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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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Isn't Latino Review very hit or miss?  I could swear they're more rumor collectors/reposters than having actual sources.


It's certainly believable that Black Canary will end up in one of the Justice League movies, and if she's in the 2017 one they would start casting very soon to film in 2016.  As for pulling BC from Arrow.  I don't know, they totally could, they pulled the use of Oracle for Felicity and Blue Beetle/Ted Kord for S3 and the most obvious case, Deadshot for the Suicide Squad movie.  There were even rumors last year that Roy/Arsenal was pulled from Arrow because of a potential Red Hood and Arsenal movie.  However, I think that rumor was started by Latino Review as well so who knows?. 


I know they didn't pull Flash even though there's a Flash solo movie coming but that's a huge success for them TV so I can see why they didn't sacrifice one for the other.  It wouldn't be the same situation with BC as she's not the Lead Character, of Arrow, like Flash is for Flash.


ETA:  According to SA this weekend, Arrow also lost Amanda Waller and I'm guessing they lost even the ability to reference Suicide Squad at this point.  

Edited by Morrigan2575
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What did he say about it? I'm curious because I've had a theory for a long time that part of the problem with season three was that Amanda Waller and ARGUS/Suicide Squad was supposed to play a much larger role than they ended up doing, and that they had to scramble to cover when a good chunk of their season long arc got yanked out from under them.

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ETA:  According to SA this weekend, Arrow also lost Amanda Waller and I'm guessing they lost even the ability to reference Suicide Squad at this point.  


I read on Twitter that DR mentioned that Diggle and Lyla were going to have an arc where they went chasing after a rogue member of the Suicide Squad, so I'm not sure if that's true or not.

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I read on Twitter that DR mentioned that Diggle and Lyla were going to have an arc where they went chasing after a rogue member of the Suicide Squad, so I'm not sure if that's true or not.

Oh you're right, I thought it was Argus but i just checked and they said Suicide Squad.  But I wonder if it'll be a character from the movie or just some random character?

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Oh you're right, I thought it was Argus but i just checked and they said Suicide Squad.  But I wonder if it'll be a character from the movie or just some random character?


Probably a rando, if I had to guess. Unless they bring King Shark over from The Flash (and I will LMAO).


ETA: never mind, @tarotx and I posted at the same time, haha.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Isn't this going to be on the Flash?


Probably a rando, if I had to guess. Unless they bring King Shark over from The Flash (and I will LMAO).


ETA: never mind, @tarotx and I posted at the same time, haha.

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Maybe? I don't know - I just read that he and Lyla were chasing after a member of the Suicide Squad. If it's King Shark, it'd make sense that it would be a crossover.

They already had the Shark King on Flash, not much more than a cameo really. I doubt SK will show up on Arrow. Way too much CGI and he's a walking, talking, super big shark. I loved how crazy he looked but I heard "jumped the shark" from a lot of other people.

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They already had the Shark King on Flash, not much more than a cameo really. I doubt SK will show up on Arrow. Way too much CGI and he's a walking, talking, super big shark. I loved how crazy he looked but I heard "jumped the shark" from a lot of other people.


I meant that if Lyla and Diggle were going after King Shark (which it appears that they are, based on what DR said) that it would make sense that they do it over on The Flash, instead of on Arrow.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I'm shocked (in a good way) about The 100! It's really unlikely that it could get better ratings than The Originals, so that means The CW are really committed to quality over ratings (also evidenced by episode orders for Crazy Ex and iZombie).

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I guess we'll get Sara training Laurel in the LoT pilot then her sending Sara off to be a hero in the light. Which is hilarious since Sara supposedly had no light last season. Apparently being even more traumatized gives her more light. 


But she did look so badass, I can't wait! 

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That looks better than I thought it would. Not sure I'll go out of my way to watch it when an Arrow crossover isn't involved, but maybe. 


Random observations:


Sara/Caity Lotz looks really pretty in that scene with her hair styled the way it is at :53.

The Sara/Laurel scene is probably the most sisterly I can recall seeing them. 

Felicity would have a shit fit if she saw them sparring that close to her computers, haha.

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Nah. We will have 2 Flashs, 3 Canarys won't matter.

LoT looks BADASS. I think if the writing is god, it will surpass both Arrow/Flash easily. Charecters get to go undercover which is something I've wanted from Arrow but with them stuck in 1 location....no big need.

Edited by Primal Slayer
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Alona Tal as Black Canary. I like her but Im not sure I can picture her as BC.

Does anyone know why they will let some characters on multiple mediums but will not let others (Flash, but not Oracle)?

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Because they'd have to kill a money maker like The Flash in order to only have one version of the Flash.

And technically, even though I included it in my list, Oracle was taken away from Arrow for another TV Show. Although, they might take her away from Titans too if they actually are serious about a BoP movie.

We were told Ted Kord was taken away because DC had other plans for him. DC also took John Stewart away from Arrow. I'm assuming both are held in reserve for movies.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Probably lucky that Sara didn't stay on Arrow. She probably wouldn't get anymore decent development and surely wouldn't be getting any major focus.

Yeah, this is why it sucks having my favorite characters in Flarrow verse stuck on Arrow. Diggle/Felicity never get the level of development that they deserve.

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Yeah, this is why it sucks having my favorite characters in Flarrow verse stuck on Arrow. Diggle/Felicity never get the level of development that they deserve.


I honestly wonder why this is sometimes... Then I look at the Lances and all of these spin-offs and understand why -_- 


This is why I want the Lances gone tbh. This makes me even more bitter about QL and LL. 

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Considering the Lances take up less screen time then O/D i dont think that's the problem. The writers just suck at giving anyone anything if it isn't their main charecter.


They have entire arcs written for them - just for them, not advancing other people's storylines. Screen time isn't the issue.

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Wait. What? We've had 3 seasons of the same repetitive Lance family drama written as one of the central plots…literally every season. How is that less screen time?

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Considering the Lances take up less screen time then O/D i dont think that's the problem. The writers just suck at giving anyone anything if it isn't their main charecter.

Of course not this season because this season is supposed to be #Yearofdiggle... 


But if you look at seasons 1-3 it tells a different story. 


Season 1: had more Laurel. Makes sense. She had her own arc and everything. Felicity and Diggle had less screen time and less development. 

Season 2: Laurel had an individual arc and a Lance family arc that had little impact to the story and actually made her character hated throughout the fandom. Said screen time could've been given to Diggle/Felicity to expand their characters. I think Laurel/Lance family drama had more screentime than Diggle/Felicity in S2. 

Season 3: Laurel had her individual arc that was ridiculously rushed. She had 3 episodes dedicated to her and during htis time Diggle was sidelined. She also had a fair bit of screentime in the first half of the season. Felicity was stuck on Palmer Island so I don't blame her lack of character development on the Lance family, I blame it on the Spinoff. But Diggle was most definitely affected in terms of screentime considering Laurel essentially replaced him on the field for a lot of episodes. 


Basically every season had an arc just for the Lances when said arcs just made the Lances look like idiots/fools/shitty people. I wouldn't have minded if said arcs developed said characters but they never did. It just took away from the story and took away screen time from characters who actually deserved development. 


But that's just my opinion.

Edited by wonderwall
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I think that LoT is going to be really good... Following reasons: 


  • Shorter season means that the storyline will be tighter, less filler episodes
  • With the shorter season does this mean that they can allocate a lot of the budget to special effects? 
  • The A-storyline is clear. But they also have a clear B-Storyline for each individual character. And that's to change their own fate
  • LoT won't have to deal with any spinoffs and won't have to springboard any of them which has been a detriment to Arrow and Flash
  • Sara Lance is amazing
  • And Rip Hunter looks awesome
  • Time travelling will be fun (look at the 70s comment)
  • No Laurel


I'm looking forward to this show. I may not be attached to any of the characters except for Sara like I am on Arrow, but I think it'll be a fun show.

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Of course not this season because this season is supposed to be #Yearofdiggle...

But if you look at seasons 1-3 it tells a different story.

Season 1: had more Laurel. Makes sense. She had her own arc and everything. Felicity and Diggle had less screen time and less development.

Season 2: Laurel had an individual arc and a Lance family arc that had little impact to the story and actually made her character hated throughout the fandom. Said screen time could've been given to Diggle/Felicity to expand their characters. I think Laurel/Lance family drama had more screentime than Diggle/Felicity in S2.

Season 3: Laurel had her individual arc that was ridiculously rushed. She had 3 episodes dedicated to her and during htis time Diggle was sidelined. She also had a fair bit of screentime in the first half of the season. Felicity was stuck on Palmer Island so I don't blame her lack of character development on the Lance family, I blame it on the Spinoff. But Diggle was most definitely affected in terms of screentime considering Laurel essentially replaced him on the field for a lot of episodes.

Basically every season had an arc just for the Lances when said arcs just made the Lances look like idiots/fools/shitty people. I wouldn't have minded if said arcs developed said characters but they never did. It just took away from the story and took away screen time from characters who actually deserved development.

But that's just my opinion.

on second thought I think I'll take this to the Laurel thread. Seems like the right place for it. Edited by Morrigan2575
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Ignoring the quality vs quantity debate.


My argument had less to do with screentime and more to do with quality for seasons 2/3 :) I hope my comments came across that way! thanks for showing the screentime rankings. 


ETA. Maybe not........ I really need to work on my wording sometimes. 

Edited by wonderwall
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I think that LoT is going to be really good... Following reasons: 


  • Sara Lance is amazing
  • No Laurel


We all know those two reasons are the biggest draws for me. Plus I do like the whole Doctor Who/Stargate with super heroes it seems to have going on. 70's Sara looked amazing as well as Captain Cold, Heatwave and Sara starting a bar room brawl. 


It also looked like she's changing up her weapons, it looked like she was fighting with swords? I know Caity took some weapons training over the summer, I wonder if they are letting use her new skills. 




I loved this, Rip's pounding on the table and yelling and Sara's just chilling there behind him. I guess she's really enjoying the 70's.

Edited by Sakura12
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Sara looks so amazingly badass in that trailer. I will forever be bitter that Arrow got stuck with the lesser canary.


And you know we got stuck with the lesser canary because she wasn't good enough to be on Rip's team. The proof is right there *sigh*

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Of course they are going to pretend Laurel "I had to be told you had no light to make myself feel better" important by having her tell Sara to go fight in the light or whatever she said. That was her having a big role making Legends of Tomorrow. 


But I will take it so I can see Sara being awesome and badass and not have to see Laurel every week. 

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If she keeps coming back I'd hardly call that expendable. Expendable means no one cares if they are gone and stay gone. Sara's now been giving a very important role in saving the entire planet. That makes her more important than Because Comics. 

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DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is the third live action show set within the Arrow and Flash universe, and features actors and characters spun off from both shows, including Firestorm (Victor Garber and Franz Drameh), White Canary (the former Black Canary, Caity Lotz), the Atom (Brandon Routh), Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller), Heatwave (Dominic Purcell) and Hawkgirl (Ciara Renee). They’ll join new characters such as Hawkman (Falk Hentschel), Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) and Vandal Savage (Casper Crump), several of whom will first debut in next week’s Flash/Arrow crossover event.

If that sounds like a lot of character, it is, and for very good reason. While Arrow is this universe’s grounded, street level show and The Flash is its more colorful, super-powered offering, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow will be its first team show, offering yet another comic book flavor to the The CW’s substantial shared super hero universe.




It just sounds so good :)

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