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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Sam seeks the legal expertise of a friend


Unless Diane shows up, who could the "friend" be? Sam doesn't know Paul, and he's the other lawyer in town who isn't Alexis. Would she really ask Ric? They hate each other. Also, I forgot he was still on the show.


So I guess Valerie and Jar of Mayo are going as Sandy and Danny from Grease? Way to break the budget, GH.

Spoilers for next week:




As we all guessed the minute it happened, it sounds like Lulu a) sees the footage of Dillon and Valerie talking about the ONS with Dante that that stupid intern recorded at b) the fundraising party at the Haunted Star just c) as she and Dante are pushing ahead with their baby plans.  Paint.  By.  Numbers.


At least Valerie looks cute in the enclosed picture.


Yes, this is formulaic - but at least the ONS reveal is happening - just as the LOOOOONG Jakeson story is coming to a head.  The test for the writing team will be how they handle the fallout from both reveals.   Will they allow for some genuine character POV ... and will they present the needed POV for all characters involved?  Will they allow for complexity in characters - or will they write "good Jane, bad Joey" types of scenarios? 


Waiting to see ...  to see if they can make life off the barge worthwhile. 

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From about.com. Some spoilers :

- Little Jake will most likely be involved in the Jason reveal. Speaking of.... is he actually LJ?

- Jake finds out something and keeps it close. It's important info

- If Patrick does leave, expect a scenario with Robin/Patrick and Anna caring for Emma

- Paul wants to frame Anna for Sloane's murder.

- Dillion's "film" gets shown at the Halloween party, and yup, the footage is shown

- Sabrina wants Michael out of the mob

- The Quartermaines will have an extra special Christmas this year

- We learn more about Kiki and pre coma Nina

What?  Gloria got fired soon after the failed Anna recast?

Yes, within weeks after. How Gloria treated Finola during her exit was cited as one of the reasons why. It was described by some as the final straw that broke the camel's back.

- We learn more about Kiki and pre coma Nina

Let it go, show. Please, for the love of all that is holy, and puppy dogs and kitty cats, and birthday presents and Halloween candy, let. it. go.

Follow the theme of your fellow Disney product, Frozen, and let it go. In case there's an English issue, here it is in multi-language format:

Nothing good will come of this. Franco, Nina, and Kiki are truly fetch. You will not turn the audience around. You will not win us over. There is no light for us to see. They are an iceberg, and you are the ship dead set on steering toward it.

So, either put them on a lifeboat and send them away or prep the entire ship to go down. The choice is yours, show. The choice is yours.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 7

Kimi and pre-coma Nina? Damn, Kiki IS Coma!Baby, isn't she? Good grief.

Yes, we've been waiting for that shoe to drop for more than a year now.

I still can't believe KA was shoe-horned on this show and then when she was legally bounced, they used a crow bar to fit KA as Kiki in. And now we're stuck with Replacement Kiki like a bug who defies fumigation.


  • Love 8

Boy these are some boring sweeps to go into n sweeps.Maybe the Jason stuff will get them some numbers but personally I've seen most just ready for this stupid story to come out than being excited about it.

I've been bored since RC left.

Yup. I said it. His writing needed help, but he had no use for the mob and he seemed to appreciate the vets. And I do think this whole SonnyIsTheBestThingEver is all the new writers. I don't believe RC would ever write that-not voluntarily. His name might have been still in the credits, but no. MB himself even said at the fan event that RC didn't like Sonny as a character.

Eh. It's just more free time for me, not to have to keep up with this mess.

  • Love 5

Today Patrick was talking about cooking, cleaning and laundry and on Monday, Diane is telling Sam he is a boring housewife. So much for "adventure buddies"

It's all so funny to me. Is Sam going to dump him because she loves danger and he's boring?! And then Patrick will go back to his boring ex-wife? Hold me, y'all.

I've been bored since RC left.

Yup. I said it. His writing needed help, but he had no use for the mob and he seemed to appreciate the vets. And I do think this whole SonnyIsTheBestThingEver is all the new writers. I don't believe RC would ever write that-not voluntarily. His name might have been still in the credits, but no. MB himself even said at the fan event that RC didn't like Sonny as a character.

Eh. It's just more free time for me, not to have to keep up with this mess.

RC might have loved OLTL vets, but he had as much use for GH vets as Guza did and would hit us with a baby it seems like every 6 months (and that is conservative). While I appreciate he didn't like Sonny, he made it his damnedest to make Franco, a serial killer,  happen, killed off AJ when Sean Kanean got pissed they weren't using him (by keeping him off screen in prison for months) and subjected the audience to one of the most repulsive scenes in GH history when Ava gave birth to Avery. And Sonny for the most didn't seem to suffer from lack of screen time like everyone else seemed too despite RC dislike for him.  I do think the current writing is more boring than RC or even Guza, but they have a hard road ahead because they have wrap nearly 16 years of some really bad storytelling and 2 years of bad writing thanks to all the GH writers exiting when RC/FV came along.


As for that clip, got to love how basically called all of Jasus' women insane. She really doesn't even know the half of it (Liz). 

  • Love 7

I would be like :D. I cannot WAIT for Dante to be dragged.


I'm not looking forward to Dillon doing any dragging because you know he's gonna jump in to the fray, like he didn't cheat on his wife/longtime girlfriend, right, Dil?


And I'm not looking forward to Carly and Maxie and the like calling Valerie a whore, which you know we'll see too.

  • Love 4

A hit man college dropout vs. a man with an advanced degree? It's no contest! Education is for losers!


I'm not looking forward to Dillon doing any dragging because you know he's gonna jump in to the fray, like he didn't cheat on his wife/longtime girlfriend, right, Dil?


I hate this story almost as much as I hate Olivia's baby story, but I think Jar of Mayo can make a few digs. He cheated on Georgie more than a decade ago, and they were both kids who shouldn't have been married in the first place. Dante and Lulu are much older and should be able to communicate like the adults they're supposed to be.

  • Love 5

I'm just not interested in seeing Dillon pitch himself as Lulu's champion.  Although actually, thinking about it, the footage Lulu is gonna see is of Dillon and Valerie talking about the ONS so she should drag him too for not telling her.


And gawd, you know Maxie is gonna turn on Nathan for knowing and not saying.

  • Love 2

I hate this story almost as much as I hate Olivia's baby story, but I think Jar of Mayo can make a few digs. He cheated on Georgie more than a decade ago, and they were both kids who shouldn't have been married in the first place. Dante and Lulu are much older and should be able to communicate like the adults they're supposed to be.


I agree that Dillon's cheating is not as bad as Dante's, but at the same time I still don't think he has any room to make digs. He's known Dante for less than 6 months, and most of those months have been spent wanting Dante's wife. He knows nothing about Dante and he's going around talking about how he's so much "worthier" for Lulu than Dante is. Dante's not a saint, but Lulu definitely isn't either, and neither is Dillon.


And I'm not looking forward to Carly and Maxie and the like calling Valerie a whore, which you know we'll see too.


I don't think Carly will call Valerie a whore. In fact I will bet you 5 fake internet dollars she won't. Maxie, on the other hand, yeah, but honestly, Valerie deserves SOME slack for this (even if it's ridiculous coming from Maxie). Everyone's been petting her acting like she just accidentally ended up rolling around in her cousin's bed with her cousin's husband, even when months later she felt like she still had to confess her feelings to Dante. 

  • Love 2

I mean, Dante and Valerie definitely deserved to get dragged by Lulu.  I guess I'm just leery about anyone else chiming in considering all the checkered histories.


I get what you're saying, but if no one ever chimed in (even if not their business!) because of their own issues, nothing would ever happen. LOL!

  • Love 5

Like seriously, Patrick doesn't kill people for money. What an utter bore :rolls eyes:

And they can't ever make it two-sided. Where is Patrick's POV? How is Sam compatible to HIM? Or are we just left to believe that Patrick is perfectly content because Sam is perfect and wonderful and has no flaws?*

*JT ran over Frank's cat or something, I swear.

  • Love 5

And they can't ever make it two-sided. Where is Patrick's POV? How is Sam compatible to HIM? Or are we just left to believe that Patrick is perfectly content because Sam is perfect and wonderful and has no flaws?*


This has bothered me since they moved in together. I really liked their friendship but nothing about their relationship rings true.

If they weren't going to bother writing an actual relationship for Patrick/Sam they should've just kept her with Silas. At least the relationship trajectory would make sense and I'd have no problem rooting for Jake to ruin Silas's wedding



*JT ran over Frank's cat or something, I swear.


JT failed to make RC's dumb Ugly Duckling/Princess Sabrina work...

Edited by Oracle42
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This has bothered me since they moved in together. I really liked their friendship but nothing about their relationship rings true.

If they weren't going to bother writing an actual relationship for Patrick/Sam they should've just kept her with Silas. At least the relationship trajectory would make sense

See, ignoring the fact that I'll always think it's cray that Patrick hooked up with the woman whose husband Robin went to save and no one acknowledges this, their relationship in the beginning made a bit of sense. Patrick was pissed Robin didn't give a crap about Gabriel's death and Sam was there for him and they bonded and she cared and blah. I get it.

But after that? When their relationship was about the day-to-day and their jobs and their likes and dislikes? They don't make sense as a couple.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 3

...and that's one more reason why, if JT is indeed leaving, Patrick needs to leave with Robin (and Emma).  Even if--or rather though--the show would fuck it up.  Almost literally, nothing else makes sense--what little sense is left for the poor lug--unless he dies...and that we absolutely do not need.


As for Lulu finding out about Dante and Valerie's boink...the spoilers don't seem to clarify if she finds out on her own, or if we get it outed at the Haunted Star's Halloween party.  I'm holding out for the latter, though by extension Lulu needs to be the one who truly gets to drag them through the muck if that happens (and after her, IMHO, Olivia).

  • Love 1

I mean, Dante and Valerie definitely deserved to get dragged by Lulu.  I guess I'm just leery about anyone else chiming in considering all the checkered histories.



I get what you're saying, but if no one ever chimed in (even if not their business!) because of their own issues, nothing would ever happen. LOL!


Oh Dante and Valerie do deserve to have some flak thrown at them - no doubt about that - BY LULU.  However, after the thoughts I had while watching the gifting session before Carly's 1st attempt to marry Sonny for the 5th time, I figure everyone else should keep their mouths zipped - or at least should be pretty damn wiling to move on quickly and forgive.  Even Lulu isn't totally pure on this - although she was a teenager when she played Valerie's role with a married Dillon and succeeded in contributing to the breakdown of his marriage to Georgie. 


But, forget about Lulu for a minute and look at the other women in the room:


Bobbie who invited Luke to return to Port Charles so he could help her break up Laura and Scotty

Carly who introduced herself to Port Charles by scheming to break up her mother's marriage to Tony - and who succeeded in sleeping with him and causing havoc in that marriage

Maxie who not only slept with Lulu's married brother, but also stole drugs to feed Lucky's drug habit and faked a pregnancy to try to keep him.  Another marriage damaged. 


Seems with the Spencer women and their dearest friends that sleeping with married men - especially those married to family members - is just a rite of Spencer family passage. 

I agree that Dillon's cheating is not as bad as Dante's, but at the same time I still don't think he has any room to make digs. He's known Dante for less than 6 months, and most of those months have been spent wanting Dante's wife. He knows nothing about Dante and he's going around talking about how he's so much "worthier" for Lulu than Dante is. Dante's not a saint, but Lulu definitely isn't either, and neither is Dillon.


I'd also like Lulu to remember how often Dillon discouraged her from calling home to talk to Dante during their little adventure.  She had her phone in hand a few times when Dillon stopped her.  Hmmm.  Wonder why? 

  • Love 1
I'd also like Lulu to remember how often Dillon discouraged her from calling home to talk to Dante during their little adventure.  She had her phone in hand a few times when Dillon stopped her.  Hmmm.  Wonder why?


I blame Lulu for that, not Dillon. All ten fingers worked. It's not as if she needed Dillion to dial and he wouldn't.


Everyone is an asshole in this story, some more than others. So I'm fine with a lot of people pointing fingers. I just want the stupid sekrit out. I hate the flip side of these stories, where the people who know something threaten to tell but never do. Laura, I'm giving you the biggest side eye I can give you. JUST SAY SOMETHING. Jasus, it's annoying.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

I blame Lulu for that, not Dillon. All ten fingers worked. It's not as if she needed Dillion to dial and he wouldn't.


That's not the point though, imo, at least, not when it comes to Dillon. He had ulterior motive even if he didn't quite realize it at the time. By now, he should know though and he's acting like he was completely innocent.

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I feel like no one has bothered to tell Dillon Lulu and Dante have been together for years? He acts like it's some casual relationship.

Right!? He really does act like they hooked up two weeks ago and he has "dibs" on Lulu because he's known her since they were teens. I really can't even talk about them objectively because I haaaaated Dillon/Lulu and Lulu during that time and I ain't amused with them now either. This isn't nostalgia for me. It's in the box of GH History I've thrown in the trash and refuse to acknowledge.

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