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S13.E17: The Capilanos

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27 minutes ago, senin said:

It will have to be a double Reid - O - Meter, because he is directing this one. 

He wrote this in his Instagram/twitter some time  ago " I’m directing my newest episode of CM and it’s going to be horrifying" . 

I hope it's not too weird or horrifying !!

Yeah he’s posted several BTS pics from it and stuff.  

I hate clowns but I’ll suffer gladly ?.  And maybe you will get to see this one before the Americans too ?

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13 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

he must be somewhat pissed off then, because he posted a BTS photo and was careful to black out and write 'Censored' across a potential spoiler...... only to have the damn preview Give. It. Away. 



10 minutes ago, senin said:

That's why I try to keep away from promos, previews and similar until I've seen the episode. And it's not the first time it happens !!

He must also be thinking at this moment 5:29-5:32.


and I liked it. My clown creep factor went way up, I might never open or close a refrigerator again! 

I really appreciated that the violence all happened off screen. A nice change from over the top torture porn or copious gore, the *scary* stuff was cerebral not visual. Unusual and effective, IMO.

  and I thought the two child actors were pretty damn good considering child actors are notoriously bad. The hospital scenes were especially Reidsome. I loved how he related to the little boy, and his heart to heart conversation with the grieving wife/mother brought a dimension to that discussion that only Reid could have conveyed.

Edited by ReidFan
hmmmm got sent before completed
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I was (as usual) only half-paying attention, but I felt badly for the brother at the end, and I also liked the child actors. Was extremely confused by the profile and how they got from A to B (and from there all the way to Z). Would have made more sense (to me) if he was targeting wives/children like the ones who "took his brother away from him".

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Managed to sneek a viewing of it (thanks Canada).  As Daniel said earlier, I don't have anything to say on it really.  In my view it was poor and thats being generous. Definitely weakest of MGG's episodes by a country mile.  It felt a little like they did this episode as a favor to MGG. No real issue with directing. As with most things CM these days, it all goes back to the writing and it was a snooze fest. 

MGG said something in his interview that I thought was interesting "...Anybody can watch it for the first time and not know anything about the show and have a beginning, middle, and end that’s satisfying without any loose ends...". I  get what he is saying in relation to this particular episode, but man, if you are a long time viewer like myself and so many others, that pretty much sums up CM over the last few seasons and to a lesser extent a few seasons prior...painful. :(  

Two things I'd like to ask posters here - its obvious that the majority here are big Reid/MGG fans.  Realistically, would you still be watching this show if he was no longer on it?  No matter how long you had previously tuned in, could you really see yourself sticking with it in its current state?  And my next question is, if they get another season and I have a feeling they just might, do you really see any improvement or progression?  

Not looking to start a row, just interested because I really don't have alot to say on the episode. 


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1 hour ago, mefein said:
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Managed to sneek a viewing of it (thanks Canada).  As Daniel said earlier, I don't have anything to say on it really.  In my view it was poor and thats being generous. Definitely weakest of MGG's episodes by a country mile.  It felt a little like they did this episode as a favor to MGG. No real issue with directing. As with most things CM these days, it all goes back to the writing and it was a snooze fest. 

MGG said something in his interview that I thought was interesting "...Anybody can watch it for the first time and not know anything about the show and have a beginning, middle, and end that’s satisfying without any loose ends...". I  get what he is saying in relation to this particular episode, but man, if you are a long time viewer like myself and so many others, that pretty much sums up CM over the last few seasons and to a lesser extent a few seasons prior...painful. :(  

Two things I'd like to ask posters here - its obvious that the majority here are big Reid/MGG fans.  Realistically, would you still be watching this show if he was no longer on it?  No matter how long you had previously tuned in, could you really see yourself sticking with it in its current state?  And my next question is, if they get another season and I have a feeling they just might, do you really see any improvement or progression?  

Not looking to start a row, just interested because I really don't have alot to say on the episode. 


Without Reid, this show which was once "mustseetv" for me, I wouldn't bother giving it the time of day. And the number one reason is of course the writing.

I liked it. The jump scares were effective, and I really loved the ending with Dylan and Mikey, and especially enjoyed Reid interacting with Dylan and his mom. Those scenes were really sweet. 


The hospital scenes were especially Reidsome. I loved how he related to the little boy, and his heart to heart conversation with the grieving wife/mother brought a dimension to that discussion that only Reid could have conveyed.

Oh, that conversation....all I could think there was, "He's totally thinking of Maeve right now, isn't he?" 

Rodeo clowns were an interesting premise :p. I feel like there could've been a little more exploration of their history with that throughout-cut down on a couple of the brothers' arguments and let us see more of their desire to stay in this world. But compared to some of the more bizarre and out there unsubs we've had lately, this case seemed relatively straightforward, so I liked that.


Two things I'd like to ask posters here - its obvious that the majority here are big Reid/MGG fans.  Realistically, would you still be watching this show if he was no longer on it?  No matter how long you had previously tuned in, could you really see yourself sticking with it in its current state?  And my next question is, if they get another season and I have a feeling they just might, do you really see any improvement or progression?  

First question, I would keep watching, yes. I do adore Reid/MGG, no question, and I would absolutely miss him if he ever were to leave. But I love the cast/characters in general, too, and I'd still want to see what's going on with them, and see how the show would move on, the way they have when other people have left. 

Second question, I do. I think every show that gets to this stage in its run can have its up and down moments, and other shows have managed to bounce back late in their runs, so I see no reason why this one can't pull out another good season should they get one. 

Course, I've generally been okay with this season thus far, and I've said before I'm the sort who can find something to like about each season, so as always, feel free to take my words with a grain of salt :D. 

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2 hours ago, mefein said:
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Managed to sneek a viewing of it (thanks Canada).  As Daniel said earlier, I don't have anything to say on it really.  In my view it was poor and thats being generous. Definitely weakest of MGG's episodes by a country mile.  It felt a little like they did this episode as a favor to MGG. No real issue with directing. As with most things CM these days, it all goes back to the writing and it was a snooze fest. 

MGG said something in his interview that I thought was interesting "...Anybody can watch it for the first time and not know anything about the show and have a beginning, middle, and end that’s satisfying without any loose ends...". I  get what he is saying in relation to this particular episode, but man, if you are a long time viewer like myself and so many others, that pretty much sums up CM over the last few seasons and to a lesser extent a few seasons prior...painful. :(  

Two things I'd like to ask posters here - its obvious that the majority here are big Reid/MGG fans.  Realistically, would you still be watching this show if he was no longer on it?  No matter how long you had previously tuned in, could you really see yourself sticking with it in its current state?  And my next question is, if they get another season and I have a feeling they just might, do you really see any improvement or progression?  

Not looking to start a row, just interested because I really don't have alot to say on the episode. 


I definitely won't watch if Matthew leaves.

If they get another season (I think they will) better change something.

Last season they left many holes (the mole person  last season and this season why Barnes wanted to break the team, and for the love of God Reid should be suffering some PTSD and I will like to know what's going on with his mom, I don't need a whole arc on this, just a mention would do it)

About the episode:

I'm not afraid of clowns so for me, it wasn't scary at all. I liked the kids and you can see that it's Matthew's work.

I really wanted to like this episode but was boring. Once again too many agents.

For me this is their worst season.

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At this point, the only way this show will improve is if they bring in a new, better showrunner, who comes in with a strong vision and better writers. Unless that happens (and it COULD if the network wanted it), nothing will change. I long ago made peace with this show, and I typically only watch for Reid these days. 

As for this episode...meh. I was hoping for some crazy, killer clown antics, but alas, no. I wish there was more Pennywise and less sad clown in my opinion. 

Edited by ForeverAlone
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Now wouldn't you think Rossi, Reid, et al, would have at least a passing familiarity with a "Glasgow Smile"?!  I mean, they're FBI Agents, for cryin' out loud, and doesn't Reid know  everything?  That particular brand of assault isn't exactly rare in the criminal world (think, you know -- the Joker!)

Of course, it's usually done on a live victim, 'cause dead guys don't scar.

  • Love 3

I want to touch on something that wasn't brought up about this episode, as it's the part of it that really bugged me.

Lost among all the clowning around was the fact that this duo was essentially the same crew that CM uses for its group UnSubs:

  • One is a strong, decisive and aggressive one (usually the one who actually does the killing) and snuffs out criticism without a moment's hesitation (i.e. the "dominant" one)
  • The other (or others) are weak, passive and indecisive, allowing the dominant partner to do what they like and, for the most part, puts aside, blindly, their own needs "for the better of the group" (i.e. the "submissive" one)

What usually happens is that you see the dominant one run roughshod over the submissive one until the submissive one tires of their abuse and "grows a spine", either breaking conveniently for the BAU, killing the dominant one or forcing the dominant one to kidnap the submissive one where the submissive is held at gunpoint just in time for the the BAU to arrive.

Now, I get why the show does it this way. It's actual psychological science that states that in every group there's a dominant part and a submissive part- no other way to put it. I also understand that the show wants us to sympathize with part of the group, which usually means painting the submissive one in a "good" light since they're naturally "the underdog" and face an actual struggle.

Problem is, CM takes this concept and drives it past any point where it could be believable. "Dominant" almost always means "abusive", and CM lays it on so thick that you wonder why the submissive one would want to work with their partner in the first place.

More to the point, the submissive one is almost always so wimpish that they resemble more of a child than an actual adult, which makes me wonder where their eventual "inner strength" comes from.

Just once, I want CM to vary things up and understand there's nuances in these situations too (and that they're not always "black and white"). More importantly, make this group believable by giving the submissive one a better reason for staying other than abject terror and the dominant one wanting the submissive guy around for reasons other than "I can bully them."

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So, I thought I'd just close my eyes for a minute until I heard it start, but then there was this long, silent opening, and it was too long for me, and I woke up mid-Colbert.  Which, now that I've seen it, was just as well.

Felt very indulgently written to me, from allowing MGG (not really Reid) to expound on clowns, to fitting in some southwestern rodeo.  Was very turned off by the acting of the dominant brother---both of them, really.  The kids were okay, but 'Mikey' was written/played as way too young for his age.  Couldn't believe they'd agreed that the unsub was a real clown, but no one thought to check on circuses or rodeos until well further on in the episode.  

Reid was okay, but I'm done with the scruff.  On the truly positive side, there had obviously been a brush run through his tresses.  The logic in me wonders at the brief homage to his damaged psyche.  Does he repair it so well at the start of each day, that we'll never see the fallout?  'That brief moment upon awakening' was also mentioned in Mosley Lane.

Don't know that I'll be watching this one again.  

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Well, there are stories and there are storytellers. A good story can be ruined by bad storytelling, and a bad story can be elevated by good storytelling. The latter is what I feel happened with this episode. The storytelling, lead by MGG, was engaging, at times visually gorgeous, and full of good performances. However, the story itself was unengaging and over-the-top, with weak rationale. 

The way the story was told, we were invited to focus on a little boy from a loving family, who experienced something awful, and was aided in recovering his sense of security and love by Dr. Reid and his mother. Gubler also had to present the elements of the story that were awkward and needlessly tacked on for effect, and I think he did fairly well with the other "clowns" in the mix. His framing of all the shots was really rich, well lit, sets well decorated, actors well dressed, etc. (Of course he doesn't do all that, but he orchestrates it all.) He even skillfully mixed the 47 team members, all the LEOs, the victims and others without making it seem like a clown car (sorry, couldn't resist).

I know that the writer invited MGG's input on the story, but she is not absolved from making a logical and gripping story just because Gubler likes to push the visuals; there still needs to be logic to the aberrant behavior. How many times have we seen this "boy was abused by parents and became a serial killer" and/or "2 siblings, one good, one bad", and/or "strong parents make wonderful children"? I just feel disappointed that this wasn't more like Mr. Scratch, where the story matched the storytelling very well. Maybe I'm just spoiled.

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I’m not a creepy clown fan. What I did notice  was the first glimpse of Reid acknowledging that he is traumatized by the events in his life. that’s what I got out of the discussion at the hospital. 

Second- this is one of the few times when one of the criminals got a positive spin throughout the show.  The one who didn’t do any killings even got to say goodbye to his family onscreen. 

Third- if I was the victims widow, there is no way I’m sitting at the police station just a few feet from the criminals family, even if they were innocent. I’m definitely not letting them sit at the table my child is at. I’m definitely not giving the ‘good’ brothers’ wife a hug. 

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Meh. Less than halfway through I said 'bet this is another MGG one', and was unsurprised to be right. His showy obvious Directing With A Capital D style never sits well with me.

Wish they'd referenced Garcia's clown fear from The Angel Maker, in which Prentiss also used the term 'coulrophobia', despite Reid acting like no one else could possibly know it in this one.

Edited by Emma9
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I really wanted this one to be creepy/scary, and it was really just same old, same old with a little clown makeup. 

And the team is just too big. They really don’t need Matt AND Luke. And, much as I like Aisha Tyler, she really adds nothing. The recitation if the profile, with each character speaking in turn, is more irritating than ever with so many people. 

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2 hours ago, shksabelle said:

I really wanted this one to be creepy/scary, and it was really just same old, same old with a little clown makeup. 

And the team is just too big. They really don’t need Matt AND Luke. And, much as I like Aisha Tyler, she really adds nothing. The recitation if the profile, with each character speaking in turn, is more irritating than ever with so many people. 


I don't mind Luke. For some reason, I like him in the mix. Matt and Aisha are good but you said, they add nothing to the show. Honestly, I'd keep them around if they would only hire.good.writers! Every time I watch an episode, I become more and more in shock of what this show has become.

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