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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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How is it any better with context? I am sorry but some things you should just shouldnt utter especially when using a word that is used as a slur against a minority. Joke or no joke. Caity is a white privileged woman who does not have to deal with this issues on a daily basis but was speaking to LGBTQ audiences who have to deal with such situations sometimes even on a daily basis.

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8 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

How is it any better with context? I am sorry but some things you should just shouldnt utter especially when using a word that is used as a slur against a minority. Joke or no joke. Caity is a white privileged woman who does not have to deal with this issues on a daily basis but was speaking to LGBTQ audiences who have to deal with such situations sometimes even on a daily basis.

If this is in response to me, I didn't write that anything was better with context? I wrote that it was good to know the context - specifically about Caity and Maisie poking fun at stereotypes as opposed to how that particular part of the conversation was presented in the tweets that I read about it. I never wrote and do not think that Caity's word choice is in any way okay. 

Edited by apinknightmare

Yeah, it's a big ass no from me. I don't find this funny. Like I said, I'm apathetic about her. I'm not gonna cry over it, I don't expect much from celebs most are disappointing imo. I was a fan of Chryler but not anymore. Again, not judging anyone who's still a fan, we all have our problematic faves but I won't care if either of them are killed off their shows now lol.

Edited by JJ928
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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

If this is in response to me, I didn't write that anything was better with context? I wrote that it was good to know the context - specifically about Caity and Maisie poking fun at stereotypes as opposed to how that particular part of the conversation was presented in the tweets that I read about it. I never wrote and do not think that Caity's word choice is in any way okay. 

No not at you. I just immensly dislike the context/joke comments when they try to defend these type of actions. And i seen quite a few trying to justify Caitys and Chrylers behaviours. 

1 minute ago, Mary0360 said:



Then Caity said "I'll teach you". 

No, I mean at 1:08-ish. She says a whole sentence, the crowd makes a noise, then the moderator says something about moving on to the next question.

Edited by apinknightmare
5 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

But how do we ever get to the point of classifying all women as "strong" if we keep calling out certain characteristics in a general way as representing someone who's "strong" and others as belonging to someone who is "weak"? You're still referring to a subset of the population as "weak" or - like Caity did - "not that great." 

Setting aside this later controversy because I don't want to get into that mess, Caity didn't specify which female characters are written as "not that great".  Personally I'd say both Dinah and Laurel are/were not written well.  They are fighters but they're also one-dimensional.

I'm fine with people saying "strong women" and not specifying what that strength is until the two words, 'strong' and 'women' become linked in most people's minds.

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7 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

Chyler said something else at the very end but I can't make it out either.

Here's a clear video on the entire panel:

The discussion about stereotypes happens around 22 minute mark, but the last bit of exchange happens around 22:45. I still can't quite make out why Chyler says, but I think her last word is "Three-thority", I guess making a joke out of Shethority? I'm not quite sure. Maybe making a joke that they'd be the only three LGBTQ female main characters on the show? Though it wasn't the mod, but Caity who prompted them to move on, so I'm guessing Chyler's comment was not that innocent. 


Chyler said 3thority, she was making a threesome joke. Then Caity asked for the next question.

I will again say it's still not okay for her to use that word, but apparently Caity was quoting the quote below. I do hope she apologizes tomorrow and learns from this. 


Edited by Sakura12
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Greg Berlanti To Receive 2018 International Emmy Founders Award
by Denise Petski  April 9, 2018 7:04am


Multi-hyphenate Berlanti is best known for his work as executive producer and co-creator of The CW’s Arrow, The Flash, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, and Supergirl, known as the CW’s Arrowverse. Berlanti also serves as executive producer on The CW’s Riverdale, Black Lightning, and NBC’s Blindspot. Upcoming television projects via his Berlanti Productions banner include Lifetime’s straight-to-series thriller You; the live-action version of DC Entertainment’s Titans; and ABC’s new series Deception; the untitled Sabrina series for Netflix, based on the original television series. Berlanti Productions surpassed its own record this year, with eleven television productions on the air across multiple major networks.

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C2E2: Batman Panel with Tom King, Joëlle Jones, Sean Murphy and More
04.07.2018   by Albert Ching


King talked the recently released Batman #44, and said, “What makes these characters modern is also what makes them classic. What makes continuity fun is it doesn’t quite make sense. It’s crooked and weird.” Which is similar to how he views his own life, the writer shared.

“The Catwoman that’s getting married is not a new, reformed Catwoman,” King said, saying that marriage isn’t about changing someone else, it’s about accepting them for who they are. “This is Catwoman. She has 78 years of stealing shit.”

Jones talked designing Catwoman’s wedding dress. “She’s such a complicated, interesting character, that it would break my heart to see her in a boring white dress,” Jones said. “I wanted something that would reflect her personality.” She disclosed she didn’t have a specific idea in mind going into it, just started doodling and arrived there.
*  *  *
Tim Seeley is writing five Batman: Prelude to the Wedding one-shots, each featuring one hero versus one villain. “Tom and I worked together on Grayson, so I knew I could just call him up and ask him what he was doing,” Seeley said, saying that King had ideas he couldn’t get to in the main story. “The Bat-family is reacting the way you would emotionally to a family member getting married. The Joker’s dropped in, and he’s the crazy-bomb pushing all the villains in different directions.” So it involves both typical questions associated with weddings — like Nighting wondering if he’ll be Batman’s best man, or if he’ll ask Superman; or Damian wondering what it’d be like for Catwoman to become his stepmom — along with plenty of hero vs. villain action.
*  *  *
King told the audience that the “secret to comics” is to take the over-the-top conceits of superhero genre seriously, and for what they are. “It’s an absurd, crazy medium, but it becomes something deep and poetic.”

Edited by tv echo
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4 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

That looks so funny. Maybe I should watch. Do I have to watch S1 though? I didn't like the first few episodes, IIRC.

I didn't watch season 1 in its entirety and only saw like 4 or 5 eps of season 2, but this season has been really fun.

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12 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

That looks so funny. Maybe I should watch. Do I have to watch S1 though? I didn't like the first few episodes, IIRC.

The first few episodes of season 1 were its worst. Season 1 got better, and from season 2 on, its been a great ride. I would start around halfway through season 1, and watch the first episode. Then you should be able to keep up with everything pretty easily. 

Its really amazing how this show can take something as ridiculous as a giant blue Furby defeating an evil hell monster, and make it totally work in context.

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20 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

No. They pretty much ignore it. 

Unless they are shading it.  :)

Season one isn't all bad and I think if you want to have affection for Rip or Captn Cold, it's a must but it was not nearly as much fun as seasons two and three.  It took itself too seriously in season one.  The season openers are always a little rusty but then the show really gets going.  

I think you could start cold at the beginning of either season two or three and pick up everything pretty quickly though.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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22 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

That looks so funny. Maybe I should watch. Do I have to watch S1 though? I didn't like the first few episodes, IIRC.

You don't need to watch season 1 or 2 (though I recommend it because the former got better by the end and the latter was awesome), but I do think you would need to see the Beebo episodes from this season.  Otherwise Beebo's Big Moment won't be nearly as awesome.

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Matt's Inside Line: Scoop on Supergirl, Once, Flash, Blindspot, American Gods, The Middle, Timeless and More
By Matt Webb Mitovich / April 9 2018, 1:00 PM PDT


Anything about Supergirl’s Kara and Lena and what the future holds for them? –Nancy
As part of TVLine’s upcoming in-depth Q&A about the back half of Season 3 (premiering Monday, April 16), executive producer Jessica Queller told me, “There’s a big reveal” involving Lena “that will enrage Supergirl and the DEO. It turns into an epic battle of wills between the two women. I wouldn’t want to miss it!”
*  *  *
Any chance you have some scoop regarding The Flash? —Jen
You probably know that Danny Trejo’s Breacher returns this Tuesday, to ask Cisco a favor. What you might not know is that Cisco’s girlfriend Gypsy herself (played by Jessica Camacho) will resurface a bit further down the road.

Edited by tv echo

There was one look from Beebo last night--after Jackson told Sara (and I was like, huh? until the end) that he knew she could do better, and Beebo's eyes narrowed, turned slightly red. This was right before he crouched and gestured with his fingers to Mallus, in a "come one." I can't find that Beebo. Well, I'm a technoturd, so I'm sure some of the more talented here can find it. Right?

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1 minute ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

There was one look from Beebo last night--after Jackson told Sara (and I was like, huh? until the end) that he knew she could do better, and Beebo's eyes narrowed, turned slightly red. This was right before he crouched and gestured with his fingers to Mallus, in a "come one." I can't find that Beebo. Well, I'm a technoturd, so I'm sure some of the more talented here can find it. Right?


I couldn't get the shot before this one with Jax, but here's the red eye Beebo shot. 

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


I couldn't get the shot before this one with Jax, but here's the red eye Beebo shot. 

Thanks @Lady Calypso! This is just as good! Now I REALLLYYYYYYY want my own BEEBO! Too bad for Toys R Us closing--they coulda ordered a bunch and would have made a KILLING on the sales!

  • Love 3
38 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

Do you need a cuddle from our lord and savior Beebo.


I am telling you guys, I want my very own Beebo, so I can cuddle and love when clients make me want to rip my hair out.


29 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:


"Beebo wants CUUUUUUUDLES!!!!"



We are having way too much fun with this adorable creature.


12 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, here's some more Beebo gifs to brighten your day!

tumblr_p6yyoccyhn1x8jkiqo3_400.gif  tumblr_p6y94rFhYj1qh0nwmo8_250.gif



Also, bonus Constantine "cosplayer": 


In all seriousness, thanks for making my day even brighter. 

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Unrounded preliminary and half-hour ratings from RJK at SpottedRatings.com:


Legends of Tomorrow ........ 0.434 ... (0.441 ... 0.427)
iZombie .............................. 0.239 ... (0.251 ... 0.227)

Last night's ratings (finals):


Edited by Starfish35
Updating with final numbers
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As well as Beebo, another thing I really liked was Helen's Amazon outfit. It had the metal bikini of Zach Snyder's insistence but between the bra and the pants, there was a thin metal cover. You know, to prevent her from getting stabbed or shot in the stomach. Smart.

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