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‘Aquaman’ Cast Adds Randall Park During Reshoots
Posted on Friday, April 13th, 2018 by Chris Evangelista


James Wan‘s Aquaman is currently undergoing some reshoots, and in the process, the film has added a new cast member: Randall Park. Park will play Dr. Stephen Shin.

Aquaman is due out this winter, but there’s plenty of time to fit in some reshoots. And that’s exactly what director James Wan is doing right now as he preps the latest DCEU film. It seems during the course of the reshoots, Wan added Fresh Off the Boat actor Randall Park to the cast. Wan tweeted out the news.
*  *  *
Park will be playing Dr. Stephen Shin. I’ll admit I’m a bit out of the loop when it comes to Aquaman comic characters, but thankfully, there are plenty of Wikis to assist me. The Aquaman Wiki says Shin “helped a young Aquaman develop his powers, but would later grow obsessed with finding out where the lost city of Atlantis was located.” The character is also (in the comics at least) a friend of Aquaman’s human father.

Park’s addition to the cast is yet another reminder that actors can freely take part in both DC and Marvel movies, despite what some fans may think. Park will also appear in the upcoming MCU film Ant-Man and the Wasp.

Edited by tv echo

The entire interview is interesting, so I recommend reading more than what I've quoted below...

Arrow and Supergirl casting director David Rapaport on his career so far and how to audition well
16th April 2018   By James Collins


Talking of The CW shows such as Arrow or Supergirl, what’s the process of casting one of those shows from the very beginning?
Casting a pilot is about a 10 week process. You’re usually hired with the guarantee of at least 10 weeks to do it. In most cases, you can probably cast a full pilot of 10-35 roles in that time depending on how big the pilot is. With Flash, it took about 20 weeks as we were looking for the Flash before the pilot was picked up and we used the Barry Allen character as a guest star on Arrow to find him. We searched for roughly seven to ten weeks for the Barry Allen character. Funnily enough, Grant Gustin was the first person I brought in for the producers.

Based on the idea of the essence of a character, we were looking for the opposite of Arrow. Someone who wasn’t born a superhero but became one. Someone who was an average, relatable, everyday kind of guy who had this power trust upon him. What was explained to me was the beginning stages of the story would be watching him become a superhero and how you or I would deal with having these immediate superpowers and what that would be like. I had cast Grant and Stephen Amell previously on 90210 so I knew them and their work very well. I brought him in and he did a great job. I knew Grant for years, the process for years and knew that kind of age group quite well.

You have to basically educate the studio and producers on who’s out there. The unfortunate thing about showing them your favourite choice first is that they wanna see more! They think there is going to be another 20 Grant Gustins there. So you go through a process where you read over 1000 guys for the role all over the world. We had self-tapes, casting directors in the UK, in Australia, Vancouver, Toronto and in New York all looking for the role. It was my job to oversee all of that and watch every tape that came in, sit through every read and help narrow down the choices. Which we ultimately did, down to three guys, who we then screen-tested over at Warner Bros. Then we shared the tape with the studio and network and finally decided on Grant. Again, that was just the talent process for one role.

The pilot then gets picked up and you have to do all of that for seven series of regulars. It’s fast, furious and you see a ton of people. You really have to just trust your instincts and gut. I worked with David Nutter who’s one of the most successful pilot directors in the business. Everything he touches turns to gold and this was no exception. David, Greg and Geoff Johns (producer and Chief Creative Officer of DC Comics) and I would sit in a room and sit through auditions, watch tapes and see who worked well together.

At the end of the day, we were lucky enough to be able to do a couple of chemistry reads. An example of a chemistry read is getting Grant to do a read with a couple of women to play Iris West. The point of them is to not only look for just sexual chemistry but also how they look and work together. You then start to build an ensemble. You really hope for the best. Sometimes you think you have a hit on your hands and it turns out to be garbage and other times you’re not quite sure but it turns out to be magic.
*  *  *
What is pilot season like for you as a casting director?
*   *  *
Sometimes, it feels like there are more shows than actors. I always encourage my producers that if they see someone they like in auditions to then start a test deal with them. A test deal starts the process of holding onto somebody and holds them in first position so another pilot can’t steal them. It’s all a wild puzzle of securing someone you like, that is still available and can test for us. It’s a weird situation!

It starts with an audition, likely a pre-read with me or one of my associates, then a producer session in front of producers and directors. Before they see the studio, business affairs negotiate a deal with their agent so that once you show that person to the studio, and ideally the network, there is already a deal in place that they can pick up. Most auditions are the pre-read, the producer session and then a choice is made and if the network sign off on them, you make the deal.

In pilot season, the deals are made in advance of you showing the tape to the studio and the network. As a result, there are lot of actors doing six to seven auditions in a day and having to make major life decisions. They’re signing seven-year contracts sometimes within hours of an audition. It’s an exciting time but there is a lot of high-level stress and everyone feels it from casting to actors to agent.
*  *  *
What else do you have coming up at the moment and beyond?
I can’t say too much but I can say that we are in production on Titans. You has wrapped production and that’s going to be an amazing series. We started production yesterday on Sabrina for Netflix which will be exciting. We are currently in production on Arrow, Flash and Supergirl. We wrapped Legends of Tomorrow. This is our last week on Riverdale.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2

Quotes of the Week: New Girl, Arrow, Lost in Space, Superstore and More
By Team TVLine / April 15 2018, 8:00 AM PDT


“Well, you outdid me. For my science fair project, all I did was hack Napster.”

“What’s Napster?”

“Ohhhh, I’m getting older by the minute.”

Next, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) will spin yarns about jailbreaking her Zune
*  *  *
“Today is the day that we prove that Rip did not sacrifice his name in vain! Today is the day that we prove that we are not losers. And today is the day that we earn the name Legends. Now… how do we sneak out the back?”

Sara (Caity Lotz) leads a rousing — and very frank — pep talk
*  *  *
“Oh snap! They got lasers! They beat him with the Care Bear Stare!”

A doped-up Nate (Nick Zano) lays witness to how Amaya’s ancestors totem-powered up!
*  *  *
“We’d make a fortune — an improv group made up of superheroes? We could take it to Washington, we could be the DC Comics.”

Sorry, Ralph (Hartley Sawyer), but that name may be taken

Edited by tv echo

Current poll results - AoS scene (May tells Coulson she loves him) is in 1st place with 34% and Arrow scene (Felicity gets through to Oliver) is in 2nd place with 23%...

Scene Of The Week - April 15, 2018 + POLL
Posted by Justyna Kubica at April 15, 2018


ARROW, "Fundamentals", April 12, 2018, Actors: Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, Josh Segarra, The Scene: Felicity gets through to Oliver
: It was the best episode of the show in a while and there's a number of scenes I would love to highlight from the hour. Between all the hallucinations (the return of Adrian Chase!) and Oliver's internal struggle, I really liked the fact that Quentin was his constant. They've been through so much and I'm glad they're in a place where Lance supports Oliver when he needs it the most. Their conversation about how much Oliver has grown over the course of the past few years was beautifully done, as was every other moment these two shared. But it's the end of Queen's journey during the hour that I ended up choosing for the article. It felt almost like he became his own villain of the episode and he was definitely losing control when going after Diaz and attacking Lance. I really enjoyed seeing Felicity's run through the city and then entering the horror-like scene just to find Oliver at the brink of getting himself killed. Her speech to him, even when interrupted by Adrian, was a lovely proof of how much these two have grown together and how well they truly work. Despite Adrian's voice in his head and not being able to recognize what's real, Oliver finally hears his wife and they get out safely from the building before Diaz's men can get to them. All the actors did a great job in the episode, but a special shout-out to Stephen Amell. This episode was almost entirely focused on Oliver and it was wonderfully done. Kudos!
*  *  *
BLACK LIGHTNING, "The Resurrection and the Light: The Book of Pain", April 10, 2018, Actors: Cress Williams, China Anne McClain and more, The Scene: Jennifer saves Jefferson
: It's been a fantastic season and I'm so glad I was able to follow it from the start. Despite being "just" another superhero story, the family aspect of it makes it feel special and often relatable. At the heart of the show, there's really this family who loves and protects each other. And together they seem almost unstoppable. When the fight breaks down at the school, Jefferson and both of his daughters are caught in the middle. At one point, Black Lightning's hesitation to hurt Khalil costs him his life. As the voices of his family members echo in his mind, he collapses to the floor and his heart stops beating. It's a shocking moment that takes a very emotional turn when Thunder shows up to save him and then both her and Jennifer realize their dad is dead. It was heartbreaking to see their reactions. But it's exactly what Jennifer needed to use her powers and jump-start her father's heart. The relief and joy on the girls' faces when he returns to life is beautifully portrayed by both actresses. Special shout-out to China Anne McClain who is at the center of the scene. I love the relationship between Jefferson and Jennifer, so it felt right that this is the moment when Jennifer truly sees the value of her powers. Kudos to cast & crew! Can't wait for the finale. 
Jamie: Jennifer saves her dad. I can't wait to see Jennifer embrace her powers. Really love the family dynamics in this show.
*  *  *
LEGENDS OF TOMORROW, "The Good, the Bad, and the Cuddly", April 9, 2018, Actors: Arthur Darvill, Caity Lotz, Brandon Routh and more, The Scenes: Rip's sacrifice & Beebo vs Mallus
: While the fight is clearly the most insane and entertaining part of the episode, it's all the sacrifices that hit me the most. So for my choice, I wanted to highlight the start of the hour with Rip's death. It took me completely by surprise, especially considering the placement in the episode, but it turned emotional with all the flashbacks to his time on the show. His goodbyes to Gideon and to Sara were beautifully done yet somehow didn't seem like enough. For me, Rip was the first reason why I decided to watch the series and I wish there was more done with his character after everything he's been through with the Legends. After all, he's the one who brought them together. In the end, he chooses to sacrifice his life to help his friends escape and give them time to find a way to defeat Mallus. He truly believes in them, despite all their differences and becomes a motivation for them to fight later in the episode. The scene was sudden but really well done. I loved the addition of the flashbacks and Rip admitting that "I should very much like to see my wife and son again." After all this time. Great music and wonderful performance. Goodbye, Captain Rip Hunter. 
Samantha: Beebo & Mallus fight. I absolutely love Beebo. He is one of the greatest gifts Legends of Tomorrow has given us, and this fight scene was superb in how ridiculous it was. Beebo manages to do what the Legends have failed all season in doing, and it was a spectacular battle scene. Jax and the others cheering the Legends on and then Ava offering words of encouragement as Mallus looked to get the upper hand. Beebo saying he wanted cuddles, jumping down onto Mallus, getting into his fight pose. It was all just brilliant & I really hope the budget can allow for him to show up in s4.
Zandarl: Not since the Ghostbusters conjured up the stay puff marshmallow man have we seen such a ridiculous idea to defeat evil. It was hilarious and shows Legends never takes itself too seriously.
Marko: As Donna and Sam said it was utterly crazy and seemed stupid as hell but worked perfectly well. Outstanding CGI, think they crashed all the budget for s4.
Diana: One of the reasons why LOT is the best DC series right now.
Jamie: Beebo vs Mallus. I'm still laughing whenever I think about it. Only this show could make something like that work.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, tv echo said:

Jamie: Beebo vs Mallus. I'm still laughing whenever I think about it. Only this show could make something like that work.

I'm still laughing too. What a moment! I want a Beebo for my desk so I can look at it and crack up when I'm stressed out! 

  • Love 5

So, Supergirl came back tonight. I was sad about Legends being over, but them coming back with a Winn-centric episode was really, really nice. Jeremy Jordan is a fantastic actor, and super underutilized this season. Also, Laurie Metcalf is amazing. I haven't had much of an opinion of her as an actress, even if I do enjoy her on Roseanne and haven't seen her in much else, but she rocked it tonight. Episodes like this just help me not let go of Supergirl yet. 

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, Supergirl came back tonight. I was sad about Legends being over, but them coming back with a Winn-centric episode was really, really nice. Jeremy Jordan is a fantastic actor, and super underutilized this season. Also, Laurie Metcalf is amazing. I haven't had much of an opinion of her as an actress, even if I do enjoy her on Roseanne and haven't seen her in much else, but she rocked it tonight. Episodes like this just help me not let go of Supergirl yet. 

Have you seen Lady Bird? Laurie Metcalf was just fantastic in that movie!

I have a question about Legends. Since the season is over, it should be on Netflix within the next few weeks right? Don't they have a deal with the CW and their shows? 'Cause Crazy Ex-Girlfriend's latest season was on Netflix about 2 weeks after it finished its run on the CW, does DCTV follow the same pattern? I prefer to binge Legends instead of following it weekly since I'm not a Nielsen household anyway and my viewership wouldn't count in the ratings.

  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, Supergirl came back tonight. I was sad about Legends being over, but them coming back with a Winn-centric episode was really, really nice. Jeremy Jordan is a fantastic actor, and super underutilized this season.

Totally agree. I was/am really sad about LoT not being on tonight, but having a Winn episode really eased my pain. I love Winn and Jeremy Jordan is just so good, it was great that he actually got some good material to work with this week, and Winn got to develop beyond being comic relief. He hasn't been used very well lately, so I hope this is a sign that they'll actually give JJ something to do now! Hell, I think the best materials he`s gotten in ages was in the crossover, in a totally different show, with a totally different character!

  • Love 2
31 minutes ago, SleepDeprived said:

I have a question about Legends. Since the season is over, it should be on Netflix within the next few weeks right? Don't they have a deal with the CW and their shows? 'Cause Crazy Ex-Girlfriend's latest season was on Netflix about 2 weeks after it finished its run on the CW, does DCTV follow the same pattern? I prefer to binge Legends instead of following it weekly since I'm not a Nielsen household anyway and my viewership wouldn't count in the ratings.

If I'm remembering right, according to the terms of the current Netflix agreement the CW seasons go up eight days after they finish airing live.  If that's correct, it should be up on Netflix (US) tomorrow morning.

  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, SleepDeprived said:

Have you seen Lady Bird? Laurie Metcalf was just fantastic in that movie!

I haven't yet, but it's on my To Watch Immediately list!

28 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Totally agree. I was/am really sad about LoT not being on tonight, but having a Winn episode really eased my pain. I love Winn and Jeremy Jordan is just so good, it was great that he actually got some good material to work with this week, and Winn got to develop beyond being comic relief. He hasn't been used very well lately, so I hope this is a sign that they'll actually give JJ something to do now! Hell, I think the best materials he`s gotten in ages was in the crossover, in a totally different show, with a totally different character!

Seriously, Jeremy Jordan is so underused. His acting is just miles ahead of half of the actors in the Arrowverse, and he's just as good as the other half. Seriously, Supergirl, never let Jeremy Jordan go. Also, give him more to do....seriously. Do you know how good he'd be in a temporary evil role for, like, three episodes? Because I do, and have been advocating for some meaty stuff since season 1. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Starfish35 said:

If I'm remembering right, according to the terms of the current Netflix agreement the CW seasons go up eight days after they finish airing live.  If that's correct, it should be up on Netflix (US) tomorrow morning.

Thank you. I'll probably start it this weekend or as soon as I'm able. :)

  • Love 1

Black Lightning boss addresses those Arrowverse references
CHANCELLOR AGARD April 16, 2018 AT 08:00 PM EDT


Alas, Black Lightning still isn’t connected to the Arrowverse.

A few weeks ago, the freshman CW superhero drama got viewers excited about a possible connection to the Arrowverse when Lynn (Christine Adams) and Jennifer Pierce (China Anne McClain) referenced Vixen — a superhero who has popped up on both Arrow (played by Megalyn E.K.) and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (played by Maisie Richardson-Sellers) — and Supergirl (played by Melissa Benoist on Supergirl). Well, executive producer Salim Akil says that those lines weren’t meant to indicate that Black Lightning was in the same universe as any of the network’s other super-series.

“We are in our own world,” Akil tells EW. “We’re not in the Arrowverse. We’re not in the Supergirl universe. We’re in the Black Lightning universe. If there’s ever a crossover, Supergirl will come to Freeland, or Green Arrow will come to Freeland.” (Note: The Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow take place on Earth-1, and Supergirl takes place on Earth-38, but all four shows are part of a vast multiverse.)

In fact, those “fun” references to other DC Comics heroes were just that — fun references. “We mentioned those other characters just to have fun,” says Akil. “I thought it was just fun to tease the fans and have fun with the fans. We’re always trying to have a conversation with the fans and we’re also trying to have fun with them, so that was part of that.”

Edited by tv echo
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Last night's ratings (preliminary)


Supergirl returned down from its last episode (0.6 and 2.119 viewers), but up from last week's Legends finale (0.4 and 1.411 viewers). iZombie also rose from last week's episode (0.2 and 0.797 viewers).

Preliminary unrounded and half-hour numbers from RJK at SpottedRatings.com:


Supergirl ........................... 0.505 ... (0.510 ... 0.500)
iZombie ............................. 0.268 ... (0.283 ... 0.254)

Update:  Last night's numbers (final).  Very little change - Supergirl adjusted up 11,000 viewers, and iZombie adjusted down 40,000 viewers. Supergirl also adjusted down 0.1 in the 18-34 demo.


Edited by Starfish35
Adding final ratings

The Arrow season finale is filming, and Caity Lotz is back to blonde.

I initially thought that the black she's wearing might be a clue to her appearance on Arrow (and I suppose it still may be), but on a closer look, the necklace appears to be her own (see previous Instagram post), and is definitely not her Sara necklace.  

For the non-Legends viewers, Sara has been wearing a necklace for the last two seasons that supposedly was a gift from Laurel (per the Legends season two premiere), though to the best of my recollection we never saw that on-screen.  She only doesn't wear it when in her White Canary costume.


Edited by Starfish35
1 hour ago, Starfish35 said:

So I guess that means we shouldn't count on seeing Black Lightning or Thunder in the annual crossover event this year?

We shall see... I bet we will. All they have to do is have Cisco vibe there by accident and boom, they have an entry. I don't know if they will do all 5 shows together in crossover but why not cameos? Right now it's just 2 superheroes on BL.  Not too many to guest star.

From RJK at SpottedRatings.com:


Here were the L+SD FINALS for last week's CW drama originals:

The Flash ........................ 0.638
Black Lightning ............... 0.496
Supernatural ................... 0.475
Legends of Tomorrow .... 0.435
Arrow .............................. 0.379
iZombie ........................... 0.238
Jane the Virgin ................ 0.219

Cathy Yan to Direct Harley Quinn Spinoff Starring Margot Robbie


Cathy Yan has been tapped to direct a DC spinoff movie based on crazed supervillain Harley Quinn.The girl gang movie will be based on the “Birds of Prey” comic, with Margot Robbie attached to star.


Yan, a former Wall St. Journal reporter who made her feature debut with Sundance entry “Dead Pigs,” will be the second female filmmaker to direct a DC film, following Patty Jenkins with “Wonder Woman.” She will also be the first Asian woman to helm a movie from the DC Comics universe. DC previously tapped Ava DuVernay to direct “New Gods,” which is still in development.

Christina Hodson, who was recently tapped to pen the “Batgirl” pic, wrote the script. The studio had been weighing several Quinn options, including a “Suicide Squad” sequel with Gavin O’Connor, before picking “Birds of Prey.” Sources add that script is still being worked on, but Yan is likely to take over directing reins once the script is done.

Production is expected to start at the end of the year after Robbie finishes shooting Quentin Tarantino’s “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” for which she is currently in negotiations to play Sharon Tate.

The sequel to the Harley Quinn-starring “Suicide Squad” is also expected to begin production in 2018. Gavin O’Connor is on board to write the sequel and is also in talks to direct the film that co-stars Will Smith and Jared Leto.

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 2

So what I’m getting from the article is that they’ve chosen a director, but she hasn’t officially signed to direct; they’ve chosen a script, but it’s not finished; and they’re planning on shooting at the end of the year after Margot Robbie is supposed to finish filming another movie she hasn’t actually signed on for yet. 

I don’t really understand the excitement on twitter over what sounds like a bare bones, super vague announcement. 

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

So what I’m getting from the article is that they’ve chosen a director, but she hasn’t officially signed to direct; they’ve chosen a script, but it’s not finished; and they’re planning on shooting at the end of the year after Margot Robbie is supposed to finish filming another movie she hasn’t actually signed on for yet. 

I don’t really understand the excitement on twitter over what sounds like a bare bones, super vague announcement. 

And DC wonders why their movie universe is failing. 

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Sakura12 said:

And DC wonders why their movie universe is failing. 

They’re really good at prematurely releasing details to get their base overly hyped up, though. I’ve already seen spec about how this is going to introduce Batgirl and BC and lead to their own stand alone movies, and of course, how the BC movie is going to do GA/BC “the right way”.

2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

They’re really good at prematurely releasing details to get their base overly hyped up, though. I’ve already seen spec about how this is going to introduce Batgirl and BC and lead to their own stand alone movies, and of course, how the BC movie is going to do GA/BC “the right way”.

Well, it is interesting that they chose a BoP script over other options, so I'm sure Batgirl and BC will be a part of it.  And part of the reason for choosing that angle may actually be to help intro Batgirl before her own movie, like Wonder Woman was introduced in BvS before her movie, since it appears that the same writer is writing both the BoP movie and the Batgirl movie.

But as for BC getting a movie of her own.... I'm not sure where that idea is coming from, other than pure wishful thinking.  

8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I  wonder if DC would be willing to throw away much of their TV fan base to do "GA/BC the right way", or if they don't think the TV base matters.

Probably Option B.  They did cast a completely new Barry Allen for their movieverse after all.

But unless I've missed something (which is very possible), there's been no chatter about a solo BC movie.  Just the Batgirl movie.  I mean, at this point it's not even confirmed that BC will be in this movie, although if they're going for Birds of Prey, it's hard to imagine them doing that without her.  But jumping from that to an as yet non-existent movie and a GA/BC romance is really getting ahead of things.

Edited by Starfish35
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At this point the odds of even this movie getting made aren't exactly amazing, at least in the state's time frame. Then there's Batgirl and other male character movies 3rd chances of a potential BC movie coming out anytime soon are slim. I would definitely check it out and might like the possible romance with GA on its own merits of not. Only problem is i foresee calls for it to turn in to a GA movie, which sigh.

They might also decide to do no romance or a different character, at this point it's all pie in the sky and Arrow will probably be over.

Edited by Featherhat
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26 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I  wonder if DC would be willing to throw away much of their TV fan base to do "GA/BC the right way", or if they don't think the TV base matters.

TV base doesn't matter to them so they would totally do a GA movie ft. BC.

  • Love 1

They don't even have a Batman for their movies anymore. Also why are they calling it a Birds of Prey movie when it's starring Harley Quinn? It would make more sense for them to do the Gotham City Sirens which does star Harley, along with Catwoman and Poison Ivy. 

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Sakura12 said:

They don't even have a Batman for their movies anymore. Also why are they calling it a Birds of Prey movie when it's starring Harley Quinn? It would make more sense for them to do the Gotham City Sirens which does star Harley, along with Catwoman and Poison Ivy. 

Birds of Prey is a more high profile name them GCS. 

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Sakura12 said:

Also why are they calling it a Birds of Prey movie when it's starring Harley Quinn? It would make more sense for them to do the Gotham City Sirens which does star Harley, along with Catwoman and Poison Ivy. 

It said they chose from several options.  I'm guessing BoP was chosen to be able to lead into their solo Batgirl movie.

  • Love 1

To who? I'm sure tons of non comic readers have no idea who the Birds of Prey are either. That's the audience they need to reach if they want to make Marvel money. I think Catwoman and Poison Ivy are a bigger draw and more known than the Black Canary and Batgirl to the general audience. 

DC is such a mess. They really should just stop and make an actual plan. Not just announce movies.

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 4

Harley’s been both ally and adversary to the Birds over the years so I think her being present in such a movie makes sense. I’m more interested if it will be good but I like the people involved and they let Wonder Woman be Wonder Woman so I’m feeling optimistic. I’m going to see it no matter what so they have my money but I want to gush about the quality too. 

  • Love 1

They calling it Birds of Prey but it's Harley's Quinn's movie. They will be secondary to her and I imagine Margo Robbie will not want to cast anyone that will outshine her. 

At this point I need way more information before I give DC any more of money. I'm not seeing Aquaman in theaters I'll wait for it on streaming. 

More from Deadline:


Warner Bros and DC Entertainment have chosen Cathy Yan to be the director of an untitled girl gang movie, likely the next superhero film to be graced by Suicide Squad scene-stealer Harley Quinn, in the form of Margot Robbie. A deal has to be completed, but it is expected that Yan will become the second female filmmaker to join the DC club after Wonder Woman‘s Patty Jenkins, and the first female Asian director ever tapped to direct a superhero film.

This is a bold bet for Warner Bros’ Geoff Johns and Walter Hamada, who oversee DC under Toby Emmerich. Yan got the job over numerous well established male directors, and because she is taking this giant leap with just one small-budget indie movie under her belt. That would be Dead Pigs, a film that won the World Cinema Dramatic Award For Ensemble Acting at Sundance last January. Despite being a new talent, Yan’s presentation for Birds of Prey was exceptional, and Robbie held firm to her desire for this film to be directed by a woman.


The project is based on Birds of Prey, which in the DC universe teams Quinn with several other crime fighters, namely Black Canary, Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) and Huntress. It is not confirmed if all of them will be characters in the film. What is clear is that both the main characters and most of the creative braintrust are female, remarkable for a studio-sized superhero film. The script was written by Christina Hodson, who wrote the Transformers spinoff Bumblebee, and just got hired to write the Batgirl movie.


The other Harley Quinn films are still under construction. That includes the Suicide Squad sequel to be directed by Gavin O’Connor. Two others, Harley Quinn Vs The Joker and Gotham City Sirens with Suicide Squad helmer David Ayer, seem further in the distance.

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

To who? I'm sure tons of non comic readers have no idea who the Birds of Prey are either. That's the audience they need to reach if they want to make Marvel money. I think Catwoman and Poison Ivy are a bigger draw and more known than the Black Canary and Batgirl to the general audience. 

DC is such a mess. They really should just stop and make an actual plan. Not just announce movies.

BoP has had a lot more media coverage, when people look for information about it if the movie they will have a plethora of trades to read not to mention it was a TV series. 

  • Love 1

As reported other places:

‘Arrow’: Beth Schwartz Named New Showrunner, Wendy Mericle Exits, Marc Guggenheim To Be Consultant On 2 Shows (Deadline)


On the heels of the CW giving an early renewal to all five series of the DC/Berlanti Prods. universe, the oldest one which launched the universe, Arrow, is undergoing a leadership change, with co-executive producer Beth Schwartz promoted to executive producer and sole showrunner for the upcoming seventh season.

Current Arrow executive producer/co-showrunner Wendy Mericle is departing at the end of the current Season 6. Marc Guggenheim is taking a back seat on the two series he co-created and has been executive producing/co-showrunning, Arrow (alongside Mericle) and Legends of Tomorrow (alongside Phil Klemmer). He is transitioning to an executive consultant role on both shows. Current Legends co-showrunner Klemmer will become the sole showrunner in the upcoming fourth season.


Guggenheim co-created Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow with Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg. Berlanti Prods. and Warner Bros. TV tweaked the leadership of two other DC series, co-created/co-showrun by Kreisberg, The Flash and Supergirl, earlier this season when he was fired over sexual harassment allegations. Berlanti stepped in for him, assuming additional responsibilities on both The Flash, where he worked closely with executive producer/co-showrunner Todd Helbing, and Supergirl, where he partnered with executive producers/co-showrunners Robert Rovner and Jessica Queller.  Helbing will continue as showrunner on The Flash and Rovner and Queller as showrunners onf Supergirl. Salim Akil is the showrunner of freshman Black Lightning, renewed for Season 2.

Mericle has been on Arrow since after the pilot and a co-showrunner since Season 4.

Edited by Starfish35
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