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S01.E04: Identity Crisis


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It was too frantic for me, didn't feel cohesive.  Maybe they are cramming too many characters in to an hour.  I thought the bald guy should have apologized for bullying the bubble head nurse into not speaking up, tho.

The black resident who was benched is my favorite, I think.  

So....huh? Did the love triangle dissapear?  And the bad guys winning...with our young, impressionable intern looking up to them? Or sucking up anyway.  Good luck getting vacay out of the country in the next 5 years lol.  Too tense yet not enough action, I'm. I'm close to being out.

I really like how things are shaping up, and in particular how they balance the cliché emotional medical moments with little bitter twists.

I began to roll my eyes at the old couple storyline (the violins, aaargh! No, I have no soul) but lo and behold, it was a win for Team Shady. Yay? Yay! I can't say I love "love" Team Shady, but I do enjoy them a whole lot. Dev is going to be temped by the devil, Nic is going Emily Thorne on Lane, Conrad realizes that he and Lane don't exactly see things eye to eye, interesting conflicts in perspective. Loved the cat and mouse game between Nic and Lane, Emily VC and Melina K play it perfectly.

A detail: It was obvious that Chekov phone was going to be found, but I liked that it was the janitor who did, as it should, and not a doctor thanks to a miraculous coincidence.

The consequences of last week's episode were effective immediately, good. I loved Conrad self-righteously berating the nurse. They toned down the smugness but they still go overboard with "Conrad, you're the best doctor evahhh". Although he had a point (you don't take chances with head injuries, even I know it) he was responsible for the ER situation and he was presented as unfair and wrong. More than welcome and refreshing. Feldman was dying to tell him off, and I was cheering for him to.

I'm digging Feldman, and his crush on Mina (not sure it's romantic or pure professional awe). He seems like the real good guy, but not a goody-two-shoes. I love Mina and I appreciate that her temper actually affects her career and her relationships with her superiors, it isn't only used for quirky yet superficial interactions with patients.

My feelings for Team Shady reflect my feelings for the show. I can't say I love "love" it, but I do enjoy it a whole lot.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Dead Scott’s Mom (Beverly HIlls 90210) was on last night!  Awwww.

Good episode, I thought.  Mina being bad-ass, Conrad feeling the feelings (since his actions caused the ER shortage/firings that led to the massive ER chaos),  Nic suspicious of the Cancer Specialist.  I haven’t figured out kind of malpractice/fraud the doctor is committing, but I look forward to seeing how it plays out.

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1 hour ago, MostlyC said:

Dead Scott’s Mom (Beverly HIlls 90210) was on last night!  Awwww.

And she also played an incompetent nurse on ER early in its run. If I remember correctly, her character was brought in to help after budget cuts waylaid most of the ER nurses? Kind of a cute touch.

Anyway, I can't tell if I'm liking this show, or if it's the Atlanta eye-candy. I wasn't going to watch until I read that it took place in my city. It's so rare to have a TV drama actually use Atlanta as its location, and not just film here to pass off as another city. I'm tickled that they are using the High Museum as the hospital. I wondered if those plane mobiles at the old couple's wedding were once an exhibit of some sort.

I'm intrigued with whatever's going on at Lane's clinic. Is she overly medicating the patients to make them sicker so they keep having to come back, thus more money for the clinic? That sounds too on the nose, so I'm hoping it's something a bit more sinister.

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I enjoyed the episode but thought it was odd for Conrad to call Erik's mom and bluntly telling her her son died, when all he knew really was that a phone had been found and it had a couple of messages on it from the owner's mom! After telling the first guy, you'd think he would be more cautious and at the very least check the phone's pictures for a selfie/photographs with John Doe in them or telling the mom a John Doe came in who might be her son and ask her to send a photograph or come down to ID him.

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30 minutes ago, Efzee said:

I enjoyed the episode but thought it was odd for Conrad to call Erik's mom and bluntly telling her her son died, when all he knew really was that a phone had been found and it had a couple of messages on it from the owner's mom! After telling the first guy, you'd think he would be more cautious and at the very least check the phone's pictures for a selfie/photographs with John Doe in them or telling the mom a John Doe came in who might be her son and ask her to send a photograph or come down to ID him.

IIRC, the guy had his own picture as a wallpaper. It was showed before he lost it, and still visible behind his mother's texts when Conrad checked it.

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24 minutes ago, Happy Harpy said:

IIRC, the guy had his own picture as a wallpaper. It was showed before he lost it, and still visible behind his mother's texts when Conrad checked it.

Ah, thanks.

12 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

Did the ID that was used to mis-identify the deceased not have a photo on it?  I assumed it was a driver's license, but even if it wasn't, surely there was a license in the wallet.  

I believe the newbie had her thumb on the picture when she pulled it out. Why no one bothered to check it is beyond me, though.

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Dr. Hunter's cancer treatment center really is just a cult, right?  The way the building looked, the bizarre, almost robotic loyalty her employees have towards her, etc.  She's totally a cult leader, right?!  Watch your ass, Nic!

Interesting to see Conrad's action from last week didn't actually carry over to this episode, and the E.R. suffered for it.  Too be fair, that nurse really did seem way over her head, but watching him losing it on her, even his actions where partially the reason they were even in this scenario, was pretty self-righteous, but at least he got called out for it.  I'll give the show credit to toning him down after the pilot.

Totally knew Mina was overplaying her hand with Bell.  But at least he kept his shit together and now the lovely, elderly newlyweds will get to go to Kitty Hawk, so hurray for illegal drug use!

I still have a sense that something will happen between Devon and his girlfriend that will end their relationship, which will make me sad because she is insanely gorgeous.

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Yay! Dev's hot girlfriend was not forgotten. She's been MIA since the pilot so glad to see her- I like her so far. 

I'm also guessing that the oncologist is making her patients sicker so she can bill them for the expensive treatments. That, or she's doing experimental treatment on them that is not FDA approved. She seems like a nice person so have no idea why they would make her so shady.

Wondering why an internist is running the ER. I do like that unlike most medical dramas, this show has characters from different specialties. I still remember when the Grey's Anatomy surgeons were delivering babies. 

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1 hour ago, twoods said:

I'm also guessing that the oncologist is making her patients sicker so she can bill them for the expensive treatments. That, or she's doing experimental treatment on them that is not FDA approved. She seems like a nice person so have no idea why they would make her so shady.

I think it's as she said to Dr. Shaky Hands - she thinks she deserves to be paid a lot of money for doing her job.

Edited by izabella
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12 hours ago, twoods said:

I'm also guessing that the oncologist is making her patients sicker so she can bill them for the expensive treatments. That, or she's doing experimental treatment on them that is not FDA approved. She seems like a nice person so have no idea why they would make her so shady.

I'm guessing it's the second. She's got all those patients and she's trying very high course treatments on a segment of them to see what's more effective without telling the patients what she's doing. It would explain why she's keeping all of her records separate because once someone else with some medical knowledge saw them all, they'd easily pick out the pattern.

I don't think Lane is genuinely nice. She strikes me as someone who respects/is kind to people she thinks are at her level and is condescending to anyone else. She puts on a kind face for patients and may really connect with some of them but mostly cares about prestige and rank.

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Yeah, I'm not positive on what Lane is doing, but I'm also leaning toward experimental treatments not FDA approved. I lean toward this because of the unexpected rash that Lily got, coupled with the literal hush hush on the patient records. Lane's clinic may be keeping accurate records on what they're doing, but giving them to other doctors becomes more complicated because of what they're doing. She's clearly trained her employees to be discreet, judging by how shady Nic's friend was once Nic started asking questions about the clinic. Yet, Lane is being nice enough to her cancer patients and able manipulate them enough for them to sing her praises to other doctors and genuinely mean it.  

I enjoy the fact that this show has some pretty good continuity, and they don't just end stories in one episode. Sure, we're only four episodes in, but it's nice to see that the words from last week carrying over with the short staffed ER. Seeing those consequences was fascinating to watch. I did feel bad for the nurse who was only starting her first day and had to handle a crisis. Conrad was being self righteous toward her and I am glad he gets to be called out. Sure, the nurse made some pretty hefty mistakes, but she needs to be taught, not yelled at. 

Conrad's becoming more tolerable and a bit more likable. I get that he's the star, though, so they had to tone down on his dick behaviour in the pilot. He had to deliver bad news to two different people, one in which was a mistake. 

Nice to see Mina overplay her hand finally. Her arrogance is fascinating, though, and I thoroughly enjoy the actress. I also enjoy Feldman a lot, and I finally learned his name!

Not enough Devon for my tastes. Him and Nic are still my favourites. 

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Watching things like the kicked bag was like watching a Final Destination movie. Ironic in a hospital setting.

So new docs fiance is a reporter working on a superfund/toxic waste dump near by hospital-the clinic by some chance? That's why the doc's treatment/chemo is so high? They're setting something up because the brought up medicare, dealing with them(Yes those 1800 are frustrating to say the least), her holding  the records on site,the secrecy and the 'we should get paid'comment after surgery.

I don't know what to think about the boasting after the surgery other than financial motivations for what they do.

On 2/6/2018 at 8:04 PM, Jlina said:

The old army buddy inviting Nic to a concert last week, and there was a preview of Conrad watching him walk her to her door, but not shown on screen.

The fact that I didn't even remember that guy is probably not a good sign for how I feel about the show. I am actually interested in seeing why Nic and Conrad broke up. She doesn't seem to have a huge issue with his general dickish behavior, so  it seems like there's a story.

But sometimes new shows do previews of upcoming episodes instead of just the next one, so we'll probably see that scene eventually. 

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