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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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1 minute ago, HeatLifer said:

Does Robin at least get to go home before the next kidnapping or ?????

They all gotta sing the song first. "It puts the lotion in the basket, and then it sings the song!"

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3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Reading spoilers online that Olivia J. forces Ava to lure Julian into a trap and then kidnaps Alexis.  I mean, I guess I'm looking forward to Tonja Walker and Maura West having scenes.  Otherwise, that sounds kinda snoozy.

I'm just so irritated that Ava was forced to sit out this entire storyline when she should have been front and center in it. And after all of the BS she's gone through with Sonny, now she gets pushed around by her sister. I miss the Ava who first came to town who gave no fucks. I think it's funny how some think MW is such a pet with her being barely on and when she is, the crap writing like this. If that's a pet, I'll take the opposite please.

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Frank also said on Twitter today:

Kiki is going to figure out what she wants to do with her life
Dillon is going to be busy with Q "shenanigans"
Most, but not all, of Jason's memories have returned
Julexis was NOT trashed--all will soon be revealed
Kristina will get involved with a young woman
Griffin will get a love--and you'll "NEVER guess who it is"
The secret of Jake & CI will soon be revealed
He loves working with Becky & Roger
Franco & Liz will not be saddled with money issues for much longer
There may be (stress on the may) a Friz wedding
Kevin & Laura will get more story

and finally if any of you were wondering Frank wears boxer briefs (Ha!)

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11 minutes ago, Hope4Soaps said:

Frank also said on Twitter today:

Kiki is going to figure out what she wants to do with her life
Dillon is going to be busy with Q "shenanigans"
Most, but not all, of Jason's memories have returned
Julexis was NOT trashed--all will soon be revealed
Kristina will get involved with a young woman
Griffin will get a love--and you'll "NEVER guess who it is"
The secret of Jake & CI will soon be revealed
He loves working with Becky & Roger
Franco & Liz will not be saddled with money issues for much longer
There may be (stress on the may) a Friz wedding
Kevin & Laura will get more story

and finally if any of you were wondering Frank wears boxer briefs (Ha!)


I live in fear of this. Franco suffers so little, it is a joy to see him always struggling with money. 

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I mean, would he know if there were things he didn't remember? Who remembers every day of their life? If there were chunks missing, I'm not sure how you'd recognize it unless people were talking to you about your past and those conversations revealed those missing pieces - which these writers didn't do with Jason because learning character history is just so doggone difficult

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1 hour ago, Hope4Soaps said:

Kiki is going to figure out what she wants to do with her life.

Didn't Kiki quit her waitress job back in November, and now it's March?  Gawd, the pacing.


Dillon is going to be busy with Q "shenanigans"

Every third week on Wednesday.  Can't take too much time away from Franco and Liz! #eyeroll


Kristina will get involved with a young woman

Look out Frank, those nutty Kristina/Parker fans are gonna come for ya!

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On 3/7/2017 at 4:48 PM, TeeVee329 said:

Way to handle this in a timely manner, Liz. #eyeroll

And I guess Cameron and Aiden will continue picking themselves up from school activities?

Of course. Along with 85 year old Grams letting them out of the attic. 

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

So when Jason said they'd all returned, that was wrong? Okay.

so, basically,  Jason will get some magical memory of.... what?  His brother he hasn't talked about that his besties killed?   Nah.  It will probably be about Franco.  

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I wonder if they're going to cycle back to Jason having that random memory of being on Cassadine Island when he was Jake(son) when they were being held captive there by Valentin.  I mean, they're already looping back to Jake's storybook from over a year ago, why not that too! #eyeroll

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4 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I wonder if they're going to cycle back to Jason having that random memory of being on Cassadine Island

I bet that's it; it would be dumb (but TFGH) to revisit Jake on CI without including Jason. At this point, though, it's too late for me to care. Especially concerning Jason, who supposedly remembers everything. And even if he doesn't, it's not as if he's tortured by that—he never was all that bothered by not remembering. Why am I supposed to care?

And of course the Jake stuff is being revisited so Franco can be involved. Ugh. Watch, we'll find out he's the one who somehow got Jake to CI (reasons/Helena/tumor) and was also the middleman for Jax to get Nelle's kidney to Joss. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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Oh, this time on Cassadine Island supposedly happened while he was Jake(son) and Helena had that mind control chip in him.  Which is still a total retcon because Jake(son) went from the Crichton-Clark lab to getting hit by Ava's car to the hospital to Liz's house.  There was no gap in time where he could have been chilling on Cassadine Island.

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4 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Oh, this time on Cassadine Island supposedly happened while he was Jake(son) and Helena had that mind control chip in him.  Which is still a total retcon because Jake(son) went from the Crichton-Clark lab to getting hit by Ava's car to the hospital to Liz's house.  There was no gap in time where he could have been chilling on Cassadine Island.


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Soap Gods help me, but I suppose that one could argue that Jason could've been on Cassadine island. Maybe Helena would boot him up for training sessions and if he was breaking his training, she ordered him to be frozen until they perfected whatever mind wipe Helena was after.

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Not that I care about NotDeadJake but this would be the perfect time to bring back Lucky and have it come out that NotDeadJake is his. That is really the only explanation for why Helena would take some half dead kid and hold him for years on the Island of Misfit Toys, because he's actually a Spencer. Lucky could've been looking into it this whole time and hell, I'd even be kind of ok if Lucky was being held there because he got too close to the truth of what happened. Because otherwise, it makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER that Helena, Queen of the Power Suit, would waste her time with a 5 year old child that has no relation to her or any of her enemies.

But that would make sense, and a recast Lucky might overshadow the murderhobo and his creepy obsession with NotDeadJake, so none of it will happen and the story will be absolute crap. Because the audience just can't get enough of watching Jason & Sam be forced to interact with the serial killing rape facilitator that stalked them for ages and ages.

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Losing Jake destroyed Lucky. It didnt matter to him that he wasn't his biological parent. A crushed Lucky hurts Luke and Laura. So faking Jake's death and raising him for Helena's bidding for years would be nightmarish for Lucky (and Liz). Luke may not have given a fig for Jake's life or death (even though his drunk driving resulted in the accident), but Luke does love Lucky. Helena hated Luke and Laura.  Causing them almost never ending pain would make it worthwhile for her.

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Sonny knows what he must do to rectify the situation. However, Dante has a different view on things and urges his father to change his ways once and for all.

Oh, FOR FUCK'S SAKE. I'm sick to death of this scene. It's so stupid.

 Liv taunts Griffin.

This could be fun.

That's a very sexpot picture of BH, who usually isn't photographed that way. I guess they're finally realizing she's not 15 anymore? Not that that will mean Elizabeth's kids are properly SORASed.

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Liz’s concern regarding Helena’s influence on Jake continues to mount.

...how can it continue to mount when Liz has shown almost no concern at all?


Tracy receives a tempting offer.

Oh man, is her exit coming that quickly?

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31 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

...how can it continue to mount when Liz has shown almost no concern at all?

Oh man, is her exit coming that quickly?

I don't think so. I heard she's taping till the end of this month.

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

That's a very sexpot picture of BH, who usually isn't photographed that way. I guess they're finally realizing she's not 15 anymore? Not that that will mean Elizabeth's kids are properly SORASed.

My 2004-born daughter passed Cameron out somewhere along the line, but 2009-born Joss looks like a mini-Emme Rylan.

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18 hours ago, stlbf said:

Soap Gods help me, but I suppose that one could argue that Jason could've been on Cassadine island. Maybe Helena would boot him up for training sessions and if he was breaking his training, she ordered him to be frozen until they perfected whatever mind wipe Helena was after.

So Jason in this setup would be GENERAL HOSPITAL's answer to the Winter Soldier?  (Minus Sebastian Stan's acting talent and smashing good looks, of course).

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20 hours ago, stlbf said:

Soap Gods help me, but I suppose that one could argue that Jason could've been on Cassadine island. Maybe Helena would boot him up for training sessions and if he was breaking his training, she ordered him to be frozen until they perfected whatever mind wipe Helena was after.

Except that while Jason was on ice, so was Helena.  Victor Cassadine was the one who spearheaded their resurrections.

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There's a lot going on in this promo:

1) I've really been digging Tonja Walker, but the show made a big mistake not crescendo-ing Olivia J.'s story back at the hospital with Anna/Griffin.  We're already hitting diminished returns, and now she has two big showdowns this week with Julian/Alexis and Sonny/Carly.

2) Is Ava going to come clean about messing with Morgan's pills?  I was surprised to see that referenced here.

3) So things seem mostly fine between Sonny and Carly already?  Then what the fuck was the point of all the Nelle garbage?

4) I am DREADING the scene of Sonny stopping Carly from killing Olivia J.  "You can't, Carly, you're too pure and special to give in to THE VIOLENCE."  Fuckin' please.  Carly murdering the woman who killed her son would the most in-character thing she's done in years.

Edited by TeeVee329
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19 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

3) So things seem mostly fine between Sonny and Carly already?  Then what the fuck was the point of all the Nelle garbage?

That promo should have come with a warning: eye-inducing brain bleach needed. Carly fucking sucks to the nth degree. 

This was pretty jam-packed for a promo.

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12 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Sam to Franco: Because some sick freak wanted to plant a bomb.

......these writers are truly something else.

I'm willing to bet they will have Sam mention say after that, "like you did!!" or something to that effect, though. I won't bet anything except fake money though, cause I'm not that sure lol, but I think there is a chance.

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4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I'm willing to bet they will have Sam mention say after that, "like you did!!" or something to that effect, though. I won't bet anything except fake money though, cause I'm not that sure lol, but I think there is a chance.

Another Poor Franco monologue coming? What did we ever do to deserve this?

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7 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Another Poor Franco monologue coming? What did we ever do to deserve this?

I can definitely think up a couple things I've done, heh.

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Why Sam is even talking to Franco, I dunno.  Clearly someone else she knows is there holding Scout since she is not, talk to that person instead, Sam!

And you know Franco is gonna get all jelly when he finds out Liz stayed inside to help Griffin with his patient.  Whatever, bro.

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LOL at Charlotte merrily coloring in the gallery in court while her custodial future is decided. If they were writing this properly (ha!), she'd have a worried look on her face along with everyone else. She's old enough to be aware of what's going on. Come on, Show.

1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

1) I've really been digging Tonja Walker, but the show made a big mistake not crescendo-ing Olivia J.'s story back at the hospital with Anna/Griffin.  We're already hitting diminished returns, and now she has two big showdowns this week with Julian/Alexis and Sonny/Carly.

This should have been the big story that started and ended during sweeps. So of course it's drawn out too long and gets a terrible resolution, if it even gets resolved on Olivia's end.

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Well there's a spoiler for next week that Olivia J. taunts Griffin about something, which means she's either escapes AGAIN or she ends up in jail.  So no, it's not wrapping up this week.

Then again, we know that once this does wrap up, the main story is the Let's Care About Jake's Trauma On Cassadine Island A Year Later! story with the Jason/Sam/Liz/Franco quad.  So hang on as long as you can, Liv!

Edited by TeeVee329
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46 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

In a new promo vid: "In the matter of the minor child Charlotte Cassadine, I am awarding FULL LEGAL AND PHYSICIAL CUSTODY to ____"

My guess: Lulu.

Hopefully the judge received an affidavit from Ava about Nina--and the police report as well.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

LOL at Charlotte merrily coloring in the gallery in court while her custodial future is decided. If they were writing this properly (ha!), she'd have a worried look on her face along with everyone else. She's old enough to be aware of what's going on. Come on, Show.

Isn't that child old enough to read? I'd find it much more believable to see her with a book every now and then. I don't think any child colors as much as she does, unless she's writing things in crayon like, "I hate this job. Why is mommy making me do this!" (I just had a nice little vision of Charlotte going crazy and murdering Nina and Lulu. with an axe.)



This should have been the big story that started and ended during sweeps. So of course it's drawn out too long and gets a terrible resolution, if it even gets resolved on Olivia's end.

I don't know how TPTB manage to consistently have their big stories end right before or right after sweeps, but they do. Ever since FrankenRon originally took over, the timing's been off. I guess the budget's so lean that they can't afford to buy calendars. 

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58 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

In a new promo vid: "In the matter of the minor child Charlotte Cassadine, I am awarding FULL LEGAL AND PHYSICIAL CUSTODY to ____"

My guess: Lulu.

My guess: Someone not related in any way to the Cassadines or Spencers. Everyone is unfit.

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10 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

My guess: Someone not related in any way to the Cassadines or Spencers. Everyone is unfit.

The judge will send Charlotte to Spinelli & Ellie in Portland.

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3 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Well, ulkis posted that twins picture...

That was one of my good deeds!

I have posted a couple of pictures of demon Michael though.

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34 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Yeah, I think it's too soon for Lulu to get custody.  Unless they're curtailing the whole thing in preparation for ER's maternity leave.

For that reason alone, I think custody will stay with Valentin (Charlotte stays in familiar surroundings, or some such reason), and that will send Lulu over the edge somehow. She'll either kidnap Charlotte and go on the run or  lose it so badly she'll have to spend some time—say, three months—at Ferncliffe.

Or maybe she will get Charlotte, and she'll take her on a long—say, three months—vacation to get to know her. But I doubt it. The show never lets the wimmins be rational when it comes to babies and children.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Let's see, Charlotte gets to stay at Windermere,  but Laura gets to live there to supervise Charlotte and to help Charlotte bond with the Spencer/Webber side of her alleged blood ties. Why? Because why the hell not!

Edited by stlbf
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