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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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I suspect they wanted to give Legends a big shot first and then add something else.

Carver, Carver, Carver... Looking for the door.


I really think he wanted out with s10 and he might have been angling for that pilot back then.  But man, as much as Carver has annoyed the fuck out of me, I think we should be wary of the next showrunner. It won't be Kripke because he's not with WB anymore.  Gods forbid it ever becomes Buck-Lemming as showrunners.

What's funny is that when Kripke was first planning on leaving, there was certainty that the show was ending at S5. That was Kripke's plan. But it didn't and this was one of the first, if not THE first, to change showrunners. Now, it's all about J2 and the showrunners coming and going are not as big of a deal.

I really think he wanted out with s10 and he might have been angling for that pilot back then.  But man, as much as Carver has annoyed the fuck out of me, I think we should be wary of the next showrunner. It won't be Kripke because he's not with WB anymore.  Gods forbid it ever becomes Buck-Lemming as showrunners.

Kripke hasn't gotten another show to stick as far as I know.  Carver came into it with a built in fan base.  I suspect he'll have a harder time with a brand new show. 


IA that J2 is the drawing card and as long as the person in charge doesn't do something totally stupid, the show can go as long as they want to stick with the show.  Buck-Lemming as show runners would be a problem, but if Jensen and Jared pulled their weight with the show, perhaps it wouldn't go off into a ditch.  Or it might be the nail in the coffin that ends this little show that could. 


Of course if Carver, stays on and really focuses on the new show...would we really see a difference?

Buck-Lemming are not "it". Andrew Dabb is head writer, Phil S. Took over Singer's duties.

If anything they'd either keep as is and let Andrew and Phil keep things on course with Carver as titular head. If not, it won't be an internal promotion OVER Dabb.


Where do you think Thompson and Berens fit into the mix? Robbie is an EP. Could he step up as showrunner if Dabb didn't want it?

I'm not sure Robbie Thompson or Robert Berens are really ready to take the reigns yet. Not even quite sure about Dabb, but of the current crew, I think he'd be the best suited. It's hard to say though since showrunning is a lot more than just writing and you never can tell till someone is given the chance. Didn't Snyder/Charmelo run another show on the CW at one time?


Heaven forbid the Horrible Duo take on the job though.

“Frequency” is a re-imagining of the 2000 New Line Cinema feature that starred Dennis Quaid and Jim Caviezel. The TV spin finds a female police detective in 2016 discovers she is able to speak via a ham radio with her dead father, who helps her work on an unsolved murder case.   Jeremy Carver (“Supernatural,” “Being Human”) penned the script and exec produces with New Line president Toby Emmerich, John Rickard, Dan Lin and Jennifer Gwartz.


Hmmmmmmmmmm... So Carver has a new gig. How very interesting...

So this is interesting.


Jensen changed his banner and his avatar on his twitter account. 




It used to be him as a little boy and now it's him being goofy trying to drink from a straw and the banner is....OMG ARMS and working on Baby from FanFiction


He switched his description from


Actor. Director. Husband. Father


Husband. Father. Actor. Director.


His location is now "Probably on a plane"  


I don't know why but I find it interesting since I never thought he'd change it. LOL

Edited by catrox14

So normally I don't watch this stuff, but I was looking at some Supernatural show clips and in the corner its recommends...the train story.  So I clicked the link and OMG and ROFLMAO.


You can really waste a whole day looking at con clips, but now I know the whole cast is hysterical.

I wonder how much Jared got paid for this one?


Jared Padalecki
2 mins ·
Catching up on work, business, and family time back home in Austin. Hmm now what about breakfast for lunch? ‪#‎AllDayBreakfast‬ McDonald's ‪#‎ad‬ http://bit.ly/1Ph4XxI




The link takes you to the McDonald's website, BTW.  Reminds me of the South Park episode "Sponsored Content".  

I don't know why these ads bother me, but they do.  Maybe it's because they're just plugged into his normal twitter feed, where he knows all of his fans go to hang on every word he says.  But now those words are just plugs for products.  I don't know...maybe I'm just in a bad mood.  I guess everyone's entitled to earn a living.

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I don't know why these ads bother me, but they do.  Maybe it's because they're just plugged into his normal twitter feed, where he knows all of his fans go to hang on every word he says.  But now those words are just plugs for products.  I don't know...maybe I'm just in a bad mood.  I guess everyone's entitled to earn a living.


Yeah, I have a similar reaction. It shouldn't bug me but for some reason it does. I mean if he wants to do an ad, just do it, you know? I think I would respect that more that his kind of 'stealth' advertising. 

He makes it clear it's an ad with the #ad. If you clicked the link after that disclaimer, then that's your choice. Also, it's 140 characters. Max. It's not like he wrote a huge blog that was a trick.

Regardless, after doing this twice, he's made it clear he'll use his social media for advertising. If that bugs you, then you can always choose to mute him.

Social media has, until recently, been used to give fans a glimpse into celebrity lives.  Using it for advertising could feel like a corruption of that relationship.


In this case, do I believe, with everything I know about Jared and his "healthy eating" lifestyle, that he goes to McDonald's to have breakfast for lunch?  Not for a second.  Do I believe that when he chats with his family, he has a carton of Minute Maid on his desk?  Slightly more plausible, but still no.


So, yeah, it kind of feels like a bait-and-switch.  People follow him to find out what he is thinking and doing.  To later discover that it's (possibly) not real and just a commercial for a product?  Yeah, that can feel annoying.  Of course people can choose to unfollow him, but the reason he's doing this is that people won't want to miss the "real" stuff, so they put up with the ads.


A lot of commercials are annoying, but I still watch live tv.  Doesn't mean I can't complain about the annoying commercials.  (In fact, there's a thread for that here.)

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Jensen announces joint outreach program with Misha and Random Acts




Jensen Ackles ‏@JensenAckles 46m46 minutes ago

I’m usually not happy this close to Misha but I am happy with this #YouAreNotAlone project http://www.randomacts.org/programs/crisis-support-network/



Sure, you hate standing next to Misha. LOL you dorks!

Edited by catrox14
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That picture is a still from the panel Jensen and Misha did at  Jus In Bello Con in Rome. I find that picture an interesting choice because that was the con that Jared had to leave because he was exhausted/depressed. 


Shows me that Jared, Jensen and Misha really support each others' charitable works. Pretty cool IMO

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Shows me that Jared, Jensen and Misha really support each others' charitable works. Pretty cool IMO

Jared doesn't seem to be involved in this campaign, which weirds me out a little, to be honest. I think it's great that Jensen and Misha are doing charitable work together. It's just that this particular issue is so closely associated with Jared and when you go to the website there is literally no mention of him or his work with mental health issues. Almost as if this is some completely new issue. Puzzles me.


It's just that this particular issue is so closely associated with Jared and when you go to the website there is literally no mention of him or his work with mental health issues.


Well, it`s apparently a charity Jensen and Misha are doing together, Jared does his own. He doesn`t do cross-promotion either so I see no reason why they have to. Also, noone has a monopol on mental health issues, if they do charity campaigns on the matter or not. 

  • Love 3

Well, it`s apparently a charity Jensen and Misha are doing together, Jared does his own. He doesn`t do cross-promotion either so I see no reason why they have to.

I don't think this is true. Jensen was involved in #akf and, I believe he and Jared have a foundation which supports RA, among other organizations.

Also, noone has a monopol on mental health issues, if they do charity campaigns on the matter or not.

I completely agree. But that doesn't make it any less strange to me that a campaign aimed at mental health issues of the spn fandom does not include the actor who many in that fandom associate with this issue.

I wonder if it's being done purposefully in an effort to take some of that pressure off Jared. My understanding is that a lot of fans open up to Jared about their problems. And that can be a difficult thing to handle.

Jared doesn't seem to be involved in this campaign, which weirds me out a little, to be honest. I think it's great that Jensen and Misha are doing charitable work together. It's just that this particular issue is so closely associated with Jared and when you go to the website there is literally no mention of him or his work with mental health issues. Almost as if this is some completely new issue. Puzzles me.



Maybe Jared asked to not be included since he's already got the AKF thing going. Maybe Jared is fully on board this without his name being attached because he doesn't want to make it about him. 


I'm guessing this is just expanding what was started under AKF and now including Random Acts in a different manner.  Either way I can't fathom why anyone would be upset by this. It's more help for people!


But that doesn't make it any less strange to me that a campaign aimed at mental health issues of the spn fandom does not include the actor who many in that fandom associate with this issue.


I just don`t see it that way because that makes it sound like he has to be included, mentioned, acknowledged or else. He made himself the public face of his campaign. That is his decision and of course he can run his campaign how he sees fit. But `for me that doesn`t mean he gets royalties on the issue in whatever context it`s mentioned.  

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Perhaps it suits Misha to include only Jensen.



Why would that be the case? He's friends with Jared too. 


Jared has the AKF campaign. Jensen helped Jared with the AKF campaign and now Jensen is helping Misha with this campaign. J2 has the joint PACK fund.  Not seeing the slight here.


IMO this seems to be specifically centered around the cons and fandom more than the general public. This is just a wild ass spec on my part but I know these guys get a lot of fans at the cons telling them about their struggles with depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, self-harm at photo ops. The stories are all over tumblr.


And yes I know the guys put themselves out there, especially Jared with AKF and his own issues but imagine you're at a con with 5000 fans and even a fraction of them are thanking you for the show getting them through a difficult period and then telling them about a cutting incident or a friend that died, etc etc. I would think that might start taking it's toll over time on the guys personally. It would also alleviate the pressure on the guys and frankly to weed out the attention seekers vs those truly in need. 


I suspect this has more to do with Creation and J2M feeling overwhelmed and it gives fans a chance to help each other. 



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I don't see why this should be a big deal, but it certainly seems to have stirred up the fan base.  I've really only just begun to read around some of the other sites, and I have to say it's a bit scary out there.  It's bizarre to me how possessive some people get over their particular "ship".  Some people truly do seem to have a problem discerning fantasy from reality.  I'd like to think it's because the majority of the SPN fans are simply young and immature, emotionally, but I'm not so sure.  Is it like this in every fan base?

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Fandom wankery at its finest, sigh. There's a group that really, really, really hates Misha, think he ruined the show by breaking up the "two brothers against the world" focus. They seem to think the friendship between Jensen and Misha is all PR ginned up by The CW, not real. And they seem to be all hot under the collar about Jensen teaming up with Misha and "taking attention away" from Jared. Or some such thing.

::rolls eyes::

Personally, I think all the attention and charity work linked to helping folks with mental illness cope is A Good Thing,,and I don't give a hoot if it's Jared and Jensen, or Jared and Misha, or Misha and Jensen. It's all good.

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Yeah I saw some of that shit on Twitter and tumblr and was pretty flummoxed at the vitriol.


I would love for Jared and Misha to do something just for the Lulz of that group short-circuiting over it. Would they go after Jared? Would they stop hating Misha? LOL 



Good grief.

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