op multiple times and was still sitting atop her high horse because ~she doesn't need Jane's protection~. Did she forget that time when she got shot and kidnapped after ignoring Weller's instructions to stay away? She's definitely her mother's daughter.

Edited by omgsowicked
Forgot to mention that Avery was annoying
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46 minutes ago, omgsowicked said:

That shot of Roman and Jane meeting face to face for the first time after all this time was everything. It's not gonna happen but I wish they could figure out a way to get along again because their chemistry is great. Jaimie (Jane) really did look nice as a blonde (though I thought that the fact that Roman fell for Blonde Blake made his comment a little squicky, lol).

Yes!! They had off-the-charts chemistry in that scene! Also, Jaime looked totally gorgeous there. That scene was intense. Roman was shut out again, and now Sis and niece seem to be getting along great as a family. Followed by the scene with Blake, and Roman seems to be done with the FBI team once and for all. Of course, a new problem is that Blake realizes that Papa and Tom are both shady and she may reject Roman/Tom. Also, it's hard to believe that Crawford is clueless about Roman.

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Is it bad that I want Roman to get his happy ending with Blake? He has nobody and never had a family. Crawford needs to die but I don’t want beautiful Roman to be gone just yet. I don’t think I can handle someone from the team die because I love the chemistry they all have together. Writers, there can be great storytelling without death!

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Reade's undercover name was Joe Epstein and the wedding planner fell for it!

Avery's line "this is stupid" must have been a message from the writers about this plot.

I wonder if Meg is one the assassins to appear next week.

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Just don't kill off Rich DotCom - I've grown to really like him.

If one of the team is really killed, my bet is Reade - thus elevating Weller to head of the unit again. 

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I'm surprised Zapata made it out of this episode alive. I was sure she was sacrificing herself in a fit of remorse in order to save the team. She had all the lines of the sacrificial lamb.

I loved how they're all wondering why Roman changed his mind without ever factoring in that little family reunion Jane and Avery had with him where they told him to rot in hell or the fact that his niece put a tracker on him. Way to handle the asset who's about to hand you the big fish. Sure, he might have had a change of heart anyway - we'll never know but sis and niece definitely didn't help.

That said: not a fan of Roman's love story. Maybe if Blake was a better written character but so far she lacks all complexity and is the typical villain's daughter without a clue. 

Also not a fan of Avery. Obviously she's a badass like mum - or so the writing tells us. But so far her badassery nearly got her shot and endangered this mission several times (and depending on your POV played a huge part in its ultimate failure). Also where is all that coming from? Until a year ago she was a mild-mannered college girl and now all of a sudden she 'can handle herself' despite only being alive due to magnificent plot-armor.

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So, Roman is officially Team Crawford now.  I guess his feelings for Blake really are real, after-all.  Kind of lame, but considering how both Jane and Avery handled him (not to mention put a tracker on him), I guess he knew the score.  But now Crawford's lawyer (Gloria Reuben!) is starting to point out the holes in his story, so I wonder how long he can last.  He really must be slipping, because when she asked how he knew the FBI were there, I thought he would simply say to Crawford: "When you introduced me to that blonde lady, I thought she looked familiar, so I looked at the photos again and realized she was one of the agents."  Instead, he just made himself look cagey.

I can understand why Patterson doesn't want to be friends with Zapata, but actually blocking her from group texts and meetings really is unprofessional and childish.  But as much as I love her, that probably does fit with how she lashes out.

Question: at the beginning, Zapata got a phone call from Keaton, but nothing seemed to come out of it.  I also noticed they cutaway from Zapata and Blake's conversation in the restroom.  Is something going on there? Can both be related?

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Yes, it was weird that we didn’t see the conversation between Zapata and Blake, unless Blake is a CIA operative who is playing everyone. That would be pretty badass. This show is pretty good at filling the holes this season, so I’m sure we will see that conversation soon (same with Zapata-Keaton’s phone call). What a shame that this show wasn’t this good in season one when they had the big ratings. 

Edited by twoods
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This episode really made me wonder if Blake is who she appears to be. She was laying it on so thick with the earnest, saccharine, schmoopy speechifying, and thus far, she can appear to do no wrong (albeit in a totally bland, boring kind of way). At this point, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she betrays Roman in some way, either revealing that she's all in with her father's evilness (hence the joint schmoopfests that stopped just short of the three of them holding hands and bursting into a rousing rendition of "We Are Family"), or as mentioned ^^ that she's some sort of law enforcement asset/spy/whatever. (Either of those scenarios would actually make it possible that the text messages of doom to the assassins were a misdirect of some sort, and we wind up seeing a flashback that shows that message came from Blake [or Crawford, or both] and Roman was doing...something else.)

So it all ends with her true nature being revealed to Roman, which leads to either a.) a Roman who has lost absolutely everything and then dies, or b.) a Roman who feels like he's lost everything, only for Jane to swoop in and save him, thus showing him that - regardless of her words to him in this episode - they're still family. 

If any of the above is true, it would be nice if they show this is all part of Roman's plan, and he hasn't thrown everything (including his brain) away and been supremely duped for true love. 


Also, Avery can go away any time now.

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18 hours ago, weathered1 said:

This episode really made me wonder if Blake is who she appears to be. She was laying it on so thick with the earnest, saccharine, schmoopy speechifying, and thus far, she can appear to do no wrong (albeit in a totally bland, boring kind of way). At this point, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she betrays Roman in some way, either revealing that she's all in with her father's evilness (hence the joint schmoopfests that stopped just short of the three of them holding hands and bursting into a rousing rendition of "We Are Family"), or as mentioned ^^ that she's some sort of law enforcement asset/spy/whatever. (Either of those scenarios would actually make it possible that the text messages of doom to the assassins were a misdirect of some sort, and we wind up seeing a flashback that shows that message came from Blake [or Crawford, or both] and Roman was doing...something else.)


She gave herself away when she acted upset on the plane and rushed away to get a drink.  I am sympathetic to Roman's family backstory, but still hard to believe he would kill his sister. He is being played by Blake and the relationship is just a ruse. IMO.

Edited by VinceW
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On 3/30/2018 at 10:16 PM, mxc90 said:

Avery's line "this is stupid" must have been a message from the writers about this plot.

You mean how Weller yelled "FBI!" to the men protecting their boss like that would something in flipping Croatia? From an outsider's point of view, these uninvited shooters murdered a bunch of people.

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On 4/8/2018 at 4:34 AM, jhlipton said:

You mean how Weller yelled "FBI!" to the men protecting their boss like that would something in flipping Croatia

He was hoping they watched Criminal Minds: Profilers Without Borders

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Anyone care to elaborate on this? How does crawford not know who Roman is when he's been funding sandstorm? And how does crawford not know Jane when he was working with the woman fbi director and he also sent Roman (tom) pictures of her to kill her along with her team? Then she just talks to him like nothing? I don't buy it

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I put off watching this but this was a reasonably interesting episode. I still want to know how Roman came up with all those tattoo codes and knew all the information behind them.  Anyway I quite liked that Jane and Avery really badly miscalculated in their interaction with Roman. I'm more on their side than his though, dude's done a lot of bad shit and in an irritating, overcomplicated way at that.


Didn't really enjoy the whole Tasha's life sucks subplot. The stuff with Patterson is more compelling than the business with Reade though. Although I don't entirely buy Patterson would be that unprofessional at work. Cut Tasha out as a friend for sure but not telling her when they were about to have briefings just comes across as childish and mean.

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