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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Pretty close. Those Jason/Liz-Lucky/Sam years, while I preferred them, didn't count for much. That's how it felt to me, anyway. Every time I tuned in for ages it was those dumbasses in their leather jackets moping about playing that horrible acoustic song that I never, ever, ever want to hear again (but will).


Did it have lyrics in it? Then we won't hear it. Frank pretty much stopped all the couple songs the day he got here.

Seriously. Helena is very much an "I'm in charge" kind of gal. I can't see her ceding authority to anyone. But I'm sure Ron will come up with a convoluted, and completely unbelievable, reason.


For all of his chatter about loving GH and respecting its past, Ron knows jack shit about its true history. Helena Cassadine would work for NO ONE.

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ETA: shut up O! shut up!


In retrospect, Lulu seemed almost secretive talking about her abortion. (She had one, you know.)


I couldn't help but laugh at the sad little tray of crudités and dip set out on the table there. There's nothing wrong with crudités, but I expected something a little fancier at the prince's Thanksgiving. That tray looked liked craft services had to assemble something at the very last minute.

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Why does Franco look so dumb in tha t coat. It's just a normal coat. But it looks ridiculous on him.


ETA: shut up O! shut up!

The only thing I have to say about those previews is that TCa's hair looks amazing.

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Maybe they're afraid to fire her too soon after her maternity leave.


Been around 7 months since she had her baby, though. So there would/should be no issue. Maybe this crap with Michael is some chemistry test, which...UGH. He has Rosalie. And Kaka is still in his orbit.


Let Sobby and Carlos go back to Puerto Rico and live in off screen bliss.

She should be apologizing for trying to kill his sister/niece.  But more likely, she's apologizing for knowing Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos didn't shoot AJ and not saying something immediately.


Oh right! I completely spaced out there and couldn't figure out why. Der. Thanks. 



Maybe they're afraid to fire her too soon after her maternity leave.


"Due to Julian recent rebellion, his life may be at stack."


Can't they proofread this shit? 

"Due to Julian recent rebellion, his life may be at stack."


Can't they proofread this shit?

I know! I'm not a professional writer (but I play one in the forums) but I would think a simple once over would have caught that.


Really not excited about any of these spoilers unless they finally confirm that Patrick is one of three things: Faison in a Patrick mask, Patrick has been brainwashed, or that there is an alien invasion going on and Patrick is a pod person.


I am betting that the 'difficult admission' Patrick makes is that Robin left to save a cryogenically frozen Jason and she didn't succeed. Sam will forgive him blah, blah, blah.


Give me something to frakking root for damn it!

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I am betting that the 'difficult admission' Patrick makes is that Robin left to save a cryogenically frozen Jason and she didn't succeed. Sam will forgive him blah, blah, blah.

You know it. Of course, he'll leave out the part where he wanted Robin to leave Jason for dead and straight up said he didn't give a shit if Danny had his father back.

You know it. Of course, he'll leave out the part where he wanted Robin to leave Jason for dead and straight up said he didn't give a shit if Danny had his father back.


I have major issues with Patrick now, too, but I get that part, selfish or not. When Robin "died"/disappeared the first time, it was for Jason, the same Holy Hitman who still did his mob shit and "died" because of it, anyway. So I can see Patrick not giving a shit since Jason already cost him and Robin valuable time.


I mean, Sam had the same mindset (which this stupid show forgot to make Sam and Patrick inexplicable besties!) when Jason was "dying" and Patrick had what he thought was his wife's ashes all over him. At that point, Sam gave no fucks for what Patrick was going through, so it was the same thing as far as I'm concerned. I can see - even if selfish - why Patrick would be all "too bad, so sad", especially since Danny's Daddy, you know, murders for a living and all. So why save his loser ass, or try to, again?

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Patty is totally fine listening to Sam tell Jason sob stories and bonding with Danny. His behavior is hypocritical. It'd be one thing if he was just friends with Sam, but he's not. So it shows me that he can be romantically involved with Sam with her Jason connection, but he doesn't extend that same sentiment to Robin, who has been platonic with Jason for more than a decade.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Patty is totally fine listening to Sam tell Jason sob stories and bonding with Danny. His behavior is hypocritical. It'd be one thing if he was just friends with Sam, but he's not. So it shows me that he can be romantically involved with Sam with her Jason connection, but he doesn't extend that same sentiment to Robin, who has been platonic with Jason for more than a decade.


Okay, but you mentioned Patrick not giving a shit if Danny had his father back or not, and that is what I was referring to. I still understand why he doesn't care. Patrick does suck, but I also get why he can't be objective about Jason vis a vis Jason's connection to Robin. And if the tables were/are turned, and Robin has an issue with Sam and Patrick/Sam? I'd totally get that, too.


Is it rational? Perhaps not, but I think it's true to life, some spouses having issue with a former lover where their other halves are concerned.

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Well, we can agree on one thing...it ain't rational. ;)

Because I personally will never understand how the writers can have Patty have such an issue with Robin/Jason, but is seemingly OK with Sam/Jason on his quest to have sexytime. It just doesn't fly with me.

And UGH, I just shuddered thinking about the Sam/Robin nonsense that will come from this. I'm just not here for another round of Robin battling with another woman over Patrick of all people. She needs to Bye Felicia his ass.

Edited by HeatLifer

IF, and that is a big IF, Robin were coming back for an extended stay, then an entertaining plot development would be to have Sam and Patrick happily married raising Emma and Danny together as a strong family.  All four seemingly star-crossed lovers could then have to weigh their personal happiness against the wellbeing of the new family.  I, for one, do NOT want a Jason-Sam reunion.  Jason, the nuJason/Jake needs someone new.  Sam needs to fade into the oblivion of married bliss with Patrick.


Because I personally will never understand how the writers can have Patty have such an issue with Robin/Jason, but is seemingly OK with Sam/Jason on his quest to have sexytime. It just doesn't fly with me.


 Maybe the difference is that as far as Patrick knows, Jason is now dead. During his time with Robin Jason was as alive as he ever was but why have an issue with it now? He is supposedly dead.


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IF, and that is a big IF, Robin were coming back for an extended stay, then an entertaining plot development would be to have Sam and Patrick happily married raising Emma and Danny together as a strong family.  All four seemingly star-crossed lovers could then have to weigh their personal happiness against the wellbeing of the new family.  I, for one, do NOT want a Jason-Sam reunion.  Jason, the nuJason/Jake needs someone new.  Sam needs to fade into the oblivion of married bliss with Patrick.

No thanks.

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Maybe the difference is that as far as Patrick knows, Jason is now dead. During his time with Robin Jason was as alive as he ever was but why have an issue with it now? He is supposedly dead.

So now that Jason is dead, he can listen to Sam romanticize Jason? Lol. I just can't. It's just my personal pet peeve.


I don't care if Patty/Sam get married and raise 67556 children together. All I ask is for Robin not to care. Hasn't the character suffered enough? She went to revive Jason so he could be with Sam/Danny and then was held hostage in the process. And now she has to come home to try to get Patty back? Just...no.

Edited by HeatLifer
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 Maybe the difference is that as far as Patrick knows, Jason is now dead. During his time with Robin Jason was as alive as he ever was but why have an issue with it now? He is supposedly dead.


Plus Patrick doesn't hold Sam to the same standards he held Robin. Robin was the woman he was in love with and had a family with. Sam is just a friend he is attracted to. The attraction is not even that strong since they can shove it under the rug and to be just friends. 

All I ask is for Robin not to care.


Robin has to be around to have a reaction. 


I am sorry that I keep saying this, but as long as KMc is not consistently around for a story to play out, the other characters are left holding the bag. Patrick first and foremost, Anna is next. Even Emma is ragged on. Any woman in Patrick's sphere, he dares shows a sexual interest in is reduced to being a walking vagina with pillows. You know Patrick and his latest mattress etc.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Don't apologize! Like I said, I get that POV. I just don't think a kidnapping/hostage situation is the only way to keep KMc off-screen. It's that story that makes Patrick, Anna, etc, look bad. If Ron would have just ended Scrubs like the average couple, I'm sure the amount of folks like myself who have probs would diminish.

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